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Md: Mojahidul islam

Phone: 01737705511
WhatsApp: 01737705511
E-Mail :
Address: Ranosonkil ,Thakurgaon , Rongpur

Carrere Objective
To improve myself as a rapid, highly energetic person to face any challenge in the field of
Computer Science Technology where environment is a to unlock my potential and creativity by
virtue of which I can develop a proud and honest career for the welfare o the organization.
Educational Qualification
1. Diploma In Engineering
Name of institute : Thakurgaon polytechnic Institute
Board : BTEB
Session : 2019-20
Department : Computer Science Technology (CST)
Year of passing 2023
CGPA : 3.82 out of 4.00
2. Dakhil Examination(SSC)
Name of institute : Abad Takia Mohammadia Kamil Madrasa, Ranisankail, Thakurgaon.
Board : Dhaka
Year of passing 2019
GPA : 4.61 out of 5.00
Group : Science

Skills & Experience

● IT-related roles, such as IT support, or as a junior Front-End developer
● MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power point.
● Technical Proficiency
● Problem-Solving Abilities
● Communication Skills
● Continuous Learning and Adaptability

Training Course
Training Title Institute Duration Year
Industrial Attachment Universe IT Institute 3 Month 2023

● Bangla : Native Language
● English : Intermediate
Personal details
Name : Md: Mojahidul islam
Mother Name : Nurjahan Khatun
Father Name : Md: Ibrahim
Permanent address : Ranosonkil ,Thakurgaon , Rongpur
Current Location : Kalsi Road, Mirpur 11.
Date of birth : 20-04-2002
Marital status : Single
Gender : Male
Religion : Islam
Nationality : Bangladesh
National id No : 3314718721


I hereby declare that all information stated avobe are correct and I have all the necessary document to support
the information that I have provid.


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