Dialogue Sororities (Anglais)

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You’re a member of the Greek community.

You’re trying to convince your friend that she

should join your organization. Insist on the advantages. You’re still hesitating whether to
join or not, say how you feel and why.

Lirone: Hi, I’ve been thinking about joining a sorority, but I’m not sure. What’s your point of

Ilo: You should totally join! It’s an amazing experience with so many advantages.

Lirone: I suppose so however I’m not convinced. What’s so great about it?

Ilo: In my opinion, that’s the best way to build long-lasting friendships, because you’re
surrounded by like-minded. As a result, the bands formed are incredibly strong.

Lirone: Yeah, but I already have friends. Why do I need to join a sorority?

Ilo: True, but in the Greek community, it's different. To me, it’s like being part of a big family.
You make lifelong connections that go beyond just your time at school.
Also, the network you build within the Greek community can open up unique opportunities
for personal and professional growth.

Lirone: That’s sounds nice and I wish I could agree with you but I heard that they were
hazing in some sororities.

Ilo: Not in our organization, and we take that very seriously. Our focus is on creating a
positive and inclusive environment. We have policies against any form of hazing, and
everyone is committed to maintaining a safe and respectful atmosphere.

Lirone: I’d like to add that I'm worried about the time commitment, though. I'm already
swamped with coursework.
Ilo: I get that concern, and I felt the same way when I was deciding. But you'd be surprised at
how well we manage our time. Being part of the Greek community actually helps you
develop strong time-management skills. Besides, the social events and breaks from studying
are a great way to relax and recharge.

Lirone: You’re absolutely right! I didn’t see it that way.

Ilo: There's one more amazing aspect I can't believe I forgot to mention: We're actively
involved in volunteer projects, working with local charities, and it's been such a rewarding

Lirone: Volunteer projects? I've been wanting to get involved in something meaningful!!
Tell me more!!

Ilo: We're currently collaborating with a local children's hospital to organize a series of
events and activities for the young patients. It's not just about financial contributions; it's
more about making a direct and positive impact on their lives. We're planning to set up art
workshops, game nights, and even educational.

Lirone: Omg that’s amazing! I want to make myself useful in this project! I guess I'm just
nervous about stepping out of my comfort zone.

Ilo: I totally get that. I was nervous too at first. But joining the Greek community has pushed
me to grow in ways I didn't expect. It's a chance to explore new interests and gain
confidence. In addition, you'll always have a support system cheering you on.

Lirone: Thank you for taking the time to reply! It does sound tempting, but I'm still not sure.
I'll get back to you with my final decision.
Ilo: That's completely okay. Take your time to think it over. I just wanted to share my
perspective and the positive experiences I've had. Being part of the Greek community has
genuinely enriched my college experience, and I believe it could do the same for you. Let me
know if you have any more questions or concerns.
See you soon!

Lirone: See you next time and have a great day!

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