Basic Algebra 1

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Basic algebra Student Book - Series | Contents Topics Topic 1 - Addition and subtraction of like terms Topic 2 - Multiplication and division of pronumerals Topic 3 - Indices Topic 4 - Grouping symbols Topic 5 - Substitution Topic 6 - Common factors Topic 7 - Addition and subtraction of algebraic fractions Topic 8 - Multiplication and division of algebraic fractions Topic 9 - Problem solving and algebra Practice Tests Topic 1 - Topic test A Topic 2-Topic test B Author of The Topics and Topic Tests: AS Kalra Bosie algebra Mathletics instant Workbooks- Satie! Copyright® 9° Leatring Date completed II II II SII II SII II II II J SI Basic algebra Topic 1: Addition and subtraction of like terms Question 1 Simplify the following expressions by collecting like terms. a 2e+3r= © Sa+4da= © ay+ty= g &m+6m= i 2+ 156 kK Jn+5n= m 8p-5p= 0 Ip-3p= Question 2 Simplify the following a Sp+6p-3p= © &r-Se+7r= © Ly-4y+5: g Bry t Qays Says i 6m-3m+10) kK Sa+7a+3a+6a m &¢ +7. 60-38 0 4r—2x+9x-6r= Question 3. simplify by collecting like terms. a ae 3x42y4Ty= © 3m+7Tm+ 8n+9n= e@ 8a+7a-2m-3m= B 3x+2y+5x= i gy Ten 3x-2r= kK &m+2n+9n+2n= m Ty+6y—3r+7K= 0 12-3r-2r= 10m Sn + 3n+-4m b Bee ge a reas Sx-2e 9-6) 4q-34q= 9a-a= 8r-2r= Smn + 3mn = 8m — 3m—2m + 7m = Any + 6xy—3ay- 2ay 8k + 4k-+ 2k - Sk= 9a+2a+3a~7 lp + Sp -7; 6ab — 3ab — ab + 2al 6a? + Ta? + 8a" — 10a" = Hy-6y-3y— Na+7b-3a= 9e— 6¢ ~ 2c + 3d 9 ae 12mn — 6mn + 3mn = Sx Ty = 4y=2x= Sr+17=2r-8= 6a +93 m+ Tan —6m = 2m = Sx 3y-2e-2y Bosie algebra Mathias Instant Workbooks Sees Copyright® 3 Loarring Basic algebra Topic 2: Multiplication and division of pronumerals Question 1 Find the products of the following. a 7x3a= b dax9b= © mx 5n= d abxa= € (-2nxs= 1 (Bn) x(-2m) = &@ 4a (3a) = hh (9m) x (-3)= i 8x3bx0= J CS0xCn= (2a) x (-38) = 1 3axdam= m Amn x3m x 2n = n (2p) x5 x (-Sp) © 6ab x 5= BP (6m) x (~Smn Question 2 Work out the following divisions. We 5 e 12a+ f B (32a): (-8a)= h i S0ab + 25ab = j Kk 5x+(5)= 1 m 18tytxy= n -18a56a= © abe+ab= P Yab+Sa= 4 Smsdn= PF (-Rnn) +9) = Question 3. Simplify the following. a 2ax3ax4b= b © 9x84 1s a @ Sax bax (2 f£ 9mnx3m= g hh 15x 2m+3= i 9x6m 5 aj +9a= Kk ()x(-2p)x7= 1 Gab + 8b + 4ep= m_ 1Smn-+—15mn = M (Saby + 250° = © Bex $x (28) Pp ~3a% 2h —da= q. 18iy + 6x + By = Lex de+ 1ox= Botie algebra Mathletics Iretant Workboots~ Series | Copyright © 2° Learning Basic algebra Topic 3: Indices QuESTION 1 Simplify the following. a Sxat= b nxn= © @xg= d dxa'= © px pie f exrxxe= g Sox4e= h @bxa= i 10p*x 10p* J 3x'xar= k 9@ x 6a! = 1 xp xayt= mv xe= n oD d= fo dee oS = py x8y= 4 xahxat= 8 Sabx2ax3b= Quesiion 2 simplify the following. a eS b vas a e g h j k m 122s 6 =. n 0 min = mi = a Se Question 3 Simplify the following. a Gs b Gs © (t= a orp e Fe ft wys g Qrf= h Gyy= i Gm = j ave kK (P= 1 @y= m (aby’= n (eyP= 0 (mt? = P Gxyy = @ y= 1 (lowby = Question 4 Use the index laws to simplify the following. axes b ays © OS= a exalt = © (Sey = f oP xy = 2 Ox Ss bh GiPed= i Sath x ab? = J Sa x30 = Kk Gn)? xm = 1 Sab xa xb = m 88449 x6p= n ahxa@xB= 0 xx? Pp (ab)= q &+(Qap= 1 9a= Botie algebra Mathletics Iretant Workboots~ Series | Copyright © 2° Learning Basic algebra Topic 4: Grouping symbols Question 1 Expand the following expressions. a S(a+3)= b 6%-7= © 26+a)= d Su+7= © 9@a+5)= £ 35x-9)= B 2a(6+3a)= h x@r-5) i m(6m+3)= j Sxix-3)= Kk nn -3 1 Bata -2)= m -2(@+5)= —___ _ ~73p-4)= 0 Saa—1y= 0 ip 82-2) = q += ro ~ay-7)= Question 2 Expand and simplify by collecting like terms a 3045) +6r= b 6(a~5)-Sa= © Am 3b 2m= dd Ge 3) ETE © Oy +4) -2y8= £ 6(m-2)—3m= g 5x+310-9= ho 9x4 3(r=2)= i 6m-2m+ = J 2m+3¢m—3) +7 Question 3 Expand and simplify. a 3e42)+4ee—-2)= b 80m-3)+3¢m-2) © Sp-T)+3—p+2)= d 8(r+3)+20r- = ede 3)-20e4 D= f xetI)-@-3)= g Sip-6)-2%p-1 h pSp+6)—32p-3)= Bosie algebra Mathletics instant Workbooks- Satie! Copyright® 9° Leatring Basic algebra Topic 5: Substitution Question 4 Ifa=2, b=3, c=4 and d=5, evaluate the following a abe= b atbtc-d= © ab+be= d @+i+e= © bera= f abed= g P+e-ad= h B+ 10= i 3ab +2ed =. j 3ate—d= k se-12= Lo@shs Question 2. If x= 5, find the value of the following expressions. a 3r+2= b 65-4r= © 4@43)= di (2x-77= e 6r-x= f 2x(x-3)= g + 2=. h (-3)'= we J Qv’= k v2I=x 1 2s m (x-3) =, D (x+2)(e-D=. 0 e-7= Question 3 If x= 6.5, y= 2.4 and z = 5.8, find correct to one decimal place the value of a xtys borty+ © xty-2= d xyes © ys foes g veces = i vrs jo @-243= 1 @&ty)ez= m (x+yF5, o Vetyte: Bosie algebra Mathletics instant Workbooks- Satie! Copyright® 9° Leatring Basic algebra Topic 6: Common factors Question 1 Factorise the following by taking the highest common factor out a Sat+S= b &-8= c d 2r4+2= © 6m+6= f g 3pt+6= h 4g+8= jo 4r-16= Kk 9-185 1 m 2a+6= n o3m+12= ° p &-32= q 3a415= r Question 2. Factorise by taking the common factor out. a 3at3b= Db Sm+Sn= c © 3l-9m= f h 9x= I8y= i Kk mp-3p= 1 1 3m+ LnP= ° q 8m-8n= r pq 12p"= u Question 3 Factorise the following. a -3r+6= b © “ie+85 a 6r+ 18= e f ~6a+24= g Bat 12= h 6a -12 i —y-8- k 1 -8y-4e= m ~3p-99= n Question 4 Factorise. i Ta+Tb= © 9r-9y= 3m 1S = fn 4m= Sab — a h T= 14n= i Bab - 60° A= 12a =, k -3-I5p= 1 -3m-6n= 9m - 36 = n ~4a~20¢ = ° Bosie algebra Mathias Instant Workbooks Sees Copyright® 3 Loarring Basic algebra Topic 7: Addition and subtraction of algebraic fractions QuesTION 1 Find the sum of these algebraic fractions. tyte 44a. a bata eat a M48 ' e i Ba Sm Jaa. i i KS lots Question 2 Subtract the following algebraic fractions. b © Ate Se_B_ e275 fa-F p_ 2p bog" 12 Question 3. Find the answers to the following dee e_2 ate 6 oo Sp_ 3p. Lye. a7 Pers Be Dee e714 i i 1 Bosie algebra Mathletics instant Workbooks- Series! Copyright® 2° Learring Basic algebra Topic 8: Multiplication and division of algebraic fractions QUESTION 4 Find the product of these algebraic fractions. mn, 1S _ AL OL ay 2 osm © 3 8 ea x 1 Pxbe 3 “ap a2 377 +225 ty 7 QuesTiION 3. Find the answers to the following. a 18 a ISP? 5 6p~ > Xda . d e Be ft $x8 oe bTeme y gx% k ee ' my P= n yo ° Basic algebra Mathletics Ietant Workboots~ Series | Copyright © 2° Learning Basic algebra Topic 9: Problem solving and algebra 4. Write the sum of 2x and 3y 2 Write the product of m and n 3° Write the average of 2x, y and 32 4 Find the expression 3 more than 2x. 5 If the first number is x, write the next consecutive integer. 6 Find the area of a square with side length x metres 7 Write the perimeter of a rectangle of length [Sem and width Tem. 8 _ Find the perimeter of a square with side length 8m: 9 Find the volume of a cube with side length Sem 40. Find the number x less than 3x + 4y, 44 Increase Sx by 2 12 Write the perimeter of the following shapes. a > e 4 x ar 2 er atte ee ms 43 Find the area of the following shapes tt tt a > © + x + x tt tt rea a 2re3 44 Your pocket money is $x per week. How much do you earn in 7 weeks? 45. If I bought p pens and 3g pencils and my sister bought Sp pens and 2g pencils, how many pens and pencils do we have altogether? 16 Three different types of sweets cost Sy, 3y and 2y cents each, If T buy 4 of each type, what would be the total cost? Bosie algebra Mathletics instant Workbooks- Series! Copyright® 2° Learring Basic algebra Topic Test PARTA Instructions This part consists of 12 multiple-choice questions. Each question is worth 1 mark Fill in only ONE CIRCLE for each question Calculators are NOT allowed Time allowed: 15 minutes Total marks = 12 Marks 4 Bx —3y— equals @ 4 (B) o& © s-3 @ s 1 2 a4 a equals Oe e © » ® w 7 3 3ab? equals @® 3xaxbx2 @ axabxab © ab dab © sxaxoxo [fi 4 12m? = due equals ® w BD wt © sm ® ww 7 5 2(x-7) +x equals @ %-7 (B) 3x-14 © x-7 @® x-4 1 © The simplest fraction for + is x 2 2 x ®s ®s% ©% O% 4 Td? x Sat equals ® % ® vx © 20 ® 20 7 8B bisa factor of ab + be. What is the other factor? @®a atbe © ae © ate 1 9 simplify “ 7 7 © ® 1 40 x(x 5) equals @® ¥-5 @® v-x © -« ® -« 1 41 x8: ) equals @« ®« © Or 7 42. Ifa=4and b= 5 then 3ab? equals ® 120 300 © 1200 ® 3000 4 Total marks achieved for PARTA | 43 Batic algebra Motnleics vlan! Workboois~ Series! Copyight © Learing 10 Basic algebra Topic Test PARTB Instructions This part consists of 15 questions Each question is worth 1 mark Write answers in the answers-only column e allowed: 20 minutes Total marks = 15 Questions Answers only Marks Simplify the following. 4 -Sa+6a+3a 1 2 Gaby 1 3 abx 3207 1 a #4 1 5 Expand and simplify Sa +3(2 - a). 1 7 Expand and simplify (2x - 1) ~ 2(¢ 4 8 Faciorise 2°q +4p¢7 1 9 Expand and simplify 3(¢ +5) + 4(x +3) - 6x - 2). 1 10. Expand (y~ 2) (9 +4). 1 44. Simplity “2. 1 12. Simplify a*b* x 2(aby + 8a°br 4 13. Simplify > 4 44 Simplify 1 15° Simplify {5 — f+ 75 1 Total marks achieved for PARTB | 5 Batic algebra Motnleics vlan! Workboois~ Series! Copyight © Learing "

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