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ID#: S11179825


Part 1:

1. What is the difference between a database and a DBMS?

➢ Data is a shared, integrated computer structure that stores a collection of data. Whereas
DBMS is a collection of programs that manages the database structure and controls access to
the data stored in the database.

2. What is the motivation for modern database systems?

➢ Helps improving customer experience and operations

3. What is a DBMS, and what are its functions?

➢ It a Database Management System which manages the database structure and controls
access to the data stored in the database
➢ Functions:
: enables data to be shared among different applications and users
: integrates many users views of the data into a single all-encompassing data repository.
: present end user with an integrated view of the data
: receives and translate application request into operations required to fulfill the request.

4. What problem would you encounter if you wanted to produce a listing by city? How would
you solve this problem by altering the file structure?
➢ The city is referenced within the complete address under MANAGER_ADDRESS that makes it
hard to produce a listing by city. In order to solve the problem the MANAGER_ADDRESS
needs to be splits into 4 fields name such as MANAGER_ADDRESS, MANAGER_CITY,
MANAGER_STATE and MANAGER_ZIP. By then there will be a chance to produce a listing by

5. What data redundancies do you detect? How could those redundancies lead to anomalies?
➢ The same name, phone and address are mentioned more than once can creates a
redundancy within the table. Therese redundancies can lead to anomalies which can causes
an error message when trying to view document

6. Identify and discuss the serious data redundancy problems exhibited by the file structure
shown in Figure P1.2
➢ One redundancy in the figure shown is in PROJ_NUM’S which needs to have a 2nd table with
a many-many relationship between PROJ_NUM and EMP_NAME to support the
redundancies in this file
7. Looking at the EMP_NAME and EMP_PHONE contents in figure p1.2, what change would you
➢ I would recommend to change EMP_NAME to EMP_FNAME and EMP_LNAME in order to
have the first and last name in separate fields, that can produce a listing for each employee’s
names. However, the format for EMP_PHONE contents is okay to me but if there needs to be
a listing for the area code then in that case it could also be split into two fields as

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