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Bk Ln Obj CBT LLA/HW Objective Text

03 3 G-03-3-4 Act 3 Part D fig 3 Produce oral and written questions in the patterns below and give appropriate
answers in response to oral, visual, or written cues.
'How many' + pl. count noun + 'do/does' + noun/pronoun + verb
'How many' + pl. count noun + 'are' + prepositional phrase/adverb
05 2 G-05-2-7 Act 4 Part D figs 8-11 Express quantity using a 'lot of/lots of', orally and in writing, with
count/noncount nouns in affirmative yes/no questions and affirmative or
negative statements and answers in response to oral, visual, or written cues.
05 2 G-05-2-8 Act 4 Part D figs 8-11 Express quantity using 'a few' with count nouns, and a 'little' with noncount
nouns, orally and in writing, in affirmative yes/no questions and
affirmative/negative statements and answers in response to oral, visual, or
written cues.
05 4 G-05-4-5 Act 4 Part B fig 2 Express quantity using the indefinite adjective 'many' to modify count nouns
in affirmative yes/no questions and affirmative/negative statements and
answers, and the indefinite adjective 'much' to modify noncount nouns in
negative statements and affirmative yes/no questions, orally and in writing, in
response to oral, visual, or written cues.
13 4 G-13-4-6 Pt 1 Act 3 Part D figs 1-4 Use the pronouns 'a little' to refer to noncount nouns and 'a few' to refer to
count nouns in affirmative and negative statements, affirmative yes/no
questions, and affirmative and negative answers to express a small quantity.
13 4 G-13-4-7 Pt 1 Act 3 Omitted Use the pronouns 'much' to refer to noncount nouns, 'many' to refer to count
nouns in statements, and 'a lot' to refer to count and noncount nouns in
affirmative and negative statements, affirmative yes/no questions, and
affirmative and negative answers to express a large quantity.
13 4 G-13-4-8 Pt 1 Act 3 Omitted Use the pronouns 'some' in affirmative statements and questions, 'any' in
affirmative questions and negative statements, and 'none' in affirmative
statements to express quantity in referring to count and noncount nouns.
14 1 G-14-1-3 Pt 1 Act 4 Part B figs 5-7 REVIEW: Express quantity or number using singular and plural count nouns
(both regular and irregular).
16 4 G-16-4-5 Pt 2 Act 3 Part C fig 4; D 5 Use ‘too much’ + noncount noun and ‘too many’ + count noun in affirmative
and negative statements, affirmative yes/no questions, and affirmative and
negative answers to express an excessive quantity.
18 2 G-18-2-4 Pt 1 Act 3 Part B figs 5-6 Use an 'if'-clause, both before and after the main clause in affirmative
statements, negative statements, and affirmative questions, plus a main
clause—containing the modal 'would' (to denote a hypothetical), 'might' (to
denote possibility), or 'could' (to denote ability, possibility, or permission)—to
express a present hypothetical or counterfactual condition.
19 3 G-19-3-3 Pt 2 Act 3 Part A figs 4-5 Use an 'if'-clause, both before and after the main clause in affirmative and
negative statements and questions, plus a main clause containing the modal
'would have' (for 95% past possibility), 'might have' (for 50% past possibility),
or 'could have' (for past option or ability) to express a past hypothetical or
counterfactual condition.
20 1 G-20-1-3 Pt 1 Act 3 Part A figs 6-7 REVIEW: Use the indefinite adjective quantifiers 'many,' 'several,' 'a few,'
and 'few' with count nouns; 'much,' 'a little,' and 'little' with noncount nouns;
'some,' 'any,' 'more,' 'most,' 'enough,' 'a great deal of,' 'a good deal of,' 'a lot
of,' 'lots of,' 'plenty of,' and 'all' with both count and noncount nouns to
express quantity or amount.
20 1 G-20-1-5 Pt 2 Act 3 Part B figs 7-8 REVIEW: Use a unit noun followed by a partitive 'of' and a count/noncount
noun to express quantity or amount.

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Bk Ln Obj CBT LLA/HW Objective Text

25 2 G-25-2-5 Omitted Omitted REVIEW: Use the indefinite articles 'a' or 'an' to signal an unspecified count
noun; the definite article 'the' to signal (a) particular noun(s); and introduction
to use of the null article with certain plural count nouns and certain noncount

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