Definite & Indefinite Parts of Speech

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Bk Ln Obj CBT LLA/HW Objective Text

05 4 G-05-4-4 Act 3 Part A figs 4-7; B 2 Use the indefinite articles 'a' and 'an' to signal an unspecified person or thing,
and the definite article 'the' to signal a particular person(s) or thing(s), orally
and in writing, in response to oral, visual, or written cues.
05 4 G-05-4-5 Act 4 Part B fig 2 Express quantity using the indefinite adjective 'many' to modify count nouns
in affirmative yes/no questions and affirmative/negative statements and
answers, and the indefinite adjective 'much' to modify noncount nouns in
negative statements and affirmative yes/no questions, orally and in writing, in
response to oral, visual, or written cues.
07 1 G-07-1-4 Pt 4 Act 3 Part B fig 3-6 Use the indefinite adjective 'both' to refer to 2 objects or people and the
indefinite adjective 'other' to refer to a remaining or different object or person
in statements, affirmative yes/no questions, and affirmative and negative
07 2 G-07-2-4 Pt 4 Act 3 Part C fig 2 Use the indefinite pronoun 'some' in affirmative statements and questions
and the indefinite pronoun 'any' in negative statements and questions.
07 2 G-07-2-5 Pt 3 Act 4 Part A fig 6 Use the indefinite pronoun 'both' to refer to 2 objects or people and the
indefinite pronoun 'other' to refer to a remaining or different object or person
in statements, affirmative yes/no questions, and affirmative and negative
11 2 G-11-2-3 Pt 1 Act 3 Part B figs 6-8 Use the indefinite pronouns 'someone' and 'somebody' in affirmative
statements and questions, 'no one' and 'nobody' in affirmative statements,
and 'anyone' and 'anybody' in affirmative and negative statements and
affirmative questions.
12 2 G-12-2-4 P 1&4 A 3 Part C figs 1-2 Use the present perfect in both expanded and contracted forms in
statements, yes/no questions, affirmative and negative answers, and
affirmative information questions to indicate an indefinite past action or event.
14 2 G-14-2-6 Pt 2 Act 3 Part B fig 5 Use an 'if'-clause with present perfect, both before and after the main clause
in affirmative and negative statements, and a main cluase with future/future
equivalents, modals, or imperatives to express indefinite past probability and
its result.
15 2 G-15-2-6 Pt 3 Act 3 Part C figs 4-5 Use the adverbs ‘somewhere’ in affirmative yes/no questions and statements,
‘anywhere’ in negative statements and affirmative yes/no questions, and
‘nowhere’ in short answers to express indefinite place or location.
15 3 G-15-3-4 Pt 1 Act 3 Part C figs 1-3 Use ‘else’ to postmodify indefinite compounds (someone, somebody,
something, somewhere, anyone, anybody, anything, anywhere, no one,
nobody, nothing, nowhere, everyone, everybody, everything, and everywhere)
in affirmative yes/no questions (some-, any-, every- compounds), affirmative
statements (some-, no-, every- compounds), and negative statements (any-
compounds) to express addition, difference, or ‘other.’
19 2 G-19-2-4 Pt 3 Act 3 Part C figs 3-6; D 3 Use the indefinite adjectives/pronouns 'few 'and 'little' to express the absence
of nearly all quantity.
20 1 G-20-1-3 Pt 1 Act 3 Part A figs 6-7 REVIEW: Use the indefinite adjective quantifiers 'many,' 'several,' 'a few,'
and 'few' with count nouns; 'much,' 'a little,' and 'little' with noncount nouns;
'some,' 'any,' 'more,' 'most,' 'enough,' 'a great deal of,' 'a good deal of,' 'a lot
of,' 'lots of,' 'plenty of,' and 'all' with both count and noncount nouns to
express quantity or amount.
20 2 G-20-2-5 Pt 2 Act 3 Part D figs 1-2 Use 'who else/whom else/what else' as interrogative and indefinite pronouns
to express addition or other than the persons/things mentioned or implied;
and use 'where else/when else/how else/why else' as interrogative and
indefinite adverbs to express a different or additional time, place, or manner.

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Bk Ln Obj CBT LLA/HW Objective Text

21 2 G-21-2-7 Pt 3 Act 3 Part D figs 1-2 Use the present perfect passive (full and contracted forms) to indicate an
indefinite past action or event.
24 4 G-24-4-3 Pt 1 Act 3 Part C figs 3-4 REVIEW: Use the indefinite pronouns 'something/someone/somebody' in
questions and affirmative statements; 'anything/anyone/anybody' in questions
and affirmative/negative statements; and 'nothing/no one/nobody' in
affirmative statements.
24 4 G-24-4-4 Pt 1 Act 3 Part C figs 1-2 Use the indefinite adverbs 'somewhere/ someplace' in questions and
affirmative statements; 'anywhere/ anyplace' in questions and
affirmative/negative statements; and 'nowhere/no place' in affirmative
25 2 G-25-2-5 Omitted Omitted REVIEW: Use the indefinite articles 'a' or 'an' to signal an unspecified count
noun; the definite article 'the' to signal (a) particular noun(s); and introduction
to use of the null article with certain plural count nouns and certain noncount
26 2 G-26-2-3 Pt 1 Act 2 Part C fig 13 Use the simple past tense to express an activity/situation that began and
ended at a particular time in the past, and the present perfect to express an
activity/situation in the indefinite past or one that began in the past and
continues to the present.
29 1 G-29-1-4 Pt 1 Act 4 Part C figs 1-2 Use adverbials denoting a definite time, duration, and frequency to express
30 3 G-30-3-5 Pt 1 Act 2 Part B figs 7-8 Select the singular or plural verb form for a sentence with an indefinite
adjective/pronoun subject or a compound subject."
30 4 G-30-4-5 Pt 1 Act 2 Part B figs 8-9 REVIEW: Use the correct pronoun and possessive adjective agreement with
nouns and indefinite pronouns.

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