Malin Kundang

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Name: Andin Najwa Senja Faradella

Nim : F2B022051

Malin Kundang

Once upon a time, on the coast of West Sumatra, there lived a mother and her favorite son
named Malin. Since her husband died, Malin's mother had to struggle desperately to support
Malin. Even so, she still felt happy because Malin was a loving child. He is also very spoiled.
Malin would always accompany his mother to work selling fish.

As the days went by, Malin grew older. He felt it was time to replace his mother at work.
However, Malin had another desire when he saw that many of his peers could get rich quickly
after selling in the city. "Mak, Malin wants to migrate to the other side of town. Malin will make a
lot of money for Emak from there." Malin's mother was very surprised to hear her favorite son's
wish. "No, Malin. Stay here with Emak. I don't want anything bad to happen to you if you go to
the city."

Malin tried to convince his mother that he would be fine in the city. With a troubled heart, Malin's
mother let go of her son who was about to migrate.

"Be careful there, son. Don't forget to come home soon." Malin's mother hugged Malin very
tightly. She waved at the edge of Air Manis Beach to usher Malin's departure.

After a while, Malin did not return home. For years, her mother lived alone. Until one day, Malin's
mother received news from one of her friend's children.

source :
Answer the questions below correctly!

1. What was Malin Kundang's social and economic background before he migrated, and
how did he change after he became wealthy? Discuss the impact of these economic
changes on his behavior and social relationships.

2. Describe the main conflict in the story of Malin Kundang. How are family values
highlighted in this story, and what can be learned about the importance of respecting
parents from the story?

3. Analyze Malin Kundang's action of refusing to acknowledge his mother. How does this
action reflect the themes of obedience and defiance in the cultural and moral context of
the story?

4. Discuss how Malin Kundang's environment and life experiences overseas affected his
behavioral changes. Does a new environment always bring positive influences? Explain
with examples from the story.

5. What is the moral message.What is the main moral message of the story of Malin
Kundang? How relevant is this message to modern life? Give an example of a current
situation similar to the Malin Kundang story and how this moral message can be applied.

6. "Mak, Malin wants to *migrate* to the other side of town. Malin will make a lot of money
for Emak from there." what is the synonym of the bolded word

7. Malin had another wish when he saw that many of his peers could be *rich* in a short
time. the bolded word means...

8. Indicate weather the statement is true, false, or not given by writing the story T (True), F
(False), or NG (Not Given).The sky was heard after Mrs. Malin's prayer.

9. Indicate weather the statement is true, false, or not given by writing the story T (True), F
(False), or NG (Not Given).Malin was very happy when he saw his mother again and
wanted to introduce his mother to his wife immediately.

10. Give 5 difficult words from the story of malin kundang!

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