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Functional Requirements Document:Keyword Research

Feature/Report Keyword Upload

Project SEO UNO

Created By Pooja Mishra

Updated By -

Created Date 24-5-2024

1. Introduction: The upload keywords are My Keywords that are live on my website and for
which user needs to monitor the data of those keywords.

2. Scope: The scope of this document includes the functional requirements, user stories, and
related components necessary to implement the Upload feature. This feature encompasses the
process of uploading keyword files, validating the data, and storing it in the system.

3.Features: Upload

3.1Description: Users can upload keyword lists to the system in CSV formats for analysis and

3.2 Functional Requirements:

FR1.1: The system shall provide a user interface (UI) for users to upload keyword files.

FR1.2: The UI shall include an "Upload" click or drag and drop for initiating the upload process.

FR1.3: The system shall provide a preview button for analyzing the ( mapped ,duplicate, error)

click on upload button keyword file will upload .

FR1.3: The system shall accept keyword files in csv format.

FR1.4: The system shall validate the uploaded file to ensure it contains properly formatted keyword


FR1.4.2: The system shall check for required fields (Mapped, Duplicate, Error.)

FR1.4.3: The system shall detect any duplicate keywords within the uploaded file.

FR1.5: The system shall provide an uploaded keyword list in tabular form included with

(Keyword,primary keyword, Search volume, Ranking, Ranking URL GSC click, GSC impression,


FR1.6: The system shall store the successfully uploaded keywords in the database for further

analysis and management.

4.User interface:

4.1The "Upload" feature should be prominently displayed on the module's main dashboard.

4.2 Upon selecting the "Upload" option, users should be presented with a file upload dialog where

they can select the CSV file from their device.

4.3 After uploading the file, users should be directed to a mapping interface where they can match

the columns in the file with predefined fields such as keyword, Primary keyword, Mapping URL

5. Security and Permission:

6.Conclusion: The Upload feature within the Keyword Research Module is essential for
allowing users to efficiently import and manage large lists of keywords. By providing a robust and

user-friendly interface for uploading keyword files, validating data., this feature will enhance the

overall usability and effectiveness of the Keyword Research Module. The outlined functional

requirements and user stories ensure that the development of this feature meets user needs and

supports their SEO efforts.

Functional Requirements Document:Keyword

Feature/Report Keyword Log

Project SEO UNO

Created By Pooja Mishra

Updated By -

Created Date 24-5-2024

1. Introduction: The Keyword Research Module is designed to help users manage and analyze
their keyword data effectively. One critical feature within this module is the "Upload Log," which
maintains a comprehensive record of all keyword upload activities.

2. Scope: The scope of this document includes the functional requirements, user interface
design, and related components necessary to implement the Upload Log feature. This feature
encompasses recording keyword upload activities, providing a user interface to view and filter the
log, and allowing users to export the log data.

3.Features: Keyword Log

3.1Description: The Upload Log feature records all keyword upload activities and provides an
interface for users to view and manage these records.

3.2 Functional Requirements:

FR1.1: The system shall record each keyword upload event in an upload.

FR1.1.1: The log shall include details such as list name,upload date, uploaded by, number of

keywords, and the user who performed the upload.

FR1.2: The system shall provide a user interface (UI) for users to view the upload log

FR1.2.1: The UI shall display the log in a tabular format .

FR1.1.2: The UI shall include a search function user can search by the list name.

FR1.2.2: The UI shall allow users to select by the date range.

FR1.2.3: The system shall allow users to download the upload log.

FR1.3: The export function shall support CSV format.

FR1.3.1: The exported file shall include all details from the upload log.

FR1.3.2: The system shall provide detailed information for each upload record.

User Interface: Upload Log

Header: Displays the title "Upload Log" and includes buttons for exporting data (CSV).

Search Bar: Provides a search functionality to search by list name.

Date Section: Allows users to Select date range.

Columns:List name, Date,Uploaded by , Number of Keywords, and Actions.

5. Security and Permission:

6.Conclusion: The Upload Log feature in the Keyword Research Module is vital for maintaining
a transparent and organized record of keyword upload activities. By providing a comprehensive

logging system with a user-friendly interface, this feature ensures that users and administrators

can efficiently track and manage keyword uploads. The outlined functional requirements and user

stories will guide the development of this feature to meet user needs and support effective

keyword data management.

Functional Requirements Document:Setting

Feature/Report Add people

Project SEO UNO

Created By Pooja Mishra

Updated By -

Created Date 24-5-2024

1. Introduction: The "Add People" feature within the Settings module allows users to add new
members to their team or organization. This feature is essential for managing user roles and
permissions, facilitating collaboration, and ensuring appropriate access control.

2. Scope:User-friendly interface for adding new people.

2.1Integration with existing user management and authentication systems.

2.2 Options to assign roles and permissions during the addition process.

2.3 Notification and confirmation mechanisms to inform both the inviter and invitee.

3.Features: Add people

3.1Description: The "Add People" feature will enable users to add new members to their
organization or team through a streamlined process. Users can specify the details of the new

member, assign appropriate roles and permissions, and send invitations for joining the platform.

3.2 Functional Requirements:

Adding New Members

FR 1. Input Fields: Collect necessary information such as name, email, and Access.

FR1.1 Role Assignment: Assign specific roles (e.g.,System admin,User, Project owner) during the

addition process.

4.User interface:

4.1.The user interface for the "Add People" feature will be designed to ensure ease of use and

clarity. Key UI components include

4.2.Add Member Form: A form with fields for entering the new member's details (name, email,


4.3.Role Dropdown Menu: A dropdown menu to select the appropriate role for the new member.

4.4 Status Messages: Display messages indicating the success or failure of the addition process.

5. Security and Permission:

6.Conclusion: The "Add People" feature in the Settings module is a critical functionality for
effective team and user management. By providing a streamlined and user-friendly interface, this

feature will facilitate the addition of new members, ensuring they are assigned appropriate roles

and permissions. This will enhance collaboration and access control within the organization.
Functional Requirements Document:Setting

Feature/Report Add Project

Project SEO UNO

Created By Pooja Mishra

Updated By -

Created Date 24-5-2024

1. Introduction: The "Add Project" feature within the Settings module allows users to create
and manage new projects within the platform. This feature is crucial for organizing tasks,
resources, and team members under specific projects, enhancing productivity and collaboration.

2. Scope: The scope of this feature includes:

2.1User-friendly interface for adding new projects.

2.2 Integration with existing project management and tracking systems.

2.4 Options to assign project details, roles, and permissions during the creation process.

3.Features: Add Project

3.1Description: The "Add Project" feature will enable users to create new projects, define
project parameters, assign team members, and set roles and permissions.

3.2 Functional Requirements:

FR.1 Input Fields: Collect necessary information such as project name , select client, project
owner, website URL, Industry, and location.
4.User interface:

4.1 The user interface for the "Add Project" feature should be intuitive and user-friendly, guiding

users through the project creation process step-by-step.

4.2 Users should be able to access the "Add Project" option from the keyword research module

dashboard or a dedicated settings menu.

4.3 The interface should include fields for entering the project name, description, target keywords,

industry, and other relevant information.

4.4 Visual indicators and validation messages should be provided to ensure users complete all

required fields accurately.

4.5 A summary page should be displayed before finalizing the project creation, allowing users to

review and confirm their input.

5. Security and Permission:

6. Conclusion: The "Add Project" feature in the Settings module is essential for effective project
management and organization. By providing a streamlined and user-friendly interface, this

feature will facilitate the creation of new projects, ensuring that all necessary details, roles, and

permissions are appropriately assigned.

Functional Requirements Document:Setting

Feature/Report Edit Project

Project SEO UNO

Created By Pooja Mishra

Updated By -

Created Date 27-5-2024

1. Introduction: The "Edit Project" feature within the Settings module allows users to modify
the details of existing projects. This feature is essential for maintaining accurate and up-to-date
project information, accommodating changes in project scope.

2. Scope: The "Edit Project" feature enables users to update project details such as the project
name, project owner, ULR , google connect, industry and location, which are relevant

3.Features: Edit project

3.1Description:The "Edit Project" feature will enable users to update the details of existing
projects. Users can modify project parameters such as the project name, project owner, ULR ,

google connect, industry and location, which are relevant information.

4. Functional Requirements:

FR4.1 The system shall allow users to initiate the editing of existing projects within the settings


FR2: The project owner field shall be displayed as non-editable.

FR3: Users should be able to edit the project name.

FR4: The project's URL field shall be displayed as non-editable.

FR5: The system must provide options to connect Google services integrations.

FR6: Users should be able to set project targets.

FR7: A dropdown menu list should be available for selecting the industry name.

FR8: Users should be able to update the project location.

FR9: The system should allow users to add competitors related to the project.

FR10: Users should be able to save and apply updates to project details.

FR13: The system shall store updated project information securely and make it accessible to

authorized team members.

4.User interface:The user interface for the "Edit Project" feature should be intuitive and easy
to navigate, guiding users through each step of the editing process.

Project Owner: Display as a non-editable field to maintain ownership integrity.

Project Name: Editable field allowing users to update the project name.

URL: Editable field for updating the project's URL.

Google Connect Services: Options to connect or update Google services integrations.

1. Google analytics

2. Google webmaster

3. Google tag manager

4. After successfully adding the account user is able to (Add new account, unlink

account and link new account.)

Industry Name: Dropdown menu or searchable list for selecting or updating the industry name.

Location: Editable field for updating the project location.

Target: Editable field for setting or updating project targets.user can fill the objective of targeting

and select the time period.after that user is able to view the targeting and benching of select


Benchmarking: Under the benchmarking user is able to view the select objective parameter and

value such as ( organic traffic. Keyword research, GSC click, GSC impression,e.t.c)

Add Competitor: Option to add competitors related to the project.

Next and Finish: Navigation buttons to guide users through the editing process, with a final

"Finish" button to complete the updates.

Visual indicators and validation messages should be provided to ensure users complete all

required fields accurately.

5. Security and Permission:

6.Conclusion: The "Edit Project" feature in the Settings module is essential for effective
project management and maintenance. By providing a streamlined and user-friendly interface,

this feature will facilitate the updating of projects.

Functional Requirements Document:Setting

Feature/Report Edit Profile

Project SEO UNO

Created By Pooja Mishra

Updated By -

Created Date 27-5-2024

1. Introduction:

The "Edit Profile" feature within the Settings module allows users to update their personal
information and preferences. This feature is essential for maintaining accurate user information,
enhancing user experience, and ensuring that all profile details are current and relevant.

2. Scope:

The scope of this feature includes:

2.1 A user-friendly interface for editing profile details.

2.2 Options to update personal information, contact details, company name, and location.

3.Features: Edit Profile

3.1Description: The "Edit Profile" feature enables users to modify their personal details such as
name, email, contact information, profile picture, and preferences. This feature ensures that users

can keep their profile information up-to-date, which is crucial for personalized experiences and

effective communication within the platform.

4. Functional Requirements:
FR 4.1 Editable Fields: Fields for modifying personal information such as name, email, phone
number, company name, location.

FR4.2 Profile Picture: Option to upload or change the profile picture.

FR4.3 Save Changes: Button to save the updated profile details.

5. Security and Permission:

6.Conclusion:The "Edit Profile" feature in the Settings module is essential for maintaining
accurate and up-to-date user information. By providing a streamlined and user-friendly interface,

this feature will facilitate the updating of personal details and preferences, ensuring that users

can manage their profiles efficiently.

Functional Requirements Document:Setting

Feature/Report Create Project

Project SEO UNO

Created By Pooja Mishra

Updated By -

Created Date 30-5-2024

1. Introduction: The settings module is designed to provide users with the ability to configure
and manage various aspects of the platform.
The "Create Project" feature allows users to initiate Create new projects within the platform.

2. Scope: The "Create Project" feature includes selecting a client, specifying a project owner,
naming the project, defining the industry, setting the location, and navigating through the creation
process with "Next" and "Finish" steps.
This feature aims to provide a structured and detailed approach to project creation, ensuring all
necessary information is captured.

3.Features : Create project

3.1 Description : The "Create Project" feature enables users to set up new projects by defining
key parameters such as select client, project owner, project name, website URL, industry, location.

4.Functional requirement :

The system shall allow users to initiate the creation of new projects within the settings

FR4.1:Users should be able to select a client from a dropdown menu.

FR4.2:Users should be able to assign a project owner from a list of available team members

FR4.3:The system must allow users to input a project name.

FR4.4: A dropdown menu should be available for users to select the industry name.

FR4.5: Users should be able to specify the project location through a dropdown menu

FR4.6: Navigation buttons ("Next" and "Finish") should be provided to guide users through the
project creation process.

FR4.7: The system shall store project information securely and make it accessible to authorized
team members.

5.User Interface: The user interface for the "Create Project" feature should be intuitive and
easy to navigate, guiding users through each step of the process.

Select Client: Users should be presented with a dropdown menu or searchable list to
select the client for whom the project is being created.

Project Owner: An option to assign a project owner from a list of available team
members should be provided.

Project Name: Users should be able to input a unique and descriptive project name.

Web site URL: User should be able to input the website URL of the project.

Industry Name: A dropdown menu or searchable list should allow users to select the
relevant industry for the project

Location: Users should be able to specify the project location through a dropdown

Next and Finish: Navigation buttons should be included to allow users to move
through the project creation steps, with a final "Finish" button to complete the process.

5. Security and Permission:

6.Conclusion: The "Create Project" feature is essential for organizing and managing tasks
within the platform, allowing users to systematically plan and execute their initiatives. It enhances

the overall efficiency and effectiveness of project management by providing a structured and

user-friendly interface for project setup.

Functional Requirements Document:Keyword

Feature/Report Overview

Project SEO UNO

Created By Pooja Mishra

Updated By -

Created Date 27-5-2024

1. Introduction: The keyword research module is designed to help users identify and analyze
keywords for SEO and content strategies. This document outlines the features of overview,
average searches, three months changes, competitor, year-over-year (YOY) changes, and
action, providing users with comprehensive insights into keyword performance.

2. Scope: The module provides detailed metrics and analysis for each keyword, including
average search volume, recent trends, competitor analysis, and YOY changes.

3.Features: Overview


3.2 Overview: Provides a summary of key metrics and insights related to keyword performance.

3.3 Average Searched: Displays the average search volume for keywords over a specified

3.4 Three Months Changes: Shows the changes in keyword search volume over the past three

3.5 Competitor Analysis: Provides insights into keyword performance relative to competitors

3.6 YOY Changes: Displays year-over-year changes in keyword search volume.

3.7 Action: Recommends actions based on the analysis of keyword data and trends
4. Functional Requirement: The system shall display essential keyword metrics in the
overview section using tables.

FR4.1: The system shall show the average number of searches for each keyword over a specified

FR4.2:The system shall display the change in keyword search volume over the last three months.

FR4.3: The system shall provide competitor analysis for keywords, showing competitor keyword

FR4.4: The system shall display the year-over-year change in keyword search volume.

FR4.5: The system shall offer actionable recommendations based on keyword analysis.

FR4.6: The user interface should allow users to filter and sort keyword data based on various

FR4.7: Users should be able to customize the display of metrics based on their preferences.

FR4.8: The system shall allow users to export keyword research data in various formats (e.g.,

FR4.9: The system shall ensure that the keyword research data is updated in real-time or at
regular intervals to reflect the most current information.

5 User Interface:
Overview: Displays key metrics and insights related to keyword performance using charts,
graphs, and tables.

Average Searched: Shows the average number of searches for each keyword over a specified

Three Months Changes: Displays the change in keyword search volume over the last three

Competitor: Provides analysis of competitor keywords and their performance.

YOY Changes: Shows the year-over-year change in keyword search volume.

Action: Offers actionable recommendations based on keyword analysis, such as keyword
optimization suggestions or content creation ideas.


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