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Week 6 & 7 MXT233AACDCMachinesandControls

DC machines are classified into two main categories: DC generators and DC motors. Each
category is further subdivided based on how the field windings are connected to the armature.
The main types of DC machines are:

DC Generators

1. Separately Excited DC Generators:

● Characteristics: The field winding is supplied from an independent external DC source.
These generators provide a stable and controllable output voltage.
● Applications: Suitable for applications requiring a wide range of voltage control, such
as in laboratories and testing equipment.
2. SelfExcited DC Generators:

Shunt Wound DC Generators:

● Characteristics: The field winding is connected in parallel (shunt) with the armature.
They have a relatively constant output voltage with varying load currents.
● Applications: Used in battery charging, and small power supply systems.
Series Wound DC Generators:
● Characteristics: The field winding is connected in series with the armature. They
exhibit a high starting torque but the output voltage varies significantly with load.
● Applications: Suitable for applications requiring high starting torque, such as series
arc lamps and traction systems.
Compound Wound DC Generators:
Characteristics: These have both shunt and series field windings. They combine the
characteristics of both shunt and series generators, offering a more stable output voltage with
good load response.
Applications: Used in applications where a stable output is needed under varying loads, such
as in power supply for factories and workshops.
DC Motors

SelfExcited DC Motors:
Shunt Wound DC Motors:
● Characteristics: The field winding is connected in parallel with the armature. They
have a nearly constant speed regardless of the load.
● Applications: Suitable for applications requiring constant speed, such as in fans,
blowers, and conveyors.
Series Wound DC Motors:
● Characteristics: The field winding is connected in series with the armature. They
exhibit high starting torque and variable speed.
● Applications: Used in applications requiring high starting torque, such as in electric
traction, cranes, and hoists.
Compound Wound DC Motors:
● Characteristics: These motors have both shunt and series field windings. They
combine the high starting torque of series motors with the constant speed characteristic of
shunt motors.
● Applications: Used in applications where both high starting torque and stable speed
are required, such as in elevators and heavy machinery.
Key Characteristics of DC Machines

● Speed Control: DC motors offer excellent speed control through voltage regulation,
making them suitable for precision applications.
● Torque: DC machines can provide high starting torque, especially series wound types,
which is advantageous in applications like electric vehicles and lifting mechanisms.
● Voltage Regulation: DC generators can maintain a stable output voltage, particularly
shunt and compound types, which is crucial for power supply systems.
● Efficiency: DC machines are generally efficient and can be optimized for specific
applications through proper design and control of field windings.

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