Kinematics Test

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kinematics test [31 marks]

1. [Maximum mark: 1] 23M.1A.SL.TZ2.2

The variation with time of the displacement of an object is shown.

What are the average speed and average velocity of the object over
the 10 s time interval?

Average speed / m s−1 Average velocity / m s−1

A. 0.8 0.8

B. 0.8 1.2

C. 1.2 0.8

D. 1.2 1.2
2. [Maximum mark: 1] 23M.1A.SL.TZ2.4
An object is travelling with velocity 5 m s−1. The object then accelerates
to 15 m s−1 in the same direction.

What is the variation with time of the acceleration of the object?

3. [Maximum mark: 1] 23M.1A.SL.TZ2.3
A stone is thrown vertically up from the top of a cliff with a velocity v at
time t = 0. Air resistance is negligible.

What is the variation with time of the velocity of the stone until it hits
the ground?

4. [Maximum mark: 1] 23M.1A.SL.TZ2.4
Ball 1 is released at rest from the top of a building. At the same instant
in time, Ball 2 is projected horizontally from the same height. The effect
of air resistance is negligible.

Which statement is true?

A. The velocity on impact with the ground is the same for both balls.

B. The time taken to hit the ground is greater for Ball 2.

C. The speed on impact with the ground is the same for both balls.

D. The velocity on impact with the ground is greater for Ball 2. [1]
5. [Maximum mark: 1] 22N.1A.SL.TZ0.5
The diagram shows the trajectory of a projectile and the velocity v of
the projectile at point P in its trajectory. P is located before the
projectile reaches the peak altitude. Air resistance acts on
the projectile. The acceleration of the projectile at P is a.

What are the magnitudes of the horizontal component and the vertical
component of the acceleration of the projectile at P?

6. [Maximum mark: 1] 22N.1A.SL.TZ0.4
A projectile is launched with a velocity u at an angle θ to the
horizontal. It reaches a maximum height s. What is the time taken to
reach the maximum height?

A. 2s

u cos θ

B. g

u cos θ

D. u sin θ

7. [Maximum mark: 1] 22M.1A.SL.TZ1.5
A stone is kicked horizontally at a speed of 1.5 m s from the edge of a
cliff on one of Jupiter’s moons. It hits the ground 2.0 s later. The height
of the cliff is 4.0 m. Air resistance is negligible.

What is the magnitude of the displacement of the stone?

A. 7.0 m

B. 5.0 m

C. 4.0 m

D. 3.0 m [1]
8. [Maximum mark: 1] 22M.1A.SL.TZ2.3
The road from city X to city Y is 1000 km long. The displacement is 800
km from X to Y.

What is the distance travelled from Y to X and the displacement from Y

to X?

9. [Maximum mark: 1] 22M.1A.SL.TZ2.4
A car accelerates uniformly from rest to a velocity v during time t1. It
then continues at constant velocity v from t1 to time t2.

What is the total distance covered by the car in t2?

A. v t2

B. 1

v(t2 − t1) + v t1

C. 2
v(t2 + t1)


v t1 + v(t2 − t1) [1]

10. [Maximum mark: 1] 22M.1A.SL.TZ2.5

An object is sliding from rest down a frictionless inclined plane. The
object slides 1.0 m during the first second.

What distance will the object slide during the next second?

A. 1.0 m

B. 2.0 m

C. 3.0 m

D. 4.9 m [1]
11. [Maximum mark: 1] 21N.1A.SL.TZ0.3
The graph shows the variation with time t of the velocity of an object.

What is the variation with time t of the acceleration of the object?

12. [Maximum mark: 1] 21N.1A.SL.TZ0.4
A ball is thrown vertically downwards with an initial speed of 4.0 m s−1.
The ball hits the ground with a speed of 16 m s−1. Air resistance is
negligible. What is the time of fall and what is the distance travelled by
the ball?


13. [Maximum mark: 1] 21M.1A.SL.TZ1.4

The graph shows how the position of an object varies with time in the
interval from 0 to 3 s.

At which point does the instantaneous speed of the object equal its
average speed over the interval from 0 to 3 s? [1]
14. [Maximum mark: 1] 21M.1A.SL.TZ1.5
A car takes 20 minutes to climb a hill at constant speed. The mass of the
car is 1200 kg and the car gains gravitational potential energy at a rate
of 6.0 kW. Take the acceleration of gravity to be 10 m s−2. What is the
height of the hill?

A. 0.6 m

B. 10 m

C. 600 m

D. 6000 m
15. [Maximum mark: 1] 21M.1A.SL.TZ2.3
The minute hand of a clock hanging on a vertical wall has length
L = 30 cm.

The minute hand is observed pointing at 12 and then again 30 minutes

later when the minute hand is pointing at 6.

What is the average velocity and average speed of point P on the

minute hand during this time interval?

16. [Maximum mark: 1] 20N.1A.SL.TZ0.6
P and Q leave the same point, travelling in the same direction. The
graphs show the variation with time t of velocity v for both P and Q.

What is the distance between P and Q when t = 8. 0 s?

A. 20 m

B. 40 m

C. 60 m

D. 120 m [1]
17. [Maximum mark: 1] 19N.1A.SL.TZ0.3
A ball falls from rest in the absence of air resistance. The position of the
centre of the ball is determined at one-second intervals from the
instant at which it is released. What are the distances, in metres,
travelled by the centre of the ball during each second for the first 4.0 s
of the motion?

A. 5, 10, 15, 20

B. 5, 15, 25, 35

C. 5, 20, 45, 80

D. 5, 25, 70, 150 [1]

18. [Maximum mark: 1] 19N.1A.SL.TZ0.4
The variation with time t of the acceleration a of an object is shown.

What is the change in velocity of the object from t = 0 to t = 6 s?

A. 6 m s–1

B. 8 m s–1

C. 10 m s–1

D. 14 m s–1 [1]
19. [Maximum mark: 1] 19M.1A.SL.TZ1.5
A girl throws an object horizontally at time t = 0. Air resistance can be
ignored. At t = 0.50 s the object travels horizontally a distance x in
metres while it falls vertically through a distance y in metres.

What is the initial velocity of the object and the vertical distance fallen
at t = 1.0 s?


20. [Maximum mark: 1] 19M.1A.SL.TZ1.5

A ball is thrown upwards at an angle to the horizontal. Air resistance is
negligible. Which statement about the motion of the ball is correct?

A. The acceleration of the ball changes during its flight.

B. The velocity of the ball changes during its flight.

C. The acceleration of the ball is zero at the highest point.

D. The velocity of the ball is zero at the highest point. [1]

21. [Maximum mark: 6] 21M.2.SL.TZ1.1
Two players are playing table tennis. Player A hits the ball at a height of 0.24 m
above the edge of the table, measured from the top of the table to the bottom of
the ball. The initial speed of the ball is 12.0 m s−1 horizontally. Assume that air
resistance is negligible.

The ball bounces and then reaches a peak height of 0.18 m above the table with
a horizontal speed of 10.5 m s−1. The mass of the ball is 2.7 g.

(a) Show that the time taken for the ball to reach the surface of the
table is about 0.2 s. [1]

(b) Sketch, on the axes, a graph showing the variation with time of
the vertical component of velocity vv of the ball until it reaches
the table surface. Take g to be +10 m s−2.

(c) The net is stretched across the middle of the table. The table has
a length of 2.74 m and the net has a height of 15.0 cm.

Show that the ball will go over the net. [3]

22. [Maximum mark: 5] 23M.2.SL.TZ2.1
A toy rocket is made from a plastic bottle that contains some water.

Air is pumped into the vertical bottle until the pressure inside forces water and
air out of the bottle. The bottle then travels vertically upwards.

The air–water mixture is called the propellant.

The variation with time of the vertical velocity of the bottle is shown.

The bottle reaches its highest point at time T1 on the graph and returns to the
ground at time T2. The bottle then bounces. The motion of the bottle after the
bounce is shown as a dashed line.

(a) Estimate, using the graph, the maximum height of the bottle. [3]
(b) Estimate the acceleration of the bottle when it is at its maximum
height. [2]

© International Baccalaureate Organization, 2024

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