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Klasa 5 unit 5 grupa a

Student name


Date Score


1 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki. Jeden wyraz zost ał podany dodat kowo i nie pasuje do żadnego zdania.

laboratory cloakroom teacher’s gym office library tuck

1 You can buy some sandwiches in the shop.

2 In winter, we do sports in the .

3 You can leave your jacket in the .

4 I often borrow books from the school .

5 We do science experiments in the .

6 Where is Ms Green? She’s in the room.

Score: /6


2 Uzupełnij zdania w czasie Present cont inuous odpowiednimi f ormami czasowników podanych w nawiasach.

1 T hey (do) science experiments in the laboratory now.

2 Claire (run) on the football pitch.

3 You (not list en) to me.

4 My sister (not read) a book now.

Score: /4

3 Popat rz na ilust racje. Napisz pyt ania, używając odpowiednich f orm wyrazów podanych w nawiasach. Nast ępnie
uzupełnij krót kie odpowiedzi.

A: (she/dance)?
B: No, she .

A: (t hey/play) basketball?
B: Yes, they .

Score: /4


4 Uzupełnij t ekst odpowiednimi zwrot ami.

It’s 3 o’clock on Saturday, and I 1 listen / am listening to music in my bedroom. Usually, I’m not at home on Saturday
afternoon because I 2 have / ’m having swimming classes, but I 3 don’t learn / ’m not learning to swim today. My father
is in the garden right now. I can see him through the window. He 4 paints / ‘s painting the fence. He 5 does / is doing it
every spring.

Score: /5

5 Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami podanymi w nawiasach w odpowiedniej f ormie. Użyj czasu Present simple lub
Present cont inuous.

1 (you/visit ) your grandparents at weekends?

2 What (John/do) right now?

3 (you/not ride) a bicycle right now.

4 (she/play) basketball every afternoon?

5 Look! (t hey/sleep)?

Score: /5


6 Posłuchaj dwukrot nie pięciu wypowiedzi. Zakreśl odpowiedź A lub B. Unit 5, CD3.42

1 Alice is playing dodgeball .

A on the school pitch
B in the gym

2 Mark is talking about .

A school rules
B his favourite teacher

3 Lucy’s school .
A hasn’t got a canteen
B has got a computer room
4 Sean .
A likes all his subjects
B has lunch at school

5 Chrissy this week.

A is studying for a test
B is staying at home

Score: / 10


7 Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrazami opisującymi miejsca na t erenie szkoły. Pierwsze lit ery wyrazów
zost ały podane.

1 We buy drinks and snacks in the t shop.

2 We borrow books from the l .

3 During breaks we can go out and have fun in the p .

4 We do experiments in the l .

Score: /4

8 Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrazami z ramki. Jeden wyraz zost ał podany dodat kowo i nie pasuje do
żadnego zdania.

difficult IT history important PE geography

1 My favourite school subject is . I think it’s very interesting to learn about different places in the world.

2 I love computers. is my favourite subject.

3 For me, is very interesting. I enjoy reading about people who lived many years ago.

4 I think maths is the most subject. Many students have problems with it.

5 Learning English is . I always go to my English classes.

Score: /5


9 Przeczyt aj dwa wpisy na blogu. Wybierz poprawne zdania.

Alice, 14

It’s 5:00 pm now, and I’m in my bedroom. I often stay at home on Friday afternoons because my parents usually
go out, so I have to look after my younger sister. My parents are at the cinema today, but I’m not looking after my
sister because our grandma is staying with us. She and my sister are in the living room, and they’re playing a game.
My sister loves board games.
T ommy, 12

It’s 5:00 pm on Friday afternoon. At the moment I’m sitting at my desk. I am usually out with my friends at this
time on Friday. We often play football in the park near my home. But today it’s cold and rainy, so I’m not going
out. My brother is at home, too. He likes computer games, but he isn’t playing one at the moment. He’s studying
for his maths exam.

1 Alice usually goes out with her sister on Fridays.

Alice usually looks after her sister on Fridays.

2 Alice’s grandma is visiting her.

Alice is staying at her grandma’s.

3 Alice’s sister isn’t playing a game.

T ommy’s brother isn’t playing a game.

4 T ommy is playing football in the park now.

T ommy often plays football on Fridays.

5 T ommy and his brother aren’t going out.

T ommy and his brother are studying.

Score: /5

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