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South Africa has been profoundly marked by a period in its history.Indeed, the apartheid era.

Apartheid was introduced in 1948 to separate blacks from whites in South Africa.
For the story, the term "apartheid" itself means "separation" in Afrikaans.

The population was therefore divided into two racial categories, whites and blacks.It was the blacks
who were denigrated by the whites.For exemple,
the whites owned 80% of the land even though they represented only 20% of the population).
Moreover, interracial weaddingwere banned, schools were segregated and There were different
buses for different races.
An important character to remember from this period is a man who fought against this injustice, of
course it's Nelson Mandela.
He was incarcerated by the South African regime, because he was condemned for treason by a
white court.His emblematic release in 1990 marked the end of decades of struggle and gave way to
a new era of hope and change.
Mandela was elected President by South Africans in 1994.
During the 1995 World Rugby Cup, there were still tensions and separations between blacks and
whites. For Nelson Mandela, sport is an area that unites people, so he has used the competition by
supporting the Springbok team to reconcile the nation and the people.Don't hesitate to watch the
film invictus which talks about post-apartheid through this world cup. Mandela had the courage to
support this team because at the start she was not very strong.The World cup was won by south
africa and This historic moment marked an important stage in the process of transition of South
Africa to a post-apartheid rainbow nation.Mandela's collaboration with this team left a strong and
important message.The country was made proud,happy and united by the winning team, and allow
it to play a part in building the nation of South Africa.
He also understood the importance of South Africa's international image.
The Springboks' victory has improved the country's image in the world by showing the world that
South Africa is changing.
Despite the calming of tensions between blacks and whites following these events, there were still
divisions between the two races.
A prolonged drought caused Day Zero in Cape Town.
Day zero is when all the water will have been used by people .
This tragic event only served to highlight the remaining inequalities between blacks and whites.
Black people have been affected more by water sarcity because they live in townships.
So, they had limited access to drinking water.Urban areas reserved for whites generally benefited
from a more developed infrastructure, including more reliable water supply systems.
It is important to note that efforts had been made to address these inequalities, but it is a complex
For exemple Farmers could be forced to give up 30% of their farms to black people in exchange for
water. This is a racist attempt by the government to promote equality.
In conclusion, the post-apartheid period in South Africa has been marked by success, such as the
end of racial discrimination and the establishment of democracy
. However, there is still improvements, particularly in terms of economic and social inequalities.

L’apartheid a été mis en place en 1948 pour séparer les noirs des blancs en Afrique du sud.Le terme
"apartheid" lui-même signifie "séparation" en afrikaans La population était donc divisé en deux
catégories raciales, les blancs et les noirs. C’est les blancs qui étaient supérieur aux noirs (Par
exemple les blancs possédaient 80 % des terres alors qu’ils représentaient que 20 % de la
population).De plus, le mariage interracial était interdit, les écoles étaient séparés, il y avait des bus
différent selon la race. Apartheid was abolished by Mandela and Frederik de Klerk
Un personnage important qu’il faut retenir de cette période est un homme qui a lutté contre cet
injustice, bien évidemment c’est Nelson Mandela. Son opposition à l'apartheid a conduit à son
arrestation en 1962 .
Sa libération emblématique en 1990 a marqué la fin de décennies de lutte et a ouvert la voie à une
nouvelle ère d’espoir et de changement. Mandela a été élu président par les suds africains en 1994.
C’est un moment marquant car c’est le premier Président noir d’afrique du sud. During the 1995
World Rugby Cup, there were still tensions and separations between blacks and whites.For Nelson
Mandela, sport is an area that unites people, so he has used the competition by supporting the
Springbok team to reconcile the nation and the people. Mandela had the courage to support this
team because at the start she was not very strong. L’afrique du sud a gagné This historic moment
marked an important stage in the process of transition of South Africa to a post-apartheid rainbow
nation.Mandela's collaboration with this team left a strong and important message.The country was
made proud,happy and united by the winning team, and allow it to play a part in building the nation
of South Africa.
He also understood the importance of South Africa's international image.
The Springboks' victory has improved the country's image in the world by showing the world that
South Africa is changing.

Malgré l’apaisement des tensions entre blancs et noirs suite à ces évènements, il restait encore des
séparations entre les deux races.
Une sécheresse prolongée a provoqué le day Zero. Le day zero est le jour où les réservoirs d'eau de
Cape Town sont presque vides. Cet évènement tragique n’a fait que surligner les inégalités restantes
entre les noirs et les blancs.
Black people have been affected more by water sarcity parce que étant donné qu’ils sont pauvres il
vivent dans des bidons villes. Ils avaient donc des accès restreints à l’eau potable.
Les zones urbaines réservées aux Blancs bénéficiaient généralement d'une infrastructure plus
développée, y compris des systèmes d'approvisionnement en eau plus fiables.

En résumé, la période post-apartheid en Afrique du Sud est marquée par des réussites importantes,
comme la fin de la discrimination raciale et la mise en place d'une démocratie. Cependant, des défis
persistent, notamment les inégalités économiques et sociales héritées du passé. La réconciliation
nationale est un processus en cours,
This Rugby World Cup has been very important for South Africans because, at the time, the country
had suffered many years of apartheid and racial segregation (Apartheid was abolished by Mandela
and Frederik de Klerk). During the 1995 World Cup, there were still tensions and separations
between blacks and whites. For Nelson Mandela, the first black President of South Africa, sport is
an area that unites people. He has used the competition by supporting the Springbok team to
reconcile the nation and the people. Mandela had the courage to support this team because at the
start she was not very strong. The World Cup was won by the white dominated team with a black
leader , which calmed the racial divide and created a feeling of national unity.
This historic moment marked an important stage in the process of transition of South Africa to a
post-apartheid rainbow nation.
Mandela's collaboration with this team left a strong and important message.The country was made
proud,happy and united by the winning team, and allow it to play a part in building the nation of
South Africa.
This marked the start of a new era !
I guess that it’s a victory for Mandela and Pienaar(but also for all the South Africans) . Indeed, the
Springboks' victory is a victory for Mandela because it enabled him to get across his message about
unity, he proved that sport is a means of overcoming racial divisions. He is happy because the
people of his country are more united.
He also understood the importance of South Africa's international image.
The Springboks' victory has improved the country's image in the world by showing the world that
South Africa is changing.
As far as François Pienaar, his team's victory was also a victory for him
because, as captain, he was able to help his team win.
François also made his president and South Africa proud. Of course it's a victory for him because
with his team they achieved a sporting feat.
This victory is an amazing thing because before the team was hated by blacks but after this same
team was encouraged by them.In conclusion, this World Cup has gathered whites and blacks and
has really finished to apartheid.

Les sud africains ont gagné en parti grâce au soutien de Mandela.

Le pays est rendu fier, heureux et unit par l’equipe gagnante.
the country was made proud,happy and united by the winning team
Le soutien de mandela a permis au sud africains de???

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