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Design Against Static Load

Type of Loads

Static Load: Stress

Magnitude, direction & point of Application of load does not change with time or remain
constant with time (t)
E.g., Load acting on the beam and columns of the room.

Static stress

Fluctuating Load: Stress

100 100
Magnitude, Direction, ‘or’ Point of application of load changes with time.
E.g., Load on any bridge; load on the piston of an IC engine O

Fluctuating stress

Theory of Failure (TOF)

Complex Stress Condition

Theory of failure compares the actual complex stress condition of critical point with the tensile test by using some criteria
of failure.

Short Notes 8.1

Machine Design

Rankine ‘or’ Maximum Principal Stress ‘or’ Maximum Normal Stress Theory of Failure
For design
( max )actual 
( max )actual  perm.
This theory of failure is suitable for brittle materials as brittle materials are weak in tension, hence they fail due
to maximum principal stress.

Tresca & J.J. Guest TOF or Maximum Shear Stress Theory of Failure

Criteria of failure: Maximum shear stress: Maximum shear stress under tensile test at the
time of failure:

Maximum Shear Stress Under tensile test:

  − 2 2 − 3 3 − 1 
max = max  1 1 = f ,  2 = 0, 3 = 0
2 
, ,
 2 2
  − 0 0 − 0 0 − f 
(max )f = max  f = 0.5f
2 
, ,
 2 2
for safer design
(max )actual 

Haigh’s ‘or’ Strain Energy Theory of Failure

Criteria of Failure: Strain Energy per unit Volume at any point: Strain Energy per unit
Volume at any point under
tensile test at the time of
Strain energy per unit 1  2 Under tensile test:
u= 1 + 22 + 32 − 2(12 + 23 + 31 )  J/m3 1 = f ,  2 = 0, 3 = 0
volume. 2E  
1  2
uf = f J/m3
2E  

For safer design: For 2D stress condition: 3 = 0

     
12 + 22 + 32 − 2(12 + 23 + 31 )   f  12 + 22 − 212   f 
 FOS   FOS 

Short Notes 8.2

Machine Design

Distortion Energy ‘or’ Von-mises Theory of Failure

Criteria of Failure: Distortion Energy per unit Volume at any point: Distortion Energy per unit
Volume at any point under
tensile test at the time of
Distortion energy per unit 1  2 Under tensile test:
ud = 1 + 22 + 32 − (1 2 +  23 + 31 )  J/m3
volume. 6G   1 = f ,  2 = 0, 3 = 0
1  2
u df = f J/m3
2E  

For safer design: For 2D stress conditions: 3 = 0

12 + 22 + 32 − (12 + 23 + 31 )    f    

12 + 22 − 12   f 
   FOS 
 FOS 

Maximum Principal Strain ‘or ‘Maximum Normal Strain or St. Venant's Theory of Failure

Criteria of Failure: Maximum normal strain at any Maximum normal strain at any point
point: under tensile test at the time of failure:
Max. principal strain or Max normal 1 Under tensile test: 1 = f , 2 = 0, 3 = 0
strain  E (1 − 2 − 3 )  1

1  E ( f )
 max = max  (2 − 1 − 3 ) 
E 1 
( max )f = max  (f ) = f
1 E E
 E (3 − 1 − 2 ) 1

 E (f )

Steps of Design
(a) Identify critical points. (b) Find principal stress at critical point. (c) Select and use suitable theory of failure.

Combined Bending & Torsion

Equivalent Bending Moment (Me)

Me =  M + M 2 + T 2 
2  

Equivalent Torsional Moment (Te)

Te = M 2 + T 2

Short Notes 8.3

Machine Design

Region of Safety for 2D stress condition

Region of safety
• If the actual loading lies under region of safety; Material is safe with FOS greater than 1.
• If the actual loading lies just on the boundary of region of safety; Material is just safe with FOS equal to 1.
If actual loading lies outside region of safety; Material is unsafe.

Region of Safety of Various TOF under 2 D Stress condition

TOF Region of safety

Theory of

Safety region for Rankine's Theory of Failure

Short Notes 8.4

Machine Design

Theory of

Safety region for Tresca's Theory of Failure

Von Mises
Theory of

Safety region for Von mises Theory of Failure

Strain Energy
Theory of

Safety region for Strain energy Theory of Failure

Short Notes 8.5

Machine Design

normal strain

Safety region for Maximum normal strain Theory of Failure

Comparison of Tresca’s, Rankine & Von-Mises TOF for 2-D Stress Condition

Safety region for Tresca, Rankine & Von Mises Theory of Failure

Shear Strength under pure Shear for Various Theory of Failure

Theory of failure Shear strength

Rankine Theory of Failure f =  f

Tresca & Guest's Theory of
f = 0.5 f
Von Mises Theory of Failure f = 0.577 f

Haigh Theory of Failure f = f / 2(1 + )

St. Venant's Theory of Failure f = f / (1 + )

Short Notes 8.6

Machine Design

Suitable Theory of Failure for various material

(1) For Brittle Material, Rankine's Theory of Failure is more suitable.
(2) For ductile material, Tresca and Von Mises Theory of Failure are more suitable. Out of which Tresca's Theory of
Failure is safer than Von-mises. Theory of Failure is more economical.
(3) Under Hydrostatic stress condition (σ1 = σ2 = σ3 = σ), we cannot use Tresca and Von-mises Theory of Failure for any
type of material, because under hydrostatic stress condition value of maximum shear stress and distortion energy per
unit volume is zero.


Short Notes 8.7

Design Against Static Load

Fluctuating Stress: Stress at any point continuously fluctuates concerning time.

Fluctuating stress

Various terminology of fluctuating stress condition

 max +  min  max −  min
1. Average or Mean Stress ( m ) :  m = 2. Amplitude Stress (σa):  a =
2 2
 min 4. Amplitude Ratio (A):
3. Stress Ratio (R): R = 0  R  1
 max  a  max −  min 1 − R
A= = =
 m  max +  min 1 + R


Put σmin & σmax values with appropriate signs as per the nature of stress. These are positive for tensile stress and
negative for compressive stress.

Machine Design

Special types of fluctuating stress condition

Repeating Stress/Repeated Stress condition
Special type of fluctuating stress where stress at the critical point varies from 0 to σ. (i.e., σmin = 0 & σmax =  )

Repeating stress
 max  max
For repeating stress condition:  m = , a = , R = 0, A = 1
2 2

Reverse Stress Condition

Special type of fluctuating Stress condition where stress at
critical point varies from (–σ1) to (+σ2) i.e., out of σmin &
σmax one is compressive & other is tensile (σmin = –σ1; σmax
= σ2).

Reverse stress

Completely Reverse Stress condition:

If stress at critical points varies from − to  i.e. both
σmin & σmax are of equal magnitude & opposite in nature,
then that stress condition is known as completely reverse
stress condition.
For repeating stress condition:
 m = 0,  a =  , R = −1, A = 

Completely Reverse stress

The bending stress at any point on a rotating shaft is state of completely reversed stress condition.

Short Notes 8.81

Machine Design

Fatigue Failure
• It is the failure of a machine element due to fluctuating stress at a stress level lower than the yield or ultimate
strength of the material.

Stress concentration
Stress concentration is defined as the localization of high
stresses due to the irregularities present in the
component and abrupt changes in the cross-section.
Nominal stress near irregularity:  0 =
( 2w − d ) t

Nominal stress

Since irregularity is present in the above system

therefore stress near irregularity will be more than
nominal stress due to stress concentration.

Effect of stress concentration with irregularities

Stress concentration occurs near irregularity due to disturbance in the path of stress flow due to which stress flow lines
comes near and stress increases. (It is just like when in flowing fluid streamlines comes nearer due to disturbance and
velocity of flow increases.)

Stress flow
Methods to Reduce Stress Concentration (S.C.) when irregularity present (try to smoothen the stress flow):

Short Notes 8.82

Machine Design

Stress Concentration Factor

Stress Concentration factor:
(a) Theoretical stress concentration factor (Kt)
(b) Actual stress concentration factor (Kf)
Theoretical Stress Concentration Factor (Kt):
• To consider the effect of stress concentration and find out localized stresses, a factor called theoretical stress
concentration factor is used. It is denoted by Kt. It is also called Geometry Stress Concentration Factor.
Maximum possible value of stress near irregularity  max
Kt = =   max = K t 0 .
Nominal stress obtained by elementary equations 0
Where, σ0 → nominal stress
σmax → Maximum possible stress near irregularity due to stress concentration
• Empirical relation: Theoretical stress concentration
factor for elliptical hole under axial load by assuming
width of plate >>> size of hole:
Kt = 1 + 2 
b → length of semi-axis along the applied load.
a → length of semi axis perpendicular to applied load.
For circular hole: a = b: Kt = 3 Stress concentration with elliptical hole

Fatigue/Actual Stress Concentration Factor

• Experiments have shown that the actual stress concentration factor (Kf) is less than (Kt).
Actual stress near irregularity due to stress concentration  a
Kf = =   a = Kf  0
Nominal stress obtained by elementary equations  0

Short Notes 8.83

Machine Design

Notch Sensitivity Factor

Kf − 1
q= (0  q  1)
Kt −1

 K f = 1 + q ( K t − 1)

For 100% sensitivity: K f = K t For 0% Sensitivity: K f =1

1  Kf  Kt

Effect of Stress concentration on Ductile and Brittle material

(a) Effect of Stress Concentration on Ductile Material under Static Load.
Stress concentration effect can be neglected in ductile material.
(b) Effect of Stress Concentration on brittle Material under Static Load.
Stress concentration effect cannot be neglected in brittle material under static load, because brittle material does not
fail due to plastic deformation.
(c) Effect of Stress Concentration on ductile and brittle material under fluctuating Load
We cannot neglect the effect of stress concentration in both ductile & brittle material under fluctuating load,
because material under fluctuating Stress conditions fails due to fatigue.

Design under completely reverse stress condition

Fatigue strength, life and endurance limit
Fatigue Strength (Sf):
The maximum possible magnitude of amplitude of completely reverse stress condition for life N number of stress
cycles without fatigue failure is known as fatigue strength corresponding to N-cycles life.
Endurance Strength or Endurance Limit (Se)
• Endurance strength of a material defined as the maximum amplitude of completely reversed stress that the material
can sustain for an unlimited number of cycles without fatigue failure.
S-N Curve
• Through rotating beam experiment, S-N curve is drawn on log paper of base 10. S-N curve for ferrous Material is
shown in figure:

S-N Curve for ferrous material

I ⇒ Low Cycle Fatigue
II⇒ High Cycle Fatigue

Short Notes 8.84

Machine Design

I ⇒ Low Cycle Fatigue: Any fatigue failure when the number of stress cycles is less than 1000.
II ⇒ High Cycle Fatigue: Any fatigue failure when the number of stress cycles is more than 1000.

High cycle fatigue region of S-N curve for ferrous material

For ferrous material S-N curve becomes asymptotic corresponds to the life 106 cycle (point B in figure 2.11), hence
fatigue strength corresponds life 106 will be endurance strength for ferrous material.
S-N curve for Al:

S-N curve for Al

Corrected Endurance Strength
• The endurance limit of the actual component is different from the endurance limit of a rotating beam specimen due
to a number of factors.
Corrected endurance strength, Se = ka kb kc kd ke (Se)std
ka = Surface finish factor
kb = Size factor
kc = Reliability factor
kd = Factor to consider stress concentration
ke = Temperature Factor
KL ⇒ Load factor
(i) Surface finish factor (ka): This factor depends upon the surface finish of the machine element. For mirror polished
surface like specimen (ka =1) and if the surface finish is poor (ka < 1)
(ii) Size factor (kb): This factor depends upon the size of the body if the size increases chances of irregularities increase
and endurance strength decrease.
If ϕ ≤ 7.5mm, kb = 1 and if ϕ ≥ 7.5mm, kb < 1
(iii) Reliability factor (kc)
• As the reliability (% of components that survive) increases, reliability factor (kc) decreases.
(iv) Factor to consider stress concentration. (kd)
kd =

Short Notes 8.85

Machine Design

kf ⇒ actual stress concentration factor

kf = 1 + q(kt – 1)
If q is not given; then take q = 1
(v) Load factor (KL)
For completely reversed axial stressed condition we consider load factor which is generally 0.8. In exam load factor
will be given and if not given then take load factor =1.
Design Process:

Design under completely Reversed stress for infinite life

Completely Reversed stress

For infinite life: Criteria of failure is corrected endurance strength (Se)

Safe condition: For design:

Amplitude stress of critical points under completely reverse stress Se

a 
conditions should be less than corrected endurance strength (Se). FOS

 a  Se

Design under completely Reversed stress for finite life (say N)

For finite life: Criteria of failure is fatigue strength corresponds to required life (Sf).

Safe condition:

Amplitude stress of critical point under completely reverse stress condition should be less than fatigue strength
corresponding to required life (Sf).
 a  Sf

Short Notes 8.86

Machine Design

For design:

a =

Design under fluctuating stress conditions other than completely reverse stress condition

Fluctuating stress condition other than completely reverse stress condition

Mean and amplitude stress at critical point
 max +  min  max −  min
m = , a =
2 2
For fluctuating stress condition other than completely reverse stress conditions, there are infinite combinations are
possible and for all combinations testing is not a good idea. So, scientists have given their criteria to design under
fluctuating load conditions like Soderberg criteria, Goodmen criteria, Gerber criteria etc.

Soderberg, Goodmen and Gerber parabola

Soderberg criteria/Line

m a
Equation of Soderberg line: + =1
Syt Se
S yt Se
For design: use FOS = n and replace S yt by and S e by .
n n

m a m a 1
+ =1  + = (Soderberg criteria for design)
S yt Se Syt Se n Soderberg line
n n

Short Notes 8.87

Machine Design

Goodmen criteria/Line

Goodmen Criteria
m a
Equation of Goodmen Line: + =1
Sut Se
Sut S
For design: use FOS = n and replace by and S e by e .
n n

m a m a 1
+ =1  + = (Goodman criteria of design) Goodmen line
Sut Se Sut Se n
n n

Gerber criteria/Parabola
Equation of Gerber Parabola
 m  a
  + =1
 Sut  Se

Sut S
For design: use FOS = n and replace Sut by and by e .
n n
 n. m  n. a
  + =1 (Gerber criteria of design) Gerber Parabola
 Sut  Se

Comparison of Soderberg, Goodmen & Gerber Criteria

Region of Safety
Soderberg < Goodmen < Gerber
Key points:
• Criteria whose reason of safety is smaller is safer
Soderberg > Goodmen >Gerber
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ →.
Safety 
• For any given stress condition FOS will be less for safer
Gerber > Goodmen >Soderberg
criteria ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ →.
FOS Comparison of Soderberg, Goodmen, Gerber
• For any given FOS, design will be strong for safer criteria. Parabola
• More safer criteria are less Economical

Langer Criteria/Line

Material fails only due to yielding. If σm is more then it gives good results but if
σa is more than it does not give accurate results.

Short Notes 8.88

Machine Design

Equation of Langer Line. Langer criteria

m a
+ =1
Syt Syt

S yt
For design: use FOS = n and replace S yt by .
m a 1
+ = (Langer’s criteria for design)
Syt Syt n

Modified Goodmen Criteria

Safer criteria out of Goodmen and Langer’s criteria is
modified Goodmen criteria.
To find FOS: Lesser FOS out of Langer criteria and
Goodmen criteria will be FOS by Modified Goodmen
To design: Stronger design out of Langer criteria and
Goodmen criteria will be design by Modified Goodmen

Modified Goodmen Criteria

ASME Criteria/Ellipse

Equation of ASME Ellipse;

2 2
 m   a 
  +  =1
 Sut   Se 

For design: use FOS = n and replace Sut by and S e by
. ASME criteria
2 2
 m   a  1
  +  = 2  ASME criteria for design.
 ut   ut 
S S n


Short Notes 8.89

Machine Design


Classification of Welded Joints

Butt weld
When two plates which are in same plane are welded
together, then weld is known as Butt weld.

Butt weld

Front and top view

Short Notes 8.90

Machine Design

Fillet Weld
Two plates kept in overlapping planes.
Filled weld is further classified in two types:
1. Parallel fillet weld
When direction of the weld length is parallel to the direction of the force acting on the joint, then it is called a parallel

Parallel fillet weld

2. Transverse fillet weld
When direction of the weld length is perpendicular to the direction of the force acting on the joint, then it is called a
transverse joint.

Transverse fillet weld

Terminologies of Fillet weld:

Transverse fillet weld

Short Notes 8.91

Machine Design

L = Length of weld
h = size or leg of fillet weld
t = = thickness at  angle from leg
sin  + cos 

t = = throat of the fillet weld (or minimum

thickness of fillet weld) = thickness at  = 450

At = Area of throat = tL

Terminology of fillet weld

Analysis of Butt weld

Minimum thickness of the weld is called throat. Which is

thickness t of the weld as shown in figure. In throat
reinforcement part is not consider because it is provided to
compensate the flaws in the weld. Butt weld under force P

 Tensile stress in the weld is, t =  P = t t L
t = tensile stress in the weld L = length of the weld
t = throat thickness P = axial force in weld
If efficiency () of the joint is given, then,

P = t t L


Short Notes 8.92

Machine Design


Introduction of bolted joint
Threaded Joints has numerous applications; eg lead screw in Lathe; In Screw Jack; Bolted Joints etc.
Here we would restrict our study to Bolted Joints Only.
Bolted / Threaded Joints are TEMPORARY JOINT because both plates and joint are reusable.

Bolted joint

Various terminology of bolted joint

Terminologies of bolted joint

Short Notes 8.93

Machine Design

Terminologies of Screw Threads:

Crest: Peak point of thread profile
Root: Bottom-most point of thread profile
Major Diameter ( d 0 = d ) : Major diameter is the diameter of an imaginary cylinder that bounds the crest of an
thread. It is also called as nominal diameter

Minor/Core Diameter ( d i = d c ) : Minor diameter is the diameter of an imaginary cylinder that bounds the roots of
an external thread. It is also called as core diameter.
Pitch ( p ) : Distance between two similar points on adjacent threads measured parallel to the axis of the thread.

( )
Pitch diameter d p : It is diameter of an imaginary cylinder the surface of which would pass through the threads at
such points as to make the width of the threads (AB) equal to the width of the spaces cut by the surface of cylinder
between two threads (BC). i.e., AB = BC.

Threads of bolt

Various types of threads

(i) Square thread:

• Used for transmission of power.
• Used in machine tool spindle, screw jack etc.
• Less wear
• Difficult to manufacture.
• Low strength.
Square thread

(ii) Trapezoidal thread:

• Modification of square thread.
• Stronger than square thread due to more thickness
at core.
• Easier to manufacture.
• More wear
Trapezoidal thread

Short Notes 8.94

Machine Design

(iii) Acme thread:

• Special type of trapezoidal thread called Acme
• In an acme thread, the thread angle is 29° instead
of 30°

Acme thread

(iv) Buttress thread:

• Combined advantages of square and ACME

Buttress thread

Lead (L)
Lead is the distance that the nut moves parallel to the axis of the screw, when the nut is given one turn. Or lead is
axial movement due to 1 complete rotation of nut.
Lead = n * pitch
Where, n = number of starts in thread
n = 1 for single start thread
n = 2 for double start thread
n = 3 for triple start thread and so on
Axial movement ( x ) due to C angular rotation of nut or k turns of nut:

Coarse and fine series of thread

There are two types of threads on the basis of their application:
1. Coarse series-recommended for general industrial applications
2. Fine series-recommended for sophisticated and delicate parts

Short Notes 8.95

Machine Design

Both these thread types have different designations:

1. Coarse series- Designated by the letter 'M' followed by the value of nominal diameter in mm. (Do not forget units)
So, M12 means the nominal diameter of the thread is 12 mm.
2. Fines Series- Designated by the letter 'M' followed by the value of nominal diameter and then pitch in mm followed
by 'X' symbol.
So, M12 × 1.25 means nominal diameter = 12 mm and pitch = 1.25 mm.

The letter 'M' stands for ISO-Metric thread.

Bolt of uniform strength

Bolts of uniform strength:
For bolt of uniform strength, the value of stress is same at every cross section, be it threaded part or unthreaded part.

Introduction of riveted joint

A rivet has a cylindrical shank with a head at one end. It is used to produce permanent joints between two plates.

Rivet is inserted into the holes of plates (which are to be joined) and then its protruding part is upset by a hammer.

Short Notes 8.96

Machine Design

Riveting process
Joints made by rivets are called permanent because the parts can be only the dismantled by damaging rivets.
(i) Diameter of shank < Diameter of rivet hole
(ii) A rivet is specified by shank diameter of the rivet. A 20 mm rivet means a rivet having 20 mm as the shank

Classification of riveted joint

Classification of riveted joint

I. Lap Joint: Riveted joint between two overlapping plates.

Lap Joint

Short Notes 8.97

Machine Design

II. Butt Joint: In this type of riveting, the plates to be joined are kept in the same plane, without forming an overlap.
Another plate known as cover or strap plate is placed over either one side or on both side of the main plates, then it
is riveted with main plates.
If only one cover plate is placed on the main plate, then that butt joint is known as Single strap butt joint.

Single strap Butt joint

Terminology of riveted joint

Pitch(p): The pitch of the rivet is defined as the distance between the center of one rivet to the center of adjacent rivet in
the same row.
Margin / Edge distance (m):
The margin is the distance between the edge of the plate to the center line of the rivets in the nearest row.
Transverse pitch ( pb ):
Transverse pitch also called back pitch or row pitch. It is the distance between two consecutive rows of the rivet
on the same plate.
Diagonal pitch ( pd ):
Diagonal pitch is the distance between the center of one rivet to the center of adjacent rivet located in the adjacent

Terminologies of riveted joint

Short Notes 8.98

Machine Design

Load Carrying capacity of riveted joint

When number of rivets in each row is same
w = width of each plate
t = thickness of each plate
d = diameter of rivet
dh = diameter of rivet hole
m = Number of rows of rivet
n = Number of rivets in each row
N = mn = total number of rivets

 tp = Permissible tensile stress of plate

p = Permissible shear stress of rivet

cp = Permissible crushing stress of rivet.

Riveted joint with tensile load

1. Tearing load carrying capacity (or tearing
strength) of the plate (Pt):
When number of rivets in each row is same then,
tearing failures occurs from the row which is nearest
to the load as shown in figure.

Tearing failure
Tensile stress in the plate of nearest row
t = =  tp
tearing area (w − nd h )t
 P   tp (w − nd h )t
Hence load carrying capacity to avoid tearing failure,
Pt =  tp (w − nd h ) t

Tearing area view

Short Notes 8.99

Machine Design

2. Shearing load carrying capacity or shearing strength (Ps):

Shearing failures occur when shearing of all rivets occurs.
Shear stress in rivet,
totalshear area
Total shear area of rivets

= k  d2  N
k = Number of shear area in one rivet.
For single shear, k = 1(refer figure 4.31)

Single Shearing Failure

For double shear, k = 2

(Refer figure 4.20)

Double Shear Failure

Hence, shear stress in rivet,
=  p

k  d2  N
  
P  p   k  d 2   N
 4 
Hence load carrying capacity to avoid shearing failure is
  
PS = p  k  d 2   N
 4 

Short Notes 8.100

Machine Design

3. Crushing load carrying capacity or crushing strength (PC ) :

In crushing failure rivets fails due to compressive stress and crushing failure occur when crushing of all rivets occurs.
Crushing stress in rivet:
C =
Total crushing area
Crushing area of one rivet = dt

Crushing area
Total crushing area = dt × N

c =  cp
 P  cp dtN
Hence load carrying capacity to avoid crushing failure is
PC = cp dtN

4. Actual load carrying capacity (PLCC )

PLCC = Minimum of load carrying capacity by considering all type of failure.
PLCC = Min(Pt ,Ps ,Pc )

5. Efficiency ()
It is the ratio of actual load carrying capacity (PLCC ) to the load carrying capacity of solid plate without rivet and
( PSolid Plate )
PSolid Plate
PSolid Plate :

Solid plate without rivet and hole

Short Notes 8.101
Machine Design

Tensile stress,  t =   tP
 P   tP wt
Hence, PSolid Plate =  tP wt
Efficiency of joint:
 tP wt
If width of the plate is not given, then to find efficiency of the joint calculate load carrying capacity per pitch
To calculate load carrying capacity per pitch length replace width w by pitch p and number of rivets in each row i.e. n
by 1.

Tearing strength / Pitch length: Pt / PL =  tp (p − d h )t

Shearing strength / Pitch length: PS/PL = p  k  d 2  m
Crushing strength / Pitch length: PC/PL = cp  dt  m
Actual load carrying capacity: PLCC / PL = Min(Pt/PL , PS/PL , PC/PL )
Efficiency:  =
 tP  pt


Short Notes 8.102

Machine Design


It is used to connect or disconnect the source of power from the remaining parts of the power transmission system at the
will of the operator.
It should be capable of transmitting the required torque or power from input shaft to output shaft in engaged position.

Types of Clutch

(I) Positive Clutch:

• Positive engagement (no slip) due to presence of teeth.
• High torque transmitting capacity.
• Sudden engagement.
• Cannot be engaged at high speed to avoid jerk.
• Used in power press, rolling mills etc.
• It is further classified as:
(a) Square jaw clutch:
It can transmit torque in both directions.

Square jaw clutch

(b) Spiral jaw clutch:
It can transmit torque in one direction only.

Spiral jaw clutch

Short Notes 8.103

Machine Design

(II) Friction Clutch:

• The power is transmitted by the friction
between surfaces attached to the driving and
driven shafts.
• Slip during engagement
• Smooth engagement
• Torque transmitting capacity depends upon
axial force applied in engages position. Friction clutch
• Can engaged at high speed without jerk.
• Used in automobiles.
Types of Friction Clutches

Plate Clutch Cone Clutch Centrifugal Clutch

Single Plate Multi Plate Clutch

Plate Clutch
Introduction of Plate Clutch
Plate Clutch:

• The shape of the clutch is like a circular flat plate.

• It is an axial clutch.
• Depending upon the no. of plates on the shaft plate clutches are of two types:
(a) Single plate clutch: Number of plates on driven shaft is 1.
(c) Multiplate Clutch: Multiple plates on the driving &
driven shaft.

Multiple clutch

Short Notes 8.104

Machine Design

Analysis of Plate Clutch

ri = Inner radius of friction lining.
r0 = Outer radius of friction lining.
W = Axial force on clutch at engaged position
T = Maximum torque transferred without slip.
p = Pressure on clutch plate at a radial distance r
pmax = Maximum pressure
μ = Coefficient of friction.
Cross-section view of the clutch

Uniform Pressure Theory (UPT):

According to this theory if the clutch is new and there is no significant wear on the surface of the clutch, we can assume
that the pressure is uniform over the area.
For UPT:
(i) W = Pn = p(ro2 − ri2 )
 2 r3 − r3 
(ii) T = nW  o2 i2 
3 r −r 
 o i 
 T = n  W Rm
2 ro3 − ri3
Where, R m = = mean radius according
3 ro2 − ro2
to UPT.

Uniform pressure

Uniform Wear Theory (UWT):

According to this theory when the clutch becomes old and
there is wear on the surface, then rate of wear can be
assumed to be uniform.
Rate of wear = constant
Rate of wear  p r
Hence in UWT:
pr = constant = C = p max ri
 p= → Hyperbolic variation

Uniform wear

Short Notes 8.105

Machine Design

(i) W = Pn = 2C(ro − ri )

Where, C = pr = p mar ri

r +r 
(ii) T = n  W  o i  = n  WR m
 2 
ro + ri
Where, R m = = mean radius according to UWT.

Friction radius (r f )

Hypothetical or Imaginary radius where total frictional force is assumed to be acting such that torque corresponding to
this condition is same as actual torque.
Friction Radius

2 ro3 − ri3 ro + ri
rf = rf =
3 ro2 − ri2 2

Single Plate vs Multi Plate Clutch

S. No. Single Plate Clutch Multi Plate Clutch
1 Less torque transmitting capacity for same 1. More torque transmitting capacity for same size
2. Less heat generation, hence no coolant is 2. High heat generation, hence we need coolant.
required. (Dry clutch) (Wet clutch)
3. Used in big automobiles like buses, cares 3. Used in small automobiles like bikes due to
etc. limitation of size

Short Notes 8.106

Machine Design

Cone Clutches
Analysis of Cone Clutch

Analysis of Cone clutch

For UPT:

(i) W = p  (ro2 − ri2 )

(ii) Pn =
sin 

 2 r3 − r3  1
(iii) T = W   o2 i2  
 3 r − r  sin 
 o i 

For UWT:
(i) W = 2C(ro − ri )

where, C = pr = Pmar ri

(ii) Pn =
sin 
r +r  1
(iii) T = W  o i   sin 
 2 

Short Notes 8.107

Machine Design

Centrifugal clutch

Centrifugal clutch

Analysis of centrifugal clutch

Key points:
• Centrifugal clutch is an automatic clutch where the clutch is engaged or disengaged automatically based on the
speed of the driving shaft.
• At two speeds centrifugal force & spring force are equal, net force between drum and shoe will be zero and clutch
will be in disengaged position.
• As the speed increases both centrifugal force & spring force Fc & Fs increases, at a certain speed 1 , spring force
reaches its maximum value (FS). If the speed is increased beyond 1 only centrifugal force increases (FC) & spring
force remains constant at its max value (FS). Hence there is a net force FC − FS on each shoe which engages the
• It is a radial clutch.

Analysis of centrifugal clutch


Short Notes 8.108

Machine Design


Introduction of Brake
• A brake is defined as a device, which is used to absorb the energy possessed by a moving system or mechanism by
means of friction to slow down or completely stop the motion of a moving system, such as a rotating drum, machine
or vehicle

• Types of Brakes – Mechanical Brakes, Hydraulic Brakes, Electrical Brakes etc.

• Our study is limited to only mechanical brakes.

Shoe Brake
Introduction of Shoe Brake

Shoe Brake

Short Notes 8.109

Machine Design

• Fulcrum (O): Point at which lever is hinged.

• Braking effort (P): Effort required in lever to get braking action in drum.

• FBD of lever and drum.

Shoe of the lever and drum in region BAC are contacting each other. For simplicity we can consider only point A
(midpoint of region BAC) is contacting each other to make the FBD of lever and drum.
• If FBD is drawn by considering single contact point A, then use equivalent coefficient of friction (μ e) to calculate
friction force which is calculated as discussed below:

 
  For long shoe brake  2  
For short shoe Brake  2    4
 4
μe = μ 4 sin 
e =
2 + sin 2
(i) 2: Block angle in rad.
(ii) If block angle (2θ) is not given, then consider brake as short shoe brake.

Self-energising brake and Self-locking Condition

Self-energising brake:
When friction reduces the braking effort, then brake is known as self-energising brake.
Self-locking Condition:
If braking effort P become zero or negative, then brake automatically get locked with the drum and this condition is called
self-locking condition.

To avoid self-locking condition, P > 0

Now we will discuss various cases of Shoe brake.


(i) If direction of moment of friction force & braking effort (P) about fulcrum O in the FBD of lever is same,
then brake will act as a self-energizing brake.
(ii) If brake is not a self-energizing brake, then brake can never be in self-locking condition.
(iii) If brake is self-energizing brake, then, brake may or may not be in self-locking condition.

Short Notes 8.110

Machine Design

Band Brake

Band brake
Identifying tight side and slack side of the band: Side opposite to the direction of drum rotation will be tight side and
other side will be slack side in the FBD of drum and band (Refer figure 6.15)
Important Relations:
T1 = Tension in tight side of band
T2 = Tension in slack side of band
r = radius of drum
t = thickness of band
re = r +  r (If t is not given)
b = width of band

θ = angle of wrap
Braking torque (TB): TB = (T1 − T2 )re
Relation between T1 and T2: = e 

Maximum tensile stress in band:  t,max = Fig. 6.3: Identifying Tight and slack side


Short Notes 8.111

Machine Design


Introduction of Bearing
Bearings are machine elements that support a moving element (shaft or axle) with minimum friction.

(a) Function of bearings-

• Support the load acting on shaft.
• Permit rotation of shaft with minimum friction.

Short Notes 112

Machine Design

Rolling Contact Bearings

• Rolling motion between the fixed and moving surfaces.
• Low starting and running friction, hence they are also known as Antifriction Bearings.
• More noise at very high speeds.
• More initial cost.
• Used in machine tool spindles, automobile front, and rear axles, gearbox, and small-size electric motors.
• In rolling contact bearings, the shafts are supported on the bearing surface through rolling elements such as balls
and rollers.
• The relative motion between the shaft and bearing surface is rolling motion hence the friction is very low
• At low speeds the friction is negligible hence these bearings are also called as anti-friction bearings.

Rolling contact bearing

Construction of rolling contact bearing

(1) Inner Race: It is a circular ring connected to the shaft through interference fit it rotates with the shaft.

(2) Outer Race: It is a circular ring connected to the fix support through interference if it remains stationary.

(3) Cage: It is used to hold the rolling elements together so that the distance between them is maintained.

(4) Rolling Elements: These are the elements that roll on the surface of the bearing they are of two types:

(a) Ball (b) Rollers

Rolling elements of rolling contact bearing bearing

Short Notes 113

Machine Design

• In case of ball's less contact area, less friction

& less load and it has point contact and bearing
is known as ball bearing.

• In case of rollers more contact area, more load

carrying capacity and more friction and it is
line contact and bearings is known as roller

Parts of rolling contact bearing

Types of Rolling Contact Bearings:

(1) Ball Bearing:

• Point contact
• Less load carrying capacity
• Less friction

Ball bearing

(2) Roller Bearing:

• Line contact
• High load carrying capacity
• High friction

Roller bearing

Short Notes 114

Machine Design

Types of Ball Bearings:

(1) Deep Groove Ball Bearing:

• These are the most frequently used ball bearings
• Due to the depth of grooves balls are constrained
in axial direction hence they can support radial
as well as axial loads.
• Compared to axial loads they can support large
radial loads. Deep groove ball bearing
• They have poor rigidity compared to roller

(2) Angular contact Ball Bearing:

• In angular contact bearings the grooves in inner
and outer race are so shaped that the line of
reaction at the contact between the balls and
races makes an angle with axis of bearing.
• This reaction has a radial and axial component
therefore these bearings can support radial as
well as axial roads.
• These bearings can only support axial load in
one direction. Hence, they are often used in pair Angular contact Ball Bearing
so that they can support axial load in both
(3) Self-Aligning Ball Bearing:
• Self-aligning bearings are used where the axis of
shaft and bearing can be misaligned due to
tolerance or excessive deformation.

Self Aligning Ball Bearing

(4) Thrust Ball Bearing:

• A thrust ball bearing is a type of rolling element
bearing designed to handle axial (thrust) loads.

Thrust Ball Bearing

Short Notes 115

Machine Design

Types of Roller Bearings

(1) Cylindrical Roller Bearings:

• Cylindrical roller bearings can only support
radial loads
• Due to the line contact between the rollers and
races they have high radial load carrying
• These bearings are more rigid than ball bearings

Cylindrical roller bearing

(2) Needle Bearing:

• If length of rolling element ( l ) is >>> than
 l 
diameter of roller (d)Generally if d  4  ,
 
then that rolling contact bearing is known as
Needle Bearing.
• Used where radial space is less
• Can support oscillating loads.
Needle bearing

(3) Tapered roller bearing:

• The line of reaction between the rollers and the
races makes an angle with the axes of bearings
hence these bearings can support radial as well
as axial loads.

Tapered roller bearing

(4) Self aligning roller bearing:

• Self- aligning roller bearings are used where the
axis of shaft and bearing can be misaligned due
to tolerance or excessive deformation.

Self aligning roller bearing

Short Notes 116

Machine Design

Design of rolling contact bearing

Life of Bearing
• Life of a bearing is defined as the number of revolutions that the bearing can make before it fails. It is denoted in
million revolutions.

Equivalent Load (P)

• The equivalent dynamic load is defined as the constant radial load in radial bearings (or thrust load in thrust
bearings), which if applied to the bearing would give same life as that which the bearing will attain under actual
condition of forces.
P = XVFr + YFa
Fr = radial load
Fa = axial load
X = radial load factor
Y = Axial load factor
V = Race rotation factor
= 1 (when inner race rotates)
= 1.2 (when outer race rotates)

Relation between equivalent load and rated life

L 2  P1 
= 
L1  P2 
Where, L2 = rated life under load P2
L1 = rated life under load P1
k = 3 for ball bearing and k = for roller bearing.

Dynamic Load Carrying Capacity:

• It is the equivalent load at which the rated life of bearing is one million revolutions.
Relation between life (L) corresponds to load P and dynamic load carrying capacity (C):
L= 
Where, L = rated life corresponds to equivalent load P
C = dynamic load carrying capacity

Short Notes 117

Machine Design

Designation of Bearings:
P = Type of bearing: Q = Indicate series: RS = when multiply by 5, it gives shaft
0, 1, 6, 8 – ball bearing 1 – Extra light 2 – Light diameter in mm.
2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9 – roller bearing 3 – Medium 4 – Heavy

Designation of bearing
• Due to large size balls, load carrying capacity is high.

Introduction of sliding contact bearings

• Relative motion between the shaft and the support is sliding motion.
• Due to sliding motion friction, wear and heat generation is very high, hence lubrication is required.
Applications: Crankshaft bearings in petrol and diesel engines, centrifugal pumps, large size electric motors
steam and gas turbines.

Short Notes 118

Machine Design

Types of Sliding contact bearing:

Journal Bearings

(1) Full Journal Bearing

• These bearings can support load in any direction
• This journal bearing is fully covered.

Full journal bearing

(2) Partial Journal Bearing

• These bearings can support radial load in one
Ex: Axles of Railway wagons

Partial journal bearing

Thrust Bearings

(1) Pivot Bearings

The end of the shaft is in contact with bearing
(a) Flat pivot Bearing:

Flat pivot bearing

(b) Conical pivot Bearing: It has more contact area

so more friction and has less pressure.

Conical pivot Bearing

Short Notes 119

Machine Design

(2) Collar Bearings

The shaft is supported by the collars which are in
contact with bearings
(a) Single Collar:

Collar bearing

(b) Multi Collar:

Multi collar bearing

Analysis of Hydrodynamic Journal Bearing

R = Radius of Bearing = OB
D = Diameter of Bearing = 2R
r = radius of shaft / journal = OA
d = diameter of shaft / journal = 2r
L = Length of Bearing
 = speed of shaft in rad/s =
N = speed of shaft in rpm Hydrodynamic journal bearing
ns = speed of shaft in rps =
W = Radial load in bearing
p = Bearing pressure
z = dynamic viscosity of lubricant in Pa – s
μe = Equivalent coefficient of friction
e = eccentricity = OO
• Radial Clearance (CR): CR = R − r
• Diametral Clearance (CD): CD = D − d = 2CR
• Minimum Oil thickness (h0):
OB = OO + OA + AB
⇒ R = e + r + h0
⇒ h0 = R – r – e
⇒ h 0 = CR − e

Short Notes 120

Machine Design

• Eccentricity ratio (ε)

e C − h0 h
= = R =1− 0
• Bearing pressure (p): p =
• Equivalent coefficient of friction (μe) as per Petroff’s equation:
 zn   r 
 e = 2 2  s   
 p  CR 
Where, μe = equivalent coefficient of friction
zn s
• Bearing Characteristic Number (BCN): BCN =
• Frictional torque loss due to friction: Tf = e w r

• Power Loss: Tf = 2n s Tf = Tf
• Heat Generation rate (Hg): Hg = Power loss
 zn   r 
• Somerfield number (S): S =  s   
 p  CR 

McKee’s Investigation Curve

McKee’s Curve
• Bearing modulus (β): BCN for least coefficient of friction is known as bearing modulus.
• Generally, BCN is kept between 3β to 15β.

Short Notes 121

Machine Design


A spring is defined as an elastic body, whose function is to distort when loaded and to recover its original shape when the
load is removed.
The important functions and applications of springs are:
• to absorb shocks and vibrations e.g. vehicle suspension to store energy, e.g. clocks, toys
• to control motion by maintaining contact between two elements e.g. cams and followers
• to measure force, weighing balances and scales.

Helical Spring

Close Coil Helical spring Helical spring

Open coil Helical spring

In the helical spring shown in figure 9.1. p = Pitch,

L o = Free length of spring,  = Coil angle or helix angle,
n = Number of actives coils, d = Wire diameter,
D 0 = Outer diameter of coil, Di = Inner diameter of coil and
D m = D = Mean diameter of coil = 2R , D
C = Spring index =
• If   10 → Close coil helical spring
• If   10 → Open coil helical spring

Short Notes 122

Machine Design

Analysis of close coil Helical spring

(i) Maximum Shear Stress (τmax)
16 PR 4P
• max = +
d 3
d 2
[Neglecting Curvature effect]
16 PR
• max =
[Neglecting curvature effect and effect of direct shear]

• max = k w
[Considering Curvature effect and effect of primary
shear] where, kw is wharl’s correction factor.
4C − 1 0.615
kw = +
4C − 4 C
Analysis of close coil Helical spring
(ii) Stiffness of spring (k)
Gd 4
64R 3n
(iii) Deflection of spring (δ)
P 64PR 3n
= =
k Gd 4
(iv) Strain energy (U)
1 1 32P 2 R 3n
U = P = k2 =
2 2 Gd 4

Spring in series and parallel

Case 1: Spring are in series:

1 1 1
= +
k e k1 k 2

Spring in series
Case 2: Springs are in parallel:

k e = k1 + k 2

Spring in parallel

Short Notes 123

Machine Design


Design of Keys
• It is a machine element which is used to connect the transmission shaft to rotating machine elements like
pulleys, gears, sprockets or flywheels.
Two basic functions:
• It is used to transmit the torque from the shaft to the hub of the mating element and vice versa.
• It is to prevent relative rotational motion between the shaft and the joined machine element like gear or pulley.
• It can also prevent axial motion between two elements, except in case of feather key or Splined connection.
The selection of the type of key for a given application depends upon the following factors:
(i). Power to be transmitted: (ii) Tightness of fit; (iii) Stability of connection; (iv) Cost
1. Saddle keys:
• It is a key which fits in the key way of the hub only.
In this case, there is no key way on the shaft.
• Two types of saddle keys, namely, hollow and flat.
• It is suitable for light duty or low power transmission
as compared with sunk keys.
• Flat saddle key is slightly superior to hollow saddle
key as far as power transmitting capacity is
• The power is transmitted by means of friction.
2. Sunk keys:
• It is a key in which half the thickness of the key fits
into the key way on the shaft and the remaining half
in the key way on the hub.
• It may be either of rectangular 'or' square cross-
• The power is transmitted due to shear resistance of
the key.
• It suitable for heavy duty application.
• A sunk key with rectangular cross-section is called
a flat key.
• Square keys are used in general industrial
Short Notes 124
Machine Design

• Flat keys are more suitable for machine tool

3. Gib-head Taper Key:

• It has following advantages over parallel key

• The taper surface results in wedge action and
increases frictional force and the tightness of the
• The taper surface facilitates easy removal of the
key, particularly with Gib-head.

Feather Keys
• It is a parallel key which is fixed either to the shaft
or to the hub and which permits relative axial
movement between them.
• It is a particular type of sunk key with uniform width
and height.
• It is fixed to the shaft by means of two cap screws,
having countersunk-heads.
• Here, the hub is free to slide over the key.
• It transmits the torque and at the same time permits
some axial movement of the hub.
• It is used in clutches 'or' gear shifting devices.

Woodruff Keys
It is a sunk key in the form of an almost semicircular disk
of uniform thickness
• The bottom portion of the Woodruff key fits into the
circular key way in the shaft.
• The key way in the hub is made in the usual manner.

Advantages: Disadvantages:
• The Woodruff key can be used on tapered shaft • The extra depth of key way in the shaft increase
because it can align by slight rotation in the seat. stress concentration and reduces its strength.
• The extra depth of key in the shaft prevents its • The key does not permit axial movement between
tendency to slip over the shaft. the shaft and the hub. → Woodruff keys are used on
tapered shafts in machine tools and automobiles.

Short Notes 125

Machine Design

Design of Square and Flat Keys Part-I

The transmission of torque from the shaft to the hub results
in two equal and opposite forces denoted by P.
• It is assumed that the force P is tangential to the shaft
Mt = transmitted torque (N-mm)
d = shaft diameter (mm)
P = force on key (N)
b = width of key (mm)
I = length of key (mm)
• The design of square or flat key is based on two
• Failure due to shear stress (i.e. along plane AB)

Design of Square and Flat Keys Part-II

Failure due to compressive stress
• The shear stress in the plane AB is given by
τ= =
Area of plane AB bl
Mt 2M t
• From torque equation, P = =
(d/2) d
2M t
Therefore, τ =
• The compressive stress (c) in the key is given by
P P 2P
c = = =
Area of surface AC (h/2)l hl

From torque equation:

Mt 2M t
P= =
(d/2) d
4M t
Therefore, c =
For square key, h = b
2M t
So, we can write,  =
4M t

Short Notes 126

Machine Design

c = 2
Therefore, the compressive stress induced in a square key due to the transmitted torque is twice the shear stress.

Design of Couplings
• Coupling: It is a mechanical device that permanently joins two rotating shafts to each other.
• Note: Coupling is a permanent connection, while the clutch can connect or disconnect two shafts at the will of
the operator.
• Various application:
1. Oldham coupling is used to connect two parallel shafts when they are at a small distance apart.
2. Hooke's coupling is used to connect two shafts having intersecting axes.
3. Rigid 'or' flexible couplings are used to connect when the axes are collinear 'or' in the same line.
Muff Coupling ‘or’ sleeve coupling ‘or’ box coupling
Muff coupling 'or' sleeve coupling 'or' box coupling:
• It is a type of rigid coupling
• It has only two parts, viz., sleeve and key.
• It is simple to design and manufacture.
• Muff coupling is difficult to assemble 'or' dismantle.
• it cannot absorb shocks and vibrations
• It requires more axial space compared with flange couplings

Clamp Coupling ‘or’ Compression coupling ‘or’ Split Muff coupling

• It is a rigid type of coupling
• The two halves of the sleeve are clamped together by means of bolts. .
• The number of bolts can be four or eight They are always in multiples of four.
• Power is transmitted from the input shaft to the sleeve and from the sleeve to the output shaft by means of the
key and friction between the sleeve halves and the shaft

Short Notes 127

Machine Design

Disadvantages: Advantages:
• It is not possible to use the clamp coupling for high- • It is easy to assemble and dismantle.
speed applications (due to dynamics balancing • It can be easily removed without shifting the shaft in
problem). axial direction, unlike solid muff coupling.
• It is unsuitable for shock loads. As compared with flange coupling, clamp coupling has
small Diametral dimensions.
Rigid Flange Couplings
• The two flanges are connected together by means of
four or six bolts arranged on a circle concentric with
the axes of the shafts.

• Rigid coupling has high torque transmitting capacity.
• Rigid coupling is easy to assemble and dismantle.
• Rigid coupling has simple construction. It is easy to design and manufacture.
• It can be used only where the motion is free from shocks and vibrations.
• It requires more radial space.
Basic type of misalignment

Short Notes 128

Machine Design

Bushed-Pin Flexible Coupling

• Construction is similar to the rigid type of flange coupling except for the provision of rubber bush and pins in
place of bolts.
• The two flanges are connected together by means of four 'or' six pins. ✦ Power is transmitted from the input
shaft to the input flange through the key.
• It can tolerate 0.5 mm of lateral or axial misalignment and 1.5° of angular misalignment.
• It prevents transmission of shock from one shaft to the other and absorbs vibrations.
• It can be used for transmitting high torques.
• The cost of flexible coupling is more than that of rigid coupling due to additional parts.
• It requires more radial space compared with other types of coupling.


Short Notes 129

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