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Repetytorium Unit 2

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Date Score


1 Do każdej z opisanych syt uacji (1–4) dobierz właściwą reakcję (A–C).

1 Jest eś w nieznanym Ci mieście. Zapyt aj przechodnia, jak dost ać się na dworzec.

A How many railway stations are there?
B How do you get to the railway station from here?
C Are you going to the railway station?

2 Kolega niedawno miał remont pokoju. Zapyt aj go, czy podoba mu się nowy wyst rój.
A What colour are the walls in your room now?
B What do you think of my room now?
C Do you like your room now?

3 Kt oś na ulicy pyt a Cię o najbliższy przyst anek aut obusowy. Co odpowiesz?

A T here’s one just round the corner.
B I think you should take a bus.
C T here are a lot of buses in the town.

4 Koleżanka pyt a Cię, jak umeblowany jest T wój pokój. Co jej odpowiesz?
A I don’t like too much furniture in a room.
B I’ve just got a bed, a desk and a wardrobe.
C I need a bigger wardrobe and a new desk.

Score: /4


2 W każdej linijce wybierz jeden wyraz, kt óry nie pasuje do pozost ałych.

1 A bungalow B flat C caravan D dustbin

2 A freezer B oven C pillow D fridge

3 A fireplace B forest C park D island

4 A corridor B office C blanket D basement

5 A basin B sink C bath D toilet

6 A tiny B modern C ugly D sideboard

Score: /6

3 Uzupełnij zdania 1–8 czasownikami z nawiasów w poprawnej f ormie czasu present simple lub present
cont inuous.

1 My uncle Sam (live) in a small cottage on the edge of town.

2 Helen, (you / use) this computer now?

3 My brother (hat e) taking the rubbish out.

4 Look, the little girl (play) the violin.

5 In this photo, my friends and I (wat ch) our favourite T V series together.

6 I don’t really like French – I (not / underst and) the grammar.

7 I (need) to buy a new bookcase – I’ve got so many books.

8 T his soup (t ast e) very good – can I have some more?

Score: /8


4 Przeczyt aj t ekst . Wybierz odpowiedź (A, B lub C), kt óra poprawnie uzupełnia luki 1–4.

Hello Jack,

I’m writing to let you know that I can’t come to your concert on Friday. My mother and I (1) with my
grandmother in York this week. Normally, she (2) all the household tasks herself, but she came back from
hospital yesterday and she must stay in bed for a week. She needs our help with shopping, cooking, cleaning and other
things around the house. Right now I (3) on my grandma’s balcony. It’s got a lovely (4)
over the city. I must go now and take her dog out for a walk.

Good luck with the concert!


1 A stay B stays C are staying

2 A does B makes C is doing

3 A am sitting B sit C sitting

4 A space B view C hedge

Score: /4

5 Przeczyt aj t ekst . Na podst awie inf ormacji w nim zawart ych zdecyduj, czy zdania 1–4 są prawdziwe (P), czy
f ałszywe (F).

Hi everyone. I wanted to join the discussion about flatmates because I’m now in my first year at university and I’m
sharing a flat with two other girls. It’s a rather new experience for me if you don’t count some short periods at holiday
camps. My flatmates, T ara and Georgie, are very cheerful and friendly girls. But … T hey make such a mess of our flat!
I’m not a super-tidy person myself, but I never leave dirty plates on the table in the living room or my clothes on the
bathroom floor! When I talk to them about it, they tidy their mess but then everything happens again. T wo days ago I
invited a friend from my university group for a coffee and the living room was full of things lying everywhere. I was so
embarrassed! Fortunately, my friend didn’t mind and said it was the same with her flatmates. I wouldn’t like to change
the flat because the rent is good and it’s really close to the university so I don’t need to use the buses like many other
students. What do you think I should do?


1 Mandy has always shared a flat with someone. P / F

2 Mandy’s flatmates don’t put dirty plates in the kitchen sink. P / F

3 Mandy’s guest was shocked by the mess in her flat. P / F

4 Mandy says the flat isn’t very expensive. P / F

Score: /4

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