N Zero Negative and Fractional Indices 1

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Zero, Negative and Fractional Indices 1 www..mathsprint.co.uk

1: Work
2 out the following:

a) 3−1 = __________ b) 80 = __________ c) 50 = __________

d) 5−2 = __________ e) 7−2 = __________ f) 90 = __________

2: Work
2 out the following:

a) 161/2 = __________ b) 1001/2 = __________ c) 2161/3 = __________

d) 80001/3 = __________ e) 41/2 = __________ f) 1251/3 = __________

3: Work
2 out the following:

a) 8−1/3 = __________ b) 1000−1/3 = __________ c) 64−1/3 = __________

d) 25−1/2 = __________ e) 343−1/3 = __________ f) 512−1/3 = __________

4: Work
2 out the following:

a) 85/3 = __________ b) 45/2 = __________ c) 1003/2 = __________

d) 82/3 = __________ e) 323/5 = __________ f) 813/4 = __________

5: Work
2 out the following:

a) 64−2/3 = __________ b) 8−4/3 = __________ c) 32−4/5 = __________

d) 32−2/5 = __________ e) 125−2/3 = __________ f) 1000−2/3 = __________

Free worksheet created by MATHSprint. Zero, Negative and Fractional Indices 1:1  MATHSprint, 2013
Answers: Zero, Negative and Fractional
Indices 1 www..mathsprint.co.uk

1: a) 13
2 b) 1 c) 1 d) 251 e) 491 f) 1

2: a) 4
2 b) 10 c) 6 d) 20 e) 2 f) 5

3: a) 12
2 b) 101 c) 14 d) 15 e) 17 f) 18

4: a) 32
2 b) 32 c) 1000 d) 4 e) 8 f) 27

5: a) 161
2 b) 161 c) 161 d) 14 e) 251 1
f) 100

Free worksheet created by MATHSprint. Zero, Negative and Fractional Indices 1:1  MATHSprint, 2013

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