The Commonwealth Countries

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Privilegedclub of nations

A Visiting a member of
Commonwealth 1Describewho and what yousee in
the picture.
Z.What words could you use to describe
the tNicerían women and the ueen?

Je révise ou je mémaríse
"membership: adhésion
comnon values: valeurs communes
join: intégrer
"promote: promouUoir
"become a mermber: devenir membre
on an equal footing/equal status: àégalité
"be bound by: étre liá par
The Queen on a visit to Nigeria.

GO! ’ WB p.140
B So what is the
The Commonwealth is a
L'accentuation des noms de pays
Australig Canada New Zealand
of 53 independent countries. voluntary association
It is home to 2.2 billion
citizens and over 60% of these are under the age of 30.
The Commonwealth includes some of the world's
5Smallest, richest and poorest largest,
countries, spanning five 1. What can we say about the age of
regions. Thirty-one of its members are small states, Commonwealth citizens?
many of them island nations. The
guiding principles are in its charter.Commonwealth' s il 2. Howcan we tell that the bigger states
policies are shaped² by member COuntries, who have an
cannot dominate the smaller ones?
10 equal say on decisions affecting them. all 3. In what way is Rwanda different from
Commonwealth most other members?
organisations put these decisions and plans into action.
The modern Commonwealth began in 1949 and
included UK, Australia, Canada, South Africa, New
Zealand, Pakistan, India and Sri Lanka. Membership
1s is based on free and equal voluntarycooperation for PREPARE YOUR FINAL TASKS
the advancement of Commonwealth values. There ’ WB p. 142
are a number of Commonwealth countries that have
no colonial roots to Britain including the newest
In groups. Use the website
’ WEBLINK 27 to find out what value
member Rwanda (2009). the Young Commonwealth promotes Try to find a picture on the Internet te
l.spanning: qui couvrent. 2. policies are shaped: (ici) sont créées. illustrate each of these values.

The Commonwealth
is all aroundthe world
GET READY! -’ W8p. 137

The Commonwealth family





Commonwealth countries around the world.

1. Look at the picture and react. Vocabulary 1357
Z.Where are most Commonwealth countries situated? ’p. 94
Je révise ou je mémorise
" third: le tiers
GO! WB p. 137
half: la moitié
" approximately:approximativement
B Alldifferent, "share: partager
but all together obe ruled by: être gouverné par
" at one time: à un moment
" one in three: un sur trois
"getting on for =approaching

’p. 95
La voix passive
Most of these countries were once ruled
from London.
Young people from all around the Commonwealth.

ll 1. What do you notice about the Commonwealth

countries in terms of size and population? SUM UP!
ull 2. What proportion of the world's population lives Together sum up what you have learnt
in Commonwealth countries?
today. Then write it in your copybook.
3. What dothe countries have in common?
88 eighty-eight
Privileged club of nations

AVisiting a member of the

1. Descibe who and what you see in
the pícture.
2.VJhat words could you use to
and the Queen?
the Nigerían women


Je révise ou je mémorise
"membership: adhésion
common values: valeurs communes

"join: intégrer
" promote: promouvoir
"become a member: devenir
"on an equal footing / equal status:
be bound by: être liépar
The Queen on a visit to Nigeria.

GO! ’WBp. 140 Phonolog

’p. 96
So what is the Commonwealth? L'accentuation des noms de pays
Australia Canada NewD Zealand
The Commonwealth is a voluntary association
of 53 independent countries. It is home to 2.2 billion
citizens and over 60 % of these are under the age of 30.
The Commonwealth includes some of the world's largest,
ll 1. What can we say about the age of
s smallest, richest and poorest countries, spanning' five Commonwealth citizens?
regions. Thirty-one of its members are small states,
many of them island nations. The Commonwealth's ll 2. How can we tell that the bigger states
guiding principles are in itscharter. Commonwealth cannot dominate the smaller ones?
policies are shaped² by member countries, who have an l 3. In what way is Rwanda different from
10 equal say on decisions affecting them. Commonwealth most other members?
organisations put these decisions and plans into action.
The modern Commonwealth began in 1949 and
included UK, Australia, Canada, South Africa, New
Zealand, Pakistan, India and Sri Lanka. Membership PREPARE YOUR FINAL TASKS
15 is based on free and equal voluntary cooperation for
the advancement of Commonwealth values. There ’ WB p. 142
are a number of Commonwealth countries that have Ingroups. se the website
no colonial roots to Britain including the newest ’ WEBLINK (27 to find out what values
member Rwanda (2009). the Young Commonwealth promotes. Try to find a picture on the Internet to
1.spanning: qui couvrent. 2. policies are shaped: (ici) sont créées. illustrate each of these values.


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