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Prep 2-2


Betty ______________ the window. It was raining very hard. It had __________ for three
days. Betty said, “I _________ the rain ___________ stop.”
Soon the rain _____________. Betty said, “I think my wish helped. But I should have
made my wish on the first day of the rain!”


Jim wanted ___________. He worked at a job _______________________. At last he had

money to get his skates.
A man helped Jim find skates __________________. Jim said, “Finding skates does not
take long. Getting the ______________ was the _________ part!” Jim was very happy.


Mrs. Jones could not walk. But she _____ work. She showed children _______ to play
the _________. She and the children ___________ and played.
When Mrs. Jones could not work, the children still came. __________ came to help the
woman who had helped them so much.


Bob _________ to make a _______________. “I do not need to read the steps,” said Bob. “I
know __________ make a toy boat.”
He put the boat into the water. ___________ it was _________ the water. Bob said, “I
should have read the steps before I made my boat.”


Pat liked to make things. She liked to _______________ her hands. She said, “Now I will
make a face.”
Pat worked and worked. Soon she had __________ a face. When it was __________, Pat
said, “This is a good face. This is my ________!” Pat was very ______________.


Mr. Cook wanted his house painted. He said, “I _______ _________ my friends to help.”
Many of Mr. Cook’s friends _____________ to paint his house. ____________ the house was
painted, Mr. Cook had a big party. His friends had fun at the party. Mr. Cook was happy to
have his house ____________.


One day, Mary’s pet bird got out of its _______. Mary could not find the bird. “Where
can my pet bird be?” asked Mary.
Then the bird ____________ to _________. The singing came from where the cage was.
__________ Mary saw the bird back in its cage, she ______________. “You have played a game with
me,” said Mary.

Prep 2-2

“Please ________ me a story,” said Ana. ________________ read her a story. It was about
“How did you like the story, Ana?” asked Grandfather. Ana did not tell him.
Grandfather looked at Ana and __________ to laugh. Ana was not talking __________. She was


Rick got a new bike for his _____________. He got on the bike and began to ride. Rick
called, “_________ me! I am going to ______!” Father did not let Rick fall.
Then Father showed Rick how to ride the bike. Soon Rick had fun riding his bike
____________________ the _____________.


Alma likes _____________. When she was a ____________ girl, she had many pets. She had
two rabbits, many fish, three birds, and a dog.
Now Alma works at a _______. The animals at the zoo are ____________ than the pets
Alma had. She likes them _________.


Don’s mother works in a store that _______ books. One day, Don went to the store.
He looked at the ___________ to find one he wanted.
“I want this book about _______________,” said Don. He was ______________. And he
__________ just what he was going to do when he got home.


Lin wanted to play ball. Dom said, “Can you go fast _________ you hit the ball?”
“_______ me try,” said Lin.
Lin ___________ to the T. He hit the ball. He hit it _________ a tree. Then he went
_________. “You can play,” said Dom.


Mary likes to dance and sing. She ___________ with other girls _________________. She
wants to be in shows.
Mary said, “I will ____________________. I know I can do it. I will ____________ hard too.”
Mary’s work and her wish will help her get what she _____________.


Mr. Long worked in the park. He cut the __________. He cut the trees too. “People like
to go to the park,” said Mr. Long. “So I must take _________________ of it for them.”
When some people came to the _________, they saw Mr. Long. They called to him,
“___________________.” That made Mr. Long __________ good.

Prep 2-2

Ann wanted to play a game. Jill wanted to look at TV. Ann said, “We can play a
__________ on my TV!”
Ann got the game _____________. Then the girls played. Jill ________ some games. Ann
won some games. They had a good time. And each girl ________ to do what she had
___________ to do!


Fred and Lee have ________. They __________ dogs for people. The people do not have
time to walk their ___________ dogs.
Fred and Lee think that their jobs are _______________ fun. Do you think that you
would like ___________________ job?


The baby was _____________. Jim went to help. He gave the baby ___________ food. She
did not __________ crying. Jim played with the baby, but she still cried.
Then Jim began to laugh. The baby began to _____________ too. Jim said, “Now I know
how to stop the ___________ from crying.”


Jane, Mother, and Father __________________. They rode their bikes _______ four days.
They went ________________________, up and down the _________.
They were all happy when they stopped. Jane said, “Let’s go on a boat
________________. Then we will not have to do all the work!”


“We are going to have fun,” said Father. “We are going ____________!” Tino was happy.
He liked going fishing with Father.
Father and Tino _______________ a boat. Then they went out on the water. Tino got five
fish. Tino __________, “_________ we come fishing again? I like ______________ fish.”


Maka went to the __________________ with Mother. Soon Maka got lost in the plants. “I
am _________,” called Maka. “How do I _____________?”
Mother went to get Maka. “I knew I would ___________ a plant,” said Mother. “But I
did not know I ____________ have to find you too.”


Mrs. Baker worked in her house. She made rings. People at ____________ gave her
______________ for the ____________.
“I ______________ make rings for other people,” said Mrs. Baker. “Now it is time to
make a ring ____________ for me.” And that is just what she did.

Prep 2-2

“Do not look!” said Mother. “I have something for you.” Ann wanted to see what
Mother was ____________.
“Now you can look,” said Mother. She ______________________ and Ann ___________. There
were the fish she had _____________. Mother had __________ Ann very happy.


Don goes to a school ________ the water. The school takes the children on a boat to
see whales.
One time a ____________ came near the __________. That was a very big surprise. Don
said, “I am happy to _______ the whale. But I did not ____________ to see the whale so near me!”


Yoko and her friends went to a ______________. “I see me!” called Yoko. “I look like a
ball. So do you.”
“I look very tall,” called Dom. “I _______________ a ____________. S-s-s-s-s-s.”
The children ________________ each other and laughed. They had a _____________________.


It was time for Betty to walk her dog, but it was raining. Betty did not want her dog
to ____________. So the dog __________ a __________ and _________ just like Betty’s _________ coat
and hat.
Betty and her dog looked funny as they walked in the rain. Betty said, “We may look
funny, but we are not the ones getting wet!”


Unit 1 did, how, piano, played, They

looked out, rained, wish, would, stopped
Unit 4
Unit 2 began, toy boat, how to, Soon, under
skates, after school, right away, money, hard
Unit 5
Unit 3 work with, made, done, face, pleased
Prep 2-2

hiding, stepped away, looked, wanted, made

Unit 6
will, ask, helped, After, painted Unit 23
near, whale, boat, see, need
Unit 7
cage, began, sing, When, laughed Unit 24
fun house, look like, snake, looked at, good
Unit 8 time
read, Grandfather, three little pigs, began, at
all Unit 25
get wet, wore, coat, hat, own
Unit 9
birthday, Catch, fall, up and down, street

Unit 10
animals, little, zoo, bigger, all

Unit 11
sells, books, airplanes, happy, knew

Unit 12
when, Let, went, over, fast

Unit 13
dances, every week, work hard, wish, wants

Unit 14
grass, good care, park, Thank you, feel

Unit 15
game, set up, won, got, wanted

Unit 16
jobs, walk, own, a lot of, this kind of

Unit 17
crying, some, stop, laugh, baby

Unit 18
went away, for, up and down, hills, next time

Unit 19
fishing, got into, asked, May, catching

Unit 20
plant store, lost, get out, find, would

Unit 21
stores, money, rings, always, just

Unit 22

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