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Prep 2-1


Carla and Father went to a park. The _______ had many rides. Carla and Father liked
the _________ best.
“_______________!” said Carla. “I will _______ you!” Carla bumped Father. Father bumped
Carla. They had a ______________.


“Will you help me?” asked Father. Father was painting the _________. Bill got some
paint and __________ Father.
When the house was __________, Father said, “Thank you for helping me. Here is a
surprise.” Father ________ Bill a ______ bike.


Ann goes to school on a bus. But Ann cannot walk on the bus. Ann cannot _______ at
all. So Ann gets on the bus ____________ way.
The bus opens for Ann. The man makes the _________ ______________. Then the bus
________ Ann up. What a ride Ann has!


Kenji went to the lake to skate. Kenji’s dog __________ to _________ too, so the dog
went to the _________.
“Go home, Cho,” said Kenji. “You cannot skate.” But Cho did not go home. She went
to skate. Cho _________ very ___________.


Tino had a ________. He could not ___________ of the house. “I _______ I had something
to do,” he said.
Father gave Tino a new book. It was about _____________. Tino said, “I like airplanes. I
will have fun ____________ this book.”


Mother ____________ the car. There was a cow in the _________. The cow would not get
___________ the road. Mother could not go home!
Then a __________ came. He took the cow back to his farm. Mother was ___________.
Now she could go home.


Tom got a __________ for Father. Tom put the watch in a __________ box. Next, he put
the little box in a big box. __________ he put the big ________ in a big, big box.
“Father will be _____________,” said Tom. “Father will have to open each box to get to
the watch!”

Prep 2-1

Betty got a new pet. It was a _________ rabbit. Betty got a __________ for the rabbit. She
gave the rabbit food and __________.
“I want my ________ to be here a long time,” said Betty. “I will be good to it.” The
___________ was happy at Betty’s house. And Betty was happy with her pet.


Rick wanted to eat _____________. Mother wanted to eat, too. Mother said, “We can
make something good. I know you will like it.”
Rick and Mother talked. Then they ____________. When the food was _________, they
_____________ to _______. They had a good time.


Nancy put on her father’s big hat. She put on one of her mother’s ______, old tops.
Then she ____________ her face.
Soon her mother and father ________ _________. When they saw Nancy, they said, “You
do not _______________ Nancy. You look funny!”


Father works on a big __________. Father asked Don if he wanted to go for a ________ in
the truck. Don said, “Yes!”
Father and Don ____________ into the truck. Then they went for a ride. Father talked to
Don about _________ things. Don was very ___________.


Pat had a birthday party. The party was not in her house. The _____________ had to
ride in a ________ to go to Pat’s party.
At the party, the children hit balls and walked. Then they _______ more balls and
walked. The children did a lot of ____________, but they had ____________ fun too.


Mrs. Smith ________ the children a story. The story was about Mrs. Smith when she
was a little girl. She told them how she went to school on a horse.
The children __________ the story. They __________ that they could ride to ___________ on
a ___________, too.


Bob got a _______. “I am going to fly my kite,” he said. Bob went to the park with his
kite. He made the kite fly. The kite _____________ and up. Then it went down.
The kite went ________________ down to the ___________. Bob said, “I will make the kite
fly _______________.” And he did!


Maria and Mother looked at what they had made. “This looks __________,” said Maria.
Prep 2-1

“We will put this in the ____________,” said Mother. “Then all the _____________ can see
what we made. They can see this funny _________.” And that is just what they did.


Bill likes to run _____________. He runs in the ____________ before school. When he runs,
he has to _____________ for cars. He looks each way ___________ he goes into the ___________.
Bill does not run fast. But he runs for a long time. Do you like running, too?


Jill likes to ________. She went to a store that has books. She looked and looked at
________ of _________.
“This is the book I _________.” said Jill. “A man in this book is looking for someone. I
want to ____________ who the man is looking for.” It did not take Jill long to find out!

Fred saw Mother with two ____________ of food. “I will help you,” said Fred. “You did a
lot of ____________!”
Mother said, “I _________ every day. I cannot shop every day. Now the shopping is
done.” Fred __________ Mother ____________ the food.


Betty came home from school. She ______ Mother at the door. “This is a bad day for
me,” said Betty. “I ________ a ring and a book. And now I have lost my glasses.”
“You lost a ________ and a book, but you have not lost the ____________,” said Mother.
She ___________ Betty where the glasses were!


“Will the ride be ________?” asked Dom. He did not like __________.
“This will be a fast ride,” said Carlos.
When it was time, Dom did not want to ______________ the train. He wanted a long
_________. Dom liked trains _______________.


It was night. Ann wanted to see the stars. She liked to look at the pictures the stars
_________ in the _________________.
Ann said, “I have something to help me see the stars. This makes me happy.” Ann
looked at the __________ for a long, ___________ _________.


“I must get __________,” said Bob. So Bob went to a __________ to _______ the glasses.
A man ___________ Bob the glasses. Bob put them on. “I like the glasses,” said Bob. “I
like the way I look. I like the _________ I can see!”

Prep 2-1

The rain had stopped. But the rain had made a big tree ________________. Yoko saw the
_______________ in the road. Then she saw a car coming.
Yoko said, “I must stop the car.” She _____________ the road and called to the driver.
The __________ stopped the car. It did not _______ the tree.


It was Tom’s _______________. His mother __________ him to a store. She said to Tom,
“You may have the ________ you told me you ______________ for your birthday.”
Tom looked at many bats. Then he saw the bat he wanted. Tom _________, “This is the
bat I want. Thank you!”


Mary’s mother and father were ______________ a __________. Mary told her mother and
father to have a good time.
Father said, “We will have a ____________________, and so will you. You are going, too.
Surprise!” Mary was _______________ and happy. She had a good time ____ the show.

Unit 3
Unit 1 walk, another, steps, go away, takes
park, car ride, Watch out, bump, good time
Unit 4
Unit 2 wanted, skate, lake, looked, funny
house, helped, painted, gave, new
Prep 2-1

Unit 5
cold, go out, wish, airplanes, reading Unit 22
glasses, store, get, showed, way
Unit 6
stopped, road, out of, farmer, happy Unit 23
fall down, big tree, ran up, driver, hit
Unit 7
watch, little, Then, box, surprised Unit 24
birthday, took, bat, wanted, said
Unit 8
white, cage, water, pet, rabbit Unit 25
going to, show, good time, surprised, at
Unit 9
something, cooked, done, sat down, eat

Unit 10
big, made up, came, home, look like

Unit 11
truck, ride, went up, many, happy

Unit 12
children, car, hit, walking, a lot of

Unit 13
told, liked, wished, school, horse

Unit 14
kite, went up, all the way, grass, some more

Unit 15
funny, window, Then, people, face

Unit 16
every day, morning, look out, before, street

Unit 17
read, many, them, want, find out

Unit 18
bags of, shopping, work, helped, put away

Unit 19
saw, lost, ring, glasses, showed

Unit 20
long, trains, get off, ride, after all

Unit 21
made, night sky, stars, long, time

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