Mylabs - Closing Automatically Prod. Order Fully Completed - DDF - V1.0

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DDF – Closing Auto. Prod.

Order fully

Closing Automatically Prod. Orders fully completed

Description Closing automatically prod. orders fully completed
Version 1.0 April 1st, 2014
Scope myLabs
Author Elsa Santos
File Name CLO – Closing automatically prod. orders fully completed - DDF –
Document Control
Version Date Updated by Description
1.0 01-04-2014 Elsa Santos Original version.

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Changes to be done
The goal of this development is close all the production order fully completed automatically.
Fully completed means:
 Finished Qty = Quantity
 All the items to be consumed are consumed

Functional Change 1
Create a report or codeunit to be triggered via NAS and trigger by the user if needed.
This is to be done automatically on a daily basis.
This report should look to each production order and check the following:
1. On the Prod. Order Line check per line if the Qty = Finished Quantity

a. IF no: Skip
b. IF Yes: Do Step 2
2. Check the Prod. Order Component, to all the component, Remaining Qty. = 0

a. IF no: Skip
b. IF Yes: Do step 3.
Remark: If the production Order have more than one item, all the lines must accomplish the above
3. Change the production Order Status:

Use the standard function: Actions > Functions > Change Status

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The options must be as follow:

New Status: Finished

Posting Date: Current Day
Update Unit Cost: No
Push: Yes

When done manually the system pop’s up a message,

This should not pop’s up, when trigger trough this functionality.

Warning: In order to sort out who is closing the production order, is highly advice to setup table
5405 (Production Order) on Change log, field status.
After this functionality is finished, Update Unit Cost functionality should be triggered.

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Test to be done

Acção Resultado Esperado Estado

Production order able to be close
1 Finished Qty = Qty
All the component are consumed

Production order not able to be

Finished Qty = 0
All the component are consumed

Production order not able to be

Finished Qty = Qty
Not all the component are consumed

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