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2nd Edition

Dqvid Spencer
English Arumusln rini Anrnnhcxrfi ngulx
Student's book O6ynul6 yqe6xnx

Xannu 6iniu 6eperin uerrenri4
xaparbmbtcraHy-MareMaruKanbt( 6arurrarul
10-cslnsr6una apHanraH ol6ynbtt1
education (aaa4cran Pecny6flhxacbtHur4 6iniu xaHe fbtnbtM
MnHt4crpniri 6eriTKeH
Science qnd Studying at university ) Unusual degrees Present simple, present Organisation:
scienfific Life at university Effective time
continuous and Managing study
phenomeno present habits time
do and make
Study helpline Present pertect simple
An informal email
p6 and present perfect

El G"rrnds and
infinitives - 1

Noturol Work conditions and ) Working life Past simple and past The world of work:
Disosters responsibilities
What do youwant
continuous Evaluating jobs
Nine to five Working life from work?
p18 *n r""rhabits
Phrasal verbs An opinion essay
Past perfect simple and
connected with work
past perfect continuous

Virfuol reolity Words connected ) A journey into Future forms The world around
On the move with transport and the future you: Investigating
p32 travel
Food miles: The El Fr,ur" food miles
journey, travel, trip, continuous, future
great debate
perfect simple
A story and future perfect
Prefixes continuous

Orgonic ond Persona lity adjectives ) The incredible Comparative and Learning to learn:
non-orgonic rise of Dynamo superlative adjectives Learning about
Noun suffixes
and adverbs intelligence
worlds The theory
of multiple -r!'
Extroordinory El o.t''"r ways of
tolents making comparisons
P44 ,An article
so, such, too, enough

Reoding for Buying and selling ) Money: A brief Modal verbs of Money and
pleosure history obl igation, proh ibition finance: Avoiding
Money and banking
Money and advice - present debt
The dangers of
Phrasal verbs
motlers debt
connected with ftf ru"aal verbs
p58 money and shopping A formal letter/ of obligation,
email prohibition and
advice - past
Modal verbs of
speculation and
deduction - past,
present and future
) Revising for exams ) Giving personal ) An informal email Reading : Matching activities
information - preferences replying to a request for
Effective time management Writing: Transactional tasks
Talking about university
Giving personal information
degrees A time management plan

) A gap year ) Negotiating and F An opinion essay - 1 Listening: Matching people

collaborating - 1 and statements
Job satisfaction A job fact file
Talking about dream jobs Speaking: Negotiating and
Answering questions collaborating

) The future of drones ) Talking about ) A story Reading: Missing sentences

photos - 1 activities
Food miles A presentation about
Talking about transport food miles Writing: Stories
Comparing photos
Making predictions

) Hidden talent ) Presentations - 1 ts An article - 1 ' Use of English: Word

Study tips Talking about illusionists formation cloze activities
Study tips and activities
Giving a presentation Giving explanations Speaking: Giving

) Bitcoins ) Talking about F A formal letter/email of

fr4Af.ibtPCv AvblJTbl
photos - 2 complaint
Planning a budget I sdESRtfi oiqAh$n'd 8880t
Talking about money I " c.r ABI"}AcoB
Talking about photos A monthly budget i oi?${$UrH:
I' ATbihtnAf b.t )r(AI'!flbl 61fi lr''t
Discussing bitcoins 6EPEl"lH Ci-'TA iviEKTEfl'

Life skills
Copobilities Parts of the body ) Health news Zero, first and second Physical
of human Words connected Nutrition and
conditionals well-being:
broin with health teenagers in the unless, as long as,
Heolthy living ldioms connected
UK: Survey results provided/providing
p7o (that), in case
with health and illness A for-and-against
essay Third conditional

16 t wish/tf onty

Breokthrough Music and film ) Aloe Blacc: Reported speech - Autonomy and
technologies Media habits
lf songwriters statements enterprise:
can't afford to Bringing ideas
Creotive crfs Reported speech -
Compound nouns make music then to life
p84 and adjectives questions
who will?
Reported speech -
other reporting verbs

A review 6 n"ported speech

- other reporting

Spoce X Natural disasters ) Tsunamil A21't The passive Citizenship:

Surviving disaster Words connected
century survival Helping a charity
The passive - verbs
p96 with natural disasters
with two objects
How we treat Ebola
,Prepositional phrases (f,fn. passive with
with verbs An opinion essay
say, know, believe,

Everyday technology )GenZ:A Relative clauses ICT: Using

Independent generation of technology
Verbs connected with
'i6 G"rrnds and
project technology for study
infinitives - 2
Digitol world Phrasal verbs
Students and
pl l0 connected with
technology and A report

News sections ) News 24/7 Future activities in the Critical thinking:

News headlines past Analysing news
News analysis:
News feed stories
A guide Mixed conditionals
p122 Collocations
connected with the An article
B ,nr,rect questions
Ouestion tags

g unit-by-unit wordtist p136 rrregurar verbs p143 gExam success p144

Macmillan Readers (eBook)
) ts A for-and-against essaY Use of English: Sentence
) Teenagers and sPort Negotiating and
transformation activities
collaborating - 2 A healthy eating camPaign
Good nutrition
Talking about health Writing: For-and-against
Negotiating and opinion essays
Discussing sports

) ts A review Speaking: Discussions

) Superfans Discussions - 1

Talking about music A crowdfunding camPaign Writing: Reviews

A crowdfunding camPaign
Discussing a newsPaPer Discussing superfans

) Talking about statistics F An opinion essaY - 2 Reading: Multipledroice

)The tsunami survivor
who is an examPle to Talking about natural An information Poster
us all disasters Listening: True/False
Donating money to charitY Comparing ideas

) F A report Use of English: Cloze

) Solving problems Discussions - 2
Using technology for Talking about the use of A plan for using technologY
technology Writing: Reports
school work
Mobile phones in class Problems with technologY

) F An article - 2 Reading: True/False

) Was the mYstery artist Presentations - 2
Bootsy? Describing headlines A report
Listen i ng : M u ltipledrc*-
A media debate Discussing the media aclivities
Giving a presentation

CEF Progress checks p148 writins bank p150 communication activities p158

Sludying ql universily Life ol universily

I o $PHf;llt6r Work with a paftner.
these subjects do you know?
How many of 5 Complete the sentences with words a_g.
1 some people don't want to study in their country. They
architecture . business studies , dentistry
to study ...
engineering * geology = law n medicine 2 At university it,s usually easy to make new ...
nursing . philosophy . politics 3 When you live away from home, you become
psychology . sociology more ...
4 students who don't rive at home often rive in
a hat of ...
veterinary medicine
5 lf you haven't got enough money to pay
for your studies you
can apply for a student ...
Ib What other university subjects can you 6 At university, there are lots of clubs that organise
think of? Make a list.- extracurricular ...
7 Universities have gyms, libraries, language
centres and
lc Which of the subjects in 1a and 1b other ...
interest you?
a abroad e independent
2 Wor\ b activities f
yit! partner. Read parr of friends
an email and decide if the words in red c residence g facilities
are nouns or verbs. What do you think d loan
they mean?

Most of the students I've met so far are

undergraduates. But there are others who,ve
already graduated and are studying to get
second degree or a master,s. On my course
I have about 12 hours of lectures
a week and
I attend a couple of tutorials, too.
the term, there's continuous assessment
our coursework and assignments _ my tutor
gives me a grade or mark for each piece 6o Complete the questions with the
of words a_g in S.
work. There are usually exams too, so,
of course,
I need to keep my notes up_to_date
and revise.
1 Do you do any extracurricular ?
In some cases, if you fail an exam, you
it. But don't worry, that won,t happen
can resit 2 What special for students are there in
to me _ l,m
sure l'll passll What about you? How is life going your school?
at your university?
3 Do you find it easy to make new ?

Now use a dictionary to check any 4 Have you become more

in the way you
words in 2 that you lre not sure Jbout. study? How?
When using a dictionary remember that
many English words have more than one 5 Would you like to study . , in the UK or the
meaning and can have more than one US, for example?
form (e.g. they can be a noun and averb).
6 Would you prefer to live at home or in a
hall of
I Ot Listen to the vocabulary 7 ls it easy to get a student.........
....... In your country if
quiz. Answer the eight questions with you don't have enough money to study?
words from 1 and 2.
6b sPilKl{s Use the questions to interview your
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You are here: Home > Forums > Uni courses

- I'm having a brilliant time at uni at the moment.
The only problem is that t'm-not studying a typical
subject like engineering or business studies. l'm
doing baking technology management. Some
people think that all I do is bake bread and cakes. But there is a
lot more to it than that, lt's true that on Wednesdays and Fridays
we always do practical assignments, but on the other days we
do essays and exam preparation like everybody else, There's
another thing that {rives ng Tqq. People are forever asking me
to make them their favourite cake!
ffi Work with a partner. Do you think you
can study the things above at university? Why/
Why not?
My first degree course wasn't very unusual. I did
sociology. But now I'm in the middle of a master's
REA0lllS Read the comments (a-e) from an Internet
course entitled 'The Beatles, Popular music and
forum and match them to pictures 1-5. Society'. When I tell people, usually they'll start
c singing an old Beatles tune. Then they'll ask me why I'm wasting
my time studying pop music, I don't see why they think it's
OK to study classical music or literature but not the music and
words of a group that changed the modern wodd. Anyway, what
somebody studies is always a very personalchoice.
In reading activities where you match questions with
texts, remember that the words in the question may
not be exactly the same in the text.
> I'm doing a degree that's relatively new, Digital and
Social Media. People think that I spend all day on
social media networks. Of course, I enjoy using
Match the people (a-e) with the questions below. social media, but the degree goes into the whole
area in g-rgal qqplh. We even study things like the phibsophbal
Which person ... and ethicatirytpli_c_etlons of social media. But for me the best thing
t is excited about going to a particular about the course is that it's very h_qnQq-_o_n, For example, we get
12 weeks of work experience in a digital agency. Maybe that's
place for their course? 1 .. .
why 91 % of students who study this course find a job as soon as
is confident about their future thanks they graduate.
to their course?
thinks it! as valid to study modern
culture as older culture? You guys have it easy! People never stop asking
believes that people think their subject me where my helmet is when I tellthem that I'm
is all practice and no theory? doing Viking studies. I suppose that it does seem
a strange thing to study, but I've always been
thinks other people would like to
fascinated by the Vikings. That's why I decided to _sp-e-c_idise.
study their course? People usually think that, because it's so specialised, there
clearly prefers the practical side of isn't much to do. lt's just the opposite! We study Scandinavian
their course? languages, and learn about contemporary Danish and lcelandic
culture. Undergraduates spend their third year in a Scandinavian
university, which I'm looking fonryard to. And no, we don't need
to wear Viking helmets when we're there.

People are usually really jealous when I tell them

that I'm studying surf science and technology. lt's
only a two-year course, but we do a whole variety
What do the underlined words in the text mean? - of subjects, includlng the history of surfing, sporls
Guess and ttren ahdL in your dictionary. psychology, and practicalwork dreatinrg a dynamic surfboard.
What I really like about the course are the other students. We
all share the same passion for , so it means we all get on
ffi what about you? really well and work together as
Which of these subjects would you most like to study? Why?
4o Complete the dialogue,s with the present simple
or present continuous form of these verbs.

lo Look at the verbs in these sentences and

name the tenses.
1 On Wednesdays and Fridays we always do 1A: What's the matter?
practica I assignments. B: It's my brother. He .............,....,. music loud.
2 l'm having a brilliant time at the moment. 2A: Why isn't your sister here?
3 People study better when they,re interested B; She's at the Language Academy. She
the subject. Italian on Wednesdays.
4 People are forever asking me to make them a 3A: You're angry with me, aren't you?
cake. B: Yes, I am. You your dirty plates
5 They think that there isn,t much to do. on the table.
4 A: Why don't you like this W presenter?
I b Read the explanations and match them with B: He the same things.
the sentences in 1a.
5 A: Are you coming on the trip on Saturday?
a We use the present simple for routines and
B: I can't. | ........ ..... .. the junior basketball
habits. team and there are matches every Saturday.
b We use the present simple for things that are
generally or always true. .................... 4b '
Work-with a partnen practise saying the
dialogues using the correct word stress-.
c We use the present simple, not the piesent
cbntinuous, for verbs that describe states and
5 .ffiffi ralk about things people do that annoy you.
situations, not actions. ....................

We use the present continuous for actions

that are happening at or around the moment of
We can use the present continuous with always,
6o Match sentences 14 with the explanations of
their uses a-d.
constantly, continually or foreverfor habits that
annoy or irritate us. ....................
1 We've been here for four weeks.
2 l've met lots of interesting people.
3 l've just realised something.
4 l've made a timetable. lt,s on my wall.
2 Choose the correqt alternative.
1 Thanks to you, l a An action which started in the past and continues
now. in the present
2 The Moon goeslis gorn-o round the Earth.
b An action that happened at an unspecified
3 Listen! Somebody comes/is coming. moment in the past
4 Temperatures getlare _qefting higher each year. c A past action which has a result in the present
5 My brother to the d An action which finished very recently
university, but this week he goeslis going by bus.
6 D? vou wear/Are vou wearing a uniform at your 6b Look at these seritences. Which is present
school? perfgct simple and which is present perfect
7 | don't agree/am not agreeing that it,s better to continuous? How do we form these ienses?
study at home. 1 l've been studying here for a month.
8 That course sounds/is soundrng really interesting. 2 l've joined three clubs.
3E € oe Listen to the sentences and mark 6c Which tense gives more importance to ...
the word which the speaker stresses most.
1 the completion and result of an action?
1 They're constantly arriving late.'
2 the process and duration of an action?
2 You're always saying that.
3 how many times an action happens?
3 She's forever complaining.
4 an action that is incomplete or has finished
4 He's continually talking about footbalt. recently?

3b Prastise saying the sentences with the stress on

the correct words.
7 SfffiffiE Work with a pa*ner. These words d$ and srrake
often go with the present per-fect simple
or present perfect continuous. Talk about Look at these words. Do they usually go with do or with
l why and how we use the words.
1 for 5 just
make? Make two lists.

2 since 6 already acaKe'a course - a decision an assignment

3 ever 7 yet
an exam a noise chores friends , homework
the dinner the shopping the washing well
4 never

Complete the rules with do or make.

8 Rewrite the sentences using the correct
tense. Correct the words in bold. 1 .......... with work at school or university.
We usually use
1 She's been failing six exams.
2 We usually use .. with work around the house.
2 l've lived here for 2012.
3 We've been to that city in 2008.
3 We usually use . with things we produce, create or

4 l've done this assignment for two weeks, construct.

but I haven't finished yet. 4 We usually use . when we talk about activities in
5 My friend has been having an accident. generar.
6 That artist has been painting more than a
hundred paintings. 5 We use . with these words: a mistake, a decision,
7 They've been revising for that exam since a noise, friends, an appointment, an effort, an excuse,
five hours. money, progress, a phone call, a plan, a promise, an offer,
8 Oh no! My keys and my wallet! | lost them. a suggestion.
9 | haven't been doing this exercise yet.
6 We use . with these words: your best, a favour,
10 l've waited here for a bus for 20 minutes.
business, sport, your hair.

3 Complete the text with the correct form of do or make.

Last year a good university (a) my brother an offer
to study electronic engineering there. He (b) ... the
decision to accept their offer. He has to (c) a lot of
work, but his tutors say that he (d) very well at the
moment and that he (e) .. a lot of progress. He has to
(f) a lot of theoretical exercises, but he also has to
{gi practical assignments. Right now, for example,
they {h} a simple computer from old parts. The only
problem is that my brother is becoming unhealthy because he
never has time to (i) .. sports and he always eats out
because he doesn't have time to (j) the shopping
or (k) ..... lunch or dinner. My mum says he needs to
9o Complete the questions with the present tl) an effort to (m) .. those simple chores,
perfect simple or present perfect
but I understand that it's hard. There isn't time to (n)
1 How long have you ...?
2 How long have you been ...? 4o Choose three expressions with do and three with make.
3 Have you ever ...? Use the expressions to write questions to ask other
4 How many times have you ...? people in your class.
5 What have you been ...? What da yaw tl4Lnk t: tht v'/ay ta vnake nrw fv,"ends?
6 Have you just...? Hcw da yaw feel whevt" yau vvrakz ywi:takns speakLng EnaLi:Lt?
Wlut clu.rce wawld Vaw LLkz to da at wwversLtV?
9b SPtAKll{G Interview your partner with the
completed questions. Tell the class one 4b SPEAKlllG Interview as many people as possible with your
interesting thing you found out about questions.
your partner. '

.-1,::il:... .,
r To think about how you manage your
distract [v/distraction [nJ: Ine bievision rrrM
study time.
a arctraction while you,re studyile;
I To learn some tips for saving time when put it olf ,Lntit
qrt-o1!v phrl: Oi it today,
you're studying. !:r',room and disturb.tomorrowiiii,iru rrl, prr!r"'don,t come to --
27ncin_trat". a""iti; F*
me.. r need to
I To plan your study time for the next few
weeks. !: !::1'::?-ro-':l'..:*'s:ryi
can hand
i; i;;;;;'" priortise lvl: We need ti t"ri ;"
il-. r",, dav vou
ao evetythtng in arder of importance.
lq Read the statements in the quiz. Decide
true each one is for you _ very true (VT), quite 2 SPH(W' Work with a partner. Look
at these
true (41 or not true (Nq. headings from a study guide about
management. what advice wiil each"ir".tJtr"
section give?
w- A Don't keep putting things off until later
or\ B Start small and easy
F n| C Enjoy more free timel
D Use a timetable, study planner or diary
E Work backwards from deadlines
I sometimes arrive late to
F Watch out for distractions
class. G Expect the unexpected
l'm not very sure what
lessons I have each day. 3 REA0tt{G Read the text
and match each
heading with the correct section.
I often have to finish
assignments quickly at the
last minute.
I sometimes hand in
work late.
I sometimes forget to hand
in homework or assignments.
T?ris is
essentiai. Students are busy people.
Itake a long time to Thgre are always lessons to go tq homework
get myself ready to do and assignments to do, and exams and tests
homework or assignments. prepare for. The only way you can remember
that is by having it written-down somewhere.
l'm quite easily distracted Writ,
down everythingyou need to do as soon as you
when l'm studying or doing find
out about it and make sure you check it at the
homework. ,trrt
end ofeach day. "rra
I don't have much time to t?.y
people find that the most difficult part
relax from schoolwork. of
doing an assignment, homework or revision
getting started. And so they suddenly f,nd
for not beginning. They,,uud to check their
I b ,$PRKflF.
Work with a partner. Are your answers emails
seeif they have any text messages, prepare a
similar? Read the key below and then discuss. hot drink ... Decide on a specific-time to start and
finish the work you need to do, and stick t" th"ru
times. Remembel the sooneryou start, the
earlieryou nnist.
Sometirnes a piece of work seems so long
b. and difflcult that we don't know
where to begin. But remember
the Chinese saying: ,The longest
joumey begins with just one
step.' So start small. Break a
big task into
smaller pieces.
Another trick can be to do
the easiest part of the task
first. This can encourage
you to continue.
4 Read the text again and answer these questions.
1 Why does the author recommend using a diary
timetable or study planner?
2 What the advantage of starting work on time?
3 Why is it useful to 'start small'?
4 What things does the author mention that can
distract you from your work?
5 ls it fair to blame the bus or broken technology for
not handing work in on time?
6 How do you 'work backwards from deadlines'?

for about? advice
\? @ ol Watch or listen again. Make notes of
Deana's tips to the students about their
\r- time management.

: .)..::
::: .

. .- :".;
Don't let yourself get distracted and be
particularly careful with technology. It may be Sam
OK to check your phone for urgent messages
once or twice. But using social media networks
is bound to keep you from your work. No
excuses - there's a time to studv. and another
time to check out your friends' latest posts or a new Bea
vral video. Also, ask your family politely not to disturb you
between specific times.
If you go to school by bus, remember that the
bus can sometimes be late. If you need to use
a computer or printer for an assignment, have $PfAKil0 Work with a partner. Which of the ideas
a plan B if the technology breaks down, What in the video/listening do you ...
you can't do is blame the bus five times a week, 1 do already?
or spend a week making the excuse that you
couldn't print out your homework. 2 think aie a good idea to try out?

When you know the deadline for handing in a

piece of work, calculate how long you need
to do it. Remember to include any reading
ite or research. Decide if you need to do a draft
version flrst. Finally, decide how long you need
to write up your finai version. Calculate the
total time you need and, with your diary check
when you think you can fit the work in. With all of that You want to manage your time better.
information, decide when you need to start in order to finish Follow this plan:
,os before the deadline.
1 Make a list of allthe schoolwork that you know
The good news is that when you use efficient you have to do in the next few weeks, plus the
time management strategies, you shouid flnish deadline for each piece of work.
work earlier and have more time to relax!
2 Work backwards from the deadline dates and
decide when you should start each piece of
3 Write a plan'for the next few weeks. Mark the
work which is most urgent in one coloun and

So4urJo,1 zdL' SoP4or^bor 4

the work that can wait in another.
Now make srgns with the five most useful tps
ossoY for you to manage your study time better. Keep
- {inish hs'k:r'1
them with you or in your room and make sure
- rovi<tw scurlc-o ^']os you follow the advice.

- lerrn Ln",lish voebulorY

IltFp' .Hro o brer'lt!
.t. -_-_ -,
gerunds ond infinitives -I
I Match statements 1-10 in Listening
exercise 1 with these rules.
We use the gerund
a as the subjecVobject of a sentence. 1

b with go to talk about physical

sPEAKltls work with a partnen Look
at thes*e'statements made c
by students about.rev,ising for exams. which ones do you after prepositions.
think are a good idea? d after verbs of liking or disliking
1 Reading your notes again and again is useful.
(except when the verb goes with
would, e.g. would like, would
2 lt's good to revise with other students.
3 | always go to the library to revise. e after certain verbs like admit, avoid,
4 | revise by reading my notes and then asking
somebody to test me. consider, involve, ris( suggest.
5 | can't stand revising so I reave all my revision
to the last week
before the exams. We use the infinitive
6 | feel stressed when I revise so I go running or swimming
f to explain why somebody does
regularly something.
to help me relax.
7 My revision strategy involves drinking lots of coffee
g immediately after adjectives.
and going to
bed late. h after too, enough, the first, the /ast.
8 | always need to take a break after 45 or 50
minutes of study.
i after certain verbs like agree,
appear, arrange, ask, decide,
9 The last thing I do before the real exam is do a practice
exam. expect, forget, help, learn, manage,
10 | avoid revising everything. I just revise some of the need, promise, try, want.
topics and
hope they come up in the exam.

@ oa Listen to two teenagers talking about revision.

which three ideas in 1 does the 5oy mentiJni Has he
prepared well for the exam or notf

@ OAListen again and choose the best answer.

1 Last night the boy ...
a didn't sleep at all.
b didn't sleep much. .
c slept badly because of nerves.
The students found out about the exam ...
a four weeks ago.
b yesterday.
c four days ago.
On Fridays the boy ...
a goes out.
b does sport.
c revises.
The boy...
a doesn't understand all the exam tooics.
b doesn't like some of the exam topics.
c hasn't got notes for all the topics.
The boy thinks he isn't going to pass the exam as ...
a he needs to answer all the questions.
b he's studied the wrong topics.
c he's studied last year,s exam.
4 SPHKll,lG What about you?
1 Have you ever had a bad experience in a test
happened? Was it because you didn,t prepare?
or exam? what j -' --*T

2 What is your top tip for doing well in exams? Why?
Flipped classroom: watch *t. ;
presentation video. lil
l: Choose the correct alternative. 3 We arranged to meet in the library.
4 My friends appeared finding the exam easy.
rg 5 I was huppy because I managed passing the
exam with 90%.
6 Please promise not to cheat again!
7 You risk to fail if you don't start studying soon.
.. - =::--az-rg',a) thinkinq/to think how much revision we do 8 Have you ever considered to study another
..-.= ''.': re at school or university. The problem is that language?
- ': r::i'n/fn rotti<o aan arrrinlzlri honn-o 1-'^"i-- nnA -.
.. . -::-::-ant ;e: usinq/to use a variety of different revision 4 Complete this exarr advice with the gerund
-:::.:--:_ies for idi keepinqkeep revision as effective as possible. or infinitive fornn of the verbs given.
-:.:==: of le; doinq/to do the
+1-i-^^ 1-
^-i Inlngs,
::::-= l-C nefe afe 1 Plan your time at the start to make sure that
r;.-: .*:Jsual techniques that you have enough time (finish)
--: :-'- ',vork for vou. the exam.
. Leaumq/ tO leave 2 (Start) the exam before you
rel'ision cards ali around have read all the questions can be a bad idea.
-.-:ur house can help
checkinq/to check 3 We suggest (take) more than
'j vnr've learnt. put
.',.*.-/ one pen or pencil to the exam.
:ards in the bathroom, 4 Don't write too fast or carelessly to avoid
zitnhon lirrino room ...
-fhe ..... (create) a bad impression.
rv9lJ vvfruru. rr idea
le +1rn+
-s LilaL you can revlse 5 Think about (leave) yourself
and learn something time . ...... ... (check) your work at
oven urhen \/orr oo to thoLV LIf!
the end.
kitchen cupboard th) qettina/to aet a biscuit! But remember
that it's essential (iJ hauinq/to have a real break from time
6 Check that you know how many questions you
to time. need (complete) because
sometimes not all questions are obligatory.
Most people enjoy (jJ sinqinq/to sinq, even if they don't
aLLLro.rrJ ^i^^ -,^*.
-^+.,^11,, rrrr6 vcry Well SOme exnFr*^ -rr--^-+ ,1,",
L5 SuBBeuL ^:-^^:nn/
tn/ St/tql,.:,, 7Try (answer) all the questions
sinq your revision notes to the tune of a song that you iike. that are obligatory.
v^,, --- Slng
YOU Can ^;^^-,^,,-
yOUr notes
all day long, even when S* Work with a partner. Complete these
you walk to school, go questions with the gerund or infinitive form
tlJ cvclinq/to cvcle. or do of qn appropriate verb.
snort Basjr-ellv music

appears (rn) helpina/

1 Do you enjoy in the evening?

I to hcln r:s
more. But don't forget
(n) keepinq/to keep your
to remember 2 When you sleep, do you ever dream of

voice down in the exam

3 Have you ever thought of .. .... ... . .......... .?

when you're singing 4 difficult

Do you find it ?
your notes to yourselfl 5 Have you ever considered . ....... ..........?
And r"hpr-lr th:t nennlo
lrr ,,^,,-
J v ul rclllrry
f--;r,, \,t\Jl
,^r't 6 Do you think that you are brave enough
mind (o) listeninq/to ' .... ?
rroLcr( tn jvu r rsvrDtIIS .t
rorricih - aL
lictp]T Lv rrnr 7 Would you like to be the first person
home a1l weekend!
. .. ....?

8 Are you interested in .... . . ...... ......... .?

2b Work with a partner. Would you use either of
9 At the weekend, do you ever go
these techniques? Why/Why not?
.. ... .?

3 ls the garund or infinitive used corrsqtly in each 10 Next year do you want ........ ?

sentence? lf not, rewrite it.

Sb SPEAKII{G Interview other students using your
1 l've been studying hard so I expect passing the exam. questions. Tell the class some of the things
2 She suggested to study together that evening. you discovered.
Giving petsonql informotion -
Expressing preferences
I R9a-dquestions 1-6 and match each one with one prefer
of the categories a-d. I I prefer to work alone.
1 What do you like about the place where you live? I I prefer revising alone.
2 what would you like to do when you finish studying I I prefer studying alone to studying with other
at school? people.
3 Are you happier studying alone or with other would prefer
I l'd prefer to be a translator (than a musician).
4 what things do you enjoy doing with your friends? r l'd prefer not to study music.
5 Do you like going to parties?
would rather
6 Are you happier doing mental or physical work? t l'd rather live,frr a big city.
a your home and family r l'd rather not live in a small town.
b your interests I l'd rather study than work.
c your studies/work
d your plans for the future
6 Put the verbs in the correqt form.

(play) football to
(do) homework.

2 rather (go) bv bus than

l'd ;.,*,.
She'd prefer (not stay) in at the

I. 4 She prefers.. . . .. (write) essays by hand.
5 He d rath"' (write) a project than
ilfi f+g
(;;; ;;
6 erefer
l'd il
2 tl$fEflt}fs'€ os Listen
to six students answering the
questions in 1. Match each student to one oT the 7q ffiSffi Work with a partnen Ask and answer
questions. the questiong. Remember to give reasons and
personal details and to use eipressions from
StudentA... StudentD..
the Speaking bank.
Student B ... .. Student A: Ask these questions.
Student E . .... .

1 Which subject(s) do you prefer studying?

Student C ... .. Student F . .
2 Would you rather study at home or in a library?
3€ os Listen again. Does each student give a 3 Would you like to have an end-of_year school trip
reason or any personal details to suppoft their this year or would you prefer to go somewhere
answer? ls it a good idea to give .easons and/or with your family?
personal details? Why/Vtlhy nota Student B: Ask these questions.
1 Would you prefer to study in your country or
4 ffi work with a partner. Take it in turns to ask abroad?
and answer the questions in l. Remember to give 2 Do you prefer studying with books or using a
reasons and personal details. computer?
3 Would you rather have a school uniform or wear
5 Look at the different ways of expressing what you like?
preferences in the Speaklng bank and tfren do
exercise 6.
7b Change paftners and repeat.
An informol email replying fo s requesi for informqtion


I Read this email from a British girl

called Amy to a friend who lives in
lbl1r. UnCgdln-e the four main pieces of Useful expressions in informal emails
irformation that Amy asks for. I Hi, Dear ... (a)
Thanks for your last email, lt was great to
hear from you, Sorry | haven't written for a
long time, I'm writing to tell you about ... tb)
Sorry I haven't written for a long time, but l've been
What about you? How are you? How are
rwising hard for exams. I've finished them all now @
lftope I've passedl What about you? What have you things? Are you doing exams/on holiday at !

been doing recently? the moment? What have you been doing? (c) ..,*

got some great news! | spoke to my parents about

By the way, Anyway, (d) ......+":........

lour invitation to take paft in an exchange programme

r Write back soont Thatb allfor now, Bye for I
fris summer, and they say that I can! Which month do now, Best wishes, All the best, t*) i. .

pu think is better, July or August?

By the way, I'd really like to learn more of your Work with a paftnen lmagine that you have received
Bguage when.l'm there. What do you think is the
Amy's email. Make notes about the information she wants.
best way for me to do that?
l/'fhat have yaw be.evv doLng recently? assigwmed's at
Tlpn after I've spent some time with you in ltaly,
.rchcal, wew qNay witl+favnrLy Last week"&nd, started gatn4 ta
1ou'll come back with me and visit my family here in
England. Please let me know what type of things you'd the gyrw ,..
fte to do here.
Arryway, I'm going out with my friends now to You are going to write a reply to Amy. With your pattner,
cdebrate the end of our exams. l'lltell you all about it make a paragraph plan. Decide what information to
h my next email. Write back soon! include in each paragraph.
Paragraph 1 *
Best wishes, Arny far her Letter. T*ll her what yaw've
been datvg.
JI PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT Write your reply to Amy. Use
Look at the style of the email in 1. What your notes and paragraph plan to help you. Ma[e sure
things in it are typical of informal emails? that you include all of the information she needs. Write
z<clawwtian vvtarks between 120 and 150 words.

Look at the Writing bank. Match these

topics with the groups of expressions.
Can you add any other expressions?
1 Changing topic i'l1 ', In this type of writing exercise, follow the instructions carefully.
2 Signing off J ," You lose marks if your reply does not include all the necessary
3 Greetings information or if it is not in the correct style.
4 Opening remarks > EXAM SUCCESS page 144
5 Asking about someone's health and
activities lir,, ,:;!
Grsmmqr reference

We use the present simple to talk about current We use the present continuous with always, constantly,
routines and habits. forever, continually for habits that annoy or irritate us.
I aftew Lrsteyt ta vuusic. My brothr-r and sister are always frghttry.

We use the present perfect simple to talk about: 4 actions or situations which started in the past and
1 an action that happened at an unspecified moment in continue in the present.
the past. What is significant is the actual experience, fuLark's lived here far ten. years. (= rVark started ta Live
not when it happened. hr-re tewy?.arc 49a and he snLI lives here ww.)
I've san't, Beyaw(, wt, cowert. lf we want to emphasise the completion and result of an
2 recent events which have a result in the present. action, or how many times an action happened, we can
She's lost her b4g, G 51,'e haswt gat Lt ww) use the present perfect simple.
3 actions that finished very recently. I've patwed wty bedraarw. (It's fr-thtd).
Thzy've jwt had aw accidew. I've teer+ that ftlrn three nvnzr.

The present perfect continuous has a similar meaning For that reason, if an action is very short, we don,t use the
to the present perfect simple. However, we use the continuous form. .
continuous when we want to emphasise the process and We also use the continuous to emphasise that an action
duration of an action. finished very recently or is incomplete.
I've bent+ studytvg ivt. thb scLuol far five yuidhr. I've bes,yt, washlrg thr, dirhat ... ntnd my hands are Net,

We use the gerund: We use the infinitive:

as the subjecVobject of a sentence. to explain why somebody does something.
Stwdytvg ts hard but i&ererttvg. Why did ta universlty? Ta oudy largu4ge,r.
after prepositions. immed iately after adjectives.
I'yn iwerested Lw studtytvg Ltistary. It's gaad ta revue with other pe4le.
after verbs of liking or disliking, e.g. like, love, enjoy, can't after expressions with too, enough, the first,
stand, don't mind, hate. the /ast.
I enjoy watchivg TV. It's taa cald ta go aut.
with go to talk about physical activities. after certain verbs like want, learn, agree,
go ruwirg, swlynwivg, cyclivg, sLuppl>g, swlmmirg decide, expect, forget, hope, seern, try, would
like, appear, arrange, ask, try, manage, help,
after certain verbs like admit , avoid, consider, risk, suggest.
need, promise.
I stgge;t reovftvg tLtts baok.
I NoMt to Warkfar a neNspaper,

Studflng ot uniyersily Subject3 architecture. business studies . dentistry . engineering . geologt;law
medicine . nursing . philosbphy . politics . psychology . sociology . veterinary medicine Other assignment
contrnuous assessment ' course' coursework. degree. fail . grade/mark. graduate. lecture. maiter,s
notes. pass . resit. revise . term . tutor. tutorial . undergraduate
Lil€ qf univ€lsily become independent . extracurricular activities . hall of residence . make new friends
studentfacilities. student loan . study abroad
clo ond make do a sourse, a favour, an assignment, an exam, business, chores, homework, sport,
the shopping, the
washing, well, your best, your haii make a cake, a decision, a mistake, an appointment, an effort, er.ur., an off.r,
a noise, a phone call, a plan, a promise, a suggestion, friends, money, progiess, the dinner "n
Other words ond phroses > page 136
Bummqr revision

I l! Cornplete the sentences with an appropriate word.

1 \ormally I like classical music, but 4 My parents are telling me to get
:nis song is beautiful. my hair cut. ltt so annoying.
-ihis year my
2 best friend and his brother 5 My little brother is Day
studying abroad. after day! lt drives me mad.
ln most universities they the first 6 Why are you always me for help
ierm with special activities for new students. with your homework?

I Choose the correct alternative.

1 Have you swLtched/been switching the W off? This is my American friend. She's staved/been
2 We've been here for/since two hours. staving in my house, but she's leaving tomorrow.
3 My feet ache. l've stood/been standing here for ages. My eyes are tired. l've read/been reading without
1 ove this film! l've seen/been seeino it six times.
the light on.
Thatt it! l've finished/been finishing my work.

3 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
,rsing the word given. Do not change the word given. Use between two and five words.
1 Jc^'t do that as theret a chance you'll fail. RlSK 5 | think it's essential to have a valid passport.
)c.'t do that because you PASSPORT
!e roves to ride his bike at the weekend. GO I think
-'le loves to at the weekend. Nobody finished the exam
:'rlnk it's terrible to get up early. STAND Sarah was the exam.
early. 7 lt would be great to see him concert next week.
1 Piease think about joining our club. CONSIDER
I concert next week.
........ our club.

Itrcobulory revision

1 Complete the sentences with these words. 2 Complete the sentences.

There are two extra words.
1 Some people study instead of
studying in their own country.
degree . grades " lecture * notes a pass
resit tutor " tutorial . undergraduate
2 | need to apply for a student
3 This university has got great
I hope I don't fail. I don't want to ............. ..

the exam next month.

I got an A+ and a for my last two pieces of
did you get? 5
Can I borrow the ........... you took in 6
yesterday's history clasi, when I was ill?
4 | need to speak to my ....... oecause ' orrt*po'bix"Afln1-l Eiti'i'' I

l'm having some problems with my studies. iv;ErffiMr=

;iEpEr rH OPrA
PO AND MAKE . r:oMMyFituliibiK.-
=--- i
r-1 felnfx
My'brother graduated. last year. His
... was In economrcs. 3 Choose the correct alttifi&fii$.MEKEtdEcl
This course is only for .. ..... students, 1 do/make a course reA.4e4neqrkgprogress
people studying at university for the first time. 2 do/make a decision 6 do/make the lunch
The professor gave a really interesting 3 do/make a favour 7 do/make the shopping
. There were 200 people there.
4 do/make a suggesflon
Y*'s*i: / 40 points

NI ts:tJ'*kw


Work conditions qnd responsibililies Working life

| lsSFffi Work with a paftner. Try to think of one 6" Match the definitions 1-s with the expressions a-g.
job for each letter of the alpha-bet. There are two extra expressions.
A - archLtect B - bwLlder C - chef 1 You have flexible a work long hours
working hours.
2 Read the job descriptions. What are the jobs?
2 You sometimes work
b do shift work

a You don't need special qualifications to do my

c work from nine
during the day and
job, except for a driving licence. I deal with the sometimes at night. to five
public. l'm responsible for getting them where 3 You work extra hours. d work full-time
they want to go. lt's quite a stressfuljob because
of the traffic and because my passengers are
4 You spend a long e be on flexitime

often in a hurry. I work outdoors, but because l,m

time working. f work part-time
inside my car I work in quite good conditions. l,m 5 You don't work all day. g work overtime
self-employed, not an employee in a company.
don't earn an enormous salary.

7 Work with a partner, In which jobs or


b lwork in dangerous conditions. One day l,d situations do you think it is common to work ...
just like to work indoors in an office and do 1 from nine to 2 long hours? 3 overtime?
paperwork, or maybe even manual work. l,m five?
not very well paid considering the amount of 8o Put these different events in a logical order.
work I do. ltt a skilled job because you need
special training to do it. For example, you need
to learn to control a big crowd of people. But
really, it's experience that teaches you to deal with
3 Look again at the expressions in red. Check
tflat you understand what they mean. Use a 8b ttsTlt*tft6 gl0Z Listen and check.
dictionary if necessary.
I Match the expressions 1-E with their meanings
4 Tsffil{ttts -€
Ot-Listen to four people describing a-e. Use a dictionary if necessary.
their jobs. Match each person to one of 1 become unemployed 4 retire
these jobs.
2 be made redundant 5 resign
architect .
bank manager . construction worker
3 be sacked /fired/dismissed
head teacher " office worker a general expression for when you lose your job
personal assistant (PA) , physiotherapist
school caretaker . software engineerc vet
b state formally that you are leaving a job permanently
c stop working, usually because you are officially too
old to work
1 3
d lose your job, usually for doing something wrong
2 4 e lose your job because it is no longer necessary

Work with a partner. Dbscribe a job I0 .€

using the expressions in red in 2. Can your
Work with a partner. Talk about your work
partner guess the job?
l'd like to find a job as a softwa re engineer,
designing games. I'd prefer ...
I I Work with a partner. Look at the photos of two 2 Read the articles and check your answer
Fople with unusualjobs. Where do you think they work? in 1.

TheFb was to evaluate waterslides around the world. Sebastian
urs spent the rest of the day dreaming about it and just knew that he
H to apply. Meanwhile, 2,000 other people were thinking exactly
!r wne. In the end, five luclry people got to the final selection
sent, which took place at a holiday Iggglt in Egypt. After a
rrrrber of !!dq, Sebastian convinced the judges that he was
fE best candidate. Some time ago, Paul made a
d special metal structure
Sebastian finished his degree course in design, graduated 1o and attached it to a
nd ften walked straight into his new job. lt came with heaw base. He hid
a gpod annual salary and all his travel expenses paid. the structure in his
-5 [.ffirtunately, the job was only for six months, but it gold-painted suit
idrffi a seven-night, a.ll-inc_lusive holiday. and learnt to sit back
1s with just one foot on the
Sebastian felt that the job was a dream come true.
Th€re used to be a waterslide close to where he ground and make it look as
lwd as a young child and he would beg his mother if he was dejyr_Qg gravity. Paul became one of the thousands of
:r b take him. Sadly, the waterslide closed before living statues working in the UK.
lc conld visit it. But now he has tried waterslides These statues have to p_qt_qp _with children and adults coming
l? h orer 15 countries, from Turkey to Jamaica. 2e up to them and touching them to see if they are real. And
Tfere was a serious side to the job, too. standing stillfor hours can bring serious health problems. Matt
Ltt$e he was enjoying himself on the slides, Walters has been a living statue for over 30 years. He used to
te fnd to talk to families and find out be able to stand completely _still for three hours at a time. But
= ufiat they thought of the attractions. the pain became too much. The cold certainly Ooein;t fretp.
And Sebastian was also responsible 2s Paul wears four pairs of trousers and three pairs of socks.
b evaluating other factors, such as And there are other, even worse dangers. Members of the
sdety. Sebastian's predecesso r public sometimes hit Paul, insult him, or even stealthe money
- n the job, Tommy Lynch, said he makes. Once when he was working in Trafalgar Square,
thd the only _dr_awb_ac_kwas ,+ a gang suddenly appeared and started kicking him. Luckily
so he escaped, but that was all because he was working in
somebod! else's _spo!.
So, what about promotion or a pay rise? ls it possible to get
ahead in this profession? Paul says that living-statues are
currently very popular in the United Arab Emirates and the pay
3s there is good. But the problem is the heat, which, for a living
statue, is even worse than the coldl

t Read the articles again. Are these statements True (T),

False (F) or is the information Not Mentioned (NM)?
1 Sebastian was an undergraduate when he first
Think! Then compare ideas with your
heard about this specialjob. T/F/NM
2 At first, Sebastian wasn't very interested in the job.
I Do you think'dream jobs' really exist?
Why/Why not?
3 Sebastian's mother thought waterslides were too r What factors do you think could make a
dangerous for children. T/F/NM job a dream job?
Part of Sebastian's job was to see if any
watersl ides were dan gerous. T/F/NM
It's important that people can't see the What do the _qndeflirleC words in the
mechanism that Paul built. T/F/NM texts mean? Guess and then check in
One problem that living statues have is that your dictionary.
people are not sure if they are real statues. T/F/NM
7 The worst problem for a living statue is the cold. T/F/NM What about you?
8 The psychological pressure of being a living Would either of the jobs in the articles be your
statue is difficult to bear. T/F/NM idea of a dream job? WhyAffhy not?
Flipped classroom: watch the grammar
presentation video.

4o Make the correct questions for these answers.

I o Look at these sentences. Which verbs are past "
simple and which are past continuous? I had a snack when
1 Paul became one of the thousands of living
statues in the UK. No,
2 He was working in somebody else,s spot.
3 Sebastian finished his degree course, graduated
and then walked i,nto his new job.
4 While he was doing his assignment, he heard an
5 5 Once when he was working in Trafalgar Square,
a gang suddenly appeared.
I b Look at the rules. ls each rule for the past
simple (PS) or the past continuous tpi)?
'l We use it to say that one thing
happened after another. pS/pC
2 We use it to talk activity in
progress at a moment in the past. pS/pC 4b SPfAKtl{0 Now interview your partner using the
questions in 4a.
3 We use it to describe scenes in a story
, or description. pS/pC :1F1'
4 We use it to talk about finished actions IJll
Post hobits
or situations in the past. pS/pC
5o Look at these sentences and answer the
5 We use it to talk about an activity in
progress in the past that was
interrupted by another action. PS/PC a There used to be a waterslide close to his home.
b He didn't use to go on waterslides.
I c ls it more common to use the words while c He would beg his mother to take him.
and as with the past simple or the past
d The final took place at a holiday resort in Egypt.

1 Which events in a-d are things that happened

2o How do we spell the -ed form of these verbs? 2 What happened just once?

cry . develop' happen . hate . mention 5b Read rules 1-5 and comptete 1-3 with used to,
occur . plan . prefer . step n stop, study would or the past simple.
travel .try.visit 1 We use ... . ..... ...... and ....... ..... .. to
talk about past habits.
2b FR0t{tf{Cl{fl0t @ Og How do we pronounce the -ed 2 We use to talk about single
form of the verbs in 2a: ldl, /tl, lidl? Listen and events in the past. ,

check your answers. 3 We use with past actions but

not past states.
3 Are the g4-de;liped verbs in the correct tense? lf He wawLd arrive Iate,NOTW.
not, rewrite them correctly,
He wed ta LLke hrs jab, NOT ++e-yvattl#tfe-

When I got home, I was makinq the dinner.
As we weri walking home, we helped an old lady to
4 We do not usually use wouldn,tto talk about
cross the road. past habits.
When I looked out of the window, I saw that it He dLdwt use to bed early. NOT He-
4 Last year, I was spendinq my holidays in the US. When we give a period of time, we use the past
5 When the phone rang, I stopped what I did and simple, not used to.
answered it immediately. He wed ta live aw qw rsland. He Lived aw the
I was unlucky because I walked in the park when it kLandfar sLx vundhs, NOTW
stafted to rain.
I asked her why she cried.

'': rt'.,]
;: ". .

yers. Fhrcssf; venbs eonnecfed with work

Choose the best alternative, lf you think both
Cternatives are correct, choose both,
esterday. 1 lVfren I was small, I used to/would have a
? Match the phrasal verbs in red with their
rneanings ta-h).
2 My brother lived/used to live in France for a month. 1 lf you want to get eheec4, you need to work hard.
3 We didn''t use to/wo'utldn't walk to school, but now 2 He applied for a job in an international company, but
we do. they tunrneel him s$*rnrn.

1 lVhen I was ten,.l used to/would play computer 3 She took #ver the projecl last year. lt's hers troW:. ',

games for hours. 4 They're going to set up a new office in Tokyo.

5 Once my friend met/would meet a famous actor. 5 This new job is really hard, but l'm going to kees ;: it.
5 At primary school, I use.C to/would go home for 6 We're wor$<ing on a new product to get it just right.
lunch. 7 To apply for the job, you need to {iBl in this form.
7 ln the past, everything used to/would be cheaper. 8 l'm so busy at work that I can't keep up with it all.

Compfete this text with used to, would or the a spend time producing or improving something
p6t simple. When both used to or would are b start (a business, an organisation, etc.) . .
possible, use would. c continue doing something even if you want to stop
d be'more successful, or progress faster
e go at the same speed as'something or someone
f add information to a document, e.g. your name/aiJdress

not accept an offer, request or application

h take control of somethinq

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of

the phrasal verbs in 1.
1 Don't stop tryingl it!
A few years ago, Ben Southall had a dream job. He
2 l'm ambitious. I want to ............... and get to
ia) (live) in a luxurious house on
the top of the company.
a tropical island, to promote tourism in Australia.
He (b) (not have) much time for 3 Don't forget to ......... . . ... this section of the

just relaxing because he (c) questionnaire with your email address.

-D to 19 hours, seven days a week. Each day he 4 They offered me a promotion, but | ..... ........... it
1d) (do) lots of promotional events because it wasn't well paid.

and press conferences. At the end of the day, he 5 You need a lot of money and original ideas to
le) (write) his blog before going to ., ........,... a new business.
sleep. Above all, he (fl (love) the 6 We need to work faster if we want to ... .... . .. ... . .

excitement of surfing, sailing and flying. There was one our competitors.
ciangerous moment though. In the last week of the job,
he (g) (jump) into the sea and he nearly
7 Let's....... . this project first and when we
finish we can look at something else.
(h) (die) because of a jellyfish sting!
Luckily, a local doctor (i) (save) his life. 8 We used to be,independent, but a big company
us ............ ..... last year.
to Complete these santences. Make some of them
true for you and some false. 3c Complete the questions with the correct
preposition or adverb.
1 | used to ................. ... in the evenings.
2 | didn't use to at the weekends,
1 Are you working any school assignments?
but now I do. 2 Do you find it easy or difficult to keep
all of your homework?
3 When I was at primary school, I would
3 What qualities do you think you must possess to get
in a job?
4 Once *n", rt pri.ury school, I

'*;r 4 Would you like to set your own business one

day? What type of business?
b 8b SPHI$|8 Work with a partner. Read out your
sentences. Can your paftner say which ones are 3b SPEAI(|il8 Work with a partner. Take it in turns to ask
, true and which are false? and answer the questions in 3a.



job satisfaction [n]: Job satisfaction is so important because if

'. work. your job doesn't make you feel good, it can affect your general
'&, r To decide what factors in a job you happines.s. rewarding [adj]: when you see that your **t he/ps
'e value the most. others, it's very rewarding. in-service training [n]: ourc o*prny
,i r To consider what different jobs can offers in-service training so that you can continue developing
your skil/s while you work here. prospects [n]: once you join the
!* offer and decide if they are attractive
E to you.

I SPEAKltlG Work with a partner. Make a list

of 2 irt,r'ilii:it Read the careers advice leaflet, Does it
important factors when choosing a job. mention any of your ideas in 1?
salary, Lndoars ar autdaars, L&erasivg ar repehtwe

unhappy with your job' this will affect
more atbractive than w" *"tra"gi.a; a"y, so if
your personat tife, too. rtrat's wrry ilf "l"I"ii'ii}-ii? "utut
"rro*r"r. Ji,"t 'ou're from work and decide on your priorities'
yo-o *"ttt

4 'fdlike to do a iob where theY
offer in-service traininq' it's great
tohave the chance tokeeP on
learning new things.When a iob
is interesting and there are always
new oppoitunities, it's easier to
stay motiu ated in Your job-'

I 5 'A really important
2 'The most important factor for me is working
I thing for me is the salary.
with others, in a
think it wouldbe really

I don't mind doing a
boring to work on your ow
repetitive or boring job or
all the time.I'd also prefer
working long hours,but it
a job where you deal with
has to be well paid.'
people, not just paperwork
6 'I want a job where you
get good,long holidays or
Jlexibility to work from home
or choose your hours. I haue
3 'Above all,I'dlike to fnd
lots of other hobbies that
a job thatl enjoy.The salary
I enjoy. I'd prefer to work
isn't so important to me.I'd
fewer hours and get paid
prefer to do a job that doesn't
less,buthave the freedom to
p ay w ell but that I like, rather
do the things that I like.'
than do a job with a great
salary thatlhate.'
;ead the text again. Find the key factor in each
;;eech bubble (1-9).


€ 3 -, e eachfactor (1-9) a mark from 0 (you

;3-rpletely disagree) to 5 (you completely

rb -s€ your marks in 4a to ,/ | t
'€ 3 you to create a'factors ,/\ t{-
: "a"nond'. At the top of / a \ ,,
ny :e diamond put the /
-=ctor that is most / -
r-cortant. Then \ 3
-eve down untit
* the bottom of the
4c SpmfmG Work with a partner. Compare your
:.amond you have the
-actor that is least impoftant. diamonds and justify your answers. Are they
similar or different?
-cok at this example. What
:o€s this person think is .1i1
-cst and least important in a job? 5
Wr$iffx'* T:rff ;i#ir:'?jh'
Deana: James: Tope:

7 'I want an outdoor job.I

hate the idea of being trapped
inside an office all day long. G og Watch or listen again. Which speaker or
Actually,I'd really like to do speakers say ...
s omething connecte d w ith
1 they wouldn't change their career if
the environment or nature they could? D/JlT
because I think those are the
most imp ortant things in lif e.' 2 they wanted flexibility in their job role? D / J /T

3 they had a clear idea of what they

wanted to do when they were at school? D / J lT
4 their love of films inspired their job choice? D / J lT
5 that patience is an important quality
in theifjob? DlJlT
6 language?
they have a passion for D / J lT

f* 7 they keep developing skills in their job?

I their job requires a good eye for detail?
D / J lT

D / J /T

3 i:. me,perhaps the most

t:?-Jr-i ihing is travel.I think
':-rs can give you the chance to
y = ;:=erent countries and see the You want to find the right job for you.
,;,r-: ]r-at's whatl want from a job.'
Follow this plan:
'er 1 Choose a job that you think you might possibly
:h be interested in doing in the future. Research
'rk.' the job and find out which factors from the
leaflet in 2 it involves. For example, does it
involve travel, helping others, a big salary ...?
2 Write up a fact file about the job. Put the title:
9 'I'dlike a job with So you want to be a (software engineer)?
prospects.The idea of Then write: This job is good for people who ...
getting ohead, taking on and a /ist based on your research.

k mor e r esp onsibility and

gemng apromotionis
important to me. I w ant my
job tobe challenging and to
offer me goals.'
3 Share job fact files with other members of the
c/ass. Which jobs can you find that fit with your
'factors diamond' in 4b?
lo Look at the sentence and then decide which action
happen'ed first.
when I had finished school, I bought a ticket to travel round
the world.
a lfinished school.
b lboughtaticket.

I b Choose the correct alternative.

we use the past perfect simple to talk about actions that

happened after/before another action in the past.
| 'ffiffi Work with a partner. Read this I c How do we form the past perfect simple?
definition of a gap year. Do you think gap
years sound interesting? Why/Why not?

2 complete the sentences with the past simpre or past
gap year (n) /grep jra(r)/ perfect simple form of the verbs given.
A year, usually between finishing school and starting
a university, when you travel or work. 1 When she........,. , . . (write) her letter of application,
i she sent it.
I 2 The teacher didn't let her do the exam because when she
arrived, the exam (start).
Before listening tasks, it! a good idea 3 He unlocked the door and ,... . (step) inside.
to read the questions and underline any 4 Before today's conversation, | ........................,.
(not speak) to
important information. When you listen, the boss.
remember that different speakers may
use words that are in other questions, but
5 When the wind (blow), the leaves on the
trees shook.
you are listening for the ideas, not just the
words that express them. 6 They didn't want to see the film again because they
. . ... (see) it twice already.
> EXAM SUCCESS page 144
7 They weren't hungry because they .. . (eat).

tl$l$*IilS € t O Listen to five people talking

complete the sentences in a logical way using a verb in
about their gap year experiences. Match the past perfect simple and the words in bolJ'.
each statement (A-F) with the correct
speaker. Use the letters only once. There 1 We couldn't get into the room because ... lock
is one extra letter. 2 They gave ter the job because ... questions
A I didn't work at any moment during my gap 3 | couldn't go out last Saturday because ... homework
year. 4 She arrived late for work because ... bus
B I learnt two languages during my gap year. 5 My little brother was crying because ... ice cream
C My gap year prepared me to study hard. 6 People on the beach were frightened because ... shark
D I was fired from my gap year job because I 7 He didn't feel well because ... pizza
didn't enjoy it.
I They got wet because'... umbrella
E I enjoyed being close to nature during my
gaP year.
F Although my gap year experience was
difficult, it is going to influence my choice
of a career.

Speaker 1: Speaker 4: .

Speaker 2: . . Speaker 5: .

Speaker 3: .

; What about you?

1 Which of these gap years do you like the
most? Why?
2 What would be your perfect plan for a gap

7c Read the story of Yu Youehen. What did
she do and why? lgnore the gaps at the
fn l.: :-ese sentences contain venbs in tl"re past perfeet mcment.
i, -: e cr the past perfect cantinuous?
round ' : :::- r,,,crkinq for almost 12 months when I had an
:= =
- -
=- : :a,'*ecl enough money, I decided to go skiing
- :--=- ae.

I : : =: - -":;;1;5lp1g my gap year for a long time.

! - 2- : jrr;sheci that
iob, I worked as a volunteer in

- I ,rs'- :r sentences give rnore inrportance to the duration

:i :-e action? Which give rnore impcrtanee ts the
:: - oletion of the action?

t -: -3* do we form the past perfect continuous?

:,,:l'' ,,'
3--"cose the best alternative.
he ' .',: '?. ,:raited/been waiting for an hour when finally the
. ^..;.,^-J
few years ago, a Chinese woman called
{ -:_. .',e-e tired because they have/had been running for
Yu Youzhen became a millionaire.
,O, ro - :'a :^ar an nour. Before becoming a millionaire, she had
1.. :-E: rne we got there, they had eaten/been eating all the
le -::: working hard for nearly
t -. '.= ,vritten/been writing three novels by the time he
40 years. She (b) been a
farmer, cook and even a lorry driver. Then she
..- dn't open the door because she had lost/been applied (c) the job of street
t. :r -3:'e Key. cleaner. One day the government gave her
.'. -:- saw her face, I knew she had cried/been crying{or a money for her land. She used the money to set
in : -: : -re. (d) her own business. After
--= :=acher was angry because the boys had talked/been a few years, she had made about f,l million
13 .r -i a:l throuqh the lesson.
by buying apartments. But she decided she
ln5 (e)
Llake sentences in the past per{ect simple or continuous . want to stay at home
:: explain the situations, doing nothing. So she {f}
' ,',--. ,'/as the little girl upset? the decision to continue keeping the streets
somebody steal sweets clean. She wanted to be a good example to her

Z ,',-_. ,'..ere his parents angry with him? they (g) just sitting at home
.ot study hard enough all day. They hadn't been (h)
anything for years. And even though she had
3 .'. --. ','/ere her hands dirty? already (i) enough money
*ork all morning in the garden to live well without doing anything at all, she
put on her orange jacket and went to work
t ,', --,' oid ,n" t""f *rl; r ;";r,; six days a week. It worked! Now her children
study for hours (j) started workine!

5 ^; didn't he want to read tn" Uo"iZ
fl .ead it twice before
Fb Read the text again and think of the word
which best fits each gap. Use only one
word ln each gap.
. ,', ^y did n" tuit ii, ;;" ;;;;
not pay attention to his teacher all year 7c $PEAKll{CI Work with a partner. What do you

think of the story of Yu Youzhen?


Negoliofing ond collqboroling -|

How dangerous
do you think these

.SPflruS'Work with partner.

a Look at the
jobs in the diagram. Would you like 4 Look at the gxpressions in the speaking
bank. what
to do the three different categories?
any of these jobs? Why/Why not?

tf$tiltHg @ tt Listen to two students

doing a listening task and answer these Negotiating and collaborating _ 1
1 What does the examiner ask them to
what do you think? . what do you think about (architects)?
talk about?
What about you? . What about (bank managers)?
2 What second question does the examiner
Do you agree? . Don,t you think so?
ask them?
3 What is the students, final answer to 2
that question? Yes, I agree. . yes, you,re right. . Sure. . OK.
4 Do you agree with their answer? Why/ I think you're right. . That,s true. r I agree with
Why not? I see what you mean. , That,s a good
3 @ t t Listen again and answer these
questions. I see what you mean, but ... . I suppose so, but ...
l'm not sure. . Maybe, but .. . . I agree up to a point, but
1 Do the two students talk about all of the .. .

2 Do they listen to each other and respond 5 $P,fltrltt6, Work with a partner.
Practise doing the task in 2
to each other,s comments? giving your own opinions.
3 Does one student speak much more than
the other?
4 Do they ask each other,s opinions? 6 sHf(llf0 work-with a partner and do
this task. use
5 Do they fail to come to a decision at the expressions from the Speaking bank.
end of the conversation?
Here are some different jobs. Tark to each
other about how
these jobs help to imprwe society.
You have a minute to decide which job you
In the second part of the listening task, think 6erps society
the the most.
best strategy is to agree with yoJr partner,s
first idea, but then suggest alternative
ideas. lt is better not to agree completely {}sctENT|ST
straight away because the conversation will I
end too quickly. JOURNALIST
\* j \=j ARTIST

/YHow do these jobs help

\ to improve societv?
f\ \_ \
opinion essoy -I
I tYork with a partner. Read this writing
Do you agree or disagree with the
cnrent? Write notes with your main ideas.
C ft's a bad idea for teenagers to
do part-time wark while they
are still studying.
Il your partner, copy and complete this plan
lpur ideas.
-lbasaph 1:
bodrction with general statement on the topic and
lsr opinion

lbagrapn Z:
R:l and most important reason for your opinion 4 Complete the essay with these phrases.

kaqraph 3:
As far as l'm concerned - Furthermore
Ore or two other reasons for your opinion OR other I agree with this * On the other hand
Fode's arguments against your opinion and why you
To begin with . To sum up ' 1,.
&tt agree with them

l'laqraph 4:
3rrnary and conclusion restating your opinion Put the expressions in 4 in the correct place in
the Writing bank.
tlris essay, ignoring the gaps. Does it follow
fb pragraph plan in 2? ls the opinion of the
rilrr similar to your opinion?

ln soma countrisg, ths US for ingtan ce, manl

trcnagercr,lorK whila thel ara still atudlingal
school or at universi\. (a) . , this
a a bad iAoa.

(b) , ttudling at echoof or

universi\ ie a full-time occupation.ttudsnts
neod tims to taKo notos, reviby, do aseignmante
ard re*earch topics. In q opinion, studsnte
rho worK in tha woningt or at the waeKsnds

do not hava tims to do lhoeo thingo properll.

(c) . . joung peoplg oftan worK in

bad conditione or lale aI night. 'Ihis moans that

aftar vrorK thal find it difficult to pa1 attontion
ard concentrate.

(d) ., 6ome paopla sa1 that worK


crporiency can hvlp to maKs you more indapendent 6o Work with a paftner. Look at this task. Write
notes with your ideas and then complete the
and rasponsiblo. ie) . . up to a plan in 2 for this topic.
pint. Howsvar, thcre is tima for studento to gain
'School does hot prepare students for the world of
fhie erperioncs whan thal finish thsir studies. work.' Do you agree?
(f) .. .. :. . ..,|bylievvthat a studont's rsal
reeponoibititl io to loarn as rnuch as poooible.thry 6b Use the plan in 6a and wordg and expressions
from the Writing bank to write your essay.
can onll do this if thel etudl full-timo, r,'rith no
other dietractions.
Grqmmqr refetence

We use the past simple to:

ii 1 describe finished actions or situations in the past. 2
;i say that one thing happened after another.
H I went ta Ire.Iarld last yettr. Whew the teachq cayu.o tr+, we took ourt aur baal<s.

We use the past continuous to:

t 1 talk about activities in progress at a moment in the past.
3 talk about an activity in progress in the past

At * a'clock tl,Lir afterwaw I wots watchivg TV. that was interrupted by another activity.
2 describe scenes in a story or description. I was Lt"rtewW ta ynusL. whzn. rny
'[hey were father
all weorcivg coats betawe it was bltterly rwddenly , n"iwo the roayn.

::Fgpg' , . ' .
don't do now. we cannot use used to and wouldto talk about
Used to single events in the past. In this case, we use the past simple.
My grandfather used to work as a postman. We use would with past actions but not past states.
He didn't use to have much free time. He woulo( cayu.e and vuit w ow Sundays. NOT fie*Ev*4*ive-or
Did your grandmother use to work? tu.
Yes, she did./No, she didn't. we do not usually use wouldn'tto tark about past habits.
He dldnjt we ta gtve w prese&s, NOT
They would work eight hours a day.
When we give a period of time, we use the past simple, not
u$fi, '
used to.
r We use used to and would to talk about past
She wd ta wark iw a factary, she Narlad thzre
habits, things we did regulady in the past but
t tOT
far f,e yeorc.


To make the past perfect simple, we use had + we use the past perfect simple to tark about actions that
past participle. happened before apother action or actions in the past. lt gives
importance to the completion of an activity.
Wheyt the twewi-ew had fini"rhzd, t teft.

r0nm l ,

Io make the past perfect continuous, We use the past perfect continuous to talk about actions that
had + been + verb-ing happened before another action or actions in the past. lt gives
importance to the duration of an activity.
I wo$ nred betawe I hod bet+ stwdytvg aII nryW.

. in$oo11 . manuat work . outdoops r quatifications .- lcrdlv
self-employed. skilled. stressful . training. well paid
Ysg""Lq'u't! satary
wolklng llte applyfora job become unemployed . be made redundant .
be sacked/fired/dismissed . doshiftwork. fromninetofive. frir-ri,.n" .
beonflexitime. be offered a job
lookfora job. overtime . part-time . resign. retire. sign a contract
g;p..;;i;;; . r.ig'i,."^
Phrosol verbs connecled with work fill in . get ahead . keep
at . keep up with . set up . take over
turn down . work on
Other words ond phroses ) page 137

/ 6 points / 7 points
h the verbs in the correct form of the past Choose the correct alternative. In one sentence,
3r. or past continuous. both alternatives are correct. Which one?
. baokt.
$e : (get) up and 1 When he was small, he used to/would be really shy.
b, (look) out of the window. The sun 2 | used to studv/studied in lreland for two months.
E .. (shine) and there wasn't a cloud
3 | use to/usuallv go
to the cinema at the weekend.
'- :€ s<... While she (d) (look) out of
4 Last year my brother had/used to have a big pafty
fE rr,33iv, she (e).. (see) something
to welcome his American friend.
tst fi?,= -vo boys (fl (play; football in
E --=-a^
5 Did you use/used to have a pet?
6 Children used to/would work in factories in Britain
in the 19th century.
They didn't use to/wouldn't go out on Friday
evenings, but now they do.

t b the underlin_ed part of the sentence correct? lf not, rewrite it.
tiffi 1 -a.'e been waiting for an hour when the film finally 5 When they ate their dinner, they washed the dishes.
6 They heard a loud noise and thought that
2 -€',.ros tired because he had painted all day. somebody had fallen over.
- 3 S-e ^ad been writinq seven emails. 7 When they had been finishinq their homework, they
I =.ei.:hing was white because it f ad been snow.lng. turned the TV on.

lory revision
I ;l
/ u porntsl
i /6 p"'"tl
- Conrpfete the sentences with these words. 2 Match the parts of the phrasal verbs with
their definitions.
:ealing . earn .. employee u for * overtime
qualifications * shift . skilled Verb Particle Definition
1 a
set ahead not accept an offer,
'll - 'esponsible ... . helping customers. request or application

2 involves
Li.,,ob with all the papenruork.
2 get on start a new business,
office, etc.
3 -^ s company isn't mine. l'm just an .

3 turn uP progress faster than

1 quite a good salary. other people
5 -- s is a job. lt requires a lot of training. 4 work in add information on a
6 3c ..... work. Sometimes I work at night. document
7 -e cften arrives home late as he works 5 fitl over spend time working or
improving something
t -a've you got any .....? A university degree,
example? 6 take down take control of
=. something

t Complete the text.
rrrL€e Rose finished her degree she started to (a) .... for a job. She found an interesting post in a multinational

and so she (b) for it. She got the job, but soon after the company told Rose that they didn't
-€€€ ^er anymore. She was made (c) and became (d) Luckily, another company
her soon afterwards. An employee at the company had just been (e) ......- ,
=r-=c*.ed - . .......... . because he was arways
e= Rose went for an interview They really liked her and she was (f) ............................ the job. She accepted, of course!
Tc$$rxt: / 40 points 1'::::ii,..,;:^
Read the first paragraph of the text. What is th
Erasmus prograrnme? What do you think are th
In matching activities, remember ... advantages of doing an Erasmui exchange?
Read the text quickly for a general understanding.
Tf en read the questions and work out what piece(s) Read the text and answer the questions.
of information you need to find. Are there any key
words that help you to find the text or part of the Do the students mention any of the advantages th
you thought of in 1?
text which contains the information?
: What subject does each student studv?
!F EXAM SUCCESS page 144 ',,

.-_--__ _ __ _ _ _ __l

The Hrasrnus programme is a popurar student exchange

programrne Involving university students *n the Ka*r*Bean {.}m$*n,
$tc,ldemts sp*nd at least three nepnffils studying abroad in cne of
&ver 3s eountries involved in tke prcgrsr??n3e. F{ere is what sss?le
Hrasnnue stetdents say about thelr *xper*enees,

Nelly SamuelS, Tr',e Nethertands Teresa Lopez, ux

The decision to study abroad has ; I studied in a new relatively small uni in the
changed my life in so many ways, UK. The fact that it was smallturned our
Academically, I immediately fell in
love with the style of the lessons we

:ffiH: ff:il"il i#:;iil LilT:TJr

.\f b tY,
to be a good thing because in no time at
all I got to know lots and lots of people.
There were a lot of international students
like me. I have invitations from people rn
the stimulating, open atmosphere I became about 20 different countries round the world to
much more confident about constructing my own arguments go and visit them one day. This could be really useful later
and defending them. lt helped that all my classmates, mosfly on if I move around. Campus life was really stimulating. For
Dutch, felt very passionate about modern history my area example, I got the chance to work as a presenter for a weekly
of study, Socially, things couldn't have been better either. news programme shown on the university website, That was
Before, I found it difficult to make new friends, but in this something that l'd always wanted to do and it related wellto
situation I felt happy and relaxed being with all the studentsI my degree in media studies. In terms of studying, it took me
got to know.
a bit longer to get used to a different style of teaching and
learning from what l'd known in spain. But in the end I came ro
prefer UK style education!
John Vaughafl, potand

I'd never really studied languages

before, But, being a business student,
Keith Johnsofl, stovakia
I knew languages would give me an The onelhing that affected me the most ":
advantage later in the world of work. during my time studying abroad was
It was so frustrating at first, knowing I realising that, at the end, I didn't consider
probably spoke the language worse than myself British. lwas now European.
a five year old, but my Polish classmates I suppose that feeling is natural after
were very patient with me and after a month or two l,d spending every day with young people from
made sufficient progress to be able to follow the tutors' so many different European countries. Despite our
explanations. lshared a house with students from five differences, we all had so much in common. As a student of
different countries. often we could only communicate using politics, lthink this was so impor.tant. lt helped me to see that
sign language. What really opened my eyes during my six even when people have different opinions and backgrounds,
months abroad was the shock of seeing my subject from we can work together constructively if we really want to, Now I
a totally different cultural perspective. That really added know that, when I finish my degree, I want to study a master's
something to my understanding when I went back to degree. But only on the condition that I can do at least part of
the UK. it abroad.


Match students A-D with the questions below. 6 they immediately preferred the different
Which student says teaching style?
1 they took a while to get over 7 the Erasmus experience made a difference
lingu istic difficu lties? to the way they see themselves?
2 the Erasmus experience will be a practical I their attitude to the teaching method
help when they travel internationally? changed completely?
3 they didn't use to socialise much?
4 they managed to fulfil an old ambition? 4 $PEAKIilG What about yau?
5 they want to repeat their Erasmus experience? Would you like to study in another country?
Why/Why not?
is the
-re the
? - :.=-sactional tasks, remember ... In matching activities, remember ...
l": -:: simply reply to questions in the email or Read the opinions before you listen. This can help
a-..a' ..,':h'Yes' or'No'. Add extra information, you to know what the people may say and helps

Jes that
::-:ex: and questions. you to concentrate more while you listen. But don't
forget that speakers may express the same opinion
using different words or expressions.

vou have received this email from a friend. > EXAM SUCCESS page 144
-lndedine the information that you should include
n your reply. SPEAKltl6 Work with a partner. Look at this
extract from a newspaper article. Do you think
'helicopter' or'lawnmower' parents are a good
thing or a bad thing? Why?
-:' :': .3;? lt was great to see you on Friday. I really enjoyed
-; :: :^at new pizza place. l'm attaching a photo I took on
\Jowadays, more and more university professors
= :-:-:. 'i't/e should go again soon. I \ and employers complain about 'helicopter'
'-'-- sa,',' :/ou, I forgot to tell you that Rachel is coming back parents (parents who pay very close attention to their
:-- ,",?:-=iday. She's been away on a school exchange in children and are always hovering over them, even
?-,- ,'cr three whole monthsl I thought I might arrange a when they are at university or start work). They also
=+: = ,', eicome home' party for her on Thursday evening. complain about 'lawnmower' parents (parents who try
-a :: ,cu think? to solve all their children's problems and remove any
r:- : - rc having the party at my house. But l'd need help obstacles in their path). These parents insist on helping
:'+;-"? 'ood and stuff. Could you come and give me a hand their children, whether they need them to help or not.
ts -- :^ 'rgs ready on Thursday afternoon?
{;-: -:'r food, is there anything that you can think of that
', : - : -a<e the party really special? You know that Rachel i.i$Tili"iiru{i @ tZ You are going to hear five people
-,,; --.= . missed us all so l'd really like to make the party
talking about helicopter and lawnmower parents.
l\Jl lltil
=, -'da .
Choose the opinion each speaker expresses (A-F)
-: :'-3K soon so that I can start organising things. from the list below. Use the letters only once.
:':'^cw There is one extra letter.
A I turned somebody down because of their helicopter
I think a parent's job is to help their children when
they can.
c I know I probably make mistakes, but I need to be
D I don't think you can make decisions for your children.
E I think everybody needs a lawnmower parent.
F l've started to see a change in the way people
behave where I work.

f,fake a plan of your reply to the email. Decide Speaker 1: Speaker 3: Speaker 5:
how many paragraphs to have and what to Speaker 2: Speaker 4:
in<lude in each one.
l0 SPEAKIil0 What about you?
Write your reply. Include all the necessary
In what ways do you show your parents that you are
rrformation. Write between 120 and 150 words.
responsible and ready for independence?

I I Look at the task and the diagram on page 158
and think about what you are going to say.
- regotiating activities, remember ...
-'sien to what your partner is saying and respond to l2 $PEAKtllS Work with a partner and do the task.
't. You can agree, disagree, make suggestions or ask
> EXAM SUCCESS page 144

Words connecfed with lronsporf qnd frqvel journey, travel, trip, voydge

i 4 Read the dictionary entries. Then choose

a the correct alternative.
journey (n)
E an occasion when you travelfrom one place to another,
especially when there is a long distance between the
places: We had a long journey ahead of us.
- travel (n)

the activity of travelling: Foreign travel never really

? appealed to him until he retired. Our agency deals
, mostly with business fravel.
trip (n)
an occasion when you go somewhere and come back
again: a fishing/camping/sightseeing trip

I voyage (n)
Work with a partner. Talk about the photos using
a long journey, especially by boat or into space: fhe
these words.
long voyage home

astronaut .
bdard (v) "tcFew , flight r gst€ 1 Last year we went on a scho ol iourneviirip
getin/offlon/out .
high-speed train . land (v) . launch (n, v) to York.
motonruay . orbit (n, v) . passengep . platForm . rocket 2 lt was a long and difficult trip/iovage for
spacecraft . space station . take off Columbus and his crew.
the Underground/subway/tube . traffic jam - about the
JournevfTravqlteaches you a lot
2 Match the words in 1 with these definitions. Marco P olo'6 ioiriev/travel took many
1 the people who'work on a ship, plane, etc. years.
a line of cars waiting to move 4,: ,
2 ,' 5 My parents sometimes have to go away on
3 a public transport system where trains traver in tunnels )
business iournevs/trips.
4 a general word for something that travels in space [ - , One day spacecraft will go on incredible
trip*vovagegthat will take years and years.
5 what a plane does when it begins its journey | .
- 7 We spend a lot of money on foreign
6 what a plane does when it finishes its journey ..
7 the place at an airport where people board a plane iournev/travel!
8 h{Vtptrpyeggto my village takes just
20 minutes.
3 LlslEl{ltlG € rg Listen to six short travel announcements.
Choose the correct alternative.
5 ,$ffffil Work with a partner. Ask and
1 Passengers on Platform 3 should get on the next train/stand answer these questions.
awav from the edqe of the platform.
1 Do you ever travel abroad in the holidays?
2 Passengers for Newbury should/shouldn'tget on this train. What are your favourite destinations?
3 Passengers should/shouldn't get on the train as soon as the 2 How important is travel for you? Why?
doors open.
3 Where is a good place to go on a day trip
There is a/no problem for passengers who want to get off at from your town or city? Give reasons.
East/West Kensin gton station.
4 Do you like going on sightseeing trips?
5 lf you are on flight Jet 325 to Mancheste4 you need/don't WhyAVhy not? .

need to go to gate D34 quickly.

5 What type of transport do you prefer for
6 Passengers shouldn't leave their tickets/bags unattended. short trips? And for long journeys? Give
6 What is the longest journey you,ve been
on? Give details.
EffS,, Work with a partner. What do you 2 Read the afticle quickly and answer the questions.
tfiink the photo in the article shows?
1 What is the name for this type of transport?
\ | ,'.^ tl I
2 Which.other types of transport are mentioned?
r / -/ J 'J'

choose 1f\- world is on the move. (1) . Nevertheless, for journeys over 1,600 kilometres, challenge will be how to produce flying cars that
VBut therc is also more and more Elon Musk believes that supersonic air travel will do not create tenible air and noise pollution, or
lilrtion, there are more and more be preferable. In the last S0 years, there has been serious collisions.
rcilents, and transport seems to be the number of people travelling
a _sh_arp_increqqq in
l;i g slower than befole, not fasten by air. (4) With this in mind, the company
(6) Maybe that's one of the reasons why
another, 5 sfiouldn't we be thinking of ways to Airbus has already made plans for how they are Japanese engineers are _drawing qp plans to
n the mlutionise the wor{d of transport? going to make flying more attractive.
put tourists into space using a massive elevator
that willtravel more than 05,000 kilometres into
tnerican millionaire Elon Musk is quite The engineers at Airbus think that in 2050, with orbit. Thirty passengers and their small crew will
Ay a man who wants to help bring new construction techniques and materials, spend a week travelling a quarter of the way to
w fun this revolution. With his Tesla Motors planes will have transparent sections allowing the Moon at speeds of up to 190kph. At the end
ds qrpany he has managed to reinvent the you panoramic views from your seat, Seats of the journey, they'll reach a space station where
cbctric ca, producing a popular all-electric willchange size and shape to give you a more they'll be able to get an astronaut's view of the
ts car. (2) But his boldest plan comfortable flight, And passengers will be able Earth, with little or no training beforehand. The
bfirture transport is the Hypeitbbp-,-a to choose between different zones in the plane only problems at the moment are the cost of the
pr which looks and sounds like oure such as an Interactive zone, where you'll be able elevator's construction (roughly estimated at $6
rbrce fiction. to meet people and play electronic games, ano a billion), and the fact that it could take 40 years
f a,erything goes according to plan, the Relaxation zone, where special seats willgive you to build!
tpoop will be a system of long tubes a massage!
gm top of towers which will run next to For shorter journeys, experts predict that cars
ey/trio rdoruays. Inside the tubes people will will probably remain the most common means of
Ed inside capsules: about six passengers transport, Of course, soon the _s_ef;Qfy1ryg car will
ilstheir luggage per g_ap-s_ule. (3) .. be the l_o1tl, hopefully limiting the number of
2 for ffir no friction, Musk believes they will be road accidents, But it probably won't
# to travel at speeds of up to 1,22Okph, be too long before we start seeing
rut the
EY the speed of soundl lt will take just flying cars in our skies.
lrilan hour to travel from Los Angeles (5)................ Soon, when you
b Sil Francisco. _Qqrlgdly the journey look up, you'llsee hundreds
ry llcs seven hours. The attraction of the of drones canying evefihing from pizzas
lffioop is that it is much fasterthan a to heavy packages. A group of experts is
f$Fspeed train, and, unlike planes, there meeting again next month to talk about the .
/ay on d be no time wasted in taking off and impact of drones on air traffic. But imagine
ffitg. when cars take to the skies, too. A major
t 4ad the text again. Complete the gaps
wi'th sentences a-f.
st a All the evidence suggests that this trend is In tasks where sentences are missing from a text, read the
going to continue. text carefully looking at the information before and after each
b Meanwhile, another of his companies, gap. Then read the sentences and look for words and phrases
SpaceX, produces and launches various which connect with information in the text.
spacecraft and rockets. > EXAM SUCCESS page 144
ays? c There are more and more people using
public transport, driving their own cars, and
flying around the world.

d Talking of accidents, it is often said that the
safest form of transport is the etevator.
e Indeed, one of the biggest changes in the
future will be the number of vehicles in
the sky. what do the undcrhrec words in the text mean? Guess
t The capsules will create a cushion of air and then cheiii in t&; dictionary.
underneath them.

Which of the different types of transport mentioned in the article

would you most like to try? Why?
ls the qldeflillgd part of the sentence correct? lf
not, rewrite it.
1q Look at the sentences. What tense is the verb 1 As soon as the class will start, l'll take my books out.
in blue?
2 Don't worry. l'm going to answer the door.
a All the evidence suggests that that trend is 3 The weather forecast says it:_1qllllg next weekend.
going to continue.
4 Some scientists predict that there will be a new
b A group of experts is meeting again next month ice age.
to talk about that question.
5 The concert takes place next July.
Airbus has already made plans for how they are
going to make flying more attractive.
6 That's it! l've got my tickets. My friends and I will qo
to the cinema tonight.
The engineers think that planes will have
transparent sections.
7 What are your plans? What do you do next
s weekend?
e When you look up, you'll see hundreds of
I l've already decided that next year l'm eatinq
healthier food.

Ib Complete the rules with will, be going to, the 9 Next year February will have 29 days.
present simple or the present continuous. 10 Look at that waiter! He'll drop all those plates.

4c Complete the sentences with an appropriate

..... for predictions based on future form of the verbs given.
1 |think humans - (land) on Mars
2 for plans and intentions. before I (be) 50.

3 ..'... . .... .. for predictions based on 2 Next Sunday it (be) my birthday.

thoughts, opinions and expectations. 3 Kate and | ........................ (meet) at 9 o'clock

..... for confirmed plans and
What you (do)
next summer?
5 after time expressions like
5 Do you think it (snow) next week?
when, before, after, by the time, until, as soon as.
6 Alice is pregnant. She (have) a

1c Look at sentences a-c below and complete the baby.

rufes with will or the present simple. 7 A: lt's too hot in here. B: Don't worry. I

a This year it will be the 120'h anniversary of the (open) the window for you.
first transatlantic fl ight. 8 A$ soon as | (get) home tonight,
b l've just missed the bus. I know! l'll get a taxi. I (switch) the TV on.
c Their flight leaves tomorrow morning.
9 | (see) the doctor tomorrow. The
We use: appointment is for half past ten.
1 for decisions made at the 10 Take an umbrella. lt (rain).
moment of speaking.
4b SPEAKlll0 Work with a partnen Compare your
2 for future facts.
answers in 4a. Be ready to explain your choice.
3 for events that are part of a

timetable or routine. Ithink number one is 'will land'.


2 SPEAKlllg Look at these sentences. Work with a

partner. Explain why will is used in each sentence. Because it's a prediction based on
a thought or belief.
1 Tomorrow will be the last day of the holidays.
2 That looks heavy. l'll carry it for you.
3 Scientists believe that the Hyperloop won't be easy

4 Who do you think will win the competition?

5 My friend will be 18 next week.
6 Are you leaving now? l'll come with you. iir*lt.r,ilii
rect? lf Prefixes
coks out. Each of these words contains a prefix. Find the prefixes
and match them with the meanings below.
cooperate . discomfort . interactive . miscalculate
overpopulated . postgraduate . reinvent . subway
supersonic . underestimate

lwill so 1 wrong, incorrect 6 the opposite, not........

2 after . 7 again
3 not enough 8 with, together
4 too much 9 below
5 between 10 more, biggea better

Complete the sentences by adding the correct prefix to

Faravelo the words.
te dre text and choose the correct appeared . booked . human

ars British inventors (al are/haye created a

sub- n super. under paid " understood . write . zero
bicycle, called the Paravelo. lt seems
to everybody that traffic problems
1 She saw a strange object in the sky, but it suddenly
hday. and she couldn't see it anymore.
kome/are goino to become worse in the ..........

ck John Foden and Yannick Read believe 2 Most people think they're p .;..,,, They think they
their bike could be a solution. When you should get more money.
ze/will be in a traffic jam, you (dl are/will 3 Sorry. I you. I thought you said 'no,.
$le to start up the bike's fan and simply
lel off/up! They calculate that the cost
4 lt's so cold there in the winter. They have

week? lre ffying bike (f) is being/will be fl0,000. temperatures!

isn't expensive when you compare it with 5 This essay has got a lot of mistakes. l'd like you to
pnce of a helicopter. Another advantage
you (g) will/won't need a pilot's licence
;;";;;;.;, '
ly it - anyone can do it! In the next few
the two inventors (hl arei talking/talkto Passengers.
companies to see how they can get It took strength to lift the wheel.
plans off the ground. a

3o Make the negative form of these words, use the prefixes

The the YeslNo questions about dis, il, im, in, ir or un.
frrture with your own ideas.
. agree . believable . capable, complete
before you go home? .
expecled likely' logical . necessary " obey' patient
tonight? possible . regular . responsible . successful . visible

lce. next weekend?

3b e 14 Listen and check your answers.
when the summer comes?

when you finish school? 3c O tr- UnCgtllre the stress in the negative form
hy? of the words in 3a. Listen, check and repeat.
\f,- in 2030?
dtsadqwage dtsagre*.
........... when you're 70 years old?
Arreyongairg ta da your htynzwarkbefare 4s Make three sentences using negative words from 3a.
Yon Ja hrwld '80' u a cawLywaw !!!g_4!!l verb.

\- thedict your paltner's answers, Write 4b Read out your sentences without saying the
\ down your predictions. negative word. Can anybody guess the word?

ffi Ask your partner your questions.

-How many predictions did you get right? 'Go' is a common .
To learn about food miles and environmentally friendly [adj]: Cars cause a lot of pollution so they
their impact on the environment. aren't veryr environmentally friendly. carbon dioxide [n]: Carbo n dioxide
To think about what we can do to is a gas which is harmful to the atmosphere. carbon emissions [n]:
reduce the impact of food miles. vehicles and factories are producing carbon emisslons which affect
To investigate and evaluate our the environment. transport [n, v]/transportation [n]: Lorries transport
own food buying habits. products to supermarkets. in season [phr]: Strawberries are usually in
season from May to August or Septem ber in the UK.label [n]: Read the
label on that bottle to see what the ingredients are.
iF, ir . .ii"-,::. . .. :. ': a'''

Caiorie s j S0
I o sPEAKlllG work with a partner. Look at the food label. lt T*ral F*t $.Ig
shows a product sold in the us. How far did it travel before 5a{uraled F-:t 4.g
getting to the US? Irans F*t Jg
p.*ri,r,j r:Ulr_?ll
I b Look at the title of the article. what do you think 'food $egse#€egsa {:j.*acj*uS
miles' are?
ffrwdsssf wS Kaxrkep
i{[g*i$f; Read the introduction. were your ideas in t correct? Fmckwged $ar K$rw$$emd
How serious a pnoblem do you think food miles are? why?

There used to be a time when apples would only

appear in shops in the autumn in the UK, and
When you sit down for dinner tonight, just think strawberries in the summer. Now, however, we can eat
jttst quvuL rnrr ti-^
of drLy ^€ *hp
of the long journey your food has taken to get to J uuL
ahOirt LerZenrthi--
vLr j LrrrrrS aL LIlllc ul L^-_ rrorr
J _*-.
Rrtt rt
what price for our planet? Just look at these facts:
your table. The average item of food in a British
superrnarket has ffavelled 1,600 kilometres to o 95% of fruit in the UK comes from abroad. and 50%
gui thut". We use the expression'food miles' to of vegetables. Some apples travel nearly 18,000 km from
New Zealand to reach the UKI
describe how far food travels from the place it's
produced until it gets to our table. Some people . 30% of all products transported by lorry around the
UK are food nrodrtcts Theqe lornlinrrrno\ra nrndrrco
say ttrat food miles will have a catastrophic effect rvL J )v vL !tsJD L
25% of all CO, emissions.
on the environment in the coming years, but
others say that they aren't that important' tetls o Environmentaily unfriendly planes carrying food are
already responsibl e for 11% of all carbon emissions.
see what both sides have to say.
. Some food products like

rro nff
o- _ ..-- in nno nlr
then travel somewhere
elqo tn ha
vv nrnlrroarl
and then travel back to near where
they were grown to be soldl
. Experts have calculated that if we
all bought food produced within a
20 kilometre radius from where
we live, the country would
save over two billion pounds in
environmental costs.
The message is clear. We need to
produce food loca11y, and we need
to buy 1oca11y produced food.
Tt's chean it's enrrirnnrnpntrllri
friendiy and it's natural.
t ;:r:!XG Work with a partner. Student A, read 4 SPElKltlG Work with your partner. Student A"
Text A and answer the questions below. explain why food miles are a serious problem.
Student B, read l'iext B and answer the questions Student B, explain why the alternative to
below. Make a note of your answers. food miles can be worse. Use your notes in 3
to help you.

A 5 With your partner, talk about how serious
possibfe to
eat appfes in tr,. rumm.r
you think the question of food miles is.
,f;lil.Ttfllit in the uK
What do you think is good advice when
2. How do fories
carryfng food affect you go to buy food? Use the information in
the environmen?
rl: 3' What impact do pfanes texts A and B to help you.
food have on the
r6f environment?
4. Why does the
writer mention the
lly in
,ad the
5. lVhat does the
transportation of potatoes?
writer recommonrr rrr #^ r^ _-"-"
-' I
'& fl*frff##ll'*r::i:il::*".,
@ 6b@ 15 Complete the sentences with one or
'. V{hat two options exist if we want to eat apples in the summer two words. Watch or listen again to check
n fte UK? your answers.
- Wtidr of the two options does the writer think is preferable
...... the business.
md why?

3.iYtry is it a good idea to buy Spanish, not British, tomatoes

2 | learnt what it takes to get food from field

h tre UK in the winter?

1- A{Brt from environmental reasons, why does the writer suggest 3 To sell apples in June means keeping them in
ttut buying fruit from countries like Africa is a good idea? a facility all year.
;. What the writer's conclusion about food miles?
4 The best thing would be if people ate more
, (that is depending on the time
of year).
Exploding the myfh 5 How many miles it takes to get a product from
A to B is known as .....

A while ago everybody started 6 The best place to start would be your local
saying that food miles showed
- :;- --:le world was going farmer's......
mad. prodr.irrg apples in
",=;..- Zealand or green beans
in Africa tn"r, flyrng
--:_:::: "rtemissions
:c the UK? Think of all the carbon 6c Work with a partner. What does Ben say
:-::- iying all that distance! S.".,J"lorl about these things?
I -: _::'s thinl< again. OK if we want UK apples
: _:-::er we have to keep them
in the a locally sourced food
cooi for nearly a whoje
=-:. 3ut you need to keep them fresh b agribusiness
-:- --: months wiil be worse for the enviionment than c product labelling
---= :a:bon emissions created by air transportation.
Remember that we buy food from
countries because their weather provides
the ideal natural conditions fo, proau.r.rg
that food. you can produce to-"to", in You want to ftnd out more about food miles
the UK in the winter, but you need en".gy in your area.
to heat the greenhouses to recreate the
Work in a group and follow this plan:
y_?1m, sunny - weather of Spain.
r That rneans
---:: _:r ire UK it me. rKes sense to buy Spanish tomatoes 1 Collect different food labels or packaging
-.';inter, even
--- :j:= taking into accoirnt the food miles. and bring them to c/ass.
----- -=_'s not forget about the one
million African
r::'=:s-. for examp-l:,*lo depend on selling 2 Using a world map, create a display to
fruit and show each item and where it came from
:.=:a:-es to the UK and other markets. tf #e
: --.-:-i :ood from other parts of the world,
i, _igii and/or where it was packaged.
.-_:-.-: I :atastrophic impact on
their economies,ind 3 Find out.which of the products could be
'7 /1\rm
produced or packaged c/oser to where you
::riles are not ideal. But sometimes
live, and what the benefits could be.
:etter than the aiternative!
4 Present your findings to the c/ass. What
are your conclusions?
Future continuous, future pertect simpte ond future
perteel continuous

I o Look at these sentences. what tense are the verbs in

blue? Explain how we form the tenses.
1 soon we'll be seeing UAVs frying over the heads of
football players.
2 ln 2025 thousands of normal people wiil be using them.
3 By 2025 UAVs will have become incredibly big business.
4 In five or ten years the price will have dropped.
5 By February next year, the US Army wiil have been using
drones for 42 years already.

Ib complete the rules with future continuous, future

perfect simpfe or future perfect continuous.
1 We use the .. to talk about activities
that will be finished by a certain time in the future.
We use the ........ .... to talk about activities in
I Work with a partner. Look at the
SPEAKlllG progress at a particular moment in the future.
photo of a drone. What could it be used
for? Make a list. We use the . ... ..... to talk about how lonq
!: fau canLd we tt to delLver paffcek. an activity has been in progress before a particular
, moment in the future.
@ te Listen to a radio prograrnme
Ie f.t$T'EFilt*fi
a about drones. Tick (r) any of ihe Ideas in We often use by with the and the
your list that they mention.

@ te Listen again and choose the correct

Explain the difference between the sentences in
1 UAV means Unmanned Aerial/Automatic each pair.
1a At 7 o'clock I'll be seeing the doctor.
Many people prefer the name UAV
because the word 'drone' has a 1b At 7 o'clock l'll have seen the docton
sci entifi ca lv m preci se/ n e g ative mea
I i
n in g. 2a She's giving ihe talk in half an hour.
In a park in Namibia they use UAVs to 2b She'll have given the talk in half an hour.
observe/stop rh ino h unters. 3a In 2050 humans will have gone to the Moon again.
Film directors will be able to use UAVs to 3b In 2050 humans will go to the Moon again.
film aerial images/action movies. 4a l'm going to have lunch with my friends at 1 pm tomorrow.
Filming sports events with UAVs
4b l'll be having lunch with my friends at 1 pm tomorrow
is too expensive/offers us new reportino
Scott thinks it will be quite possible/too
difficult for the general public to buy a UAV
in 2025.
Scott thinks/doesn't think there should be
limits on the use of UAVs.

What are some of the positive points

of UAVs according to Scott and Kim?
Do they mention any possible negative
points? lf so, what?

SPHKfilG What about you?

Do you think UAVs will change the world in a
good or bad way? Explain your opinion.
Flipped classroom: watch the grammar
presentation video.

h Read Sarah's schedule for tomorrow and Put the verbs in the correct form of the future
complete the sentences with the future continuous or future perfect simple.
continuous, future perfect simple or future
perfect continuous form of the verbs given. 'The future is a mystery. What (a)
bs in
| (do) when I'm 30? Will
I be unemployed or (b)
I (work)? | know that I

hem. I (c) (finish) school, and I imagine I

iness. (d) (leave) university because not

many people continue studying at the age of 30. One
thing I do know is that | (e) ..., .. . (not
live) in this town because I want to leave here when
! I go to university. I'm sure I (f)
(learn) to drive by the time l'm 30 because that's one of
tg5 the first things I want to do when l'm 18. I don't think
IAUNCH DAY SPECIAT - SCHEDULE | (g) (buy) a car because they're
? om Breokfost in hotel
ies in '0 om really expensive, but I imagine I (h)
Bus ride to the Spoce Centre
'0.30 om Visit the Rocket Gorden (save) up my money each month to buy one.
' '1.30 om See the Astronout Holl of Fome The future,s a mystery, but I know it's going to be
'2.15 pm Lunch with on ostronout, with the chonce to osk
'.30pm Speciol film showing previous spoce lounches 5a Write predictions about yourself in the year 2O4A.
3 pm See the lounch of o Delto lV rocket live! Use the future continuous, future perfect simple
5 pm Visit our full-size model of the lnternotionol or future perfect continuous.
The future me!
: D{11 Bus bock to hotel
-.30 pt Dinner ot hotel
1 live in this city 6 speak English
2 live with my parents 7 work in an office
3 stop playing I learn Chinese
At 9.30 she (have) breakfast at computer games 9 appear on TV
the hotel. 4 become famous 10 do exercise regularly
2 At 10 she (eat) breakfast. 5 get married
3 At 10.35 she (arrive) at the I wawt b?. Ltwvg ivt tLtts cit'y./I wLIL have beevt,
Space Centre.
Ltvivtg Ln. tLti: city far 30 feotrs.

By 11.25 she (go) round the

5b SPEAKII{G Work in small groups. Compare your
Rocket Garden for nearly an hour. sentences and ask questions to find out what
5 At 1.00 she (have) lunch with an your partners have vvritten. Are any answers
particularly common?
By 3.00 she (see) a film about Wil! you be living in this city?
space launches.
At 3.10, she (watch) the rocket
launch. Yes, I think so. That means l'll have been
living here for 30 years. What about you, EvaT
By 4.30 pm, she (watch) the
rocket launch for one and a half hours.

& Write four questions about th6 schedule, two No, / won't. I think l'll be living in another country,
using the future continuous and two using the maybe England or lreland. And you, Ana?
frrture perfect.
;...:t wLLL ,rhz be daLvg at qwrter past fweT
5c Tell the class any common answers,
t SlfilXC Ask your partner your questions. tulast af us dowt thlnk N>'LI be llwvg ir+ thk cLal
Lvt. 2040. .-t'Iil
Tolking qbouf photos -|
Useful expressions to compare and
contrast photos
I Both photos show ...
r In both photos,
I One similarity is that ...
t In the firsVsecond photo,
r One big difference between the photos
is that...
r Another important difference ...
I Compared with ...
I The first photo shows ... whereas/while
the second photo shows ...

.Sffiffi Work with a partner. Use the

phrases in the Speaking bank to talk
Work with a partner. Look at the photos. Think of about the similarities and differences
similarities and differences between them. between the photos in 1.
Similaritieir DifferenEes

with a partner. Student A,

5q:9tElfff6: Work
look at the photos below. Student B,
look at the photos on page 158. Think
about the similarities and differences
il$TfiftlllF € tl Read the task below. Listen to a student
between your two photos.
doing this task and answer the questions.
Compare the photos and say what problems you think people 5b Student A, do the task below. Student B,
have travelling around the city in these ways. listen to your paftner.
1 Does the student mention any of your ideas? Compare the photos and say how you think the
2 Does she describe each photo in detail? people feel in these situations.
3 Does she do both parts of the task?
5c Now change roles. Student B, your task
I tl Complete what the student said with phrases from is on page 158.
the Speaking bank. Listen again if necessary.

(b) . . the people are using the Underground,

(c) . in the second photo the woman is cycling
in the road. (d) the first
photo shows a big crowd of people waiting on the platform
(e) ... in the second one the woman seems to be

alone and is on the move. (fl the cyclist the

people in the station seem unhappy - maybe they're impatient
to get home. (g) is that in the
Underground there can't be much fresh airi while the cyclist is
outdoors and so the air is probably better.
(h) is that there are problems with both ways
of travelling around the city. In the Underground you don't have
much space and it's probably quite difficult to sit down when it's
busy. But I think it can be very dangerous cycling in a big city. At
least the woman in the photo is wearing a helmet though. Also,
when it rains it isn't nice to be cycling.
4 Put the events of the story (a-g) in ordea
1 2 3
Work with a partner. Read the task and 4 5 6
of some ideas for a story.

a The narrator applied for a place at an astronomy

b The narrator had an amazing time at the camp.
c The narrator went to the airpoft.
d The narrator became interested in astronomy.
e Some people from the astronomy camp went to
meet the narrator.
Your story must include: f The narrator got a telescope
. a surprise
. a iourney
The narrator had a brilliant surprise.

5 Look at the advice in the Writing bank. Find

examples in the story in 2 for each one.
ilris story. Are there any similarities with VarLety af past tewe^s .. past canttnnaus: v,le Nere
saaw prepartvg far LandLvg.

ra both owilsd and nprvou6 a6 I stood lhere

at fh? airport. lt uaan'f
ths first time fhat I Useful language for writing stories
ffoun, but it waa lhs first timo I uaa travalling t Use a variety of past tenses: the past simple, past
mI oun. I had bsen uaiting for this irip tor a continuous, past perfect simple and continuous,
limo. and used to/would.
monthe ago,l had appliad for a place aI an
t Use participle clauses:
summer cam? no r floroncv,ltall. Aotronoml Looking up, she saw ...
m1 main hobbl at tha age o{ viglt afrer recoiving After looking up, she saw ...
mall ieleu.ope a6 a pr?,lont from m1 parante. So it rdas Having looked up, she saw ...
bnlliant eurpriaa whsn I loarnt that thal had givyn me a I Use linkers of time and sequence:
at tho campl Last weekend, Three years ago, On Friday ...
m1 plana tooK off on tims. lt r^las a ehort flight At first, Next, Then, After that, Finally,
x? were soon preparing for landing. Having collycied ln the end ...
hryEage,l immadiatell saw a $gn r,.rith q namo on I Use adjectives and adverbs to make the story
A emall group of students from the camp \New Ihero more'descriptive.
for me.

camp was an amailng otperionco. Thara wsra

from all ovar the world, all with Ihe same
in astronoml. Evarl night wa'rould obsarva ths When you write a narrative, make sure that the main
uoing diffarenl Ielescopeuholped \ orpert Ieachert. events of the story are clear. Before you begin writing,
camp vlaa aural from tho ci\ and tha e|eiee wyre clyar plan the beginning, the middle and the end. Don't
vi*hlit1 wat perfecl. buI, forget to describe scenes and give background
from learning mora information, too.
nurt aatronoml, I also mada > EXAM SUCCESS page 145
graat friends.

ls a irip that fll novor , PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT

6o Look again at the task in 1 and plan your

own story. Think about the main events, the
background aqd any important scenes.

6b Write your story. Remember to follow the advice

in the Writing bank and Exam success.
frdd this type of trip interest you? Why/
Sry not?
Grqmmor reference

We use be going to to talk about plans and A: I awiler thr- phtvte. My h,avds are Net.
arrangements for the future, i.e. things that we have B: get it for yaw.
already decided to do in the future. We use will and won't to talk about the future when
decLded that they're gaivg to fly to Dubltw. we consider it to be a future fact.
We can also use be going to to make predictions Next wuk tt wILI be rwy blrthday.
about the future, particularly when we have evidence We use the present continuous to talk about plans
i for the prediction. and arrangements that have been confirmed.
Thr- swvt, rs up already. I tl4Lvlk Lt's gotvg ta be hnt today, Tavu.arraw I'rn hawvg rwy ftrst jab iMerwev,t. They cqlled
We use will and won't to make general predictions m fo, thL LWerieN last Nezk.
about the future. We often use think, hope, expect, We use the present simple with time expressions like
imagine, etc. with will and won't to show that our when, as soon as, by the time, until, after and before.
prediction is based on thoughts, opinions and We cannot use wil/with these time expressions.
Whr-w I ga ta uviversLty, I'll study cherwtstry.
I tl,LLnk huywaw wiLL Land avt,tWoffs ane day.
We can also use the present simple to talk about the
We also use will and wont for decisions made at the future when the action is part of a timetable or routine.
moment of speaking, for example when we suddenly
offer to do something for someone.
Taynarraw I have vwy Evgluh clats at 2 a'clack.

FORM U$E : ,1, ..

We form the future continuous with will/ We use the future continuous to talk about activities in
won't+be+verb-ing. progress at a particular moment in the future. The activities are
in progress and so they are unfinished.
At tl,Lk nvwe taynarraN, he'LI be flrywg ta the W.

r We form the future perfect simple with will/ I We use the future perfect simple to talk about activities that
won't + have + the past participle. will be finished by a certain time in the future. We often use the
preposition by with the future perfect simple. lt means 'some
time before'. '
I wiLL havegow ta bed by rwLdnigW.

We form the future perfect continuous with I We use the future perfect continuous to talk about how long
will/won't + have been + verb-ing. an activity has been in progress before a particular moment
in the future. We often use the preposition by with the future
perFect continuous. lt means 'at that point'.
By 8 prw I'IL have be*vt, revktvg Ltr^stary far fwe htwrs!

Words connecled wilh lronsporl ond lrovel astronaut . board (v) . crew . flight . gate r get in/off/on/out
high-speedtrain. journey. land(v) . launch(n,v) . motorway. orbit(n,v) . passengep. platform. rocket
spacecraft. sPacestation . takeoff (v) . theUnderground/subway/tube. trafficjam. travel . trip. voyage
Prefixescooperate.disadvantage.disagree.disappear.discomfort.disobey.illogical .impatient
unnecessary . unsuccessful
Olher words qnd phroses ) page 137
qt revision

Iake the correct future form of the verbs. Use will, 6e going to or the present simple/continuous.

1 Get your books ready before the teacher 4 MarkandJenny. . .. ......... ..(get) married next
,----^----- -...........
(come). Saturday.
lans 3 Last week I took a decision. Next year I world one day.
................................................ (do) more exercise. 6 Thecoach.............................................(leave)at8.1Otonight.
t cotlled

ns like
lUtrich sentence in 1 ...
a is a confirmed plan or arrangement?.......... d is a plan or intention?..........

b is a prediction based on an opinion? e is a decision taken at the moment of speakin g?

,rt the c is an event that is part of a timetable or routine?.......... f has a special tense after a time expression? ..........

Tird< (/) the correct s€ntenceg and rewrite the inconect onos.
1 | can't go out at 7 o'clock because l'll have done my 5 At 5 o'clock next Saturday l'll have been playing
homework then. basketball.
2 She started driving home at 3 pm. By 6 pm she'll 6 | cant give you my assignment tomorrow because I

have been driving for three hours. won't be finishing it.

3 Don't call me at 9 o'clock as l'll be watching a film. 7 l'll be wearing mynew jacket when lgoto Paul's
tl I can write a summary of the book tomorrow Party tomorrow.
because l'll be reading itbythen. 8 Whenl'm20, 1'll have finished school.

lqry revision
se the
c0l{HtcTEDl}ulT}lTRAvEtt}lDTRAlt$P0RT t / S p-oJ.trl PRETHES

Complete the sentences with the correct word. 3 .Complete the sentences with prefixes
does our train leave from? added to the words in capitals.
2 | work on this ship. l'm part of the c 1 Please don't me. I

3 The plane |
... on time despite the storm. wasn't being serious, it was just a joke.
1 You rarely find a t........ j on the motonrrray.
5 We need to get to the g ..... Our plane's about to leave.
2 lt was such a lovely surprise! Totally
.. ,thankyou.EXPECT
rt 5 Let's take the h ............-s .... train. lf not, we'll be late. .
e 7 | think six astronauts live in the s .. s
3 | can't do it. l'm totally
8 They're going to 1 .. the rocket tomorrow.
4 l'm sorry, but there's no space on this
flight. lt's already

2 Complete the sentences with journey, travel, trip or 5 | don't know why you did that. In
Yoyage. my opinion, it was
1 We went on a school ... ....:...................... to London.
5 Do what she says. Don't
2 | think is a great way to learn more.
her. OBEY
3 Will astronauts make the long to Mars 7 She already has a degree in architecture.
one day?
Now she's doing a ......................
1 We were tired because the by plane and course. GRADUATE
coach had lasted 1B hours!
5 Last year we went on a day to Brighton.

?sfs$: t
/ 4o points I
Personolity odjectives Match the words in red in the text with their opposites.
Which two words in the text do not have an opposite in
I i. Work with a paftner. Think of the box? What do they mean?
possible opposites for these words. Do
you know any synonyms for the words? big-headed (2 words) . good-natured/easygoing
immature . narrow-minded . outgoing (2 words)
clever friendly . hard_working . patient
. self-confident . tactless (2 words)
polite o quiet . reliable . serious . tidy

aPPaslter: sLaw., From each pair of adjectives, choose the one that
vevr v' - .rLILY
.ryw,+yyns: brigW, twelLgew describes you the best. You can qualify the adjective with
varlr quite or a lfttle bit
Read this description of a teenager called Lwetwre/seLf-cavt'tdeE - I'yyt a tiLtLe btt Lweture.
Luke. Do you think you would like him?
WhyAlVhy not? iffi Work with a partner. Talk about the adjectives you
chose in 4 and why.
Luke is one of my best friends, but we're
very different. He's usually quite shy and Decide which adjective in each pair has a positive
reserved. When you go out with him to a meaning and which has a negative meaning. Use a
party, he doesn't usually talk to many people, dictionary if necessary.
especially if he's never met them before. 1 ambitious/pushy 4 frank/brusque
Het a very sensitive and tactful person. He
does his best not to hurt anyone's feelings.
2 self-confidenVarrogant 5 stubborn/determined
In that sense, he's quite mature. He's really 3 bossy/assertive
gifted and talented, too. He-can play three
instruments really well. But because he's so 7 t € tg Listen to descriptions of three people, Write
modest and down-to-earth, only his good down two ad[estives from this page to describe each one.
friends know just how talented he is. His
favourite type of music is classical, but he's
quite broad-minded, musically speaking. 2/
He'll listen to any type of music as long as
itt good. I don't want to give the idea that
Luke is perfect though. He can be
very insecure at times, especially 8q i Work with a partner. Decide what type of
when he starts worrying about personality you need to do these jobs. Give reasons for
how he's going to do in exams. your answers.
And he can also be a bit 1 a professional musician
bad-tempered, getting angry 2 the director of an
for no good reason. He's still a international bank
great friend though.
3 the President
4 aFormulaldriver
5 a TV presenter
8b Discuss your ideas'with
the rest of the class.
tEI{llG Work with a partnen Look at the photos in 2 Read the article. Did the person in the photo
the article and describe what you can see. have an easy childhood? Why/Why not?

Impossibiel I try harder but can no longer there were just 50 i";
lift himl Once he started doing tricks like nonnlo rrr:tr'hino
this on the bullies, they ieft him alone. but soon there I:i
ila. But their fear of him meant that nobody
wanted to be near him. So he spent his
were thousands.
He had walked
time in his bedroom practising. The IId.rIWcty dLIUb>
ites. longer you practise, the better you get! the river when the
te in Thanks to that dedication and hard police stopped him.
work, Dynamo is one of the most famous So, how did he do it? The best
illusionists in the world today, but he's was tnere distraction is
possibly the most modest, down-to-ear[h transparent plastic an audience.
Derson vou'll ever meet. He remembers under the surface of the water? Even
how his career real1y started. When he when you ioo[ mbre closely at the
had to spend six months in hospital images, it's impossible to know.
because of his stomach illness, it was one 'l can honestly say that if i star-ced
of the worst times in his life. He started i+ arI, {,,^,,',i }
^,.*l^j-.;-^ rr uynamo says,
^ll'T\-,-^*^ -^.,- you o De
wondering how people would remember so bored you'd be b_eggrng me to stop after
him if he died. This motivated him to a minute.'After all, as he says, intrigue is
make something of his life. He started the most powerful part of it.
doing tricks in the street. He 1g!\q{,his-
.,,^.. r-.^^r--+^^^ ^+ Ll
^oncerts and did tricks Dynamo's illness has never gone away.
wd.j udLA>LdEc dL
But he finds that when he's working his
for famous artists such as Snoop Dogg,
stomach hurts him the least.'The best
One Direction and Coidplay. Soon he
had a massive following on social media distraction is an audience. My stomach
networks, with tens of millions of people
hurts the-Least when I'm periorming.
rurLrrqrlrl! JLvpo rno faalino
cfnnc rrIC lCC]IIiS cnrr nain'
worldwide watching his videos. Then PellL.
There can't be many people in the
came his own TV series which he has
world who are so calm and
since sold to more than 190 countries,
easygoing about walking
attracting 250 million viewers.
through windows or levitating
His ability to get attention was evident in above the tallest building in
2011 when he amazed people by walking London. But Dynamo is no
on the River Thames in London. At first, ordinary person.

Read the text again and choose the best answ€rs. 5 Dynamo thinks people ...
1 Dynamo thinks that ... a wouldn't understand if he exolained his illusions.
a doing tricks and illusions keeps him young.
b are more impressed as they can't explain his tricks.

b illusions can remind us of when we were young.

c don't like it when he exolains his tricks.
:# c people are less htppy when they get older.
'-k 2 Other children used to bully Steven because ...
a of his personality and build. Think! Then compare ideas with your class.
b he had a strange appearance. I Why do you think Dynamo is so successful?
c he had more money than them.
3 Dynamo got better at illusionism because ...
a he needed new tricks to beat the bullies. What do the qndeflineC words in the text mean?
b he wanted people to be frightened of him. Guess and then check in your dictionary.
c he had a lot of free time alone.
4 At the start of his career ... SPEAftll{0 What about you?
famous people asked to see his tricks. Do you like watching illusionists? Why/Why not?
b he made his own TV series.
c he did his tricks outside on strangers.
Flipped classroom: watch the video on
the Resource Centre or Online Workbook.

4 Rewrite the sentences using the correct

comparative and superlative form.
I q Look at the gentences. which contain
cornparative 1 ln my opinion, Caleb is the friendlier
forms and which contain superlative forms?
person in this class.
1 | try harder but can no longer lift him. 2 | think Emma is slightly taller that Claire.
2 He grew up in one of the most dangerous areas in
3 That is definitely the most silly thing l,ve
heard today!
3 Even when you look more closely, it's impossible to know.
You can write much quicklier on a computer
4 He is better than the rest. than by hand.
5 My stomach hurts the least when l,m performinq. 5 Sorry | couldn't come more soon.
6 He practises the longest. 6 ls it much more further to your house?
7 lt's easier for him to do a trick than explain it. 7 You need to try more hardly if you want to
be a professional illusionist.
I b Look at the sentences again. which contain adjectives Houdini was one of the more famous
and which contain adverbs? illusionists in the world.
9 That film was terriblel lt,s the less
interesting film l've ever seen.
sPEAKlil0 work with a partner. complete
the table below 10 She did more well than me in the test.
and then explain the rules for the different groups of
50 SPtAKlf{G Work with a partner. Decide who
in your class ...
Adjective Comparative Superlative 'l talks the fastest.
long 2 shouts the loudest.
slow 3 speaks the most quietly.

4 draws the best.

5 runs the furthest.
6 arrives the earliest.
friendly 7 writes the most neatly.
tidy 8 laughs the most often.

5b Say one of the names you chose in 5a.
hard-working Can your classmates guess the
good aa

bad 7tZ
far thr- farthu t / the fnrthe"r t IQf Ofier woys of noking comporisons
little (determiner) Less 6 Look at the sentences and answer the
questions a-c.
Far aw-sylLabLe adjecnve,r, add -er ta vnake, the cavnparanve. 1 |tried as hard as the others.
2 He was not aslso big as his classmates.
Match the rules and examples for comparative and 3 When he works, his stomach is less
superlative adverbs.
painfulthan when he rests.
1 we usually make comparative and superlative adverbs with 4 We get older and older.
more and the most.
5 The longer you practise, the better you
2 With some irregular adverbs we add -er and the _est. get.
3 some comparative and superlative adverbs are irregular. 6 The earlier you staft, the easier it is.
a well, bad, little a When do we use as ... as?
b carefully, quietly, easily, beautifully, often b When do we use notas... as, notso...
c fast, hard, early, late, long, soon, near as, or /ess . .. than?
c How do you say 4-6 in your language?
3b Make the comparative form of the adverbs in 3a (a-c).
Complete the second sentence so that it has a
Noun suttixes
inilar meaning to the first sentence, using the
r wrd given. Do not change the word given. You I Look at these words. Each one contains a noun
rrst use between two and five words, including suffix; Which of the nouns are for a person?
lhe word given.
I Liam enjoys surfing the Net as much as playing
ability . actor . aftist . difference . direction
computer games. enjoyment . illness . performance
politician . writer
For Liam, surfing the Net
computer games. Make nouns from these words using the suffixes
2 Eating fruit and vegetables is healthier than eating in 1. You may need to change the spelling.
fast food. Sometimes you can make more than one noun
ant to
LEs5 from each word.

Eating fast food . eating
appear . confident . create . different
act .
fruit and vegetables.
educate . electric . employ " hrppy . improve
3 When you walk at a higher speed, you get more invent " investigate . mad . music
tired. relevant . science
The more tired you get.
4 . Dylan thinks judo is better than karate.
Complete the text below with the correct form of
who the words given.
Fof Dylan, karate judo.
5 Olivia is quick when she writes, and so is Amy.
In this type of exercise, you may need to add a
prefix or a suffix or both. Sometimes the word needs
Arny writes Olivia. to be plural. Look at the context carefully to decide.
5 Chinese is much harder to write than English. > EXAM SUCCESS page 145
English is . . than Chinese. ::5..iEE"*.:;5+
7 Basketball becomes easier depending on your ometimes you can get the impression
height. that (a) (science)
TALLER today spend all their time just
The ......... basketball becomes. improving high tech toys and
I She's getting increasingly good at maths. phones. But just think of the

(b) (important)
of some of the biggest inventions of
She's getting
the past, Take (c)
(electric), for example, or, more
IHflffi Work witha partner. Match the halves
specifically, the electric light bulb.
of these common expressions. Check that you
understand what they mean and then think of a The (d) (create)
situation when you might use them. of the light bulb is one of the key
moments in human progress. lts
1 The sooner a than done.
(e) (invent) was
2 Better late b to worse.
the extraordinarily talented Thomas
3 Easier said c than never.
Edison. Edison's biggest skill was
1 Better to be safe d the harder they fall. to take another person's idea
5 The more e the merrier. and make (fl
6 This is going from bad f the better. (improve)to it. Electric light bulbs
7 The bigger they are g than sorry. meant the (g)
(appear)of unsafe gas lighting. Before
Tl'w saovwr tLre bettex, fon we Lt whw yau, want
sarnetLtivtg ta Lappevt, o$ ,taow as passLble, far electric lights, people couldn't do much when
uounple the start af tfu, I'wltdays. it got dark at night. Edison gave people the
(h) (able)to see at night. What
ffi a (i) . .(different)that made!
ru ffi H # ffi ffiffiH ru [H E

To find out about Gardner's Theory of Multiple generaf knowledge [n phr]: ln a general knowledge
Intelligences. quiz, they ask things like'What is the capital of
To learn some study tips and think about the type France?'measure lvlz Many tests are used to try to
of learner they can help. measure intelligence. strength [nl: One of herstrengths
is her attention to detail. grasp [n, v]: t didn't grasp
To find out which type of learner you are.
what you said. Can you explain it again?

| $Pf*f(|tf$ Work with a pa*ner: When we call REA0lt'16 Read a text about one theory of human
somebody'intelligent', what do we mean? Give intelligence. Which alternatives in 2a does the
examples of people you think are intelligent. writer agree with? What arguments do they give
to justify their answers?
2q Choose what you think is the best alternative.
Think about why.
1 lntelligence means/doesn't rnean knowing lots
of facts.
2 There is/isn'tjust one type of intelligence.
3 You can/can't easily measure intelligence.
When we talk about intelligence, some people have the idea
4 Your intelligence stavs/doesn't stav the same
that intelligence is what we need to answer general knowledge
throughout your life.
questions, such as What is the capitalof Venezuela? or How
5 Your circumstances in life affecUdon't affectyour many /egs does a spider have? And when somebody knows
intelligence. answers to all those questions, we say they're really clever or
they know a lot. The idea is that you're clever if you know a lot
2b $FfAI(|ltE Compare your answers with a partner. facts and data. Howeve6 most experts would say that this is
one parl or type of intelligence. There are other ways that we
think of intelligence, for example the creativity that you need in
order to find answers to questions that you've never seen
or to grasp new concepts.

This bring.s us to the American psychologist Howard Gardner.

Gardner says that there isn't just one type of intelligence. There
are what he calls 'multiple intelligences', He talks about seven
different types of intelligence, shown in the table opposite. Of
course, each of us may be naturally strong in more than just
of these intelligence types,

When you look at the table, you can see that Gardner's multiple
intelligences cover everything we do in our lives and is a much
more complete and realistic way of thinking about intelligence.
For example, we all know people who aren't so good
but who are very strong in logic or mathematics. We would
probably all agree that this doesn't mean one person is more
intelligent than another. They're both intelligent, but in different
ways, with different strengths. One important reason for it not
being very easy to measure intelligence is because it all
on what type of intelligence we're talking about.

The good news is that most of Gardner's intelligences can be

developed. With practice, you can learn to see things in a more
scientific or logical way, or you can learn to appreciate literature
music. lt is possible for children to become great musicians if
start early, and there are many bilingualor multilingual children ir
the world. The interesting thing here is that your life opportunities
can make a big difference to your intelligence. lf a child lives in
an environment where they speak two languages they'll learn
to understand and speak them, lf somebody has access to a
musical instrument and has lessons, we naturally expect them
to learn more than somebody who doesn't. So intelligence is nct
just a question of being born intelligent. The environment you lile
in can make a huge difference.
1 Read the text again and answer these questions.
1 What does the writer say about knowing facts and
2 Why does the writer say that Gardner,s theory
is more realistic than the traditional view of
3 According to the writer, why is it difficult to
edge measure intelligence?
4 What examples does the writer give to show that
rto intelligence is not just a question of being born
engths intelligent?

ey give

Look at the table of Gardnert Muttiple

Intelligences. Where do you think these go?
a dance e being in control of yourself
b singing f scientific thinking
c literature g teaching people
d architecture
r How
knows the $PfAfiil0 Work with a partner. What do you think
of Gardner's Theory of Multiple lntelligences?
3ver or GARDNERN$ MUffiIPLF Do you agree with it? Why/Why not?
cw a lot cf
this is or$y INTHLLIGENCF$ ra
rat we cal I ?ru
fi) t$ffiqil$
L$TEfinr$ g

u Watch
D watch or listen
tisten to
need in
en beforq
Includes reading, writing, talking, listening, poetry ...
Deana talking about study tips. Make
notes about her study tips for each
intelligence 1-7.
Intelligence 1: lntelligence 5:

r. There
LOGIGAL AND MATHEMATICAL lntelligen ce 2: Intelligence 6: .
te. Of
rlust one Includes ability with numbers, legal thinking ... Intelligence 3: Intelligence 7:
Intelligen ce 4:

mucn SPATIAL $Pffrtrlll$ Work with a partner. Talk about each tip.
pnce, Which of these things do you already do? Which
Includes driving, navigating a boat or plane ...
Suistically would you like to try? Why?
t not
Includes playing an instrument, composing music .,.
Find but what type of learner you are.
rature q
rs if they
Jren in
o ##, Effi -Wi.flWe, ffi S-T W#rffiT ftffi
Includes sports, drama, making thinfs ...
Follow this plan:
Do the Multiple lntelligence lest on page 1Sg.
Work with a partner. Talk about your resu/ts in
the test. Do you agree with the results? How
tunities might the results help you in your studies?
>s in
c Includes understanding other people, communicating
with them, helping them ...
3 Do some research to find a study tip or
ac-tivity that can help learners with your natural
strengths. When you are ready, work in groups

and share your tips and activities.
r is not
ou live
Includes understanding yourself, reflection ...
Read these sentences.
1 There was a programme that stood out.
2 The programme was the first in the series.
3 [-] Nurses treat [-l patients in [-] emergencies.
4 You could be the best diver in the world.

Match the sentence halves to make rules. Find

an example of each rule in a sentence in 1.
SPEII{}|0 Work with a partner. Look at the photo
1 We use a/an ... 4 We use the...
and answer these questions.
2 We use the ... 5 We use no article ...
1 Would you like to be in this situation? Why/Why not?
3 We use the ...
2 What type of people do you think normally do this
type of aclivity? a to talk about a singular countable person or thing
3 How much training do you think you need to do this? for the first time, or to say that the person or
thing is one of a number of people or things.
Ll$Tfirulf{$Listen to two people talking about
@ ZO b to talk about a specific person or thing or a
a new TV series. Are these statements True (T), person or thing mentioned before.
False (F) or is the information Not Mentioned (NM)? c to talk about things in general in the plural.
1 For Sue Wilson, there wasn't much d to talk about someone or something that is
.competition for best programme of unique.
the week. TIFINM e with superlative adjectives, adverbs, first and /ast.
2 She had the wrong idea about the
programm e Hidden Talent at first. T/FINM
3 To make this programme, they invited Choose the correct alternative.
people with special talents to do tests. T/F/NM
1 ln general, I think the4-l teachers can help the\-l
4 Maggie Reenan had always wanted to young people to develop their talents.
try rock climbing. T/F/NM
2 Last night I saw a/[-] programme about a/the young
5 Being a nurse was possibly an advantage girl who has a/the really good voice.
for Maggie when rock climbing. TIFINM
3 Did you read a/the book I gave you yesterday about
6 Being able to detect lies is quite a the/[-] science?
common ability. T/F/NM
4 | reckon she's thet-l better than most TV presenters.
7 With the FBl, Brenda Chamberlain
5 AfThe biggest problem with a,/the world today is
watched videos of suspects again
that we are all too busy.
and again. T/F/NM
8 Sue thinks that Maggie never knew about
6 l've got a/the friend who trains the/[-] animals to
appear in the/[-] films.
her talent before because she never
had time for herself . TIF/NM 7 Last week I read an/the article about the/[Jfirst
episode in a/the new comedy series.
@ ZO Listen again and answer the questions. 8 I think the4-l rock climbers do the/[-] most amazing
1 How many people did the tests for Hidden Talen?
2 How many tests did they do?
4 Complete the text with a, an, the or [-].
3 What do you know about Maggiet family situation?
4 How high was the rock she climbed? l've got (a). friend who has (b) ... . amazing
5 What often makes the rock more difficult to climb? talent. She has (c) .. incredible memory. She,s

6 How many people do they say have a strong ability really good at remembering (d) .. faces. She
for detecting lies? once met (e) man for just a few seconds.
7 What two things did the FBI teach Brenda? When she saw (f) man again six months
8 What did the programme make Sue think? later, she recognised him immediately, even though

SP$XIIIS What about you?

(g) clothes he was wearing were completely

1 Would you like to watch this TV series? Why/Why

different and now he had (h) beard. l'm exactly
not? the opposite. I think I have (i) . worst memory in
2 Would you like to do tests to see if you have a (j) world!
hidden talent? Why/Why not? I
Read the text and corest l'm 15, so l'm ..... young to vote in a general
seven mistakes in the use of
articles. election.

Cne of the most interesting 2 It's such beautiful day today.

episodes af Hidden Talent 3 She isn't tall . .. to get the book off the top
res. was about a boy called James
Whinnery. He was only 19. They
discovered that the boy had a 4 It's too late .......... . say that you're sorry.
special talent for the languages. 5 I have such ............ good memories of living by
He learnt the Arabic in just 19 the sea.
weeks. He did a test working in
Turkish restaurant for a day, talking to the waiters in The film was exciting I watched it twice.
e... Arabic. Then, for his training, they say he learnt the new When you're 18, you're old ......................... to drive in
words - one hundred words each day! At the end of the most countries.
episode, he travelled to Jordan and they interviewed
r thing him in Arabic on a special programme. Of course, Rebecca and Christine are .. good friends
tr nobody can really learn new language in just 19 weeks. that they seem like sisters.
But James learnt a lot of things in that time. lt seems I love that band. Their music is . goodl
that sometimes the TV programmes can have positive
effect on people and their lives.
Complete the second sentence so that it has a
similar meaning to the first sentence, using the
word given. Do not change the word given. You
must use between two and five words, including
5 Look at these sentences and complete the the word given.
C /ast. rules below with so, such, too or enough. 1 That artist does such good pictures that everyone
a The weather is usually so bad that it can be a copies her. 5O
scary experience. That artist's pictures .........
........ copies
b She did it so well. her.
"-1H c lt's such a difficult climb that you usually need 2 The water was so cold we couldn't swim. TOO
many years of experience. The water was
young d lt's such a pity. 3 Her paintings are so good you could sell them.
e She's always been too busy to find the time. ENOUGH
f She was(n't) good enough to do it. Her paintings sell.
4 It was so cold that day that they stayed at home.
enters. 1 We use to say if something is SUCH
/is or isn't excessive. lt comes before an adjective It was l . they stayed at home.
or adverb.
5 He's so insecure that he'll never be a good leader.
2 We use to say if something is SELF-CONFIDENT

or isn't sufficient. lt comes after an adjective or He be a good leader.
adverb. 6 Kate doesn't sing very well so she won't become a
professional singer. ENOUGH
azing 3 We use to intensify a noun
(with or without an adjective). lf the noun is Kate doesn't ........... ,,.
professional singer.
singular we use a/an before the noun.
4 We use to intensify an 9E Use your imagination to complete these
zing adjective or adverb. sentences.
5 We use to + infinitive after and 1 They've got such a big house that ...
2 There was a woman who was so rich ...

6 We use that after and

3 My friend is so quiet ...
4 | knew somebody who was too lazy to ...
5 We aren't fit enough to ...

6 l'm such a good student that ...

Complete the sentences with these words. You

7 My friend is so clever ...
can use the words more than once. lf no word is
ryin necessary, put f-J. 9b SpEAlffX6 Work in small groups. Compare your
sentences in 9a. Choose the best ones and tell
them to the rest of the class.
a " enough ' so * such -, to " too
Presenfqlions -|
Useful expressions to structure a
Beginning your presentation
r l'd like to begin by saying
I To start with ...
r The first thing l'd like to say is
r l'm going to talk about
Ordering your arguments
r First of all,
r Firstly,
r Secondly,
I Another thing is that,
I Furthermore,
I What's more,
I lt's important to remember that
r lt's also true that ...
Concluding your presentation
r In conclusion,
r Finally,
I To sum up,
I Last but not least,
r The point l'm trying to make is ...
I In short,

Organise your notes from 3 in a logici

ordet with an introdustion and a

.$F .Work with a partner. Read the

advice in Exam success. Take it in turn
to give a presentation with your opini
Remember to use expressions from th
Speaking bank. When you finish, discr,
:ffiffi how well you did your presentations.
Work with a paftner. Talk about the people in the
photos. Who are they and why are they famous?

rffiffillF: How would you define a 'hero'? Would you call When you give a presentation remember
any of the people in t heroes? WhyAAlhy not? that you can look at your notes, but don'
just read them aloud. Don't forget to loo
ffS$$Wt Work with a partnen Look at the presentation at your audience to see if they understan
topic and discuss if you agree or disagree with the you and are interested.
statement. Make notes of your ideas. Think of arguments > EXAM SUCCESS page
to justify and explain your opinions.
'There are no heroes in today's world, just celebrities.'
Do you agree? WhyMhy not? PRACTICE MAKES PERFECI

Sq.t Prepare a presentation about

tl$TEfilll$Zf Listen to a student giving a presentation on
O .' somebody that you admire. Give reasl
this topic. What is their opinion? Do they mention any of why you admire them. lt can be a fam
your ideas in 3? person or someone in your life, for
example a friend or relative.
€ Zt Listen again and tick (/) the expressions in the
Speaking bank that you hear. 8b Give your presentation to the class.
Match the paragraphs A-D to these
sPEAKll'lG work with a partnen Read this announcement and
Brief conclusion. . .

talk about people that you could write about and what
The person's name/introductory
talents they have.
information about them
The person's main talent(s)
The person's appearance and personality

ExLraordinary talents!
"K, Read the Writing bank and underline
examples in the article in 2.

want to know who you think are the most
; ented neonle in the ?1sr r-ontrrnrl
L!f rLur y. He/She seems ...
about one famous person who you think has He/She looks ...
=.*raordinary talents. Describe them and what He/She is verylreally/extremely +
---.) rl^uu. IfrL LUL;.lLr
^^rrl.l ,e an
actof, Singef,
-:^-^- mUSiCian, 'normal' adjectives (good, big ...)
-',-:-ter, artist ... anyone with
an amazing talent!
H e/Sh e is completely/tota lyla bso utely/

really * 'extreme' adjectives (fantastic,

huge ...)
He/She is quite/rather + 'normal'
Read an articlewritten about the singer Ed Sheeran. adjectives
what talents does the writer of the article say that Ed He/She can oe ...
Sheeran has? Make a list.
He/She tends to ...
He/She has a ... side.

al Ed Sheeraglr He/She shows that ...

What I like (most) about him/her is ...

How many good singers
are there today?
iW=" .=.%+.
SPEAI{|I{6 Use expressions in the Writing
-iundreds, maybe? But how bank to talk about the people you chose
rrany can write great songs?
ls in 1.
-r:rd how many can perform a
ion. -i.'hole concert on their own,
-,-.;ithout any other musicians? What I hke most about Daniel Radcltffe
le 'is hrs sense a{ humour.
r55 - mv oninion
vIlrrrrvrr, there'q
LrrsrL a nnlrr

:re, and his name is Ed

T\ Anart frnrn hic rcd heir
Ed Sheeran doesn't look Choose one person and write your
-,-ery special. IMaybe that's
article. Foliow the paragraph ilan in 3
lecause he tends ro wear and use €xpressions from the Writing
:crmai clothes like jeans and bank.
l-shirts. But when he starts to
.-ng, you can tell that he is in When you finish writing your article,
'act incredihlv snecial. As for check it carefully. Have you included
:is personality, what I love the relevant information? ls it easy to
about him is that he's
understand the ideas and information?
::rodest, funny and friendly.
Are there any grammar or spelling
fv One of Ed Sheeran's most important talents is that he mistakes?
can play and sing in lots of different styles. For example,
::e has some very romantic songs, but he also raps sometimes.
-l,nother of his great talents is being able to write lyncs. He
-rsuaily writes about down-to-earth things that young people
-inderstand. He aiso makes briliiant videos. in one video, he
shows that he's a talented dancet tool
Ed Sheeran is already a great singer and performer. But
4 the most exciting thing is that he's still very young. /ust
',vatch how he gets better and betterl

Grammqr reference

We use as ... as to say two things are the

We usually make comparative and superlative
Dags are as clever ds cats'
adverbs with more and the most'
carefully + more carefully, the most
carefully Weusenotas...asornotso...astosaythatthe
the first one'
-est second Person or thing is more " ' than
With these adverbs we add -er and the hnvnaw'
Awvwak areit as LweLlLgent as
fast+ fasten the fastest
late, Iong, soon' nean hard, earlY
(: Humans are more intelligent than animals')
to talk
These adverbs are irregular:
We use The + comparative, the + comparative
about two things that happen together'
well* better, the best
I rnvt, tlw mare tLred I fezL
badlY + worse, the worst
TLa fastex
TLw h,arder yo* study, tLa bet*ex
yanr resvtLts'
little (determiner)'+ less' the least
talk about
Less is the oPPosite of more' We use comparative and comparative to
situations that are increasing'
Awvnats are ll.;ss LwellLgent tluwhtwnaw'
(= Humans are more intelligent than animals')
are SeLtLvg bet*er an'd bc*q'

I We also use the to talk about specific things
I We use a/an with singular countable nouns' We use it lilo)rh*"r r bausht was qvtLte chzotp'
when we mention something for the first
time' or to say
that there
that the or thing is one of a number of people r We use the to talk about something unique'
is onlY one of.
or things.
the Snvt, the gaverwnent, the floar' thz
I'vegat a camPuler. It's a LaPtaP'
I We use a/anto say what somebody's profession
is' I We use the with superlative adjectives and
and with first and last'
He's 4 scLentut.
No article
the I We do not use an article with plural countable nouns
I We use the with countable (singular and plural) or uncountable nouns when we are talking
to something or
uncountable nouns' We use it to refer
peoPle or things in general'
somebodY PreviouslY mentioned' cawplex braLw'
ScleWuts say that anlvnak have
I'vegat a cavnPuter'TLa cavnputer's really fast' not
We use too to say that something is excessive'
We use so to intensify an adjective or adverb' meanlng'
the same as very because it has a negative
wark: sa hard'
She's so hard-warklvg. Shz Too comes before the adjective/adverb'
We use such to intensify a noun, with or
without an
A: He's verY cLever. (= Positive)
such with a singular (:
adjective. We use a/an a{ter 9: Ye^t, bul sovnt'ttvvr's ho's taa clever' negative)
or plural
countable noun, but not with uncountable We use enoughto say that something is
sufficient and
insufficient' lt
not enough tt say'that something is
It's sr,uh a PL|Y. He asks swh dLfwult qne'rnaw' to + infinitive
comes aftlr adjectives/adverbs' We use
can continue
ln sentences with a so or such clause we after too/enough.
the sentence with that' He's glfted e'wryh to Ntt+ a Nabel
Prlze' I'w wt pait'w
Hu thury rs sa carupLi'cated thmt I dawt uvt'derstand
e*ury\" to walt.
She's sur.h a Saad boss tlqt everybady Lave^r hen


outgoing-. pirhy. reserved 'self-confident'senstttve'shY ' stue*

tactful' tactless' talented
creation ' creativity
Noun suffixes ability . action ' actor aPPearance '. artist ' confidence '
. activity
, improvement . invention : ,:y:"a- investigation
. ,
enjoyment . happiness i'ness importance . relevance ' scientist ' writer
investigato* madness o musician . performance poritician '
Other words ond Phroses D Page 138
r revision

I Choose the correct alternative.

1 She doesn't work as hard/hardlv as me. 5 The Theory of Relativity is not as/so difficult as
2 My classmates are a lot less hard-working people imagine.
than/as me. 6 They're the most/more confident people I know.
3 The sunnier it is , it gets hotter/the hotter it qets. 7 The sooner she finishes her work, the earlier/earlies.t
she can get home.
8 When you rewrite your essay, do it more careful/
carefullv this time.

/ 7 points
2 There are no articleg in these centences. Add eeven articles in the correct placea
1 | met friend yesterday in city centre . 4 when l'm bored I pick up book and read.
2 Most important thing in life are good friends. 5 | like listening to actors and things they say about
3 ExPerts say government is having problems. life in Hollywood.
6 Programmes lwatch are all on late at night.

/ 8 points
3 Match the sentence halves and complete the sentences with so, such, too or enough.
1 The test was long a to see the start of the film.
2 My uncle was.............. serious ........ b that we didn't stay to see the end.
3 My friend wasn't patient c that we've decided to go there again next year.
1 He arrived . late d to carry all the dictionaries.
5 lt was a long film e to wait for me.
6 He was strong f that he never laughed.
7 His assignment was. . bad g that the teacher gave it a 0.
8 We stayed in a beautiful hotel h to finish in just one lesson.

ulqry revision

f-lr p.l"Cl t{oul{ $urFfiEs |

| ,^ .l

Complete the sentences with an ap propriate adjective 2 Put the words in the correst noun form.
and of personality.
1 One day she'd like to become a
1 A person is someone who is not very professional . (MUSIC).
ive careful in the way they speak and behave.
2 What an . (IMPROVE).
2 He's very famous, but het still modest and Your work is much better now.
3 A.................... .. person is someone who accepts many 3 Playing a sport well is often a question of
different types of behaviour and is not easily shocked. (coNFtDENT).
I Being is the opposite of being self- 4 They're spending more and more
confident. money on health and..............
5 lf someone is ambitious but in a negative way, they are (EDUCATE).
5 There was no light, just .

6 His friends say he's determined, but other people say he! (DARK) everywhere.
6 Who was the (cREATE)
7 il;;t, f,. ,i",, quite because she acts of Facebook?
like she's still a child. 7 The lights aren't working. We need to call
I A.................... .. student is one who has an impressive an...... (ELECTRIC).
natural ability. I Your . . (APPEAR) is
I Please be . . and tell me what you think. important in creating a good impression.
k*ct$: { t 4o noints i
T Reoding
"/ Ff.fiill?fillltilttlill 3 Read the text asain. Comptete the gaps with sentencea

a I 11 llsslns
sentence.activities, remember ... I A lt's almost impossible to reach that number all by yourself.
7 | tf th"r" are gaps which you cannot
a I ;;,."";;;".
"ir"r "".r"r I lt's no sood if vou're still at hish school'
C Hisfather probably wrote down all the earliest pieces, and
2 lSupifiot.ndth"ngobacklatertothe I
Jitficutt ones. perhaps improved them in the process.
7 |t"------' I
r D{AIV SUCCESS page 144 | D The good but not great students had totalled 8,000 hours.
2 | E
.t (,,'
Gates went to a very exclusive school

makes a!eni-us?, Before you read
article, answer the questions.
special numberto become a true expert.
But around the age of eight, real differences began to appe!
'| t.'.
1 ln your opinion, what is a genius? H By the time Gates left HarvanC, he'd been programming no

2 How do you think somebody can
a genius?
become stop for seven years'

Il./ r
4 WAlffi0 What about you?

ll/,. 2 rna<<raa?
REAl)lllG Read the text. What is the main The text suggests that to be a genius you need to work hard
'/a message? -^..l L-.,^
and have oPPortunities.
^^^^*..^i+i^^ F\^.,^..
Do you agree? How important is
,/', natural talent?

Il 4*G ^;|", 1|;..- . ............1t's 10,000 hours.'ln study after study of

tt'4 -.".ss':r^9$.4.'*c
7q- i,jnlr;ti:#:l:*'in"::,;#.l,t:"Hfl",":I:l;
pranrsts, chess players,'writes the neurologist Di
concert pianists,
.--" Levitin,'this number comes up again and again.'
l7*rtffiYfffil$* bi;'&
b-''Pj'-' M***

izry' TE? Ef.'+e
l',/9 ^tkt:-lF--1+t"

IH a- '\'
oc Cq' }fJ' c,dl-

*#e# l*$Iffi
example, famously started
writing music at six. But,
compareci to the sranoaros
oI mature composers,

'' lz;#lffi#bpt.
t7 c.opj""*",-t**
ilT;il:ii#"i,H#T". d

ti "ffi*K%y#fHA *:*:***:':.", ffi

)7'{r' G E N I U 5 ? neuru*ft+-*ffiG * *eam money, there won't

a part-time job to wv' ! be lrrvur tir
v! enough
'17 T n the early 1990s, the psydrologist K. Anders Ericsson and two
1l/.. ;',|l,1"*-''-'
. l/Z I colleagues did some investigation at Berlin's elite Academy of Music. Let's tum
. l/,2
I l/t
I with the h+ of the acaderiy's professors, they divided the school's
., stars .;
to the history of Bill Gates. A gifted young
/' violinists into -ithree groups. -.Firsi wlre the -'the students with mathematician
--rL--^t;^- - computer
discovers ^^* programming. He le
',/, the potentjal to beco-me world-class soloists. Second were those who Haward. Then he starts a little computer company callei
a were very good, but not as good as the stars. In the third group were Micrcsoft withtris friends. Being brilliant, ambitious and
,// the studints who rvould pr6bably nwer play professionily,t]l the hard-working, he builds it into the giant ofthe softvrare
.'/// violinists were to answer'the same question: bver the course of your world. Now let's look more closely (5) One year tl ....................
tZ carcer, ever since )rou fiIst picked uit}le vioiin, how many hours have school spent $3,000on a computer telminal. From that
t/ you practised?' moment on, Gates lived in the computer room, leaming
/ / Everyone,
ll/Z Evervone. .*-
".. -. -^ from ali all three groups,
srouDs. started piayrng same
Diavino at around the same
how to use this strange new machine. In one seven-moir

',ll/ ,z ;;:;'o"ffi"::ilffi':j#i,"til;"1{'""j*X;:"ii$il""i",::A!
age - around flve. In those first few vears. evervone oractised roushl
the same-two or three hours a week. (1) .............. The students who
lll/ 7,,,

'll,/, would become the best in their class began to practise more than than 0). .. So, he had sp€nt a lot more than 10,000 hows

.ll/,.. ,/ .everyol:
everyone else..Six
else. Six hours
hours a wgek
week by age nine, eight
eight by age
age 12,
12,16 a week
1G at computels. Very few teenagerc at that time had the kind
ll/,. a week By
by age 14, until by the age of 20 they-were practising will over eo houn
exPedence Gates had
then, the elite performers had all totalled 1o,o0o hours of
lla,., practice ovel
',|;1../ January 1975 was the start of the peEonal computer
the third group Who
over the course of their lives. (2)....................And
to take adwantageof it? yir
. ll/7.z
was in the best
tll/a ,
iust 44,000
Just hours.
ooo horrrs
don't want to be too young. (s).................... The pe'rfect age to
.t,ll/,, This idea critica.l,
- that excellence at a complex task needs a critical, in 1975 is young enough to see t}Ie coming revolution bu
/,2 minimum level of practice - appears again and again in studies. not so old as to have missed it. You want to be 20 or 21, b
/ /, in 1954 or 1955. When was Bill Gates bom? 28 October 1!

Use of English Speoking

rlf. In word formation cloze activities, remember ... In presentations, remember ...
To change the type of word, you will usually need a suffix Don't speak too fast. lf you do, people will
(e.9. -ion to make a noun, -ly to make an adverb). To change not be able to follow you.
the meaning of the word, you will usually need a prefix (e.g. > EXAM SUCCESS page 145
im-, re-).

> EXAM SUCCESS page 145 Look at this topic. Prepare a

presentation: make notes, but do not
Work with a paftner. write complete sentences.
Make a list of things that
cear. you think you know about You can choose three famous, talented
non- Albeft Einstein" Then read people to go on an excursion with. Who are
this short text and see you going to choose and why?
if it mentions any of the
things on your list. SpEAKlll$ Work with a paftner. Brainstorm

One exceptional talent in any expressions you know for ,.,

the world of science was, 1 beginning a presentation.
of course, Albert Einstein. 2 ordering your arguments.
As we all know, Einstein's 3 concluding a presentation.
rame and (a) came from IMPORTANT
ris Theory of Relativity, which changed the SPt*Klll8 Work in groups. Take it in turns to
'aray that the (b) community SCIENCE give your presentations. Use expressions
from 8.
rnderstood space and time. However, it's
'nteresting to note
that Einstein took an
lc) long time to begin to USUAL
speak. He didn't start until after his second
cirthday. He was also rebellious towards
authority when he was at school. These In stories, remember ...
:wo facts may have been the origin of a Use a variety of past tenses and linkers of
time and sequence to make it clear when
copular myth that the (d) SCIENCE
the different events in the story happened.
',c/as a bad student and that he failed at

school. This is simply not true. We should

^ot (e) his amazing ESTIMATE
fl ... in science subiects. ABLE ? * Work with a partner. Read this task
Iry and plan your story. Think about the
Iinstein was already an outstanding
rino main events, the background and any
>---b g) ... and a very good PHYSICS important sceneg.
to do
[ime :h) .. when he was young. MATHEMATICS
At 16 he wrote a brilliant essay that had a Your English teacher has asked you to write
a story forthe school magazine. Your story
cirect (i) with his later work CONNECT
must begin with this sentence:
leaves cr relativity. But the myth may also come
led Jack didn't usually enjoy travelling, but
;om the fact that when he was 16 he tried,
rd today was different.
e i) , to get into the prestigious SUCCESSFUL Your story must include:
the s
=ederal Polytechnic in Zurich, failing some of a famous person
g :re non-science subjects. The normal entrance s a competition
rnth age was 18, so he was two years younger than
sof -sual. The next year, when he was just 17, T ? Write your story. Follow the advice in the
re oassed! Writing bank on page 152.

Read the text again. Complete the gaps with the correct
form of the words at the end of the lines.
[o be

Buying qnd selling Money qnd bonking

I 'SPEAt{llt6 Work with a partnen How many different 4 Match these words and phrases with the
types of shop can you name in two minutes? definitions. Use a dictionary if necessary.

2 Complete the text with these words. Use a ATM/cashpoint . bank charges/fees . bill
dictionary if necessary. current account e get into debt * interest
lend money/give somebody a loan * bverdraft
afford " bargain u cash * change * discount savings account ' withdraw money
receipt " refund " sale . value for money * waste
an agreement with your bank that allows you to
spend money when there is no money in your
account 1.

a bank account that you use to keep and save

3 give money to somebody for a period of time, after
which they give it back
4 amount of money you have to pay a bank for the
services that they give you
5 a bank account that you can take money out of
when you want
6 take money from a bank account
7 money you get from a bank for keeping your monet
there, or money that you pay to a bank when you
borrow money from them
I a wrrtten statement saying how much money you
owe for goods or services you have received
9 machine that gives you money when you put a bank
card in it
10 start to owe money

Ll$T[Hll{S @ ZZ Listen and answer the eight

questions. You will hear each question twice.
1 5
2 6

SPEil(lttC Work with a partner. Ask these questions.

1 Do you usually carry some change in your pocket?
2 How do your parents usually pay in shops?
60 pa0ilt,ffc{rTl0[: How do you say
these words? what
3 Do you or your family usually buy things in the do they all have in common?
sales? What types of things?
4 Do you usually keep the receipt when you buy answer o business o climb * debt' doubt
something? WhyAVhy not? eight . half . honest " knowledge o listen . litre
5 Have you or your family ever asked for a refund? psychological * receipt * talk . through . written
6 Do students get special discounts in your country?
7 Have you ever wasted your money? When?
6b e 23 Listen to the words and correct your
8 What have you bought recently that was good value pronunciation if necessary.
for money?
I SPEAXIilS Work with a paftner. Look at the photos in the article and answer the questions.
1 How are they connected with the title of the article?
2 Do you think all the objects could be used as money? Why/Why not?

2 REAIIIH0 Read the article and check your answers in 1.

Whettrer we like it or not, money plays a

central role in society today. We all use Many different things have been used as money over the years, including cocoa
it, more or less every day. Beearrse of the beans, salt and cows. At first, the value of money was fixed by its alternative
importance of money, we probably all uses. For example, you could use the cocoa beans to make chocolate, or the
salt to make food taste better, These uses qive them a basic value. On the
ought to have a elear idea of the history other hand, many people may want strawberries and be happy
of money, and how money works. to trade for them, but they make poor money because they
last for such a short time. There is also the oroblem
that not everything of value is easy to divide, and
Perhaps the easiest way to think about the role of money
s to consider a world without it. We would have to F-etgt
t3 gle!9gtQig!.1g- each unit is also hard. For example, not
every strawberry has the same size or quality. So it is not
*or everything. In a bafter economy, we need to exchange easv to establish the value of strawberries.

every item we want for something that we can provide.

For example, a person who specialises in fixing cars and
reeds to trade for food must find a farmer with a broken car. So, money should be something that maintains its value over time, can be easily
But what if the farmer doesn't need to have his car fixed? translated into prices, and be Wi$_ely accepted, Precious metals such as gold
Cr what if the farmer only has eggs, more eggs than the and silver seem to serve all three needs, They are hard to obtain. There is a finite
."nechanic can possibly use? The difficulty with this system is supply of them in the world. lt is easy to divide them into standardised coins and
inding the right person to barter with. thev do not lose value over time or when made into smaller units.
The advantage of money is that you don't have to find 'the Until relatively recently, the coins that people used were
right person'. You just need to go to a market to sellyour mainly made of gold and silver. But gold and silver are
goods or services. You exchange these for a common heavy. People had to carry their precious metals around all :
rcqign of exchange - that is, money, You can then use that the time to exchange them for goods. Over time, people g ,l[,)
money to buy what you need from others who also accept ',,,+,tk
realised they needn't carry their gold and silver around with
the same medium of exchanoe. them. They could leave them at a bank and buy and sell '\
using a note from the bank. But when they wanted their gold
sney or silver again, they could go to the bank with their note and withdraw it.

u Eventually, the paper note"or receipt was separated from the actual metal. And
they stopped making coins with precious metals. When those links were broken,
'fiat money'was born and that is the money we use today. Fiat money, the cash
we carry around with us, is materially yv_o_rllllgqq. But it has value simply because
a nation collectively agrees to give a value to it. ln theory governments could print
as much money as they liked. But they mustn't do this because it leads to higher
prices and money loses its value. To ensure that governments don't just print
money when they like, most countries today have given the task of deciding how
much money to print to independent central banks.

3 Read the text again and answer the questions.

1 What happens in a 'barter economy'?
2 What does the story of the mechanic and the farmer
3 What is the first advantage of a system that uses
money, not bartering? What do the u4{qq[ined_ words in the text mean?
4 Why did some people use cocoa beans or salt as Guess and then check in your dictionary.
money in the past?
5 Why are strawberries unsuitable for use as money? 6 SPEAKII{E What about you?
6 Why were precious metals used as money? Do you think our society gives too much importance to
7 What was the disadvantage of silver and gold? having money? Why/Why not?
8 What was the first 'paper money' like?
9 What is'fiat money'?
10 Why can't governments print money when they like?

- ,'-f.g$ilt$ii$$;#ii i
i*Ii!ll,*$ i$,i* .i,:j'
Flipped classroom: watch the grammar
presentation video.

My dad !. ,:,, to wear a uniform because

he's a firefighter.

3 We've just eaten. I think we

I o Look at the sentences and answer the
questions below have a rest before we swim again.

a We ought to have a clear idea about money' 4 14-year-olds allowed to drive.

b lt should be something that maintains its value' 5 You ............. . buy me a present for my
c You don't have to find 'the right person'. birthday. I don't really want anything.
d The mechanic must find a farmer to get food'
6 Parents always tell their children that they
e We all have to use money.
lie to them.
f Governments mustn't do that.
g You'd better keep your money in your pocket'
4 Work with a partner. A British student ig
h They aren't allowed to print money when they coming to study for one month at your school'
Think of useful information to give them. Write
People need to trade for food. one sentence with each of these modal verbs'
You needn't carry it all with You.
are-alle,vu'e+to ' can't ' don't have to
He doesn't need to have his car fixed.
had better not ' must ' mustn't ' needn't
They can't do what theY like. ought to

Which grammatical structure(s) do we use to "' ta we aur

Iw savuz cLqsssr Ne qre aLLawed
1 express obligation or necessitY? vwabLLe phnnr-s.
2 say there is no obligation or necessity? .l

3 say something is prohibited or not possible? ^aF:

4 give advice or recommendations? rcl
Modsl verbs of obligotion, prohibition ond
sdvice - post
lb Answer these questions.
5o Look at the sentences and answer the
1 Which structures need to + infinitive? Which questions below.
need the infinitive without to?
a People had to carry their precious metals
2 How do you make sentence e into a question? everywhere.
3 How do you make sentences b and g negative? b With banks, people didn't have to take their
4 How do you make sentence j affirmative? silver and gold with them'
5 ls 'd short for had or would in sentence g? c They ngedn't have carried their silver and gold
for so many years.
d They weren't allowed to print more money.
2 Correct these sentences. e They needed to find more suitable money.
1 You don't have to give false information when you f They should/ought to have used something that
open a bank account. lasted longer.
2 Have you to sign your name on your credit card? g They shouldn't have taken that decision'
3 You needn't to oPen a bank account if you don't h They didn't need to take all their coins.
want to. i He couldn't find the right Person.
She would better get a credit card because it isn't
safe to take lots of cash everywhere.
Which grammatical structure(s) do we use to:
We ought ask for advice because we don't know
1 express obligation and necessity in the past?
much about banking. 2 say that something happened but it was not
Students don't need have a bank account, but itt a

good idea to have one. say that something was not necessary and maybe
it happened or maYbe it didn't?

3 Complete the sentences with some of these 4 say something was prohibited or not possible?
words. 5 criticise a past action or say that it was a mistake?

are c aren't' had' has' have' must 5b Complete the structure.

l' mustn't . needn't n needs' ought
t. sh o ul d / sh o u dn' tju ght to/ needn t +


l You 1.. ,- better hurry or you'll miss
the bus.
Write these sentences in the past, Phrqsql verbs connecred wilh money ond
1 You should ask them for advice. shopping
2 She must arrive on time every morning.
3 Do you have to go to the meeting?
I Look at-the pt r"r"r verbs used in these sentences
match them with the definitions.
1 We mustn't wear jeans and T-shirts.
5 Idon't need to get up early. (but I did)
1 lf you want to buy a tabret, you shourd set some
money aside
each week.
6 She doesn't need to wear a uniform. (so
2 The government say that they aren't
she didn't)
going to cut back on education.
7 We ought to work as a team.
3 She lent me some money last week,
but next week I have to pay it back.
Rewrite these sentenceg. Use each of
drese expressiong once. 4 The bill comes to f43.50.
is 5 He doesn't earn much, but it,s enough
l. . had to . needed to
didn't have to for him to get by.
:e needn't have . ought to have I picked up some amazing bargains in the
shouldn't have . wasn't/weren,t allowed to 7 I couldn't buy that new game because they,d
arready sord out.
8 she's going to spfash out and buy that designer jacket.
1 | did the exercises last night because they
were obligatory. a give someone the same amount of money they
rent you
b save money from a larger amount to use it later

2 Taking food to the party was optional for c reduce the amount of money you spend
us, but we took some.
d bry
We. e buy something expensive

3 She didn't revise for the exam and that was

f have just enough money so that you can
do what you need to
a big mistake. g reach a total when you add all the parts together

h stop selling a product because there are no more
1 They didn't have p.rrirrio;.;,; ;";; Rewrite each sentence using one of the phrasar verbs
office. aDove.
They 1 Can you buy some milk on the way home?
5 lt was necessary for the fand. 2 That coat is expensive, but I'm going to buy it.
The plane 3 we need to reduce the amount we spend on ruxury items.
6 lt wasn't necessary to show my receipt to 4 We haven't got mych money, but we,re surviving.
the shop assistant, so I didn,t. 5 | can't go to the concert because I need money
for the summer

I Igot angry with you yesterday and that was

6 You should buy the game now because they,re
disappearing fast.
a silly thing to do.
7 l'll give you the money you lent me tomorrow.
8 The book was f10 and the magazine was
so the total
was f12.50.
Think about when you were at primary
rdrool. Write sentinces about ilring, ' Choose the correct alternative.
d,"t were.obligatory not obligatory,
prohibited, and thai you should/shiuldn,t 1 Do you set any money apart/aside
have done, Use the structures in Ea. each week or month? What for?

In sayne clastar we L,ad to stt ow the flaar.

2 Does anybody need to payyou
bacAup at the moment? Why?
Gffi Compare sentences in small 3 Have you or your famiry ever sprashed awav/outon
groups. Were your experiences similar? What was it?
4 Have you ever gone to 6uy something and found
that they had
already sold out/up? What was it?
5 Do you usually have enough money to get across/bveach
6 Have you ever picked awav/upa bargain in
the sares? what
was it?

Ask your partngl the questions in 3. lf they

'yes', ask questions to find oui more information.

To learn about student debt budget [n, v]: She plans a budget to see how much money sle has
and its different causes. to sfend. run out of (money) tv phrlzWhen ryy ?"y "xpensive
things, you soon run out o{ money. expense(s}-[n]: Students have-nt*
To learn some tiPs to avoid
plnr", Iike buying {ood and electricity bills. live.on tsth) tht];
getting into debt. "We live on f7A. fhits allwe can spend to survive. be in/goYinto the
To practise planning a simPle red [v phr]: I had f10O in my account and I spent f150, so I've gone
budget. f50 into the red.

Work with a paftner. Match the expressions with their definitions.

Use a dictionary if necessarY.
1 peer pressure a the influence of famous people on other people's behaviour
2 celebrity culture b the influence that other people of your age have on you
3 payday loans c a credit card that you can use in a particular shop
4 store card d small, short loans with very high interest ..*s
How do you think the things in 1 could encourage young people
to spend too much moneY?

RtA$lNG Read the article. What do these numbers refer to? %*# ts ffim
750 3,657 38 1,509
% l.

New research has shown

of all undergraduates run
ihe Jnd or the
out of money

j.n*h,. .&' dh g
The Money Charity has already wamed that some students rn
England *"y n""d aq much as 6ZSO a month to PlI for their
Thii could leave the average English student
just f,4OO to live on each month.
But expert Vivi Friedgut said the majority of students still do not
use their money efflciently: 'The biggest c_au-se 9f unnecessary
debt is peer pressure. Thai, combinEd with the influence of
celebrity culture and constant invitations to access credit, temPF
-""y t6 spend money they don't have. Debt is the new normal

ggo/o ,t.l!nr.r, ffiffi%

One charity called StepChange has revealed that students who
called its helpline hadaveragte debts of. f7,8I8. Seventy-flve pel
cent of those callers had gonl into the red on their overdrafts,
of studen*t adrnir that they s.plash
'unexpected expenses' ;;;; often than they owing an average of 81,503, while more than 50% needed help
t-il!i' tinancial :ililf" withZredit-card'debt, typically worth f3,657 . And2!% of student
inquiries to the charityb helpiine last year related to payday-loan
debt, at an average of fl1,069 per person.
]onathan Chesterman, advice manager- at StepChange, said:
istudents must be aware of the risks of high-cost forms of credit.
r*tt payday loans and store cards, which can quickly get out cj
"r drr. to'th. high levels of interest and charges''
Linda Isted, communications manager at the Debt Advice
Found.ation, said: 'The problem is that so many financial
companies are throwing credit
-- .
at students, with u."tt=i" | | The biggest cause
parricular creoit carcis J I of unnecessary
and overdrafts in their dlrectron. debt is peer
There is not enough flnancial pressure. ,.. Debt
education at school or i.n the is the new normal t
home to teach young for students. t
to deal with those messages.
a Read the article again and decide if the SPtAIilHG Work with a partner. Ask these questions.
statements are True (T) or False (F).
1 Who does the writer say is responsible for many
1 Over a third of undergraduates say that students being in debt - students themselves,
they buy expensive things more often banks and other financial institutions, or both?
than they really should. TlF whv?
2 Students generally spend less on 2 Does the writer say that anybody else is
accommodation than on other things. TlF responsible? lf so, who?
3 Students who called the StepChange 3 Who do you think is responsible and why?
helpline got into debt because of either
overdrafts, credit cards or payday loans.
4 In the last half of the text, what suggestions do
TlF they give for avoiding getting into debt?
1 Linda lsted thinks that the danger is that
5 Which of those suggestions in the last three
some companies are trying to make it easy
paragraphs do you like and why?
for students to spend more than they have. T/F <L

5 She also thinks teachers and parents should r!

help young people to know more about
@ Zr, Watch or listen and answer
D:I the questions.
credit and debt. TIF
6 The only financial help that universities
1 Why should teenagers think about budgeting?
give students is on the phone. TlF
2 What are the top tips for avoiding debt?
7 Vivi Friedgut recommends paying for
things with cash to control your spending. TlF
3 What are the steps involved in planning a budget?
8 She also says that the bigger the overdraft 4 Why is it important to keep a record of what you
you get, the better. spend each month?
* 5 How does modern technology affect the way we
It spend money?

g @ Z,t Watch or listen again. Write down Tope!

F suggestions about how to manage your money.
How many of the things do you do? Discuss your
) answers in pairs.

T-J^-J,T^! rG*


al for
:s;-:e as well as an out-of-hours phoneline, thanks to the
."s,:ation of Student Money Advisers. Many universities
o :,-r ::cvide small emergency loans for students in need. rl
re :::edgut advises withdrawing a certain amount of cash
a:r AIM each week to spend in local shops or on the
*'E- 'There is a massive danger witfr deUit cards.
:nt ==eet.
l-r:anies like these methods because they encourage
--<::=ers to spend money. Limiting yourseif to cash
e.--; relps you to control your spending.'
Jr* f F.: run out of cash, you should resist the temptation
aI L,

rt of
: -.. your debit card so you can leam to live wilhin your You want to plan a simple budget,
i---. For that reason, it may also be sensible to avoid
a-:-:::ts that offer iarge overdrafts so that you do not Follow this plan:
:cr:,v without a very good reason.
It's also important to
g:-- -:::c the habit of checking your bank account regularly. 1 Read the information abouta student called
l:- ::as now become easier with new online banking Samara on page 159.
;e-;:es and apps.
2 Use the information to plan a monthly budget
7:i-.i, d-on't be afraid to discuss money with your friends. for Samara using your answers in 6.
::-:st free or cheap things to do and search websites
i--t 3S for good deals. Using an 3 Work in a small group. Compare your budgets.
lir'-S National Union of Students) discount card and a Are they similar or not? Do you agree about
-:l=g Person's 16-25 Railcard wrll also help you to make what is essentia I and non-essential?
,, =-:able savings.
Look at ihese sentences and complete the
rules below with the verbs in blue'
a A cyber-criminal might steal or destroy your
b lt must be easy to become a millionaire if you
can make Your own moneY!
c This may or may not be true'
d Bitcoins might not be such a good idea'
Work with a paftner. Look at the photo'
:'$,FEAltlllB e lt can't be long before physical money
What do you think it rePresents? disappears.
f It could take years to get just one Bitcoin'
Read the text, ignoring the gaps' Do you think
Bitcoins are good or bad? WhY? 1 We use ,1 - . ... ..., . .,1.. ... . ..:... and
when there is b SO% PossibilitY
Bitcoins are completely (a) " They only that something is or will be true' The negative
exist as (b) which you keeP in Your forms are ..... ...... and ' We
cannot use the negative form of
smartphone or computer. There are three ways to get
when there is a 50% possibility that something
Bitcoins. You can buY them with (c)
isn't true.
money. You can sell things and let people pay for
them with Bitcoins. or you can actually create Bitcoins We use .......... when we are 90% certain

through a Process called (d) " To that something is true.

m"ke your own Bitcoins, your computer has to solve a 3 We use ....... . when we are 90% certain

complicated mathematical problem' These problems that something isn't true'

are becoming increasingly more (e) 4 When we are speculating and making
Bitcoins are not controlled by banks or deductions, the oPPosite of must is
(fl . . One consequence of this is
that the value can change (g)
Another consequence is that it apPears that some
(h) use them' Look at these things. What do you think they
The creator of Bitcoins used the name Satoshi may, must or can't be? ExPlain whY'
(i) ', but he was (i) '

and suffering from an illness. The creator of Bitcoins

obviously diln,t want people to know details about
(k) .. His collection of Bitcoins might

be worth more than a (l) dollars'

3 work with a partner. Predict what words

oi typ"t of word could go in each gaP'

When you need to listen and complete notes',.

ul*uys r"ud the incomplete notes before you listen'
This helps you to know what to listen for' Look
carefully uithe words that come just before or after
each gup and think about the meaning and type of
word that is missing.

A g$Iglllllff
€ ZS an interview with an expert
Listen to
on Bitcoins. Complete the text in 2 with one word
or number in each gaP.

5 $fJf;lile What about You?

Would you buy or use Bitcoins? Why/Why not?
Complete the sentences with must,
can,t, may or Complete the t.1t with past modal
might (not/,. verbs of
speculation and the verbs given.
1 That
the be Jack,s wallet because his
brown and this one,s black.
is 4a
2 He's seen that film ten times. He . ......... -
omething very mysterious
your love it.
happened in Tokyo a
3 lt's unusual that Beth hasn,t come to
school yet. number of years ago. For
if you She be well, or perhaps her bus is a few weeks many civil servants
just late.
wno went to the toilet found a
1 L.. go to the pany tomorrow, but l,m '10,000
yen note (around f50) waitinq
not sure. I hope my parents let me.

for them. Nobody knows who left
5 She the
have a lot of money because notes, but it (a) (be) the
she spends a fortune on clothes.
same person because they left handwritten
1. 5 He play the guitar very well
because nobody wants to listen to him.
messages with the notes and the writing
was always the same. They are quite
7 lt sure that
>ility be hard to become a millionaire a woman (b) (leave)the notes
because not many people manage it.
yative because they always appeared in the
.We I My parents lend me some money More than 425 people found notes, so
men,s toiler
or they the man
I don,t really know
because l've never asked them before.
(c) (have) a lot of money. He
rthing _.

left the message,please be happy,with

the mone\,.
This suggests that the man (d)
ertain (be) happy himsell but, of course,
we can,t be sure
i Look at these sentences and complete Again, nobody can be sure, bur otner people
ertain the think
rules below with the verbs in blue that the man (e) (work) as a civil
a He must have made a lot of money
from Bitcoins.
servant himself once and he gave
the money away ic
b lt can't have been him because he didn,t
make other civil servants happy. One
thing is clear, l-e
what Bitcoins were! (f) (move) quickly because in
c He maylmight/could have used a
morning he reft 1B yl o,ooo notes in 1B
differenr toirets
pseudonym. in Tokyo. The man,s handwriting
was getting worse anc
tey d He mightn't/may not have been
the inventor.
worse and so people think he (g)
(have) a serious illness. That probably
explains why he
1 We use . and was giving away all his money.
when there is a 50% possibility
that something was true, but we cannot
use q
in the negative form with this
meaning. 7q $PEAKUI6 Work with a partner.
Look at these
We use situations and write at least two sentences
.. .... when we are 90% certain
that something was true. with must have, might have and can,t have
explain them.
We use .. .. . when we are 90% certain
that something wasn,t true. 1 My uncle didn,t use to be rich, but now
he,s a
2 susan always passes her exams, but rast
week she
Correct the mistakes in these sentences. failed an exam.

1 lt's only lunchtime and you look

3 Ben can usually go out with his friends
at the
terrible. you must weekend, but last weekend his parents
have a bad morning. didn,t let
2 somebody's unrocked the door. rt must
have been 4 Justin is a very careful driver; but yesterday
Mike because he hasn,t got a key. he had
an accident.
3 | think Josh might sent me an
email last night. 5 Gemma usually beats everybody at tennis,
1 Emma hasn't replied to my email.
She mightn,t has weekend she lost.
but last
received it.
6 Jamie loves watching footbail matches,
but he was
5 William isn't here. He must have went
already. really angry the last time he saw a
6 Let's not buy her that DvD. r'm not
sure, but I think 7 Sarah used to be really unhealthy,
she might buy it already. but now she,s
really fit.
7 You can't be read that book already!
lt,s 600 pages 8 The last time I saw my cousin she couldn,t
long and you only started yesterday! ' i word of English, but now she,s fluent.

8 lt mustn't have rained last night because

all the
streets are dry. 7b Compare your ideas with the
rest of the dass.
the I fiormal letterJemail af ccmplcint Find the formal equivalents of these
words and expressions in the letter.
1 something happened (Paragraph 1)
an twiCent t*s!{ pLace
2 made a lot of trouble for me (paragraph 1)
3 chose (Paragraph 2)
4 wanted (Paragraph 2)
5 enough (Paragraph 3)
6 told (Paragraph 3)
7 l'll have to (Paragraph 4)

:$ffi Work with a partner. Find examples

of the characteristics in the Writing bant<
I Read the instructions on how to use a cashpoint to in the email in 3.
withdraw money, Put the steps in the correct order.
a select cash and select or enter the amount to withdraw.
b choose whether you want a receipt and select yes or No.
Characteristics of formaf letters/emails
c Don't wait more than 30 seconds to take your card out of r lf we don't know the name of the
the machine or it will swallow the card so that nobody can
person we are writing to, we begin Dear
steal it.
Sir or Madam. We finish yours faithfutty.
d Insert your card into the machine. r lf we know the name of the person we
e Enter your PIN (Personal ldentification Number) and press are writing to, we begin Dear Mr/Mrs/
Enter. Ms and their surname. We finish yours
;ton t wait while the machine processes your transaction. when the sincerely.
machine bleeps, take your card and money (and receipt if r We do not use contractions.
you asked for one). * We use longer, more formal words and
G work with-a partner, Explain the different steps I We do not use many phrasal verbs.
h 1 using must, shouldn? etc. I We write complete sentences.
r We do not usually use abbreviations.
Read this email and answer the questions. r We use formulaic expressions to begin
1 Why is the person writing? and end the letter.
2 What solution do they want?
3 What will they do if there is no solution?

6c Look at this tagk. Write notes and add

Dear Sir or Madam, your own details.
I am writing to complain about an incident that took place last week
your cashpoint on Anderson street. The incident has left me without Last week you were at a train station. In the
my debit card and has caused me a great deal of inconvenience. station there was a vending machine selling
on the evening of sunday 2l.tDecember I inserted my debit card into books. You wanted a book to read on the
your bank's cashpoint in order to withdraw e40. I selected the amount train so you put money in, but it didn,t
that I wished to withdraw, but the machine immediately told me that it give you the book or any change. Write a
had retained my card. letter of complaint to the company that is
I contacted my bank the next day and they informed me that they responsible for the vending machine and
could see no reason why the machine had swallowed the card as demand a solution.
there was sufficient money in my account. They then informed me that
they had to cancel my card and send me another one. This willtake
between 7 and 10 days. Paragraph 1: Why are you writing?
Paragraphs 2 and 3: What happened? What
I am very disappointed with the treatment I have received
from your
bank. I now have no easy access to cash, through no fault of my own. are the facts?
I expect you to send my new card urgenily. I would also like assurance Paragraph 4: What solution do you
that you will charge me no bank fees for issuing me with a new card. lf demand? What will you do if there is no
I do not hear from you in the next 14 days I shall be forced to consider solution?
moving my current account to another bank.
I look fonarard to hearing from you very soon.
Yours faithfully,
6b Write your letter. Use your notes and
Jonathan Squire the information in the Writing bank.
Grqmmqr reference

USE We use don't need to or needn't to talk about thi

which are not obligatory or necessary. With needn't
I We use have to to talk about things which are
we do not use to before the infinitive.
obligatory or necessary, often imposed on us by other
We use arelaren't allowed to to talk about things
people and authorities.
are prohibited.
r We use don't have to to talk about things which are
We use can't to refuse Permission.
not obligatory or necessary.
r We use should, shouldn't, ought to, had ('d) better
We use must to talk about rules, regulations and
obligations, that often come from ourselves'
to give and ask for advice and recommendations' l'i
I better is especially for when we think we should do
We use mustn't to talk about prohibitions.
something because it's a good idea. Ought to and
r We use need to to talk about things which are had ('d) better are slightly less common in negative
obligatory or necessary. and question form.

u$E We use needn't have + past participle to talk abor.rt

things that were not obligatory or necessary, but we
r We use had to to talk about things which were
did them.
obligatory or necessary.
We use wasn't/weren't allowed to to talk about Past
I We use didn't have to to talk about things which were
not obligatory or necessary.
We use couldn't to talk about things that were
r We use needed to to talk about things which were
prohibited or not possible.
obligatory or necessary.
We use should/ought to have + past participle or
I We use didn't need to to talk about things which were
shouldn't have + past participle to criticise past
not obligatory or necessary' Maybe we did them or
actions or to say that they were a mistake.
maybe we didn't.

U$E. :
We use may, might, could, may not, mightn't when there is a
I 50% possibility that something is true (or not)'
We use must when we are 90% certain
that something is true. We use can't when we are 90% certain that something is not true-

, u$! We use may have, might have, could have, may not have,
I mightn't have + past participle when there is a 50% possibility
We use must have when we are 90%
that something was true (or not).
certain that something was true.
We use can't have when we are 9OV" certain that something was
not true.

iuytng ona sellng afford . bargain. cash . change. discount. receipt . refund ' sale ' value for money
. interest
Money ond bonking ATM/cashpoint . bank charges/fees . bill ' current account ' get into debt
lend money/give somebody a loan overdraft " savings account ' withdraw money
phrqsol velbs connecled with money ond shopping come to ' cut back ' get by ' pay back ' pick up
sell out ' set aside ' sPlash out
Other words ond Phroses > Page 138
mqr revision

out things
'teedn't Choose the correct afternative.
tn two sentences,
1 You needn't/don,t needcome to class
tomorrow. 4 You'd better not/shouldn,thand
things that 2 Yo.u mustn,t/aren,t allowed totake in your work late.
your own food 5
into a restaurant. Should/Ouqhtwe leave at
6 o,cfock?
3 Usualfy at university you mustn,t/don,t have togo 6 You don't have to/mustn,tleave your
) better to bags
cfasses all day. unattended at an airport.
ons. Had
uld do
> and
gative Make sentences with the
correct form of the
rnodaf and verbs given. 3 Match the pairs of sentences.
1 Yesterday | 1 He looks exhausted.
(talk) to the bank
manager. HAVE TO
2 Somebody is knocking at the door.
about 3 His lips are blue and he,s shivering.
Jt We 2 I spent all night worrying about
the exam, but 4 Somebody,s taken my red pen.

(worry) because it was

easy. NEED 5 My friend climbed a really high
-rt past mountain.
Students (write) their exam answers 6 I don,t know when the cup final
in. red pen. MUST 7 Mike hasn,t replied to my email.
| (read) the instructions, a He must be reaf ly cold.
!or but I didn,t
and I got the whole exercise
wrong. OUGHT TO
b He must have run afl the
way here.
l'm sorry. f ....... c be the postman because
he,s already
She (get) up early this morning d
lt may be next week.
she stayed in NEED e That can,t have been easyl
We ..... (write) the essay
f He may not have r.eceived
this week, we
can do it next week if we g lt might have been Jack
because he lost his one.
want. HAVE TO

ulory revision
I /Tpointsi
I Hatch these words with the
definitions. 2 Match the words or parts
of a word.
afford o bargain , change
1 current a
. " ^ Potnt
refund safe o value for money 2 with b a loan
3 over c
1 Money that you get back bilf
when you
return something you have
4 cash d debt
paid for. 5 give somebody
2 A document that you get from
e draft
showing that you have-paid-ron.y. 6 get into f draw
3 The money you get back 7 paya g account
when you pay
more than something costs.
1 Something that is of very good
but relatively inexpenriul." MONE'At{D SHopp*rt'
5 A period of time when a shop
,"jr.", 3 Rewrite these sentences @
the price of some things it without the phrasar verb.
sJils. 1 Last week we spfashed out on runch
5 Something you buy that costs in a restaurant.
than normal.
much less 2 They get by on f500 a month.
7 Have enough money to buy
3 People are cutting back on holidays
something. abroad this year.
4 The bill comes to f24.
5 l courdn't get that new game
because it had sord out.
6 | need to pick up something
for dinner tonight.
so mudr
B Last year the doctor told me to stop eating
Ports of the bodY -- fattY food and processed food that's high in salt
(c) a lot of weigtn
-: ";Jirgar. I wassaid I was in danger of becoming
l$PI[K|||$Workwithapadnertoidentifywherethe and the doctor
following Parts of Your bodY are' obese. My diet was increasing the risk of
disease. io be honest, lthink I was becoming
(d) "' to junk food because I was
and nr
eating it all the time, but I was able to stop
l'm back to mY ideal weight'
c Last week I picked uP some sort of throat
(e) . t n.a a temPerature and feh
diazy all the time. I couldn't stop shivering
Words connected with heolth My Joctor treated me for the illness' He gave me a
(fl .. which I took to the chemistt' Ae
1, ,oon as I started taking the medicine' I got
over tl:
(+. !'
D Last month lfell down the stairs and
injured myself
sprained my wrist
quite badly. I twisted my ankle,
and (g) mY shoulder' The onlY
good news was that I didn't fracture or break any
6on", and I didn't need an operation or anything'
Butit was still really (h) ", ds you cirl

4o Complete the texts with these words'

L .L
. allergic * balanced dislocated
painful * PrescriPtion putting on

4b @Zl Listen and checkyour ".ntYtl:'
look ag;in at the words in red and check that
underitand what they mean' Use a dictionary

5q,m$fl{td$l#ll0H' Where does the stress go in the

words in 4a?
Work with a partner' Take it in turns to
talk about the Photos.
5b €) 28 Listen and checkyour answers'stress'
Practiselaying the words with the correct
Read the texts, ignoring the gaps' Match
text to the correct Photo' Work with a partner' Ask and answer
healthy lifestyle'
6 $?EANI[$
A I think that generally I have quite a these questions. Give details'
I take regulir I work out in a gym three or
1r working
"""r.i'"' 1 Do you take regular exercise' for example
go to out in the gYm?
diet, including fresh fruit bnd vegetables' I
the doctor's flr a check-up every six months and 2 Are You allergic to anYthing?
Itake my blood Pressure regularly',too' The only 3 Have you ever injured yourself playing sport?
problem I have is that I'm (b) l' to
special injection from time to 4 Are You afraid of injections?
pollen, but I have a
time and it relieves all the symptoms' 5 Do you leel dizzy when you see blood?
SPtAI{lllG Work with a paftner. Do you think these things are 2 Read the four afticles from a heatth
good or bad for us? Why? website and check your answerr.
1 watching action films 3 drinking eight glasses of water a .day
2 eating ice cream quickly 4 feeling pain

a. 1l
A*Z r;l Videos I

;o much Home lNewslAbarit

hiealth Nurtritl*n
n salt
We've heard it a million times. lf you drink eight glasses g:Tl; lf you dropped a heavy object
(or two to three litres) of water a day, you'll have better
skin, fewer headaches, healthier kidneys ... People think
that as long as they drink water all day they'll be much healthier.
w ilfiH,i:i,ll,"lJ:li,ili,??Y
Pain is not something most of us like feeling.
I &rt is it actually true? Of course, we all know that if you don't But the alternative, not feeling any pain, is much, much worse.
vas dink, you die. But the truth is that, apart from extreme situations, Steven Pete was born with atare genetic djgqtCgf which means
nd now the body -aggglg very well to drinking either too much or too little he cannot feel pain. When he was a boy he broke his leg while
rater. lt's also true that the water we need each roller skating. He only found out when somebody saw him and
day can be contained in other drinks such as told him. The problem is that unless we sense pain, we don't pay
@fiee, tea or juice, or even in food. lt certainly attention to our body and what hurts us. Pain p1gy_eqtg_gsfpm
rd felt does not have to be mineral water. So where injuring a body part even more. lf it didn't hurt to walk on a broken
ither. does this myth come from? When you look , 'i. leg or a sprained ankle, we would keep using it and cause more
emea npre closely at some'scientific' articles, damage. lf your throat is really sore, you'll probably go to the
ist's. As yotr redise that they are _sp_o_nsor_e-C by Yr
doctol who can treat the infection before it becomes serious. As
rver th€ nineralwater manufacturers.What :'. an adult, Steven Pete will have to have regular check-ups in case
appears to be scientific research ou
he becomes dangerously ill without knowing it. So, the next time
sornetimes be puren?lKellng. ., -'..j you go 'ouch', just remember how lucky you are.
myself '''

wrist lf you sit at home watching W all the time the lqql-< of The scientific term is'sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia',
rly exercise could increase your risk of heart disease. But but we usually just call it 'brain freeze'. Brain freeze
< any new research has discovered that the type of programme is when you eat ice cream too quickly and you get a
thing. you watch also makes a difference to your health. A team at short, sharp pain in your forehead. There is a rapid change of
ou can Gomell University had three groups of volunteers. Some watched temperature at the back of your throat, close
an action film, others watched the same action film but without to two important arteries which feed blood
soLrnd, and the third group watched a talk show. Some had to the brain. The brain doesn't like things
fetthy snacks in front of them, and others had snacks high in to change. Brain freeze is a mechanism
salt and sugar. The result? The volunteers watching the action to prevent that from happening. The
flnn with sound ate 98%6 more than those watching the talk show brain can't actually feel pain despite its
d Even those watching the action film without sound ate 36% more! billions of neurons. But the pain associated
It seems that faster programmes make you eat faster and pay with brain fGeze is sensed by receptors
bss attention to how much food you're eating. lnterestingly, the where the two arteries meet. Analysing brain
vbwers who had healthy snacks also ate more. So next time you treeze may seem like silly science to some, but
w'atch an action it can help neuroscientists understand other
Then '4
fiilm, put away -.
Wpes of headaches. And the cure for brain
rt you r'"#il treeze? Provided you don't eat your ice cream
the snacks!
.y af quickly, you'll be fine. You can also put your
tongue up to the Iggl of your mouth or drink
something neither hot nor cold to normalise the
temperature in your mouth.

3 Read the articles again. Are the sentences True (T) or

False (F)?
Think! Then compare ideas in class.
1 The eight glasses we consume each day should
be water, not juice, coffee or tea. T/F r Do you believe everything you read in
health articles? WhyAVhy not?
2 Some companies that produce mineral water
publish scientific magazines. TlF
3 When you watch an action film without sound, What do the qrldeflr_lgC words in the
you eat less than when you watch it with sound. T/F text mean? Guess and then check in your
4 When you watch something exciting on TV, you dictionary.
don't think about how much you're eating. TlF
5 Pain helps you to stop making an injury worse. TlF SFEAXIffi What about you?
6 To stop brain freeze, you need to make your Which information from the articles could
mouth warmer again. TlF make a difference to you and your health?
Complete the questions with the correct form of
the verbs given.
lo Look at the sentences. Which type of 1 Which country ......... ..' You
conditional does each one use? (live) in if You could choose anY

1 lf you don't drink, You die. country in the world?

2 lf you dropped a heavy object on your big toe, 2 lf you (have) the Powers of a
you wouldn't enjoY it. superhero, what powers would you like to have?
3 lf you drink eight glasses of water a day, you'll
have better skin.
3 lf you (go) out this weekend, where
will you go?
1b Read the rules. which type of conditional does 4 lf you were a journalist and could interview
each rule aPPIY to? any famous person, who " """" """"'you

1 lt describes an improbable or imaginary situation .

(meet) and whY?
in the present or future and its consequence'
2 lt describes a possible situation in the present or to Work with a partner. Ask and answer the
future and its consequence. questions in 4.
3 lt describes something that is generally true'
5b Tell the class something interesting you
4 We use the present simple in the half of the
discovered about Your Partner.
sentence with tf, and willlwon't + infinitive in
the other half.
5 We use the present simple in both halves of the
6 Look at the sentences and match the words in
6 We use the past simple in the half of the blue with the exPressions a-c.
sentence with if, and wouldlwouldn't +
infinitive in the other half. 1 Unless we sense pain, we don't pay attention to
our bodies.
2 Why don't you take some sun cream in case
there isn't anY shade?
Complete each sentence to make a general
Provided/Providing (that) you stop eating
statement using the zero conditional.
quickly, you'll be fine.
1 lf you drink too much coffee, As long as you drink water, you'll be much
2 lf you never do anY exercise, healthier.

3 lf you only sleep a few hours a night,

a if ... not, excePt if. .

4 lf you eat a lot of junk food, ........... .'.... .

b if, only if ' ,"............." , "" '

5 lf you sit in front of a computer all day, . ""

c because maybe:

Choose the correqt alternative.

1 Don't forget to take a snack in case/Providinq tM
you're hungry.
2 She'll eat anything as long aslunless it's fresh and
3 | wouldn't speak to him provided thatlunless he
he was sorry.

3 Decide if the sentences are correst. Rewrite the 4 He'll work this weekend as long aslunless they pql
incorrect Sentences. him a bonus.

1 lf I am the Prime Minister, I would ban junk food' 5 You can play that game all morning in case/
providingyou study in the afternoon.
2 We'll go to the concert if the tickets weren't too l'll give you a key as long aslin case theret no (r:
at home when You get back.
3 that if I were You.
| wouldn't do
I don't care about money as lonq aslunless l'm fit
4 What would you do if it rains all day tomorrow? and healthy.
5 lf I had a million pounds, I travelled around the world.
6 lf you mix blue and yellow, you would get green'
7 lf you don't water a Plant, it dies.
I What will you do if you lost the match?
form of
f;dfrCInrs conmected with heslth ond if lness
In exercises where you have to rewrite
se any sentences with the same meaning, do not
add or change any words unnecessarily. They
may change the meaning of the sentence or
>fa make you write too many words.
nd, where
Complete the second sentence so that
it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence, using the word given. Do not
change the word given. you must use
between three and five words, incfuding
the word given.
rer the 1 lf you don't want to lose weight, don,t go I c Match the pictures to two of the idioms in red.
on a diet. UNLESS 1 | think l'm corning down with a cold or something.
Don't go on a diet 2 Phil has gota cold and he'sfeering a bit under the wea:-:-
3 | work out in the gym to keep !n shape.
2 Bring something to eat and you can come
4 A: Are you sure you,re OK?
to the pafty. PROVTDED B: Yes, I'm feeling on top of the world.

'ds in
You can come to the party 5 Shet really dizzy. I think she,s going to black out.
6 ltt only a cold. You'll soon be baek on yoLjr feet.
on to
3, ;.;.," r" . ;;#;::[ffi ""
player, but I'm not tall enough. f F
7 lt was a bad accident, but he's going to pur$ through.

I would play basketball professionally T b Match the idioms in 1a with the explanations a-g.
........... enough. a lose consciousness
4 lt's obvious that it won't work unless you b keep fit, in good physical condition
switch it on. lF c catch an illness, become sick with something
It's obvious that .............oh, d recover from a serious illness or injury
it won't work.
e very healthy
5 l'll only come if you promise to help me. f recover after an illness
g not feel very well
l'll come ... ...... to help me.
6 | wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it. UNLESS g Correct the mistakes in these sentences.
I wouldn't say it it. 1 once you take this medicine you'll be back on your legs
7 l'm not you, but I think you should go. straight away.

I you. WOULD
2 My neighbour is 50, but he keeps in the weather by running
every morning.
8 Take an umbrella because it might rain.
3 our dog is really ill, but [m sure he's going to pull over.
4 | don't feel well. I think l,m going to black down.
Take an umbrella
5 Are you feeling oK? you rook a bit under the rain.

Complete these sentences in a logical

3 s?EAKll{G complete the questions with the
correct word and
then interview your partner.
1 You should always make a copy of your 1 How do you in shape?
computer files in case ...
2 Have you ever blacked .......... ... ..?
)ne 2 She'll go out with her friends this week
3 What do you do when you starl coming
with a cold?
3 Don't make any noise in case ...
4 Do you know anybody who,s the weather at
1 You can get into that club provided that ... the moment?
5 I can go on holiday with my friends this
year as long as ... 4 Draw a cartoon to represent one of the idioms. can voL,
6 | can't do my homework unless ... partner guess the idiom? :il
To study the nutritional needs intake [n]: we should reduce our intake of salt to avoid high blood
of teenagers. pressure. micronutrient [n]: The food we eat is full of micronutrients such
To look at the role of schools as iron and zinc. saturated fat [n]: Hamburgers contain /ots of saturated
in promoting healthy eating. fats which are worse for us than the fat in nuts or fish. added sugars [n]: /n
many types of processed food there is added sugar that we don't realise
To plan a healthy eating
is there. socially deprived ladil: He comes from a poor, socially deprived
campaign at school.
part of the city. curriculum [n]: Maths and languages are basic elements in
the school curriculum.

I SPEAKING work with a partner. Discuss these questions.

'l What do you understand by a balanced diet?
2 What do you think are the advantages of a balanced
3 Do you think you have a balanced diet? Why/Why not?
4 Do you think teenagers in general have healthy eating t''-] t
# {l
*-.!*J J, J "i tl v,
{-r I
j{ ]
habits? Why/Why not? t:.,it,:..
r r:,
-|i::t:; i:. :!:.:-1];.1

fti,{*i}is Read this summary of the results of a survey

$ o***u $ Heartnv recipes
about British teenagers and nutrition. Complete the
table with infornnation from the text.
Adotescents need a heatthy varied diet, incorporating e_
the major food groups. In the short term, this witthelp w:
generalappearance (for exampte, shiny hair and heatth.
skin) as wettas energy levets, white in the long term, it w .
help prevent chronic diseases such as heart disease,
diabetes and osteoporosis.
Itappears that some improvements to nutrient intakes f-: .
been made in the past decade. But there remains
consideiabte room for improvement in the diets of Brit s-
schoolchitdren, according to the resutts of the governrns- :
NationatDiet and Nutrition Survey (NDNS).
On the positive side, average contribution of fat to total
energy intake has dropped betow the recommended
maximum levelof 35%. But intakes of saturated fat and
added sugars are too high. For saturated fat, average
intakes are 12.6% of energy in 11-18 year olds, comparec ::
the recommended maximum level of 11%. For added
sugars/ intakes are 15.3% in those aged 11-18 years,
compared to the recommended maximum level of 11% :-
energy. In addition, average fibre intakes are lower than
Read the text again and answer these questions" recommended.
1 According to the survey. is nutrition bette[ worse There is evidence of inadequate micronutrient intakes in
or the salne for UK teenagers as it was ten yeans some groups in the UK, especiatly teenagers. For
ago? example, many teenage girts (11-18 years) are
2 Which group of teenagers doesn,t consume consuming low amounts of iron and there is atso
evidence of low intakes of vitamin A, riboflavin,
enough micronutrients such as iron or zinc?
calcium, magnesium, potassium,
3 Which children in the UK eat more fruit and selenium, iodine and zinc.
There is some evidence of
4 How many British girls between 11 and 15 do socioeconomic inequalities; for
physical activity for at least an hour a day? exampte, chitdren from famities
5 Does obesity affect all 1l-year-olds in the UK in with tower incomes tend to have
the same wiy? How do we know? lower intakes of fruit and
vegetables (2.9 portions a day)
6 What does the text say about the role of schools compared with children from
in teenagerg' nutrition? families with higher incomes (I.g
portions per day).
3 What specific things do you think schools can do to
7 How positive are the final conclusions of the help students eat healthy food? Make a list.
Stap serwry ju* faod at Lunchhynz.
Work with a partner. Discuss these fl-.:-.!
i.itiriii*+il G Zg Watch the video or listen

1 What do you think of the information found in the

fj}-L to four students in the UK talking
-3- about how their university and the
su rvey? governrnent help to encou!"age good
2 Do you think the results would be similar in your nutrition. Tick (/) any of the ideas in
country? Why/Why not? your list in 4 that they mention.

)5 @ rU Watch or listen again. Copy and cornpfete

the table with notes about wha{ each student
says. Write between one and five words.
Connpare your tables in pairs.




--:::,,eS I,I DietS

I on,,,*,
I **rurne board
SPEAKING Work with a partner. Compare what
-: -: - ohysical activity, in data from the speakers say about healthy eating in the UK
€:- Survey for England, onty 7% ot with the situation in your country.
: : .: :ged 11-15 years achieved the
=:: -nendation o{ at least 60 minutes
: I3 . in girts aged 11-15 years, none
::- 3,'ed the target and 95% had low
:t- , l;'ievetS.
-:e-= ry remains a major problem
=- : -J British schootchiidren and there is a
:+:- sccioeconomic difference, with tevets of obesity being
- :-:si in the most sociatty deprived children. 13.7%
of 11-year-
r -: :'e obese in the teast deprived group and24.3% in the most
:;: - ' ed. Almost 1 in 10 English children are obese when they start
:-::. and 2 in 10 are obese by age 11. These
-: -9s emphasise the
-:::ance of Almost'l in
' :--3rting good
' -":: 3'r through the 1S *nglisl"r
:-::. curriculum and chitdr*n are
- - : - g'r the food and abese wfiesl Your school wants to promote healthy eating for
:--, they *tar? teenagers. They want you to think of ideas that
='val[abtein schsol.
:- : : s. School food could help teenagers to eat wefl, in and outside
-=-:ards were school. They also want you to think of a way to
--:: : -ced in 2007 and evaiuations o{ the
*:.1 present those ideas to other students.
oi these standards have
,*: ,.,' improvements in the Work in a small group and follow this plan:
::-: :f schoolchildren since 1 Discuss the ideas on these two pages that you
-;' -troduction, not onty think would be useful.
: :.:- coI but in their diets
: :-=... HoweveL there 2 Think of other ideas that you think could work,
* , -=''rains room {or .-+ e.g. making people pay extra for fizzy drinks.
- -':'/ement.
;fr 3 Plan and prepare a healthy eating campaign for
your school. This could include a poster, a video,
-f- a presentation and/or an information leaflet.

4 Present your ideas to the c{ass. re*i
took at these sentence s and answer the
a lf l'd lived closer to the sea, I would have begun
surfing much earlier.
b lf I hadn't passed my exams, they wouldn't have
let me do the course.

ln third conditional sentences, what tense is the

verb in the half of the sentence containing if2
What verb form do we use in the other half of
the sentence?
Do we use the third conditional for imaginary
situations in the present or the past?

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of

the verb given.
1 | would have played better if |. .... ...

(practise) more.
2 She ..... . . ... (become) ill if she hadn't
I SpfAKiltS,: Work with a partner. Look at these sports. the medicine.
Have you ever tried them? lf not, would you like 3 lf | . (be) able to buy tickets, I would
to? WhyAfi/hy not? have gone to the match.
4 We . ... .... (get) wet yesterday if it had
2 Lt$Ttlllll$ I
Listen to five peopte talking about
sport. Which sport does each person do?
lf you (not explain) the rules, I

Speaker Sport Statement (A-F) wouldn't have known how to play.

lf he hadn't lived near the mountains as a child, he
(not learn) to ski.
tf she (injure) herself, she wouldn't
3 have finished the race.
Make sentences about these past situations using
5 the third conditional.

€ m Listen again. Match the statements A-F with

1 She/not catch a cold/iflshe/not go running in the
each speaker. There is one extra statement. raln.

A You have to learn theory and practice before you She :. . ..

can do this sport. 2 lfll/know how to play tennis properly/llnot injure/

B I want to get better at my favourite sport so that I
myself last week.
can win matches. rfI
C I couldn't start my favourite sport when I was The stadium/be full/iflthe match/be important.
The stadium . .

D To do my favourite sport well I should have started

earlier. She/win the race/iflshe/not twist her ankle.

E My favourite sport is more tiring than it looks. She .

F In the past I took my favourite sport too seriously. lflwe/drink watey before the race/we/not be so
$$*Kill6 What about you? if
1 What sport(s) do you do? lflthe sun/shone/we/swim in the sea.
2 How tiring/expensive/difficult is it to learn? rf
3 How seriously do you take it? Why? lflhe/need extra vitamins/he/take them.
Flipped classroom: watch the grammar
presentation video.

Complete the sentences with the correst form of

the verb given.
1 | wishI (go) to Spain for my
holidays last summer; but I went to France.
9un 2 | wish you (listen) to me when l'm
ave 3 lf only I (know) how to surf! l'd
spend every day in the sea!
te 4 lf only he (make) less noise. I can,t
concentrate when he plays the guitar.
5 I wish we . (see) the match
yesterday. They say it was brilliant.
6 lf onlyI

always busy.

Complete the text with one word for each space,

=3 'lf (a) |
of a Look at the situations and write third conditional was fitter! The thing is that
sentences. lwork really long hours in
1 She won the race because she had trained hard. my new job. Sometimes I

If sfu. hadnit traLned hard, she wowldwt laave wish l(b)

rken wow the rqce. accepted the job.
2 He didn't do sporl because he didn,t have enough Basically, I took it because
uld time yesterday. I really needed the money.
3 She missed the bus because she got up late. lf I hadn't needed the ,4:*

1 didn't swim because the water was cold.

| money, | (c) have taken it. One thing
is clear though. (d) I find more time to
5 We didn't play because we didn,t have rackets.
do sport, l'll soon become very unfit. Another problem
6 | didn't sunbathe because I didn,t have any sun
is my diet. lf only I (e)
cream. like fast food
so much, but I love it! But as (fl .. . as
7 He didn't learn to surf because he was afraid of I only eat it from time to time, l,ll be OK. At work,
some people bring cakes and sweets to share. I wish
8 She didn't go for a run because her knee hurt. they (g) because I always end up
eating them and I know I shouldn,t. Anyway, like I say,
-4 provided that I (h) ..up a new sport like
El I wishllf onty
running or cycling, l'll get fit again in no time\,
5 Look at these sentences and answer the
questions. 8 Rewrite the incorrect sentences.
a I wish/lf only l'd learnt to swim properly when I
1 | wish l'm on a beach right now.
was a kid 2 | wish you didn't interrupt me when l'm talking.
b I wish/lf only I was taller. 3 lf only I studied more last night.
c I wish/lf only people wouldn't make fun of my 4 lf only l'd won that competition last week.
favourite sport. 5 | wish today was Saturday.

1 What tense appears after I wish/tf only in 6 lf only I can pass my exams without studying.
sentence a?
2 Does this sentence talk about a present or past 9o Write three true gentences with I wish. Use each
situation that we would like to be different? of the tenses/situations in 5.
3 What tense appears after I wish/tf only in
sentence b? 9b SP€AXlllS_€ompare your sentences in small groups.
Ask follow-up
4 Does this sentence talk about an imaginary wish "questions to find out more
for a present or past situation?
5 What verb form appears after I wish/tf only in 7 o'clock.
sentence c?
6 Do we use sentence c to talk about habitual
behaviour that we like, or we want to change? Because I've got basketball practice
and I'm really looking fonaard to it.
Negofioting qnd colloboroting - 2
t $F,E*I(IH$'Work with a partner' Look at both parts of
ihe task. Make a list of advice on how to do this
iyp" task. Look at Exam success for Unit 2 on
page "t144 if necessary'

Your school wants to encourage students to live

healthier lives. Here are some ideas that they
thinking about and a question for you to discuss'
Talk to each other about how these ideas could
encourage students to live healthier lives'

A week's free
membershiP of a
gym or sPofts club


5 $pfIKtHS, work with a partner and

do this task
Speaking bank.

I'd like you to imagine that your teachers want to

introduce some new ideas at school to help
people to beat stress. Here are some ideas that they
are thinking about and a question for
you to discuss'
Now you have a minute to decide which two ideas
you think are the best. Talktoeachotherabouthowtheseideascouldhe|p
students to beat stress.

Now you have a minute to decide which two

ideas you think are the best'
2 $PEAKlllS Do both parts of the task with your

3 LlsTttllilS @ ff Listen to two students

the task. Do you think they do the task well?
WltyfWny noia How do you think you did in

4o Complete the expressions in section 4 of

Speaking bank with these words'

4b Work with a partner. Make a list of expressions

for sectiont i-3 of the Speaking bank' Compare
your answers with the Speaking bank on page 26'

Put the underlined words in the essay in the

correct place in the Writing bank.
SPEAI(HG work with a partner: Describe what you can see
in the photo. What does it say about modern tife?

Introducing and sequencing arguments

Adding arguments

Read this essay title. With your partner, make notes

with your ideas. not only ... but also
Making contrasts
'[jfo lodal is unhoalthier lhan 50
lears ago \rlrite an On the one hand,
e66al giving arguments for and againat this statemsnt.

In contrast,

ln spite of (+ noun/gerund/the fact that ...)

,;;,;;; ;; ;;.;"o,ences
Read this essay. Are anyof your ideas in it? Do you
agree with the writer and their conclusion? Why/Why
not? and so

-'- r,elo-st 50 JecLrs or so) new te.c-hnology has made. Expressing opinions
-c-ssLve. chonge.s to the. world.. nobLle. Vhone.s, computers ln my opinion,
' '-,; 'he Internet hove. all nade. the. world f ester, and. so
-,2-e eo-rs and. other Upes ol transport. But not everybody
:--.-es on whether these. change_s hove. hctd a posLtLve. or As far as l'm concerned
e-zt:Lve eff e.c-t on our he.alth. Concluding
i,-: he.alth hus c-ertaLnly Lrnprove.d Ln some wcLJs, FLrsny, ln conclusion,
-e-izal scLene,e has Lmprove.d, t,hLc-h rnecLrls that doctors
"= better ot c-urLrtg a^d. preverttLng Lllne.sse.s now tha-n Ln _
to sum up
-'- >&st, VJhat Ls more., new te.chrtology has rnade. our lLve.s {or exarnple. by rnalcLng Lt rle.cesso-rJl to use
-.s:"c-o-l Wo_rk with a partner and read the essay task,
i',- 't-,e other hand, te.ehrtology has possLbly made. our lLves Make a paragraph plan and write down notes
-t't eo-sJl. For exarnple, sorne. pe.opte. go eve.ry,rhere. by c-a, with ideas for each paragraph.
'-.',7 so they never get o-ru exe.rcLse. FurtherrAore today's
:=' has c-hange.d. gre.otly. Nowaduys, pe.oVle. a_ lot 'We should not use animals for testing new
:i >rocessedL {ood. where-os Lvr the. po-st they o_te- {resh, medic.a( products.' Wrrte a\ essa) grx\ng
-z'.,ral Lngre.d.Lents. Ir, add.Ltlon, todoy's lLfe.sTle. arguments for and against this statement.
Ls ve.ry
-'Essful be.euuse- ol worl< and. fctste.r c-orrlrAurtLcatLort, As c.
''-s.JJt) the- rLsk o{ problerns Ls gre-ate.r now.

-z:.r,dou has brought, tod.ay's world Ls ur,he.althLer than Lr, Remember that in for-and-against essays,
-p- ?o-st. However, Lt Ls up to us as Lnd.LvLduals to be. aware. you must think of points for both sides of the
--: -ne d.angers ay",d. to r\e.cLsures to mc.:l<e sure. our
tc^;l<e argument. You can express your own view in the
?*t' )tss5 cLre. ct-s healthy as possLble., by eatLnq we]l and. conclusion.
---- r'? suf fi.c-Le.nt exerc-Lse..

Look again at the essay and answer the questions. Write your essay.
' What is the purpose of each paragraph? Use your notes and the expressions in t6e
IE 2 How are for-and-against essays different from opinion
Writing bank"
Grqmmqr reference

We use the zero conditional to talk about situations that lf + past simple, ... would/wouldn't + infinitive
are generally or always true. If I hnd a beard, I'd Laok alder.
lf + present simple, ... present simple We use the third conditional to talk about imaginary or
If dont Nater pla&s, thr-y die.
yaw impossible situations in the past and their consequences.
We use the first conditional to talk about possible and The situations are impossible because we cannot change
probable situations in the future, and their consequences. them now that they have happened.
lf + present simple, ... will + infinitive lf + past perfect, ... would/wouldn't have + past
If yan eat juvtk faad, yan put aw wetght.
wLLI participle
We use the second conditional to talk about imaginary If I had st*dled, I wanld have passed the exavw.
or improbable situations in the present or future and their

Unless = if ... not, excePt if In case = oecause maype

We wowt bL abLe to rNiwL a as thc ,rwinwirg pooL i.s We'LL takz our ntmminl actumzs iw qse the ,:wimni.rg
opew. pool rr opew
As long as, provided/providing (that) = it only f
We'LL be ablz t0 rwir'/L dt lovg a provide.d the s*inminl
9001 u 00 .

We use I wish/lf only + the past to talk about imaginary If aily t hadnit spent all rny Mrney last wed<end.
situations in the present. lt expresses wishes for things to We use I wishilf only with would/wouldn't + infinitive to
be different in the present. talk about somebody's habitual behaviour that we want to
I wrsLt I v,,)as aw the be,orch rgW ww. criticise and change.
We use I wish/lf only + the past perfect to talk about /vLy dad svu.aku.I wtsh he wauldvtt do it.
past situations that we would have liked to be different. lt
expresses regrets.

Porlsofth€ body ankle. bone. brain. chest. chin. forehead . heart. heel . hip. kidney. l;ysr
lungs . skin . thigh . throat. toe. tongue. veins and arteries . wrist
Wotdr conn€cled with h€olfh be/become addicted to . be allergic to . be in danger of . be/become obese
be painful break . dislocate . eat fatty food/food high in salt . feel dizzy . fracture . get/catch an infection
get/give a prescription . get over an illness . goforacheck-up. have a balanced diet . have/give an injection
have an operation . have a temperature . increase the risk of . injure youssglf . put onllose weight
relieve symptoms . shiver . sprain you r wrist/an kle . suffer from heart disease . take your blood pressure
treat somebody for . twistyourankle. work out
ldioms connecfed with heqlth ond illness be back on your feet . be/feel on top of the world
be/feel underthe weather . black out . come down with . keep in shape . pull through
Olher words ond phrqs€s > page 139
mol tevision

rry or


lqry revision
f*/, p.i.trl fDfOMS: HEATTH At{D |LLHESS
f-lz p"t"tn
I Reorder the letters to make parts of the
body. 3 Complete the idioms with the
1 phi 2 gnusl 3 ghiht 4 nidkye
correct word.
5 nirba 6 reedhofa 7 notuge 1 My dog was ill, but he . .

through and is OK now.

2 l've been feeling a little under the
l-l; pr'"trl . recently.
2 complete the sentences with words connected
with health. 3 | walk to school to keep in .
1 His head was spinning. He felt really 4 ,l'm fine. l'm on . of the
2 She's ..... to gluten so she can,t eat bread. wodd.
3 The doctor gave me a ......... for some tablets.
5 l'm hot. lthink l,m coming
1 Sheb got very high blood with something.
5 He didn't completely break his arm. 6 He isn't well now, but I hope he,ll be
He it. back on his
5 She had flu but she,s starting to get
. soon.

7 lf you take this medicine, it will .

the symptoms.
Y*?wf: i
;+0.-i"i" it:
7 speokins

photos' remember "' ln activities where you have to complete

ln exams where you have to talk about notes, remember .. '
expressions you will need
Before the exam, revise words and Always read the incomplete notes

io .otp"re and contrast photos' to make
them, to introduce your personal opinion
where things are in the photos'
speculations about
of them' and to say you lirten-
is missing,
you n."J

> EXAM succEss page 145
,i*pty write the first number that you hea'
at these words and
,,t:o'2 t sfEllttll6 Work with a pa{ner' Look each
we use one? What other thcr
li,/ z .tpiisions' When would
do know for the samet uses?
Work with a partner' Discuss
1 Do you ever consume 'energy drinks'?
,\7 When? WhY?
2 What might some of the dangers of enegr
drinks be?
'17 3
2 Student A, look at photos 1a and
1b. Student B, rook
/ ,/
I r
li?i;;;-'2" -r -L-r^- rDo onrt efr Think
and 26. rhink about the similarities and Read the text and predist what word a
,lZ f,ki.r"n..s bewee-n v"ur photos and what you could say type of word could fill each gaP'
ti/,z about them.
Expert Norman Robins says that energy
,/,/ 1t lb drinks are not the same as sports drinks'

Sports drinks replace liquid, carbohydrates

7 and (a) EnergY drinks are

very different from sports drinks because

contain caffeine. Caffeine (b)

7 be a danger for people under 16 and

definitely bad for people who are under
it is

(c) - Another effect of

is that it (d) You'

A teenage boy died because he drank
'.un, of energy drink and then he played
17 (e)

\7 One report seemed to show that energy

'zz can help (f) to concentrate

. ''/'/ FF!ffis-- One 250m1 can of energy drink can contair'
A, read this task and talk about
;2 3 slrlxlf{c.Student
..... of sugar'
five (g)
17 Photos'Your (h) is an amino acid whic'
't Compare the two photos and say
why you think the people often comes in energY drinks'
::.^-;^-an *n
#";;." a" +ho*o
." ..|,. weekend'
these activities at the weekend.
This amino acid helps you to eliminate
(i) from the bodY'
'27 4 S-EAKn|E Student B, read this task and talk about
/ ,/ ----
Your -L^r-a Norman thinks You don't reallY need
Z Compare the two photos 3ni.t.ty
why you think the people energy drinks. You just need a healthy

like ioing these different hobbies' (j)

s what about You?
Wnat aecrul @ lZ Listen to a radio
/ ,/ 5 SPEAKllltt
sPEAHlt{s J
ibout .iltgy drinks' Complete the ten
like or would you
i.l/./ Which
v\l of the activities in the photos do you *ittt on. *iia or a number in each gEF
like to try?
|' , 17
Use of Engfish

,te I
In for-and-against and opinion essays, remember...
ln sentence transformation activities, remember
You must present both sides of the argument, ...
ore whatever your personal opinion is. you can give your
When you finish, check that you have not changed
ord I

own opinion in the conclusion. ln opinion essays-you

the meaning of the original sentence, or changfo
the form of the word they gave you, or written more
can just give your own side of the argument.
rot I

than the maximum number of words permitted.
hear. EXAM SUCCESS page 146
> EXAM SUCCESS page 146
,e 11! |
9* $Pf*xlf*6 work ylth a-partner. Look at
the essay
title. Are the ideas below for or against the
l2 complete the second sentence so that it has a
these similar meaning to the first sentence, usinq tfie
word given. Do not change the worj givei. you
,? 'There is a tax on cigarettes and alcohor because must use between three ind five woris,
know that they are bad for us. Now we urgently need 1 | wouldn't have an energy drink
a tax on fast food.'write an essay giving arguments if I didn't really need it.
]nergy for and against this statement. UNLESS
W9 have to spend a lot of money curing people I wouldn't have an energy drink
dor with health problems related to iast food. it.
What you eat should just be a personal choice.
2 I made a real mistake not
3 We need to encourage people to eat healthier drinking any water during the
4 Any food can be unhealthy if you eat too much
of it,
so this wouldn't help the situation. WISH
:es L........ some
lre water during the race.
r they lf you eat all your salad l,ll get
you an ice cream.
l'll get you an ice cream
your salad.
I shouldn't go to bed late tonight.
I to bed late tonight.
I didfi't know kids could drink that.
I didn't know kids that.
She bought some orange juice on the way to school.

on her way to school.

What's the matter? you don,t look well.
What's the matter? you

G lfrth your partner; make notes with other ideas l'll go to the gym but only if you come with me.
for and against the statement. LONG
l'll go to the gym with me.
''l Horv
T-a1y paragr_aphs do you
think you should
rlite? What should be thgcontent of each

lfrite your essay. Use linkers to introduce and
r€quence arguments and to make contrasts.
Music qnd film Mediq hqbits
Write down different tyPes of music. Compare your
$PEAKlilS 4 Match words or expressions in red in
answers with a partner. Now do the same with different the questionnaire below with these
types of films. definitions.
1 move information from the Internet to you'
Complete the blog texts with the words. Use a dictionary computer
if necessary. 2 watch or listen to something from the
Internet without needing to put it in your
acting u crowd . gig .lighting . live (adv) '- lyrics computer
pertormance . plot "recorded . role s scene * soundtrack
3 images or sounds that you can see and
staoe"starred*tracks hear on your computer at the same time as
they are happening
4 a phone, tablet or other small computer
that you can hold in your hand
5 buy/pay money for
6 places on the Net where they distribute
digita ly stored information

7 going from one person's computer to

another without any central controller
8 move music, information or images from
one object or place to another


1 purchase DVDs or CDs?

or that are legally free?
6 transfer films or music from one device to
7 use peer-to-peer or other online file-sharing
3 @ ffi Listen to the definitions. Write the correct
form of the words in 2 that match them. Change the
tense of verbs if necessary.
1 5 5 $Ptfltlt$ Work with a partner. Take it in
2 6 turns to ask and answer the questions in
the questionnaire.
3 7
4 8 l'::jl
l:l' ::i:;
:itiii-: l
I sPtAffill6 work with a partner and ans\ /er this question.
2 Read the article. What is the author
Do you like using streaming music services? why/why complaining about and why?

in At our core, songwriters are try copying a big tech company's But the irony of the situation is i::a:
! creators. We challenge ourselves and patented innovation. you need
cthers to reflect on the world around our music is actually being enjoyec :-.-
express permission from the onginai
to your
ls. And the work we produce has creators to use or copy their work lno^re people in more piacel thai :..-::
)ower - power to capture people's Detore. Our work clearly does have
before you resell it. tiiat,s how thev vaiue, of course, or else it would r:c:
:motions and imaginations hte few protect the value of their work. forms, power to transcend be in such high demand. So why are: :
:radrttonal barriers of
age, language But the worid doesn't work that way songwriters compensated mo.e fa-:--..
your for songwriters. We have no power rn the marketplace?
and cultur.: power to genEra6
:osiuve socral1g
change. to protect the value of the music we I, for one, can no.longer stand anc
Ino 3 -rt does our work
create. The ridiculously low rates watch as songwriters are left out in,,;s:
time as songwnters are paid by the cold, while streaming companv
:.s songwriters have
streaming services are yet executives build their fortunes than<s
;alue? Coming
another indication our to our hard work. Songwriting is tni,r.
uter =cm someone who work is being devaiued in a labour of love, one tlat oftJn does'
:as spent his life today's mark-etplace.
;-crking hard to not result in wealth. But I know the
Consider the fact that it work we create has real vaiue. And I
=aster his craft in believe people will one day recop-nise
::dei to iouCfr trre takes roughly one miliion
ute on pandora for a that a system that allow, disitrl"
"res of others, that may seem like sp_r._qq
a:r absurd question. gut in todav's songwriter to earn just $90. Avicii's to enj oy Snormous
::pidly changing music marketplace, release Wake Me lJp!that I co_wrote proflts while music creaiois strugqle is
f ao
-_::e answer is increasingly unclear. and sing, for exampie, was the most ifnbaief,gg_q and broken.
:st this week, Taylor Swift removed streamed song in Spotify history and You can.also do your part to protect
rom :-er music from Spotify the most played song on pandora
- not because
slnce rts release in 2013, with more you love by buying albums
s::e doesn't ulant you to stream and encouraging streaming
:-:r songs, but beCause she wants than 168 million streams in the US. irvices
to-respect the vaiue of songwriting.
:: De compensated fairly for her Andyet, that made only $12,359 in Afterall, if songwnters can"'t
;-:rk. She wants Spotify to treat her Pandora domestic royalties _ which afford to make music,
;;c1\ as though it has vaiue. This v/ere then divided b-e1wb-en three then who will?
::cblem ought to cause anyone who songwriters and our publishers.
::res about the future of music _ If that's what's now ionsidered an
::cfessionals and fans alike _ to streaming'success story,, is it anv
.:and up and take note. Wq!4e{_qhd so many songwriieis bre
now struggling to get by?
-:st, unlike most people in creative
::-:ustries, songwriteri seem to have The reality is that purchasing
_:ss control over our work than ever and downloading songs have"
::iore. If you copy a handbag desisn grlg_n y?y t_q streaming, and as
=rrn a high_gl_d fashion houie or"
a result, the monev thit
songwriters depended on for
:=: ? sports team's logo in your nev/ years to make a livins is now
--sllrt llne, you can soon expect
:::llems with the law. And iust drying up.

3 Read the article again and answer the questions.
d for According to Blacc, what different types of power
does a songwritert work have? Think! Then compare ideas with your class.
2 Why did Taylor Swift remove her music from Spotify? r Do you agree with Blacct arguments? Why/
3 How are important fashion or technology companies Why not?
different from songwriters?
In what way was Avicii,s song Wake Me IJpl
a What do the urydgflr_rlgC words in the text mean?
Guess and thln checkin your di"tion"ry.
n Why does Blacc think that today! system is
ls in 'imbalanced and broken,?
SPIAKfHC What about you?
What does Blacc want fans to do and what does
he Where and how do you prefer to listen to
think will happen if they don,t do it? -_s.:?
Complete the sentences with said or tofd'
1 She she hadn't downloaded any songs
I Read the sentence3 and answer the questions the day before.
below. 2 They their computer was slower than ours'

1a He said: 'l am many things.' 3 We . .,...

.... Josh that we'd meet him at the
1b He said that he was many things. cinema that night.
2a Hetold them: 'l believe people will one day 4 He ....... .. her the concert was the following day-
recognise that the system is broken''
5 He ......... . ......... he was sorry for what he'd done.
2b He told them he believed people would one day
6 couldn't speak Russian.
recognise that the system was broken'
3a He said: 'Just this week, Taylor Swift removed
Put the sent€nces in direct tpeech into reported
her music from SPotifY.'
3b He said that just that week Taylor Swift had
removed her music from SPotifY. 1 'l never buy DVDs.'
Steve says ...........
1 How do tenses change when we 90 from direct
to reported sPeech? 2 'We must leave if we want to get to the cinema on
2 Do you think tenses change when the reporting
verb is in the present or Present perfect (e'9' He Sam told
says, He has said)? 3 'These books are mine.'
3 What happens to the Pronoun I when we put Emma said ... ..

sentence 1a into rePorted sPeech?

4 'l'm going to record a new album.'
4 What is the difference between say and tell?
Alicia said . ......
5 Do we always need to use that after say or tell?
5 'The crowd were screaming throughout the concert''
Juliet said . .

How do these tenseg change when they go into 6 'l'll see you tomorrow, Simon.'
reported sPeech? Do theY all change? Dave told
Direct speech Reported speech
present simple'> past sLvwpLe

present continuous -> 1

Read the sentences and answer questions 1-5
past simple -> ? below.
past continuous -> ? 1a 'Why aren't songwriters comPensated more
present perfect.+ 4
fairly?' '
1b He asked his readers why songwriters weren't
past perfect -+ 5
compensated more fairlY.
will '+ A
2a 'Does our work have value?'
would'+ 7
2b He wondered whether their work had value'
can + 8
3a 'ls it any wonder that songwriters are
I rTl?y -> 9 struggling?'
musVhave to'+ 10 3b He asked us if it was any wonder that songwriters
were struggling.
How do these words change when they go into

repofted speech? 1 Do tenses and pronouns change in reported

questions in the same way as in reported ':
DireEt speech Reported speech statements?

this/these that/thtse 2 Do we use the auxiliary verb do in reported

here 1 questions?

today t 3 Do we put the subject before the verb in

reported questions?
yesterday ?
4 Do we use question marks in reported questions?
tomorrow 4
5 What words do we use when we report questions
tonight 5 that do not begin with a question word?
next (week/month/Yea r) 6
last (week/month/Yea r) 7
a (week/month/Year) ago I
Compound nouns snd cdjeclives
/ songs
I Look at.these compounds. which are compound
- ---r- nours
than ours. and which are compound adjectives?
brand new i download n fast-moving . file-sharing
marketplace . songwriter . soundtrack . thought-provoking
wing day.
'@ u Listen to the words. where is the snress
in the
:gmpound nouns - on the first *"ia, iii. t"rt worr
ported or both? And in the compound adjectiv."i' -'

Match the compound nouns 1-g with their definitions

1 screenplay a a book that is very interesting or exciting
2 blockbuster b a film or show that is very successful
)ma on
3 box office c a story that someone writes for a film
4 drawback d the final result of a process or a meeting
5 feedback e the number of people who come to an
6 turnout event
7 outcome f comments about how well or badly
I page-turner someone \s doing something
7 Report the conversation using sai4 told,
g the p\ace in a theatre where you buy
tickets, or the number of tickets a film se
aslced and wanted to lcnow.
h a disadvantage
Olivia: Have you ever been to a music
festival? complete the sentences with the compound nouns
in 3.
Tom: Yes, I have. I went to one last year.
1 lt's a typical Hollywood
Olivia: Who was the best band? with lots of special

ts 1-5
Tom: I really enjoyed the Foo Fighters.
l'm going to see them again later
this year.
effects but not very good acting.
The .. . of the report was that they decided no
to invest in the lnternet.
Olivia: I may go if it,s not too expensive. 3 | can't put this book down
- it's a real .................. ... ...
When are they playing? One .
re of downloading films is that often the
Tom: I think the concert will be in July. Are quality is terrible.
you going to be here in July?
en't We'd like your on our website so we can
Olivia: I think so. l,ve been saving up money
make it perfect for youl
to go to the US, but I still haven,t
got enough. 6 The critics loved the film, but it wasn,t a success
at the
o Tom: When do you think you,ll be able
to go? 7 Two thousand people is a big for a new
Olivia: l'm probably going to go next year. band.
writers I'd love to go to a festival there. I When the director read the oriqinal .......... , she
knew it would make a great film.
t Write ftve questions to ask people in your
dass about music.

!?EflWF- Ask as many people your

I - questions as possible and make a note of
dreir answers.

Write a report about some of the

;tions? questions you asked and the answers
rstions people gave.
I askr.d peaple whethzr theV tisten^e.d
to ynwir whtte th*y Nere iatw thetr
h.ayazwark. TWee,puple told yir. they dtd,
but the re^st {ald th"y canlefu,t cawe&rate
wtth ynwic.
. -f

Bringing *s*'
F, ,

I To learn about crowdfunding. back [vl: The producer backed the director's plan to make a film
I To look at how to make a and gave him the money to do it. pledge money lvlz They've
crowdfunding video. pledged money for this project. They're promised fl0,000, but
only if the project actually happens. reward lnl: They're going to
To create a crowdfunding
give her a reward for doing the project so well. entrepreneur [nl:
campaign for a project.
We help entrepreneurs, people with ideas for new businesses. get
something off the ground [phr]: He has a great idea for a new
video gamet but he needs money to get the idea off the ground.

:^ri. ' A\- .; '\- : ii\ '\,*,,r;r- \;;\o.ti.:,r ,i.

I Work with a partner. lmagine that you play in a
. r
\", I

band. You want to record an album. Think of ways that MY RECCRDING PLAI\'
you could do this.
1. Sevtd a sLrnple retardtvg of orn of a4r
2 *EAiltil$ Read the answers to FAQs about 'crowdfunding' sarys ta a retard campawy.
How could it help you to make your album?


@ b Y w

. " aj" _ Crowdfunding is a way t-o raise money for a particular .,-'.' , Imagine thaI you're in a band and vo'-
{-^* a- l-.^^ nf nennlo 4 t; *"r.i
PcuPLc, ;tqtt:llrr vrq thc
I pfOJeCt IfOm ffi^,r11 ur
lafge gfOUP u)ucttri rzi: Lrr! to make an aibum. The usuai -w-a-.
'": : lnlernet. There are usuaLly Lhree key elements in the Ii" ; to do that is ta f,nd a record compan\-
'*- , -. '
':. ..' 1a r r' ,r ,1 : L)
crowdfunciing process. Firstlv, there is the artist, inventor to help you to record your songs. lf
or entrepreneur who has the rdea for the project and who needs ,,^rr €nrl
yULt rlr1L,l LJITC rnrl thprr
nr,a dr]Ll LrL), nffer
r:rLr \/r,ttt
n rnnirar-f
u LUriLlqLL' rrnti'l-
)vu i-

r'*r*-"'-to life Then. there is the crowd - the

-"" nroiecf
monev to brinp thp probably harre to record your songs according to
inrl.i'rirlrlal^ ..'L^
nf ll.iu-tvluudlJ nho
ic nrnipr.i the instructions or guidance of the record compa:'
-r^rrn ui
gluuP wlIU ^.,h^^,+
)ulJr\-/l L Ll PruiLLL :nd
Grru nlpdCrp rnnne\/
PrLub- .-^---'J
to it These
..--* neonie
'^1i" LdllcLt
L-l)udlly --rr^; the backers. ln between With cro,.vdfunding, your banci can sho'w the t)?c :
LTTLJL twn lJ the
LWU is nr^rr^*trI. +r'^
LrrL PIdLi\ ^'^-lfsaticn lhat rnakes
Lrl\- \r!5o.l builg> rl- -- +L^"
Llldl uluy r*anf
wdrJL ln rar-nrA rr
Lr-) lcL\]ru. [f nann]a rlI\C
lil,e tho-
rL nnssihle fnr the creafor of rhe nroier-f to finri hackers.
ir yvdrfurL ihorl
urL) nffpr
urlLr ]nnnp\r
rllurrLj 1ny' .rn, 'r h.-.1
df lL1 yUL1f Udl l(,t l) lIt:C +^
i" f"^^ *^l'^
LU ll ld.l\f: --
*-: -
These are usually oniine set-vtces. Popu'lar piatfonrrs include alhrrm the wav vorr end vorrr fans rvant. So there ,

Kickstarter, inciiegogo and PiedgeMusic. a more direct reiationshj.p betrreen artist and fai's

,='={-" '. Any could be to make an alburn, a book, a fi1m, * *' ',,. Backers are usually offered specral
; 3 . a vrdeo game, a new piece of technoiogy. Basicaiiy, :.1' 3F 'si' 'rervards' for suppoiling a project.
l.;\a''.'. ..,,J if you have an idea thal's ne-'ii and onginai and rhal 'o. F.emember the example of a band
excites peopie, you're sure to find people to pledge
1..* ,-'..,' making a new aibum with money fro:-
money and back the project. rrnurdfrrndino2 Rri r"lledoins the same amount of
money as for a. nornal do..unload, the
band misht '---- Jvou different rewards.
'-'-b''" offer
.r"j*",-, Anybociy can be a backer. Usuaily you can pledge as Fnr o-rrrnnlp rnerrl^.]e^ -'^-. you get ^---l'--;--
-^+ exciusive
:l"tt;- 5 -: little as $tO to back a project. With cror,vdfunding videos from the studio showing the band
'* ,- the idea is io get as many people behind the project rar-ari,ino the npur .. son8s. n- *^-'1-^ you
ur mayDe ''
b. '' as possible. Miilions of people visit crowdfunding pei a free T-shirt or pven a cnnv nf the
'websites each week. The basic :rincipie of crowdfunding is that lrrrir-q nf nnp nf the qnnoq urrittpn hir
if thousands of lndividuals offer e''ren just a smali amount of hand by the artist. The backel can
rnnno\/ ih:t r-:n nflen
J-LLCII he pnnrroh ir-
UC Ctluu5il ^ *-^:^^' uri
Lu -^! d ^{t'hp crrnrtnd
rrlc BruLll.tLl'
BcL PluJcLL feei as if thev are part of the new
nrnier-t lrnnqrino'1].r+
A1 rvvvrlt6 !rldL
ifII ,rnrr l.r:rin'tt
y!-,rLt ItclLiLl
glven money, maybe the album
wouid never have existed.
3 Match the questions to answers 1-8 in the text. ,SPt*lHl0 For crowdfunding, it is a good idea

a Do you need to have a lot of money to be a backer? to make a video to attract backers. How
impor"tant do you think the following are for a
b What are some of the most successful projects to come
successful video? Discuss with a partner.
from crowdfunding?
lt c What sort of projects can you get crowdfunding for?
1 A description of the project

d What are the advantages of crowdfunding for the artist or

2 Information about the creato(s) of the project
creator of the project? 3 Examples of the project (e.g. a short section
of a song, images from a video game, a short
e What can you do if you have an idea for a project?
sequence from the film)
f What is crowdfunding?
4 Information about the rewards you can get
g What are the advantages of crowdfunding for the backer?
5 Humour and originality
h How successful is crowdfunding?
*$rtilffis @ gs Watch the video or listen
1 work with a partner. Take it in turns to answer
ll".I to James talking about his experience
the questions in 3 in your own words. Try to answer ItrF of crowdfunding. What did he use
J without looking at the text. crowdfunding for? How many people
were involved in funding his proiect?
You dan't have to be rich to be a backer. You
can back a project with just $10, for example.
@ gS Watch or listen and answer the questions.
Compare your answers with a partner.
SPnfililS Work with a partner. What do you think of the 1 How did James choose a host for his campaign?
idea of crowdfunding? Explain why. 2 How did he use the money?
3 What was James's crowdfunding video like?
4 How effective was the video?
5 What would James change if he did it again?
6 Does James recommend crowdfunding?

,* r; 'lr''
*e F"F
[1 &


In 2013, the
crowdfunding industry
grew to over $S.r biilion
worldwide. And if earlv
::-a is any indication, it's just getting started and should
:::sent rnajor growth in the years to come.

A video game calied'Star Citjzen' aimed to raise

You want to create a crowdfunding
$SOO,00O. By the end of 201.4 tthad already raised
over $68 mlllion, with over 697,000 backersl Work in a group and follow this plan:
Neil Young, a famous singer-songwriter, raised
-.-:r $6 miilion to create a brand new digital music player. 1 Decide on a project that you would like
i:: there have been smartwatches, movies, even charities to bring to life, e.g. a movie, video game,
::-a: have successfuily generated enough money from new technology, work of art, fashion item.
to become a reaiity. 2 Outline the crowdfunding campaign
for your project: What will you create
to publicise your project and attract
Your project can be big or smail, but you need
backers? (e.g. a video, a poster, a
to decide what exactly you are aiming to do,
how you are going to do it, presentation) What rewards could
and how much you bffer?
-::ey and time you need. Create the publicity for your crowdfundfng
-r= :f the best ways to attract campaign. Make it as informative and
to back your project is
r =aking a video where you
attractive as possib/e. Use ideas from 6.
your project and where Present your crowdfunding campaign
r': - ave detaiis of the rewards to the other groups.Each group must
choose another project to back. Which
=-: :ackers can get, according to how much
-::eir they pledge. got the most backers?
I o Look at the sehtences. Which reporting verbs have a
person (like tofd) and which don't (like said)?
1a 'superfans start young. Ahmed started at the age of five.'
1b He explained that superfans started young. He added
that Ahmed had started at the age of five'
2a'You have to be polite and respectful''
2b She warned them that they had to be polite and
3a 'Don't forget collectors often buy two copies of each
3b He reminded her that Ahmed needed to buy two copies
$PEAI{IIG Work with a partner. Who and of each game.
what can you see in the Photo? What do 4a 'Sarah's become famous.'
you think a 'suPerfan' is?
4b He claimed that Sarah had become famous'

Lf$Tgl{ll{# G lf
Listen to a radio programme
t b What is the meaning of these reporting verbs?
about superfans and answer the
1 What are'suPerfans'?
2o Choose the best alternative.
How important are suPerfans to the
creative industries?
Who is the world's most famous superfan?
At a press conference yesterday, Hollywood actor Jimmy
Deep (a) added/announcedthat he was going to quit acting.
3 @ ru Listen again. Are the statements He (b) claimed/warned that critics had destroyed his
True (T), False (F) or is the information
career with such negative reviews of his latest fi|ms. Deep
Not Mentioned (NM)? (c) agreed/complained that he deserved criticism for his last
Ahmed bin Fahad onlY collects film. He (d) admitted/promised not putting much effort into
Super Mario computer games. T/FiNM the role and (e) added/announced that it had been made too
Ahmed has to spend more quickly. But Deep (f) agreed/complained that critics had
money to have games in his been making personal insults about him in their reviews. He
collection that have never (g) added/warned them that he would do something if they
been played. T/FINM continued. He (h) coyplained/promised that he would take legal
Katie Aiani began her collection action against them.
at a younger age than Ahmed. T/F/NM
Katie! sister helPed to make
her a superfan of Harry Potter. T/F/NM
Katie's parents didn't want her 2b Rewrite the gentences in 2a in direct speech'
to become a Harry Potter 'I'vngolvg ta qntt actwg.'
superfan. T/F/NM
A key to Sarah M's success with 3 REwrite the sentences in reported speech using these
celebrities is not insisting on verbs.
taking their photo. Ti F/NM

7 Sarah M moved home to be admit s announce " claim * comPlain o promise

closer to the Places where remind * warn
celebrities meet uP and 9o out. T/F/NM
8 Usually Sarah M meets famous 1 Tom: 'The film was too short.'
people by coincidence. T/F/NM 2 Andy: 'l'm not very good at remembering film titles''
9 Sarah M doesn't onlY take Photos 3 Danny: 'l'll remember to give you your DVD back''
with A-list celebrities. T/F/NM 4 The Prime Minister: 'The government is going to spend more
10 Sarah M enjoYs her own fame. T/F/NM money on the arts.'
5 Jack: 'l didn't know it was illegal to download that film"
4 $PEAKltlB What about You? 6 Kate: 'Josh, it's dangerous to sit too close to the screen''
1 What or who are You a fan of? 7 Jamie: 'Dave, don't forget. The match starts at 7 pm''
2 Do you think you could ever become a

superfan? WhyMhY not?
, rt-t
l ..r,'-
Flipped classroom: watch the grammar
presentation video.
fit-11 Rewrite the sentences.
e, Reported speech - other reporting structures
4o check that you understand the reporting verbs and 'l'm sorry | didn't wait for you, Emma.,
match them with the correct list ti-St bJow. Connor apologised
,e.' a She suggested seeing a Harry potter film. 2 'Don't come this way, Ashley, because it,s
b She apologised for disturbing the actor. dangerous.'
c I asked him to show me his collection of games. She warned
d He refused to let me take his photo. 3 'Ella took the book from the library.,
e They criticised him for not signing autographs. She accused
4 'l'll tell you exactly what happened, Mum.,
Promtse Elizabeth promised
2 verb+object+infinitive: . ,advise, 5 'l didn't take the CD.'
instruct, tell, orde4 invite, remind, warn, recommend Taylor denied
3 verb + gerund: ......... ............. .. .., admit, advise, oeny, 6 'Don't go out with your friends this weekend,
regret, recommend
4 verb + preposition + gerund:
, insist William's dad told
on, object to, confess to
5 verb + object + preposition + gerund: 7 'OK, we'll help you with your homework
........ .... ., congratulate somebody on, accuse tomorrow, Lara.'
somebody of, warn somebody against Cathy and Lucas agreed
'No, I won't let them take my photo.,
4b Check th_at you understand the other reporting
verbs in lists 1-5 above. The actor refused

Complete the sentences with information

about yourself. You must use a verb.
5 Choose the correct alternative. 1 Once somebody accused me .. ......
1 My friend suggested to see/seeing a science fiction film.
2 They apologised for arrive/arriving late.
2 I once refused
3 They criticised me to watch/for watching too many films.
4 We agreed to go/going at 8 o,clock.
3 When I was small, my parents insisted on
5 she promised to not tell/noi to tell me the end of the film.
6 | admined to like/likinq Harry potter.
@nce lpromised
7 They refused to buy/buvinq the tickets.
I she accused me of not knoulkrpultg who the actor was.
lf you want to take up a new hobby,
I suggest

6 ;;;;;; ;":; :;;;il;; ;; ;;

My parents have always warned me .............

At school, they always tell you

$PEAKlt{6 Work with a partner. Compare your

sentences. Are any similar or the same?

*'#r ja-
Discussions -I
SPtAltlilC Work with a partner" Look at the posters. Can you Presenting a solid argument
think of any other films where the star is female? Giving emphasis
I You have to remember that
2 Read this website article. Does the information surprise I Don't forget that ...
you? Why/Why not? I There's no doubt in my mind that
I I really do think that ...
I l'm totally convinced that
I You can't denv that
Giving examples
I For instance,
CHANGING THE WAY WE I Take ..., for example
I What about the case of ...?
RATE FILMS I Look at ...
The Swedish cinema industry wants r You only have to think of ...
us to look at films in a different t ... such as...
way, Four cinemas in the country
have started using a simple test to r A good example of that is
evaluate films and other types of t Just to give you an idea ...
fiction. The test simply asks if there
are at least two women in a film or
a work of fiction who talk to each SPtAKltlG Work in groups of three. Discuss
other about subjects other than your own opinions about the article in 2.
men. lf the film passes the test, it is Give examples.
given an 'A rating. The problem is

1 rir
that apparently many famous films,
,ll including all the original Star Wars

::;:l movies and all except one of the

Harry Potter movies, fail the test, Remember that in discussions you must
That doesn't mean that those films listen carefully to what other people say
are bad, but the objective is to and react to it. Your mark will depend in
encourage more female stories and part on how well you interact with others.
perspectives in the cinema, One
Swedish W channel had an 'A rated Super Sunday when it only
played films which pass the test, including lhe Hunger Games and
the 2013 blockbuster Gravity, which stars Sandra Bullock, Gravity is
unusual in having a female star. Recent research in the US showed PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT
that women only make up 33% of the characters in films, and only
11o/o of the main characters. Furthermore, the number of women 60 S?tAKlil$ Look at these discussion topics.
appearing in films decreased in the previous five years. Decide what your opinion is for each
one and make a note of your arguments
and examples.
Most video games are made for boys,
not girls.
Violent films and video games create
violent teenagers.
Sales of video games are now higher tha-
sales of DVDs because they don't make
good films anymore.

6b Work in groups of three. Discuss the

different topics. Remember to use
expressions from the Speaking bank.
tl$TEltrlH$ @ lZ Listen to two teenagers discussing the 5c Share your ideas with the whole class.
ncwspaper article and answer the questions. Do you have similar opinions or not?
1 What is each person's opinion?
2 What examples do they give to support their arguments?

@ il Listen again and tick (.2) the expressions in the

Speaking bank that you hear.
review 4 What do you think of the use of
adjectives in the book review? Why?
rffiffi work with a paltner. Look at this notice on a
website. which book(s) would you recommend and why? '5o
Work with a partner. Look at the
adjectives in the Writing bank. Which
one: d9 V9u know? UsC a dictionary
to check the meaning of any you dJn,t
Ue are always looking for reviews of great
books for teenagers!
5b Which adjectives do you think are
Wtrich book would you recommend to
positive and which are negative?
eaders of your age? Write a review telling us
rhat happens in the book and exptain why
you think it's a good book for teenagers.

Using adjectives in reviews

Read this review of a book for teenagers. would you amazing . amusing . appealing . awful
want to read this book after readingihe reviewr wnyt brilliant . clever . clich6d . convincing
Why not? credible . deep . fascinating . fast-moving
gripping . hilarious . incredible . inspirinj
intricate . intriguing . lively . moving
mysterious . perceptive * predictable
realistic . relaxing . scary . sensitive
spectacular . stunning . stupid . terrible
thought-provoking' thrilling
unconvincing . uninspiring . vivid\\-produced

Use adjectives from the Writing bank to

replace the adjective good in t-he review
in 2.

To make reviews interesting for the reader,

use a variety of adjectives and adverbs.
Don't forget to use expressions of opinion
(see page 27) and to make it clear what your
recommendation is.

> EXAM SUCCESS page 146


7q Make notes about one of the books you

thought about in l. Organise your notes
into paragiaphs. Follo* the plragraph
plan in 3.

7b Write your review. .:

7c Exchange reviews with other students.

Which of the books do you want
to read?

Read the review again and decide what the purpose of

each paragraph is.

Paragraph 4: . ..... .
Grqmmqr reference

When the reporting verb (e.g. say, tell) is in the past, the 'I'rw Avner|covt.' + Haydew saLd he's Avnr.ricaw.
tense of the verb in reported speech usually changes,
IWy vnakn Lots af ftlms Lvt,Ivtdla.' + 'fhe gwiob toLd w
going one tense 'back'. Some tenses cannot go any
further back and so stay the same.
that they vnake Lots af ftlvws LwIndu.
Could, would, should and might do not change from In reported speech, pronouns and possessive adjectives
direct to reported speech. also change.
When the reporting verb is in the present simple or 'I Love yaur stnile.' -> Brqd sald La laved lau svntle.
present perfect, the tense of the verb in reported speech With say you do not need to use a personal object to say
usually stays the same. who you are talking to.
'I en1ay watcLtwg ftlrns.' + He sayt he enjays watcLtivg He said it was gairy ta be a great ftlrw.
When the reporting verb is in the past but the statement With tell you use a personal object to say who you are
is something which is still true, or is and will always be talking to.
true, the tense of the verb in reported speech usually stays He told vnz tt was ga\vg to be a grent ftLrw.
the same.


The same changes occur with tenses, pronouns and other 'Where are ya,,t?' + He a*zd vne whzre I was.
words a3 with reported statements. Reported questions are not real questions so they do not
We do not use the auxiliary verb do in reported questions. need question marks.
'Do yau. lLke rap rnwi.c?' * Sht, askzd vne tf t Llkzd rap
vnnrLc. When there is no question word (who, what, how, why,
There is no inversion of subject and verb in reported etc.), we use if or whether.
questions. 'Cavt.yan da it?' + TWy askr.d rw, if I cauld da it.

I add, admit, agree, announce, claim, complain, I remind, warn

explain, promise These work like tell - you need to use a personal
These work like say - you do not need to use a object with them.
personal object with them.

verb + infinitive: agree, claim, offer, promise, refuse verb + preposition + gerund: apologise fon confess
He 4jrend ta go wLth thevn. insist on, object to
verb + object + infinitive: advise, ask, instruct, invite, We apolagued for arr\wvg late.
order, recommend, remind, tell, warn verb + object + preposition + gerund: accuse
Shz advtred l,tivw to buy tlckzts tvt. advawe. somebody of, congratulate somebody otr, criticise
verb + gerund: admit, advise, deny, recommend, somebody for, warn somebody against
regret, suggest They arcnred hivw of cheatlvg Lw the eyoutl.
adml*cd steah g the watch.

Musicondfilm acting . 61o*6 . 9i9 . lighting. live(adv). lyrics. performance. plot. record (v) . role
scene . soundtrack. stage . star(v) . track
Medio hobits download . file-sharing site . live stream (n) . mobile device . peer_to_peer . purchase
stream (n, v) . transfer
Compound nouns ond qdjecliyes Nouns: blockbuster. box office download. drawback . feedback .
Adjactives: brand new . fast-moving . thought-provoking
Olhel words ond phroses > page 140
r revision

Complete the second sentence

so that it has a 2 Complete the sentences with
w :T,li:T:nils.t" Irrg ti.rt. Ur" between two reported speedr.
and five words, including ti. nn".d given. 1 'where have you just been?, charfie asked Hofly.
tives 1 'l cant do this exercise,, Ethan said. ABLE Charlie asked
Ethan said. do the exercise. 2 'Do you want to out tonight,
Jo?, He asked her.
2 You must bring your D,'the teacher
said to me. TO
f He asked Jo . .

to say The teacher told . bring my lD. 3 'Can you speak English?,
Lucy asked the boy.
3 'lt's on TV tonight on Chan
nel 4,, said Ava. THAT Lucy asked
Avaexplainedit ... on 4 'Will it rain next week?, wondered
Channel 4.
Dave wondered
4 'f failed the exam,, said
Daniel. PASSED 5 'How did they do that stunt?,
Sophie wanted to knorr.
Danief admitted . the exam. Sophie wanted to know
5 'l'm sure these are our seats,,
said Chloe. WAS 6 'Are you going to buy a car?,Grace asked Jack.
Chloe claimed she............... seats. Grace asked
6 'We might have made a mistake,,
Ben said. MAyBE 7 'What have you been doing
this morning?, Mum
Ben warned them that......................... asked us.
Mum asked

I | /6pointsl
Complete the sentences with the
correct words, 2
1 Their albums are good, but I prefer hearing Match the words in the two
them fs each word an adjecti.r"
2 | thought the film was
oi a noun?
good, but the last s. .
was too long.
1 block a new
3 | like the music in this song,
but I don,t understand any of the 2 box b moving
3 brand- c buster
I He's appeared as a minor character
in rots of firms, but this is
the first 4 draw d
time he,s s.......... . ... . in one.
5 He foves recording, but he,s so
shy he hates getting up on
5 fast- e out
6 turn f office
6 He usuaf fy pfays the r: .

. . of a criminal. 7 out g back i

I--- /7 pointsl

Reorder the tetters in the words

in red.
1 l'm going to watch a evil meatrs
of the match.
2 | usually listen to music on a bifeom
I coufdn't tremas the song
or -
oldwodna a film
cedive. because the connection
3 | sometimes fernasrt songs *r ro stow-
from my laptop to my 5 To rushpace things on the
MP3 pfayer so that I have-them Net use a credit cand.
on both. 6 Not all the music life-granish isset
are illegal-

:*-- i zn::;;
Noturql disosters words connecled with nqturol disqsters
$pt$He Work in groups of three. Each Person reads one
of the texts A-i. Check the words in red in a distionary I
necessary. Explain the words to the others in your grot?.
A There are hundreds of casualties after last night's earthqualc
and its aftershock. Many of the victims are young or eldery
The survivors of the earthquake are camPing out in the
.='% street because it is safer than being indoors. Many injuries
have been caused by collapsing walls since the earthquake
has caused terrible damage to many buildings in the city-
Firefighters have been working hard to put out fires causec
by the tremors'
First the volcano threw up a cloud of ash. Then molten

started to come down the side of the mountain. Right now,

the lava is heading towards the most populated village on 1a
llland. panic had already been spreading through the village
over the past few weeks. The neighbouring island has alreaq
set up camps for the hundreds of refugees who are arrivingr
c The torrential rain that has swept across the country in ti-e
last few days has caused terrible floods. Three major rivers
I o Match the photos to these words' There have burst their banks. Many people have been evacua:e€
are five extra words. from their homes. Mud and water have destroyed many
houses. The destruction has been much worse in wester'
areas where the rain has been heavier'

complete the sentences with the correct form of wotd3

in 4.

1b Match the extra words in 1a with these 1 We need to ................ the area immediately'
definitions. 2 A hurricane is quickly .................. .. across the ocean.

a situation in which a disease spreads very 3 Experts think the hurricane is towards lat'
quickly and infects manY PeoPle 4 The disease is quickly. Doctors fear that
a very large wa-ve or series of waves caused thousands more people will catch it in the next few weeks
when something such as an earthquake ,5. Nothing was left after the fire, only
happensunderuuater .','-' ''.
v/ti of the earthquake are being offerec
a large amount of snow and ice that
' 6 The
suddenly falls down a mountain
food, drink and blankets at the town hall'
a situation in which a large area with trees
$STtHt}lG @ gt Listen to three short reports on
burns "C
\i disasters and comPlete the notes'
a violent storm with extremely strong winds
and heavy rain

|ffiSISI € Where does the stress go


in the wordl in 1a? Listen and check your


Work with a partner. Which parts

of the world do you associate with the Work with a partner. Talk about a natural dis*
natural disasterJin 1a? Which ones could that has haPPened recently or that is very famous.
happen in Your country?
SPHKII{S Work with a partner. Look at the
photo at the bottom of the page and discuss
what it could be.

2 Read the article and answer the questions.

1 What is the name of the object in the photo?
2 What exactly is it for?

3 Read again and choose the best answer. -lt h. 20i.1Tohoku earthquake and the tsunami that followed
r count as one of the worst naturai disasters of the 21,, cenrL:-.-.
1 Julian Sharpe thinks the problem in Japan in
201 1 was that people ... {hen the earthquake struck with a force of magnitude 9, it w-as
the most powerful ever to hitJapan and its .onriqrr"rrces were
te a had made no plans for a natural disaster. catastrophic. -t4-q4tigipat!q+ qf a similar disaster, in American
,ry if b were not ready for the size of this disaster. company called Survivai capsules LCC turned their desis.n for;
ovrrvrs LU pr\rLcLL people from both fire and flood into reJliry.
)uP. c didn't know where to go to be evacuated.
UAKE 2 Sharpe had his idea when he ... .
".. fhe fsunan
According to /ulian sharpe,
er')'. a was in Indonesia during the 2004 tsunami. terribte,,,,,:;{::&riencei:'j:ff ll",ljffi1sr,:ffi
b saw a sphere floating in the water. for the Japanese. learning experience for the "
c realised that with long, gradual slopes it /apanese. The different regions
rk. isn't easy to get away from a tsunami. had evacuation towers and the local population knew what to ao
case of a tsunami. But in the end the evacuation towero rJ-l.f +L^" =
3 The company has designed... relied on for survival turned out to be far too iow. tn. ,r"rJ# 7",
a different models of the Survival Capsule for much higher than expected, with a maximum height of just over 43
different types of disaster. metres. It resulted in nearly L6,ooo deaths, over 6,000 caiualties,
3 more than 2,500 people missing.

b just one model of the Survival Capsule but
Sharpe says he came up with the initial concept for the survival
in varying sizes.
capsuie while on holiday with his family in a ioastal town in

c only capsules that have the most basic
oregon in the us in 2004.while he was there, he couldn,t help
survival facilities. thinking about the tsunami that had just swept across the Indian
4 The capsule ... ocean and the East Indies. He noticed that miny coastal areas with
beaches have a similar landscape, with long, gridual s_lop-es. Even
;. a needs to be rescued by helicopter when
when residents are given a tsunami alert, iibimpossibie to get to
.rs the tsunami eventually ends. sufficiently high ground fast enough.
b starts off tied to the ground. That was when Sharpecame up with the idea of something
c could be trapped under deep water. more flexibie. He thought of capsules that could float
5 The article says that ... above the approaching wave. According to Sharpe, hi.s
person-al safety system (pss) is designed to protbct suryivors
a they haven't made any capsules yet.
not only in tsunamis, but also in hurricanes, earthquakes and
b the cost of the spheres is too high. tornadoes. It was designed by aircraft engineers in consultation
ds c the cost is OK if they save lives. with tsunami exper[s.
There are currently five versions of the capsule. Thev
13_n_gq-in_gQq from a basic two-person model
Remember that if you find the same words in with a diameter of i".4m to one capable
of holding ten adults. The capsulei have
the text and in one of the options, this does been built for use in homes, businesses,
not mean it is the correct option. The correct schools and airports. The brightly-
option will probably express the information painted spherical capsule is built to
the text using different words. survive impacts, and the shape allows
it to roil out from beneath thl debris of
> EXAM SUCCESS page 146 collapsed buildings. The capsui& ;il also be
made with one or two windows.
Access to the capsule is by a
round door that can be opened Mobile phone use ls
from inside or outside. Inside, possrb/e, to communieate
there are seats, water containers, with the oufside warld.
GPS equipment, sJolagq facilities
for food and 60 minutes of oxygen. Mobile phone use is possible,
to communicate with the outside world. The capsule weighs only
about 136kg, so it's easy to move. It has a handle so that ii can be
recovered by a crane or helicopter. optional extras are also offered,
What do the qndeflr,rle_d words in the including a toilet, a music system and solar panels.
text mean? Guess and then check in your The_idea is for capsules to be piaced aiong coastlines. If
the sea rises.
dictionary. the line tyrng the capsule to the ground gets longer. when the ..,;a:::
the capsule floats back to the ground. tf-the warer ge- :3:
deep, the line disconnects and the capzule floats to the s::ia::.
tEfililS What about you?
ter The current cost of the spheres is between $rg,ooc a::: s2l.
,'.hat can we do to prepare for such events? Do -,1,,. -:_s
is a small price to pay if, as Sharpe hopes, the Su:-,:-.-e_ la:s *:s
-.3i know any security procedures? increase people's chances of survivins the ner :i ;-:'_,
Find the mistakes in these sentences and
rewrite them correctly.
I o Look at the sentences and answer the questions 1 Some areas of Africa have being affected by a
below. terrible drought.
a lt was designed by aircraft engineers. 2 Twenty people were save in the mountains by
b lt can be recovered by a crane or helicopter. a rescue team yesterday.

c Optional extras are also offered. 3 A huge landslide was hit a small town in Peru
last week.
d The capsules have been built for use in private
homes. Some people think that one day the Earth will
be destroyed for a big meteorite.
1 Are all the sentences in the passive? Our house was been damaged by torrential
2 What tense is each sentence? rain last year.
3 How do we form the passive? 5 More hurricanes have predicted for this
4 What does by introduce? summer.
7 Have been any people injured in the fire?
I b Are these statements True (T) or False (F)? 8 In rescue situations I think children must
1 We use the passive when we are interested helped first.
mainly in an action, not the person who does
the action. TlF
2 We use the passive when we don't know the
person who does the action . TlF 4o Look at the sentences and read the
explanation below.
3 We use the passive when it is obvious who
does the action . TlF 1 They give residents a tsunami alert.
2a Atsunami alert is given to residents.
2b Residents are given a tsunami alert.
2 Complete the sentences with the correct passive form Some verbs are followed by two objects, one
of the verbs given. usually a thing and the other a person. When
this happens, we can make two different
1 New Orleans (hit) by Hurricane Katrina
passive sentences (2a/2b).
in 2005.
Throughout history a number of cities 4b ls it more common to use the thing (2a) or
(destroy) by volcanoes. the person (2b) as the subject?

Some experts think the weather. (control)

4c These verbs can be followed by two
by humans one day. obiects. Check their meanings in a
4 Some forest fires can (see) from space. dictionary if necessary.
5 The strength of earthquakes (measure)

bring' buy . lend . offer . owe . Pay

using the Richter Scale. . refuse o send " show
ln areas where earthquakes are common, houses and flats teach . tell
should (build) in a special way so that
they don't collapse easily.
When the tsunami hit lndonesia in 2004, people Which sentence in each pair is more natur#
(not warn) of the possible danger.
1a The survivors were given water.
Flooding in New Orleans, 2005 1b Water was given to the survivors.
2a Help was promised to them.
2b They were promised help.
3a I was taught first aid by rny grandmother.
3b First aid was taught to me by *y grand
4a The prgsident was sent an urgent message.
4b An urgent message was sent to the president
5a A prize was given to Taylor Swift for her
charity work.
5b Taylor Swift was given a prize for her
charity work.
Province, Ph es,2013 Preposilionql phroses wifh verbs
lf. Look at the verbs in these sentences.
Which prepositions do they need?
v 1 People relied evacuation towers
for survival.
2 The capsule protects people . fire
and flood.

Complete the sentences with these


Rewrite the sentences using the passive. use the

person or people as the sub;ect.
1 The government has sent food and medicine to the 1 Residentslistened .. the experts.
victims of the earthquake.
2 Most people agree .
t/wti*t my theory.
lht urth4wla have bu-yt sent faad
ayld nazdtliw by thegaverwuo&. 3 People used to believe
2 They paid the president of the company $40,000 for two supernatural causes for natural disasters.
Survival Capsules.
The strength of a volcano depends
3 They're offering the survivors financial aid.
I My teacher has given me information about different factors.
su rviving earthquakes. The experts apologised .. . .. . not
5 Perhaps they'll offer the casualties medical help. warning people about the possibilities of
6 They told her the news when she arrived.
a tsunami.
7 They are not going to refuse the refugees entrance into
the country. The residents complained ... not
8 The government has promised the scientists money being informed.
for research. Nobody dreamt ... something so big
as a 40-metre wave.
Find somebody in your class for each of the
squares and write their name. Do not write the same The government waited ... a team of
person twice. lgnore the ,details' sestion.
experts to send their report.
Find someone who has been ...
a Nobody knew who the dog belonged
glve)t q Pnze given a spuat prarent
Navno: Nqvnr-:
Detoik: Detqib:
10 You can spend money ... optional
toWW ta do somethirg by a afer"d a jab ar a spec.wl
ruuuher af thelr fawily rarpowrbrlity Complete the sentences so they are true for
Nqne: Navuz: you. Use a preposition.
DetaLk: Detorilr: 1 | occasionally spend money...
sent aw impartat e*uail tald a suret 2 I hate waiting ...
Navne: Navne: 3 For the future, I dream ...
Detalk: Detailr: 4 | know I can rely ...
5 I never listen ...
far doivg samethtrg awed nnwy
Nowtf,: Nqyn&:
6 Once I had to apologise ...
7 | nearly'always agree ...
8 ldon't usually complain ...
Now ask questions to find out more details
about each activity. i Work in small groups. Compare your
sentences in 3. Tell the class any sentences
Wlry Nere ya,wgivew a prize)
that you have in common.
What Nexe you taLghn
Herpins q
-]- #ffi&ffi#W@
To learn about the work of a aid [n, vl: After an earthquake, people need urgent medical aid.
humanitarian organisation. refief [n]: Relief services are helping victims of the flood. aid/
To consider reasons for helping with refief worker [n]: Ihousands of relief workers are arriving to help
charity work. the victims. in need [phr]: There are many people in need in this
county, people who need money, clothes or a home. donate [v]:
To investigate a current disaster or
People are donating money and clothes to help the victims'
problem and how we can help.

I Work with a partner. What do you

SPSKIHG 2 Look at this M6decins Sans Frontidres (MSF) poster
know about ... about Ebola. Read the introduction and answer the
1 Ebola?
2 the organisation M6decins Sans Frontidres/
1 What does the text say about Ebola?
Doctors Without Borders (MSF)? 2 What does it say about what MSF has done?
3 What information will appear in the rest of the poster?

When Ebola haemorrhagic fever stum exit from high-risk zone

broke out recently in Guinea, West
# @
On leaving the high-risk area, staff
Africa, MSF set up three specialised remove their protective suits and dis:-'=:
treatment centres in the worst-hit
areas. Ebola is so infectious - and b themselves.

O launorv
so deadly - that patients need l"tr NR) All recyclable items of clothing are
to be treated in isolation by washed in chlorinated water every da.
staff wearing special protective and reused.
clothing. Emergency coordinator
@ tncinerator
Henry Gray and logistician Pascal
Everything used in the high-risk area
Piguet, both just back from Guinea, which can't be disinfected is burnt.
explain why, with Ebola, every
little detail counts. s} rriage tent
Patients with Ebola symptoms are
Q erotective clothing admitted to the zone for suspected
"The suits are so stifling that it's hard to
Q) Hig}t-risk zone: suspected cases
stay inside for more than 40 minutes. You
sweat a lot - up to two litres each time - Many of the early symptoms of Ebola
but you don't cool down because the are similar to drseases such as malaria
sweat doesn't evaporate, "says Pascal. and TB. "lt's really important that the'=
are separate zones for suspected and
O ch"nging area confirmed cases, because you don't t',=--
Before entering the high-risk zone, staff to contaminate someone with TB wit'
help each other put on their protective Ebola - thats basically a death senter':=
suits, while respecting the strict 'no body- Higlr-risk zone: confirmed cases says Henry.
to-body contact' rule. After doing their rounds in the zone for
@ rreatment ward
suspected cases, staff enter the zone for
Q) st"t+ entrance to high-risk zone confirmed cases. "Thereb a gradation of risk all "With a mortality rate of up to 90
"Each time we go tn, we have to plan the time - you don't want to recontaminate a percent, we know that most people ir^ --*
it down to the finest detail. To prepare, zane," says Henry. "The high-risk zone's not an treatment ward will not come out. We : -
we have a 30-minute briefing about easy place to be - you're isolated, you've got no the most we can for them: whatever :- -
what we are going to do, and we get access to the outside world, so we try and make patient wants, the pattent gets - spec -
all the equipment ready beforehand," it as friendly as possible, with a TV, radios, plastic food, new items of clothing ... it's eas. -:
savs Pascal. chairs and shaded areas to sit," says Henry. do and it does them good," says Pasc"

r-ry"ffi * --qilIgil


SPEAKII{0 Work with a partner: Look at the map of SPIAKIIIG Work with a paftner. How successful do you
the centre and answer these questions. think the poster is? Explain why or why not.
1 What is the purpose of each different area? - -.
|:1- ^- Li$Tf;Hil'tff @ r-o Watch or listen to four
2 What is the purple route through the treatment
centre? What happens on this route? 31^fl stu d ents d iscu ssi n g ch a rity fu n d ra i si n g .
alF Answer questions a-d. Tick (/) below.
3 Why do you think the poster gives the price of
the orotective clothes which the relief workers a Who prefers charities with a personal connection
have to wear? to them?
4 What do you think are the aims of this poster? b Who has raised funds for more than one charity?
c Who thinks putting on events is a good way to
Read texts 1-12 and answer the questions. raise money?

1 What do you think the 'no body-to-body contact' d Who believes that any method for collecting money
is OK?
rute means, and why do they have it?
Apart from putting on their suits, what do the aid "l-p-:qL-",r
workers do before they go into the high-risk zone? Sam
What do they do when they leave the high-risk Bea
Why is it essential to have different zones for
susoected and confirmed cases?
What is the process followed before patients can 7 G a0 Watch or listen again. What does each speaker
leave the treatment centre? say about their own experiences of raising money
What happens to cured patients after they leave? for charity? Discuss your answers in pairs.

:: ad€ g -1.

c$, *"&

I ,tl1
.h €sr
...-_.,= !i,

@ vititors'area
::- !, members talk with patients through the fence,
::= 'eligious leaders offer moral support, and MSF
: ;. :-ologists provide counsellrng.

@ r*it for cured patients

-=^ a patient is feeling better and has had two
-=:::ive lab tests in a row, thev are allowed home.
i=l-'e leavina. thev shower in chlorinated water
,-: ':ceive clean clothes and a package containing
-=-,ceutic food and vitamins to build up their strength.
::.,'ring home isn't always easy, due to the stigma and
-==' :ssociated with Ebola. Survivors receive continued
-:: l.t f rom psychologists after they leave, while health
: ': ^.:ters help educate their communities about the
: -:=-ie.
The tsunami survivor who is an example to us all
Brn e possive withsay, Rnow, believe, elc.- I
Io Look at the sentences and answer the
questions below.
a lt was reported that she saved people thanks to
a geograPhy lesson.
b lt is thought that Tilly saved around 100 lives'
c lt has been claimed that more than 280,000
people died.
d It's believed that children are the worst victims

1 What is the subject in the first part of these

Why do we use the passive in the first part of
these sentences?
3 Why are different tenses used in the first part of
the sentences?

t Work with a paftner. Look at the photo

$' I b Here is alist of verbs which are frequently
and caption. used in this way. Check their meaning in a
Why do you think the woman in the photo might be an dictionary if necessary.
example to others?

2 L|$TEHIH$ @ at Listen to a radio Prografm-e

about the woman in the photo and check your

predictions in 1.

3 @ af Listen again. Are these statements True CI,

Make complete sentenees with the structunss
F-alse (F) or is the information Not Mentioned in 1.
1 Petra's friend did not survive the tsunami. T/F/NM 1 'The Sun goes round the Earth.'- past belief
2 Petra's organisation builds brand new
T/F/NM It wq{ b-?-!ieyed thal the 52+-w wp-nt r1*rld tk
schools around the world.
Tilly Smith was a hero of the
2004 tsunami. T/F/NM 2 'The Earth is flat'- Past thought
4 Petra has met Tilly Smith in person. T/F/NM It .. .... .. r .... ....
5 Petra keeps her job and her charitY 3 'Natural disasters are becoming more {requent'-
work completelY seParate. T/FINM
present claim
6 Petra finds it very painful to talk about
It... ....... ..
her survival story. T/F/NM
7 The aim of Petrat organisation is not 4 'An asteroid will destroy the world one day'' -
to offer aid in the first few something PeoPle have said
days after a natural disaster. It .. . .. .... ..... ... .

8 Petra would like to make more of an

5 'A big volcano will erupt in lceland soon'' -
impact by becoming a politician one day' T/F/NM
present exPectation

6 'Volcanic ash can have a terrible effect on planer'

ln some True/False activities, such as this one, there
are three possibilities: True/False/Not Mentioned' present knowledge
Choose Not Mentioned if you cannot hear the It . . .......
information when you listen to the text'
7 'People heard t[e eruption of Krakatoa over
3,000 km awaY.'- Past rePort

4, tt What about you?

What do you think of the story of Petra N6mcov5?
I 'One day an enormous earthquake will strike
Flippgd qlegsrqom: watqh thc'grffi
presentation video.

5 Read the text and choose the corred alern#r

3 Look at the sentences and decide if the
statements below are True (T) or False (F).
nks to a Each school is said to cost around f1 10,000.
b Very few animals were reported to (a) die/have died
Petra is known to have been impressed by the
story. in the tsunami in December 2004. For example,
in an area of Sri Lanka that was hit by the disaster,
r0 c At first, she was thought to have died, but then
there is a very popular national park called yala
they found her.
National Park. lt has hundreds of wild animals,
tims. d Twelve thousand children are said to be including elephants, leopards and monkeys. But
benefitting from the project. (b) it was/thev were said that the only animals that
e Animals are said to know when a natural died that day were two or three water buffalos.
disaster is coming. Flamingos are (c) reporting/reported to have flown
cf to higher ground. Bats were seen flying away, too.
1 In each sentence, the subject of the first Three wild elephants were seen running away from
rt of part of the sentence is the subject of the a beach before any humans knew anything about
rest of the second verb. T/F the coming tsunami. Unfortunately, the animals'
After the verbs reported, known, believed, warning had no effect on the people watching.
/ etc. we use to + infinitive to talk about How did all these animals know what was going to
things in the present, or things that are happen? lt is (d) think/thouqht that animals have a
always true. TlF sixth sense. (e) lt is known/Some animals are known
After the verbs reported, known, believed, to be able to hearthingr tnr@
etc. we use to have + past participle to and this may be one way that several different
talk about past events. TlF types of animal may spot danger before we can. tt
is also believed (f) animals to be/that animals are

ffiI We use is/are believed/thought, etc.

to talk about present beliefs and thoughts.
We use waslwere believedlthought, etc.
much more sensitive to vibrations of the Earth than
humans. For example, it (g) is/was thought that
even large elephants can detect minor movements-
to talk about past beliefs and thoughts. TlF It has been (h) claimed/known by some people that
humans used to possess the same highly developed
senses that animals have, but that over time we
Rewrite the sentences. have lost our'sixth sense'.

1 They say that toads sense earthquakes.

2 They know that bees are very important for the

3 People claim that global warming is responsible for

many natural disasters.
Global warming
They reported that many people had gone missing
after the eruption.
Many people
People believed that the Titanic was unsinkable. 6 Complete the sentences in a logical way.
lgs.'- The Titanic... ..... 1 People from my country are said ...
People didn't know Everest was the highest 2 lt's well known ...
mountain until 1852. 3 In the past, it was believed ...
4 Last week in the news it was reported ...

It is said that Pompeii is one of the most popular

5 Strdenis are expected ...
tourist attractions in ltaly. 6 Sometimes l'm known ...

:trffiF- Compare sentences with a prtrer. Do ya
It's believed that a meteorite caused the extinction agree with your partner/s sentenes?
of dinosaurs.
Find a word or words in the Speaking bank Ant
Tolking oboul slolislics vfiirctr mEa'rl ...
I Look at the Pie
Volcano: 1.2 %
1 go up. l3t
chart. lt shows the storm:3oe%
2 go from 20,000 to 40,000, for example. o{
percentage of PeoPle
Drought 41.4
3 go from 4O,OO0 to 20,000, for example.
affected by different I
disasters in Oceania 4 one in three.
between 1980 and 5 slowly and in small amounts.
2008. According to ./ 6 important. \
the pie chart, are Flood:2'8%
these statements I
7 in a sudden and surPrising waY. I

True (T) or False (F)? Ext. temp:23,7 7o

I most of the people or things in a group.

1 Over one-third of people were affected by

drought. TIF
2 Just under one-fifth of people were affected Talking about statistics
by extreme temPeratures. f lF Numbers and ProPortions
3 Fewer people were affected by extreme I a halflthird/ quarter/fifth/ sixth, etc.
temperatures than bY storms. TIF I one in twolthreelfive/ten, etc.
4 Only about one in a hundred people were I the majority
affected by volcanoes. TlF
5 Just over a quarter of pedple were affected by I rise/fall (n, v)
extreme temperatures and floods combined ' TIF
I increase/decrease (n, v)
6 The majority of people were affected by
drought. TIF
stay the same/change little (adj/adv) t4
stow(ly)l gradual(ly)/slight(ly) (adj/adv)

2o Express the fractions as Percentages and vice

I steady(adj), steadily(adv) 4
versa. I si gnifi ca nt(ly)/ sh a rp(ly)/ dra m ati c(ally) (adj/adv) I
1 Ya= 3 10o/o: 5 Y2: r doubleltriple/half (n), halve (v)
2 20o/o = 4 66.6"/" = 6 80o/o: }|

2b ,nEtfm O n Listen and check. Then practise PRACIICE MAKES PERTECT h

saying the fractions and percentages. 5E : Work with a partner. Student A, describr
the pie chart using words and expressions in tlrr

3 Look at this graph. lt shows the number of Speaking bank. 4

storms around the world between 1980 and
201L Read the text below and check that you f
Storm:34.5% Drought 27.9 %
understand the words in bold. ?
Number of storms around the world between 1980 and 2011
Earthquake:5.7% t

/ ,/ \Epidemic:1.3%
- Ext. temp:3%

5b Student B, describe the giaph using words and t

expressions in the SPeaking bank.

1 980

The number of storms around the world rose gradually

between 1980 and 1988. There was a sharp increase
in the number of storms between 1988 and 1990'
Between 1980 and 1990 the number more than tripled.
However, the number of storms fell sharply the year 1990
after. Between 1996 and 1998 there was only a slight
increase. The number of storms then flustuated 5c Work together. Compare the two pie charts c
between 2O0O and 201 1. lt rarely stayed the same' this page' Then compare the two graphs. YUh
There was a dramatic rise in numbers in 2004, but in information do you find surprising, interesti
2006 there was a significant decrease. worrying?
An *pinEsm esscy * 3 Look at how although, eyen though and horrevr
are used in the text. Which words join two hahr(
I SPfl[ilfE, Work with a partner. Look at the task. .of a sentence? Which words introduce a new
Complete point 3 and discuss two ideas for each sentence? Read the information in the Writing
of the points 1-3. bank and check that you understand the meanin
of all the linkers.
At school you have been talking about climate change
and extreme weather. Now your English teacher has
asked you to write an essay for homework.
Write your essay using all the notes and giving Using linkers correctly
reasons for your point of view. ilSome linkers join two halves of a sentence. They
can go at the start of the sentence or in the
riJ Hour can ue help lo save the ptanot? middle of the sentence.
AltiuugLt tlt-e auu,try u a itrul

$lrits about: I reclcling L iaving energl
w+wt 'wirt, it "

7... ..... (1our own idea)

W* ynu;* tar*ip tL,-* ranntry aLtttqg;t
Itvg way" s.viay.
..:',,.- -.
Linkers which join two halves of a sentence:
Read this essay. Does it include any of your ideas although, and, and so, because, despite, eve"
in 1? though, since, so that, when, whereas, while
I Other linkers introduce a new sentence which
refers to the previous sentence. These words are
usually followed by commas.
p.acL'," yeorr there are wlare ow.d nure staryns
l- aw(flaods, and tevuperature^t qre chavgivg Ti<z r-cwalu-{* a i-o*g w#y d,way.
wtwt 'nely tt.
draynaircally. [rl lt-ry !pjqp-, tt4t"t ir pqrtli bla,^te
of the efen that hw'totw qre h^*ry aw the Linkers which join two sentences:
tb4Uye!!y1t_-we aLL caw ano( sluuld da savwetLttrg all things considered, as a result, as far as I
abaut tl'u.t. am concerned, consegue ntly, finally, firstly,
Tho;fiy;t yoifl t! tlgt uf we aLI recycted yyLare, furthermore, however, in addition, in conclusio-,
Wk k in my opinion, in the end, meanwhile, moreove..
we could ynakz a btg dtferewe ta thz enwrawyned, By
recyclLvg pqper, for uarwple, vte canld prated our nevertheless, on the one hand, on the other
ry44! U W-fq, tf we rewed Ltevns such as plasttc bags hand, personally, secondly, therefore, to sunr -c,
qnd bottles, we cauld aka save precLaw natural reraurceJ. what is more
Uoryqygf, wt ewugLL puple da thu.
fu4!b9! tut_ry tp-bpgf ,-V-VtLnd 11 that puple ure ene.rgy
For Lwtanre, they farget ta swttch carnpwters
ar IgWs of yn"ake thetr htwes taa Narvw Lr+ thr. wL&er
?y?ry t@Ugh by sawvg sorne af tl,tts energy, we cawld redwce
6a Work with a partner. Look at the task and think
ewtrownnMal darn4ge. about ideas and information that you could
Nt_lyWh ynawy studeMs ILve near sch.oal, theLr pare&s
takL th-eym by car ench day, If we aII walked, cycled ar At school you have been talking about problems
wsed publLc trawport, we could hzlp to ynLniywke the
facing the world in the 21't century. Now your
pollutLow cawed by uhau"st
fuvwe:. Fyytbpyruqre, walkLvg English teacher has asked you to write an essay for
ar cycltvg would hetp to kzep w l^-ttLry.
IV qqr]gl.ryLln, savr,rz puple say that thr-re ts wthLvg thnt Write your essay using all the notes and giving
we cqw da ta mve the plawt. dr^sagren. I
we aLL take lf reasons for your point of view.
small steps to chavge sLrwple daLly habits, thtrc vwLLLLow of
smaLl actLow caw have a rwalar Lrwpact 0w tht, planet,
what are the blggest TrobLev,*s faoLvt4 the
w orLd Lw the a:t't oewtwry?
Read the essay again. What is the purpose of Notes
each paragraph?
WrLte abou"t:

t- epLdewtLcs
Put the yrldgflined words"and expressions in the
text in the correct list. z chawgLwg weather cowd.LtLows

Expressing opinions: .. .
Adding ideas:
Putting ideas in order:
Contrasting ideas: 6b Write your essay. Include linkers and remember
Concluding: to use the Writing bank to help you.
Grqmmqr reference

Is the news bevvg Stvew avt"M?

Has thr' eorth4unkz bex.vt' shtwvr' ow'N?
subject + be + past participle (+ by + agent)
we use the preposition by to introduce the agent, that i+
Warwvgs are gLvevr'. (present simple) the person or thing doing the action'
'the LuspLtal has beevr' bnlLt by the Saverwvvznt'
USE :"|
(present perfect)
We use the Passive when:
-tlnrs prograwvu.e k beLvg watch'e'd by mLLLLaw af puple'
(present continuous) 1 we are more interested in the action than who or what
does the action.
Yalcaw?^t werenJt xnderstood Lw the vwLddle 4iat' 'the cLty Nas d?^rtraYed \n,1755.
(past simple)
tLLL be wed thz futwre' (wilD 2 we do not know who exactly does the action'
New type'r of Ln'
"*rJY Mawy abietts have beevr' stolew'
we make the passive with the appropriate tense and form
of the verb to be and the past participle of the verb. 3 it is obvious or understood who did the action'
To make questions in the passive, we put the first auxiliary
'thz patl.ent v,tas cnred.
verb before the subject.

It is more common to make passive sentences with the
person or PeoPle as the subject'
Some verbs are followed by two objects, one usually a
-fhey tald yna the truth. Here is a list of common verbs which are followed by trc
thing and the other a person.
When this happens, we can make two different passive
bring, buy, give, lend, offer, owe, Pay, Promise, refuse'
send, show, teach, tell
I was tald thz truth.
The truttt Nas tald to wre.

Subject + be + past participle (of believe, claim, exPect
know, report, say, think) * to * infinitive/have + past
ft + be + past participle (of be/ieve, claim, expect, know' participle
report, say, think) + that
DoLpLtLw are saLd ta be able ta cavnvvruvicate'
It ts sald that dalpdw caw cowvnuvicate'
Thr, presldet Nas elalrn&d ta have ktuww abaut the
It was claLvned thtt th& preident kjlev'l aba^t th& sLtuanow.
With this structure, we use to + infinitive to talk about
We use the present of to be to talk about present beliefs things in the present, or things that are always true'
and thoughts.
we use the past of to be to talk about past beliefs and
Instead of using the impersonal Pronoun it, we can use We use these structures to talk about what people in
this structure: general say, think or believe bbout something'

flood .' torest
. idemic .' tlood hurricane .' landslide
fire o" nurrlcane
Noturol disoslers avalanche . drought . earthquake epidemic
forest tlre
tsunami . volcanic eruption
Words connecled wifh nolurot disosters aftershock ash
. . (of a river) burst its banks ' casualty ' collaPse
panic ' put out ' refugee ' spread
destruction. evacuate . freau towards.' injury ' molten lava ' mud '
survivor . sweeP across ' torrential jei""
(rain) ' tremoF victim
pr€positionot phrcs€s with veri. *l r' (somebody) . aPblogise for (something) -' believe in ' belong to
about (something) u"p""i t"
complain ' J'""t of ' Itot"n to ' protect
' (somebody) from (something) ' rely

spend on . wait for

Other words ond Phroses > Page 140
Grommqr revision

I Rewrite the sena.n".

the form from astive to passive
1 A h^.+ .^^^..^r r , .rge or passive to active.
t, that is,
2 ;.;"'ffi;ilffi"otheport
is going to rebuild the s petra Nemcova
is presenting the awards
3 The airport had been designed by a famous 6 nt"" written a reporr about the
architect. lHfH'"1
or what
7 The school might be opened
by a local politicia_
2 Put the words tn rt . o.
1 will sent be an email "or.".,
you important
4 parents stories chirdren young
evnaiL wewLItsend ; often are tord th=

r the E
was a birthday camera given
disasters They being shown a

Find the mistakes in

for I
are about natural
6 sister lent I by money was some

: a1",t",:nlt
8 job He has offered government
mathematics a were teacher
been the bv

by two
rr"r. tences and rewrite them correctly.
tr r+ ^r.^_ |
i^ ". on.
of the most o
ruse, 1,Jil1:i".1ilH0,ffT",:,0:. o""iu"ln"" said that they are caused by
"l." rouc
2 Gatileo Galitei is said to invent
the telescope.

3 lt was reported to have started
u lij"' ago the Moon is believed
to be mace
the fire an accident. .r.,i"n l'1"
6 The eruption of Krakatoa is thought to rurn
orange in 1883. the s< es

xpeci i
Yocobutsry revision
lst l

Make simple definitions or expfanations
for these
VERBS tp";:s
3 Match the verbs and
1 flood
4 drought
2 epidemic
5 forest fire
Verb Preposition

3 landslide 1 apologise a about

; b"b", bto
3 rely c with
f--rr--ep",\\=l 4 complain
2 Match the definitions to words
on page 1 06. -don
1 very strong and heavy, talking
about rain I 5 dream -e for
2 someone who is injured or killed
in an accident I 6 agree T.f
3 make a fire stop I 7 spend gon
4 gradually cover or affect a larger area
5 move in the direction of something or
6 leave a place because it is dangerous
:n 7 when something does this it breaks suddenry
because of
yc- the pressure of water or air
8 grey powder left after something
has burnt
Work with a pa*ner. Would you ever go
on holiday tci an area where a natural disaster
was happening? WhYAffhY not?
ln multiple-choice activities, remember "'
lf you aren't lOO% sure which answer is best, take
away any answers which you know are not correct' Read the text and choose the best answer'

ln the early hours of the morning of the one of nature's most impressive spectacles
21"1 March I was woken by a text message - something Iceland has more than its fair
from lceland - an eruption had occurred share of!
close to the Eyjafjallajokull glacier. -forlater I found
Ten davs myself on a plane
Iknew this could cause serious bound Keflavik with two of my children
disruption for some school groups and Ben (16) and Gemma (13) -we had aiso
individual travellers either in Iceland been bitten by the volcano bug' After a
or about to leave, so the rest of the comfortable night in the Northern Light
night was spent trying to flnd. out.the Inn we had a relaxing dip in the famous
exlent of the eruption. By 9 o'clock.on Blue Lagoon. The weather was a little
Sunday morning our team was ln tne chilly bit wonderfully bright and we took
offlce, making sure everyone travelllng the ieldom travelled southern route along
the Reykjanes Peninsula - which I would in the day! A few hours later we
with us in Iceland and those who were boarded a SuperjeeP - which was tc
about to travel were fu1ly briefed on rea1ly iecommend. By mid aftemoon we
arrived at my favourite hotel in Iceland - take us in comfort over the glacier
the situation. Luckily by midday it was to approach the volcano from the
estabiished the eruption was located the ranch-stile Hotel Ranga. It is from here
that our visils to the volcano would start ground. Driving SuPerjeePs is an
on a small deserted Pass between icelandic art and our driver, Ragna:-
two glaciers and there was no danger the next day. That nighJ 4 F-. restaurant
we enjoyed some wondertul lood wltn more was both skilled and great companl
outside the immediate area. Roads were
then reopened, flights were-allowed to views-of the eruption, which as darkness
leave - our website was uPdated and fell became even more spectacular.
our team was free to enjoY what was Just after lunch the next day we toot-one 3l .. the volcano belched
left of the weekend! Lrrv heliconters based at the hotel
nf the
for the out molten lava and
On the Monday we contacted all those most amazing flight I have ever expenenced thundered awaY in an
on our Volcano Hotline and started in my life. We flew over spectacular plains, amazing disPlaY.
making travel plans for those wanting followed the edge of the glaciers and finally ,,
to see the eruption. The f,rst passenger came to the site of the eruption we had
left that evening. As the week went come to see. It certainly did not disappoint
on we found there was a great deal of and we landed on a hiil close by the volcano
interest in going to see the eruption - and stood in awe as the volcano belched
which was understandable as it is truly out molten lava and thundered away in
an amazing disPlaY. All too soon it
was time to go and the helicoPter
retumed to Collect us. We bid adieu -..* **-
i" tft" and retumed to ,A
""t.ano;_but i-1

For the writer the helicopter flight was "'

Because of the start of the eruption " '

a all current trips to lceland were disrupted' a very frightening.

b the writer and his team had to explain to their b a once-in-a-lifetimeexperience.
customers what was haPPening' c disappointing.
c the team told people not to go to lceland' After arriving at the volcano by helicopter, the \ff-c!'
The writert comPanY ... and his children ...

a quickly organised trips to see the eruption' a left almost imnnediatelY.

b didn't think people would be interested in trips b wanted to staY longer.
to see the volcano. c couldn't move because they were so amazec-
c had information about previous volcano visitors. The Superjeep ...
The writer went to lceland ... a was something the writer didn't know about
a out of curiositY. b requires a very skillful driver.
b because of his work. c was chosen because it was so comfortable'
c to be with his children.

In True/False/Not Mentioned
remember... In reviews, remember ...
Y,ou.c1n usually hear the The important thing is to
recording twice. lf you give a detailed picture
don't hear the ar the thing that you are reviewing of i

and to make your

I isten in s,".', J ;:',:,i;? ;ff J".ff:':l il:i *. own opinion clear. To do this,
uise a wide va.iety

guestion. Use the second listening of adjectives and adverbs

to find the ,nd;;- - expressions of
-"r'"ogrvr rr (rl
answers you didn,t hear
the first
opinion. ;

-- time
-" and to check
the answers you already f,ru".
> EXAM SUCCESS page 146
> EXAM SUCCESS page 146
5 iW Work *,.tt, a partner: Look
at this notice.
tlglffiill$, I al Lisren t? t*9
peopte talking about
Which fitm woutd y; ;h;;re and why?
different rescue services in'the
US. Are these
statements True,(T),-Fatse
Not Mentioned tfVtata
--- ifJ
r' v is the information
' ",
1 One service is offering evacuation
!_i hit by hurricanes by hixury i"fi.opr"r. areas A ftfm thqt oll benogers MUST
2 The same service offers luxury
Which film woutd you .""o*end
to your friends? tt
could be comedy, fantasy,
throughout the year.
... you
."i"n"" fiction, a disaster film
T/F/NM decide! fn your review
3 The creator of this service
got the idea when
tn" rrmln-J;;prain why you ,,-"T'::"#:Xihappens in
he couldn,t find a seat on
u-norrnaf plane. T/F/NM
4 The peopl" are likely to use this service 5 Do the task in S. Folfow
usually book flights on norr.l this paragraph ptan.
planes. T/F/NM Paragraph
5 The service is only for
members. the film.
1 : Introduction/Basic information
6 You can pay for a service
that can protect Paragraph 2: More detaired
your house from forest fires. information about the fifm.
T/F/NM Paragraph 3: what you rike
7 ._"rPany
they talk about runs your
about the firm.
3l: while you
oustness escape
Paragraph 4: Who you would
recommend the film to
a hurricane. T/F/NM and briefly restate why.

Work wittr a partner. What

do you think
they i"ik-;;uir n," tfiey ,
:: n:;.rvices fair

$eoking :

I Look at this statement. Do

you think this would t
In activities where you
have to discuss something,
il*::lll* * :n"-::: * r r+ ;#; ffi Jn r,
remember... k. ot.r *iJt'il;:
inte restin s ? M a n

ff you are working with "il";,.ifl pf .r.

Don'r talk for toJlong
other students, be sensitive-
*iif,.ri'glr',nn your parrner ffi A// seco ndary schoolstudents
chance to speak. a should have /essons in First
> EXAM SUCCESS page 146
Aid at schoo/ so that they
can help out in accidents
, ind
Look at these expressions.
Which do we use for emergencies.
siving emphasis and ;iil d;;;;;";;
examples? ;;""
1 Take .., for instance.
'ffi Work in groups of three. Discuss
opinions. Remeitrer to us"'.ipr.rsions your
2 You have to remember that ... emphasis and examples. - --' to give
3 | really do think that ...
4 You can,t deny that ...
5 You only have to think of ...
Everydoy technology Verbs connecled wifh fechnology

I $fBffi Work with a partner. Match the 3 ln each sentence, choose the correct alternative and then
words in the columns to make everyday say what the other word means. ln two sentences, both
items. What do you use each thing for? alternatives are correct.
1 dish6l -. a control 1 You switch the phone on by pushinq/Pressinq the ON buttoru
2 washing 4 b Processor 2 Oh no! My battery has recharged/gone deadl
3webLtr c wave 3 l'm not surprised you can't see the film. You've forgotten to
4 remote : - ,,. .t. d board insert/plug in the DVD into the machine!
5 head $a =' ' i- e phones 4 My computer is really old. lt keeps crashing/freezing.
6 flash f, : f washer 5 I need to install/upgrade my phone so that I can do more
with it.
7 micro. t: I cleaner t

Can you help me to set/delete the alarm on my phone so

I vacuum fi h nav
that I wake up early tomorrow?
9 food I camera t
7 You need to selecr/adiustthis option from the drop-down
10 digital j machine
8 You can make the image bigger or smaller by Pinchinq/
11 sat '' _'
k drive swrpin-q it.
12 key I Cam '' 9 When your phone is fully charged, you should connect/
disconnect it.
2 Match the words with the definitions.
10 To switch the phone off you should press and hold/taP this
button for a second or two.
broadband " charger . coverage . device
drop-down menu . glitch . network ' Plug
tlsTEl{lilG @ 44 Listen to somebody giving instructions.
touch screen . wireless
What exactly are the instructions for?
a machine or piece of equipment that does
a particular thing lmagine that your Lobile is switched off and the batteryr
is dead. What do you need to do to be able to call a
when a set of similar things are connected friend? Write the complete instructions.
to each other, for example computers or
phones PLry Lw the charyer and cavu,trtt the phnviz. Or Lwert q Lt59
cqble Lwo the phnnr. and canne(t th& phtrtt ta a carnpu-*t
a screen on a computer, tablet or phone
ita thz WB part ...
that you touch in order to choose what you
want to do next
i Work with a partner. Read your instructions to
a piece of equipment used for giving your partner and compare them. Are they similar?
power to a battery
a type of connection to the Internet that .ffiffi With your partner; think of something that you
allows you to receive or send a lot of typically do with your phone or tablet (e.9. take a phe
information very quickly or send a message). Prepare instructions to describe L
this technology communicates using process. Read out your instructions to the class. Can
electronic signals, not with wires identify what the action is?
7 the strength of the signal to your phone
from your network
I a list of options that appears on a screen
when you press it
9 a small and sudden problem especially with
10 an object used to connect a piece of
equipment to an electricity supply
I o ,$t&l(ffi Work with a partner. What
can you see in the photo? Look
at the title of the alticle. What do
you think a ,screenager'is?

I b REAtft{C Read the text, ignoring the

gaps. Check your answer in 1a.

Look around you. Are there any people

of your age about? 1
certainly be busy swiping, pinching or
tapping some [rpe of screen.
I then You only have to look at some of
both the statistics for this generation of
'screenagers'. It's said that
36% ofchildren An advertising agenry called Sparks &
' i-1
use electronic replace those skills which thev
button. Honey,which is based in Newyork, has
devices during Gen Z is Possibfy are losing. Today's teens are ?
been investigating GenZand has come -
family meals. lhe smortest ond
up with some interesting findings. On the
totally at ease sw:' ' -f
en to Forty-nine per cent most sophisticofed
whole, perhaps surprisingly, thelveratl
screen to screen ,.l'JffJrf;ft
o_f and L5-year_ generotion from task to task within ,".oridr. o
-1a in picture is quite optimistic and positive. In
olds feel that they [irtory. fact, it has been claimed that, ihanks to Of course, any generation reflecrs
are addicted to
technologr, GenZis possibly the smar[est society that it has grown up in.Gen=e
the Intemet and 77% take a phone or has not had it easy. Its members are 1e
and most sophisticated generation in
computer to bed. Their greatest fears?
history. 4 They are bright thinkers like aware of the impact of global *"-==;
SO {g,.b"ilq able to pick up a wi_fi signal, a Ann Makosinski. Other examples include example. And the economic recessto-:
Stch with their latest app or theiibatterv Jack Andraka, who at the age of just 15 also had an impact.T .
unexpectedly running out.
n men[ created a cheap device to detecf According to Sparks & Honey, nine c ::
Technolory is clearg a_t_thq pancreatic cancer, or Angela
( _heq$_ qf of ten feel optimistic about thui, o*=
Generation Z, or Gen Z, the gurr"rrtio., Zhang,who helped to improve future. Instead of depending on other
is made up of the youngsters cancer detection when she was people to offer them a job oiwait:e::r
( bom between 1995 and 2010.Ii's the flrst just 12. opportunities to appear, Gen Z-:ail
generation to have grown up with the things happen. Rather than
Meanwhile, peopie of older generations
buch screen as -the fi_q{n. Stme say that tend to \ /am of the negativJ effects wanting to work for a big
this CrnZ doesn't just represent the fuiure. of computers and technologlr. 5 compan)4 7 1o/o wantto start
2 their own business.
They also say that touch ,.i"urr,
Is there a positive side to keyboards, which teenagers use all"rra Aithough it can be worrying I
ftis generation of connected the time, are responsible for students to see teenagers _brrry_ing theiri€ads-in
Eenagers? The answer is yes. gradually losing the ability to write. screens, paradoxically it would apear
fhke Ann Makosinski. She Certainly, statistics seem to justi$r that modem technoiog/is oofr*
tery ras just L6 when she came up with an another claim: that young people-cannot communication and solidarity b.t*.=
_4g:_4ioriq device - a flashlighi which is concentrate for iong periods. Sparks & peopie around the world. Spads
& II y
darged and powered by tlre heat of a Honey state that the average aitention claim thatT1% are concemed abq.rt
human hand.3 It was the fact that span of American teenagers in 2014 was world hunger and77%are concenreC
Itakosinski, who was born in Canada, just 8 seconds, down froml.2seconds about children around the world dying
Er bk her inspiration from the difficulties in 2000. of preventabie diseases. Meanwirlle.
da friend in the philippines who had 26%wouldneed to fly to visit rncr
fuled her school exams because
But, while some of these concems do d
she had seem valid, it is also true that GenZ the friends they've made througfr ffial
o m electricity to study at night. appears to be acquiring new skills to
' networking. Technolory has *a" CflZ
a truly connected, worldwide phenmma

2 Read the text again. Comptete with A_G. 3
|orto A Some claim that, because of easy access
$re information on the Internet, young people Think! Then compare ideas with your class.
are no
dE longer exercising their memories. I Do you agree with the descriptio n of
Gen Z?
B But it wasn't just the invention that was impressive. Why/Why not?
c In fact, this generation is actively creating
D Howeve4 adversity has not made
this generation what do the -q[der!ir!9-{ words in the text
negative. mean?
Guess and then ah"ak-in y"u, aictbi".y.--
lf there are, they probably aren,t talking
to one
, What about you?
F Their stars are not teen singers and actors.
G This is something which previous generations
1 How.long do you spend looking at a screen
find per day?
more difficult.
2 What device do you use the most, and for
Omit the relative pronouns where
Bond would
It sounds like something (a) that James
use or (b) that would upp"ut in spy
movies,l'.k", .
I Look at the sentences and answer the
(c) which
M;t;"; lmpossible. lt's a new smartphone
questions below' to use it without
self-destructs when somebody tries
aSheinventedatorchwhichispoweredbythe p"rtirrion. The customers (d) who they are
heat of Your hand' [n" pnon" for are mainly people.(e) who work
invented is being
b Makosinki, who was born in Canada' government agencies' Tl-re self-destruct
is BlackBer;
the device for a friend' iesigned by two companies' One of them
business is
c This is something which other generations
find and the other is Boeing, (f) whose main
(g) who is the CEC
difficult. manufacturing plun",. John Chen'
of the phone
exams because of BlackBerry announced the existence
d She had a friend who failed her However' we
but wanted io keep the details secret'
she had no electricitY' are developng
York' has do know that the phone (h) which they
. The agency, which is based in New Jo", not actually explode or catch fire' But
if somebo{r
been investigating Gen Z' phone' cr
ir,"r ao oPen the case (i) that covers the :tl
Touch screens, which teenagers use
all the time'
if'r" a.,t and software (j) which is inside
will be deld-
.uy U" responsible for students gradually losing At the moment, these phones are on|y
for people
the abilitY to write' (k) who have very sPecial safety needs' But
predict that one iay all phones may use
the technoqt
Which reilative clauses are defining' it) *ni.t't the two companies are developing'
information about someone or
us essential
something? Do theY have commas? Rewrite the sentences as one sentence
using a
Which relative clauses are non-defining' non-defining relative clause'
giving us extra, non-essential information --r+;i,:;-:rr,i.|lr' ,::;i;:ili:i'+-r':iii";.:::.: '4fi'!l,--':1n'
someone or something? Do they have commas?
ti: The inventor of the remote control didn't

3 When do we use the relative pronoun Adler'

who? watching TV. His name was Robert
and when do we use
When do we use whos e, when' where
or why?

Can we replace which with that in sentences

e Remote controls were originally called'space
commands'. They first appeared in 1955'

or c?
that in sentences e
o Robert Adler went to university in Vienna'
was born there.

Can we replace which with
or f? WhYAVhY not?
Can we omit the relative pronoun
in sentences
f@ Adler was a brilliant physicist' He invented
more than 180 different things'

o Adler was especially proud of his work on


b, e or f? WhYMhY not?
in sentences
touch screens. His most successful invention
I Can we omit the relative pronouns was dre remote control'
a or d? WhYMhY not?
His remote control used ultrasonic
I Can we omit the relative Pronoun
in sentence c?
@ frequencies. lt was replaced by infrared
WhyMhY not? systems in the 1980s'
-e ff.V,Hli"
Adrer died' He was

Decide if the sentences are correct'

incorrect sentences.
Rewrite the r Adler wasn't very interested in his own
invention. lt changed the way we live'
is already broken!
1 My tablet, that I bought last week'
2 | think that's the phone that I saw
3 Here is the room that we studY in'
She's the person who I spoke to
on the phone'
5 They're the two people who's invention
really PoPular.
l've got a new phone that takes great
6 i..*-

7 l've downloaded the app that you recommended' [ri:

8 This is the friend which I told you about'
Read the text. y-!: is the boy in the
cle. photo and Phrosql verbs connected wilh
what did he do? What was ,J ru.prising
I would what he did? lechnology qnd compufers
'r Look at the sentences. Match the phrasar
red with their rn".iingr-"-i.
:k for 1 l'll have to cat you back rater because my
ring running out.
BlackBeny 2 My phone isn,t picking up a signal.
ness is 3 Don't forget to back up all your documents.
;the CEO 4 An alarm goes off_lvben you press this button.
e phone
veL we 5 Can you print out a copy for me? I ,

leveloping 6 This device runs on batteries. y

F somebody 7 To buy this app, you have to set up an ac6ount
rne, all of 8 The image is really small so you need to zoom in.
be deleted. had bought forjust f30 up into space.
9 Use the mouse to scroll up, down or across-
The camera, (2) went up to a height of over
lxperts 10 A box suddenly popped up on the screen.
33,000 metres, took amazing photos of the -:
tech Earth. A
two metre balloon caried the box (3)
he had ; a make something appear bigger and closer
placed the camera. The other things he put
in the box b receive
were a satnav, radio, video camera and microprocessor.
using a
The arnazingthing is that the photos thatAdam took
"' c use something for power or energy
Iook like they could be images from NASA.
d produce a copy of a document from a printer
E (4)
But Adam.
scientific qualifications only consisted
e make a copy of information that is on your comFl
nt like ' t move information on
of a physics A level at the time, spent a total of just a screen in order to read it
t200 (5) . his photos. NASA, (6)
-tfr. g use all of something and have nothing left
tpace other hand, depend (7) . . expensive satellites h start making a noise
6. for their photos, spending millions of pounds for 'i appear very
rna. He similar results to Adam,s. Adam, (g) -' j
.. went on start, create
to study engineering at university, said that he had
rted just wanted to set himself a challenge. 2 $ffiffi Work with a partner. Look at the pichnes
He himself was
nnazsl at the quality of the photos that and answer the questions using pf,."r"i""t.
he managed
to take. (9)

on .., he wasn't the only one
who was "
rntion impressed. Since then, he has appeared in
magazines and TV prograrnmes all round
the world. It
is said (10)

. he is currently working on a new
qeriment to make his photos even better.

djh: tex! again. Choose which answer (A, B,

or D) best fits each gap.
A what B- C where D when
A what B which C that D-
Ain B- C which D where Why would you click on this icon?
A who B whose C his D that
Ain Bon Cat D with And this one?
Ain Bfor Con D with
Aof Bon Cfor Dto il;";;;;, ;il ;;";.; ;;;n",;0,., .,,o
A that B- Cwho D which here?
A However B Although' C Even D Despite
Ato B that C what D which What's the problem with the mobile phone?

f yo, aren't sure which answer is correct,

*n",.,n" ;;;; ;; ;;il f".."oz
$out why other answers are definitely wrong and
What's happening with the alarm?
diminate them first.
To reflect on the uses of technology bfend [n], blended ladjl: Her course is a blend of learning online
for study. and attending c/ass. collaborate [vl: In group work, you need to
collaborate with other students. face-to-face [adj]: Most students
To consider some advantages and
disadvantages of using technology enjoy face-to-face /esson s with their teacher. virtual learning
in your studies. environment (VLE) [n phr]: We have a VLE, an online site where v,:
can get information, exercises and other materials to help us with
To plan how to integrate our course. resource [n]: There are /ots of useful resources in the
technology into your future studY
library - e-books, magazines, music, films, computers, printers '..

I , ,: Look at these statistics about university students and technology. So any of the statistics
surprise you? lf so, which ones and why?

STUDENTS Ailn TEGHlu0tOGYm - rla=l Ff

wffi-ffiffiffi €ffi ffi#ffiruYffiilffiffi*

ii'iCr,iiDtlt{:l US, FAAhif;f , IGYPT,
ffiT ffi ffi"ruT
t ffi ilLeg'd *, ui'\}!T[il AmAB nl\*l
t illl Fli !E i] E lr:TF



.,r.tEETS if it appears that their progress in a course is

going down

ATTITUDE TO TECHNOLOGY: ;cUGG[5Tl*ft$ about courses they might consider taking

in the future

GUil]Af\jfiil for how to improve their per-formance in a course

of students are at least quite interested in receiving

feel prepared to use the
personalised online support and information about
technologY needed in their
progress towards their final learning goals

@# N0 ONLINE C0MPONENTS 19% in favour

PARTIALLY 0NLINE 758/oin favour


Information Provided bY EDUCAUSE
sPEAlfillE work with a partner. Answer the questions
Work with a partner. Make two lists, one with
below. Do your answers coincide with the most the. advantages of
common answers in the statistics in 1? -using technology for study
and one with the disadvantages.
1 Are you happy about using technology for study? -l
Why/Why not? 6 |'^l
L$Tfillf{$ @ r,S Watch or listen to
2 Do you feel prepared to use technology for study? fl"I four students talking about using
Why/Why not? -r- technology for study. Do they
3 Does technology make you feel more connected to
mention any of your ideas in 5?
other students, teachers or your school? How?
4 Do/Would you like personalised online support and @ rrS Watch or listen again. In groups of four
choose one speaker each and write notes on
information about your progress?
what they say about the seven questions.
5 Which would you prefer - to have only face-to-face Compare your notes. Do you agree more
classes, only online classes or a mix of both? Whv? with your speaker or with the others? Why/
6 Which different devices do you use for study? Why not?

3 Work individually. Do the questionnaire below. lsp

sPEAKltlS work with a paftner. compare your answers
in 3 and discugs ...
1 what hardware (computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone,
webcam) you use to do these different things.
2 what programs you use for them.
3 what websites and blogs you find useful.

o ;;ul;il:',.lt:''..I? i;Jf":;p|e
about schoo|work,
8 $PEAlfillS Work with a paftner. Ask and answer
these questions.
1 Do you agree or disagree with the advantages
do research and find information needed and disadvantages mentioned for teachers and
students using technology? Why?
Always Sometimes Never 2 Can you think of solutions for any of the
problems mentioned?
do extra reading and investigation to
find out more
about the things you are stuJying at
Always Sometimes Never

f'na and do practice activities? You want to integrate techno logy into your
@ English studies.
Work in a group and follow this plan: :

€) write essays, assignments or projects? 7 Discuss which hardware, programs or

websites you could use to study English,
either inside the c/assro om or out. Use the
@ ,"t" notes in class or write up notes after
generalideas on these two pages for ideas.
2 Find out what topics, areas and tasks you
are going to do in English in the next two or
@ r."uir" before tests and exams? three weeks.
3 Write up a plan with suggestions for using
technology to help with these tasks and then
@ or"o"re and give presentations? try some of your suggestions out Evaluate
how successfu/ each experience is and why.
t Gerunds ond infinitives - 2
Io Read the pairs of sentences. ln
which pair do the two sentenq
have the same meaning?
1a I stopped to use my phone.
1b I stopped using my phone.
2a lt started to vibrate.
2b lt started vibrating.
3a I remember to switch it off.
3b I remember switching it off.
4a I forgot to do it.
4b I forgot doing it.
5a I like to read tech blogs.

5b I like reading tech blogs.

I b Match the verbs + gerund/

ffi Work with a partner. What is the problem in each infinitive with the correct
i picture a-d? What could or should you do in each case? meaning (a or b).

'Ll$ 1 stop to do
€) ae Listen and match the problems a-d to speakers 1-4. 2 stop doing
Are any of the ideas similar to yours?
Speaker 1: Speaker 3:
a you stop one activity
because you want or need b
Speaker 2: . Speaker 4: do another activity
b you are doing something
€ Ae Listen again. Which problem do the statements refer to? then you stop
1 You need a type of food to solve the problem. a/b/c/d 3 remember to do
2 You need a change in temperature to solve theproblem. a/b/c/d 4 remember doing
3 You should quickly disconnect the device from an a you do something and then
electrical source. a/b/c/d you remember it later
4 You need to make something to solve the problem. alblcld b you remember you need to
5 Warmth is not helpful in this situation. a/b/c/d do something and then you
do it
6 This problem is extremely common and happened to
the speaker. a/b/cld 5 forget to do
The speaker warns us not to touch parts of the device 6 forget doing
directly because it can make the situation worse. a/b/cld a you don't do something tfri*
You should wait at least two days to make the you intended to do
situation better. a/b/cld b you did something, but now
you don't remember it
9 You may not be able to solve the problem completely
on your own. a/b/cld 7 Jike to do
10 The solution was suggested by someone close to I like doing
the speaker. a/b/cld a you do something because
you enjoy doing it
ffiffi €) aa Work in groups. Make notes about one of the b you do something because
problems. Then explain it to the rest of the class. Does you think it! a good idea
everybody agree that the information is correct? Listen again
to check if necessary.

ffi what about you?

1 Have any of these things happened to you? What did you do?
2 Do you have any tips about what to do when you have a problem
with a device?
Flipped classroom: watch the grammar
presentation video.

Choose the correct alternative. Decide if the sentences are correct.

1 | remember to plav/plaving with a tablet when I was young.
Rewrite the incorrect sentences.
2 The teacher's angry because I forgot to do/doing my 1 | have to go back home because I forgot
homework. switching the oven off.
3 l like to go/going to the dentist twice a year. Can you remember bringing me my book
tomorrow because I need it?
4 We stopped to eat/eating because we were hungry.
I think it's time to start to revise for the
5 Did you forget to brina/bringing a pen? Don't worry. l've got
a sPare one.
4 Stop to play that song because itt av,rful.
6 Can you remember to give/giving this to Dan when you see
him tomorrow? 5 I like getting up early when I have an exam.

7 You look really healthy now that you've stopped to eat/eating 6 Don't worry. I won't forget to send you
junk food. emails when you're away.

8 My dad likes to -qetlqeftin.q up early because that means he l'll always remember to meet you for the
can finish work early, too. first time last summer.
I love video games so much that I don't
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar think l'll ever stop playing them.
meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do
not change the word given. You must use between two Write complete sentenceg about these
and five words, including the word given. things.
1 | didn't send that email yesterday because I didn't remember. 1 something unusual you remember doing
FORGOT when you were young
something that you remembered to do last
| .. yesterday.
2 He thinks itt important to wear a tie for interviews.
something important that you once forgot
LIKES to do
He........... for interviews. 4 something that you like doing
3 You always interrupt me when I'm on the phone. Please 5 something that you like to do because you
don't! think it's a good idea
STOP something that you did when you were
younger but that you stopped
Please when l'm on the phone!
something that you were doing yesterday
4 Don't worry. I sent the message. I didn't forget.
and then you stopped to do something
Don't worry. the message.
5 lthink making videos is really good fun. ,i . Work with a partner. Compare
your sentences. Ask follow-up questions.
I....... videos. I remember playing with remote
6 My mum stopped work and had a coffee. controlcars when I was young.

My mum stopped a coffee.
7 | lost my first mobile phone. l'll never forget.
| ... .. . . . ... my first mobile phone.
Meet me after school. Please don't forget!
Please after school.
I became silent when the film started.
| ...... .. ...... .. .:.... when the film started.
10 | spilt orange juice on my laptop. l'll always remember it.
l'll . .............. on my laptop.
Look at the expressions in the Speaking
bank. Complete the headings with the
uses a-b below.
a asking someone to clarify something
b checking someone has understood you

Clarifying and checking understanding

l,J sef ul expressio n s f or:

I Do you see what I mean?

I Do you get what l'm saYing?
I Are you following me?
I Are you with me?
r What I mean/meant is/was ...
I Yes, that's exactly what I mean/meant'
I No, that's not quite what I mean/mean:
useful expressio ns for:
I Are you saying that '..?
I lf I understand You correctlY,
I ln other words ...
I What do you mean when You say
I l'm not sure what You mean bY ...
li I Could you go over that again?

I Sorry l'm not with You'
I don't understand what you're getting a--

iFh I

4-tt-- * 5q Look at the first sentence from

&h the Speaking bank. What do You think
the circles rePresent?
I SPEAKII{$ work with a partner. compare and contrast the OO
two photos. Do you see what I mean?

2o With your partneq make two lists - one with arguments 5b Where does the stress 9o in the other
in favtur oi using smartphones in the classroom and one sentences in the SPeaking bank?
with arguments against.
5c il*sgr*tetfi @ 48 Listen and check'

5d @ 48 Listen again and rePeat. PaY

attention to the stress and intonation'



5 Look at this statement. PrePare

some notes, giving Your oPinion and
arguments to suPPort it.
2b Do you have more arguments for or against sma*phones
in tfie classroom? Ovirall, do you think it is a good idea Many young people today spend over ten
or a bad idea? hours a day in front of a screen' There shou :
be a limit to young people's screen time
because too much of it could create serious
3 LtSTit{t}lG @,rl Listen to two people discussing -whether -
physical and psychological problems in
studentJshould be allowed to take mobile phones into
the future.
class. What is each person! opinion?
7 Work in a small group. Discuss
Man the statement. Remember to uge
expressions from the Speaking bank'

A reporl Are the words in orange used correcdy?
Rewrite the incorrect sentences. Use
I .ffi work with a paftner and answer these questions, the information in the Writing bank to
help you.
1 Does your school have a website? lf so, what can you find on
the website? Do you like it? Why/Why not? 1 Each students think that it is important.
2 lf your school doesn't have a website, imagine that it is going 2 All of the students are h.ppy with the
to have one in the future. What would be good to have on website.
the website? How could you make it attractive? 3 None students wanted to visit the website.
4 Every student in the class was interested in
2 Read this writing task. What style do you think you writing a blog.
should use to do this task - formal or lnformal? 5 A good website needs a large number of
Your school has a website, but not many peopre visit it. The time and effort.
head of your school has asked you to speak to as many 6 No students visited the website.
students as possible and then write a report saying: 7 We update the website every day.
t why the current website is not very popular I Most of the people in our class finds the
I how the website could be improved to attract more website boring.
visitors in the future
Write your report.

3 Read this student's report. what style is it written in? Using determiners and quantifiers
Does the student mention any of the things you tarked r a (large/small) number of (+ plural
about in 1? countable nouns)
r all, all of (+ singular countable, plural
Improvements to the school website countable and uncountable nouns)
I most, most of (+ singular countable,
plural countable and uncountable
The aim of this report is to outline our opinion of the current
school website and to suggest how we couid improve the
school website in order to attract more visitors in the future. each, every ft singular countable nouns)
each of, every one of (+ plural
The current website
countable nouns)
At the moment, the website has a very old, traditional design I no (+ singular countable, plural
wlich is not very attractive or dynamic. Furthermore, neariy
countable and uncountable nouns)
all the students that we interviewed said that they found
it difficuit to navigate. Another problem with the current I none (without of this is a pronoun and
website is that not all of the information there is up-to-date, cannot go with another noun)
which a large number of people feel is a major problem. r none of (+ plural countable and
Suggested improvements uncountable nouns)
Nearly all the students we spoke to suggested a new, brighter Remember also: some, any, (a) few, (a) little,
design for the website. There should be a section for school many, much, a lot (of), lots (of)
ne\MS, including news about trips, concerts and sports events.
This section should be updated every week, so that peopie
revisit the website regularly. A few people suggested that the PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT
website could also include a blog written by students. This
could be attractive to both students and parents. 5 Read the task below and write your
report. Remember to use words and
expressions from the Writing bank.
In conclusion, most of the students we spoke to think
the website has to be both more attractive and more An international company wants to know
informative. We also believe that the key to a popular which websites are popular with teenagers
website is making sure that the information there is fresh
in your country. You have been asked to
and frequently updated.
write a report about:
I which websites you and your friends like
r what it is that you like about them
Write your report.
When you write reports, give the report a title. Divide the
report into paragraphs and give each paragraph a heading.
> EXAM SUCCESS page 147
Grommqr reference

F{t*r -[hat's thr. dewce that helps yne

the vntst. NOT llqt't le
WiIIwvw QLI-bert was thz ftrtt persavt, wlu/tLqt [we^sigated
dutrviry cirxttfcally.
s Instead of when or where we can use which/that ... .

We use who and that for people, which and that for 'fhat's thz year whew I was barw.
things, whose for possessions, where for places, when for Thals the yenr wl,LiLI4l was barw tw.
times and why for reasons.
that's the clty Nhore I Nqs barvt.
In defining relative clauses we can omit who, which or
that when followed immediately by a noun or pronoun. that's the city thnt I was barw ivL.
That's the devtce thnt she twe&ed. -- That's tho devwe shr- We do not use commas in defining relative clauses.
-fhat't thr- devbe whuLt I we thz ywst. = fha/s the dewce
I we thz rntst. information about the person, thing, place, time or reecrr
but in the other half of the sentence.
-fhat's the dew.e
that ts papular. NOT'{lat! tle devrce b

TORM We can use which to refer back to the whole of the

WLILarn Qtlbert, wht was barn, Lvt.154+, iwe^rfigated sentence.
elett rlcLty s cLennftca ILy. Puple spend all thr-Lr ywonLy art yntblle pl,unar, wlnul+ I
We use who for people, which for things, whose for tl,Llvlk ts ridlculow.
possessions, where for places and when for times.
We do not use that in non-defining relative clauses.
We use non-defining relative clauses to give extra, nc>
In non-defining relative clauses we cannot omit the essential information about the person, thing, place or
relative pronoun or adverb. time in the first half of the sentence. The commas work i
Tlv$ obvlce; de iweytd te+tyqu
rya; w tuily w€*l; a similar way to parentheses, showing that the inforrniati
We always use commas in non-defining relative clauses. is not vital to the sentence.

Some verbs go with the gerund or the infinitive and there remember to do: you remember you need to do
is no difference in meaning. something and then you do it
She started to wark there tw 2014. = \ht started warktrg remember doing: you do something and then you
thzre Lvt 2A14. remember it later
Other verbs: begin, can't bean can't stand, continue, hate, forget to do: you don't do something that you intended
love, prefer to do
Some verbs go with the gerund or the infinitive, but there forget doing: you did something, but now you don't
is an important difference in meaning, e.g. remember it
stop to do: you stop one activity because you want or like to do: you do something because you think it's a
need to do another activity good idea
stop doin-q: you are doing something and then you stop like doin-q: you do something because you enjoy doing t

Everydqy l€chnology broadband . charger . coverage . device . digital camera . dishwasher
drop-down menu . flashdrive. {ood processor . glitch. headphones. keyboard . microwave . network. pl!
remote control . satnav . touch screein . vacuum cleaner . washing machine . webcam . wireiess
Verbs conn€cled wifh technology ad.iust . connect. crash . delete. discohnect. freeze . godead . hold
insert. install . pinch . plugin . press. push. recharge . select. set. swipe. tap. upgrade
Phrqsql verbs connecled wifh fechnology ond compuiers back up . go off . pick up . pop up . print out
run out . scroll up/down/across . set up . zoom in
Ofher words ond phros€s > page 141
mmqr revision

I Choose the correct alternative. lf you think both are possible, you must choose both.
1 The man who/- came to fix the TV knew about 4 This unusual invention, that/which comes from
computers, too. Japan, could be really popular one day.
2 The other day, when/which I saw you in the 5 The blog that/-she writes is really interesting.
shopping centre, I bought a new DVD' 6 Does anybody know whob/whosepen this is?
3 The classroom where/which we leave our bags in is
only used by the English department.

2 Write definitions with defining relative clauses for these people, places, times or things.
1 Argentina is a country... 5 Marie Curie was a scientist...
2 2014 was the year ... 6 Tea is a drink ...
3 Caviar is a type of food ... 7 Glass is a material which ...
4 lce hockey is a sport...

Put the verbs in the correct form.

Can you remember ....... I know Harry was at school yesterday because I

light when you leave? remember....................... (see) him.

t She really likes
favourite hobby.
(paint). lt's her I like (do) homework on Friday
evening so that l'm free at the weekend.
We stopped (write) when the exam The musicians stopped (play1
ll finished. because they'd already been playing for two hours.
I Don't forget ........... (go) to the meeting

ulory revision
I Complete the words.
1 net 3 Choose the correct alternative.
4 head
2 drop ........ menu 5 broad
1 He backed off/up the files on a flash
drive in case he lost them.
3 web. 6 wire...
2 lt's strange that my mobile can't picUrun
up a signal here because there must be
3 Can you print out/up a copy of those
Match these words with the definitions. There are four lyrics so I can keep them?
extra words.
4 An advert suddenly popped/si:t up on
. . freeze . hold . insert " pinch e press the screen.
adjust delete
recharge . swipe . tap . upgrade 5 All cars will run on/up electricity one day.
6 You need to zoom in/up to see the
1 keep your finger on a button for a few seconds image more clearly.
2 use your fingers to make an image bigger or smaller 7 That sound is the alarm on my mobile.
Why is it going off/out if I didn't set it?
3put something into something else
4 when a computer stops working
5 change or move something slightly so that it's better
6 remove information stored in a computer
7 give power back to a battery

frenglish.rup"i"* j
Ycte!; -g** ' -
News sections Vocobulqry
Headlines use words that are short and dramatic. Look
t Work with a paftner. Look at different
at this list of frequently used words. Many of the words
sections that often appear on a news website or can be nouns and verbs.
in a newspaper. Discuss what you think each one hit : affect badly
aid : help
is. Group any that you think are similar.
axe = cut k"y : important, essential
back : support link : connection
arts u business u comment . editor's blog :
ban make illegal move = step towards a goa
entertainment u features u finance' gossip : :
blast explosion plea request
have your say = health . life and style * obituaries
pledge = promise
opinion . showbiz " sPort blaze = fire
boost = increase, encourage PM = Prime Minister
weather forecast * world news
boss/head = manager, probe : investigation
director guit: leave, resign
clash : disagree violently riddle: mystery
:.' SPEAKII{0 Work with a partner and discuss these
questions. cut = reduce spark: cause
drama : tense situation wed : marry
f ,r

1 What stories are in the news at the moment? In which

i section would you exPect to read about them?

',' 2 Which sections in 1 do you prefer to look at? Why? 4 Match the headlines 1-4 with the topics a-d.
1 PM pledges flood aid a A promise made br
News heodlines 2 Bank boss to wed in politician
style b A tragic fire
3 News headlines need to catch people's attention 3 Phone company axes c A future marriage
quickly using little space. Look at how they do this. 1,000 jobs d Bad news for a gro-c
4 Hospital blaze kills 10 of workers
SPEAlfit{G Work with a partner. Explain what these
Articles and auxiliary verbs are omitted.
newspaper stories are about.
a Government plan backed by universities
Man aresbd in busy supermadct b I quit, says football star following clash with boss
c New virus sparks safety fears
The present simple is used for current or
recent events.
d Police probe corruption claims
e Spy riddle behind city centre blast
Prinee opens high tech school f Government moves for fast food advertising ba-
g Key politician in plane drama
The infinitive is used ,.r;r;t* events
Lg$TrHiH$ @ r-l Listen to three stories. Match eacfi

Britain to help Mali story to a headline in 5.

The headlines are not usually complete sentences.
Nouns are used as adjectives and are often put one SpEAKltlG Work with a partner. Invent a headline
after another. using the gramrhar and vocabulary in 3. Then
write a short explanation of your news stoqy.
Volcano eruption fear Read it to another pair. Can they guess the
Direcl speech can be used without inverted commas.
The Prime Minister asked
the public to support him. PM pleas for
I'm not public backing
',. ,. ',:.tP! '':Ys4''' '
I work with a partner. Look at the headrines. what
do you think each news story will be about? 2 Read the news stories. Are they similar
to your predictions?

University zoos spark debate Students solve sofa cash riddle

There's nothing like chasing farm
animals around to take a person's When a trio of New york college students bought
mind off their problems. a .s_ry_el!y, second-hand sofa from a charity
for $20, they had no idea what secrets it held.
That probably explains the recent
trend for universities to set up petting One evening, flatmates Reese Werkhoven, Cally
zoos for their students just around and Lara Russo decided to stay home and watch
exam time. At Australia's Universitv movie' That was when they rearised that they courd
of Canberra, goats, kittens, rabbits, something inside the couch. They had a rook and found
lambs, puppies, chickens and more three envelopes fuil of cash, The students got
Reese already had plans - he was going to buy
are all available to students for a a car
week before the exam period, and
for his mum, and a boatl
the students take full advantage of However, the students' excitement was to turn
it. The petting zoo programme is a moral dilemma when they found that one of the
part of the University of Canberra's envelopes had a woman's name on it, The students
'stress less week', which includes a knew that they hadn,t earned the money, so the
barbecue, music, free breakfast and hunt for the real owner began, with the help
of the
other activities. students' parents,
Howeve6 the animal rights group people for the Ethical Werkhoven's mother eventually found the woman
rreatment of in
Animals (PF|-A) have contacted students unions a phone book and the young man called her up.
to make them aware of As
the poor treatment-of animals in petting zoos, and soon as he told the woman that they had her sofa,
the potential health
risks to students' They believe that if students she told him that she had left a lot of money in
knew the facts, these zoos it. She
wouldn't have become so popular on campuses. kept the money there for 30 years, untir she recenfly
PEIA argue that although students may get rid of had a back operation. While she was in hospital,
their stress with a her
petting zoo, these zoos actuaily cause stress doctors recommended her chirdren replace the
for the animars in them. ord sofa
PEIA'' Dan Howe said: 'petting zoos are to aid her back pain. And that's how it ended
up in the
_a_QgQ_pg! for students and for second-hand shop.
animals. Travel,
-co.qf11p.ryel1t-to smail cag"s bno iougr-r r,unoring cause
'We almost didn't piq( that ugly couch,,
animals intense stress.' Russo said ,but
it was the only one with the right dimensions
stirling University in scofland was about to set up petting for our
a zoo for their living room.'
exam period. But after hearing pElA's arguments,
they oeiioeo tnat
they were going to try different methods to de-stress. lf the three students hadn't found the woman,s
instead of animals, name.
the student union has decided to go for p_o_q1gy_c_qqt!qq, they would certainly be richer today. But the students
film nights
ano massages! didn't go home _e[pJy:l_r?!d_eQ. The woman gave
them a
thousand dollars to share between them as a reward.
Have your say (2211
Comments (319)
Ithink the animals in these zoos are happy. I wish we
had a petting zoo Their parents shourd be very proud. we need more
at our school! honest
Kat people like these kids. Aunt Sarah

Read the news stories again, Are these

statements Ti'ue (T), Farse (F) or is the information
Not Mentioned (NM)?
ln True/False activities, read the text quickry. Then
The University of Canberra was the first read
the statements. Find the sections of the text *h",-
university to organise a petting zoo. yo,
T/F /NM think the answers come and read in more detail.
PETA argues that petting zoos are not
> EXAM SUCCESS page 147
effective for students. T/F /NM
PETA thinks the problem is that students
are not given all the facts about
petting zoos. T/F /NM
PETA claims that animals in petting
zoos are often treated badly. T/F /NM
The three students were initially unhappy
about finding the envelopes. T/F /NM
The students felt that they hadn,t done What do the urldgflrpgC words in the text mean?
anything to deserve the money. T/F /NM Guess and thln-;ha;k-il youidi"tt*".r.-- "'-
The woman who owned the monev did
not want any publicity. T/F /NM 6 .ffi!ffij what about you?
What comment would you add for each story?
3 Decide if the sentences are
Rewrite the insorrect sentences'
like it was
1 The sky went black and it looked
Sometimes when we are
*:*-t1tlT:-Ti about rain very soon'
;"ffi'Iff ;[ ri";if"fy; ::
ili L".,i.' " ry1r'1 P ;l',:l Y:: :
I T:::J:: *
il:l-.R::::1i"ffi"ffi ;kY:at llthe'sentences 2 She couldn't go to school
the next mornirg
and because she was seeing the
;1?1'#';;;s=ril'i'?;iiil. t"lt about future activities They were to getting an incredible
find the ,tru"tui.l.;;i t"
{ind 3
in the Past. the daY after'
amaztng' They thought it was snowing
the next day'
1 They were about to discover something 4
but it didn't'
2 He was going to buy a car for his mum' win his next
to a moral dilemma' 5 He had no idea that he would
3 Their excitement was to turn
would have enough money
4 Thanks to the envelopes' she because the next
6 They wentto bed early
to live off' next daY was to be very busY'
was oPening the zoo the
5 The rector of the university
day. 4o Use your imagination
to complete these
1 | knew it was going to be a great
words and expressions'
Complete the text with these because "'
2 I was going to do my
homework when "'
3 I never thought it would happen' but one
day ...
4 | was meeting my friends
the next day'
drama when " '
School baseball team in rescue 5 Iwas going to call my Parents
when "'
team was 6 The car was about to hit the dog
An Tuesday, a high school baseball
day they were
Lrlaoing training as usual' The next Kltl0 Compare youf sentences in
(a) ' their last
game of the season' --
Cn"ltt t-he best sentence for
Meanwhile, in the school car
park' next to the baseball field' ;;;;t.
to leave her daughter at tach situation'
a mother was (b)
' do an extracurricular
school. She was (c)
car and walked behind it'
activity. The girl got out of the
(d) happen next' answer
She had no idea what 5 Look at these sentences and
the car in reverse and knocked
1. The mother accidentally put the questions'
the accident and ran to
her daughter over' The team heard a lf the students hadn't found the
(e) get a terrible
the car park.They were woman's name, theY would be
under the back wheel of the
shock. The girl was trapped todaY.
immediately lifted the car
car. Between 10 and lj players b lf I liked animals, lwould have
pulled the girl out from
up together, and the team coach with you to the petting zoo yesterday'
under lt. lne girl (f)
Bltr \
thanks to the boYs'
of first
teamwork. Although the team
(g) to lose
1 Are mixed conditionals a mixture
or second and
their coach said that they and second conditionals'
their last match tftl tono*ing day'
played one of their best games ever' third conditionals?
2 Which sentence describes an
imaginary past situation and its present
3 Which sentence describes an
imaginary present situation and its

5 Which sentence endings are possible?
How is the meaning of each sentence collocstions connecred wifh the news
I was different?
I $PHKll{€ Work with a partner.
1 lf l'd studied photography ... What do you think the
:b II take photos for a newspaper. expressions in red mean?
would take photos for a newspaper.
rrise c I would have taken photos for a 1 This new band is starting to
make the headlines all over
the world!
J"y, 2 lwould have gone to the cinema if ...
2 Read about the dog that
a I like science fiction movies. became front-page newsl
te)G b I liked science fiction movies. 3 The pM has decided to hold
c I had liked science fiction movies.
a press conference.
xt 3 She would be ill now if ...
4 The next news itern is great news for drivers
a she doesn,t take the medicine. but terrible
news for cyclists.
b she didn't take the medicine.
5 We keep yor.r informed 24-hours a day!
se c she hadn't taken the medicine.
4 lf penicillin didn,t exist ...
6 There has been a very surprising turn of
events in the peace
a many people will die. 7 our website is the best for breaking news, bringing
b many people would die. news updates every moment of every day.
c many people would have died.
le 5 lwouldn't be happy if ...
I we're interrupting this programme for an important
a you lie to me.
b you lied to me. 2 Match the expressions in red in 1 with their
c you had lied to me. meanings a-i.
a piece of news, individual story or article
Look at the situations and complete the b organise a meeting where journarists get information
and as<
sentences using mixed conditionals. questions about a particular piece of news
1 Jenna loves taking photos so she joined c become famous by being reported in the news
camera club. d reports containing all the latest news
lf Jenna didn't love taking photos, e news that is appearing for the first time
Sam spent lots of time studying and now f become important enough to appear on the
first page of a
he's a journalist. newsPaper
lf Sam .
g a sho't broadcast of an important piece
of news in the
Their new film is great because they spent middle of a W or radio programme
years making it. h an unexpectd change in a situation
lf they i tell you all the essential information
They don't know where the key is. That,s
why they haven't opened the door. 3o complete the sentences with the words
in the box.
lf they
They didn't interview the actor because
breaking * front , headlines -- informed
they can't speak English. newsflash n press

lf they .1 How do you keep ?

I haven't got anything for you to
";; 2 In your country, what type of news is important
because I didn't know you were coming. enough to
get a and interrupt normal programmes?
Has your favourite actor, singer, spons
Liam has a new phone because h" ;;; ;,; person ever held a
old one. whv?
He 4 ;;.; J";:#ference? page news last week?

I I have to do my homework now because

didn't remember to do it yesterday.
5Which famous people are making the
6 Are there any funny or silly
. .. .....?
....... . of news at the
rfI moment?
How do you think you would first find out about
important news?

3b work with a partner. Discuss the questions.


:1 ffe ' ^^^'
Anqlysing N*ws Storles I

\t' :

r To learn how to analvse news stories. portray [v], portrayal [nl: Newspapers often portray young
To consider the advantages and people as lazy. bias [n], biased [adj]: That football journalist is
disadvantages of citizen journalism. biased - he always says good things about that team because
he used to play for them. neutral [adj]: The article was neutral
To practise analysing news stories
because it didn't express arguments either for or against.
from different sources and comoare
objective ladjl: My opinion is totally objective, based on
their treatment.
the facts and not on my personal beliefs or feelings. citizen
journafism [n phr]: When members of the public send photos of
incidents in the news, this is an example of citizen journalism.

lq SPEAKING There is a popular saying: 'Don't believe 2 ft*i*il{* Look at this guide to help students
everyrthing you read in the news.'Work with a analyse news artieles. How many of the
partner. Do you agree with the statement? guestions did you think of?

I b Make a list of questions that you could ask about 3q Use the questions to analyse the
a news article to help you to decide whether to news stories on page 124.
believe it on not"
Is the artlcLe gLwvg awy facts ar jwt apLwaw? 3b SPEAKIHE Conrupare your
answers in 3a with
a paftner,

Is the text giving you facts or opinions?

Who rs the author of the article? is it a
Does the author use statistics, published
famous person? Could theY be biased
studies or quotations from experts
for some reason? For examPle, do theY
belong to a particular organisation or
to support its arguments? Or does it
just express personal emotions and
have a personal connection with the
expenences? Answering these questions
people or events in the story?
can help you to answer the questlons In

o Does the headline give a clear idea of

what the article is about? Does it show
any particular opinion about the topic?
number 4, too.

Does the writer give just one side of an

argument, or do theY give several?

o What does the fi-rst paragraph tell you?

Does it outline the main points of the
story and./or give a summary of the most
important ideas? If so, what are theY?
o Are there any diagrams, illustrations or
ohotos with the artj-cle? Do they fair$
and objectiveiy represent the news in the
articie? Do they try to get a particular
What is the purpose of the article? Is res'oonse from the reader (laughter, anger'
it to describe and report facts? Is it to sympathY, shock)?
give you the writer's opinion or point of
Have you read information about the same
i.*ott a particular question? Is it to story somewhere else? Was the treatment
entertain you or make you laugh? Is it
of the story similar or different?
to persuade you of something? Is it to
teach or instruct you about something? How might different readers see this
Is it to explore and examine something articie? is there a stereotypical portrayal
in detail? Is it to shock you or create of any groups of people? Could it offend
controversY? somebody?
SPtAKIilS Work with a partne!. and dlscuss these
l::.iir;;i:.; G Sg Watch or listen
questions. to four
students in a media studies class. They are
1 How important do you think it is to analyse
news debating whether citizen journalism is a
stories in this way? Why? good thing. Which of youi ideas in 5
:.-,f, do

): -' Z \(\\tKr\ree t\*X c\qqr\\q\.F. \Nhs.vlsu\S you
gues\DT\s')n2 do you consrder to be r vote lor at
the most impor(ant? the end of the debate?

1:r!.with.a partner. Read this explanation G Sg Watch or listen again" Using your own words
ot 'citizen journalism,. What could complete each sentence with between
be the one and
advantages and disadvantages of citizen three words. Compare your answers with
a partner.
{ journalism? Make two lists.
1 (ncreasing\y ne\^,,s and events
are now being a_c. ::_:
by on websites uptoaded b,,,
CITIZEI{ JOURIIATTSM members of the public.

2 Citizen journalism might not be :. _

very often depends on personal opinion.

3 Major news providers make background

cre:<s _::,:
facts from many not just c^e : - :,,. :
4 You can sometimes get a better .

a phone camera than with a camera crew.

5 Sometimes news on social media is uploadee .o-

rather than as a public service.
6 As more varieties of news are broadcast
the:e s _ s:
more online about events.

SPEAI{IIIG Work *:!h a partner.

Do you agree with the
statements in T? Why/Why not?

You want to analyse a news story from
different sources.
Work in a small group and follow this plan:
1 Choose a story that has been in the news recently.
2 Find two differentsources for it, e.g. two
newspapers, or a newspaper and a news
3 Do the stories receive the same amount of
or attention? Do the journarists give the
same facts
or comment on the news in the same way?
the guestions in the guide in 2 to hetp you.
4 Work with your group and compare your
5 Write a report with your conclusions.
6 Present your report to the c/ass.
I ffi Work with a partner. Read this
headline. What questions would you ask lndirect questions
the teenager to find out the full story of
what happened? Make a list. I q Look at these sentences. They are all indirect
questions. Write the direct questions.
a l'd like to ask you what the man looked like.
b I wonder if you could tell us what he did then.
Who was the mltstery passenger?
c Iwonder what your reaction was when you found out.
d Have you got any idea why he gave you the picture?
tl$fHlt6 €) St Listen to two journalists
interviewing the teenager. Tick (/) any of
e Do you know if you'd sell it?
your questions which they ask. f Can I ask what you'd do with the money?

Ib Answer these questions.

€ St Listen again and choose the correct
answers. In the underlined part of each sentence, does the subject
The thing that stuck in the boy's memory come before the verb (like in a statement) or afterthe
was that ... verb (like in a question)? Why?

a the man on the train was quite old. Sentences a to c do not have a question mark at the end
b not all of the man's clothes were the of the sentence, but sentences d to f do. Why?
right size. Are indirect questions usually more formal and polite dran
c the man had obviously just been direct questions or less formal and polite?
The man gave the boy ...
a one of his most famous paintings.
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar
b a copy of one of his works which he
meaning to the first sentence, using the word given.
added things to. between two and five words.
i I
c an unusual, signed drawing of some

flowers. 1 How long did you take to discover his identity? TOOK
The boy searched the Internet because ... Can you tell me how ........ to discover hb
a he wanted to know the real value of the identity?

picture that he'd been given. 2 Was he talking to a friend? WHETHER

b he suspected that he'd just met
somebody famous.
c the name Arthur Street was new to him, Why doesn't he want people to know his identity? IDEA
but the name Bootsy sounded familiar. Have you .. . ... . want people to know his
The boy's immediate plan is to ... identity? .
a find out more about the picture. What do other artists think of incidents like this? WONDER
b sell the picture and spend the cash. I . ... .. . of incidents like this.
c keep the picture for the moment and
ls it the first time this has happened? lF
maybe sell it for a higher price later on.
One of the reporters thinks that ... Do you know first time this has
a Bootsy gave the boy the picture to
confuse everybody. Why did you decide to give the picture to an expert? WHY
b it's good to see people getting a reward Can I ask........... the picture to an expert?
for doing something good.
How many paintings does he do each year? DOES
c people should be kinder more often.
l'd like to know how many paintings .....:...

Write indirect questions using the words given.

Remember that you may hear a word or
words that come in one of the possible 1 How long have you lived in this area? l'd like to know ...
answers, but this does not mean it is 2 What do you think of graffiti? Can you tell me ...
definitely the answer. The word(s) may be 3 What are you going to do this summer? Have you any idea ..-
there just to distract you. 4 How often do you watch the news on W? Can I ask ...
5 Are you interested in sport? | wonder if you could tell me ...
6 How many people read showbiz news? Do you know ...
.ffi what about you? 7 Have you ever met somebody famous? l'd like to ask ...
What would you do if this happened to you?
Would you keep the picture or sell it?
Flipped classroom: watch the grammar
presentation video.

4 ,$P,lnfifi$ Work with a partner. Take it in turns to

ask Match sentences 1-8 with the correct question
and answer the indirect questions in 3. tags a-h.
1 YoU love art, a have you?
50 $P Look at this news headline. Work with
2 You aren't interested in the news,
a partner. You are repolters. Write six indirect b are you?
questions to ask the teenager. 3 You haven't appeared on the news, c had you?
4 You will help me tomorrow, d can,t you?

TEENINLONDON 5 You told me that story, e didn,t you?

6 You hadn't thought about that, f did you?
CAB CIIASE 7 You didn't try to stop him, g won,t you?
8 You can call an expert, h don,t you?
Il I telt lit<e

Complete the sentences with question tags.

a Everybody likes the summ€r,.. .. ... ... . ...?

b l'm right, ... . ....... ?

c We should use question tags, ....?

d The news will be on soon,

e We're going to be on TV one day,...

Boy, 13, chases across city in taxi to follow bus

f You read the news yesterday, ............ ?

g She never comes late, .............

h We've got homework tonight,..........

5b One of you is the reporter and the other is
the teenager from the story. Role-play your LiSTIt{lt{s' € sz Listen and check your answers.
conversation for the class.
l0o fffi t e 53 Listen to this sentence twice.
What is the difference in pronunciation? In which
case does the speaker seem very ceftain that
5 Look at these sentences and the question tags they know the answer to their question?
they contain. Decide if the statements below
are True (T) or False (F). Everybody likes football, don't they?

a You were on a train, weren't you?

lOb e 52 Listen to the sentences in 8 again. Does
He told you his name, didn't he? the intonation go up or down?
c You'd never heard that name before, had you? Write y' or \.
d You haven't seen any of his paintings, have you?
lOc @ 52 Listen again and repeat. pay special
e This type of thing can't happen often, can it?
attention to the intonation.
f l'm right in saying that, aren't l?
g Nobody is sure about his identity, are they? IIq rffifr$: Write three sentences about your
1 We use question tags when we want
partner that you know or think you know, and
somebody to confirm what we are saying. T/F
three things that you arent sure about.
2 We use subject pronouns at the end of fau Love watcl,tivg scl-ft ftl*t.
question tags. TlF ''
t t b Add a question tag to each sentence.
3 We use auxiliary or modal in question
tags, not main verbs. T/F fau love watchivg sciJ ftl*, danit yan?
4 Usually the question tag in an affirmative
sentence is negative and the question I I c Now ask your pa*ner your questions.
tag in a negative sentence is affirmative. TlF Remember to use falling intonation when you
are quite celtain of your partner's answer and
5 In sentences with / am the question tag
rising intonation when you aren,t so sure.
is am not l? TlF
6 ln sentences with nobody, somebody,
everybody, we use the pronoun they. TlF
Presentqtions - 2

$pfAKil8 Work with a partner and discuss these questions. 5 Choose one of these statements. Think of
arguments for and against. Then decide
1 Do you ever read stories about famous people? Why/Why
what your opinion is.
2 Why do you think so many people are interested in the
ffi ffilf you don't read the
ffi ffi newspapert you are uninformed.
private lives of celebrities?
If you do read the news r,aoer-'
$PEAKlllG Look at this statement. Work with a paftner and you are misinfor;;;:'- ,,
think of arguments for and against it. (Mark Twain)

d # Celebrities do not dese rve privacy. They use

ffi ry4 the press to become f amous, so it's normal
;P"" ,4 The press should alwavs be
"': ^-' free to write what they like.
th,at the press continues to follow them ffi W
*w ,#
around when they are famous. ;i- ff
ffi .ffi Famous politicians, scientists or
writers have more right to privacy
@ Sr, Listen to somebody giving a Presentation on
Ll$TE$ilt{6 than f amous actors or singers.
this topic. Do you agree with what they say? WhyAffhy not? ,,
6 fVf"t notes for a presentation. Follow
@ st, Listen again and complete the expressions in the this guide.
Speaking bank.

Think'of expressions that are useful at

each stage of your presentation and note
them down.

Give yow
presentation to the class. Remember to
use expressions from the Speaking bank
and 7.
,- ::1 ffitit|r;frw ,* '2 Look again at the article and choose

l :;: SFE*lffiS Work in groups. Brainstorm any people, stories or

events that teenagers in your country are talking about
right now.
the correct alternative. Think about the
meaning of the words and how they
function in a sentence.

Put these titles in the correct places in

, i.:: Compare answers with the rest of the class. Have you the Writing bank.
chosen similar things? a Addition
b Consequence
-:. Look at this writing task. Find the key information that
you need to include in your alticle. c Opinion
d Sequencing arguments
e Reason
f Contrast
Trenclng topics
Write an article telling us who or what, in your opinion, people
are talking about right now. Tell us why you think people are L!r:k+rg *. fr r+-*ryi*i,v
talking about them and give us your own opinion on these
trending topics.
firstly, secondly, lastly
Write your article and send it to us today!
* 2
howevel nevertheless, a lthough,
Read this article. Does it include all the necessary despite, whereas, on the other hand
what's more, furthermore, moreover; in

t, 4
addition, not only ... but also

,;,1,1;: l!.. ,,:,.; : ,r:; i;:r t-:f.l;,;:li:i jl ::,1.:-.;;ii:_:,;.i *.:tr,,,

therefore, and so, as a result,
. r.;,i,, .:,:',::i.,.r. 'rlr,iir:ir.ii;f
,irt".:l.-i. 'i.l.i.,tiei'.:"r--: l. l:. I - consequently
t, r.r::.:j,i,:-:: rl.!''l:'- ,r :,;.tt"
,,. 1:.1:::,::, ;1.; ;;,::,i:: r:,r;j::.'-1..,': ::'..,.-i.i
,,,',.:,'.r':::j :-:,,i.r'i;:,::ti i''-:-:,^.-t. j.'t...,:i-::n.
because, as, since
..:,': Despite/Despite the fact that she has
been acting for a while, one person
as far as I'm concerned, personally, in
who everybody is talking about right
I' now is the American actress Emma my opinion
Stone. She co-stars in a great f,lm
that has just appeared recently in the
cinema, and she has been nominated
Work with a partner. Put these stages of
for an Oscar for her performance. writing a text in order,
.;.ri Firstly/At first, I was not particularly a Organise your notes into logical
interested in Emma Stone i,::: since/ paragraphs.
whereas most of the f,lms she had
b Make notes.
made before did not really appeal to me.
=:': However/Althouqh. I have just
seen this new c Check your text for mistakes, edit it, and
fiJm and I have to say that I was very impressed. check that you have answered the text.
The other topic that many of my friends are talking about right d Write the first version of your text.
now is retrogaming. it used to be diff,cult and expensive to get e Brainstorm ideas.
the old, original games that people played in the
1980s. But some of the big companies have just
f the final version of your text.
started creating iess expensive new editions
of some of these games '.*i as/therefore
they have become so popular recently. FffiA*T9#E fl*&KFS pF&F#*?
Write your a*icle
i,!1 As I am concerned/Nevertheless, for the task in 2. Remember to use linkers
this is great news t,g'; as/and so I think from the Writing bank and follow the
the old games are really fun to play! correct procedure in 6.
So, these are just two things that
people are talking about right now.
But everything changes so fast,
doesn't it? Who knows what we will
all be talking about tomorrow?!
Grommor refelence

flm USE I
I was going to speak to him, but he ran away. We use was/were to when there was an arrangement for
My American friend was arriving the next day. something to happen. lt is usually formal.
I knew it would be a good day. We use was/were about to for things that were going to
I was about to go out when my mum called. happen very soon after.
The meeting was to take place on Tuesday. We use the past continuous for confirmed plans.

lf + past simple, ... would/wouldn't have + past Mixed conditionals are a mixture of the second and third
participle conditional. They can describe an imaginary present situation and
tf t wawed a cafze, I would l4ave asked far anr-. its past consequence.
lf + past perfect, ... would/wouldn't + infinitive If I Llke.d that group I wanld have govrz ta see thern ivt cawert.

If I had passed my drtwvg te^rt, I'd drLve ta Or they can describe an imaginary past situation and its present
uwverslty. consequence.If I'd had brutkfast, I wau)dwt be huvgry ww.

FORM We use question marks when the first part of the sentence is a
I'd ILk ta kntv,t wLty yan cdw,t. question. Hqve yan avLY idea what nvnz he's comLvg?
When there is no question word (who, what, etc.), we use ifl
I wonder whot yan prefet.
whether.I'd LLke ta kwh/ whether Yaw olgree,
kww whzthr,r they wan)
Da yaw
Canld/Carw yrn teIL rne wh4t the prablevn rs?
We use indirect questions in more formal situations and to be
:l ln the second part of these sentences we do not more polite. We can also use indirect questions to ask a big favorr
put the verb before the subject. from someone we know well.

I wandenf yo^ could tdl us what yon thttght af Dad, I Nqs NanderLvg tf I could tn(ko the car tawgW,
the shtw.

FORM With evenlbody, nobody and somebody, we use they.

I'vn Late, areit I? I'vvt wt Late, am I? We reply using th"e auxiliary or modal verb.
Yan ILkz rack vuasi.c, danlt you? faw dawt like classwal vw+ti.c, da yan? Na, I dovt"t./Ye^r, I dc.

fan dawt LLk& classval rnww, do yau? usE -l

She cauld da thz exercrse, uuldwt shc) We use question tags to change a statement into a
question. The question is to confirm what we are saying.
Thzy enlayed the party, drlilt tLay?
When we are very certain of the answer that somebody is
Everybady lLkzr galvg ta the cLnema, dawt they?
going to give us, the intonalion falls in the question tag.
In question tags we use pronouns, not nouns.
We make question tags with auxiliary or modal verbs. lf fau're Mlkr.'s suter,
there is no auxiliary or modal verb, we use the auxiliary do. When we aren't so sure of the answer, the intonation rises
In affirmative sentences, the question tag is negative. In in the question tag.
negative sentences, the question tag is affirmative. ,
thz ftlrw has just started, haswt Lt?

News seclions arts business. comment. editor's blog . entertainment . features . finance. gossip
haveyoursay. health . life and style . obituaries . opinion. showbiz'sport ' weather forecast ' world news
News heqdlines aid. axe . back . ban. blast. blaze. boost. boss/head . clash. cut. drama. hit
key. link. move . plea . pledge. PM . probe. quit. riddle. spark. wed
Collocolions connecled with lhe news breaking news . front page news . hold a press conference
news item . keep somebody informed . make the headlines . newsflash . newsupdates. turn ofevents
olhor words qnd phtosos > page 142
Gnrmmqr revision

I Complete the sentences with these wordg. 2 Put the verbs in the correct form.

I going . to . to . was . would I

1| (be) tired now if l'd gone to bed
late last night.
He thought the sun . shine the next day, 2 Dv an wo'lo o"'il:ff
but it was really cloudy.
They ran to catch the train because it was
.. to leave at that moment.
(call) you
GI 3 The interview was ... start at 10 am, but she
last night.

was late. 4 lf they (win) the lottery last week,

4 They thought the parry stafting at 9 pm, they'd all be millionaires.
but they were wrong. 5 | . (finish) my assignment last week
5 He was laughing so hard he was about. . cry. if I were more organised.

*. Vocqbulory revision
s I which news section would you look at if you want to ... 2 Match the words.
/b 1 read about somebody who has just died? o
2 read about the private Iife of a famous actor? g 1 a1e 2 k"y 3 plea 4 clash

3 find out if it will rain later? w 5 wed 6 quit 7 back 8 blaze

f .

4 find out about a new TV series? e ........ a marry e important, essential

5 add comments on a news story? h .
b support f cut
6 read a longer article that gives more detail? f c request g leave, resign
d fire h disagree violently

3 Choose the correct alternative. ,

1 Tomorrow they're going to hold a headline/press conference about the

increase in organised crime.
2 There has been an interesting turn of events/news in the negotiations.
3 we have an interesting article/news item coming up now.
4 You can get news front paqes/updates on your phone.
5 We'll keep you aware/informed of any new developments in the situation.
6 Because of one stupid mistake he has become front page/headline

Ts*wfi:i- /,io-"l# '
. i Work with a partner. Look at the

headlines. Invent a short newspaper story that

In True/False/Not Mentioned activities, remember ... could fit each headline.
Choose Not Mentioned if you can't find any A Polish dog becomes bilingual
information in the text to prove or disprove the B Honest taxi driver becomes national hero
> EXAM SUCCESS page 147 tlA8lllG Read the real newspaper stories. Are they
similar to your invented stories?

A dog which only responded to commands in Polish has found
a new home thanks to the RSPCA Eoyal Society for the
An Argentinian taxi driver has made the headlines aftq
Prevention of Cmelty to Animals) animal protection organisation.
returning a bag full of money to its owners. The taxi
driver has received thousands of dollars in donations
Cent has settled in with his new owners, the Mroz family from
returning the $32,500 cash he found in his taxi to the
I Chelmsfor4 after 16-year-old Dominic and his mum Jolanta saw people who accidentally left it there.
the dog's unusual story on the television.
I Staff at the RSPCA centre in oldham were originally confused
After reading the story people all over the world are
Santiago Gori a hero. A website set up in his honour
when Cent arrived with them back in September, when his
far received donations of over $14,580 to reward him
previous owners could no longer look after him.
Gori, who drives a taxi in the Argentinian city of I-a
Since he did not react to commands such as 'sit' or 'come', they
made his discovery after leaving at their destination ar
were worried that the dog may have been deaf.
elderly couple who had travelled a short distance in his
After looking at Cent's records they found that he had come cab. According to reports, they had left a bag filled wilL
t from a Polish family and could only understand Polish. If they thousands of dollars on the back seat.
had known this from the start, they would have spoken to him
Immediately after finding the money, Gori began to
in his own language. When they realised, they looked up basic
look for the couple. He finally managed to find them
commands in Polish on the Internet, although they weren't very
several days later and returned their bag to them with ilr
sure about their Pronunciation.
contents complete.
The RSPCA spent four months training Cent' who is now
The story made the headlines in many newspapers arod
able to respond to many commands in English. However, his
the world and, unsurprisingly, it has made a huge impact
language skills won't be wasted in his new home, where his
on many people. Two young Argentines decided to s€r q)
new owners speakboth English and Polish. Jolanta said: 'He
a website to congratulate Santiago Gori for his principb
understands Polish really well and he'll immediately react to a lot
and integrity. Thousands of people visited the site,leavi
of commands. He's so clever though and he understands English
money, messages and offers of snowboarding lessons,
as well now, so we speak to him in both languages. We had been
satnavs] pizzas and kilos of ice cream. Thanks to anorh
looking for a dog already, but we spotted Cent on the television
with us.'
offer, the taxi driver could have recorded an album if
and because we are of Polish origin, his story really stuck
he was interested in starting a music career. Most of the
Having watched a clip of him on the Internet about 50 times, they messages thank Gori and say that they wish that more
already felt like they knew him by the time they actually got to people were like him.
meet him. Mandy Tierney, a manager for the RSPCA, said: 'He
Meanwhile, Gori is said to be confused by the whole ft-:
had been with us for four months and we spent so much time
He always knew he wouldn't take the money for himselt
with him, so it was very sad to see him go. He couldn't have He claims that he siinply did what he thought was the ri;l
gone to a more perfect home though. The minute Jolanta started
thing. The turn of events in his story clearly proves thu d
speaking to him in Polish he instantly responded and was doing
proverb: 'honesty is the best policy'.
whatever she said.'

Read the stories again. Are these statements 5 Santiago Gori was given a reward by the
True (T), False (F) or is the information people whose money he found. T/F/NM
Not Mentioned (NM)? 6 Gori would be richer now if he had kept
1 Cent had to leave his last home because the money he found. T/F/NM
his owners were getting too old. T/F/NM 7 Gori didn't want to make a record. T/F/NM
2 By watching Cent's behaviour; the staff 8 Returning the money was a long, hard
realised that he understood Polish. T/F/NM choice for Gori to make. T1FINM
3 The dog's background made the Mroz
family particularly interested in him. T/F/NM $Etffi What about you?
4 The RSPCA made TV adverts with Cent Do you think there are enough 'good news' stories in
so that somebody would adopt him. T/F/NM the news?
Listening Use of English

In multiple-choice activities, remember ... In cloze activities, remember ...

When you listen, you may hear the correct Look closely at the words and expressions which come jus:
answer but expressed in different words before and after the gap. Think about the type of word yc_
from the ones used in the question. need and the general meaning.
ty > EXAM SUCCESS page 147 > EXAM SUCCESS Daoe

5 SPEAKIiIG Work with a partner. Read this 7 Read this news story and invent a good headline for it.
headline. What do you think actually
n the US, a teenager
f| ----- (1)
--o-- has the headjines hv hetn,-
..-.-----5 =
the police
to catch a gang (2) his smerr-nhore
t -- o----o
I Dustin Simantob, 15, had set (3)
the special'FinC
phone' feature on his new device. This service allows you ..c

discover (4) .. your phone is in case you lose it. When

--ru device (5) . stolen from his father's car in Colorado, he ;-as

ran ff
6 able to use the service and track it down. That day Dustin ar-a :::s
@ SS Listen to some journalists
interviewing the shop owner. Choose the dad had been on a river trip. when they returned to their cars.
1-L correct answer. they were (6) . get an unpleasant surprise. All the wincc;-s

l 1 The comic book shop was celebrating ... had been broken and all their valuables had been taken. Dus::
remembered the'Find my phone' service and discovered thai::
a a national holiday.
was at a house close to where it had been stolen. Dustin caliel
b a day when comics are given to -:
customers as presents. police and told them the address. The poiice went straight to -,r:
c Halloween, a day when everybody wears house and found the phones, money and satnav (7) rj^-e
fancy dress. criminals had stolen from their cars. Thanks to Dustin, the po-:ce
2 The people wearing special costumes ... were finaily able to arrest the family of criminals. And thanks :c
technoiogy, too. Let's hope that technology can help to reduce
a were all working in the shop.
b got a free comic. crime in the future. That'd certainly be good news, (8) ::?
c included staff and customers.
Read the text again. Decide which answer (A, B, C, D)

The shop owner paid special attention to
one customer because ... best fits each gap.
a the customer was acting suspiciously. 1A caught Bdone Chad D made
b he had never seen this customer before. 2A , Bthat Cwhat D when
c the customer was older than most of the 3A at B on Cto DUP
regular customers.
4A B that C where D which

The thief was trying to steal ...
a about $200 in cash.
5A was Bhas Cis D had
b somewhere between $600 and $800 in 6A about Bfor Creally Dto
goods. 7A when Bwhere Cwhich D who
c a whole collection of rare Batman 8A hadn't Bwon't Cwould D wouldn't

=l When he first saw the shop owneL the thief

was ...
a surprised.
b angry and violent. In reports, remember ...
c calm and resigned. Use a formal style. Include a title and information in sections.
When the shop owner first asked for help ... -,' EXAM SUCCESS page 147
a a big group of 'superheroes'came to
help him.
Look at the task and decide what headings and how
b people didn't believe him.
many paragraphs you will have. Write your repoft.
c everybody laughed.
The police officers who came to the shop ... A news website wants to know how interested people are in
a saw the funny side of the situation. the news. You have been asked to write a report about:
b didn't arrest the thief. r::: how young people follow the news
[V, the Internet, etc.)
c didn't want to give the shop free '€ what sections (sport, entertainment, world news, etc.)
publicity. young people are most interested in
do a course (phr)/,dur a 'kcr(r)s/ instead of (adv) /rn'sted ov/
do an assignment (phd /,dur an irritate (v) * /'rrrteft/
Studying qt university e'sarnment/ just (adv) *** /dgnst/
assignment (n) ** /e'sarnmant/ do an exam (phr) /,du'^ enrg'zalml look fon.rard to (v phr) /,luk
cheat (v) * ltlittl do chores (phd /,dur 'tJcr(r)z/ 'fcr(r)we(r)d tu/
continuous assessment (n) do homework (phr) /,dur manage (v) *** I'mentd3l
/ken,trnjues a'sesment/ 'heum,w3r(r)k/ nerves (n pl) ** lnst(r)vzl
course (n) *** lkcr(r)s/ do the shopping (phr) /,dur da'Joprg/ never (adv) *** /'neve(r)/
coursework (n) /'kcr(r)s,ws:(r)k/ do the washing (phr)/,dul 6e 'woJr4/ noise (n) *** lnctzl
degree (n) *** ldt'gntl do well (phr) /,dur 'weV practical (adj) *** /'prektft(e)V
fail (v) *** lferU Olher words qnd phrqses realise (v) *** I'rrclarul
grade (n) ** lgretd/ relatively (adv) *** /'reletrylil
academic (adj) *** /,reke'demrk/
graduate (v) * /'grredSuert/ research (n & v) *** /rr'sg'^(r)tfl
ages (n) I'etd3tzl
lecture (n) ** /'lektJe(r)/ risk (v) ** /rrsk/
already (adv) *** /crl'redil
mark (n) *** /mor(r)k/ ** since (adv) *** /srns/
annoy (v) le'nctl
master's (n) /'morste(r)zl specific (adj) *** /spe'sdrk/
anyway (adv) *** /'eni,wer/
notes (n pl) *** /neuts/ take your mind off something (phr)
arrange (v) *** le'retnd3l
pass (v) *** /pcrs/ l,tetkjcr(r) 'marnd of ,srrmOrg/
avoid (v) *** le'vctd/
resit (v)/,rir'sft/ theoretical (adj) ** /,Ore'retrk(e)U
balance (n) *** /'belens/
revise (v) * hlvarul topic (n) *** /'topil</
base (v) *** /bers/
term (n) *** /tsr(r)rnl uni (n) /'jurni/
be like (somebody) (phr) /bir 'lark/
u nspecified (adj) /,rn' spesrfatd/
tutor (n) ** /'tjurte(r)/ blame (v) *** /blem/
tutorial (n) /tjur'tcrieV valid (adj) ** l'va,hdl
brave (adj) ** lbrewl
wallet (n)/'woht/
undergraduate (n) break (n) *** ft:rretkl
/,nnde(r)'gred3uat/ wet (adj) *** lwetl
by the way (phr)/,bar de 'wetl
Life ol university can't stand (phd /,kqrnt 'strend/
become independent (phr) /br,krrm career (n) *** /ke'rre(r)/
rndr'pendant/ choice (n) *** /tJcrs/ Work condilions ond
extracu rricular activities (phr) chore (n) /tjcr(r)/
/, ekstrake,rrkj ular a,k' tw etizl come up (v phr)/,krrm',rp/
bad conditions (phr) /,bred ken'drJ(ep
hall of residence (n) /,hc:l ev complain (v) *** /kem'plem/
be on flexitime (phr) /bir on 'fleksitad
'rezrd(e)ns/ details (n pl) l'dirteflzl
be responsible for (v)
make new friends (phd /,merk njul discuss (v) *** /dr'skrrs/
/bir rr'sponseb(e)l fcr(r)/
'frendzJ don't mind (phr) /,deunt 'marnd/
dangerous conditions (phr)
student facilities (n pl) /,stjurd(e)nt duration (n) ** /dju'rerJ(e)n/ /, derndgeres ken' d t [ (e)nzl
fa'sileti-/ encourage (v) *** /m'k,rrrdg/
deal with (v) /'dirl wr6/
student loan (n) /,stjurd(e)nt 'leun/ ever (adv) *** /'eve(r)/ do shift work (phr) /,dul 'Jrft ,wsl(r)h
study abroad (phr) /,strdi e'brcrd/ gxpect (v) *** /rk'spekt/
earn (v) *** /sr(r)n/
Do ond mo,ke experience (v) *** /rk'spreriens/ employee (n) *** /rm'plcdl/
make a cake (phr)/,merk e 'kerk/ find out about (v phr) /,farnd'aut experience (n) *** /rk'spreriens/
make a decision (phr) /,merk e e,bautl
from nine to five (phr) /from ,narn ta
folder (n) * /'feulde(r)/
dr'srg(e)n/ 'fall
make a noise (phd /,merk e'nctzl forum (n) ** I'fc'^rem/ full-time (adj) ** /ful ,tatm/
make friends (phd /,merk 'frendz/ hand in (v phr) /,hend'ln/ good conditions (phr)
make the dinner (phr)/,merk 6e helpl ine (n) /'help,latn/ /,gud ken'drJ(a)nzl
'drne(r)/ improve (v) *** /rm'prulv/ indoors (adv) * lm'dct(r)zl
long hours (n pl) l,loq ,aue(r)zl for instance (phr)/fer 'rnstens
manual (adj) * /'mrenjueU furthermore (adv) **
outdoors (adv) l,aut, dcr(r)z/ /'fsr (r)de(r), mcr(r)/
overtime (adv) /'euve(r), tatm/ gap year (n) /'gep ,jre(r)/
Tronsport ond lrqvet
paperwork (n) * /'perpe(r),wsl(r)k/ gravity (n) * /'grevatt/ astronaut (n) * /'estre,nclt/
part-time (adj) ** /'pol(r)t ,tatm/ ground (n) *** lgraund/ board (v) * /bcr(r)d/
qualification (n) *** crew (n) *** lkrurl
however (conj) *** /hau,eve(r)/
/,kwnldr'kerJ(e)n/ flight (n) *** lflattl
hurry (n) * /'hzrri/
salary (n) ** l,sr:leril gate (n) lgeftl
in addition (phd /rn e,drJ(e)n/
self-employed (adj) /,self rm,plcrd/ get in (v phr) l,get ,tn/
interrupt (v) ** l1nta'rrtptl
skilled (adj) ** /skrld/ jel lyfish (n) l, d3ek,fi get off (v phd l,get ,ofl
stressful (adj) /'stresf(e)U
fl get on (v phd l,get'on/
location (n) *** /leu'kelJ(e)n/
training (n) *** ftrernnll luxurious (adj) /l^g,zjueries/
get out (v phr) /,get 'autl
well-paid (adj) /,wel'perd/ high-speed train (n)/,har spird ,trern/
motivate (v) ** /meutwettl
land (v) *** llend/
Working tife nevertheless (adv) ***
/,neve(r)6e,les/ landing (n) ** |lr:ndtgl
apply for a job (phr)/e,plar fe(r) e
particle (n) ** /'por(r)trk(e)U launch (n & v) ** llcrntfl
passenger (n) *** /'presrndge(r)/ motonruay (n) ** /'meute(r),wer/
become unemployed (phr) /br,kzrm
personal assistant (n) /,psl(r)s(e)nel orbit (n & v) * l,ct(r)bft/
be dismissed /bil drs,mrst/ e'srst(e)ntl passenger (n) *** /,presmdge(r)/
be fired /bir 'fare(r)d/ press conference (n) * /'pres platForm (n) ** I'plret,fct(r)ml
be made redundant /bil ,merd ,konf(e)rens/ rocket (n) * /'roklt/
rr'dzrndent/ promote (v) *** lpre,meutl spacecraft (n) /,spels,krolft/
be offered a job /bir ,nfe(r)d e 'd3ob/ promotiona | (adj) /pre,meuJ(a)neU space station (n) /,spels
be sacked /bir 'srekt/ properly (adv) *** /'prope(r)lil take off (v phd I ,tetk'ofl
get promotion (phr) /,get share (v) *** l[ea(r)l the Underground (n)
pre'meuJ(e)r/ single (adj) *** /'sr4g(e)V /di: 'nnde(r),graund/
look for a job (phr) /,luk fe(r) e 'd3obl software eng ineer (n) /,sof(t)wee(r) the subway (n)/de 'snb,wer/
resign (v) *** lrlzatn/ ,endgl,rue(r)/ the tube (n)/de ,tjurb/
retire (v) ** lrftarc(r)l sting (n & v) /sttrll traffic jam (n) I'trnfik d3r;m/
sign a contract (phr)/,saln e 'kontrrekt/ straight away (adv) /,strert a'wer/ Prefixes
sum up (v phd /,s,rm ,zrp/
Phrqsol verbs: work unlock (v) * /,,rn,lok/
cooperate (v) * /keu'operert/
fill in (v phd l,fil,m/ disadvantage (n) ** /,drsed,volntrdg/
volunteer (n) ** /,volen'tre(r)/
get ahead (v phr) l,get e,hed/ disagree (v) ** /,drse'gril/
what is more (phr) /,wot ru'mct(ry
keep at (v phr) l,kirp'ntl disappear (v) *** /,drse,ple(r)/
keep up with (v phr) /,kirp 'np wrd/ d iscomfo rt (n) /drs,kzrmfe(r)t/

set up (v phd /,set 'np/ disobey (v) /,drse'ber/

take over (v phr) /,terk 'euve(r)/ atmosphere (n) ** /'etmes,fre(r)/ il logica | (adj) /r,lndgft(e)U
turn down (v phr)/,tsl(r)n ,daun/ behave (v) ** /br'herv/ impatient (adj) * /rm'perJ(e)nt/
work on (v phr)/'wsl(r)k nn/ campus (n) * /'kempes/ impossible (adj) *** /rm,poseb(e)V
constructive ly (adv) /ken, strzrkt rvli/ incapa ble (adj) /rn,kerpeb(e)U
Olher words qnd phroses Erasmus programme (n) /rr,rezmes incomplete (adj) /,rnkem'plirt/
all things considered (phr) l,cil0n1z interactive (adj) * /,lnter,ektwl
ken'srde(r)d/ exchange (n) *** /rks,tJerndS/ irregular (adj) * /r'regjule(r)/
apply to (v phr) le,plartutl frustrating (adj) * /frns,trer tmgl irresponsible (adj) /, rrl, sponseb(e)V
attach (v) ** le,trlt[l fulfil (v) ** lful,ffl/ miscalcu late (v) /mrs'kelkjulelti
beg (v) ** /oegl linguistic (adj) * /lrq'gwrstrk/ misunderstand (v)
bus fare (n) /'bns ,fee(r)/ /,mrsrrnde(r)'stend/
memorable (adj) /,mem(e)reb(e)U
candidate (n) *** /'kandrdert/ passionate (adj) * /'preJ(e)net/ overbook (v) /,euve(r)'buk/
ca retaker (n) /'kee(r),telka(r)/ politics (n) *** /,poletfts/ overpopulated (adj)
challenging (adj) I't [nltnd3tgl professor (n) ** /pre,fese(r)/ ' /,euve(r)'popju,lertrd/
crowd (n) *** lkraudl remove (v) *** /rr,mulv/ postg raduate (n) /,peus(t)' g rnd3uetl
distraction (n) * /dr'strrekJ(e)r/ solve (v) *** /solv/ reinvent (v) /,rilln,vent/
driving licence (n) /'drarvrp ,lars(e)ns/ stim u latin g (adj) rewrite (v) * l,rt'^'rafil
firefi g hte r (n) /'fare(r), fart e(r)/ subway (n) /,slb,wer/
flexibility (n) ** /,flekse'b tletr/ sub-zero (adj) /,s,rb' zrarau/
flexible (adj) ** /'flekseb(e)V superhuman (adj) /,su:pa(r)'hju:man/
supersonic (adj) /,sulpa(r)'sonrk/
unbelievable (adj) /,,rnbl'lilveb(e)V narrow-minded (adj) get on somebody's nerves (phr)
underestimate (v) * /,,rnder' estr,mert/ /,nrereu'marndrd/ /,get on,snmbediz'ns'^(t)vzl
outgoing (adj) /'autgeuq/ hardly (adv) *** /'hcr(r)dli/
underpaid (adj) /,nnde(r)'PeId/
unexpected (adj) ** /,nntk'spektrd/ pushy (adj) /'puJi/ intelligence (n) /m'tehd3(e)ns/
unlikely (adj) *** /,rn'latkli/ reserved (adj)/rr'zs:(r)vd/ kinaesthetic (adj) /,krnirs'0etrk/
self-confident (adj) /,self 'konfrd(a)nt/ make a point (phr) /,merk a 'pcrnt/
unnecessary (adj) ** /ln'neses(e)ril
sensitive (adj) *** /'sensetrv/ measure (v) *** I'me3e(r)l
unsuccessful (adj) * /,nnsek'sesf(e)V
shy (adj) * l[atl mission (n) ** /'mlJ(e)n/
unusual (adj) *** /,rn'julSueU
slow (adj) *** /sleu/ navigate (v) /'nevr geftl
Other words qnd Phrqses stubborn (adj) * /'st,rbe(r)n/ opportunity (n) *** /,npe(r)'tjulneti/
appointment (n) *** /e'pclntmant/ tactful (adj) /'tak(t)f(e)V pack (n) ** lpakl
be on board (v) /bir on'bcr(r)d/ tactless (adj) /'tak(t)les/ painful (adj) ** /'pemf(e)U
bold (adj) ** /beuld/ talented (adj) * /'telentrd/ quiet (adj) *** /'kwalet/
collision (n) * /ka'hg(a)r/ rise (n) *** barul
environmental (adj) *** Noun suftixes shock (v) ** lloU
/tn,valran'ment(e)V ability (n) *** /e'bllati/ spatial (adj) /'sperj(e)V
grow (v) *** lgraul action (n) *** /'rekJ(e)r/ surface (n) *** /'ssl(r)fIs/
ice age (n) /'aIs ,etd3l activity (n) *** le,k'twetil talented (adj) * /'trelentrd/
impact (n) *** /'ImPekt/ actor (n) *** /'ekte(r)/ turn into (u phr) /,tsl(r)n'rntul/
last M *** Aolst/ appearance (n) *** /e'Prerans/
look up (v phr) /,luk'nP/ artist (n) *** /'ol(r)tlst/
manned (adj) /mend/ confidence (n) *** /'konfld(e)ns/
creation (n) *** /kri'erj(e)n/ authority (n) *** /cl'Ooreti/
model (n) * /'mod(e)V
myth (n) ** /mrO/ creativity (n) * /,kriler'trveti/ colleague (n) *** /'kolilg/
nervous (adj) ** /'nsl(r)ves/ creator (n) * /kri'eIte(r)/ distinguish (v) *** /dI'stI4gwIfl
occasion (n) *** /e'kel3(e)n/ darkness (n) ** /'do:(r)knes/ elite (adj) lt'httl
organic (adj) * /cr(r)'geruk/ difference (n) *** /'dlfrans/ encouraging (adj) ** /rn'krrrrd3ry/
parcel (n) * /'por(r)s(e)V direction (n) *** /dar'rekJ(e)n/ mathematician (n)
positive (adj) *** l'Pozetwl education (n) *** /,edju'kerJ'(e)r/ /,meO(e)me'tlj(a)n/
educator (n) /'edj u,kerte(r)/ neurolog ist (n) /njuar'oledSrst/
pregnant (adj) ** /'Pregnent/
rocket (v) /'rokrt/ electrician (n) /r,lek'tnj(e)r/ outstanding (adj) ** /aut'strendI4/
roughly (adv) ** /'rnfli/ electricity (n) *** /r,lek'trlsati/ potential (n) *** /Pe'tenJ(a)V

save up (u phr)/,serv 'nP/ employer (n) *** /Im'PlcIe(r)/ prestigious (adj) /pre'strdSes/
employment (n) *** /rm'Plclment/ rebel lious (adj) /rr'beljes/
telescope (n) * /'teh,skeuP/
enjoyment (n) * /ln'dSctmant/ researcher (n) /rI'sgl(r)tJe(r)/
happiness (n) ** /'hePines/ run up (v phr) /'rnn np/
illness (n) *** /'rlnes/ soloist (n) /'seuleurst/
Personqlity odiectives im portance (n) *** /rm'pcl(r)t(e)ns/ supportive (adj) /se'Pcr(r)tM
ambitious (adj) ** /rem'brJes/ improvement (n) *** /rm'prulvmant/ viol in ist (n) /,vaIe'lmlst/
arrogant (adj) * I'a:regantl invention (n) ** hn'venj(e)n/
assertive (adj) /e'ssr(r)tw/ inventor (n) * /rn'vente(r)/
bad-tempered (adj) * investigation (n) ***
/,bred 'tempe(r)d/ /rn,vestr'geIJ(e)r/ Buying qnd selling
big-headed (adj) /,bIg 'hedrd/ investigator (n) * /rn'vestr, geft e(r)/ afford (v) *** /e'fcr(r)d/
bossy (adj) /'bosi/ madness (n) * /'madnes/ bargain (n) ** /'bo:(r)gIn/
broad-minded (adj) /,brc:d'malndrd/ musician (n) ** /mju'zIJ(e)n/ *** lka,il
cash (n)
brusque (adj) /brursk/ performance (n) *** change (n) *** lt[end3l
determined (adj) ** /dr'tsr(r)mrnd/ /pe(r)'fcl(r)mens/ discount (n) ** /'dls,kaunt/
down-to-earth (adj) /,daun tur 'sl(r)O/ pol itician (n) *** /,pole'trJ(e)r/ receipt (n) ** /n'silt/
easygoing (adj) l,itzi' gautgl relevance (n) ** /'relav(e)ns/ refund (n) /'ri:fnnd/
frank (adj) * lfrr;gkl scientist (n) *** /'salenttst/ sale (n) *** /setV
gifted (adj) /'grfttd/ writer (n) *** l'ratte(r)l valire for money (phr)/,vreljur fa(r;
good-natured (adj) /,gud'nertJe(r)d/ 'mrrni/
Other words ond Phrqses waste (v) ** /welst/
immatu re (adj) /,rme'tjue(r)/
bottom (adj) ** /'botem/
insecure (adj) /,lnsr'kjue(r)/
bully (v) * /'buli/ Money clnd bonking
mature (adj) ** /ma'tjue(r)/ ATM (n) /,el til 'em/
calm (adj) ** /korm/
modest (adj) ** /'modlst/ bank charges (n pl) /'ba4k
demonstrate (v) *** /'demen,strert/
equal (adj) *** /'irkweV ,tIot(r)d3tzl
bank fees (n) /,be4k ,ffi,zl sensible (adj) ** /'sensab(e)V get over an illness (phr) iget ,eu\.r r
bill (n) *** /brV sign (v) *** /sarn/

cashpoint (n) /'kaJ,p cmtl swallow (v) *" /,swoleu/ give a prescription (phr) /,grv a
current account (n) /,knront e,kaunt/ terminal illness (n) /,ts:(r)mrn(e)l'rlnes/ prr'skrlpJ(e)r/
get into debt (phr) /,get rntul ,det/ transaction (n) ** ltrr;n' zr,k[(e)r/ give an injection (phr) i,grv en
give somebody a loan (phr) /,grv unattended (adj) /,,rne'tendrd/ m'd5ekJ(a)n/
snmbedi e 'leur/
vending machine (n) /,vendry me,Jiln/ go for a check-up (phr) l,geufar a
interest (n) *** /,mtrest/
whereas (conj) *** /weer,ezl 'tJek rrp/
lend money (v phr) /,lend'm,rni/ have a balanced diet (phr) /,hrev a
overdraft (n) i'euve(r),drolft/ ,belanst'darct/
savings account (n) /,selvr4z e,kauntl have an operation (phr) /,hev an
withdraw money (v phr) /,wlddrcl Fcrts of $fie bady ,ope'rerJ(a)n/
'mrtni/ ankle (n) ** /,apk(e)V have a temperature (phr) /,hrev a
Phrssal verbs: rnoney ernd artery (n) /'qr(r)teril 'temprrtJe(r)i
bone (n) *** lbeun/ have an injection (phr) /,hav en
shopping m'dgekJ(e)n/
come to (v phr) /'k,rm tu:/ brain (n) *** lbrem/
increase the risk of (phr) /rn,krils da
cut back (v phr) /,knt 'bek/ chest (n) *** lt[estl
'rrsk ov/
get by (v phr) l,get'batl chin (n) ** lt[m/
injure yourself (phr) /'rndge(r)
give away (u phr) l,gw e,wer/ forehead (n) ** I'fond/, /'fcl(r),hed/ je(r),self/
pay back (v phr) /,per ,bek/ heart (n) *** /hor(r)t/
lose weight (phr) l,lutz,wert/
pick up (v phr) /,prk 'np/ heel (n) ** /hirU
processed food (n) /,preusest 'fuld/
sell out (v phr) /,sel 'aut/ hip (n) ** /hrp/
put on weight (phd /,put on'wert/
set aside (u phr) /,set e'sard/ kidney (n) * /,krdni/
relieve symptoms (phr) /rr,lilv
splash out (v phr) /,spla ,autl liver (n) ** /'lwe(r)/
[ lung (n) ** /l,rg/
Other words snd phrsses shiver (v) * /'Jrve(r)/
skin (n)*** /skln/ sprain (v) /spreln/
abbreviation (n) * /a,brilvi'elJ(e)n/ thigh (n) ** /0a/
suffer from heart disease (phr)
afford (v) *** /e'fcr(r)d/ throat (n) *** l}reutl /,s,rfe(r) from'hol(r)t dt,zitzl
a great deal of (phd /a ,grert 'dirl ov/ toe (n) ** lteul take your blood pressure (phr) /,terk
apology (n) * /e,poled3r/ tongue (n) ** ltql jcr(r)'blzrd,preJe(r)/
assurance (n) ** /e'Jclrens/ vein (n) ** /veln/ treat somebody (for) (phr) /,trirt
as well as (conj) le,z,wel azl wrist (n) ** lrrctl ,srrmbedi/
be worth (v) /bir 'wgr(r)O/
Words connected with twist (v) ** ltwrctl
bleep (v) ft,lirpt work out (phr) /,ws:(r)k 'autl
civil servant (n) /,slv(o)l ,ssr(r)v(e)ntl hesNth
coin (n) ** /kcrnr be allergic to (phr) /bi: e'lsr(r)dgrk ldioms: hestth End illness
demand (v) *** /dr,mqlnd/ tur/ be back on your feet (phr) /bir
designer (n) ** ldr,zarna(r)l be addicted to (phr)/bir e'drktrd tu/ on jcl(r) 'filt/
destroy (v) *** /dr'strcl/ be in danger of (phr) /bir m be on top of the world (phr) /bir on
'derndge(r) ov/ ,top ev de
doubt (n) *** ldautl
force (v) *** /fcl(r)s/ be obese (phr) rui: eu'birs/ be under the weather (phr) /bir
fortune (n) ** i'fc:(r)tJen/ be painful (phr) /bir 'pernf(e)V ,zrnde(r) 6e 'wede(r)/
become addicted to (phr) /br,knm black out (v phr)/,blrek,autl
handwriting (n) * /,hend,r attt4l
e'drktld tul/ come down with (v phr) /,knm ,daun
incident (n) *** /,rnsrd(e)ntl
become obese (phr) rbr,knm eu'bils/ wr6/
inser[ (v) *** iln'ssl(r)t/
break (v) *** lbretV feel on top of the world (phr) /firl on
issue (v) *** l'rtul
catch an infection (phr) /,ketJ en ,top ev 6e 'wsl(r)ld/
luxury (adj) * |l,tk[ert/
rn'fekJ(e)n/ feel under the weather (phr) /firl
majority (n) *** lme'd3oretr/
dislocate (v) /'drslekelt/ ,nnde(r) da 'wede(r)/
massive (adj) *** /,mresrv/
eat fatty food (phr) /,ilt ,feti 'fuld/ keep in shape (phr) /,ki:p rn ,Jerp/
note (n) *** /neut I pull through (v phr) /,pul ,0ru:/
eat food high in salt (phr) /,irt furd
optional (adj) * /'opJ(e)neV
,hal ln 'scllt/ Other words snd phroses
owe (v) *** leul
feel dizzy (phr) /,firl ,dtzl
print (v) *** lprntl as long as (phr) le,z'log azl
fracture (v) /'frektJa(r)/
proof (n) ** lprurfl available (adj) *** /e'verleb(e)U
get an infection (phr) /,get en
reach (v) *** lrittfl ban (v) ** /ben/
reduce (v) *** /rl'djuls/ beat (v) *** lbirtl
get a prescription (phr) /,get e
retain (v) ** lrlterru bend (v) *** tbendl
reveal (v) *** lrfviil/ calcium (n) - /'krelsiam,,
campaign (n) *** /kem'pern/ role (n) *** keuU congratu late (v) * /ken' grretJulert/
chronic (adj) * /'kroruk/ scene (n) *** /sirn/ convincing (adj) ** /ken'vrnsrr3/
computer file (n) /kem'pjurte(r) ,farU soundtrack (n) /'saun(d),trek/ core (n) ** /kcr(r)/
despite (prep) *** /dr'spart/ stage (n) *** lstetdSl credible (adj) * /'kredeb(e)V
dessert (n) * ldt'zsr(r)t/ star (v) *** /stor(r)/ critic (n) *** /'krrtil</
dietary (adj) /'daret(e)ril *** ltrnU
track (n) criticise (v) ** l'krfttsarul
dive (v) ** ldall criticism (n) *** /'krrtr,srz(e)m/
Mediq hqbils
encourage (v) *** lm'ktttd3l deep (adj) *** lditpl
download films (phr) /daun,leud
fibre (n) ** l'farba(r)l deny (v) *** ldt'natl
follow-up (adj) /'foleu np/ disturb (v) ** /dr'stsr(r)b/
file-sharing site (n) /'farl Jee(r)r4 ,sart/
gluten (n) /'glurt(e)r/ emotiona | (adj) *** /I'meuJ(e)naU'
live stream (n)/'law ,strirm/
highlight (v) ** l'hat]attl fascinating (adj) ** /'fresrnertry/
make purchases on the Net (phr)
in case (adv) /rn'kers/ /meft ,ps:(r)tJesrz Dn de 'net/ gripping (adj) /'grrprg/
in spite of (phd /m 'spart nv/ mobile device (n) /'meubarl dr,vars/ hilarious (adj) /hr'leeries/
intake (n) * /'rnterk/ peer-to-peer (adj) /,pre(r) te'pIe(r)/ incredible (adj) * /rn'kredeb(e)V
iron (n) ** I'arc(r)nl purchase (v) ** /'psr(r)tJes/ indie (adj) /'rndil
lack (n) *** llr,kl stream (v) * /strirm/ inspiring (adj) An'spararu;/
multiply (v) * /'m,rltrpla/ tra nsfer m usic (ph r) /,trrensfsr(r)
instruct (v) ** /rn'strnkt/
n utrient (n) /'njurtrient/ intricate (adj) /'rntrrket/
operation (n) *** /,npe'rerJ(e)r/ intriguing (adj) /rn'trirgrq/
option (n) *** /'opJ(e)n/ Gompound nouns invest (v) *** /rn'vest/
overall (adv) ** /,euver'cl,U bl ockbuster (n) /'blok,bnste(r)/ lively (adj) ** l'lalh/
pollen (n) /'polerv box office (n) /'boks ,ofrs/ loyalty (n) ** l'lcrcltl
portion (n) ** /'pcr(r)J(e)n/ down load (n) /'daunleud/ moving (adj) ** /'murvrr3/
prescription (n) * /prr'skrrpJ(e)d drawback (n) /'drcr,brek/ mysterious (adj) ** /mr'streries/
provided (conj) *** /pre'vardrd/ feedback (n) ** /'firdbek/ object to (v phr) /eb'dgekt tur/
purpose (n) *** /'psr(r)pes/ file-sharing (n) /'farl,Jee(r)r4/ order (v) *** /'cr(r)de(r)/
reduce (v) *** /rr'djurs/ marketplace (n) * /'mcr(r)krt,plers/ perceptive (adj) /pe(r)'septrv/
regret (v) ** lrlgretl outcome (n) *** /'aut,knm/ perform (v) *** /pe(r)'fcr(r)m/
saturated (adj) /'setJe,reft Id/ page-tu rner (n) I' petd3,tsr(r)ne(r)/ plot (n) ** lplntl
semi-skimmed (adj) /,semi 'skrmd/ screenplay (n) /'skrirn,ple/ predictable (adj) * /prr'drkteb(a I
sensation (n) ** /sen'serJ(e)n/ son gwriter (n) /' so4,ratte(r)l principle (n) *** /'prrnsep(e)V
standard (n) *** /'strende(r)d/ soundtrack (n) /'saun(d),trrek/ profit (n) *** /profftl
strength (n) *** /strerj0/ turnout (n) /'tsr(r)nautl promise (v) *** /'promrs/
therefore (adv) *** /'6ee(r)fcr(r)/ Compound odjeclives raise (v) *** ketzl
unless (conj) *** /en'les/ brand new (adj) * /,brend'njur/ realistic (adj) ** /,rre'hstrk/
varied (adj) * I'veend/ fast-moving (adj) /,fcrst'murvr4/ regret (v) ** lrlgretl
thou g ht-provoki n g (adj) relationsh ip (n) *** /rr'lerJ(a)nJp
/'0crt pre,veukr4/ relaxing (adj) /rr'leksr4/
release (n) *** /rr'lirs/
amino acid (n) /e,mirnau 'resrd/ Ofher words qnd phrqses remind (v) *** /rr'marnd/
caffeine (n) /'krefirn/ accuse (v) *** la'kju'^zl scary (adj) * /'skeeri/
energy drink (n) /'ene(r)dgi ,drr4k/ admit (v) *** led'mttl screen (n) *** /skrirn/
teaspoon (n) /'ti:,spurn/ advise (v) *** led'varul spectacu lar (adj) ** /spek'takfrtilt
use up (u phd l,jutz',tpl agree (v) *** le'gri'^l store (v) ** /stcr(r)/
amazing (adj) ** le'metztrll stunning (adj) * /'stnnrq/
amusing (adj) * le'mjw,ztrll stupid (adj) ** /'stjurprd/
announce (v) *** /e'nauns/ terrible (adj) *** /'tereb(a)U
Music ond film apologise for (v) /e'poled3 aru fu,(r)l thrilling (adj) /'Onhn/
acting (n) * /'rektrr3/ appealing (adj) * /e'pirhg/ unconvincing (adj) /,lnkan'v -'t/
crowd (n) *** l?,raudl awful (adj) ** l'cfi(a)U u n i nspi ri n g (adj) /,,rnrn'spararql
gig (n) * lgtgl brilliant (adj) *** /'brrljent/
lighting (n) ** l'laftrgl
vivid (adj) * l'vltdl
channel (n) *** I't[en(e)U warn (v) *** /wcl(r)n/
live (adv) * I'Ial.l character (n) *** /'kenkte(r)/ well-produced (adj) /,wel pra'4Ffl
lyric (n) l'lrctU claim (v) *** lkletml wild (adj)*** /warld/
pertormance (n) ipe(r)'fcr(r)mans/ clever (adj) ** /'kleve(r)/
plot (n) ** lplotl clich6d (adj) /'klirJerd/
record (v) *** /rr'kcr(r)d/
rely on (u phd /rr'lar orV belch out (v phr) /,belt-['aut
spend on (v phr) /'spend on/ bite (v) ** /bart/
Nsturol disqsters wait for (u phd /'wert fcr(r)/ bitten by the bug (phr) /,brttarn bar
ava lanche (n) /'aeve,lorntfl de'bng/
Other vvords cnd phrc$es brief (v) * /brirf/
drought (n) ldrautl a sixth (n) /e 'sftsO/
earthquake (n) * i'sr(r)O,kwerk/ chilly (adj) /'tJrli/
asteroid (n) /'aste, rctdl
epidemic (n) /,epI'demrk/ civilisation (n) * /,slvalar'zerJra rn
bee (n) ** lbirl
flood (n) ** lfl'td/ compass (n) * /'krrmpas/
border (n) *** /'bcr(r)de(r)/
forest fire (n) /,fonst 'fare(r)/ cope with (v phr) /'keup wrd
burn (v) *** /bsl(r)n/
h urricane (n) /'hrrrlken/
curiosity (n) * /,kjueri'oseti
burst (n) ibsr(r)st/
landslide (n) /'lren(d),slard/ disrupt (v) * /drs'rnpt/
catastrophic (adj) /,kete'strofrk/
tsunami (n) /tsur'normi/ establish (v) *** /r'strebhJ
collapsed (adj) /ke'lrepst/
volcanic eruption (n) /vol,kreruk evacuation (n) /r,vakju'erJta rn
debris (n) /'debrir/
r'rnpJ(e)n/ extent (n) *** /rk'stenti
decrease (n) * /'dirkrirs/
fair share of (phr) /,fea(r) 'Jear or-
Words connected with decrease (v) * /dir'krirs/
fissure (n) /'frje(r)/
notursl disosters destruction (n) /dr' str,rkJ(e)r/
glacier (n) /'glresie(r)/
double (n & v) * /'d'rb(a)V
Nouns hire (v) ** /'hare(r)/
dramatic (adj) *** /dre'mretrk/
aftershock (n) /'qrfte(r),Jok/ impressive (adj) ** /rm'presrr
elderly (adj) *** /'elde(r)lil
ash (n) ** lr,| occur (v) *** /e'ksl(r)/
equipment (n) *** /r'kwlpment/
bank (of a river) (n) *** ft.r;gV pass (n)** /polsi
fall (n & v) *** lfctU
casualty (n) /'kregueltii privilege (n) ** /'prrvahd3,
first aid (n) /,fsr(r)st 'erd/
damage (n) *** /'demrdg/ ranch style (adj) /'rolntJ ,starl
fumes (n pl) * /fjurmz/
destruction (n) ** /dr'str,rkJ(e)r/ seldom (adv) ** /'seldam
go missing (phr) /,geu'mrsrg/
injury (n) *** /'rndSeri/ site (n) ** /sart/
gradual (adj) * /'grred3ueV
molten lava (phr) /,meulten'lqlve/ skilled (adj) ** /skrld/
grateful (adj) ** /'grertf(e)V
mud (n) ** /m,rd/ vent (n) lventl
headquarters (n p\) **
panic (n) ** l'pa;nrU /hed'kwc{r)ta(r)zl
refugee (n) ** l,refju'd3i'^l humanitarian (adj)
survivor (n) * /se(r)'vawe(r)/ /hjur,mrenr'teerien/
tverydoy technology
torrential rain (phr) /te,renJ(e)l'reln/ impact (n) *** /'rmprekt/
broadband (n) /'brcrd,brend
tremor (n) /'treme(r)/ increase (n) *** /'r4krirs/
cha rger (n) /'tJor(r)d3a(r
victim (n) *** /'vrktrm/ increase (v) *** /In'krirs/

coverage (n) ** /'knv(a)rld3

Verbs low (adj) *** lleul
device (n) *** /dr'vars/
m eteorite (n) /'milti erafil
burst (v) ** ibsr(r)st/ digital camera (n) /,drd3rttarl
oxygen (n) ** i'oksrd3(e)n/
collapse (v) ** /ke'lreps/ 'krem(e)re I ^
pie chart (n) /'par ,tJor(r)t/
damage (v) *** l'dremrd3l dishwasher (n) /'drJ,woJa(r I
powder (n) ** /'paude(r)/
evacuate (v) * /I'vrekjuert/ drop-down menu (n) /,drop daun
proportion (n) *** /pre'pcl(r),|-(e)r/
head towards (u phr)i'hed te,wct(r)dzl 'menjur/
rise (n & v) *** lrarul flash drive (n) /'flreJ ,drarv/
panic (v) * /'peruk/
route (n) *** lru'^tl food processor (n) /'fuld ,prausesa, r
put out (u phr) l,put'autl
sharp (adj) *** fqr(r)pi
spread (v) ***
/spred/ glitch (n) /shty
significant (adj) *** /srg'nrfrkent/ headphones (n pl) /'hed,f eunz
sweep across (v phd /'swirp e,kros/
slight (adj) *** lslartl keyboard (n) * /'kir,bcr(r)d/
Prepositionsl phrsses with slightly (adv) *** /'slartli/ microwave (n) * /'markre,wen'
verbs spot (v) ** /spot/ network (n) *** /'net,wsl(r)k'
agree with (v phr)/e'grir wr6/ steadi ly (adv) /'stedili/ plug (n) * lpLrgl
apologise for (v phd la'poled3aru steady (adj) ** /'stedil remote control (n) * /rr,maut
fcr(r)/ storm (n) ** /stcl(r)m/ ken'treuV
believe in (v phr) ibl'lirv rn/ triple (n & v) I'trry@)U satnav (n) /'set,nevl
belong to (v phr) /br'1or3 tu/ unsin kable (adj) /,rn'srrjkeb(e)V touch screen (n) /'tntJ,skri:n
complain about (u phd /kem'plern vibration (n) * /var'brerJ(e)n/ vacuum cleaner (n) /'vrekjuam
e,bautl wave (n) *** lwewl ,klirne(r)/
depend on (v phr) /dr'pend on/ washing machine (n) * /'woJr4 ma _fi:n
dream of (v phr) /'drirm ov/ webcam (n) /'web,krem/
listen to (v phr) /'hs(e)n tur/ wireless (adj) * /'wale(r)lest
protect (somebody) from (v) /pre'tekt base (n) *** /bers/
(,snmbedi) from/ be in awe of (phr) /bir rn 'cr ov/
Verbs connecfed wiih replace (v) *** /rr'plers/ Collocqlions: lhe news
fechnology router (n) /'rulte(r)/ breaking news (phr) /,brerkrg 'njulz/
adjust (v) ** /a'dgrrst/ short circuit (n) /,Jcr(r)t'ssr(r)krt/ front page news (phr) /,frrrnt peldg
connect (v) *** /ka'nekt/ source (n) *** /scl(r)s/ 'njutzl
crash (v)** lkref spare (adj) ** /spee(r)/ hold a press conference (phr) /,heuld
delete (v) ** ldt'httl striker (n) * /'strarke(r)/ e'pres ,konf(e)rens/
discon nect (v) /, drska'nekt/ supply (n)*** /se'pla/ keep somebody informed (phd /,kirp
freeze (v) ** lft'''^zJ tie (n) **
ltatl s,rmbedi m'fcl(r)md/
go dead (phr) /,gau 'ded/ upside down (adv)* /,npsard'daun/ make the headlines (phr) /,merk 6a
hold (v)*** ftreuld/ wire (n)** /'ware(r)/ 'hedlatnzl
youngster (n) ** /'jn4ste(r)/ newsflash (n) /'njurz,fle,fl
insert (v) *** /rn'ssl(r)t/
news item (n) lhjuz,artem/
install (v) ** /rn'stc:V
news updates (n pl) l'njurz,npderts/
pinch (v)/pmtfl
turn of events (phd /,tgl(r)n ev r'ventV
plug in (v phd /,plng 'rr/
News seclions
press (v)*** /pres/ Other words ond phrqses
arts (n pl) /or(r)ts/
push (v)*** lpufl alter (v) ** /'crlte(r)/
business (n) *** l'btznesl
recharge (v) /rir'tjor(r)d3l argue (v) *** /'or(r)gju/
comment (n & v)*** /'koment/
select (v) *** /sl'lekt/ as (conj) *** lnzl
editor's blog (n) /,edrte(r)z'blog/
set (v) *** /set/ blast (n)* /blorst/
entertainment (n)**
swipe (v) /swarp/ broadcast (n) * /'brcrd,kolst/
tap (v) ** lta;pl empty-handed (adj) /,empti 'hendrd /
features (n pl) I'fi,^t[e1r)zl
upgrade (v) * /,rp'grerd/ headline (n) ** /'hed,laln/
finance (n) *** /'farnans/
Phrqsql verbs: technology moreover (adv) *** /mclr'euve(r)/
gossip (n) /'gosrp/
qnd computers nevertheless (adv)***
have your say (phr) /,hev jcr(r) 'se/
back up (v phr)/,bek 'np/ health (n)*** lhel9l
paparazzi (n) /,pape'retsi/
go off (v phr) /,geu 'of/ life and style (n) /,lad en(d) 'starV
privacy (n)* /'pnvesi/
pick up a signal (phr) /,prk rp a obituaries (n pl) le'bft[uaizl
publish (v) *** /'p,rbhfl
'srgn(e)V opinion (n) *** /e'prnjen/
quotation (n) * lkweu'te{(e)n/
pop up (v phr) /,pop 'rrp/ showbiz (n) l'[eubrul
season (n) *** /'si:z(e)n/
print out (v phr) /,prrnt'autl sport (n) *** /spcr(r)t/
since (conj)*** /sms/
run out (u phr) l,rttn'autl weather forecast (n) * /'we6e(r)
spokesperson (n) /'speuks,ps:(r)s(e)n/
scroll across (u phr) /'skreul a,kros/ ,fcr(r)korst/
scroll down (v phr)/,skreul'daun/ world news (n) /,wsr(r)ld 'njulz/
scroll up (v phr) /,skreul',rp/ News heqdlines
set up (v phr) /,set ',rp/ aid (v) ** letd/ branch (n)*** /brolntfl
zoom in (v phr) l,zutm'tnl axe (v)/eks/ claim (v)*** iklerm/
clip (n)* /khp/
Other words qnd phroses back (v)*** ft:lar,kl
ban (v) ** lbnnl costume (n) * /'kostju:m/
access (v)/'rekses/
blast (v)* /blo:st/ deaf (adj)** ldef.l
acquire (v) ** /e'kware(r)/
blaze (n) * lbletzl donation (n) ** /dau'nerJ(e)r/
backpack (n) /'brek,pek/
boost (v)** /burst/ fancy dress (n) /,fensi'dres/
battery (n) ** /'bet(e)ril
boss (n)*** /bos/ feature (n) i** /'firtje(r)/
bury (v) ** l'beil
clash (v)* /klrefl hysterical (adj) * /hr'sterrk(a)V
cable (n) ** /'kerb(e)V
cut (v) *** /kzrt/ integrity (n) ** /m'tegreti/
concentration (n) ***
drama (n)*** /'drqlme/ ironic (adj) /ar'mnrk/
/, kons(a)n' trerJ(e)n/

conduct (v) *** /kan'dnkt/ head (n)*** lhedl policy (n) *** /'polesi/
controversial (adj)** hit (v)*** ftutl prove (v)*** lprutvl
/,kontre'vgr(r)J(e)V key (adj)*** /kir/ publicity stunt (n) /pnb'hseti,strnt/
experiment (n) *** /rk'sperrmant/ link.(n)*** /hpk/ resigned (adj) /rr'zalnd/
foil (n) lfctU move (v)*** /mulv/ settle (v) *** /'set(e)V
freeze (v)** lfr.',zl plea (n)** /plir/ settle'in (u phr)/,set(e)l 'rr/
key (n) *** iki:/ pledge (n) /pledg/ shoplifter (n) /'Jop,lfte(r)/
old-fashioned (adj)** PM (n) l,pir'em/ smartphone (n) /'smor(r)t,feun/
/,euld 'faJ(e)nd/ probe (v)/preub/ suspicious (adj) ** /se'sprJes/
outline (v) ** l' autlatn/ quit (v) * /kwrt/ track (v)* /trrek/
overall (adj) *** /,euver'clV un pleasant (adj) ** /,rn'ple z(a)ntl
riddle (n) /'ud(a)V
physicist (n) /'fzrsrst/ spark (v)* /spor(r)k/ villain (n)* /'vrlen/
proud (adj)** lpraud/ wed (v) lwedl
lnfinitive Past simple Past participle lnfinitive Past simple Past participle
be was/were been let
) let let
beat beat beaten lie
u become became
luy lain
become lose lost lost
14' begin began begun make made made
break broke broken mean meant meant
bring brought brought meet met met
build built built /' pay paid paid
{ burn burnt burnt Put put Put
H buy bought bought read read read
B catch caught caught ride rode ridden
choose chose chosen ring rang rung
come came come run ran run
cost cost cost say said said
a, cut cut cut see SAW seen *
do did done sell sold sold
draw drew drawn send sent sent
drink drank drunk set up set up set uP
drive drove driven shine shone shone
eat ate eaten shoot shot shot
fall fell fallen show showed shown
feel felt felt sing sang sung
find found found sit sat sat
flv flew flown sleep slept slept
forget forgot forgotten speak spoke spoken
forgive forgave forgiven speed ' sped sped
get got got spell spelt spelt
give gave given spend spent spent
go went 90ne split up split up split up
grow grew grown stand up stood up stood up
hang out hung out hung out steal stole stolen
have had had swim SWAM swum
hear heard heard take took taken
hide hid hidden teach taught taught
hit hit hit tell told told
hurt hurt hurt think thought thought
keep kept kept understand understood understood
know knew known wake up woke up woken up
l"y laid laid wear wore worn
leave left left win won won
learn learned/learnt learnedllearnt write wrote written
there isn't usually a right or wrong
type of activity, you have to say
In this answer. However, You should make
which text or part of a text contains In this type of activitY You match sure that you come to some tYPe of
a piece of information or answers a different speakers with the ideas that conclusion or decision bY the end
question. they express. of the activity. A useful strategy is
Step 1: Read all the texts or Pafts Before you listen: to agree with your Partner, but then
of the text quicklY to get a general t Think about the topic of what You suggest alternative ideas. lt is better
understanding. are going to listen to. Think of words not to agree completelY straight
Step 2: Read the piece(s) of information that could aPpear in the listening away because the conversation
that you need to find. Look for anY text. will end too quicklY' Disagreeing
special words that help you to find the I Read the questions and underline completely could seem aggressive.
text or part of the text which contains important information. This can help Just remember that, above all,
the information. Remember that in the you to know what the PeoPle maY the examiner wants to hear You
text the same information will probably say and helps You to concentrate speaking English.
be expressed in different words. more while you listen. r It is important that neither of You
Step 3: Read that specific text or part of While you listen: dominates the conversation or is
the text again in more detail. I The speakers may saY the same silent. The examiner will usually help
Step 4: lf you are not sure that you have things as in the questions, but using you to do this. But remember to
found the correct answer, read other different words; other sPeakers maY take turns and helP Your Partner to
sections again in more detail. use the actual words that come in speak if you think You are sPeaking
Step 5: When you finish, check that the questions, but there is onlY one too much or if Your Partner is not
you have an answerfor each question' correct answer for each sPeaker. speaking enough.
Never leave answers blank in an exam' r Don't worry if you don't understand r lf you can't think of something to
everything the first time you listen. say, ask your partner a question like
1# il?ET? ld * ; ?RAr4 $A*T!* ru*&t TASE{S
'What do you think?'This gives You
Usually you listen twice. Use the
I Transactional writing tasks are ones second listening to find the answers time to think of what You can say
where the instructions tell You you didn't hear the first time and to next. You can also use fillers like
who you are writing to and what check the answers you already have. 'Well', 'Hmm' or'Let me think'.
information to include. After you listen' r Don't be afraid to say something that
# When a question asks you to put r Check that you have an answer for you think is obvious.
specific information in Your text, each question. Never leave answers I Give full explanations for Your
you lose marks if You do not include blank in an exam. opinions and ideas.
the information.
AND I Listen to what Your Partner or the
* Sometimes the information You SPEAKII{G: NEGOTIATI}IG
examiner is saying. ln a conversation
need to include is indicated in the COLLABORATING
we speak and listen.
form of notes written on the letter In negotiating activities, you usually r lf you don't understand what the
or email. In this case, remember to work with another person. The examiner examiner or Your Partner is saYing,
expand the notes and give extra explains a situation where you and c ask them in English to rePeat or to
information. For examPle, if the the other speaker need to come to a speak more slowly. Use expressions
note is'SaY when You can come', decision. like: 'Sorry can You saY that
do not just saY 'l can come in the again?' or'Sorry could You sPeak
summer.' ExPlain whY the summer more slowly?'
is the besVonlY oPtion. You can ask
questions too in Your rePlY.
* When you write letters, invitations,
messages and notes it is essential to
write in the correct style.When you READING: MISSING SENTENCES ACTIVITIES
write to a friend, use contractions
In this type of activity, you have to fill gaps in a text with sentences taken out of the
and informal exPressions. When
text. There are usually more sentences than spaces'
you write a formal or semi-formal
letter, invitation, message or Step 1: Read the text to get a general idea of the overall meaning.
is the
note, do not use contractions or Step 2: Read the missing sentences and identify the key information. What
Do youiremember anything connected with this topic when you
informal language. lf your letter is sentence about?
grammatically correct but not in the read the text for the iirst time? Look again at this part of the text in more
correct stYle, You will lose marks. step 3: Look for words and phrases in the sentence which connect with the
information that comes in the text just before or after each gap.
Step 4: Try out each sentence in the most probable sPace and continue reading'
it sense, or linking words like
the meaning logical? Do pronouns like this or make
and, but or although?
step 5: lf there are gaps which you cannot complete, continue with other, easier
gaps first and then go back later to the difficult ones'
it"p O, When you finish, read the completed text again to check that it makes
,"nr". Check also that you have an answer for each question. Never leave answers
blank in an exam.
, ,::'''.'t:::' ',::.'., ':.,: '':'::
Before you write a story make a plan. Make sure that In this type of activity, you have incomprete notes. you listen
you have a beginning, a middle and an end. Sometimes to
a text and complete the notes with the correct information.
you can change the order of these three sections in a r Always read the incomplete notes beforeyou listen. This
story, but always make sure the sequence of events and
helps you to know what to listen for. Look carefullv at the
the chronology are clear. we can use linkers of time and
words that come just before or after each gap ani think
sequence to do this.
about what type of word is missing (noun, verb, adjecive,
Make the main events of the story clear. What happened? adverb, etc.). But be careful. lf you know that you need a
Whyl What happened later? How did the story end? We number, for example, do not simply write the first numbe'
usually use the past simple for this. that you hear.
Give background information so that we know about r lt is not usually necessary to understand every word that
the characters and the situation. we usually use the past you hear. Listen out for the sections which correspond to
pertect simple and continuous for this. the information in the notes. pay special attention to these
Make the story interesting by describing scenes in detail. sections. Remember that you may not hear the exact wo,.ds
We often use the past continuous for this. that appear in the incomplete notes.
For more information on writing stories, see page 1-52 of I You usually need to write between one and three words in
the Writing bank. each gap. write the words you actually hear. Be careful w,r
spelling and your handwriting.
t Don't worry if you don't understand everything the first
time you listen. Usually you listen twice. Use the secono
listening to find the answers you didn't hear the first time
and to check the answers you already have.
In this type of aaivity you must use the word given to form a
word that fits in the gap. The words can be any type _ noun, SPEAKI llG : TAIKI t{G ABOUT PHOTOS

adjective, adverb or verb. In this type of activity, you have one or two photos to discuss
Step 1: Read the text once quickly to know the general and answer a question or questions about.
meaning. I Listen very carefully to the examiner's instructions. your
Step 2: Look at the words just before and after the gap. They marks will depend on completing the whole task, so if you
can help you to decide what type of word you need. Lisually- only complete one part, you will lose marks. lf you aren,t
to change the type of word you will need a suffix (e.g. -ion to sure that you have understood what the examiner says, ask
make a noun, -/yto make an adverb). them to repeat.
Step 3: Make sure you understand the whore sentence. This r lf you have two photos, it is not usually a good idea to
will help you to decide if you need to change the meaning describe each photo in great detail. The important thinq is
of the *orq, e.g. making it negative. Usually to change the to compare and contrast the two photos.
meaning of the word you will need a prefix (e.g. im_, reJ. t rry to speak for exactly the right amount of time. The more
step 4: Remember that you may need to change the spelling you practise the easier it will become.
of the word they give you. For example, from the word'strong I Give your own opinion if the examiner asks for it and give
you may need to make the noun, strength. Also, look carefully reasons to justify your opinions. There is not usually a right
to decide if your word needs to be in the plural form. or wrong answer. The examiner wants to hear vou soeak
step 5: Read the completed sentence and check your answer.
check that you have an answer for each question. Never leave r Do not worry too much about vocabulary for things
answers blank in an exam. that appear in the photos. When you don,t knowi
word, explain it or use a simpler word. you can also use
language of speculation when you are not sure what you
In this type of activity, you have to talk about a topic. This could can see (e.9. /t might/may be ...,lt must be ..., Ithink its
be in the form of a question, title, text or photo. you usually probably...).
have a fixed amount of time to prepare the presentation and r Speak loudly and clearly so that the examiner can hear you.
give it.
I Make notes with the information you want to give in I Don't let mistakes stop you from speaking. Correct your
own mistakes if possible, or start the sentence again, but
your presentation and use them when you are giving it.
don't stop completely.
However; don't just read your notes aloud.
I Look at your audience. see if they understand you and are r use wel/, Hmm or Let me thinkto give you time to think of
what you want to say next.
r Don't speak too fast. lf you speak too quickly, people will
not be able to follow you.
I Tryto speak for exactly the right amount of time. The more
you practise, the easier it will become.
I use intonation to show that you are interested and to make
others interested.
t Don't worry excessively about vocabulary. When you don,t
know a word, explain it or use a simpler word.
r Don't let mistakes stop you from speaking. Correct your
own mistakes if possible, or start the sentence again, but
don't stop completely.

TRANSFORMATION ACTIVITI ES In speaking exams, you sometimes have to talk to one or more students about a
In this type of activity you have a topic. You must be ready to express and justify your opinions, especially if somebody
sentence and you must complete a disagrees with you.
second sentence so that it means the I Make sure you understand the topic that you are to discuss. lf you aren't sure, ask
same as the original sentence. Usually for clarification before you begin.
you must use a word that they give. r Make sure you listen carefully to what other people say. In a discussion we speak,
In this case, you cannot change the but we also listen and react to what others say. You can agree, disagree, make
form of this word. Generally, you can suggestions or ask questions.
only use between two and five words, r lf you are working with other students, be sensitive. Don't talk for too long without
including the word they give you. giving others a chance to speak.
Step 1: Read the original sentence r In some discussions, you must come to an agreement, but in others it is not
carefully. Think about the meaning of necessary. Make sure you know before you begin.
the sentence, the type of structure(s) r Remember that there are not usually any right or wrong answers. The important
used, the tense(s) used, etc.
thing is to have an opinion, to explain it clearly, to justify it and to give examples to
Step 2: lf they give you a word, think support it.
about its meaning. Think also about
the grammatical function of the word.
Does it always or usually go with . The important thing in a review is to give a detailed picture of the thing that you
another word or tense? are reviewing (e.9. book, film, TV programme), and to make your own opinion
Step 3: Write your sentence. clear. To do this, use a wide variety of adjectives and adverbs and use expressions
Step 4: When you finish, check that of ooinion.
you have: :: The style in a review should not be particularly formal or informal.
I not changed the meaning from the ', For more information on writing reviews, see page 156 of the Writing bank.
original sentence.
r not changed the form of the word
they gave you.
not written more than the READING: MtltTlPtE-CHOlCE AeTlVlTl ES tISTE Nl NG; TRUEffALSE ACTIVITIES
maximum number of words
permitted. Contractions count as In thistype of activity, you read a text In this type of activity, you have to listen
two words, apart from can't which and answer questions about it by and decide if answers are true or false. In
is written as one word. (cannot). choosing the best answer from three or some True/False activities there are three
:, ,tr .- ,'.' '',,,, , four different options. possibilitie s: True/FalselNot Mentioned.
I '.::l;:, ' 1.,,1,
Step 1: Read the text quickly to get a Choose Not Mentioned if you cannot
;: i.,;1,: ;1.i..;1,r. :, ;
general understandin g. hear the information when you listen to
In for-and-against essays you Step 2: Read all the answers carefully. the text.
must present both sides of the Sometimes the difference between two Step 1: Read the questions before you
argument. In opinion essays you options is just one word. listen. They can give you ideas about the
can just give your own side of the Step 3: Find the section of the text topic of the text and the vocabulary you
argument. where you think each answer comes from are going to hear.
In for-and-against essays and and read it again slowly, in more detail. Step 2: You can usually hear the
opinion essays, you should have a You may find the same words in the text recording twice. Do not panic if you
number of relevant points to make. and in one of the options, but this does do not understand information the first
Think about how to organise these not mean it is the correct answer. The time. lf you don't hear the answer to one
points in a logical way. correct option will probably express the question, start listening immediately for
The style in for-and-against and information in the text using different the answer to the next question. The
opinion essays should be formal. words. The answers usually come in questions are usually in the order that
Remember that there are no right order in the text. you hear them in the recording.
or wrong answers. The examiner Step 4: lf you aren't 100"/" sure which Step 3: Use the second listening to find
wants to see that you can write answer is best, take away any answers the answers you didn't hear the first tirne
and express yourself clearly and which you know are not correct. and to check the answers you already
effectively. Step 5: When you finish, check that you have.
For more information on writing have an answer for each question. Never Step 4: When you finish, check that you
for-and-against essays and opin ion leave answers blank in an exam. have an answer for each question. Neve'
essays, see pages 151 and 155 of leave answers blank in an exam.
the Writing bank.
USE 0F ENGIISH: CI0ZE ACTtVtTtES Open cloze activities
In cloze activities, you have a text with gaps. sometimes step 1: Read the complete text or sentences without think:-c
are different options and you must choose the best one for about the gaps.
each space (multiple-choice cloze aclivities). sometimes
there step 2: Look again at the gaps and especiaily the words wnir
options (open cloze activities). you must fill in each gap come just before and after the gap. Do those words neeo
3t" 19 a
by thinking of a word which is grammatically correct and is special.preposition? ls an article or auxiliary verb missing? .-.r ^<
logical. abo.ut the type of word you need (noun, verb, pronoun,
M ultiple-choice cloze activities etc.) and the general meaning. The spaces in cloze activities
step 1 : Read the text or sentence to get a general idea of the will often be for prepositions, articres, pronouns, auxiriary vers
overall meaning. Do not worry about in" at first. This is modal verbs and conjunctions (and, but, although, etc.).
to get a general understanding. 3: Fill in the gap with the word that you think is best.
step 2: Read more carefully and try to predict which word
Read again with your answer in the grp. So."times there s
comes in each gap. Look especially at the words which come more than one possible answe[ but you only need to put
just before and after the gap. Do those words need Step 4: When you finish, check that you have one answe.;o-
a special
preposition? ls an article or auxiriary verb missing? Think about each question. Never leave in an exam.
the.type of word you need (noun, verb, pronoun', article, etc.) ',ii 1:,11'{ "nr*"r.-blank
iii!y{,i : 5i [:, i,i iq j li
and the general meaning.
Step 3: Look at the alternatives. ls one of them the same as :1i Reports should have a title.
the word you thought of in step 2? Be careful because often :::: Separate reports into sections and give each one a
the meaning of the different options can be very similan but suitable heading.
the difference may be that each word goes with a different ,- ln reports you should be ready to make
preposition, for exam ple. recommendations or suggestions if they ask you to.
step 4: lf you aren't sure which answer is correct, think about " Make sure you include all the information that they ask
why other answers are definitely wrong and eliminate them. for.
Step 5: When you finish, check that you have an answer for n' The style in a report shourd usuaily be formar since you

I each question. Never leave answers blank in an exam.

usually write a report for an organisation or people ti.a:
you do not know personally.
For more information on writing repons, see page j57
the Writing bank.


Step 2: When you listen, remember that you may hear the
ln this type of activity, you decide if statements are True or correct answer but expressed in different words. you may also
False depending on the information in the text. In some hear a word or words that come in one of the possible answers,
True/False activities there are three possibilitie s: True/False/ but this does not mean it is the answer. The word(s) may be
Not Mentioned. choose Not Mentioned if you can,t find any there just to distract you.
information in the text to prove or disprove the statements. Step 3: You risually hear the recording twice. Do not panic if
Step 1: Read the text quickly to get a general understanding. you do not understand information thl first time. lf you don,t
Step 2: Read the sentences that you need to prove true hear the answer to one question, start listening immediately
or false. the answer to the next question.
Step 3: Find the parts of the text where you think the Step 4: Use the second listening to find the answers you dion,i
information comes. Read them again in more detail. hear the first time and to check ih" .nr*"rs you already have.
Step 4: When you finish, check that you have an answer for Step 5: when you finish, check that you have an answer for
each question. Never leave answers in an exam, each question. Never leave answers tlank in an exam.
In this type of activity, you choose the best answer from
or four different answers.
You usually hear the text twice. The questions are usually in
order that you hear them in the recording.
step 1: Read the different answers before you risten. They can
give you ideas about the topic of the text and the vocabulary
you are going to hear in it. Remember that sometimes the
difference between two answers is just-one word.

I How well can you do tllese things in Engllsh I Flaw well can you do these thinEs in English
now? Give yoursel{ a mark from 1 to 4. now? Give yo,ursel{ a mark frorn 1 to 4.

1: I can do it very well.

' 1: I can do it very well.
2: I can do it quite well. 2: I can do it quite well.

3: I have some problems. 3: I have some problems.

4: I can't do it. 4: I can't do it,

a I cantalk about present situations, routines I can talk about the future using different tenses
and actions using the present simple and including the future continuous, future perfect
present continuous. simple and future perfect continuous.
b I can use do and make appropriately. b I can talk about transport and travel.
c understand written and spoken texts
I can c I can use prefixes to change the meaning
about studying and universitY' of words.
d I can express preferences using a variety d I can compare and contrast Photos'
of structures. e I can write stories using a variety of tenses,
I can reply to informal emails and include structures and linkers.
relevant information. I can compare different people, things and
I can talk about past events, situations and habits actions using a variety of structures, including
using a wide variety of tenses and structures. comparative and superlative adverbs.
g I can use gerunds and infinitives correctly. g I can form nouns by using suffixes'
h I can understand written and spoken texts h I can understand written and spoken texts
related to the world of work. about people with special talents.
I can negotiate and collaborate in I can give structured presentations on
conversations. different topics.
j I can write texts expressing my opinion j I can write articles giving detailed personal
on topics related to school and work. descriptions.

lZ Now decide what you need to dc to innprov*. 2 Now decide rruhat you need to ds te improve.

1 Look again at my book/notes. 1 Look again at my book/notes.

2 Do more practice exercises. 2 Do more practice exercises.
> WORKBOOK Units 1 and 2 ,ry WORKBOOK Units 3 and 4
3 Ask for help. Ask for help.
4 Other: Other:

I How well can you do tlrese things in English nsw? I can talk about possible, imaginary and
Give yourself a mark fnom 1 to 4' impossible situations and their consequences
using different types of conditional structures.
1 : I can do it verY well' I can talk about wishes for the present, past
2: I cando it quite well. and future.
3 : I have some problems. I can talk about the body and health using a
4 : I can't do i! range of vocabulary and idioms.
a I can talk about obligation, prohibition and I can collaborate with a partner using different
advice in the present and Past. expressions to agree, disagree and make choices.
b I can make speculations and deductions about I can express opinions, contrasts and
the present, past and future consequences in for-and-against essays'
c I can understand written and spoken texts on
topics related to moneY. Now decide what you need to do ta inrpneive"
d I can make present and past speculations 1 Look again at my book/notes.
about photos. 2 Do more practice exercises.
I can write a formal letter/email of complaint. e" WORKBOOK Units 5 and 6
I 3 Ask for help.

4 Other:
I How well can you do these things in English I How well can you do these things in English
now? Give yourself a mark from 1 to 4. now? Give yourself a mark from 1 lo 4.
1 = I can do it very well. 1 = | can do it very well.
2 = | can do it quite well. 2 = | can do it quite well.
3 : I have some problems. 3 : I have some problems.
4 : I can't do it. 4 = | can't do it.
I can report what other people have said
I can describe or give extra information about
or asked using different reporting verbs people, things or places using defining or
and structures.
I can talk about music, film and media
u non-defining relative clauses. i-r
I can talk about everyday technology using
habits. a wide variety of words, expressions and
join words to make compound
I can phrasal verbs.
nouns and adjectives.
n c I can understand written and spoken texts
I can present solid arguments in
il d
about pros and cons of everyday technology.
I can clarify and check understanding when
I can write reviews using a wide variety
of adjectives.
il e
discussing topics.
I can write reports using determiners and
I can use different passive structures to
tblk about processes and procedures and f
to say what people say, know or believe.
I can understand written and spoken
I can talk about the future in the past using a
variety of tenses and expressions.
I can use indirect questions to be polite.
texts about natural disasters.
I can use a variety of verbs with the
u h I can understand written and spoken

a ppropriate preposition.
n i
news stories.
I can present and respond
to opposing views
I can use different words and expressions
to talk about statistics.
n j
when giving oral presentations.
I can use a variety of linkers in
I can write structured magazine articles.
opinion essays.
u Now decide what you need to do to improve.
Now decide what you need to do to improve. 1 Look again at my book/notes.

1 Look again at my book/notes.

2 Do more practice exercises.
> wbnfBooK Units 9 and 1O
2 Do more practice exercises.
> WORKBOOK Units 7 and 8
3 Ask for help.

3 Ask for help.

4 Other:

4 Other:
E){AF{PIE AuEsTlBll Write an email to a friend. Tell
them some recent news,
talk about your plans and ask them for some advice.

Begin with
introductory phrases
like lhanks for your
HiSandra, last letter, lt was
Thanks for your last email. it's taken me a while to reply but,
great to hear from
I was illall last week with flu. Luckily, I'm feeling better now. you, Sorry lhaven't
written for a long
My big piece of news is that I'm going to the US at the end of
time or l'm writing to
our school is doing an exchange programme, so we're going to a nigd
school in Michigan for three weeks and then, at Easter, the American
tell you about ...
I'm really looking fonrvard to

when we go, we're staying in chicago for two or three days. you've
been to Chicago, haven't you? Can you give me some tips about
where to go and what to see? Ask questions like
How are you? How
Anyway, what about you? What are your plans for August? Are you
going to work in that supermarket, like last year? are things? Are
you doing exams/
Oh, and don't forget to tell me about Chicagol on holiday at the
moment? What
about you?

End with phrases

like Write back
soon, Thatb all for
now, Allthe best
Bye for now, Best

Suggested paragraph plan:

Paragraph 1: Introductory phrases and salutations.
Paragraph 2: saying why you are writing the email. Giving news.
Paragraph 3: Any additional information. euestions, etc.
Paragraph 4: Concluding phrases.
p27 (Unit 2) and p105 {Unit B}
€H'4MPIE Gilg$T'*# 'Teenage years are the best years of your life., Do you

each different stage of life has good and bad

and solfisdifficultto say which is thl ,best, period
il lif-e Personally, I think that being a teenager is a good time
To put opinions and of life as I will explain.
ideas in order, use
The first point to make is that when you are a teenaqer
Firstly, To begin
have more time to enjoy life. Althoug
with, Secondly, Next, to study a
lot, you also have a lot of time to U" l.iif, your friends
Finally, Lastly. and To contrast ideas
you don't need to take care of basic chores like
cooking, and opinions,
shopping or doing all the housework.
use However,
Explain and justify A-nother thing to bear in mind is that, despite
your opinions with
t#-faa that Neverthe/ess, On the
life for rs can be stressful, I think it is less stressful one hand, On the
Ih,s ts because, lThis is because when you are an adult other hand, altheugh,
The reason is ..., you have more duties and responsibirities such
as paying despite, whereas.
For instance, For bills and being on top of financiat matters. Furthermore,_if
example. you are a parent, you have the responsibility of looking
your children.
To give a conclusion, To sum up, I belieuetTFET6ffiffieenager isn,t perfect
use Io sum up, ln because-teenagers
conclusion, All things 9ften rose ireep ovei thing, iik" schoor,
friends, family and the future. However, it is an exciting
considered. when you start preparing for new chailenges, experiences
and opportunities. Give your opinion
with expressions like
Personally, lthink, As
far as I'm concerned,
ln my opinion, I
with ..., lbelieve
Suggested paragraph plan:
that ...
Paragraph 1: Introduction. Generar statement on
the topic and state your
Paragraph 2: First and most important reason for your
Paragraph 3: one or two other reasons for your
opinion oR other people!
arguments against your opinion and why you don,t
agree with them.
Paragraph 4: summary and concrusion. Restate your
ElAli?UUBt$l}Olt You have decided to enter a short story competition in an
international magazine. The story must begin with the following words:
It was not going to be easy, but I knew I had to do it.
Your story must include:
r a difficult or scary situation
r a happy ending

It was not going to be easy, but I knew I had to do it. I had
never liked heights, but here I was, standing on a platform in
the middle of a forest, looking down at the ground 20 metres Say when things

below. How had I got myself into this situation? happened, use:
Explain the sequence
Last weekend, Two
of events, use At My little brother had been bored. That's hoW-t!
weeks ago, On
first, First of all, started. Two weeks ago)lei I were in the middle of our
Friday, On Saturday
Next, Then, After summer holidays and we were both getting tired of watching
that, Later, Suddenly, TV and playing computer games all day long.
Finally, ln the end. At fi 'd been enjoying doing nothing, but after a while
got tired of it, and so we started to look for something
different to do. That was when we saw an advert for a place
called Gorilla EIK lt was an amazing adventure centre where
you .orid climb up trees and do a series of cool activities
getting past obstacles. There were two courses, one easy
and the other 20 metres high. Being afraid of heights, I
reed to take Neil as long as he let me do the easy course.
HoweGlhaving got there, we discovered Neil was too
young to do the big course on his own. Someone had to
accompany him, and, of course, that someone was me. That Use adjectives and
was why I was now in the middle of the course, a adverbs to make
the story more
But the monitor told me that there was no other way down.
Finally, l'held onto the rope with all my strength, I closed
my eyes and jumped off the platform. The next thing I
remember were strong arms pulling me safely onto the next
platform. l'd done it! But I promised myself that I would
never get into that situation again.

Useful grammar: Narrative tenses Past perfect continuous. We 8 Participle clauses. These describe
and participle clauses use it for the background two actions happening at the
1 Past simple. We use it to tell of a story, particularly when same time, or in sequence.
the main events and actions in the duration of an activity is Suggested paragraph plan:
the story. important. First paragraph: Explain where and
2 Past continuous. We use it to used to. We use it to talk about when the story began. Introduce the
describe scenes, to say what past habits. characters.
activity was in progress when m ust/ m ay/ mi ght/ ca n't have. We fUiaab paragraphs: Explain the
another interrupted it. use these to make speculations main events in the story, and the
3 Past perfect. We use it for the or deductions about what background to these events.
background of the story, to talk happened. Final paragraph: Explain how
about actions that happened was going to, was doing, would. the story ended and what the
before other actions in the We use these to talk about future consequences were.
past. activities in the past.
p53 (Unit 4) and p131 {Unit 10}
EXAtdpLt &tjflsTlsl{ You see
this announcement in an international magazine.

Articfes wanted
could you tive without television for a week?
" would living without TV change
your life? write an article telting us how
difficult iit" *orla be with no TV.
Sen9_:: y:_yr articfe todayl

You can give your

article a title. A week without TV - is it mission impossibre?
you got home yesterday after schoor,
tvhen did you switch
the TV on, or was it already ont Oid you
have diin",
watching TV? Let's imagine for a second
that there was no
TV. Could you survive?

y$-?r y: 1,k: it or.not, we woutd ail probabty have to- State opinions with
television is parr of our daily lives. p"*.""f
don't have time to watch much TV. Nevertheress,
I tstrlt,fvit
phrases like As far
there are as I'm concerned
watchins each day, and they
;:f:f::s-l1T-"_'th1t j,
to,re!gr, especially"njly
when t have just arrived home
Personally, ln my
after school. lFi.oridn't watch those programmes, opinion.
r wourd
do.something else-!o help me relax, fo,'
,".a a book
Make contrasts with or listen to music. Maybe those activities"iampf"wourd be better for
phrases like However, me than watching W.
Neyerthe/ess, Howeve4 w is not just about reraxing. At
dinnertime in my
Although, Despite, house we often watch the news. rf I h;d
to rive *i,nor, w for
Whereas, On the a week, l'm sure I wourd know less about
what is happening
other hand. ry country and in the worrd. Terevision is a winJow that
allows us to see what is going on anywhere
Add arguments with
at any time. phrases like Whatb
Conclude with Alf in all, I am sure that r courd rive without
phrases like /n
w foia week, more, Furthermore,
but some of the conseguences of this wourd
be positive Moreover, ln
conclusion, To sum sgme negative. What,s'no,..ffi
3nd addition, Not only ...
up, All in all. it would be much more difficutt today to
rive *itnort . but also.
computer and the fnternet than to live without

Suggested paragraph pfan:

Paragraph 1: lntroduction saying what your
articre is about.
Paragraph 2: Main point.
Paragraph 3: Additionat points.
Paragraph 4: conclusion restate the most
- important points and your opinion(s).
IX*HFLi Aiji3Tilil You ordered a DVD from an online store, but there were problems
with your order. write a letter to complain and demand a solution.

Write Dear Mr
(Smith) (for a man),
Dear Sir or Madam,
Dear Mrs (Smith)
I am writing to complain about a DVD that I ordered from
(for a married
your online shop two months ago (order number 844XCO1).
woman), or Dear Ms
When I ordered the DVD, your store guaranteed that you (Smith) (when we
would send the DVD within three days. This was a key factor make no distinction
in deciding to purchase the DVD from your store since other if a woman is
stores made it clear that the DVD would take two to three married or not).
weeks to dispatch. When you do not
Use linkers. However, despite your guarantee, the DVD was not sent until know the name of
one month after making the order. when I tried to contact the person you are
you before this date in order to cancel my order, all my writing to, write
emails were ignored. Dear Sir or Madam.
To make matters worse, the DVD arrived in a terrible state.
The box was completely crushed and when I inserted the
DVD into my player, it made a highly unusual noise and
would not work.
When you know the
I am very disappointed with the treatment I hai6 received
name of the person
from your store. I demand that you send me a replacement
you are writing
copy of the DVD as soon as possible. lf this is not possible,
to, end with Yours
I expect you to refund me the full cost of the DVD
sincerely. When you
immediately. lf I do not hear from you promptly, I shall take
don't know the name
my complain sumer Advice Centre.
of the person you are Use formal
Yours faithfully,
writing to, end with expressions.
Yours faithfully. Joanne Howe

Useful expressions in letters of Useful linkers: Suggested paragraph plan:

complaint: Consequence: Iherefore, and so, As First paragraph: Explain why you
I am writing to complain about ... a resu/t are writing.
I demand (a refund/replacement/ Time and sequence: Firstly, Next, Middle paragraphs: Give details of
apology) Then, ln the end the complaint. Say where and when
lf I do not hear from you (in the next Contrast: but, although, Howeven the problem began.
two weeks), lwill take my complaint Neverthe/ess Final paragraph: Demand a
to a Consumer Advice Centre. Reason: because, as, since solution. Say what action you will
I believe (instead of I think) Addition: ln addition, What is more, take if there is no solution.
lwould be very grateful(instead of Furthermore
l'd like)
I look forward to receiving your reply.
I look forvvard to hearing from you.

TXAMPLE 0llE$T|0fi 'The best way to learn a language is to go and live in a country

where they speak it.'Write arguments for and against this statement.

Use linkers of
Nowadays, more and more people are learning langua
consequence such
perhaps as a result cornmunication
For-and-against as lherefore, and
and business. The problem is that there are different ways to
essays are normally so, As a result.
learn a language, and not everybody agrees on the best way.
formal. Do not use
On one hand, by going to live in a new country and speaking
the fanguage 24 hours a day every day, you can learn the
real language and you can learn it very fast and intensively.
Make contrasts with
to somebody, watch TV, or even just
phrases like On the
one hand ..., On the
and expressions and you can become more fluent.
other hand ..., ln Add arguments
On the other hand, if you are a shy person you might find
contrast, .However, with phrases like
it very difficult to speak to people at first. What is more,j
But, Although, Fufthermore, What
you have a very low level of language when you arrive, euei
Despite/ln spite of is more, ln addition,
basic communication is difficult and you may find that you
(+ noun/gerund/
understand so little that you make very slow progress. Not only ... but
the fact that ...), a/so.
Nevertheless. All in all, I think that going abroad is a great way to learn a
language, but it is certainly not the only way. In your own
country, you can learn lots by taking classes and by reading
Conclude with
and listening to the language, especially on the Internet.
phrases like ln
In my opinion, this is the best way for a beginner to learn. Give your own
conclusion, To sum
At a later date ybu can travel io tEe counuy to your opinion with
up, All in all.
knowledge of the language. phrases like
Personally, I think
..., As far as I'm

Useful vocabulary: Suggested paragraph plan:

advantage, di sadvantage Paragraph 1: State the topic of the composition using general statements.
Useful linkers: Paragraph 2: Make points for (or against).
lntroducing and sequencing Paragraph 3: Make points against (or for).
arguments: Firstly, Secondly, Finally Paragraph 4: Conclusion - restate the most inrportant arguments and give
Reason: because, as, since your own opinion.
*XA+4PLF fi#l$Tl*Fi You recently saw this notice in an international magazine.
t '. '"'_ __ _-' -

Reviews needed!
We'd like you to send us a review of the latest book that you've read. ln your review,
tell us what happens in the book, your opinion of it, and who you would recommend
il to.

Write your review.

Across the Nrghtingale Floor is the title of the latest book

Use modifying that l've read. lt is written by an Australian author called Lian
adverbs to make Hearn. lt's a gripping historical novel set in Japan, but there
adjectives stronger are also elements of fantasy and romance in the sto
or softer in order to The plot of the story is fascinatin use you're never
give more accurate really sure what is going to happen next. The main character
descriptions. For is a teenage boy called Tomasu, who lives in a quiet farming
example, use village with his mother and stepfather. One night there
very, extremely is a terrible attack on the village and everybody is killed,
and really to make except Tomasu. An important nobleman called Lord Otori
'normal' adjectives im and takes him to his palace. He gives him a new Explain and justify
(e.9. good, bad) name, Takeo, and a new li6]Iffi ely good your opinions
stronger. Use tota//y, scene where we find that Takeo has amazing skills such as with phrases like
absolutely, really invisibility and the ability to be in two places at the same Ihis is because,
and completely time. The plot takes another intriguing turn when Takeo falls For example, For
to make'extreme' in love with a kind girl called Kaede. instance, That is
adjectives (e.9. why -..
In my opinion, this book is very thought-provoking because
fantastic, avvfuf)
it makes you wonder about different themes like loyalty,
stronger. Use guite
revenge and the fight between good and evil. Lian Hearn is Explain what you
and ratherto make
very perceptive when she describes her characters, making like/dislike with
'normal'adjectives a
them imperfect and therefore real. Among the things that I phrases like The
little softer.
liked the most were the vivid descriptions. They really helped best/worst part, The
me to feel what it was like to live in Japan in this period. ... was amazing/
All things considered, if you're a fan of stories that terrible, What I like
combine fast-moving action, inspiring characters and lively most about ...
descriptions, you'll love this book the great news is that
there are more books in the series!

Make a recommendation with

phrases like / would/wouldn't
recommend you to see/buy/
play this because ...

Useful expressions: Useful vocabulary: Suggested paragraph plan:

To give your opinions: Personally, I amazing " amusing . appealing Paragraph 1: Basic information
think, As far as I'm concerned, ln my awful . brilliant * clever . clich6d about what you are reviewing.
opinion, I agree/disagree with ... convincing * credible * deep Paragraph 2: More detailed
To give a conclusion: To sum up, ln fascinating u fast-moving . gripping information.
conclusion hilarious " incredible * inspiring Paraglaph 3: Your opinion and
intricate * intriguing . lively justification(s) for it.
moving " mysterious " perceptive
Paragraph 4: Your recommendation.
predictable . realistic . relaxing
scary .
sensitive u spectacular
stunning' stuPid . terrible
thought-provoking " thrilling
unconvincing . uninspiring . vivid
HlFlPtE0U[$TISH The local council wants to know what teenagers
think about sports and
recreational facilities for teenagers where you live. You have been asked to write a repoft
I what the present facilities are
t your opinion of them
r your recommendations about how they can be improved
Write your repoft.

Report on sports and recreational facilities for

Separate the report teenagers in this area
into sections and Introduction
give each one a The aim of this report is to explain what sports and recreational
suitable heading. facilities exist at the moment in our area and to outline our
opinion of them and our recommendations for the future.
Style: Reports are Current facilities
formal when you At the moment, the main centre for sports activities
write them for an is the
sports pavilion in Franklin Park. Localteams are based in this
organisation or
pavilion, and there are courses in different indoor sports such
people that you do
as badminton and volleyball. For outdoor sports, the only
not know personally.
local facility is the park itself, but there are no organised iportt
activities there.
Explain and justify
Our opinion of the current facilities your opinion with
The sports pavilion in Franklin Park is now in poor condition. phrases like lhis
To give a
It was built in 1960 and has had no work done to it since that is because, For
conclusion, use
date. Moreove4 there are very few places_on the cou example, Due to the
To sum up, ln
are given there, probably due to the fact are so few fact, For instance.
conclusion, All in all.
instructors employed. The park has no special areas prepared
for sports, apart from one football pitch.
Make Recommendations To give your
recommendations opinion, use
In conclusion, we believEThat the sports pavilion in Franklin
with phrases like I Personally, lthink,
Park could be greatly improved if the floor was?epaired and if
recommend that X As far as l'm
to give lessons in sports such
should ..., lwould/ concerned, ln my
as gymnastics, judo and taeffiiitl-olvtG suggest that the pa*
wouldn't ...,lt opinion, lbelieve,
itself needs special tracks and other areas prepared for training
would be a good I agree/disagree
in different athletics events for both boys and.girls. These
idea (for X) to (+ with ...
changes are needed urgently since in the area where we live
infinitive), I suggest
there are no alternative activities on offer for teenagers.
that X should ...

Check for mistakes with:
r punctuation 'i
I capital letters
I word order
Suggested paragraph plan:
I spelling
Paragraph 1: Introduction stating
I tenses
the aim of the report.
Paragraph 2: Main point.
Check for and take away: I missing words
Paragraph 3: Additional points.
r u.nnecessary repetition of r agreement between the
words or ideas in the text subject and verlc (e.g. tr
Paragraph 4: Conclusion restating
your opinion(s) and making a
t irrelevant information ge. He goes)
recommendation if asked for. I confusing examples or r sUle
details I content
ffixencise "l'1, p3t Hxerclse &b, p66
Student B:
1 Look at the different things that people sometimes
have to do in a job. Talk to each other about what Compare the photos and say why you think people like
you think the advantages and disadvantages are receiving these different things.
of each.
2 Then you have a minute to talk about the things
that would be important for you when choosing
a iob.


What are the advantages

and disadvantages of
these factors in a job?

Hxercises 5a*c, p40
Student B:

Compare the photos and say why people travel in

these different ways.
Academic task, p49
Tick (/) the cofou red box next to the statements that are true for you.
I find it easy to remember telephone numbers.
I play a sport or dance.

I often see clear images when I close my eyes.

I really enjoy reading.
I enjoy individual sports best.
Singing makes me feel h.ppy.
I find graphs, charts and diagrams easy to understand.
I find it easy to make up stories.

I have always been physically well co-ordinated.

I keep a diary.
I prefer team sports.
I like to think through problems carefully.
I can play a musical instrument.
My friends always come to me for emotional support.
I find mental arithmetic (sums in my head) easy.

I can tell easily whether someone likes or dislikes me.

I often have a song or piece of music in my head.
I love adrenaline sports and scary rides.
I find it easy to remember poems or song lyrics.
When I am concentrating ltend to doodle.
I am happy spending time alone.

Total score:
Intelligence type:
Lount the number ot ticks in each column (1-7). The columns with the highest
total score show your strongest types of
intelligence. Turn to page 4g to find out which these are. Do you agree?

GATEWAYTO IIFE SKITTS r work out at the university gym (€0)

Life task, p63 r climb at a local club (€30)
samara is 18 years old. she is about to start university. r go to drama and dance classes (€25)
she will receive €150 a month from her parents and €575
3 Decide what else samara wourd spend her money on
as part of a grant. she needs to spend her money to live
each month. Unless she lives with her parents, she will
comfortably and be happy, too. Choose her expenses from
have to pay for food and bills.
the different sections below.
I utility bills (water/electricity/gas) (€30)
1 Select one of the following to decide where samara is I food, drink and housekeeping (€130)
going to live.
r I books and stationery (€50)
with her parents, paying a small amount to tnem
each month for food and accommodation (€120)
r computer games (€20)
r share a house with three of her.friends (€350) r mobile phone (€25)
r share a flat with her best friend (€400) r clothes (€30)
I live on her own in a rented room (€3BO) I music (€25)
I live in self-catering student accommodation (€320) I laundry (€20)
2 select the different things that you think samara would
I toiletries (€15)
like to do in her leisure time during one month. r hair (€30)
r go clubbing with her friends (€120) I transport and travel (€40)
I go to the cinema (€50) I personal insurance (€4)
r savings account (€20)
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