Giao An Tieng Anh 6 I Learn Smart World Hoc Ki 2

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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí



Week: Date of teaching:........................................................................................................

Period: 51


Lesson 1 (p. 46)

I. Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

a. Language knowledge and skills

 Vocabulary: gain vocabulary items about community services (police station, library,
hospital, train station, post office, bus station).
 Structure: use the present simple tense in the structures
 Where is the …………….?
 The …………………. is on/ opposite/ near/next to …………………………

 talk about public services and use prepositions of place

 ask and give directions to the places

b. Core competencies and personal qualities

 Raise motivations and interests in learning English as a foreign language
 Develop communicative and team-working skills through learning activities
 Illustrate problem-solving and critical-thinking skills through learning activities
 Establish responsive and independent characteristics to be a long-life learner

II. Teaching aids:

- Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, ISB software,
projector/interactive whiteboard/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student’s books, notebook, workbook.
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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

III. Procedures:

Time Steps/Activities Organization


Option 1: Role play: “Where is the post office?”  Teacher –

whole class
- Play audio (The “Where is the post office?”) to brainstorm the
theme of the lesson.
- Teacher and students say along and greet.

5’  Students in
Option 2: What is in the picture? groups

- Divide the class into two groups, A & B.

- Teacher shows the chain of pictures of places. After watching,
groups receive flashcards of the places they have just seen, and
pick out what they saw.  Whole class
- The winner is the group that has more correct pictures.

New lesson

 Teacher –
whole class/
- Teacher shows pictures of places again to lead in the new
- Ask students if they have ever been to any of them.

A-Teach new words. (10’)

- Use real things and pictures to introduce the new words:

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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

New words:
1. train station (n)
2. library (n)
3. hospital (n)
4. post office (n)
5. bus station (n)
6. police station (n)

 Teacher/
Whole class/
- Have students listen and repeat each new word. (chorally –
- Correct student’s pronunciation if necessary.

Activity 1. (Checking new word)

- Teacher lets students look at the pictures, and fill in the

blanks with words given. (exercise a/p. 46)
- Listen again to check the answers.


1. Train station
2. Library
3. Hospital
4. Police station
 Teacher –
5. Post office
whole class/
6. Bus station

Activity 2: Watching a video clip, name the places

- Teacher shows a video clip she made at her town (in Ho Chi
Minh city)

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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

- Have students watch the video, pause sometimes for students to

name the places. (Train station, library, hospital, post office,
bus station, police station).
- Teacher checks, corrects and gives feedback.

Activity 3 (optional): Speaking

- Teacher makes example sentences with new words.

- Ask students to work in pairs; and talk about public services
 Teacher –
near their house, using new words (exercise b/p. 46)
whole class/
- Some pairs present in front of the class.
- Teacher checks and corrects.


- There’s a hospital near my house.

- My mother woks in a hospital.

B-Listening. (10’)

- Teacher shows the picture of the task, asks students some

questions about it. (exercise a/p. 46)
Suggested Q&A:
- Where is the post office? – It’s on Market Street.
- Is there a train station near here? –Yes.
- Where is the bus station? – It’s near the hotel.
- Is the bus stop far? – No.

- Teacher has students work in pairs, read the sentences, guess the
answers (exercise b/p. 46)
- Listen and check their guessing (listen the 1st time)

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- Listen again to check their answers.

- Teacher checks and corrects.


1. post office
2. train station
3. bus station
4. library

- Teacher shows the dialogue, students listen and repeat.


Option 1: substitution  Teacher –

whole class/
- Teacher gives out the open conversation to groups, students
practice filling in the gaps, using suggested words.
- Have students practice role playing the dialogue.
- Some pairs present in front of the class. (close pairs, open pairs)


5’ 1. transport station (a bus station, a train station)

2. library (a librarian)
3. hospital (a doctor, a nurse)

 Teacher –
Students in
Option 2: Speaking.
- Teacher asks some students about public services in their town
(hand-out, an open dialogue, students answer by themselves).
- Students work in pairs, ask and answer as modeling.

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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

- Some pairs present in front of the class.


A. Do you know the National library?

B. …………………………………………
A. Where do I get the bus?
B. ……………………………………….
A. Is it near?
B. ………………………………………
A. How long does it take?
B. ……………………………………………
A. What kind of book do you like best?
B. …………………………………………………

Option 3: song “Where is the bus stop?”

- The whole class sings the song together.


Write four sentences about your house.

Week: Date of teaching:........................................................................................................

Period: 52


Lesson 1 – Grammar (p. 47)

I. Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to use definite and indefinite articles &
prepositions of place.
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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

II. Teaching aids:

- Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, ISB software,
projector/interactive whiteboard/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student’s books, notebook, workbook.

III. Language focus:

- Vocabulary: near, next to, between, opposite.

- Structure :

IV. Procedures:

Time Steps/Activities Organization


Option 1: Song: “Where is the bus stop?”  Teacher –

whole class
Play the music, the whole class sings and dances together to
brainstorm the theme of the lesson.
Option 2: Interviewing

- Some students talk about their public services (homework).  Whole class
- Teacher follows, checks and gives feedback.

New lesson

A-Grammar. (10’)  Teacher –

whole class/
- Teacher shows types of public services, asks students some
25’ individuals/
questions about them. (use Yes – No questions)
- Teacher shows example sentences and elicits the way to use
prepositions of place
Formation Examples

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The ball is next to the box.  Teacher/

next to Whole class/
They cat is between two
between boxes.

The tree is opposite the

opposite cube.

- Teacher gives some sentences, students change prepositions.

- Correct student’s answers if necessary.

B-Practice. Fill in with correct words(6’)  Teacher –

whole class/
- Teacher explains the way to do task b/p. 47
- Some volunteer students show the answers on the board.
- Teacher checks and corrects.


1. a
2. the
3. opposite
4. a
5. the
6. between
 Teacher –
C-Practice. Complete the sentences (10’)
whole class/
- Teacher shows the map, sets the scene of the dialogue. Have individual
students practice filling the dialogue (pairs)
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- Have a pairs present in front of the class.

- Teacher asks a student to use given clues to complete the
Suggested answer:
1. the library
2. the movie theater
3. It
4. the train station
5. the bus station
6. the hospital

- Teacher checks and corrects the answers.

- Student practice reading the dialogue in pairs.


Option 1: Interviewing  Teacher –

whole class/
- Have students use the same format to ask and answer about
prepositions of place.
- Some pairs present in front of the class.


1. Yes / No
2. Yes / No
3. Yes / No
4. Yes / No
5. Yes / No
6. Yes / No

Option 2:

- Teacher shows some pictures of maps, one team chooses a

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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

map to describe, and the others find the correct one.

- The team has more correct answers wins the game
 Teacher –
Option 3: Students in

- Teacher shows some pictures of maps, one team chooses a

map to describe, the others find the correct one.
- Five students attend the game.
- A host student chooses a picture of a map, other students
ask Yes / No questions to find out the place. The person
finally finds out the map wins the game.


Make a table of things that your public services have.

librar super movie hospit post train bus

y mark theate al office station station
et r

Week: Date of teaching:........................................................................................................

Period: 53


Lesson 1 (p. 48)

I. Objectives:
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By the end of this lesson, students will be able to focus how to the /st/ sound of the words.

II. Teaching aids:

- Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, ISB software,
projector/interactive whiteboard/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student’s books, notebook, workbook.

III. Language focus:

- Vocabulary:
- Structure: focus on the /st/ sound


Time Steps/Activities Organization


Option 1: Song: “ST Consonant Blend Sound”  Teacher –

whole class
- Play audio (The “ST Consonant Blend Sound” song) to
brainstorm the theme of the lesson.
- Teacher and students sing along and greet together.
 Students in
5’ Option 2: Is there a bus stop near your house? – Yes / No

- Some students show the table of their homework, share

 Students in
something about it.
- Other students may ask for more questions if they want.
- Teacher follows and gives feedback, then leads to the new

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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

New lesson

A-Pronunciation. (10’)  Teacher –

whole class/
- Teacher shows example sentences to class (the /st/ sound)
speaks louder for student to recognize this sound.
pair work
- Teacher explains the rules, gives more examples to make it

Ex: - Twinkle, twinkle little star.

- A wasp can sting.

- He broke a string in his racket.

- Dad reads me a story.

- Have students listen and underlined letters (exercise b/p.  Teacher/

48) Whole class/
- Have them listen & repeat. groupwork
- Have students listen and repeat. (exercise c/p. 48)

Further practice:

- Teacher gives some sentences for student to practice

 Teacher –
- Some students read loudly
whole class/
B-Practice the conversation.(10’)

Activity 1: Swap roles and repeat.

- Use real things and pictures to review the words: (post office,
hospital, police station, bus station,…………………)
- Teacher asks some students as model.
- Have students practice in pairs.

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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

A: Excuse me, is there a bus station near here?

B: Yes, the bus station is on Market Street.


 Teacher –
whole class/

- Some pairs present in front of the class

- Correct student’s pronunciation.

Activity 2: discussion

- Have students practice A&B about their public services, use

Yes/ No questions. (exercise b/ p. 48)
- Have students work in pairs, share their ideas.
- Some students present in front of the class.
- Teacher checks, corrects or gives feedback.


Option 1: Pass the ball  Teacher –

5’ whole class/
- Give a student a ball, play music and ask them to pass the bag to
the student next to him/her and so on with the next student.
- Stop the music suddenly.

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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

- Students stop passing. The student with a ball will make a

sentence that describes their public services or the prepositions
of place.
- Play the music again and continue this game in the same way.

Option 2: Speaking. (Chain game)

 Teacher –
- One student makes a sentence of directions to the places Students in
- Another student says the sentence again (change the groups
prepositions) together with a sentence about public services.
- The third does the same way (say the 2 sentences above again,
add one more)
- Student who can’t make the chain loses the game.
- The winner will get 1 point for him/her.

Option 3: watch “The prepositions of place”, list the all

prepositions in one song


Make your own blog; write about the housework at your house.

Week: Date of teaching:........................................................................................................

Period: 54


Lesson 2 (p. 49)

I. Objectives:

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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to talk about saving the environment.

II. Teaching aids:

- Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, IWB software,
projector/interactive whiteboard/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student’s books, notebook, workbook.

III. Language focus:

- Vocabulary: can, plastic bag, trash, plastic bottle, glass jar.

- Structure: Imperative sentences (positive and negative form)
(+) V (inf.) + O.
V (inf.) + prep.
(-) Don’t + V (inf.) + O.


Time Steps/Activities Organization


Song: “Planet Earth”

- Play audio (The “Planet Earth” song) to review the song’s  Teacher –
theme whole class
- Teacher and students sing along and greet together.

5’  Students in
Option 1: What things can be reused? groups

- Divide the class into two groups, A & B.

- One group has pictures of things, one group has words.
- Group A shows a picture, group B shows equivalent word, and
- The winner is the group which has more correct answers.
 Whole class

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Option 2: Sticking

- Teacher shows a picture of types of reuse.

- Display the flashcards of letters on the board.
- Some students volunteer to stick a word that matches with the
- One plus mark for every student having a correct answer.

New lesson

 Teacher –
whole class/
- Teacher shows a picture to introduce new lesson.
- Ask students if they often save the environment.
A-Teach new words. (10’)

- Use real things and pictures to introduce the new words:

New words:
1. can
2. plastic bag
3. trash
4. plastic bottle
5. glass jar

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- Have students listen and repeat each new word. (chorally –

- Correct student’s pronunciation if necessary.

 Teacher/
Activity 1. (Checking new word) Whole class/
- Teacher lets students fill in the blanks. (exercise a/p. 49)
- Listen again to check the answers.
Suggested answer:
1. Trash
2. Plastic bottle
3. Can
4. Glass jar
5. Plastic bag
- Teacher checks and corrects the answers.

Activity 2: Discussion

- Have students practice A&A if they save the environment.

 Teacher –
- Have students work in pairs, share their ideas.
whole class/
Suggested answer:
1- C
2- D
3- B
4- A
- Teacher checks and corrects the answers.

Activity 3: Speaking. (Chain game)

- One student makes a sentence to reuse things.

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- Another student says the sentence again (change the words)

together with a sentence about how to save the environment.
 Teacher –
- The third does the same way (say the 2 sentences above again,
whole class/
add one more)
- Student who can’t make the chain loses the game.
- The winner will get 1 point for him/her.

Activity 4– Reading:

Guessing game

- Teacher shows a picture of Sally May.

- Ask students to guess if Sally saves the environment.
 Teacher –
- The students give their guessing.
whole class/
- Students read through the blog, check the guessing.


- Have students read through the blog, check about saving the
environment they see in the blog.

Write the correct answer.

- Have students work in groups, read the blog, and then write the
correct answers.
- Students show their answers on the board.
- Teacher checks, corrects or gives feedback.


1. True

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2. True
3. False
4. True

B-Grammar. (10’)

- Teacher asks students to list Sally’s tips

Suggested answer:
- We should do to protect the Earth.
- ………………………………………………………….
- Teacher underlines the verbs, introduces and elicits the ways to  Teacher –

use imperatives. whole class/

- Students follows teacher, answer teacher’s questions pairs

Ex: You should not litter anywhere.

→Don’t litter anywhere.

We should tidy your room every day.

→ Tidy your room every day.


Option 1: Change game  Teacher –

whole class/
- A student makes a sentence about saving the environment.
- The next student says that sentence again (change the verb),
then adds a sentence about him / her.
5’ - The third student does the same as the previous one.
- Student who can’t make the chain loses the game.

Option 2: Speaking.

- Students work in groups.

- Teacher gives out hand-out to groups, students list the  Teacher –
protection environment. Students in

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- Some students share their ideas to the class. groups

- The winner will get 1 point for him/her.


Make your own blog; write about saving the environment.

Week: Date of teaching:........................................................................................................

Period: 55


Lesson 2 – Grammar (p. 50)

I. Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to use imperatives to give instructions, orders,
or advice.

II. Teaching aids:

- Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, IWB software,
projector/interactive whiteboard/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student’s books, notebook, workbook.

III. Language focus:

- Vocabulary: review words of community services

- Structure: imperative sentences


Time Steps/Activities Organization

Option 1: Blog sharing  Teacher –

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- Some volunteer students share their blog to the class. whole class
- Teacher and other students follow, make questions if necessary.
- Teacher gives feedback and gives mark.

 Students in
Option 2: Re-matching

- Teacher shows a picture of types of reused together with the

wrong words, and students have to rematch.
- Display the flashcards of letters on the board.
- Some students volunteer to stick a word that matches with the
- One plus mark for every student having a correct answer.  Whole class
- Teacher gives feedback, then leads to the new lesson.

New lesson

- Ask students if they often do to recycle things at home.  Teacher –

whole class/
A-Grammar. (10’) pairwork

Activity 1: Listen & repeat (exercise a/ p. 50)

- Teacher asks students to list recycling that he / she does every


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Suggested answer:
- She should reuse old cans to grow trees in.
- He shouldn’t throw away old bottles.

- Teacher underlines the verbs, introduces and elicits the ways to

use imperative sentences.

- Students follow and answer teacher’s questions

- Teacher gives some more examples for students to change into
imperatives (positive and negative form)

Ex: You should recycle cans.

→ Recycle cans.

We should not litter on the beach.

 Teacher/
→ Don’t litter on the beach.
Whole class/

Activity 2: fill in the blanks with positive or negative

imperative statements. (exercise b/ p. 50)

- Have students work in pairs; use the verbs given to fill in the
blanks in the imperatives.
- Teacher asks some pairs to show their answers.
1. Don’t use
2. Reuse
3. Recycle
4. Pick up
5. Reuse
6. Don’t throw away

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- Ask some students to check the answers.

- Teacher checks again and gives feedback.
 Teacher –
whole class/
Activity 3: Rewrite the imperative sentences. (exercise c/ p. 50) pairs

- Have students work in pairs, practice writing the whole

sentences using the positive or negative imperative.
- Some students who finish quickly go to the board to write
the answers.
- Teacher checks and gives feedback.


1. Recycle plastic bags and jars.

2. Don’t throw away glass jars and old newspapers.
3. Pick up trash in the park.
4. Recycle plastic bottles and old magazines.
 Teacher –
5. Reuse plastic bottles in your garden.
whole class/
6. Don’t throw away old clothes.
Suggested option

- The answer may be put in the game “Who’s quicker?

- Two students each turn put one hand on the shoulder, after
teacher shows the picture, student who has a faster clap
makes the sentence.


Option 1: Speaking.  Teacher –

5’ whole class/
- Students work in groups. Use the same format of the letter in
exercise d/ p. 50 to talk about the imperatives in the home.
- Some students share the story to the class.

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- The winner will get 1 point for him / her.  Teacher –

Students in
Option 2: watch an animation, list the types of recycle appear


Make your own blog; write about the environmental protection at

your home.

Week: Date of teaching:........................................................................................................

Period: 56


Lesson 2 – Pronunciation (p. 51)

I. Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to have chance to practice on “I” sound

II. Teaching aids:

- Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, ISB software,
projector/interactive whiteboard/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student’s books, notebook, workbook.

III. Language focus:

- Vocabulary: review words of community services.

- Structure : prononciation of /I/ sound.


Time Steps/Activities Organization

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Option 1: Singing  Teacher –

whole class
- Play the video (The “Planet Earth” song) to brainstorm the
- Teacher and students sing along and greet together.

Option 2: What do you see?
 Students in
- Teacher shows some pictures, then asks students to guess what
they see in it. (litter / fill / use / kill /…..), pay attention to the /I/
- Have students read loudly, then lead to new lesson.

New lesson

A-Pronunciation. (10’)  Teacher –

whole class/
- Teacher shows examples to class, speaks louder for
students to recognize the difference.
- Teacher explains the rules, gives more examples to make it

25’ - Have students listen and repeat, focus on the underlined

letters (exercise b/p. 51)


1. …………………..

2. ………………….
 Teacher/
- Some students say again.
Whole class/
- Have students listen and repeat the words with different

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sound (exercise c/p. 51) groupwork

- Students practice reading the words in pairs, they read and
correct the pronunciation. Ask teacher for help if


1. ……………..
2. ………………

Further practice:

- Teacher gives some sentences for student to practice.

- Some students read loudly.
 Teacher –
whole class/
B-Practice –Positive/ negative imperatives.(10’) pairs

Activity 1: Saying imperative sentences.

Option 1: Ask & answer.

- Use real things and pictures to review the words: (throw away,
recycle, throw away, reuse, pick up).
- Teacher asks some students as model.
- Have students practice in pairs, answer about the positive/
negative imperatives.
- Recycle plastic bags. (√)
- Don’t litter on the street. (✗)
- Some pairs present in front of the class
- Correct student’s pronunciation & intonation if necessary.
 Teacher –
whole class/
Option 2: Discussion

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- Have students practice A&A about the environmental individuals

protection (Practice/ p. 51)
- Have students work in pairs, share their ideas.
- Some students present in front of the class.
- Teacher checks, corrects or gives feedback.


1. ……………………………………
2. …………………………………...
3. ……………………………………
4. …………………………………….
5. ……………………………………
6. …………………………………….
7. ……………………………………
8. ……………………………………


Option 1: Discussion  Teacher –

whole class/
What should we do to protect the Earth?
- Have students work in groups of four members.
- After that, the reporter will talk about the result in front of the
5’ class.
- Play the music again and continue this game in the same way.
 Teacher –
whole class/
Option 2: Speaking. pairs

- Students work in pairs, every person takes turn to talk about

how to protect the Earth.
- Choose six tips to add to your notes (exercise a/ p. 51)

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- Some students volunteer to share in front of the class.  in groups

Option 3: Speaking.

- Have students answer the question: “What should we do to

protect the Earth?”
- Some students volunteer to share their ideas (exercise b/ p.
- Plus mark is given to students who does well.


Write about how to protect the environment in your home.

Week: Date of teaching:........................................................................................................

Period: 57


Lesson 3 – SOCIAL STUDIES (p. 52)

I. Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to ask and answer about environmental charity
in Vietnam.

II. Teaching aids:

- Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, ISB software,
projector/interactive whiteboard/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student’s books, notebook, workbook.

III. Language focus:

- Vocabulary: charity, rainforest, ocean, donate, free, wildlife, World Wide Fund (WWF).

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- Structure: review Present Simple Tense.

The Past Simple Tense: « V »→ V2/ed


Time Steps/Activities Organization


Option 1: Odd one out  Teacher –

whole class
- Teacher shows four pictures of community services, students
have to find and odd out the one that does not belong to the
 Students in
5’ - Teacher and the whole class check and correct.

Option 2: What must we do to protect wildlife?

 Students in
- Teacher shows some pictures of the forest, and then asks
students to give their tips about how to protect it.
- Teacher gives feedback, then leads to new lesson.

New lesson

A-New words. (10’)  Teacher –

whole class/
Activity 1: Teaching new words.
- Teacher uses pictures to elicit the meaning of new words. pairwork
25’ - Have students listen and repeat. (chorally – individually)
- Teacher checks and corrects the pronunciation if necessary.

New words:

1. charity (n)
2. rainforest (n)
3. ocean (n)

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4. wildlife (n)
5. World Wide Fund (WWF) (n)
6. donate (v)
7. free (adj)

Checking new words:

- Teacher shows pictures, students speak the words.

Activity 2: Practice:
 Teacher/
Option 1: Circle the best answer. Whole class/
- Have students do the exercise a/p. 52 (individually)
- Some students give answers. Teacher checks and corrects.
- Have students answer the questions in exercise b/p. 52


1. a
2. a
3. b
4. b
5. a

Option 2: Discussion  Teacher –

whole class/
- Teacher shows places in Viet Nam, students look and talk
about environment charities.

B-Listening.(10’)  Teacher –
whole class/
Activity 1: Listening

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- Teacher introduces Listening part on page 52, lets students look

and describe it.
- Teacher shows the guided question.
“Listen, answer: Does the charity work in one country, or
many countries?”
Answer: Many countries
- Have students listen and answer.
- Listen again to check the answer (exercise a/p. 52)

- Activity 2: Listen and fill in the blanks.

- Have students listen and fill in the blanks. (exercise b/p. 52)
- Teacher gets the answers from students.
- Teacher checks, corrects or gives feedback.


1. 1986
2. wildlife
3. ten
4. donate


Option 1: Conversation skill  Teacher –

whole class/
- Teacher shows the conversation about social studies.
- Students work in pairs, every person takes turn to talk about
5’ asking for repetition.

- Have some students practice the conversation skill in front of the


- Teacher checks and corrects the pronunciation.

 Teacher –

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Students in
Option 2: Speaking.

- Students work in groups of four, use the same format of Sally to

talk about an environmental charity.
- Some students volunteer to share in front of the class.


Make a chart of information about the Word Wide Fund for


Week: Date of teaching:........................................................................................................

Period: 58


Lesson 3 – SOCIAL STUDIES (p. 53)

I. Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to ask and answer about an environmental
charity in Vietnam.

II. Teaching aids:

- Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, ISB software,
projector/interactive whiteboard/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student’s books, notebook, workbook.

III. Language focus:

- Vocabulary: Island, clean up, create, aim, sticker, craft, handbook, offer.
- Structure: review Present Simple Tense.
The Past Simple Tense: «V »→ V2/ed

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Time Steps/Activities Organization

Previous lesson

Option 1: Speaking  Teacher –

whole class
- Students give the information about the social activities
5’ (homework).
- Other students make question to fill more information about it.
 Students in
- Teacher and the whole class check and correct.
- Teacher gives feedback, then leads to new lesson.

New lesson

A-Reading. (10’)  Teacher –

whole class/
Activity 1: Teaching new words.
- Teacher shows a short clip of the social activities, asks pair work
students some questions.


1. Do you know the community service?

2. Where is it?
3. Have you ever been there?
4. What do you know about it?
- Teacher gets the answers, then teaches some new words.
- Have students listen and repeat. (chorally – individually)
- Teacher checks and corrects the pronunciation if necessary.

New words:

1. Island (n)

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2. cleanup (n)  Teacher/

3. create (v) Whole class/
4. aim (v) groupwork
5. offer (v)
6. sticker (n)
7. craft (n)
8. handbook (n)

Checking new words:

- Teacher shows pictures, has students say the words.

 Teacher –
Activity 2: Practice:
whole class/
Option 1: Read and circle the best headline pairs

- Have students work in groups, read the text and circle the
best headline.
- Some students give answers.
- Teacher checks and corrects.

Answer:  Teacher –
whole class/
1. An Environmental Charity in Vietnam

Option 2: Reviewing

- Teacher asks students questions to summarize about Act

Green Vietnam.
- Have students read the text and fill in the blanks. (exercise
b/p. 53)
- Teacher gets the answer from students.
- Teacher checks, corrects or gives feedback

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1. charity
2. Phú Quốc Island
3. Earth Day
4. donate  Teacher –
- Teacher leads in the next task (speaking) whole class/

B-Speaking.(10’)Help us Save the World!

Activity 1: Want to help a charity (exercise a/p. 53)

- Teacher asks students to work in pairs.

- Have Student A stay on the current page and Student B turn to  Teacher –
page 123, File 7. whole class/
- Student B asks Student A questions about Trash Hero World and
makes notes in their notebook and swap roles.

- Representative from pairs goes to share the presentation to class.

- Teacher checks and gives feedback.

Activity 2: Speaking

- Volunteer students go to talk about the charity they want to

- Teacher checks and gives feedback


C- Writing.  Teacher –
5’ whole class/
Option 1: Use the notes to write (50 to 60 words) a paragraph
about the World Wide Fund for Nature (exercise /p. 53)

- Teacher shows the table with their information. (individually)

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Option 2: Watch an animation; list the types of environmental



Review unit 6.

Write a paragraph about the World Wide Fund for Nature.

Week: Date of teaching:........................................................................................................

Period: 59


Review (p. 96)

I. Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to review about public services, saving the
environment, and environmental charities.

II. Teaching aids:

- Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, ISB software,
projector/interactive whiteboard/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student’s books, notebook, workbook.

III. Language focus:

- Vocabulary: word relate to public services, saving the environment, and environmental
- Structure: prepositions of place.

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Time Steps/Activities Organization

Previous lesson

Option 1: Speaking  Teacher –

whole class
- Teacher shows pictures, students look at pictures and give the
word that matches the pictures.
- Have the whole class repeats the words.

 Students in


Key: donate money, clean street, reuse bottles, donate books,

pick up trash, plant tree, recycle, and donate food.

Option 2: Crossword

- Teacher gives hand-out to groups. (a crossword).

- Students look and find the word that fit the boxes. (public
services)  Students in
- Teacher checks and gives feedback. class
- Have students read all the words.

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New lesson

A-Listening. (10’)  Teacher –

whole class/
Activity 1: Teaching new words.
- Let students listen to short conversations pairwork
- Have students listen and choose correct answers. (exercise /p.
- Teacher gets the answers from students.
- Teacher checks, corrects or gives feedback.


1. B
2. C
3. A
4. C
5. C
- Teacher gets the answers, then teaches some new words.
- Have students listen and repeat. (chorally – individually)
- Teacher checks and corrects the pronunciation if necessary.

Activity 2: Reporting  Teacher/

Whole class/
- Students take turn to report the conversation.


A: Have you ever done volunteer work?

B: Yes. I am a member of Be a Buddy- a program that helps
street children. Last year we provided evening classes for  Teacher –

fifty children. whole class/

A: Wonderful! What else have you done? pairs

B: We’ve asked people to donate books and clothes to the

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- Teacher checks and corrects the pronunciation if necessary.

B- Reading.(10’) Choose the correct answer(exercise /p. 96)

 Teacher –
- Teacher asks students to work in groups. Each group reads whole class/
about one place (two groups have the same paragraph). individuals

- Groups show the answers on the board. Groups cross check the

- Teacher checks and corrects.


1. A
2. B
3. C
4. A
5. B


Option 1: make a draft of community services  Teacher –

whole class/
- Teacher divides class into four groups; each group is
making plan to talk about community services (hand-out
from teacher).

Community Services

Groups 1 Clean up

Group 2 Plant trees

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Group 3 Donate old clothes

Group 4 Donate money

 Teacher –
Students in
- Students show their presentation to class.
- Teacher checks and gives feedback.

Option 2: make a draft of an environmental protection

- Each group chooses how to protect the environment; makes plan

to talk about it.

- Teacher and other students follow and give feedback.


Write a paragraph about the environment.

Week: Date of teaching:........................................................................................................

Period: 60


Review (p. 97)

I. Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to review public services, how to save the
environment, and environmental charities.

II. Teaching aids:

- Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, ISB software,
projector/interactive whiteboard/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student’s books, notebook, workbook.
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III. Language focus:

- Vocabulary: word relate to public services, saving the environment, and environmental
- Structure: review pronuciation of the /st/, /I/ sounds and prepositions of place.


Time Steps/Activities Organization

New lesson

A-Vocabulary. (10’)  Teacher –

whole class
Option 1: Crossword

- Teacher shows a crossword with guides, students take turn to

complete the crossword. (Answer: clean up, donate, aim,  Students in
recycle, offer, plastic bottle). groups
- Have the whole class repeats the words.
- Students use these words to match.


5’ 1. C
2. G
3. F
4. A
5. H
6. B
7. D
8. E

Option 2: Game: who is quicker?

- Teacher divides class into two groups, they compete each other  Students in

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by giving the answer for the sentence. class/groups

- Teacher checks and gives feedback.
- Have students read all the words.


1. Everyone should pick up trash on the beach.

2. We should reuse old plastic bags.
3. He must plant trees in the garden.
4. You donate money for poor children.
5. We should protect the environment.

B-Grammar.(10’) Circle the correct words

- Have students work in group, find and circle the correct words.
- Which group has quicker and correct answer gets plus mark.
- Teacher checks and gives feedback.

 Teacher –
1. a – the
whole class/
25’ 2. does
3. Recycle
pair work
4. can
5. The
6. Don’t
7. between
8. do
- Teacher asks student to give explanation for each answer.

C-Pronunciation. (10’) Circle the word that has the

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underlined part pronounced differently from the others  Teacher/

Whole class/
- Teacher explains how to do the task of the lesson.
- Have students work in pairs, complete the exercise
- Some pairs give the answers.
- Teacher checks and corrects.


1. D
 Teacher –
2. B
whole class/
3. B
4. D
5. B
6. C


Option 1: supply the correct verb form  Teacher –

whole class/
- Teacher gives example sentences to review present simple and
past simple tenses.
- Have students look and find the mistake, then correct it.
- My dad work in Viet Tien Company two years ago.
Answer: work → worked

- He didn’t drink coffee in the morning.

Answer: didn’t → doesn’t

- Teacher gives out some sentences for student to complete.

(supply the correct form of the verb)
- Students show their presentation to class.
- Teacher checks and gives feedback.

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Option 2: Speaking  Teacher –

Students in
- Have students watch an animation: Mr. Bean did community
Then answer the question: what did he do for community
- Students volunteer to answer the question.
- Teacher and other students follow and give feedback.


Help old people, donate money, and donate blood, clean up



Review all words and grammar notes of the lesson.

Week: Date of teaching:........................................................................................................

Period: 61


Lesson 1: page 54

I. Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

a. Language knowledge and skills

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 Vocabulary: gain vocabulary items about moivies (comedy, science fiction, horror, action,
drama, animated)
 Structure: use expressions for suggesting: What about, How about, Why don’t we, Do you
want to ….? Let’s

 make and respond to suggestions about movies and start a friendly conversation.

b. Core comepetencies and personal qualities

 Raise motivations and interests in learning English as a foreign language
 Develop communicative and team-working skills through learning activities
 Illustrate problem-solving and critical-thinking skills through learning activities
 Establish responsive and independent characteristics to be a long-life learner

II. Teaching aids:

- Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, pictures, IWB software,
projector/interactive whiteboard/TV.
- Students’ aids: student’s book, notebook.

III. Procedures:

Time Steps/Activities Organization


1. Chatting:  Teacher –
- Ask students some questions about their favorite films. whole class
- Give feedback, ask for more information if necessary.

5’ 2. Lead-in:

- Show a picture of the theme and ask the students to guess.

- Introduce the situation.

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New lesson

A.  Teacher –
whole class/
Teaching new words:
* New words:

- comedy(n)
- science fiction (n)
- horror (n)
- action (n)
- drama(n)
- animated(n)

- Use some pictures to introduce new words.  Teacher –

whole class/
- Have students listen and repeat the new words. (chorally /
30’ individually)

- Check students’ intonation and pronunciation.

- Explain the meaning of the new words.

 Teacher –
Checking the new words:Number the pictures
whole class/
- Demonstrate the activity, using the example. pairs

- Have students number the pictures.

- Divide the class into pairs and have students check their answers with
their partners.

- Check answers as a whole class.

- Play the recording with pauses for students to listen and repeat
 Teacher/
chorally andindividually. (CD2 - track 13)

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Answers: groups

A. 3
B. 6
C. 2
D. 4
E. 5
- Individual
F. 1

B. Activities:

* Activity 1 :Discuss what kinds of movies you like and dislike.

- Have students work in groups and say what kinds of movies they like
and dislike.

- Ask some students to share their ideas with the class. - Pairwork

* Activity 2: Listen to three friends talking. Note down what

kind of movie they are going to see.

- Have students look at the question.

- Play the recording with pauses for students to listen and answer the
- Give feedback and correct.

Answers:animated movie

* Activity 3: Listen and fill in the table with the movietimes.

- Demonstrate the activity.

- Play the recording with pauses for students to listen and write the

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movie times in the table.

- Allow time for students to do the task.

- Ask pairs to cross checking before teacher checks and corrects

- Check the students’ answers.



Scary Gary: 4:30 -

Tiger Toes:2:30, 7:305:00

Track 14
Lily: Hey! Do you want to see a movie this weekend?
Peter: Sure.
Lily: Why don't we watch Scary Gary?
Debra: What kind of movie is it?
Lily: It's a horror movie.
Peter: Cool! What time is it?
Lily: It's only on this Saturday, at four-thirty.
Debra: Oh, I'm busy then.
Lily: How about Tiger Toes?
Peter: What kind of movie is it?
Lily: It's an animated movie.
Peter: I love animated movies.
Debra: Me too. What time's it on?
Lily: It's on at two-thirty and seven-thirty on Saturday.
Is seven-thirty OK?
Debra: Yeah.
Peter: No, I can't make it. How about on Sunday?
Lily: There's just one showing on Sunday afternoon, at five.
Is everyone free?

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Debra: Yeah!
Peter: Let's go!
Narrator: Now, listen again and check

Conversation SkillConversation Skills

Starting a friendly conversation. Listen and repeat. Onv  Teacher –

- Ask students to focus attention on the Conversation Skill box.
- Explain that we can start a conversation with a friend way by
saying "Hey!" and then introduce the topic.
5’ - Have students listen and repeat with the recording playing.
- Work in pairs to practice the conversation skill.
- Have some groups present in front of the class.
- Correct students’ intonation and pronunciation if necessary.

Track 15
G: Hey! Do you want to...


- Note down what kind of movie you are going to see (about 50-60

Week: Date of teaching:........................................................................................................

Period: 62


Lesson 1: page 55

I. Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to use prepositions of time.
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II. Teaching aids:

- Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, pistures, videos, IWB
software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV.
- Students’ aids: student’s book, notebook, workbook.

III. Languages focus:

 Structure: Prepositions of time

IV. Procedures:

Time Steps/Activities Organization

Warm up

* Kim’s game:  Teacher –

whole class
- Have students look at the pictures of movies quickly and try to

- Divide class into 2 groups.

5’ - Put away the pictures and ask students to go to the board and write
the names of the pictures they’ve just seen from memory.

- The group having the most right English words is the winner.

- Lead in the Prepositions “ Do you want to see a movie on


“ What time is the movie ? At …. ”

Trang chủ: ht t p s : // v nd o c . c o m / | Email hỗ trợ: | Hotline: 02 4 22 4 2 61 8 8

Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

New lesson

* Activity 1: Listen and repeat

- Have students look at the pictures.  Teacher –

- Play the recording for students to listen and read the speech whole class
- Play the recording again and have students listen and repeat.
Track 16
B: Do you want to see the movie on Saturday?
G: Sure. What time is the movie?
B: It's at three p.m.
G: Great

- Explain the use of prepositions of time:

We use prepositions of time to say when things happen.

30’ * Use on with days and dates.

Ex: The movie is on Saturday.

Do you want to see a movie on March 6.

* Use at with specific times.

Ex: What time is the movie?

The movie is at 3 p.m.

* Use in with periods of time.

Ex: I watch a lot of movies in the winter.

 Teacher –
* Activity 2: Write the time words in the correct box whole class/

- Explain the task. groups

- Have students to work in groups to write the time words in the box

Trang chủ: ht t p s : // v nd o c . c o m / | Email hỗ trợ: | Hotline: 02 4 22 4 2 61 8 8

Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

with the correct preposition.

- Give feedback and correct.

 Individual
on: Saturday, Christmas Day, Tuesday night,my birthday, July
at: six-thirty, bedtime, three o'clock
in: the summer, the evening, the morning, May

* Activity 3 : Fill in the blanks

- Demonstrate the activity, using the example.

- Have students fill in the blanks.
- Monitor the activity around the class
- Have some students share their answers with the class.


1. on Saturday at 4 p.m.
2. in the evening
3. at 2 p.m.
4. on Sunday at 10 a.m.
5. in the summer
6. at 10:30 in the morning

Further Practice

Speaking : Ask and answer about what you are doing at  Teacher –
different times whole class/
- Work in pairs to take turns asking and answering about what they
are doing at different times.

- Monitor the class.

Trang chủ: ht t p s : // v nd o c . c o m / | Email hỗ trợ: | Hotline: 02 4 22 4 2 61 8 8

Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

- Ask some pairs to present the activity in front of the class.

- Write 5 sentences using prepositions of time.

Week: Date of teaching:........................................................................................................

Period: 63

Lesson 1: page 56
I. Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to present and develop public speaking skills.

II. Teaching aids:

- Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, pictures , IWB software,
projector/interactive whiteboard/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook.

III. Languages focus:

Pronunciation: the sound changes


Time Steps/Activities Organization

Warm up

* Review the previous lesson:  Teacher –

5’ whole class
- Give students some sentences and ask them to fill in the blanks
with suitable prepositions.

- Give feedback and correct.

Trang chủ: ht t p s : // v nd o c . c o m / | Email hỗ trợ: | Hotline: 02 4 22 4 2 61 8 8

Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

1. Let's meet _____ Tuesday.

2. Do you want to go there ________ the morning?

3. Let's meet at the park _______ noon.

4. I like going to the beach _______ the weekend.

5. What's on the TV __________ midnight.

6. The anniversary is __________ May 10th
7. _________ the winter, it usually snows.

8. I have English ______ 3:00 PM.

- Briefly explain the pronunciation feature.

Sound Changes : "…at…" often sounds like /ət/ (but not at the

- Lead in the new lesson.

New lesson

* Activity 1: Listen. Notice the sound changes of the underlined  Teacher –

words. whole class
- Play the recording and ask students to draw attention to the
pronunciation feature.

25’ - Have students listen again and repeat with a focus on the feature.

Track 17
M: It's on at seven-thirty.
My lesson's at ten.

- Play the recording, have students listen and cross out the option
that doesn’t use the correct pronunciation feature.

Trang chủ: ht t p s : // v nd o c . c o m / | Email hỗ trợ: | Hotline: 02 4 22 4 2 61 8 8

Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

- Check the answers and correct.


The movie starts at 7:30. – Wrong.

Doesn't use the weak form.

Track 18

M: I’m playing soccer at 2 p.m.

The movie starts at 7:30.

- Have students practice saying the examples with a partner, using

the pronunciation feature (with the correct sound changes).  Teacher/
Whole class/
* Activity 2: Practice the conversation. Swap roles and repeat.

- Model first, then ask students to work in pairs and practice the
- Swap roles and repeat using the ideas given.
- Have some pairs present in front of the class.

Toby: Hello, Emma.

Emma: Hi, Toby.
Toby: Do you like dramas?
Emma: Yeah, I do. Why?
Toby: There's a drama on at the movie theater on Saturday
night. Do you want to go?
Emma: What time is it on?
Toby: At seven o'clock.
Emma: That sounds great. Where should we meet?
Toby: Let's meet at the movie theater at 6:30.
Emma: OK

Trang chủ: ht t p s : // v nd o c . c o m / | Email hỗ trợ: | Hotline: 02 4 22 4 2 61 8 8

Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

 comedies/science fiction movies/action movies

 a comedy/a science fiction movie/an action movie
 Teacher/
 Friday/Sunday/Monday
Whole class/
 six o'clock/6:30/7:30
 5:30/six/seven

* Activity 3: Practice with your own ideas

- Ask students to work in pairs and practice the conversation with

their ideas, then swap the roles.

- Allow time for students to do the task.

- Monitor the activity around the class.

- Have some pairs demonstrate the activity in front ofthe class.

- Give feedback and correct if necessary.


Speaking: It's Movie Night!  Teacher –

whole class/
- Divide the class into pairs.
- Get students to choose movies to watch on Friday, Saturday, and
Sunday ( students turn to page 122, File 6)

10’ - Model the activity first by practicing with a student.

- Have students look at the movies listed and choose a movie to
watch on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday using the movie schedule

- Have students join another pair and compare which movies they
chose to watch.

- Monitor the activity around the class.

- Have some students share their ideas to the class.

Trang chủ: ht t p s : // v nd o c . c o m / | Email hỗ trợ: | Hotline: 02 4 22 4 2 61 8 8

Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

- Practice the conversation with your own ideas.

Week: Date of teaching:........................................................................................................

Period: 64

Lesson 2: page 57
I. Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to use adjectives to express opinions
and exchange information about movies.

II. Teaching aids:

- Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, pictures, IWB
software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook.

III. Languages focus:

- Vocabulary : awful, boring, exciting, fantastic, funny, great, sad, terrible


Time Steps/Activities Organization


comedy science fiction
 Teacher –
5’ whole class
kinds of film
- List some kinds of movie to lead in the new lesson.
Trang chủ: ht t p s : // v nd o c . c o m / | Email hỗ trợ: | Hotline: 02 4 22 4 2 61 8 8
Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

- Ask students some kinds of films they often watch in their free

New lesson

A.Teaching new words:  Teacher –

whole class/
* New words:
- awful (adj) kinh khủng
- boring (adj) chán
- exciting (adj) thú vị

- fantastic (adj) tuyệt vời

- funny (adj) hài hước

- great (adj) tuyệt vời

- sad (adj) buồn

25’ - terrible (adj) khủng khiếp

- Explain the new words.

- Have students listen to and repeat the new word

- Play the recording with pauses for students to listen and repeat
chorally and individually. (CD2 - track 19)

- Check students’ intonation and pronunciation.

 Teacher/
- Explain the meaning of the new words. Whole class

Checking the new words: Fill in the blanks with the opposite

- Demonstrate the activity, using the examples.

Trang chủ: ht t p s : // v nd o c . c o m / | Email hỗ trợ: | Hotline: 02 4 22 4 2 61 8 8

Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

- Have students fill in the blanks with the adjectives and then check
their answers with their partners.
- Correct the answers.

- Play the recording, have students listen and repeat the words.

Track 19
1. M: terrible
2. M: fantastic
3. M: sad
4. M: funny
5. M: awful
6. M: great
7. M: boring
8. M: exciting


Terrible – fantastic  Teacher –

Sad – funny whole class/

Awful – great

Boring – exciting

B. Activities: Reading

* Activity 1: Tina wrote two movie reviews for her blog.

Underline the correct final sentences.

- Explain the task.

- Have students read the movies reviews individually, then discuss in

the groups, underline the correct final sentences.

Trang chủ: ht t p s : // v nd o c . c o m / | Email hỗ trợ: | Hotline: 02 4 22 4 2 61 8 8

Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

- Give feedback and correct.


Picture Day: Don't watch this movie !

Sally's Travels: What a fantastic movie !

* Activity 2: Read the reviews again and answer the questions

- Ask students to look at the questions.

- Have students read the reviews again and answer the questions with
their partners.
- Ask pairs to cross check before teacher checks and corrects.

- Check the answers.


1. a sad drama

2. It was boring.

3. an action movie

4. It was exciting.

5. She was very funny


Talk about kinds of movies you like and don't like using the
adjectives given in the vocabulary.
10’  Teacher –
- Ask students to work in groups, use the adjectives to describe whole class/
movies. groups

- Monitor the activity around the class.

Trang chủ: ht t p s : // v nd o c . c o m / | Email hỗ trợ: | Hotline: 02 4 22 4 2 61 8 8

Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

- Have some students share their ideas with the class.


5’ Write a short paragraph ( 50-60 words) into the notebook, express

your opinions and information about a movie you like best.

Week: Date of teaching:........................................................................................................

Period: 65

Lesson 2: page 58
I. Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to use the Past Simple.

II. Teaching aids:

- Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, pictures, IWB
software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook.

III. Languages focus:

 Structure: Past Simple with “to be”


Time Steps/Activities Organization


Jumbled words: Review the vocabulary

- Write the words whose letters are in a random order on the board.  Teacher –
whole class
- Divide the class into 2 teams.

Trang chủ: ht t p s : // v nd o c . c o m / | Email hỗ trợ: | Hotline: 02 4 22 4 2 61 8 8

Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

- Students from 2 teams go to the board and write the correct words.

- The team with writes more correct words first will win the game.

New lesson

A. Presenting the grammar:

- Have students look at the picture.  Teacher –

- Play the recording and have students listen and read the whole class
- Play the recording again and have students listen and repeat.

Track 20
B: I watched a horror movie last night.
G: What was it?
B: The Long Night.
G: Was it good?
B: Yes, it was fantastic
- Explain the use of the Past Simple with “to be”:

We use the Past Simple to talk about completed events, states, or


I was
He/She/It wasn't (was not)

We sad.
weren't (were not)

Ex : What was the movie? It was Great Day.

Was it good? Yes, it was./No, it wasn't.
How was the movie? It was terrible.
Where were they? They were in the movie theater.

Trang chủ: ht t p s : // v nd o c . c o m / | Email hỗ trợ: | Hotline: 02 4 22 4 2 61 8 8

Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

Were they happy? Yes, they were./No, they weren't.

What time were the movies on? They were on at 6 p.m. and 10 p.m.

B. Activities:

* Activity 1: Circle the correct verbs

- Explain the task.

 Teacher/
- Ask students to read the sentences and circle the correct verbs.
Whole class/
- Have pairs check each other's work.
- Share the answers in front of the class.

- Correct the students’ answers.


1. was
2. was
3. was
 Teacher –
4. were
whole class/
5. Were
6. was
 Pairs
* Activity 2: Look at the table and complete the dialogue

- Give students some instructions for the task.

- Have students work in pairs to write Ann's answers.

- Ask pairs to cross-check before teacher checks and corrects.

- Ask some pairs to present their work to the class.

- Correct the mistakes.


It was The Great Bananas.

Trang chủ: ht t p s : // v nd o c . c o m / | Email hỗ trợ: | Hotline: 02 4 22 4 2 61 8 8
Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

2. Yes, it was very funny.

3. It was on at 4:45 p.m.
4. They were Time 7 and Earthlife.
5. They were exciting.
6. They were on at 7:30 p.m. and 9 p.m


Speaking: Practice the conversation with your partner  Teacher –

whole class/
- Have students work in pairs to practice the conversation.
5’ pairs
- Allow time for students to do the task.

- Monitor the activity around the class.

- Have some pairs demonstrate the activity in front of the class.

- Make 5 sentences , using the Past Simple with “to be”.

Week: Date of teaching:........................................................................................................

Period: 66

Lesson 2: page 59
I. Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to present and develop public speaking skills.

II. Teaching aids:

- Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, pictures, IWB
software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook.

Trang chủ: ht t p s : // v nd o c . c o m / | Email hỗ trợ: | Hotline: 02 4 22 4 2 61 8 8

Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

III. Languages focus:

Pronunciation: Word Stress

IV. Procedures:

Time Steps/Activities Organization

Pelmanism game

- Prepare the cards with numbers on one side and the pictures of  Teacher –
films / adjectives on the other side. whole class

- Stick the cards on the board so that students can only see the
numbers , make sure the pictures of films / adjectives are mixed

- Divide class into two teams. Each team choose 2 numbers.

5’ - Turn the cards over if they match. If not, turn the cards over again
and ask the next team to continue.

- Go on until all the cards are turned over. The team which has more
marks will win the game.

- Lead in the new lesson: Word Stress

Stress the first syllable for most two-syllable adjectives

- Briefly explain the pronunciation feature

New lesson

* Activity 1: Listen to the words and focus on the underlined

25’ letters.
 Teacher –
- Play the recording and ask students to draw attention to the whole class/
pronunciation feature. individuals

Trang chủ: ht t p s : // v nd o c . c o m / | Email hỗ trợ: | Hotline: 02 4 22 4 2 61 8 8

Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

- Have students listen again and repeat with a focus on the feature.

Track 21
M: awful, boring, action

- Play the recording, have students listen and cross out the option
that doesn’t use the correct pronunciation feature.

- Check the answers and correct.


funny – Wrong.

Stress is on the second syllable.

Track 22
M: funny, horror

- Have students practice saying the examples with a partner

using the pronunciation feature(with the correct stress).

 Teacher/
Whole class/
* Activity 2: Practice the conversationusing the information
below. Swap roles and repeat.

- Model first, then ask students to work in pairs and practice the
- Swap roles and repeat using the ideas given.
- Have some pairs present in front of the class.

Rosie: Hey, Ted. I watched a drama last night.

Ted: What was it?
Rosie: It was Remember You.
Ted: Was it good?

Trang chủ: ht t p s : // v nd o c . c o m / | Email hỗ trợ: | Hotline: 02 4 22 4 2 61 8 8

Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

Rosie: Yes, it was wonderful.

Ted: What time was it on?
Rosie: It was on at 7:30 p.m

awful boring great

exciting terrible fantasticsad

Screen 1 Screen 2

8:30 a.m. 10:10 a.m.

Robotron Teddy Bears
Science fiction Animated

12 p.m. 1 p.m.
Mighty Man Dog School
Action Comedy

10 p.m 9:30 p.m.

Happy Family
The House on Black street

* Activity 3: Practice with your own ideas

- Ask students to work in pairs and practice the conversation with  Teacher/
their own ideas, then swap the roles. Whole class/
- Allow time for students to do the task.

- Monitor the activity around the class.

- Have some pairs demonstrate the activity in front of the class.

- Give feedback and correct if necessary.

Trang chủ: ht t p s : // v nd o c . c o m / | Email hỗ trợ: | Hotline: 02 4 22 4 2 61 8 8

Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí


Speaking: What Was on at the Movies!  Teacher –

whole class/
- Model the activity first.
- Divide the class into pairs.

- Ask student A to turn to page 121, File 3 and student B to turn to

page 125, File 11.
- Have students ask and answer to complete the table.

- Swap roles and repeat

- Monitor the activity around the class.

- Have some pairs present their ideas in front of the class.

- Correct if necessary.

- Practice the conversation with your own ideas.

Week: Date of teaching:........................................................................................................

Period: 67

Lesson 3: page 60
I. Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to talk about famous kings, queens, and battles
from their country.

Trang chủ: ht t p s : // v nd o c . c o m / | Email hỗ trợ: | Hotline: 02 4 22 4 2 61 8 8

Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

II. Teaching aids:

- Teacher’s aids: student’s book, teacher’s book, CDs, flashcards, pictures, IWB software,
projector/interactive whiteboard/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook.
III. Languages focus:
- Vocabulary: army, battle, general, king, queen, soldier, win, invaders
- Structures:


Time Steps/Activities Organization

Previous lesson

- Divide the class into 2 teams. Students from 2 teams go to the  Teacher –

5’ board and write some sentences with the Past Simple. whole class

- The team writes more correct sentences first will win the game.

- Ask students to read aloud the words with the Past Simple.

New lesson

A. Teaching new words:  Teacher –

whole class/
* New words:
1. army (n) quân đội
2. battle (n) trận chiến
20’ 3. general (n) vị tướng
4. king (n) nhà vua
5. queen (n) nữ hoàng, hoàng hậu
6. soldier (n) binh lính
7. win (v) chiến thắng
8. invaders (n) kẻ xâm lược

Trang chủ: ht t p s : // v nd o c . c o m / | Email hỗ trợ: | Hotline: 02 4 22 4 2 61 8 8

Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

- Explain the new words.

- Have students listen to and repeat the new words (chorally /


- Check students’ intonation and pronunciation.

- Explain the meaning of the new words.

Checking the new words: Slap the board

 Teacher/
- Put the pictures all over the board. Whole class/
- Call on two students from both sides of the class to the front of the

- Ask them to stand at an equal distance from the board.

- Call out the English word, the students run forward and slap the
pictures on the board.

- The student slapping the correct word first is the winner and gets
the point for his/ her team.

- Continue until students have slapped all the words.

B. Activities:

* Activity 1: Fill in the blanks. Listen and repeat

 Teacher –
- Ask students to work in pairs and fill in the blanks and check their
whole class/
answers with their partners.
- Check answers as a whole class.
- Play the recording and have students listen and repeat.


1. army
2. king

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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

3. queen
4. soldier

Track 23
1. M: army
2. M: king
3. M: queen
4. M: soldier

* Activity 2 : Circle the correct definitions for the underlined

words. Listen and repeat.

- Ask students to work in pairs to read the sentences and circle the
correct definitions.
- Ask pairs to cross checking before teacher checks and corrects.

- Check students’ answers.

- Play the recording. Students listen and repeat.


1. B
2. A
3. A
4. A
Track 24
1. M: battle
2. M: general
3. M: win
4. M: invaders

Talk about famous kings, queens, and battles from your country  Teacher –
whole class/

Trang chủ: ht t p s : // v nd o c . c o m / | Email hỗ trợ: | Hotline: 02 4 22 4 2 61 8 8

Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

- Explain the task. groups

- Have students work in groups to talk about famous kings, queens,

and battles from their country.

- Elicit some information.

- Go around the class and offer help if necessary.

- Ask various groups to present in front of the class.

Suggested answers:

Lý Thái Tổ was a famous king ….


5’ Write a short paragraph (50-60 words) about a famous king, queen,

or battle from your country.

Week: Date of teaching:........................................................................................................

Period: 68

Lesson 3: Listening + Speaking (page 60 – 61)
I. Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to talk about famous people from

II. Teaching aids:

- Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, pictures, IWB
software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook.
III. Languages focus:
 Vocabulary: Review the vocabulary

Trang chủ: ht t p s : // v nd o c . c o m / | Email hỗ trợ: | Hotline: 02 4 22 4 2 61 8 8

Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

 Structure: Past Simple


Time Steps/Activities Organization

Previous lesson

Clip watching: Alexander the Great  Teacher –

whole class
- Have students watch a clip about an interesting film.
- Follow the clip, then teacher can ask students some questions to
brainstorm about the theme.
- Teacher may share some more information if necessary.

New lesson

1.Pre- Listening : Prediction

* Activity 1: Listen to Jim and Lisa talking about the movie
 Teacher –
Alexander the Great. Who liked the movie?
whole class/
- Set the scene : Jim and Lisa talking about the movie
Alexander the Great..
- Divide class into 2 teams.
- Have students look at the question and guess who liked the
- Give feedback.
2. While listening:
- have students listen to the tape twice and check their prediction.
Track 25
Lisa: Hi, Jim, how are you?
Jim: I'm good, thanks, Lisa. How about you?
Lisa: I'm great. Hey, did you watch the movie for our history

Trang chủ: ht t p s : // v nd o c . c o m / | Email hỗ trợ: | Hotline: 02 4 22 4 2 61 8 8

Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

Jim: Yeah, I did. I thought Alexander was cool but the movie was
too long. I thought it was boring.
Lisa: I thought it was great. He was a great king. And, I didn't
know he won so many battles. I thought it was really interesting.
Jim: Yeah, Alexander was really clever. He always knew how to
Lisa: And his soldiers were great. They were so good at fighting.
Jim: Yeah, they were a big help!
Narrator: Now, listen again and check.

* Activity 2: Listen and tick (x) what each personsaid

- Give out the handouts with the table p.60.  Teacher/

- Work in groups, listen and tick what each person said. Whole class/

- Play the recording. groups

- Ask groups to present their work on the board and cross checking.
- Check answers as a whole class.


history movie was won many great

project boring battles soldiers

Lisa X X X

Jim X
 Teacher –
3. Post-listening: whole class/
- Have students look at the Useful Language box. pairs
- Play the recording.
- Have students listen and practice to the useful language in pairs.
- Ask students to practice using other vocabulary fromNew Words.
Track 26

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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

G: Who was Alexander the Great?

B: He was a famous Greek general.
G: When was he born?
B: He was born in 356 BC.
G: What is he famous for?
B: He fought many battles in Egypt, Asia, and India.

* Activity 3: Here are two movies about famous people from

history. Take turns asking and answering.  Teacher –

Movies about People from History whole class/

- Demonstrate the activity by practicing with a student. pairs

- Have students work in pairs, take turns asking and answering about
the famous people in the movies.
- Have some pairs demonstrate the activity in front of the class.

- Correct if necessary.

Movie: Trưng Vương (She-Kings)

Movie: Khát Vọng Thăng Long


Discuss other movies about famous people from history. Use  Teacher –
your own ideas. whole
10’ - Get students to work in groups, ask and answer about other movies
that they know.

- Allow time for students to do the task.

- Monitor the activity around the class.

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- Have some groups demonstrate the activity in front of the class


5’ Find more information about Alexander King and Quang Trung


Week: Date of teaching:........................................................................................................

Period: 69

Lesson 3: Reading + Writing (page 61)
I. Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to read a movie review about a famous person
from history in a movie and write a paragraph about a historical movie.

II. Teaching aids:

- Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, pictures, IWB
software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV, real object of cooking utensils.
- Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook.

III. Languages focus:

 Vocabulary: Review the vocabulary

 Structure: Past Simple


Time Steps/Activities Organization


5’ Clip watching: The story of Quang Trung

 Teacher –

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- Have students watch a clip about Quang Trung King. whole class

- Follow the clip, then teacher can ask students some questions to
brainstorm about the theme.
- Teacher may share some more information if necessary.

- Lead in the new lesson.

New lesson

* Activity 1: Read Phuong's movie review and fill in the blanks

- Ask students to read the review individually , then fill in the blanks,
using the cues given .
 Teacher –
- Have students check their answers with their partners. whole class/
- Elicit their answers.

Answer key:

1. general
2. army
25’ 3. king
4. invaders
5. soldiers
6. Battle

*Activity 2: Read and write "True" or "False."

- Ask students to work in pairs, read the statements on page 61 , then  Teacher/
read the review again and decide which is True and which is False. whole class/
- Give feedback and correct.

Answer key:

1. False

2. False

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3. False

4. True

* Activity 3:
 Teacher/
- Set the scene : Introduce something about the famous American, whole class/
George Washington. groups

- Explain the task.

- Ask students to work in groups, use the notes to make sentences
about George Washington.

- Monitor the activity around the class.

- Have some groups present their work in front of the class.

- Correct if necessary.


George Washington was the first president of the USA.

He was born in 1732 and became a general in 1775.
He fought many battles against the British.
His army won the Battle of Yorktown in 1781. It was the
lastbattle of the war.
He became president of the United States of America in 1789.


Use the notes to write a short movie review. Write 50 to 60 words

- Ask students to work in groups, use their notes to write a movie V.Teacher –
10’ review. whole class/
- Have some students read their reviews in front of the class groups

- Allow time for students to do the task.

- Monitor the activity around the class.

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- Get the answers from the groups and ask them to present their work
in front of the class.

- Correct if necessary.

Suggested answers:

I watched the historical movie Washington. It was great!

It was about George Washington. He was the first president of the

USA. He was born in 1732, and he became a general in 1175. He
fought many battles against the British. His army won the Battle of
Yorktown in 1781, and it was the last battle of the war. He became
the president of the United States of America in 1789.
If you like history, you should watch this movie!


- Write a paragraph ( 50-60 words) about the short movie review of

the historical film you like best.

Week: Date of teaching:........................................................................................................

Period: 70

REVIEW (page 98-99)
I. Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to review the suggestions about different
kinds of movies, opinions and information about movies.

II. Teaching aids:

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- Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, pictures, IWB
software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV, real object of cooking utensils.
- Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook.

III. Languages focus:

- Vocabulary: life-sized, outdoor, pick (sb) up, rate, session, sleepover, track

Time Steps/Activities Organization


5’ REVIEW GAMES : Play the board game (p.116)  Teacher –

whole class

New lesson

* Activity 1 : Match the words with the descriptions
 Teacher –
whole class/
- After reviewing vocabulary, ask students to work in groups to groups
match the words with the descriptions.

general science fiction sad soldiers exciting comedy

- Groups show the answers on the board.

- Teacher corrects the answers.


1. horror
2. comedy
3. science fiction
4. sad

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5. exciting
6. soldiers
7. general


* Activity 2: Underline the mistake in each sentence. Write the

correct word on the line (p.99)  Teacher/
Whole class/
- Explain the task.
- Have student work in pairs to underline the mistake in each
sentence and write the correct word on the line.

- Give feedback and correct.


1. at – on
2. weren't – wasn't
3. were – was
4. in – at
5. was – were
6. win – won
7. wasn't – was

 Teacher –
* Activity 3: Circle the word that differs from the other three in
whole class/
the position of primary stress in each of thefollowing questions
1. A. horror B. boring C. against D. action
2. A. fantasy B. exciting C. become D. adventure

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3. A. comic B. between C. soldier D. movie

4. A. author B. title C. action D. animation
5. A. character B. mystery C. dislike D. wonderful
6. A. amazing B. musical C. terrible D. animated

- Have students work in groups to choose the words that differs from
the other three in the position of primary stress.

- Give feedback and correct.


1. C
2. A
3. B
4. D
5. C
6. A


* Activity 4 : You will hear a boy giving a presentation about a  Teacher –

movie he saw. Listen and fill in the blanks. You will hear the whole class
information twice.

- Teacher plays the recording twice after explaining the task.

- Students listen to a boy giving a presentation about movie he saw,

then fill in the blanks.

- Teacher checks students’ answers , then gives the correct answers

for students.

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0. My Fantastic Best Friend

1. Thursday
2. Birch
3. funny
4. seven/7
5. Music

Track 69
Narrator: You will hear a boy giving a presentation about a
movie he saw. Listen and fill in the blanks. You will hear the
information twice.
B: Hi, everyone. I'm Harry and my presentation is about a movie I
like. The movie is called My Fantastic Best Friend. I watched it on
Thursday with my sister. Themovie is a comedy based on a book
by the American author K.J. Birch, that's B-I-R-C-H. The book
was called My Fantastic Best Friend, too. I really liked the
moviebecause it was very funny. My sister thought it was funny,
too, but she thinks the book is better. The movie started at seven
o'clock and was pretty short, only ninety minutes long. It ended at
eight-thirty. The thing I liked the most about My Fantastic Best
Friend wasthe music. It was fantastic!
Narrator: Now, listen again


* Activity 5: Read the movie review. Choose the correct answer

(A, B, or C)

- Explain the way to do the task.

 Teacher –

- Ask students to work in groups to complete the task, referring back whole class/

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to the text if necessary. groups


0. C
1. B
2. B
3. C
4. A


Speaking: * Teacher –
whole class/
- Teacher gives hand-out.
5’ - Students work in groups. Each group lists the kinds of movie they
like best.
- A representative from each group presents in front of class.
- Teacher and the whole class check and correct the answers.


5’ Write about the movies you have seen or you like

Week: Date of teaching:........................................................................................................

Period: 71


Lesson 1 (p. 62)

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I. Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

a. Language knowledge and skills

 Vocabulary: gain vocabulary items about outdoor activities (rafting, canyon, cave, hiking,
kayaking, campsite)
 Structure: use the present simple tense

 talk about kinds of outdoor activities

 ask and answer about their plans for a trip

b. Core competencies and personal qualities

 Raise motivations and interests in learning English as a foreign language
 Develop communicative and team-working skills through learning activities
 Illustrate problem-solving and critical-thinking skills through learning activities
 Establish responsive and independent characteristics to be a long-life learner
 Establish awareness of fit keeping with sports

II. Teaching aids:

- Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, ISB software,
projector/interactive whiteboard/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook.

III. Procedures:

Time Steps/Activities Organization


Option 1: Answer the question.  Teacher –

whole class
- T asks Ss a question.

“ What are your favorite outdoor activities? “

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- T uses their answers to lead in the theme of the lesson.

Option 2: brainstorming

- Teacher lets students watch some short clips, then ask them about
the activities they do.
- Ask students some questions after watching.


- What are they doing?

- Have you ever joined in activities like that?
- Do you like………………..?
- Teacher and students discuss together.

New lesson

 Teacher –
whole class/

- Teacher shows pictures of kind of traveling and asks if they do

any of them.
- Ask students if they have ever been to any of them, or what place
they want to come to.

A-Teach new words. (10’)

- Use real things and pictures to introduce new words:

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New words:
7. rafting (n)
8. canyon (n)
9. cave (n)
10. hiking (n)
 Teacher/ Whole
11. kayaking(n)
12. campsite(n)
- Have students listen and repeat each new word. (chorally –
- Correct student’s pronunciation if necessary.

Activity 1. (Checking new word)

- Teacher lets students look at the pictures, and fill in the blanks
with words given. (exercise a/p. 62)
- Listen again to check the answers.  Teacher –
whole class/
1. rafting
2. hiking
3. canyon
4. cave
5. campsite
6. kayaking
 Teacher –
whole class/
Activity 2: Game: Guessing
- Two students from each group will join the game.
- The first student will use gestures to describe the outdoor activities
and the other one will guess the names.

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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

- The winner is the group that has more correct names.

Activity 3 (optional): Speaking

- Teacher makes example sentences with new words.  Teacher –

- Ask students to work in pairs, talk about their outdoor activities they whole class/
want to do, using new words.(exercise b/p. 62) pairs
- Some pairs present in front of the class.
- Teacher checks and corrects.


- I want to go rafting.
- Yes, me too.

B-Listening. (10’)

- Teacher shows the picture of the task and give them the situation

“ Three people are talking about where to go on vacation. Now

listen and tick the place they decide to go”

- Teacher asks Ss some questions about it. (exercise a/p. 62)

Suggested Q&A:

- How many places do they want to go?

There are two.
- What are they?
They are “Black Hawk Cave” and “Blue River Canyon”.

- Teacher has students works in pairs, read the sentences, guess the
answers (exercise b/p. 62)

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- Listen and check their guessing (listen the 1st time)

- Listen again to check their answers.
- Teacher checks and corrects.

Answer: Blue River Canyon

Black Hawh cave Blue River Canyon

 Activity: rock climbing,  Activity: kayaking

hiking  Travel time: 2 hours by
 Travel time: 4 hours by train
bus  Places to stay: campsite
 Places to stay: hotel

- Teacher shows the dialogue, students listen and repeat.


Option 1: substitution  Teacher –

whole class/
- Teacher gives out the open conversation to groups, students practice
filling in the gaps, using suggested words.
- Have students role playing the dialogue.
- Some pairs present in front of the class. (close pairs, open pairs)

5’ Option 2: Speaking.

- Teacher asks some students to talk about theirplans for the next
 Teacher –
summer vacation. (hand-out, an open dialogue, students answer by
whole class/
- Students work in pairs, ask and answer as modeling.
- Some pairs present in front of the class.


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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

A. Summer holidays start next week. Let’s go on a trip somewhere.

B. Where should we go?

C. We should go to Ha Long Bay.

B. Sorry, did you say....?



Write your plan activities during Tet holiday.

Week: Date of teaching:........................................................................................................

Period: 72


Lesson 1 (p. 63)

I. Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to use the modals “should” to give advice and
“can” for possibilities.

II. Teaching aids:

- Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, ISB software,
projector/interactive whiteboard/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook.

III. Language focus:

- Vocabulary:
- Structure: modals : should & can

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Time Steps/Activities Organization


Option 1: Song: Auld Lang Syne  Teacher –

whole class
- Play the music, the whole class sings and dances together to
power class before starting the lesson.

Option 2: Speaking.

- Some students share their plan for Tet holiday to class.

- Other students follow and make questions if they want.
5’  Whole class

Option 2: matching

- Teacher shows some activities on vacation and things to bring,

students look and match with the suitable ones.
- Teacher asks some about things they shouldn’t bring and the
reasons why.
- Teacher gives feedback, then leads to new lesson.

New lesson

A-Grammar. (10’)  Teacher –

whole class/
Activity 1: Listen & repeat (a/p. 63)
- Teacher introduces the couple and the scene of the dialogue, pairwork
have students listen and repeat.
- Teacher shows example sentences and elicits the way to use
modals “should” and “can”.
“should” is used to ask for and to give advice.
“can” is used to talk about possibilities.

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“can’t” is used to talk about things that are very unsafe to do.


- We should go to the post office.

- Should we bring bottled water? – Yes, we should.
- Can we swim in this river?
- No, you can’t swim here. It’s dangerous.

 Teacher/
- Ask students to give example to make sure they catch the point.
Whole class/
group work

Activity 2: Circle the correct modals. (b/p. 63)

- Have students practice in pairs, read the sentences and

circle the correct modal.
- Some pairs show the answers on the board.
- Teacher checks and gives marks.


1. Can’t
2. should
3. can
4. shouldn’t
5. can’t
6. shouldn’t
 Teacher –
whole class/
Activity 3: Complete the dialogue. (c/p. 63) pairs

- Teacher shows the suggested words and explains the way to do

the task.

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- Have students practice in pairs, read and complete the answers

in full sentences.
- Pairs cross check the answer before showing it on the board.
- The answers are shown through a game.  Teacher –
Suggested answer: whole class/
7. We should go to individual
8. What can we do there?
9. No, we can’t
10. Yes, you should
11. No, we shouldn’t

- Teacher checks and corrects the answers.


Option 1: Making the same conversation  Teacher –

whole class/
- Teacher has students play role of Sam and Max, create the same
- Students practice the conversation in pairs, students can make
some changes if they want.
 Teacher –
5’ - Some pairs present in front of the class.
Students in
- Teacher checks and corrects.

Option 2: Playing game (review game p. 117 / SB)

- Teacher shows the games and elicits how to play it.

- Students take part in the game in teams.
- Teacher follows checks and gives feedback.

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Make your own conversation.

Week: Date of teaching:........................................................................................................

Period: 73


Lesson 1 – pronunciation (p. 64)

V. Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to notice the sound /ð/ in words.

VI.Teaching aids:
- Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, ISB software,
projector/interactive whiteboard/laptop/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook.

VII. Languages focus:

- Vocabulary:
- Structure : pronunciation : stress the first syllable for most gerunds.

VIII. Procedures:

Time Steps/Activities Organization


Option 1: Game Matching  Teacher –

5’ - Teacher divides class into two teams A & B. whole class

- Teacher gives teams flashcards which includes the questions

and the answers.
- One student in team A give a question, one in team B has to find
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the equivalent answer.

- Which team has more correct answers wins the game.

Option 2: Matching

- Teacher divides the class into two teams A & B.

- One team has pictures of activities on vacation; the other team
has things to bring along.
- One student in team A gives an activity, one in team B speaks
the things they need to bring.
- Which team has correct answers can give order to the other one.
- Which team has more correct answers to win the game.

New lesson

A-Pronunciation. (10’)  Teacher –

whole class/
Activity 1:
- Teacher shows an example sentence on the board, have pairwork
students listen, repeat and notice the stress syllable. (a/p.

25’ Remember: for most gerunds, the first syllable is stressed.

- Teacher lets students listen and repeat, focus on the

underlined letters. (b/p. 64)
- Listen and cross out the one with wrong stress (c/p. 64)

Answer: rafting (stress is on the second syllable)

- Practice reading the words with the correct stress (d/p. 64)

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B-Practice  Teacher/
Whole class/
Activity 1: – Practice the conversation, swap roles & repeat.

- Teacher asks students to take a look at the conversation

and practice with a partner. (a/p. 64)
- Ask students to pay attention to the pronunciation of some

Activity 2: – Practice the conversation, replace with words


- Have students look at the conversation; underline some

words which can be replaced.
- Teacher asks students to work in pair, make a new
conversation using the words given to substitute.
- Some pairs read the conversation aloud.
 Teacher –
Further practice: Speaking.
whole class/
- Have students practice in pairs, make a new conversation using pairs
their ideas.
- A pair presents in front of the class.
- Teacher corrects student’s pronunciation if necessary.

Activity 2: Speaking – Making Arrangements for a class trip.  Teacher –

whole class/
- Teacher asks students about their favorite destination for
vacations before letting them practice speaking.
- Teacher suggests popular destinations: Hang Tien caves and

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Cuc Phuong National Park.

- Have students watch a short clip about Hang Tien caves and
Cuc Phuong National Park. Teacher adds more information if
- Have students work in groups, makes questions and answer
about Cuc Phuong National Park.
- A representative from group presents in front of the class.
- Teacher checks, corrects or gives feedback.


Discussion  Teacher –
whole class/
- Teacher asks students to use the same format in task A, ask and
answer about their own plan.
- Teacher gives example sentences as modeling
- Some pairs present in front of the class.
1. Where are you going to go?
5’ 2. What can you do there?
3. How long will you get there?
4. Where are you going to stay?

Answer:  Teacher –
Students in
1. We are going to ………………………
2. We can ……………………………………
3. We will get there in ……………….by ………………
4. We will stay ………………………………………


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Make questions and answers for your vacation plan.

Week: Date of teaching:........................................................................................................

Period: 74


Lesson 2 (p. 65)

I. Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to talk about things they need for a trip.

II. Teaching aids:

- Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, IWB software,
projector/interactive whiteboard/laptop/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook.

III. Language focus:

- Vocabulary: (n) sleeping bag, flashlight, batteries, tent, pillow, towel, bottled water
- Structure: compound sentence with « so »
IV. Procedures:

Time Steps/Activities Organization

- Speaking
- Have some students talk about their class trip. Follow the
 Teacher –
guided questions
whole class
5’ Questions:

- Where did your class go?

 Students in
- How was the scenery there?
- What was the weather like?

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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

- Was your trip interesting?

- Did you enjoy it?
- Teacher checks and gives feedback.

New lesson

A-Grammar (10’)  Teacher –

whole class/
Activity 1. Teach new words
- Teacher uses symbols, pictures to teach new words pairwork
- Have students listen and repeat sentences. (chorally –
- Teacher corrects student’s pronunciation if necessary.

New words:

1. Tent (n)
2. Sleeping bag (n)
3. Flashlight
4. Battery
5. Pillow
6. Towel
7. Bottled water
- Have students read all the words again.

 Teacher/
Activity 2: fill in the blanks (a/p. 65)
Whole class/
- Teacher asks students to fill in the blanks with words given. groupwork
(exercise a/p. 65)
- Teacher checks and gives feedback.


1. Battery

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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

2. Bottled water
3. Flashlight
4. Pillow
5. Towel
6. Sleeping bag
7. Tent

Activity 2: matching the two halves of the sentences.

- Teacher asks students about the benefits of these things.  Teacher –

What do we use the flashlight for? whole class/

We can see at dark / at night pairs

Why should we bring bottled water?

So, we can’t get thirsty
- Have students work in pairs, ask and answer the same for the
other words.
- Some students give their answer.
- Teacher gets the answers from students, checks and gives

B-Reading. (10’)

Activity 1: Brainstorming

- Teacher asks a pair of students to brainstorm the task. One gives  Teacher –
the activity, the other gives the necessary items. whole class/

- I’m going to have a picnic on the weekend.

- So you should bring some food, drinks and some………..

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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

- Teacher sets the scene of the task (two friends are messaging
about their camping trip. Circle the things on the list they need
to bring) (a/p. 65)
- Have students work in groups, complete the task as directed.
- Teacher gives some more information if necessary.

Wilmslow School Summer Camp List

Sleeping bag pillow Money Towel

Bottled water Battery Food camera

Cell phone flashlight notebook tent

Activity 2: Reading, answer the questions.

- Have students read the messages again, answer the questions.

(b/p. 65)
- Students practice in pairs, do as directed.
- Teacher gets the answers, checks and corrects.


1. Next week
2. He was sick
3. They need batteries
4. They don’t need to bring any food.


5’ Option 1: Discussion  Teacher –

whole class/
- Teacher has students work in groups; each group gets a different

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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

task, then completes the task. individuals

- Group 1: list five things to bring for a camping trip
- Group 2: list five things that are not necessary for a camping
- Group 3: list five thing to bring for a trip to the beach.
- Group 4: list five things to bring when you travel abroad.

 Teacher –
Students’ answer
Students in
- Group 1: tent, flashlight, ……………………
- Group 2: swim suit, sunglasses, ……………………..
- Group 3: sunglasses, sun cream, ……………………….
- Group 4: passport, plane ticket, ………………………..

- Some students share their ideas.

- Teacher checks and gives feedback.


Write about the scenic spot you would like to visit.

Week: Date of teaching:........................................................................................................

Period: 75


Lesson 2 – Grammar (p. 66)

I. Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to review the way to use conjunction “so” to
link sentences.

II. Teaching aids:

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- Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, IWB software,
projector/interactive whiteboard/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook.

V. Language focus:

- Vocabulary:
- Structure : I have a cold so I don’t go to school

Time Steps/Activities Organization


Option 1: Matching  Teacher –

- Teacher shows something needed for a vacation, then sets the whole class
scene, students choose suitable things for the trip.
- Asks some students to do as requested. (if they can).
 Whole class


1. I am having a vacation on the beach; I need to bring

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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

2. My class is going camping this week, we need to bring

3. Sue needs to have ……….…. for her trip to the mountain.


1. Hat, swim suit, sun block, ……………………

2. Tent, torch, camera, bottled water, ……….
3. Hat, sneakers, bottled water, …………….

Option 2:

- Teacher gives the destinations for a trip, students name things

they need to prepare.
- Students do as direct.
- Teacher checks and corrects, then leads to the new lesson.

New lesson

A-Grammar (10’)  Teacher –

whole class/
Activity 1.
- Teacher uses symbols, pictures to review words of things pairwork
needed for a trip.
- Have students talk about the benefits of these things.
- Have students listen and repeat sentences. (chorally –
- Teacher corrects student’s pronunciation if necessary.
- Teacher asks students to practice asking & answering. (exercise
a/p. 66)
- Teacher checks and gives feedback.

Activity 2: matching the two halves of the sentences. (B/P. 66)

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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

- Have students work in pairs; read and find the half sentences.
- Some pairs show their answers.
7. B
8. F
 Teacher/
9. A
Whole class/
10. C
11. D
12. E
- Ask some students to check the answers.
 Teacher –
- Teacher checks again and gives feedback.
whole class/
Activity 3: Fill in the answers, use the cues in the table (c/p.

- Teacher shows a pair of high heeled shoes and a pair of

slippers which are prepared for a trip to the beach
- Have students to choose one and tell the reason why.

Teacher: we should bring a pair of slippers because we can go

walking on the beach.

- Have students work in pairs, complete the answers.

- Some students who finish quickly go the board to write the
 Teacher –
whole class/
- Teacher checks and gives feedback.

1. Yes, we should so we have somewhere to sleep

2. Yes, we should so we don’t get thirsty
3. Yes, we should so we don’t get cold
4. Yes, we should so we have something to read

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5. Yes, we should so we don’t get hungry

6. Yes, we should so we can buy presents


Option 1: Speaking.  Teacher –

whole class/
- Teacher divides class into two teams and sets the request for the
- Teacher gives hands-out to teams. (you are going to have a
camping trip next weekend. Look at things in the hand-out,
 Students in
team A chooses things that should be brought, team B chooses
thing that are unnecessary, gives the reason)


- Have students work in groups, do as directed.

- Representatives from groups show the result to class.
- Teacher checks and gives feedback.

Option 2: Writing

- Have students work individually, make plan and

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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

preparation for you trip this summer.

- Some students share their story.


Write about things to prepare for your trip.

Week: Date of teaching:........................................................................................................

Period: 76


Lesson 2 – Pronunciation (p. 67)

I. Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to focus on /oƱ/ sound and review ways to
prepare for an adventure.

II. Teaching aids:

- Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, ISB software,
projector/interactive whiteboard/laptop/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook.

III. Language focus:

- Vocabulary: review words of describing adjectives

- Structure: prononciation: sourd changes.

IV. Procedures:

Time Steps/Activities Organization

Option 1: What is noisier?  Teacher –

Trang chủ: ht t p s : // v nd o c . c o m / | Email hỗ trợ: | Hotline: 02 4 22 4 2 61 8 8

Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

- Teacher asks students to make comparison (homework). whole class

- Teacher picks and shows some examples that relate to the theme
of the lesson.
A. What is noisier, Ho Chi Minh City or Hanoi?  Students in
B. Ho Chi Minh City is noisier than Hanoi. groups
- Teacher underlines the words, focuses students on words
stress. (noisy – noisier)
- Have students read all the words loudly.  Students in
- Teacher lets students listen to the model sentences, compare class
the sound to see how they change.

New lesson

A-Pronunciation. (5’)  Teacher –

whole class/
- Teacher shows example to class, speaks louder for students to
recognize the difference.
Example: thought – found (different vowel sound)

- Teacher gives more explanation, gives more examples to make

it clear.
- Have students listen and repeat, focus on the underlined words.
(b/p. 67)
- Have students listen and repeat the words (c/p. 67)

Further practice:

- Teacher gives more examples for students to see different



Bone – bound
 Teacher/

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Home – house Whole class/

Road – rough

Nose - now

Cold - call

- Some students say again.

- Students practice reading the words in pairs, pay attention to
the /oƱ/ sound.
- Ask teacher for help if necessary.

B-Practice – Reading the conversation. (10’)

Activity 1: Play role, read the dialogue.

- Have students look at their books, play role and read the
 Teacher –
- Teacher asks a pair of students to read aloud.
whole class/
- Teacher underlines some words, has another pair replace them
with words given - modeling
- Have students practice in pairs, ask and answer about the things
they need to prepare for the trip, swap the roles and repeat.
- Flashlight – tent
- Bottled water – food  Teacher –
- Thirsty – hungry whole class/
- ………………………………………. individuals

- Some pairs present in front of the class

- Correct student’s pronunciation.

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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

Activity 2: Speaking – Make the same conversation, use their

own ideas.

- Have students practice in pairs, play role. (exercise b/p. 67)

- Some students present in front of the class.
- Teacher checks, corrects or gives feedback.


Option 1: Preparing for an overnight adventure.  Teacher –

whole class/
- Teacher sets the scene of the dialogue (make plan for a camping
trip to Cat Tien National Park)
- Have students work in groups, make their own plan for what to
bring along.
- Groups show the result in front of the class.
- Compare the result among groups. Teacher checks and gives
 Teacher –
Suggested answer: Students in
5’ Items to bring Reasons

Bottled water Don’t get thirsty

Tent / jacket / sleeping bags Don’t get cold

food Don’t get hungry

Cell phone To keep contact

Flashlight & batteries To see at night

Option 2: Playing game: Board Game p. 117 SB.

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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

- Teacher divides class into two teams.

- Students from teams take turns to participate in the game.
- Students get the number, then complete the task given. One
mark for a correct answer, lose turn for a wrong one.
- The team has more points wins the game.


Make plan for your picnic with your classmates this weekend


- Where to go?
- Who do you go with?
- What to bring? Why?

Week: Date of teaching:........................................................................................................

Period: 77


Lesson 3 – Geography (p. 68)

I. Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to give advice about visiting natural wonders
and listening to get information about them.

II. Teaching aids:

- Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, ISB software,
projector/interactive whiteboard/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook.

III. Language focus:

- Vocabulary: (n) sandcastle, highland, waterfall, bay, forest, island

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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

- Structure : structure of Can & should

IV. Procedures:

Time Steps/Activities Organization


Option 1: Look and choose the correct one.  Teacher –

whole class
- Teacher shows pictures of places on the screen, students have to
find which tourist attractions are.
- Teacher gets answers from student, asks for more explanation.
 Students in
- Teacher checks and corrects.
Example: sport ground – temple – beach – school – mountain –
market – flower garden – bay – cave – island – forest.

 Students in
5’ Option 2: Which do you choose? Why?

- Teacher shows a pair of pictures each time, students choose the

one they like and say the reason.
- Teacher gives feedback, then leads to new lesson.


- Forest – park:
- River – beach
- Hill – island:
- ………

New lesson
A-New words. (10’)  Teacher –
whole class/

Trang chủ: ht t p s : // v nd o c . c o m / | Email hỗ trợ: | Hotline: 02 4 22 4 2 61 8 8

Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

Activity 1: Match the number and the picture. individuals/

- Teacher uses pictures or definition to teach new words.
- Have students write the letters in the box (individually)
(a/p. 68)


1. C
2. F
3. D
4. E
5. C
6. B
7. A
- Have students listen and repeat. (chorally – individually)
- Teacher checks and corrects the pronunciation if necessary.

 Teacher/
Whole class/
Activity 2: Speaking
- Have students work in pairs, talk about the activities they
can do at each place.
- Some students share their ideas to class.


Activity 1: Listen to Tom talking about places to visit.

- Have students listen the 1st time, then choose the correct
- Have students explain why
- Listen again to check the answer (a/p. 68)
Answer: doing sports

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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

(it’s great for diving, a great place for surfing, hiking and skiing)

 Teacher –
whole class/
- Activity 2: Listen and number
- Have students read the sentences. (exercise b/p. 68)
- Have them listen and choose the correct answers.
- Teacher gets the answer from students.
- Ask them to correct the false ones.
- Teacher checks, corrects or gives feedback.

Answer:  Teacher –
whole class/
5. 2
6. 1
7. 4
8. 3


Option 1: Useful language  Teacher –

whole class/
- Teacher shows sentences to make suggestions, using
should/can + V
Where should I go for may vacation?

5’ You should go to ………………………….

How can I get there?
You can get there by …………………………..
 Teacher –
Students in
- Have students make similar dialogue, use the phrases in Useful
- Students practice and share their dialogue to class.
- Teacher checks and gives feedback.

Trang chủ: ht t p s : // v nd o c . c o m / | Email hỗ trợ: | Hotline: 02 4 22 4 2 61 8 8

Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí


Answer questions in Useful Language, use your own answers.

Week: Date of teaching:........................................................................................................

Period: 78


Lesson 3 – Geography (p. 69)

I. Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to read an email giving advice about visiting
natural wonders in Vietnam and write a postcard about a place in your country.

II. Teaching aids:

- Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, ISB software,
projector/interactive whiteboard/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook.

III. Language focus:

- Vocabulary: review words relate to places to visit

- Structure:

IV. Procedures:

Time Steps/Activities Organization

Previous lesson

Option 1: Speaking  Teacher –

5’ whole class
- Teacher shows some pictures of places, students name the
places and tell where it is.
- Teacher shares some information about these places.
Trang chủ: ht t p s : // v nd o c . c o m / | Email hỗ trợ: | Hotline: 02 4 22 4 2 61 8 8
Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

- Other students can make questions if they want.  Students in


 Students in


1. Phu Qui island – Phan Thiet

2. Phanxipan mountain –
3. Golden Bridge – Da Nang
4. Hoi An Ancient town – Hue
5. Ben Thanh Market – Ho Chi Minh City
6. Ba Den mountain – Tay Ninh

Option 2: what is more popular?

- Teacher shows some pictures of places, students tell the

activities people can do there.
- Some students share their ideas.


1. Hoi An – visit a world heritage site

2. Nha Trang beach – go swimming

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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

3. Ben Thanh market – buy souvenirs

4. Phanxipan mountain – go climbing

- Teacher gives feedback, then leads to new lesson.

New lesson

A-Reading. (10’)  Teacher –

whole class/
Activity 1: Teaching new words.
- Let students read through the text quickly and answer the pairwork
guided question

Question: Which scenic places are in the email?

Answer: Moc Chau highland, Cuc Phuong National park, Phu

Quoc island, Lang Co bay

- Teacher checks the answer and corrects if necessary.

- Have students underline the places in their book.

Activity 2: Read & circle True - False

- Have students read again and answer the questions. (pairs

work – exercise b/p. 69)
- Teacher gets the answers from students.  Teacher/
Whole class/
1. False
2. True
3. True
4. False

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- Teacher checks and gives feedback

B - Writing.(10’)
 Teacher –
Activity 1: Read a postcard and fill in the blanks with whole class/
sentences given. (a/p. 69) pairs

- Teacher asks students to work in groups, use the information in

the table. (a/p. 69)
- Representative from groups gives the answers to class.
- Teacher checks and gives feedback.  Teacher –
whole class/
1. D
2. C
3. B
4. A
5. E

Activity 2: Answer the questions.

- Have students work in pairs, practice A&A as directed

- Some pairs present in front of the class.
- Teacher checks and gives feedback



Option 1: Speaking
- Teacher shows some natural wonders in Vietnam and in the
world, explains how to do with it. Teacher asks a student as
 Teacher –

Trang chủ: ht t p s : // v nd o c . c o m / | Email hỗ trợ: | Hotline: 02 4 22 4 2 61 8 8

Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

- Have students work in groups, (two groups for Da Nang and whole class/
two groups for Cameron Highlands), discuss about the activities individuals
they can do in these places.

Suggested questions

Which places will we go to?

What can we do there?

When should we go there?

How can we get there?

 Teacher –
- Students show their result to class. (individually) Students in
- Teacher checks and gives feedback. groups

Option 2: Writing

- Students work in pairs, ask and answer about a tourist attraction

in your country.
- Teacher may show pictures (or clip) to illustrate the speaking.
- Then write a postcard to introduce the place to people.


Write a postcard to your friend about a scenic place in your


Week: Date of teaching:........................................................................................................

Period: 79


Review (p. 100)

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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

I. Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to review how to say what to bring on a trip.

II. Teaching aids:

- Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, ISB software,
projector/interactive whiteboard/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook.

III. Language focus:

- Vocabulary: things to bring on a vacation.

- Structure:

IV. Procedures:

Time Steps/Activities Organization

Previous lesson


- Teacher has a pair of students talk about the place they

plan to go on a trip next vacation.


1. Where are you going on your next vacation?

I’m going to ……………………………………….
2. What can you do there?
I can do many activities such as …………………………….
3. What’s the weather like there?
It’s …………………………………………….
4. What things will you bring on your vacation?
I will bring food, drinks, …………………………….

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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

- Teacher checks, gives feedback then leads to new lesson.

New lesson

A-Listening. (10’)  Teacher –

whole class
Activity 1: Listen and match

- Have students name things that are necessary for a vacation.

- Teacher shows pictures to review words before listening. (tent,  Students in
flashlight, sleeping bag, warm clothes, ……………) groups
- Teacher sets the scene of the task, explains the request then lets
students listen.
- Teacher gets the answers from students.  Students in
- Listen again to check the answers. class


1. E
2. F
3. B
4. G
5. H

Activity 2: Reporting

- Have students retell the thing each person will bring.

- Teacher listens, checks and corrects if necessary.


1. Ben will bring some bottled water

2. Edward will bring a flashlight
3. Meryl will bring some tents.
4. Heather …………………………………………

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5. Steve ……………………………………….

B-Reading.(10’) Read the brochures, choose the correct

answer (A, B or C)
 Teacher –
Activity 1: Discussing whole class/
- Teacher asks students some questions about the brochures.
1. What is the brochure about?
2. What is the place of this activity?
 Teacher/
3. What should they do?

- Students work in pairs, discuss the questions. class/ group

- Some students give the answers. work
- Teacher checks and gives feedback.

Activity 2: read, then choose the correct answer

 Teacher –
- Have students work in pair, read and choose A, B or C for whole class/
each sentence. individuals
- Some students give the answers.
- Teacher checks and corrects.


9. A
10. A
11. C
12. B
13. C
- Teacher asks student to give explanation for each answer.
- Remind students of some structures:
 Imperative: V
 Advice: should / shouldn’t + V
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 Possibility: can + V


Option 1: Making plans for a trip.  Teacher –

whole class/
- Have students work in group, choose a place to have a trip this
summer and make plan for it.
- Teacher may show a draft email for them to make similar.
Suggested Plan:
- Place to go:
- How long:
- Means of transport:
 Teacher –
- People attend:
Students in
- What to bring:
- Where to stay:
- What to do:

- Groups show their plan to class.

- Teacher checks and gives feedback.

Option 2: Matching

- Teacher gives hands-out to groups

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- Groups discuss the content of the brochure.

- A representative from each group goes to share the
activities of the club.


Make plan for your trip next summer

Week: Date of teaching:........................................................................................................

Period: 80


Review (p. 101)

I. Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to discuss plan for a trip and give advice about
visiting natural wonders.

II. Teaching aids:

- Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, ISB software,
projector/interactive whiteboard/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook.

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III. Language focus:

- Vocabulary: things to prepare for a trip.

- Structure:

IV. Procedures:

Time Steps/Activities Organization

Previous lesson
- Have some students share their plan for a trip this summer.
- Other students can make questions if they want.
- Teacher reviews the things to bring, adds more, if
necessary, then leads to new lesson.

New lesson

A-Vocabulary (10’)  Teacher –

whole class
Activity 1: Gaps filling with words from the unit.

- Have students work in pairs, read and complete the open spaces
in the sentences.  Students in
- Teacher checks and corrects. groups
- Class follows, gives questions if necessary.
1. hiking  Students in
2. bottled water class
3. island
4. kayaking
5. batteries
6. forest
7. sleeping bag

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B-Grammar .(10’) circle the correct words

- Teacher asks students to look at their book, explain how to do  Teacher –

the task. whole class/
- Students work in groups, read and circle the correct answer. individuals/
- Groups exchange the answer with each other to cross check. pairwork
- Teacher shows the answers.

25’ Answers:

1. should
2. can
3. need
4. so
 Teacher/
5. can’t
Whole class/
6. so
7. should


Option 1: Pronunciation  Teacher –

whole class/
- Teacher shows an example sentence on the board, students read,
and then choose the different sound.
Example: A. fishing B. highland C. swimming D.
5’ Answer: B
- Students work in pairs, complete the task as directed
- Some students give the answers by reading loudly the
 Teacher –
Students in
- Teacher checks and corrects.

1. B

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2. C
3. D
4. B
5. D
6. A

Option 2: What is more?

- Teacher gives some places for vacation.

- Students have to add things that needed preparing for it.


1. Go camping in the mountain: …………………………,

2. Have a picnic in the forest: ………………………………
3. Go fishing: ……………………………., ……………………………
4. Go to the beach: ……………………….
- Teacher checks and gives feedback.


Review all words and adjectives of the lesson

Week: Date of teaching:........................................................................................................

Period: 81


Lesson 1 (p. 70)

I. Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

a. Language knowledge and skills

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 Vocabulary: gain vocabulary items about future houses – (n) megacity, earth-scrapper, eco-
friend home, smart home; (v): control; (adv): under, underground
 Structure: use the simple Future tense

 talk about the similarities and differences between homes now and in the future

b. Core competencies and personal qualities

 Raise motivations and interests in learning English as a foreign language
 Develop communicative and team-working skills through learning activities
 Illustrate problem-solving and critical-thinking skills through learning activities
 Establish responsive and independent characteristics to be a long-life learner

II. Teaching aids:

- Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, ISB software,
projector/interactive whiteboard/laptop/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook.

III. Procedures:

Time Steps/Activities Organization


Option 1: brainstorming

 Teacher –

5’ whole class

- Teacher shows pictures of houses in the past and at present.

- Have some illustration and comparison for students to understand.
- Have students guess about houses in the future.

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Question:  Students in
- What will house in the future be like?
- Do you want to have a house like that?
- Teacher and students discuss together.

Option 2: Guessing

- Teacher shows chain of pictures of houses.

 Whole class
- Have students guess which houses belong to the past, the present or
in the future.
- Teacher may have plus marks for students with correct answer.

New lesson

- Teacher shows pictures of places that relate to the new lesson.  Teacher –
whole class/
A-Teach new words. (10’)
Activity 1: Teaching new words pair work

- Use real things and pictures to introduce new words

New words:
13. Smart home (n)
25’ 14. Megacity (n)
15. Earth scraper (n)
16. Eco-friendly house (n)
17. underground (adv)
- Have students listen and repeat each new word. (chorally –
- Correct student’s pronunciation if necessary.

Activity 2. Checking new words

- Divide class into two teams, one team has pictures, the other

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has flashcards. Students from the two teams take turn showing
the picture and word that goes together.
- Teacher checks the answers and gives feedback.

Activity 3: Fill in the table  Teacher/ Whole

class/ group
- Have students work in pairs, fill in the table, use the prepositions of
places given. (exercise a/p. 70)
- Teacher checks, corrects and gives feedback.


1. Under the sea

2. In a city
3. Underground
4. On the sea
5. Megacity
6. Earth scraper
7. Smart home
8. Eco-friendly home

Activity 3: Speaking (exercise b/p. 70)

- Teacher makes example sentences with these words  Teacher –

whole class/
Ex: Matt likes to lives in nature; he doesn’t like modern equipment pairs
in the home. He should live in eco-friendly home.

- Ask students to do the same (individually), then give the answer in

front of the class
- Teacher checks and corrects.


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- Mary - megacity
- David - smart home.
- Jane – earth scraper.

B-Listening. (10’)

Activity 1: listen and answer

- Teacher sets the scene of the task, asks students to listen to the
dialogue and answer the question. (exercise a/p. 70)
Suggested Q&A:
- Is the student excited about houses in the future? – Yes / No

Activity 2: Listen again, answer Yes / No

 Teacher –
- Have students listen to the dialogue and answer Yes or No (exercise
whole class/
b/p. 70)
- Students show the answers.
- Listen again to check.
- Teacher checks and corrects.


5. ………..
6. …………..
7. …….
8. …………


Option 1: Summarizing  Teacher –

whole class/
- Some students summarize the content of the listening
Many people ……………………………..

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Option 2: Speaking.

- Teacher shows types of houses again.

- Have students discuss what types of houses they like to live in.
- Some students share their ideas in front of the class.

 Teacher –
C. I like to live in…………………. house, because
Students in
D. I prefer …………………….as………………………………….
- Other students may ask questions if they want


Draw the type of house you like to live in.

Week: Date of teaching:........................................................................................................

Period: 82


Lesson 1 (p. 71)

I. Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to use Future Simple and the verb “think” to
give out ideas about the future.

II. Teaching aids:

- Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, ISB software,
projector/interactive whiteboard/laptop/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook.

III. Language focus:

- Vocabulary:
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- Structure: - Future simple,

- I think people will live in smart homes
- a few / some / many / lots of / a lot of
IV. Procedures:

Time Steps/Activities Organization


Option 1: Speaking  Teacher –

whole class
- Students show picture they draw about the house they like
(homework) and talk about it.

Option 2: Interviewing

5’  Whole class

- Teacher shows different types of houses on the screen.

- Some pairs of students interview about the house they like.
- Teacher follows, checks and gives feedback.

New lesson

A-Grammar. (10’)  Teacher –

whole class/
25’ Activity 1:
- Teacher shows example sentences to introduce Future Simple pair work
- Have students identify the way to use it.
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- Have students read the sentences again.

- Ask students to give some examples to make sure they catch the

Future simple tense Examples

S + will + V She will be here with us


S + won’t + V They won’t join us next week.

Will + S + V ? Will you be free tomorrow

Yes, S will / No, S evening?
won’t Yes, I will / No, I won’t  Teacher/
Whole class/
Adverbs Tonight, tomorrow, next, soon
group work

Further practice: put the verbs in future forms

1. My friends (go)…………………… camping next week.

2. Nam (not have) ………………………. lesson tonight.
3. ……...they (attend)……………. the meeting tomorrow.

Activity 2: Write sentences in Simple Future tense using

prompts. (b/p. 71)

- Teacher makes an example sentence as modeling.

- Have some students go to the board to write the answers.
- Teacher may set a competition between students, who is
faster having turn to make the sentence.
 Teacher –
- Teacher checks and corrects.
whole class/

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Answer: pairs

1. Do you think lots of people will live in smart homes?

2. What do you think homes will be like?
3. I think lots of people will live in megacities.
4. Do you think people will live in earth scrapers?
5. I think some people will live in eco-friendly homes.
 Teacher –
6. Where do you think people will live?
whole class/

Activity 3: Write sentences using survey notes (c/p. 71)

- Teacher shows the survey notes.

- Have students practice making sentences with words given
- Students exchange the answers to cross check.
- The answers are shown through a game.
Suggested answer:
12. I think people will …………………..
13. Max thinks a few people will ……………………
14. Jess thinks a lot of people will……………………..
15. Mom and Dad think many people will ……………………..
16. Grandpa thinks lots of people will live in the country.

- Teacher checks and corrects the answers.

- Student practice reading the dialogue in pairs.


Option 1: Speaking (d/p. 71)  Teacher –

5’ whole class/
- Have students practice speaking in pairs, using “I think I
- Some students show the sentences in front of the class.

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- Teacher follows, checks and corrects.


Make your own sentences, use “I think I will……..”

Week: Date of teaching:........................................................................................................

Period: 83


Lesson 1 – pronunciation (p. 72)

I. Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to notice the final /z/ sound in words.

II. Teaching aids:

- Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, ISB software,
projector/interactive whiteboard/laptop/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook.

III. Languages focus:

- Vocabulary:
- Structure: pronunciation: final /z/ sound

IV. Procedures:

Time Steps/Activities Organization


Option 1: Prediction  Teacher –

whole class
- Teacher shows pictures, students look at them and make
sentences with “I think he / she will………..”

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- Other students give support if necessary.

Option 2: Completing sentences

- The students will play the game “Magic hats”

- Students take turn to go by spinning the circle, do the task in
the space it stops. (I think S will / won’t……………)
Ex: You have a day off next week
- I think I will go to the cinema to enjoy my favorite film.
- Teacher checks and corrects.

New lesson

A-Pronunciation. (10’)  Teacher –

whole class/
Activity 1:
- Teacher shows example with singular nouns and plural pairwork
nouns speak them out, have students recognize the final
sound /z/.
- Teacher elicits and gives some explanation.
- Have students listen and say again. (b, c /p. 72)

Activity 2: listen and cross one out (c/p. 40)

- Teacher gives some words for students to practice

- Students listen and repeat, then cross out one that does not
belong to the group.
- Some students read loudly

B-Practice – Practice the conversation, swap roles & repeat.

 Teacher/

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Activity 1: reading – play role. (a/p. 72) Whole class/

- A pair of students play role & read aloud the conversation.
- Teacher asks students to underline some words that can be
- A pair of students replaces the underlined words with words
given as model.
- Have students practice in pairs, role play the conversation.
- In megacities – under the sea
- In homes under the sea – by rivers
- Smart home – eco-friendly homes
- …………………………………..

- Another pair makes a conversation with their own ideas,

presents in front of the class (b/p. 72)
- Teacher corrects student’s pronunciation if necessary.  Teacher –
whole class/
Activity 2: Speaking – What will homes be like in the future?

- Have students play role of an interviewer and an expert, practice

A&A about the way houses will be in the future (exercise a/p.
- Have students work in pairs, share their ideas.
 Teacher –
whole class/
Suggested Q&A
1. Where do you think people will live in the future?
2. What will homes be like in the future?
3. Will you live in that kind of house?

- Some students present in front of the class.

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- Teacher checks, corrects or gives feedback.

- Swap roles and do the same as the one before


Discussion  Teacher –
whole class/
- Students practice in groups, talk about where they will live in
5’ individuals
the future, describe it.
- Some pairs present in front of the class.
- Other students make questions if they want.
- Teacher checks and corrects.


Write about your dream homes in the future

Week: Date of teaching:........................................................................................................

Period: 84


Lesson 2 (p. 73)

I. Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to describe similarities and differences
between homes now and home in the future.

II. Teaching aids:

- Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, IWB software,
projector/interactive whiteboard/laptop/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook.

III. Languages focus:

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- Vocabulary: (a) automatic, (n) drone, device, screen, printer, technology

- Structure: future simple

IV. Procedures:

Time Steps/Activities Organization


Circle things that may be used in homes in the future.  Teacher –

whole class
- Teacher shows pictures of household appliances, students look
5’ and circle things that maybe used in homes in the future.
- Students may add some things they think it will be used in the
 Whole class

New lesson

- Teacher sets the scene of the lesson, then leads to new  Teacher –
lesson. whole class/
A-Teach new words. (10’)
- Use real things and pictures to introduce new words:
New words:
25’ 6. device(n)
7. drone(v)
8. screen (n)
9. printer (n)
10. technology (n)
11. automatic (a)

- Have students listen and repeat new words. (chorally –


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- Correct student’s pronunciation if necessary.

Activity 1. Matching – checking new words

- Have students look at the definition, number the pictures.  Teacher/

(exercise a/p. 73) Whole class/
- Have students listen and repeat. groupwork
- Teacher checks and gives feedback.

Activity 2: Speaking

- Teacher gives a question:

What smart devices you think you will have in your home.
My future home will be on the moon. It will have solar panels
on the roof and ………………………..

- Have students think and answer the questions.

- Teacher gets the answers from students, checks and gives

Activity 3. Ask & answer:  Teacher –

whole class/
- Teacher asks a student as modeling.
- Ask students to practice in pairs, A&A using the two questions
in b/p. 41.
- Some pairs present in front of the class.

B-Reading. (10’)

Activity 1:

- Teacher shows pictures of some smart devices that are used in

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homes nowadays. (smart TV, robots, smart camera,

………………). Name the benefits of them
- Ask students what smart devices they like best, why?
- Have students practice in pairs, guess the answer (Yes / No),
then read the text to check their answer.
 Teacher –
Answer: - Yes
whole class/

Activity 2: Read and answer the questions.

- Teacher asks student model questions.

- Teacher explains how to do the task.
- Have students practice in pairs, do as directed.


1. Yes, he does
2. An automatic food machine
3. Companies use drones for delivery service.


Option 1: Discussion  Teacher –

whole class/
- Have students work in groups, discuss the questions
- Representatives from groups present in front of the class.

Activity : extra questions

- Teacher asks some more questions.
1. Where will your home in the future be?
2. What will it be like?
3. What devices would you like to have in your future house?
 Teacher –
Students in

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Students’ answers groups

Option 2: Drawing.

- Students work in four groups.

- Draw a picture of your dream house in the future and talk about
- Some students share their ideas to the class.


Write about the devices you would like to have in your home.

Week: Date of teaching:........................................................................................................

Period: 85


Lesson 2 – Grammar (p. 74)

I. Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to use “might” to say about a possible thing in
the future.

II. Teaching aids:

- Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, IWB software,
projector/interactive whiteboard/laptop/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook.

III. Languages focus:

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- Vocabulary: review words of food & drink

- Structure: might (not) + V

IV. Procedures:

Time Steps/Activities Organization


Option 1: compare, find the differences  Teacher –

whole class
- Teacher shows two pictures on the board, have students find the
five differences in the pictures.

 Students in

 Whole class

5’ - Teacher divides class into two teams; the team completes the

task quicker wins the games.

- Teacher gives feedback and gives mark.

Option 2: designing

- Teacher shows pictures of empty rooms, groups draw

household appliances in the room.

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New lesson

A-Grammar. (10’)  Teacher –

whole class/
Activity 1: Listen & repeat a/ p. 10
- Teacher shows picture of a house in the past and a modern one pairwork
to elicit the use of “might”.
- Have students compare the changes might happen.


1. The houses might be bigger.

2. It might be more comfortable.
3. Household appliances might be modern.
4. …………………………………
- Students listen and repeat sentences.
Activity 2: Fill in the blanks with “might” and verb given

Notes: might + V (something possible in the future)

- Teacher asks students to take notes in their notebook.  Teacher/

- Show how to do the task. Whole class/
- Have students complete the sentences with might + V given groupwork
(exercise b/p. 74)

 Teacher –
whole class/
1. Might make pairs
2. Might live
 Teacher –
3. Might have
whole class/

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4. Might shop individuals

5. Might / change

- Teacher gives some more examples for students to do.

- Teacher checks and corrects.

Activity 3: Unscramble the sentences (c/p. 74)

- Teacher shows picture of a robot, asks students to give

their ideas of it.
- Have students work in pairs, practice unscrambling the
- Some students who finish quickly go the board to write the
- Teacher checks and gives feedback.


7. In the future, we might have robot helpers.

8. How might homes change in the future?
9. In the future, we might have robot pets
10. In the future, doors might have cameras
11. In the future, smart doors might not have screens.


Option 1: Speaking. (d/p. 42)  Teacher –

whole class/
- Have students think of two ideas about what might change in
future (they can use might or might not).
- Some students present in front of the class.


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- People might use their voice to turn on and turn off the  Students in
lights. groups
- Cars and motorcycle might not use petrol to run the
- Students might have ……………………………
- ……………………………….


Think of what might help students study more conveniently and


Week: Date of teaching:........................................................................................................

Period: 86


Lesson 2 – Pronunciation (p. 75)

I. Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to identify and speak the /t/ sound

II. Teaching aids:

- Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, ISB software,
projector/interactive whiteboard/laptop/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook.

III. Languages focus:

- Vocabulary: review food and drinks

- Structure: prononciation: sourd changes.

IV. Procedures:

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Time Steps/Activities Organization


Option 1: What school might be like in the future?  Teacher –

whole class
- Have some students share their ideas of an ideal school in the
future. (homework)
5’ - Teacher and other students follow.
- Teacher checks and gives feedback.
Schools in the future might have energy provided by the  Students in
sun. It might have robots to set up schoolwork for students. class
There might be………………………………..

New lesson

A-Pronunciation. (10’) p. 75  Teacher –

whole class/
- Teacher shows examples to class, speaks louder for
students to recognize the sound.
- Teacher gives more explanation, gives more examples to
make it clear.
- Have students listen and repeat, focus on the underlined

25’ words: /t/ sound (b/p. 75)

Further practice: odd one out

- Teacher gives some words, have students read the words

and leave out the one with different sound.
- Students do as direct.


1. Teacher – ten – tourist – temple

2. Take – think – though – thousand

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3. Team – question – put – computer

4. Tea – tour – convenient – although
 Teacher/
Whole class/
B-Practice – Ask & Answer.(10’) groupwork

Activity 1: Ask & answer.

- Teacher shows an example sentence to elicit the task.

How will homes change in the future?
In the future, we might have food machines.

Option 1: Ask & answer.

- Have students look at the pictures, review the words before

practice speaking. (shop online, automatic food machines,
- Have students practice in pairs, ask and answer about how the
homes will change.
- What will home change in the future?
1. Now we cook. In the future, we might have food machine  Teacher –

2. Now we go shopping, in the future, we might shop online whole class/

3. Now we lock the door, in the future, we might have smart pairs

4. Now we clean the floor. In the future, we might have robot
5. ……………………….
6. ……………………………..
 Teacher –
whole class/
- Some pairs present in front of the class
- Correct student’s pronunciation if necessary.

Option 2: Speaking

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- Have students practice in pairs, one asks and one answers, use
their own ideas. (exercise b/p. 75)
- Some students present in front of the class.
- Teacher checks, corrects or gives feedback.


Option 1: Doing a survey:  Teacher –

whole class/
Homes of Future.
- Have students work in groups; make a survey on how homes
will be different in the future.
- After completing the survey, the reporter will talk about the
result in front of the class.
 Teacher –
- Pet cats and dogs Robot cats
Students in
- Cook meals Food machines
5’ - Electricity Automatic electricity
- TV Smart TV

Option 2: Speaking.

- Students share ideas of a robot friend which is likely to human.

- Some students volunteer to share in front of the class.


Most parents are really busy now. They don’t have much
time for their kids. Children hope to have a robot friend which

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might be side by side with them. That robot might ………………..


Think of a modern device you want to have.

Week: Date of teaching:........................................................................................................

Period: 7


Lesson 3 – Physics (p. 76)

I. Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to have some information and to talk about life
on the Moon.

II. Teaching aids:

- Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, ISB software,
projector/interactive whiteboard/laptop/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook.

III. Languages focus:

- Vocabulary: (n) astronaut, gravity, spacesuit, space station

(v) lock, float
- Structure: present simple tense

IV. Procedures:

Time Steps/Activities Organization

Option 1: Speaking: talk about a modern device you want to  Teacher –

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have. whole class

- Some students volunteer to talk about the modern device they

want to have (homework).
 Students in
- Teacher and the whole class follow, ask questions if necessary.

Option 2: To which country does this invention belong?

 Students in
- Teacher shows pictures of some hi-tech inventions, asks
students if they know which country was it first invented.
- Teacher shows the answer together with some more
information, then leads to new lesson.


- Vending machine – Greece

- Television – America
- Vacuum – Turkey
- Robot - Britain
- Telephone - Scotland

New lesson

A-New words. (10’)  Teacher –

whole class/
Activity 1: Teaching new words.
- Teacher uses pictures to elicit the meaning of new words. pair work
25’ - Have students listen and repeat. (chorally – individually)
- Teacher checks and corrects the pronunciation if necessary.

New words:

8. Astronaut (n)
9. Space station (n)
10. Spaceship (n)

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11. Gravity (n)

12. Float (v)
13. Lock (v)

Checking new words:

- Match the words with correct pictures.

 Teacher/
Whole class/

Activity 2: Fill in the blanks (a/p. 76)

Option 1: Gaps fill

- Have students fill in the blanks in exercise a/p. 76

- Some students give answers.
- Teacher checks and corrects.
- Have students read the words again (chorally)


6. gravity
7. spacesuit
8. float  Teacher –
9. lock whole class/
10. astronaut pairs
11. the earth
12. the moon
13. spaceship

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Option 2: Speaking-  Teacher –

whole class/
- Teacher has students answer the questions, use their own
Would you like to visit a spaceship / the Moon? Why?


Activity 1: Listen to Major Tomkins, an astronaut, talking

about life on a space station, answer the question:

What question do people ask him the most?

Answer: chef
- Have students guess the answer before listening
- Teacher gets the answers, then let students listen (1st time)
- Check their guessing
- Listen again to check the answer (a/p. 76)

- Activity 2: Listen and fill in the blanks.

- Have students listen and fill in the blanks. (exercise b/p. 76)
- Teacher gets the answer from students.
- Teacher checks, corrects or gives feedback.


9. person
10. earth
11. …………….
12. gravity

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Option 1: Watching a trip to the Moon  Teacher –

whole class/
- Teacher has students watch a clip about a trip on the moon.
- Ask some questions about it.
- Teacher has some explanation if necessary.


1. Can we walk on the moon?  Teacher –

2. Is it hot or cold there? Students in
3. What is the weather like on the moon? groups


5’ 1. ……………..
2. ………………………..
3. ……………….
- Students show their answers to class.
- Teacher checks and gives feedback.

Option 2: Speaking.

Which planet would you like to visit? Why?

- Teacher introduces the planet system to students

- Students work in groups of four, share ideas about the planet
they would like to go.
- Some students from groups volunteer to share their ideas with
the class.
- Teacher checks and gives feedback.

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Write a short paragraph about the planet you would like to visit

Week: Date of teaching:........................................................................................................

Period: 88


Lesson 3 – Physics (p. 77)

I. Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to read an article and write about life on a
space station

II. Teaching aids:

- Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, ISB software,
projector/interactive whiteboard/laptop/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook.

III. Language focus:

- Vocabulary: dried food

- Structure: present simple tense

IV. Procedures:

Time Steps/Activities Organization

Previous lesson

Option 1: Speaking  Teacher –

5’ whole class
- Have students watch a clip about the trip to the moon, then they
review it.
- Teacher may ask some questions to make sure they are clear
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about the clip.  Students in

- Teacher and the whole class check and correct. groups

Option 2: Who is he?  Students in

- Teacher shows some pictures of Pham Tuan on the screen, ask
students if they know anything about him.
- Teacher gives some clues for students to guess fact about him
- Some students share their ideas.
- Teacher checks and gives correct information.

73 years old o fly pilot

space 33 years

Salyut 6 astronaut July 1980


5. He was a pilot and an astronaut.

6. He was the first Vietnamese astronaut to fly into space.
7. He first flew into space in Salyut 6 in July 1980.
8. He first went to space when he was 33 years old.
9. He is 73 years old now.

- Teacher gives feedback, and then leads to new lesson

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New lesson

A-Reading. (10’)  Teacher –

whole class/
Activity 1: Review words & complete the text.
- Teacher reviews words relating to the theme of the lesson pairwork
through warm-up activity.
- Teacher gets the answers, then lets them look at the text,
read and fill in the blanks with words given. (a/p. 77)
- Some students give the answers.
- Teacher checks and corrects if necessary.


5. Space station
6. gravity
7. astronauts
8. float

Activity 2: Read & answer the questions (b/p. 77)

- Teacher asks students to work in pairs, read and answer the

questions.  Teacher/
- Teacher gets the answers, checks and corrects. Whole class/

1. Because there is no gravity there

2. They have to use soap and wet towels.
3. Dried food in bags
4. So they don’t float around
5. Pham Tuan

B-Speaking.(10’) Life on the moon.

Option 1: discuss about what might be like living on the

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- Teacher asks students to list some fields which are mentioned in

the text above.
- Teacher sets the scene of task a/p. 77, introduces some things
that relate to life on the moon.  Teacher –
- Have students work in groups. Each group chooses a field to whole class/
talk about. (optionally) pairs
- Representative from groups share the presentation to class.
- Teacher checks and gives feedback.

Option 2: choose the best options

 Teacher –
- Teacher has students practice in pairs, ask & answer about
whole class/
these things
- The answers are shown in multiple choices
- Students look and choose the correct one, then compare
with their answers.
- Teacher checks and gives feedback


1. What food will you eat? Fast food / dried food

2. What clothes might you wear? Spacesuit / casual clothes
3. Will you need to use a special toilet? Yes / No
4. How will you sleep? In bed / in sleeping bags
5. How will you keep healthy? Do exercise / sleep more
6. How will you clean yourself? Shower / soap & wet towels
7. …………..

Option 1: Speaking  Teacher –

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- Students choose four different things in the above task about life whole class/
on the moon to talk about. individuals
- Students fill in the table with the information, then share to

Four different things about life on the moon

Food  Teacher –
Students in


- Students show their result to class. (individually)

- Teacher checks and gives feedback.

Option 2: Speaking

- Students use the information in task A, choose two things you

like best to talk about
- Students fill in the table with their own information.

Two things I like best about life on the moon

- Some students show their result to class. (individually)

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- Ask if there is something they want to know more, teacher gives

information if necessary.
- Teacher checks and gives feedback.


Write a paragraph about different things or things you like best in

life on the moon, use your own ideas.

Week: Date of teaching:........................................................................................................

Period: 89


Review (p. 102)

I. Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to review the words relate to houses in the

II. Teaching aids:

- Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, ISB software,
projector/interactive whiteboard/laptop/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook.

III. Language focus:

- Vocabulary: words relate to houses in the future.

- Structure: simple Future tense.

IV. Procedures:

Time Steps/Activities Organization

5’ Previous lesson

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Option 1: Speaking  Teacher –

whole class
- Teacher asks some students to show their writing about life on
the moon (homework)
- Students follow, give questions if necessary.
 Students in

Option 2: Crossword

- Teacher shows a crossword, students look at the pictures and  Students in

find the word that fit the boxes. (houses in the future) class
- Teacher checks and gives feedback.
- Have students read all the words.

New lesson

A-Listening. (10’)  Teacher –

whole class/
Activity 1: Reviewing words.
- Teacher reviews words for students by having them do a pair work
- Let students listen to the talking between Jenny and Tom
about a TV show she watched, choose the correct answer
for each of the following question. (a/p. 102).
- Students listen again and check their answers.


6. C
7. B
8. B
9. C
10. B

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 Teacher/
Whole class/
Activity 2: Reporting
- Some students make a summary of Jenny and Tom by
sticking the items mentioned in the dialogue.

 Teacher –
Smart home Eco-friendly Shop online apartment
whole class/

robots vacuum earth scraper megacities

 Teacher –
whole class/
B-reading.(10’) read and choose the correct answer
Option 1: Guessing

- Teacher asks students to work in groups. Read the open

sentences and complete the sentences.
- Groups exchange the answer with each other to cross check.
- Teacher shows the answers.


8. A smart TV can help us

9. When I’m hungry, I turn on
10. A smart door helps us ………………………………………
11. Tutor robots help us ……………………………………………

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Option 1: Read and choose the correct answer, choose A, B or


- Have students work in pairs, read and choose the correct

- Some pairs present the answers.


1. C
2. A
3. B
4. C
5. C


Option 1: make a presentation about a kind of HOUSE you like  Teacher –

best. Students in
- Each group chooses a popular food; makes a presentation
about it.
- Teacher and other students follow and give feedback.


Write a paragraph about the house you like to live in.

Week: Date of teaching:........................................................................................................

Period: 90


Review (p. 103)

I. Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to review all about life on space station.
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II. Teaching aids:

- Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, ISB software,
projector/interactive whiteboard/laptop/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook.

III. Language focus:

- Vocabulary: word relate to life on space station.

- Structure: Simple Future tense

IV. Procedures:

Time Steps/Activities Organization

New lesson

A-Vocabulary. (10’)  Teacher –

whole class
Option 1: reminding

- Teacher uses a table of information in the conversation between

Jenny and Tom to review words before doing the exercise.
- Have some students repeat the words.
- Students work in pairs, use these words to fill in the blanks in
the sentences

6. Smart homes
7. Megacity
8. Robot helpers
9. moon  Students in
10. underground class
11. lock
12. 3D printer
13. Space station

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- Teacher checks the answers and gives feedback

B-Grammar.(10’) Write full sentences using the words given

- Have students review ways of using simple future before doing  Teacher –
the task. whole class/
- Students work in four groups; each group has two sentences to individuals/
complete. pairwork
- Groups give the answers.
- Teacher checks and gives feedback.
 Teacher/
Whole class/
14. Where do you think people will live in the future? groupwork
15. We might have automatic food machines
16. I thing a few people will live in earth scrapers
17. ……………………………….  Teacher –

25’ 18. ……………………………… whole class/

…………………………………. individuals

C-Pronunciation. – circle the word that has the underlined

part pronounced differently from the others (10’)

- Teacher explains how to do the task of the lesson. Teacher

makes an example as modeling
- Have students work in pairs, complete the exercise
- Some students give the answers by reading aloud all words
before choosing the correct one.
- Teacher checks and corrects.


7. A

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8. B
9. B

- Circle the word that differs from the other three in the
position of the main stress.


10. A
11. C
12. B


Option 1: CONVERSATION SKILL  Teacher –

whole class/
- Have students play role of a reporter and an astronaut, who has
just come back home after six months living on the moon, make
an interview about life on the moon.

Suggested answer

5’ A. How did you feel there?

 Teacher –
B. Well, I felt ……………………………………..
Students in
A. What food do you eat every day?
B. …………………………………………
C. Do you cook every day?
A. ………………………………………
B. Thank you.

- Students show their presentation to class.

- Teacher checks and gives feedback.

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Option 2: Review game (p. 118)

- Have students get through the rules of the game.

- Have students play in pairs, one pair each time. Students who
have three correct turns win the game.
- Students volunteer to answer the questions.
- Teacher and other students follow and give feedback.


Review all words and grammar notes of the lesson.

Week: Date of teaching:........................................................................................................

Period: 91


Lesson 1 (p. 78)

I. Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

a. Language knowledge and skills

 Vocabulary: gain vocabulary items about places in the city – (n) statue, museum, palace,
tower, opera house, cathedral, bridge
 Structure: Use the structures – “What’s there near ……………….? – There is / are

 talk about places in the city

b. Core competencies and personal qualities

 Raise motivations and interests in learning English as a foreign language
 Develop communicative and team-working skills through learning activities
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 Illustrate problem-solving and critical-thinking skills through learning activities

 Establish responsive and independent characteristics to be a long-life learner

II. Teaching aids:

- Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, ISB software,
projector/interactive whiteboard/laptop/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook.

III. Procedures:

Time Steps/Activities Organization


Option 1: brainstorming  Teacher – whole

- Teacher lets students watch an animation “Country Mouse –
City Mouse” -
- Ask students some questions after watching.

 Students in groups
- What is the animation about?
- Why does the mouse go to the town?
- Does he enjoy life in town?
- Teacher and students discuss together.
 Whole class

Option 2: Discussion.

- Teacher asks students some questions about their vacation

destination. (modeling)
- Let students talk freely.
- Ask them which places they like best and give the reason why.
- Teacher introduces some vacation destinations in Vietnam and

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around the world, includes as much information as possible.

New lesson

 Teacher – whole
class/ individuals/
pair work

- Teacher shows pictures of vacation places and asks if they

know any of them.
- Ask students if they have ever been to any of them, or what
place they want to come to.

A-Teach new words. (10’)

Activity 1: Teaching new words

- Use real things and pictures to introduce the new words:
New words:
18. statue (n)
19. bridge (n)
 Teacher/ Whole
20. palace (n)
class/ group work
21. tower (n)
22. opera house (n)
23. cathedral (n)
24. museum (n)
- Have students listen and repeat each new word. (chorally –
- Correct student’s pronunciation if necessary.

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Activity 2. Checking new words

- Have students write the letters in the boxes (a/p. 78)

- Teacher checks the answers and gives feedback.
- Have they read all the words again.

 Teacher – whole
1. A
class/ pairs
2. E
3. C
4. B
5. F
6. D
7. H
8. G

Activity 3: Speaking

- Teacher shows picture again, one by one, and asks student if

they know where it is.
- Have students work in pairs, thinks of three landmarks in your
country and talk about it. (exercise b/p. 78)
 Teacher – whole
- Some students volunteer to share their ideas to class.
class/ individuals
- Teacher checks, corrects and gives feedback.

Answer: students’ answer

B-Listening. (10’)

Activity 1: listen and answer the question

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Are they both going on vacation?

Yes / No

- Teacher introduces Kathryn and Tom, shows the question, then

lets students listen.(exercise a/p. 78)
- Get answers from students. (listen the 1st time)

Answer: Yes

- Listen again and circle True or False (listen the 2nd time)
- Listen again and check their answers
- Teacher checks and corrects.


9. False
10. True
11. False
12. True

Activity 2: Listen again, answer the question

- Have students listen again and give the correct answer.

- Get the answers from students, check and correct.
- Teacher has students play role, read the dialogue. (hands-


1. It’s busy …………………….

2. Yes, ………………………

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3. It’s ………………………….
4. Kathryn can go to …………………………………………..


Option 1: role playing  Teacher – whole

class/ individuals
- Teacher gives out the conversation to pairs, (hands-out) have
students role playing, read the dialogue again.
- Have students underline some words, then practice subtitling
the underlined words.
- Have students practice role playing the dialogue.
- Some pairs present in front of the class. (close pairs, open pairs)


4. Royal Palace - …………………

 Teacher –Students
5. Square - ………………………
in groups
6. Park - ………………………
5’ 7. ………………………….

Option 2: Conversation skill.

- Teacher asks students to indicate conversation skill in the

- Have students play role of Kathryn and Tom, read the dialogue
- Students work in pairs, do as modeling.
- Some pairs present in front of the class.


E. What are you going to do in…………………?

F. …………………………………………
C. Do you have a ticket?

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D. ……………………………………….
C. What can I do if I can’t have a ticket?
D. ………………………………………


Write a short paragraph about the place you want to go to.

i-Learn Smart World 6 (SB)

Week: Date of teaching:........................................................................................................

Period: 92


Lesson 1 (p. 79)

I. Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to use the First Conditional to talk about real
possibilities that might happen in the future.

II. Teaching aids:

- Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, ISB software,
projector/interactive whiteboard/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook.

III. Language focus:

- Vocabulary:
- Structure : If clause (type 1) If + S + Vs/es, S + will/can + V
Ex : If you do more exercise, you will be fit and healthy.
IV. Procedures:

Time Steps/Activities Organization

5’ Warm-up

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Option 1: Song: If you happy  Teacher –

whole class
- Play the music, the whole class sing and dance together to
power class before starting the lesson.

Option 2: matching

- Teacher shows some pairs of pictures, which can be match to  Whole class
make conditional sentences.
- Students match, teacher makes sentences, students says again.
- Teacher elicits the ways to make conditional sentences, then
leads to new lesson.

New lesson

A-Grammar. (10’)  Teacher –

whole class/
- Teacher uses pairs of pictures above to introduce conditional
- Teacher shows example sentences and elicits the way to use
- Ask students to give examples to make sure they catch the

If clause Main clause

If + S + Vs/es S + will / can + V

Ex : If you eat too much, You will become obesity.

If you aren’t careful, You may fall down.


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Activity 1: Listen & repeat (a/p. 79)  Teacher/

Whole class/
- Have students read the sentences with if clause.
group work
- Have some students make example sentences if they can.

Activity 2: fill in the blanks with correct form of the verbs.

(b/p. 79)

- Have students practice in pairs, read the sentences and

complete the blanks with correct form of the verbs.
- Some pairs show the answers on the board.
- Teacher checks and gives marks.


7. Have – will go
8. Is – will watch
9. Won’t go - is
10. Have time – will visit
 Teacher –
11. Is – will visit
whole class/
12. Don’t have – won’t go

Activity 3: Look at Mary’s plan and write the sentences. (c/p.


- Teacher shows the suggested words and explains the way to do

the task.  Teacher –
- Have students practice writing full sentences (groups) whole class/
- Groups cross check the answers before showing them on the individual
- The answers are shown through a game.
Suggested answer:
17. If it rains, Mary will go to the café.

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18. If the museum is busy, she will go to the cathedral.

19. She will visit the tower if the opera house is closed.
20. If the palace is busy, she won’t go there.
21. She will see the old bridge if she has time.

- Teacher checks and corrects the answers.


Option 1: Making sentences  Teacher –

whole class/
- Teacher shows pairs of pictures in Warm-up again.
- Students practice making the sentences in pairs
- Students show the answers on the board
- Teacher checks and corrects.
 Teacher –
Students in
Option 2: Mistakes correction

- Teacher shows some conditional sentences on the screen,

which have mistakes with the structures
- Students check and correct the mistakes.
- Students show the answer on the board.
- Teacher checks and corrects.


Make five sentences, use if clause.

Week: Date of teaching:........................................................................................................

Period: 93


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Lesson 1 – pronunciation (p. 80)

I. Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to notice the sound /ð/ in words.

II. Teaching aids:

- Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, ISB software,
projector/interactive whiteboard/laptop/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook.

III. Language focus:

- Vocabulary:
- Structure: prononciation : /ð/ sound

IV. Procedures:

Time Steps/Activities Organization


Option 1: Game Matching  Teacher –

whole class
- Teacher divides the class into two teams A & B.
- Teacher gives teams flashcards that bear half of the conditional
- One student in team A gives a clause, one in team B has to find
5’ the equal half.
- Which team has more correct answers to win the game.

Option 2: game Matching

- Teacher divides the class into two teams A & B.

- Each team has an if clause of the conditional sentences.
- One student in team A speaks the if clause, one in team B has to

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make the main clause to complete the sentence.

- Which team has correct answers can give order to the other one.
- Which team has more correct answers wins the game

New lesson

A-Pronunciation. (10’)  Teacher –

whole class/
Activity 1:
- Teacher shows an example sentence on the board, has pair work
students listen, repeat and notice the sound.
- Teacher lets students listen and repeat the sound. (b/p. 40)

Activity 1: Practice the conversation (a/p. 80)

- Students listen and repeat (c, d/p. 80)

- Have some students read by themselves.

B-Practice – Practice the conversation, swap roles & repeat.

- Teacher asks students to take a look at the conversation

and answer the questions. (a/p. 80)

Questions:  Teacher/
Whole class/
1. Who are talking?
2. What is Tom going to do?
3. What’s going to do if the weather is cold?

- Some students answer the questions.

- Two pairs read the dialogue aloud.
- Teacher asks students to work in pair, make a new

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conversation using the words given to substitute.

Further practice: Speaking. (b/p. 80)

- Have students practice in pairs, make a new conversation using

their own ideas.
- A pair presents in front of the class.
- Teacher corrects student’s pronunciation if necessary.

 Teacher –
Activity 2: Speaking – Famous landmarks in London whole class/
- Teacher asks students about their favorite destination for
vacations before letting them practice speaking.
- Teacher suggests a destination: London.
- Have students name three famous places in London. Teacher
adds more if necessary.
- Have students work in groups of four, share three ideal places
 Teacher –
they want to go.
whole class/
- A representative from group presents in front of the class.
- Teacher checks, corrects or gives feedback.


Option 1: discussion  Teacher –

whole class/
- Teacher sets the scene of the task, asks students what they will
do if they have more free time.
- Teacher gives example sentences as modeling
- Some pairs present in front of the class.
If I have more free time, I’ll learn to play the guitar.

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Option 2: Interviewing

- Students A&A in pairs, one student gives questions, the other

one answers.
 Teacher –
Example: Students in
Q: what will you do if you have more money?

Q: what will you do if you get five marks in Math?

Q: what will you do if you ……………………………………?


Make four sentences about yourself with If

Week: Date of teaching:........................................................................................................

Period: 94


Lesson 2 (p. 81)

I. Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to compare features of cities around the world.

II. Teaching aids:

- Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, IWB software,
projector/interactive whiteboard/laptop/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook.

III. Language focus:

- Vocabulary: (n) amusement park, shopping mall, building, public transportation.

(adj): modern, crowded, noisy, peaceful, fantastic, comfortable.

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- Structure: description with adj: The shopping mall is always crowded

IV. Procedures:

Time Steps/Activities Organization


Matching  Teacher –
whole class
- Teacher shows the national flags, asks students to name the
countries they belong to.
Option 1:
 Students in
- Asks some students to list some landmarks in each country (if
they can).
Option 2:
- Teacher shows landmarks in these countries, let students match
- Students do as direct.
- Teacher checks and correct, then leads to the new lesson.
 Whole class

New lesson

A-Teach new words. (10’)  Teacher –

whole class/
- Teacher uses symbols, pictures or simple English to introduce
new words:
25’ pair work
New words:
12. Amusement Park (n)
13. Shopping mall (n)
14. Public transportation (n)
15. Modern (a)

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16. Crowded (adj)

17. Noisy # peaceful (a)
18. Fantastic (a)
19. Comfortable (a)
- Have students listen and repeat each new word. (chorally –
- Teacher corrects student’s pronunciation if necessary.

Activity 1. (Checking new word),  Teacher/

Whole class/
- Teacher asks students to look at their book, complete the
blanks with words given. (exercise a/p. 81)
- Teacher checks and gives feedback.
1. Amusement Park
2. Shopping mall
3. Building

Activity 2: matching

- Teacher gives a definition; students guess the word.

- Have students work in pairs, circle the definition for the
underlined words.
- Teacher gets the answers from students, checks and gives
 Teacher –
whole class/
1. A pairs
2. A
3. B

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4. B

Activity 3. Speaking

- Teacher asks a student about the place they live as modeling.

- Ask students to practice in pairs, A&A using the adjectives to
describe the place they live.
- Some students share their ideas to the class.


I live in a small town in Ho Chi Minh city. The town is  Teacher –

small, but it’s very modern. There is only an amusement park in whole class/
the town, so it’s very peaceful. individuals

B-Reading. (10’)

Activity 1: Brainstorming

- Teacher shows some scenic spots, lets students guess the

country (Singapore).

Art Science Twin Tower Merlion Statue


- Have students answer the questions. Asks students to give more

information about these places.

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- Teacher gives some more information if necessary.

Activity 2: Reading, answer True - False.

- Teacher shows pictures of Singapore and Kuala Lumpur

- Have students compare the two cities base on the pictures.
- Teacher explains how to do the task.
- Have students practice in pairs, do as directed.


5. False
6. False
7. True
8. True

- Teacher checks again and gives feedback.


Option 1: Discussion  Teacher –

whole class/
- Teacher asks students a question.
If you have chance, which city would you like to visit?


Students’ answer
If I have chance, I’ll visit…………………….because
 Teacher –
- Some students share their ideas. Students in
- Teacher checks and gives feedback. groups

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Option 2: Speaking.

- Teacher shows pictures of two big cities in Viet Nam (Ha Noi &
Ho Chi Minh city)
- Teacher gives hand-out to groups, students take notes to
compare the two cities.
- Some students share their ideas to the class.


Write about the city you would like to visit.

Week: Date of teaching:........................................................................................................

Period: 95


Lesson 2 – Grammar (p. 82)

I. Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to comparative adjectives to compare two
things and superlative adjectives to compare more than two ones.

II. Teaching aids:

- Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, IWB software,
projector/interactive whiteboard/TV.

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- Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook.

III. Language focus:

- Vocabulary: (adj) exciting # boring, cheap # expensive

- Structure: comparative & superlative
(short adj, long adj, special cases)

IV. Procedures:

Time Steps/Activities Organization


Option 1: Words reviewing  Teacher –

whole class
- Teacher asks some volunteer students to talk about the place
they like to visit.
- Teacher gives feedback and gives mark.
5’ - Teacher shows another place to make some comparison between  Students in
two places, then leads to new lesson.

 Whole class
Ho Chi Minh city is bigger than Ha Noi city.

Bangkok is more exciting than London.

New lesson

A-Grammar. (10’)  Teacher –

whole class/
Activity 1: Listen & repeat a/ p. 82
- Teacher shows some sentences to elicit the ways to use form pairwork
comparative and superlative form.

Adjectives Comparatives Superlatives

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1 syllable + ER + EST

1 syllable +R + ST
ending in “e”

1 syllable Double the last Double the last

ending in cons- consonant + ER consonant + EST

Two/more MORE + ADJ THE MOST + Adj


Two syllables Y – IER Y – IEST  Teacher/

ending in “y” Whole class/

exceptions good – better, bad – the best, the worst,
worse, fun – more fun the most fun

 Teacher –
whole class/
- Teacher asks students to take notes in their notebook.
- Teacher gives some more examples for students to do.
- Have students listen and repeat all the words.  Teacher –
whole class/
Ex: I am………………than my sister (tall).
He gets up ………………than I (early).

Activity 2: fill in the blanks (b/p. 82)

- Have students work in pairs; fill in the blanks with a / an / some

/ any
- Teacher asks some pairs to show their answers.
13. More exciting

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14. The oldest

15. Cheaper
16. the cheapest
17. The most expensive
18. The most boring
19. More peaceful
20. More crowded
21. Noisier
22. The noisiest
- Ask some students to check the answers.
- Teacher checks again and gives feedback.

Activity 3: Fill in the blanks (c/p. 82)

- Teacher shows slides containing the two items which are

used to compare.
- Have students work in pairs, practice filling the blanks in
the sentences.
- Some students who finish quickly go to the board to write
the answers.
- Teacher checks and gives feedback.


12. bigger
13. the most crowded
14. more peaceful
15. coldest
16. more modern

Option 1: Speaking. (d/p. 82)  Teacher –

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- Have students practice comparing the city they live with another whole class/
city, use their own ideas. individuals
- Some pairs share their ideas in front of the class

Option 2: Speaking
 Students in
- Have students practice in pairs, compare things (their own groups


Make five sentences, using comparison.

Week: Date of teaching:........................................................................................................

Period: 96


Lesson 2 – Pronunciation (p. 43)

I. Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to identify the word stress in words.

II. Teaching aids:

- Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, ISB software,
projector/interactive whiteboard/laptop/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook.

III. Language focus:

- Vocabulary: review words of describing adjectives

- Structure: prononciation : sourd changes.

IV. Procedures:

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Time Steps/Activities Organization


Option 1: What is noisier?  Teacher –

whole class
- Teacher asks students to make comparison (homework).
- Teacher picks and shows some examples that relate to the theme
of the lesson.
 Students in
C. What is noisier, Ho Chi Minh City or Hanoi?
5’ D. Ho Chi Minh City is noisier than Hanoi.

- Teacher underlines the words, focuses students on words

 Students in
stress. (noisy – noisier)
- Have students read all the words loudly.
- Teacher lets students listen to the model sentences, compare
the sound to see how they change.

New lesson

A-Pronunciation. (5’)  Teacher –

whole class/
- Teacher shows an example to the class, speaks louder for
students to recognize the difference. (noisy – noisier: the stress
25’ - Teacher gives more explanation, gives more examples to make
it clear.
- Have students listen and repeat, focus on the underlined
words: do not change the stressed positions when ending “-er”
(b/p. 83)
- Have students listen and cross out the one with the wrong
words stressed (c/p. 83)

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Further practice:

- Teacher gives more examples for students to practice


Friendly – friendlier

Lazy – lazier  Teacher/

Whole class/
Early - earlier
- Some students say again.
- Students practice reading the words in pairs, pay attention to
the stressed syllable.
- Ask teacher for help if necessary.

B-Practice – Reading the conversation. (10’)

Activity 1: Ask & answer.

- Have students look at their books, play role and read the
- Teacher asks a pair of students to read aloud.
- Teacher underlines some words, has another pair replaces them
with words given - modeling
- Have students practice in pairs, ask and answer about the food
 Teacher –
and drink they want to, swap the roles and repeat.
whole class/
- Da Nang – Cairo
- London – Tokyo
- Hot – cold / hotter – colder
- ……………………………………….

- Some pairs present in front of the class  Teacher –

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- Correct student’s pronunciation if necessary. whole class/


Activity 2: Speaking – Make the same conversation, use their

own ideas.

- Have students practice in pairs, play role of a waiter and a

customer, practice ordering the food and drink. (exercise b/p.
- Some students present in front of the class.
- Teacher checks, corrects or gives feedback.


Option 1: A free vacation.  Teacher –

whole class/
- Teacher sets the scene of the dialogue (make plan for a free
vacation) (material reference: file 9, p. 124)
- Have students work in groups of three (students A, B and C),
make their own plan.
- After completing, the reporter will talk about the result in front
of the class.

 Teacher –
Option 2: Speaking. Students in
- Students work in pairs, compare the two places, then decide
where to go.
- Some students volunteer to share in front of the class.


- Where do you want to spend your vacation this summer:

Dalat or Hue?
- I prefer to go to Dalat
- Why?

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- Because ……………………………………..


Make plan for your vacation this summer


- Where to go?
- Why?
- Who do you go with?
- What to prepare?
- What can you do there?

Week: Date of teaching:........................................................................................................

Period: 97


Lesson 3 – Geography (p. 84)

I. Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to read and get information about an article
about Vietnamese capital, review comparative and superlative.

II. Teaching aids:

- Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, ISB software,
projector/interactive whiteboard/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook.

III. Language focus:

- Vocabulary: review adjectives to describe.

- Structure: comparative and superlative

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IV. Procedures:

Time Steps/Activities Organization


Option 1: odd one out  Teacher –

whole class
- Teacher shows four pictures / words of adjectives each time,
students have to find and odd out the one that not belong to the
 Students in
- Teacher gets answers from student, asks for more explanation.
- Teacher and the whole class check and correct.
1. Polluted – clean – pure – expensive
 Students in
2. Big – height - small – long
3. Building – high – modern – crowded


Option 2: Which do you choose? Why?

- Teacher shows a pair of pictures each time, students choose the

one they like and say the reason.
- Teacher gives feedback, then leads to new lesson.


- (country / city) Country - peaceful

- (China / Singapore) Singapore - cleaner
- ………

25’ New lesson

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A-New words. (10’)  Teacher –

whole class/
Activity 1: Fill in the blanks.
- Teacher uses pictures or definition to review words. pairwork
- Have student fill in the blanks with words given
(individually) (a/p. 84)


14. clean
15. crowded
16. cheap
17. temperature
18. expensive
19. polluted
- Have students listen and repeat. (chorally – individually)
- Teacher checks and corrects the pronunciation if necessary.

Activity 2: Speaking

- Have students work in pairs, talk about the place you  Teacher/
know, use the words in task A Whole class/
- Some students share their ideas to class. groupwork


Activity 1: Listen to two students talking about some cities

and circle the correct answer

- Have students listen 1 time, then choose the correct answer

- Have students explain why
- Listen again to check the answer (a/p. 44)
Answer: ……………

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- Activity 2: Listen and chose True - False

- Have students read the sentences. (exercise b/ p. 84)
 Teacher –
- Have them listen and choose the correct answers.
whole class/
- Teacher gets the answer from students.
- Ask them to correct the false ones.
- Teacher checks, corrects or gives feedback.


13. True / False

14. True / False
 Teacher –
15. True / False
whole class/
16. True / False


Option 1: Useful language  Teacher –

whole class/
- Teacher shows sentences to review superlative.
4. Tokyo is the most populated city in Japan.
5. Utasshinai is the smallest city in Japan.
- Have students summarize the way to form superlative sentences.

5’ - Students give more examples.

- Teacher checks and gives feedback.

 Teacher –
Option 2: Game: Confronting Students in
- Divide class into two teams, talk about the same topic each time
in which they give ideas on one point (same or different).
- Which team has more persuasive ideas wins the game

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- Turn 1: city - country

- Turn 2: traditional food – fast food
- Turn 3: indoor games – outdoor games

- Some students from groups volunteer to share something about

the food in front of the class.


Make a comparison for your house before and now.

Week: Date of teaching:........................................................................................................

Period: 98


Lesson 3 – Geography (p. 45)

I. Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to read in details about a city in Vietnam and
cities around the world.

II. Teaching aids:

- Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, ISB software,
projector/interactive whiteboard/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook.

III. Language focus:

- Vocabulary: review words relate to the topic of the lesson

- Structure: comparative - superlative

IV. Procedures:
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Time Steps/Activities Organization

Previous lesson

Option 1: Speaking  Teacher –

whole class
- Teacher shows some pictures of things, students look and make
- Teacher shares some information about these places.
 Students in
- Other students can make questions if they want.

 Students in


Option 2: what is more popular?

- Teacher shows some pictures of beaches / tourist attraction on

the screen, students choose the one they think more popular.
- Some students share their ideas.


10. I think Da Nang beach is cleaner than Nha Trang beach

11. I think milky tea is more popular than Vietnamese tea
12. Traditional food vs fast food
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- Teacher gives feedback, then leads to new lesson.

New lesson

A-Reading. (10’)  Teacher –

whole class/
Activity 1: Teaching new words.
- Teacher shows pictures to provide some basic information pair work
of Ha Noi
- Let students read through the text quickly and choose the
best headline.


Activity 2: Read & find the answer

25’ - Have students read again and answer the questions. (pairs
work – exercise b/p. 85)
- Teacher gets the answers from students.


9. Over 8 million people.

10. From Sep to Nov  Teacher/
11. Traditional Vietnamese and French buildings around the Whole class/
capital. groupwork
12. No
- Teacher checks and gives feedback

B-Speaking.(10’) Cities around the world.

Activity 1: making a comparison of cities around the world.

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- Teacher asks students to compare cities around the world, use

the information in the table. (a/p. 85)
- Have students work in groups. Each group chooses two cities to
talk about.  Teacher –
- Representatives from groups go to share the presentation to whole class/
class. pairs
- Teacher checks and gives feedback.

Activity 2: Comparing your city with one of these cities.

 Teacher –
- Teacher asks a student some sentences of comparison to whole class/
model the task. individuals
- Have students work in pairs, practice A&A as directed
- Some pairs present in front of the class.
- Teacher checks and gives feedback


Option 1: Writing & Speaking  Teacher –

whole class/
- Teacher shows a table on the screen, explains how to do with it.
Teacher asks a student as modeling.
- Have students work in groups, discuss about the food in their
5’ - Students fill in the table with the information.

Seoul  Teacher –
Students in
Where it is In South Korea, …………..

Famous for

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Interesting facts

- Students show their result to class. (individually)

- Teacher checks and gives feedback.

Option 2: Writing

- Students look at the information in the table and make full

sentences about Seoul.
- Teacher may show pictures (or clip) to illustrate the speaking.


Make a table and write a paragraph about Seoul (or another city
you like)

Week: Date of teaching:........................................................................................................

Period: 99


Review (p. 104)

I. Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to review features relate to cities around the
world and some adjectives to describe places.

II. Teaching aids:

- Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, ISB software,
projector/interactive whiteboard/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook.

III. Language focus:

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- Vocabulary: words relate to describing cities.

- Structure:

IV. Procedures:

Time Steps/Activities Organization

New lesson

A-Listening. (10’)  Teacher –

whole class
Option 1: guessing

- Teacher shows pictures / half pictures for students to guess the

name of the country as well as to review adjectives to describe  Students in
these cities (peaceful, noisy, crowded, modern, ……………) groups
before listening.

Option 2: Listening
 Students in
- Have students add more words if they can. class
5’ - Students listen to five conversations, for each question, choose

the best answer.


14. B
15. B
16. A
17. C
18. C
- Teacher may give students more information or explanation to
make it clear.

25’ B-Reading.(10’) Read the email, fill in missing words in

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blanks  Teacher –
whole class/
- Teacher asks students some questions about the email (who
writes the email? She writes the email to……………..)
- Students work in pairs, fill in the blanks with words given.
- Some students give the answers.
- Teacher checks and gives feedback.
 Teacher/
Answer: Whole class/
19. for
20. and
21. than
 Teacher –
22. lots
whole class/
23. is
24. to

- Teacher asks students to give explanation for each answer.


Option 1: Play role - writing  Teacher –

whole class/
- Have students play role of Jessie, write response to Julie’s
- Teacher may show a draft email for them to make similar.

5’ Suggested email

To: Julie
Subject: RE: My city
 Teacher –
Hi, Julie
Students in
Thanks for your email. It’s interesting to know about Carson
I’d like to tell you some about the city where I live.

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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

It’s………………….. but…………………….
There’s a ……………………………….near my house. And there
are some ………………………….where my friends and I often
spend our free time.
Next week, our class is going to have a picnic in the national
park in downtown. We are really excited about it.
I’ll write and tell you more after the picnic.
Your friend,
- Some groups volunteer to show their presentation to class.
- Teacher checks and gives feedback.


Write your own email at home

Review all words and grammar notes of the lesson.

Week: Date of teaching:........................................................................................................

Period: 100


Review (p. 105)

I. Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to review the language of communication and
about the food and drinks.

II. Teaching aids:

- Teacher’s aids: student’s book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, ISB software,
projector/interactive whiteboard/TV.
- Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook.

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III. Language focus:

- Vocabulary: words relate to places to visit.

- Structure: comparison

IV. Procedures:

Time Steps/Activities Organization

New lesson

A-Vocabulary (10’)  Teacher –

whole class
Activity 1: Gaps filling

- Teacher shows pictures to review places to live or to visit as

well as some adjectives to describe it. (Apartment, opera house,  Students in
boat, peaceful, crowded, ………..) groups
- Have students work in pairs, read and complete the open spaces
in the sentences.
- Teacher checks and corrects.  Students in
- Class follows, gives questions if necessary. class
5’ Answer:
8. Opera house
9. Palace
10. Boat
11. Crowded
12. Peaceful
13. Temperature
14. Clean

Option 2: Crossword

- Teacher shows a crossword, students look at the pictures and

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find the word that fit the boxes. (adjectives, places)

- Students give the answer
- Teacher checks and gives feedback.
- Have students read all the words.

B-Grammar. (10’) unscramble the sentences  Teacher –

whole class/
- Teacher asks students to look at their book, explains how to do
the task.
- Students work in groups (2 sentences per group), rearrange the
words to make complete sentences.
- Groups exchange the answer with each other to cross check.
- Teacher shows the answers.

12. I think Moscow is more polluted than London

13. This article says Singapore is the most expensive city in the  Teacher/
world Whole class/
14. New York has more museums than Mexico City. groupwork
15. ……………………………
16. …………………………..
17. …………………………..
18. ………………………………..


Option 1: Pronunciation  Teacher –

5’ whole class/
- Teacher shows an example sentence on the board, students read,
then choose the different sound.
Example: A. thing B. this C. thank D. think

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Answer: B
- Students work in pairs, complete the task as directed
- Some students give the answers
- Teacher checks and corrects.

Option 2: What is more?  Teacher –

Students in
- Teacher gives some groups of words that relate to each other.
- Students have to add one or two words that are close in


5. Cinema, amusement park, …………………………,

6. Crowded, populated, noisy, ………………………………
7. Modern, comfortable, …………………………….,
8. Village, apartment, flat, ……………………….
- Teacher checks and gives feedback.


Review all words and adjectives of the lesson

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