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A Novel Encryption Algorithm using Skolem Graceful Labeling

Conference Paper · May 2024


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3 authors:

Chinthaka Weerarathna A.A.I Perera

University of Peradeniya University of Pradeniya, Sri Lanka


Rajitha Ranasinghe
University of Peradeniya


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A Novel Encryption Algorithm using Skolem Graceful


M.D.M.C.P. Weerarathna1*, A.A.I Perera2, and P.G.R.S. Ranasinghe3

1,2,3Department of Mathematics, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, 20400, Sri Lanka

ABSTRACT format is called encryption while the

Throughout generations, Graph Theory and reverse process is called decryption. We
Cryptography have gone hand-in-hand as encrypt a given message into the ciphertext
intriguing subject areas with many real- using the polyalphabetic table with the help
world applications in diverse disciplines; of the Skolem graceful labeling, and is
Computer Science, Engineering, Biology, converted into the plaintext by using the
etc. A graph 𝐺 is defined as a union of a decryption algorithm. As a future study, we
finite non-empty set of elements called are planning to extend this idea to an
vertices 𝑉(𝐺), which are associated by a encryption and decryption algorithm by
set of lines called edges, 𝐸(𝐺). In the using graph factorizations and different
present study, Graph Labeling is used to graph labeling methods.
implement a new Cryptography algorithm Keywords - Cryptography, Encryption
by generating a key from a constructed algorithm, Decryption algorithm, and
polyalphabetic table which is denoted by Skolem graceful labeling.
(𝐺, 𝑙, 𝑘), where 𝐺, 𝑙, and 𝑘 represent the 1. INTRODUCTION
Skolem graceful labeled graph, the size of a Graph Theory is used to solve many real-
block, and the shifting value, respectively. world phenomena. In this study, finite
The Polyalphabetic table was constructed simple graphs are considered to build an
using the Skolem graph labeling of Lobster encryption and decryption algorithm. A
graph 𝐿3 (2,4). Cryptography is the science simple graph 𝐺 is defined by 𝑉(𝐺) which is
of securing information by converting a non-empty finite set of elements called
readable format to unreadable format. The vertices and 𝐸(𝐺), which is a set of
process of converting a given unordered pair of distinct elements of 𝑉(𝐺)

* Corresponding author – The Department of Mathematics, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

E-mail address:


called edges. Graph labeling is a notable But in public-key cryptography, the sender
technique (Ni at el., 2021) because it is encrypts the message using a key which is
helpful to solve many applications such as called the public key and when the receiver
the radio labeling method can be used to receives the encrypted message, it can be
find best places to establish signal towers. decrypted using a secret key called the
The Skolem graceful labeling is a prominent private key.
labeling method which was introduced by
S.M. Lee and S.C. Shee following the idea In this study, we encrypt the message into
of Skolem sequence (Lee at el., 1991). A ciphertext by introducing cryptography
graph is said to be Skolem graceful graph, polyalphabetic method by using the
if there exists a function 𝑓 called a Skolem knowledge in graph theory. This method is
graceful labeling such that there is a developed using Skolem graceful graph
bijective function 𝑓: 𝑉 ⟶ {1,2, … , |𝑉|} and labeling which is a modified version of
the induced labeling 𝑔: 𝐸 ⟶ {1,2, … , |𝐸|} graceful labeling method. Here we have
defined by 𝑔(𝑢𝑣) = |𝑓(𝑢) − 𝑓(𝑣)|, ∀ 𝑢𝑣 ∈ used a special graph Lobster graph 𝐿3 (2,4)
𝐸 is also bijective (Lee at el., 1987). which have a Skolem graceful labeling
(Urnika at el.,2021). In the next section we
Cryptology is the art that protects the explain the method of algorithm in detail
confidentiality of messages by creating and discuss it using a simple example.
codes and solving them. It has two main
areas known as Cryptography and 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS
Cryptanalysis. Cryptography is the method 2.1 Preliminaries
of protecting information by converting to
unreadable format called ciphertext and this In this section we provide some
process is known as encryption. On the fundamental definitions that are used to the
other hand, Cryptoanalysis is an art how to proposed encryption technique.
recover encrypted messages to readable 2.1.1 A Lobster graph
format by doing complex study. The
A regular lobster graph 𝐿𝑛 (𝑞, 𝑟) is lobster
original message called as plaintext and the
graph with 𝑛 vertices on backbone path,
method to obtain plaintext from ciphertext
each of which is connected to 𝑞 hand
is called decryption. Cryptosystems can be
vertices, and each hand vertex is connected
divided into two main sections; symmetric
to 𝑟 finger vertices, 𝑛 ≥ 2. Figure 1 shows
and asymmetric or private and public, to
the lobster graph of 𝐿3 (2,4).
maintain consistency. Most of the
symmetric-key algorithms are classical 2.1.2 Graceful labeling
cryptosystems, in which the sender and the
A graceful labeling of a graph 𝐺 is a vertex
receiver use the same key to encrypt and
labeling 𝑓: 𝑉 ⟶ {0,1,2, … , |𝐸|} such that 𝑓
decrypt a message. The cryptography
is injective and the edge labeling 𝑔: 𝐸 ⟶
polyalphabetic method is a famous method
{1,2, … , |𝐸|} defined by 𝑔(𝑢𝑣) =
based on substitution of many variables for
|𝑓(𝑢) − 𝑓(𝑣)|, ∀ 𝑢𝑣 ∈ 𝐸 is also injective.
the characters in plaintext (Ni at el., 2021).


2.1.3 Skolem graceful labeling

The Skolem graceful labeling of a graph 𝐺 26 31

is a modified version of the graceful = 25 30 =
4 = = 4 32
labeling such that there exists a vertex 27
24 23 4 4 29 30 =
labeling 𝑓: 𝑉 ⟶ {1,2, … , |𝑉|} such that 𝑓 is =
4 25 31
injective and the edge labeling 𝑔: 𝐸 ⟶
{1,2, … , |𝐸|} defined by 𝑔(𝑢𝑣) = 28 2 1
26 32 33
|𝑓(𝑢) − 𝑓(𝑣)|, ∀ 𝑢𝑣 ∈ 𝐸 is also bijective. = 27 29 28 =
4 = 4
2.1.4 Encryption and Decryption 9 4 4
8 3
The process of encoding an original 14 20 5
13 21
message (plaintext) into ciphertext is called 15 22
encryption and the reverse process known
11 12
as decryption. 23 24
16 17 6
2.2 Methodology 7

In this section we discuss encryption, 11

decryption algorithms and key generation of
14 5 18 6 19
these algorithms using polyalphabetic 1
13 12
cipher. This cipher is constructed from the 7
Skolem graceful labeling of Lobster graph 2
10 8
15 3 4
𝐿3 (2,4). 9 20

2.2.1 Encryption Algorithm 17 22

The following steps illustrated the Figure 1. The Skolem graceful labeling method for
algorithm and the construction of the Lobster
polyalphabetic table. graph 𝐿3 (2,4).

Step 1: Urnika, D. A., and Purwanto, (2021).

Label the Lobster graph 𝐿3 (2,4) using the Skolem Graceful Labeling of Lobster
Skolem graceful labeling. This graph Graph 𝐿𝑛 (2, 𝑟). The 4th International
consists of 33 vertices and 32 edges. The Conference on Mathematics and Science
Skolem graceful labeling of the Lobster Education (ICoMSE) 2020, AIP conference
graph 𝐿3 (2,4) is shown in the Figure 1. Proceeding 2330, 070014.
Step 2:
Assign letters in the English alphabet to the
numbers on the vertices starting from 1 to
26 in the Lobster graph. After that, remain
vertices numbers transformed to special
characters. Here we have assigned “.”, “−”,
“,”, “(”, “)”, “/” and “?” to the vertex’s


numbers 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, and 33. number 𝑙. The first encoding column is
Similarly, assign letters and special obtained from the letters that are in the
adjacent edges related to each vertex. Next,
characters to the edges in the graph. Note use a shifting key say 𝑘 to shift the letters in
that, since the number of vertices is larger each column vertically.
than the number of edges by one, assign the Step 4:
last two assignments of special characters Finally, using the polyalphabetic table,
convert the original message into the
to the last edge. The symbol “−” represent
ciphertext. Then, send the ciphertext to the
the space between any two words. receiver with the key (𝐺, 𝑙, 𝑘). Here,
𝐺, 𝑙, and 𝑘 represent the Skolem graceful
The following diagram shows the English labeled graph, the number of sizes of the
and special character assignment to the block, and the shifting value respectively.
Lobster graph 𝐿3 (2,4).
Plaintext Ciphertext
a - o b j ? u
b . n c p , t
c u m d q ( s
d t l k w ) r
e s f g x / v
f r e h y - o
g v a i z . n
h o b j ? u m
i n c p , t l
j m d q ( s f
k l k w ) r e
l f g x / v a
m e h y - o b
n a i z . n c
o b j ? u m d
p c p , t l k
q d q ( s f g
r k w ) r e h
s g x / v a i
Figure 2. The English letters and special characters labeling t h y - o b j
method for Lobster graph 𝐿3 (2,4). u i z . n c p
v j ? u m d q
Step 3:
w p , t l k w
Using Figure 2, we construct a table to
x q ( s f g x
obtain the ciphertext. The letters in the first
column in the table is considered as the y w ) r e h y
letters of the plaintext that obtain from z x / v a i z
vertex characters of the graph. Then the . y - o b j ?
message is divided into equal number of - z . n c p ,
blocks of the same size (𝑙). If the size of , ? u m d q (
the block is less than l, then add "/" to ( , t l k w )
complete the required size of the block. The ) ( s f g x /
number of encoding columns in the / ) r e h y -
polyalphabetic table are equal to the


? / v a i z . e-hosh -hnug z,ibc(

Table 1. The polyalphabetic ciphertext for Table 3. 6 equal blocks with size 6 for the
the key (𝐿3 (2,4), 6,7). ciphertext.
2.2.2 Decryption Algorithm
Therefore, the ciphertext is “hosztfc-
Step 1: khesahzbr.e-hosh-hnugz,ibc(”.
According to the key, identify the terms in 4. CONCLUSION
(𝐺, 𝑙, 𝑘). Then assign characters according Cryptography is used to transmit data in a
to the second step in the encryption secure manner. Encryption algorithms are
algorithm. used to transform any given message from
Step 2: readable format to unreadable format and
Construct the polyalphabetic table using the decryption algorithm is used to recover
values 𝑙 and 𝑘. them. In this study, we have introduced
Step 3: symmetric key encryption and decryption
Finally, find the suitable letters from the algorithm by using graph labelling concepts
constructed table and then the ciphertext with generating a key for the ciphertext.
Two different methods were used to
can be converted into the plaintext.
construct a polyalphabetic table. First, using
3. RESULT AND DISCUSSION the Skolem graceful labeled graph,
In this study, a developed encryption construct the polyalphabetic table by
algorithm is introduced using the labeling dividing the plaintext into equal number of
method known as Skolem graceful labeling blocks of the same size (𝑙). When the table
in Graph Theory. The method is described is constructed, identify the terms 𝐺, and
using the plaintext “The Department of term 𝑘 that helps to generate key. Then,
Mathematics. (UOP)”. convert the plaintext into the cihpertext and
First, substitute “-” symbol for spaces in send it to the receiver with the key (𝐺, 𝑙, 𝑘).
your plaintext and divide it into size 6 equal In future, we are trying to extend the
blocks. Then 𝑙 = 6. present study for an encryption algorithm
The-Department-of-Mathematics.-(UOP) by using graph factorizations and different
graph labeling methods to obtain the
The-De partme nt-of- ciphertext.

Mathem atics. -(UOP)

Table 2. 6 equal blocks with size 6 for the

plaintext “The Department of Mathematics

Construct a polyalphabetic table according

to the first three steps in encryption
algorithm considering the Skolem graceful
labeling of 𝐿3 (2,4). When 𝑘 = 7, the table
can be obtained as shown in table 1. Finally
convert it into the ciphertext.

hosztf c-khes ahzbr.


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