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Pathology Gastrointestinal

System I

Yuni prastyo kurniati, Dr, SpPA

Patology GI tract

• Kelainan  kongenital


• Infeksi

Intestinal & bowell

• Tumors
Anatomi Sistem Gastrointestinal
Gangguan – Achalasia
Kongenital Anatomik & – Hiatal Hernia
Motorik – Laceration
– Other disorder

Varises Esofagus ESOPHAGUS


Esofagitis & Karsinoma – Adenokarsinoma

Barrett’s Esofagus – Karsinoma
Esofagus Squamous Cell
Gangguan – Achalasia
Kongenital Anatomik & – Hiatal Hernia
Motorik – Laceration
– Other disorder

Varises Esofagus ESOPHAGUS


Esofagitis & Karsinoma – Adenokarsinoma

Barrett’s Esofagus – Karsinoma
Esofagus Squamous Cell
Atresia Esofagus
Gangguan – Achalasia
Kongenital Anatomik & – Hiatal Hernia
Motorik – Laceration
– Other disorder

Varises Esofagus ESOPHAGUS


Esofagitis & Karsinoma – Adenokarsinoma

Barrett’s Esofagus – Karsinoma
Esofagus Squamous Cell
Gangguan – Achalasia
Kongenital Anatomik & – Hiatal Hernia
Motorik – Laceration
– Other disorder

Varises Esofagus ESOPHAGUS


Esofagitis & Karsinoma – Adenokarsinoma

Barrett’s Esofagus – Karsinoma
Esofagus Squamous Cell
(Gangguan Anatomik & Motorik)
(1) Achalasia
Oleh Karena
Penyakit Lain,
inhibitor LES
Ex : Chagas
3 Kondisi : disease
(1) Aperistaltik (T cruzi), Polio,
(2) Relaksasi LES parsial Neuropati DM,
/ inkomplet saat Malignansi, dll
dilewati bolus
(3) Peningkatan tonus
(Gangguan Anatomik & Motorik)
(1) Achalasia
OBSTRUKSI Dilatasi Esofagus Dinding esofagus
Proksimal menipis

Inflamasi & Ulkus

pada dinding Stasis bolus

Insidensi : 1 / 100.000 orang / tahun

Prevalensi Usia : 25 – 60 tahun
(Gangguan Anatomik & Motorik)
(1) Achalasia
Disfagia (Solid &
Nyeri dada Berkembang
lambat, dan sering
terlambat dibawa
Regurgitasi 60% ke dokter
Penurunan berat

5% Berkembang menjadi
Squamous karsinoma
(Gangguan Anatomik & Motorik)
(2) Hiatal Hernia
Displacement dari segmen
gaster memasuki kavum toraks
melalui crura Diafragma

Gastroesofageal Reflux

Nyeri epigastrium pain,
postprandial fullness,
substernal fullness, nausea, and
(Gangguan Anatomik & Motorik)
(2) Hiatal Hernia
Tipe : sliding hernia (95%) & paraesophageal
hernia (5%)
(Gangguan Anatomik & Motorik)
(2) Hiatal Hernia

Komplikasi :
1. Ulserasi mukosa
2. Perdarahan & perforasi
3. GERD, Strangulasi,
obstruksi -- dyspneu
(Gangguan Anatomik & Motorik)
(3) Mallory Weiss Syndrome
Laserasi / sobekan Longitudinal pada
segmen bawah esofagus
(esophagogastric junction)

• Laki : Perempuan = 1 : 1
• Usia : 40 – 60 Thn
• UGIB : 47-116
kasus/100.000 populasi
(Gangguan Anatomik & Motorik)
(3) Mallory Weiss Syndrome
Risk factor :
• Hiatal hernia (> 75%)
• Hiperemesis
• Alkoholism
• Bulimia Nervosa
Iritasi Mukosa /
• Muntah hebat
karena suatu sebab
• Peningkatan tekanan
intragastric / distensi
Laserasi Mukosa

Sign & symptom : Hematemesis (~ 100%), Melena (10%), Nausea,

vomiting, Upper abdominal pain (40%)
Gangguan – Achalasia
Kongenital Anatomik & – Hiatal Hernia
Motorik – Laceration
– Other disorder

Varises Esofagus ESOPHAGUS


Esofagitis & Karsinoma – Adenokarsinoma

Barrett’s Esofagus – Karsinoma
Esofagus Squamous Cell
Gangguan – Achalasia
Kongenital Anatomik & – Hiatal Hernia
Motorik – Laceration
– Other disorder

Varises Esofagus ESOPHAGUS


Esofagitis & Karsinoma – Adenokarsinoma

Barrett’s Esofagus – Karsinoma
Esofagus Squamous Cell

Varises Plexus vena

Esofagus esofagus

Obstruksi aliran Hipertensi Portosistemik

darah v.porta portal shunting

Varises Peningkatan tekanan
Muntah Varises
Esofagus intravaskuler vena
Silent Perdarahan

Shock Hipovolemik
> 65% dari pasien
Sirosis Hepatis

Ketika ruptur, 20% - Sign : asimptomatik

30% pasien hingga ruptur,
meninggal dalam Hematemesis
serangan pertama (< 50%)

Ketika ruptur, jika survive, 70%

ruptur lagi dalam 1 Thn
Gangguan – Achalasia
Kongenital Anatomik & – Hiatal Hernia
Motorik – Laceration
– Other disorder

Varises Esofagus ESOPHAGUS


Esofagitis & Karsinoma – Adenokarsinoma

Barrett’s Esofagus – Karsinoma
Esofagus Squamous Cell
Kelainan kongenital
Esophageal obstruction Achalasia
Nutcracker esophagus : lack coordination (outer Increased tone of the lower
before inner) esophageal sphincter/ LES  impaired
Difuse esofageal spasm : motor disorder smooth muscle relaxation  esof
Zenker divertikulum / pharyngoesophageal Primer : neural innervation
divertikulum : small mucosal outpouching  Sekunder Chagas ds, trypanosoma
accumulate food  mass  regurgitation cruzi infection,failure of peristalsis,
esof dilatation.
Stenosis : passage of food  k/ thickening fibrous Triad incomplete : LES relaxation,
of the submucosa, atrofi propia  inflamasi, increased tone, aperistalsis esofagus.
Esophageal mucosal webs : protrusion of mucosa ,
>40s , upper >>, dysfagia g-eso reflux-chronic
graft/ blistering skin ds, fibrovascular connective
tissue & overlying epthelium.
Esophageal rings/ schatzki rings = webs,
circumferential, thicker  hipertrofi muscularis
Infeksi pada esophagus
Laceration : near gastroesophageal junction (Mallory-Weiss tears)
, hematemesis if in superficial esophagus
Chemical & infectious esophagitis : pil-induced esofagitis, herpes
simplex, CMV, fungal, aspergilosis & mucormycosis; skin : bullous
pemfigoid-epidermolisis bullosa-Chron ds
Dense infiltrat netrofil, ulceration & granulation  fibrosis,
irradiasi : intimal proliferation, luminal narrowing of submucosal
& mural blood vessels.
Candidiasis  gray-white pseudomembran, dense fungal hyphae.
Herpes  punched out ulcers, nuclear viral inclusions, deg ept
cell in the margin of the ulcer
CMV  shallower ulcerations, nuclear & cytoplasmic incl within
capilar endotelium & stromal
Graft-versus host ds  basal ept cell apoptosis, mucosal atrophy,
submucosal fibrosis

Reflux esophagitis : reflux gastric into the lower esof  decrease

tone spincter lower esof / increased abd pressure ( alk & tobbco,
obesity, central nerv depresant, pregnancy, hiatal hernia) ; > 40s/
infant & children; disfagia-heartburn-regurgitation
Simple hiperemi  redness, eosinofil sd mukosa, basal zone
Komplikasi : ulserasi esof-hematemesis-melena-striktur-barrett
Eosinophilic esophagitis : food impaction-disfagia-feeding
intolerance in children, eosinofil intraept >>, absence of acid
reflux , atopic >>  dermatitis, alergi rhinitis, asma
Barrett Esophagus Esophageal varices
Complication of chronic GERD  intestinal k/ portal hipertension 
metaplasia within the esophageal sq congested subepitelial &
mucosa increased risk to adenoca submucosa in distal esof.
esophagus, male, 40-60s k/ sirrhosis, hepatic
Several tongues/patches of red, velvety Tortous dilated veins in the
mucosa, pale sq mucosa, light brown submucosa esof distal & prox
colummnar gastric mucosa ; long & short stomach, mucosa is intact
segment (= 3cm) ; goblet cell (distinc mucous Massive hematemesis
vacuoles that stain pale blue  a wine
Displasia : increased ept prolif, atypical
mitosis, nuclear hiperchromasia &
stratification, irregularly clumped chromatin,
n/c ratio >>, failure of ept cell mature; gland
architecture  budding, irregular shape,
cellular crowding
Makroskopis Esophagus
Mikroskopis Esophagitis

• Eosinofil didalam
squamous epithelium
• Papila lamina propia yang
• Hiperplasia zona basal
Barret esophagus, squamous mucosa and
Squamous cell carcinoma, invasion into
intestinal-type collumnar ept cell/ goblet
the submucosa
cells in a glandular mucosa
Tumors esophagus
Adenocarcinoma Squamous cell carcinoma
Arises in barrett esophagus & long <45s, male >>, risk fact : tobacco-alkohol-
standing GERD  dysplasia & achalasia, very hot beverages
invasive , associated with
Helicobacter pylori , caucasians &
men >>, 60s,
C-ERB-B2, cyclin D1,cyclin E, Nutritional deff : polycyclic hidrokarbon,
p16/INK4a  contribute neoplastic nitrosamines, mutagenic , HPV, p16/INK4a
Pain/ difficulty in swallowing,
weight loss>>, hematemesis, chest
pain, vomiting
Distal third of the esof, flat/raised Middle third esof, insitu : sq displasia, small-
patches, mucosa intact, produce gray white-plaque like thickening,
mucin, intestinal & diffuse infiltratif polypoid/exophytic/ protrude into lumen,
signet-ring sel thickening-rigidity-luminal narrowing.
Well diff>>, verrucous-spindle cell-basaloid,
very large  invade the esof wall, lymp
node metastase
Transition Barrett esophagus to adenocarcinoma
Uncommon esophageal tumors

Benign  mesenchymal origin : leiomyoma, fibroma, lipoma,
hemangioma, neurofibroma, lymphangioma
Fibrovascular polip/ pedunculated lipoma
Sq papiloma : HPV
A mass of inflamed granulation tissue : infl polip  infl
ulcerated cell
carcinoma of
the esophagus
Struktur Stomach
Infeksi pada stomach
Acut gastritis Acut gastric ulceration
Surface ept is intact, Stress ulcers : shock, sepsis, trauma
netrofil>>, if above the Curling ulcers : burn & trauma
basement membran & duodenum prox
ept cells is abnormal Cushing ulcers :
 active inflammation gastric,duodenal,esophageal 
perforasi >>
Bleeding >>  transfusi
Erosi : loss of ept Shallow erosion, <1cm,brown to black
superfic, netrofil in by acid digestion of extravasasi blood,
mucosa & fibrin normal gastric rugal fold , sharply
purulent exudate in demarcated & normal mucosa;
the lumen; if erosi & If chronic : scarring & thickening of
hemoragi  acute blood vessel, healing with complete re-
erosive hemorhagic ept.
Acut gastritis
Helicobacter pylori gastritis
Spiral-shaped/curved baccili, duodenal ulcers + gastric ulcers/
chronic gastritis ,most common cause chronic gastritis (90%)
4 features : flagella, urease, adhesins, toxins.
Within the superficial mucus overlying ept cells in the surface &
neck, anthrum stomach  erythematous & coarse nodular,
accumulate neutrophil in lumen intraepithelial  pit abscesses ,
large numbers of plasma cells + lymphocyt + macrophages.
Lymphoid agregates  mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue /
MALT  transform lymphoma
Characteristic : intraepithelial neutrophil + subepithelial plasma
Autoimun gastritis Uncommon forms of gastritis
Diffuse mucosal damage of the Reactive gastropathy ( foveolar
oxyntic (acid producing ) within body hiperplasia- glandular reg change-
& fundus, rugal fold (-) mucosal edema )  coz NSAID, bile
reflux, trauma  gastric antral vascular
ectasia (GAVE)
Small surface elevations  intestinal Eosinophlic  cow’s milk & soy protein
metaplasia  presence goblet cells & Lymphocytic  celiac ds , increased
collumnair absorptive cells; lymphosit T withi surface & pit
hypergastrin stimulate endokrin cells Granulomatous  tissue macrophage (
hyperplasia  low grade Chron ds, sarcoidosis, mycobacteria,
neuroendokrin/ carcinoid tumor fungi, CMV, H. Pylori )
Klinik : antibodies to parietal cells &
intrinsic factor ; associated
autoimmune disease ( hasimoto, DM
tipe 1, grave’s, addison ds)
Complication of chronic gastritis
Peptic ulcer ds/ PUD Mucosal atrophy & intestinal

Associated H.pylori-induced Long standing chronic gastritis 

hyperchlorhydric chronic gastritis, HP & oxyntic atrophy  intestinal metaplasia
NSAID is primary underlying causes of ( goblet cells + )  gastric adeno ca >>
PUD  parietal cells hiperplasia ,
malignant transformation >>

Imbalance of mucosal defences & Achlorhydria  overgrowth bacteria 

damaging forces  chronic gastritis  produce carsinogenic nitrosamines
PUD , prox duodenum >>, soliter, less <
0,3 cm , round to oval, sharply
punched-out defect, hemorhage &
fibrin deposition on gastric serosa ,
perforation  RO : free air under the
diagram on upright abd , base of petic is
smooth & clean,
Complication of chronic gastritis

Dysplasia Gastritis cystica

Chronic gastritis  inflamation ept Exuberant reactive
 free radical damaged & epithelial proliferation :
proliferative stimuli  pre-invasive -submucosa/ polyposa
insitu lesions -deep layer/ profunda
Variation in epithelial size,
shape,orientation – coarse
chromatin, hyperchromasia, nuclear
Peptic ulcerations
Menetrier disease Zollinger-ellison syndrome
A rare ds coz excessesive secretion of Syndrome coz gastrin-secreting
TGF-alfa , difuse hyperplasia foveolar tumor/ gastrinomas , small intestine
ept of the body & fundus + & pancreas >>, duodenal ulcers &
hipoproteinemia  protein-losing chronic diare, malignant, 25% with
enteropathy ; multiple endokrin neoplasia tipe I ,
Weight loss-diare-edema perifer soliter

Irregular enlargment of the gastric Doubling of oxyntic mucosal

rugae, hiperplasia foveolar mucous thickness  increased parietal cells
cells, elongated glands with a cork- >>,
screw like app & cystic dilation, difuse gastrin : hiperplasia of mucous neck
& patchy glandular atrophy  cells- mucin hiper production-
hipoplasia of parietal & chief cells proliferasi endokrin cells within
oxyntic mucosa
Menetrier disease
Tumors stomach
Inflamatory & hyperplastic Fundic gland polyps Gastric adenoma
75% inflamatory & Familial adenomatous Increased with FAP, on a
hiperplastic polip , polyposis (FAP)  background chronic
assosiation with chronic increased gastrin gastritis with atrophy &
gastritis secretion, reduced intestinal metaplasia,
gastric acidity, glandular
Smaller < 1cm, multiple, Nausea-vomiting- Soliter, < 2 cm, antrum
a smooth surface, erosi epigastric pain, womwn >>, intestinal-type,
>>, kistik, elongated >>, body & fundus, well epithelial dysplasia,
foveolar glands sircumscribed, smooth enlargement-elongated-
surface, kistik, iregular hyperchromasia-
glands lined by flattened crowding-
parietal & chief cells pseudostratification
Polip gaster
Gastric adenocarcinoma Lymphoma
Dispepsia, disfagia, nausea, weight loss, Most common, EBV – positif B
anorexia, anemia, hemorhage cells-deficit in T cell function, in
Multifocal mucosa atrophy & intestinal gut : MALTomas, translokasi,
metaplasia >> , related to Barrets esofagus dispepsia-epigastric pain-

Intestinal-type : bulky tumor, glandular A dense lymphocytic infiltrate in

structure, exophytic mass/ ulcerated tumors, the lamina propia, in gastric
contain apical mucin vacuoles & abundant gland  lymphoepithelial
mucin in gland lumen, anthrum lesion, accumulate large of pale
Difuse –type : signet ring cells, discohesive cytoplasma : monocytoid
cells, large mucin vacuoles  large mucin change, express the B-cell
lake, nucleus in periphery, infiltratif  a marker CD19 & 20
desmoplastic reaction, if large area  a
leather bottle linitis plastica
Gastric adenocarcinoma
Ulcerative type Polypoid type
Makroskopis lymphoma
Carcinoid tumor
Arise from the diffuse component of the endocrine system : GI
tract & small intestine, endokrin cells hiperplasia-cronic atrophic
gastritis-zollinger Ellison syndrom, best considered to be welldiff
neuroendokrin ca  release peptide & non pepetide hormon,
cutaneus flashing-sweating-bronchospasm-colicky abd pain-
diarhhea-right side cardiac valvular fibrosis , important
prognostic fc is location (fore-mid-hind gut)
Intramural & submucosal mass, yellow-very firm-an intense
desmoplastic reaction kinking of the bowel & obstruction ,
uniform cells with scant-pink granular cytoplasm-a round to oval
stippled nucleus, minim pleomorphism-anaplasia-mitotic –
necrosis, positif synaptophysisn & chromogranin A
Gastrointestinal stromal tumors
Mesenchymal neoplasma in the stomach, male >>, mutation the
tyrosine kinase c-Kit, Cajal cells express c-KIT/ CD117 &
CD34,mucosa ulceration  blood loss, anemia, prognosis :
tumor size,mitotic index,location (less agresive than in small
Large (> 30 cm), soliter, well sircumscribed, fleshy mass,
composed of thin elongated cells(spindel cell type)
Epithelial app cells (epitheloid type)
Atresia & Stenosis
• Atresia : Kegagalan perkembangan usus.
(Atresia duodeni >>)
• Stenosis : Penyempitan lumen usus (o.k
tebalnya dinding usus / hipertrofi sfingter /
kelainan persarafan usus)  obstruksi
Divertikulum Meckel
kegagalan involusi dari Penonjolan buntu
duktus omfalomesenterik persisten lumen usus
saat dalam kandungan sepanjang 5-6 cm

Umumnya terjadi pada

ileum 80 cm dari
valvula iliocaecal,
dinding = dinding usus

Omphalocele & Gastroschisis
Omphalocele : Gastroschisis :
Defek dinding abdomen Defek dinding abdomen
dari kulit hingga otot, dari kulit hingga otot dan
periumbilikal, namun tidak peritonum, daerah
sampai peritoneum. periumbilikal

Herniasi isi
HIRSCHSPRUNG DISEASE (congenital megacolon)
Berhentinya migrasi sel krista
neuralis sebelum mencapai anus 
segmen aganglionic (Meissner &
segmen aganglionik

DILATASI Segmen Proksimal

(stercoral ulcers)

1 in 5000 to 8000 Kelahiran hidup

Laki-laki: Perempuan = 4 : 1
HIRSCHSPRUNG DISEASE (congenital megacolon)
Gejala Klinis : (Sesuai panjangnya segmen
aganglionik) :
• Pengeluaran mekonium terlambat, diikuti
muntah dalam 48 - 72 jam.
• Superimposed enterocolitis
• Perforation

Acquired Megacolon
1. Chagas disease (T cruzi)
2. Neoplasma, striktur radang
3. Ulcerative colitis or Crohn disease
4. Psychosomatic disorder
Ischemic Bowel Disease

Transmural infarct : o.k oklusi akut

Ischemic Bowel Disease
Trombosis Atherosclerosis, vasculitis, aneurysm,
Arteri hypercoagulable, oral contraceptives

Vegetasi cardiac, prosedur angiografi,

Emboli Arteri aortic Atheroembolism

FAKTOR Trombosis hypercoagulable, neoplasma

PREDISPOSISI vena vaskular, sirosis, trauma abdomen

Iskemi non- Cardiac failure, shock, dehydration,

oklusif vasoconstrictive drugs

Miscellaneous Radiation, volvulus, striktur, hernia

Ischemic Bowel Disease
Infark Transmural Infark Mukosa & Mural
1. Edema 1. Edema
2. Perdarahan 2. Perdarahan
3. Nekrosis 3. Nekrosis
4. Infeksi bakteri MORFOLOGI 4. Pseuomembran (Infeksi
gangren (24 jam) sekunder)
5. Perforasi 5. Radang kronik & ulkus

1. Nyeri abdomen 1. abdominal discomfort

mendadak 2. Diare darah
2. Diare darah 3. Perbaikan, jika sebab
3. Shock hipovolemik dihilangkan
Tekanan dinding Obstruksi aliran Dilatasi pembuluh
usus >> vena submukosa darah

Perdarahan Ruptur

1. self-limited
2. Kronik 0.8% pada orang
3. Recurrent sehat > 50 Th
4. Life threatening
Lokasi : caecum, kolon ascenden proximal
GEJALA : Perdarahan (30-40% dari perdarahan GI yang tidak jelas),
melena, hematochezia, darah samar feses, anemia
Tekanan vena >> Dilatasi variseal

Internal Hemorrhoid
Diatas linea anorectal, tercover

External Hemorrhoid
Dibawah linea anorectal, tercover
mukosa anus / kulit

Faktor predisposisi : konstipasi, kehamilan, Hipertensi porta

Gejala Klinis:
Internal :
• Perdarahan (Melena)
• Prolaps keluar anus (> Stage II)
External :
• Perdarahan (darah segar)
• Prolaps keluar anus (> Stage II)
• Nyeri, strangulation
• Dapat trombosis
Divertikulosis Kolon
Diverticulum :
Kantong buntu yang berhubungan dengan lumen usus

Congenital Acquired
Meckel diverticulum (mucosa,
(mucosa, submucosa, submucosa, lack
muscularis propria) muscularis propria)

Common site : sigmoid (95%)

Divertikulosis Kolon

1. Defek fokal pada

Perlemahan tunika
muskularis dinding kolon.
muskulais – locus
2. Adanya perstaltik kolon &
minoris resistensia
peningkatan tekanan
intralumen kolon

Lokasi Pontesial
Prevalensi : 50% pd > 50 y.o
Faktor resiko : konsumsi low fiber
Divertikulosis Kolon

Clinical Features :
• asymptomatic
• Abdominal pain/discomfort
• Unsatisfactory defecation
• Fever (diverticulitis)
• Bleeding or peforation (complcation)

Obstruksi Mekanik Penyebab lain

1. Hernias 1. Tumors
2. Adhesions 2. Inflammatory
3. Intussusception strictures
4. Volvulus 3. Obstructive
gallstones, fecaliths,
foreign bodies
4. Congenital stricture,
PENYEBAB atresias
5. Imperforate anus
(Diarrheal Diseases)
• Diare : Peningkatan masa feses, frekuensi, dan atau
• More than 14 L/day of fluid may be lost in severe
cases of diarrhea equivalent to the circulating blood
• Often Accompanied by pain, urgency,
perianal discomfort, and incontinence
• Dysentery : stool containing blood & mucus;
abdominal cramp/pain; rectal tenesmus
Struktur intestinal & colon
Intestinal obstruction
Hernia Adhesions Volvulus Intussusception
Protusion of a Fibrous bridge  Complete twisting When a segment
serosa-lined pouch closed loops of a loop of bowel of the intestine
of peritoneum through other  feature of constricted by a
(hernia sac) viscera  internal obstruction & wave of peristalsis,
herniation infarction telescope into the
immediately distal
Leading to Colon sigmoid, May progress to
permanent cecum, small intestinal
entrapment/ bowel, stomach obstruction,
incarceration & compression
strangulation mesenteric vessel,
Ischemia bowel disease
• Mucosa & mural infarction
• Mucosa is hemorrhagic, ulcerated, luminal
hemorrhage  thickened bowel wall, rubbery
• Coagulative necrosis musc propia within 1-4 days
• Ischemic intestine : atrophy/ sloughing of surface
epithelium, crypt hiperproliferative
• Clinical : sudden, severe abd pain, tenderness,
nausea, vomiting, bloody diarhea/ groosly
melanositic stool
Malabsorption & diarhea
Celiac ds Tropical sprue Lactase deficiency A
Celiac sprue- gluten Malabsorptio In the apical brush- Rare autosomal
sensitive enteropathy n syndrome in border membran of resesive ds (mutasi
the tropics the villous absorptive MTP)
Triggered by the ingestion of Similar celiac 2 type : an inability to secrete
gluten-containing cereals but total Kongenital  mutasi triglyserida-rich
villous Dapatan  down lipoprotein
atrophy regulation of lactat acumulate in
uncommon gene expresion epithelial cells (lipid
vacuolization )
Duodenum/ proximal Deficiency Abd fullness, diare, Failure to thrive,
jejunum, increased CD8+ T folate & vit flatulence diarrhea, steatorhea
lymphosit (intraepithelial B12 /
lymphositosis), crypt megaloblastic
hiperplasia & villous atrophy
 increased plasma cells,
mast cells, eosinofil
Infectious enterocolitis
Cholera Campylobacter Shigellosis Salmonellosis
Abrupt onset of Travellers diare, Gram-negatif baccili, Enterobacter, baccili
watery diare & unpasteurized milk/ unencapsulated- gram negatif, typhi &
vomiting, incubasi 1- contaminated water, nonmotile- fakultatif nontyphi / enteridis ,
5 ds, stools resemble flagela motil, HLA- anaerob, related to transfering bacterial
rice water, a fishy B27, Influenza-like enteroinvasiv E. Coli, protein into M cells
odor, dehidrasi- prodrome, watery resistant to the harsh & enterocyt , flagelin
hipotensi-shock- diare, acidic of the activate TLR5 on host
death stomach,watery cells  inflamasi ,
diare – fever- abd ept release
pain eicosanoid hepoxilin
A3  netrofil
Hemaglutinin/ Comma shaped, Left colon >>, Non spesific, similar
metalloproteinase  flagelated, gram abundance M cells in camphy & shigella ,
bacterial detachment negatif, mucosal & ept over the Peyer’s stool culture
& shedding in the intraepithelial patches, mucosa
stool, netrophil infiltrated hemorhagic &
 cryptitis/ kripta, ulcerated &
abses/ lumina pseudomembran
Thyphoid fever Yersinia
Salmonella thyphi & parathyphi  taken up M cells Invade M cells &
engulfed by mononuclear cells  reactive hiperplasia adhesin to bind host
of fagositosis & lymphoid , anorexia- abd pain- cells B1 integrin ,
bloating- nausea- vomiting- bloody diare
Peyer patches in terminal ileum to enlarge into involve the ileum-
sharply delineated, plateau=like elevations up 8 cm, appendix-right colon,
netrofil accumulate within the superficial lamina lymp node & peyer
propia & macrophage containing bacteria- rbc- patches hiperplasia ,
nuclear debris- lymphosit- sel plasma, mucosal bowel wall thickening
shedding  oval ulcers, along the axis of the ileum,
spleen : soft, enlarged, uniform pale red pulp,
obliterasi folikular, prominent fagosit hyperplasia ,
typhoid nodule : necrosis parenchym, hepatocyt
replaced by macrofag in liver
Pseudomembranous colitis Whipple ds
Clostridium difficile, Multivisceral chronic ds, intestinal
lipodistrophy, malabs-
lymphadenopathy- arthritis

Formation pseudomembran  A dense accumulation of distended,

adherent layer of infl cells & debris foamy macrofag in small intestine lamina
at side of colonic mucosal injury, propia (acid-fast satin : positif in
superficial damaged crypt mycobacteria) , intact rod-shaped
distended by a mucopurulent baccili, lymphatic dilatation & mucosal
exudat  eruption reminiscent of lipid deposition, bacteria laden makrofag
a volcano accumulate in mesenteric lymp nodes-
synovial membran of afacted joint ,
cardiac valve, the brain.
Intestine’s Disorder
Intestine’s Disorder
• 90% of all epithelial polyps, > 50% of all
persons age 60 y.o
• Most are hyperplastic polyps (single/multiple,
nipple like, < 5 mm diameter)
• Common site : rectosigmoid
Intestine’s Disorder
• hamartomatous proliferations, mainly of the
lamina propria
• most frequently in children < 5 y.o
• 1-3 cm diameter, single
• source of rectal bleeding, painful infarction
(Torsio of polyps)
Intestine’s Disorder
• 20-30% (before 40 y.o), 40-50% (after 60 y.o)
• Usually sessile
• result of epithelial proliferation and dysplasia
• Geater risk become carcinoma (4X)
• Sign : asymptomatic, occult bleeding
Intestine’s Disorder
• Autosomal dominant disorders
• Typically develop 500-2500 colonic adenomas
• The risk of colonic cancer is virtually 100% by
midlife , unless a prophylactic colectomy is
• Mutation in APC gene
Intestine’s Disorder
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
• Hamartomatous polyps + melanotic mucosal +
cutaneous pigmentation
• Mutations in the LKB1 gene

Major CAUSES of diarrheal diseases

• Hamartomatous polyps + increased risk of
neoplasms : thyroid, breast, uterus, and skin
• Mutations in the PTEN gene
Intestine’s Disorder
Colorectal Carcinoma
• 2nd cancer killer in USA after pulmonary Ca
• 5% of USA population will develop this Ca
• Adenocarcinoma : 70% of all malignancies in
GI Tract
Major CAUSES & diseases
of diarrheal 98% of all Ca in large intestine
• 134,000 new cases & 55,000 deaths/year
• Almost always arise in adenomatous polyps
• 80% in > 60 y.o & 20% in < 50 y.o
• Male > female
Intestine’s Disorder
Colorectal Carcinoma
Risk Factor :
1. Genetic
• Individuals with hereditary nonpolyposis
Major CAUSES colorectal cancer syndrome (HNPCC/Lynch
of diarrheal diseases

syndrome, caused by germ-line mutations

of DNA mismatch repair genes)
• preexisting ulcerative colitis or one
of the polyposis syndromes
(in young patient)
Intestine’s Disorder
Colorectal Carcinoma
Risk Factor :
2. Environment
a. Low content of unabsorbable vegetable
Major CAUSES of diarrheal diseases
b. High content of refined carbohydrates
c. High fat content
d. Decreased intake of protective
Intestine’s Disorder
Colorectal Carcinoma (CRC)
Molecular Genetic Pathways / Carcinogenesis of CRC

Major CAUSES of diarrheal diseases

Intestine’s Disorder
Colorectal Carcinoma (CRC)
Clinical Features
• Asymptomatic for years
• Fatigue, weakness, and iron deficiency anemia
(right lession)
• Occult bleeding, changes in bowel habit, or
Major CAUSES of diarrheal diseases
crampy left lower quadrant discomfort (Left
• Spread : direct extension, lymphatic & Blood
(liver, lung, bone)
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