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Character Backstory- Van Silvereye

Van's parents
Geralt Silvereye is the youngest out of the 7 siblings of the
Silvereye house, which was a well-respected house between the
dark elves. Even from his early childhood Geralt had a thirst for
knowledge, he was always interested in learning. Being a child
to a respected house had its benefits, including the variety of
subjects he learned as part of his education, two subjects that
really interested him and later became a studying obsession of
his were druid magic and the character of Elune- the moon
goddess. For that reason, he made his way into a circle and
began his druid training for his goal of learning as much as he
could about Druid magic while keeping his appreciation to the
goddess. In his training he was found to have a natural talent to
the studies and quickly became famous among the other trainees
of the circle. That fact didn't really interest him as the more he
learned the more eager he became to continue, to the point when
he would spend full nights studying. After a while he became
one of the leading heads in the circle and a guardian of the
emerald dream. Because he made it into such a position, Geralt
started to get respect even from the church of Elune. and just as
he thought he found his way of life he met the woman who
.would swirl it all around
Leonie Starsong was born to a family of high level clerics of
Elune. Her childhood was fully a very strict education with no
time to live like a normal child. She wasn’t allowed to have
friends outside of her fellow students, was forced to learn day
and night and was looked down upon if she ever made a
mistake. The only think that made her days a tad bit easier was
that she truly enjoyed learning about Elune and cherished her
character. That kind of education made her a woman of results,
her deepest fear was failing and her goal was to get closer to
understanding this mysterious goddess, but most of all she
didn’t waste any moment and was always doing something.
After climbing higher and higher without ever failing, fellow
clerics started to look up to her, some did so because they
admired her and others did it so they could there at the moment
.of her failure so they could laugh at her defeat
They first met when Geralt came into the church as the druid's
representative for some decisions that were about to be made.
On his way to the assigned room, Geralt saw her in the middle
of her duties. As he glanced at her he felt curiosity burning
within him, he felt something about her was a bit… off and that
.drove him to learn more about her
Some time passed as their relationship grew stronger and they
grew closer, until they both decided they want to take a break
from their respective duties to give birth to and raise their own
children. They desired to have time to take care of their children
while they also wished for them to have a calm and silent
childhood. After taking these wishes into account they came into
the conclusion the best place to do that would be Luminous
forest, which was close to the emerald dream. And so, a new
.chapter in their life together has begun

Van’s childhood
Luminous forest was a beautiful forest known for the ginormous
variety of fey creatures that lived in it. It didn’t contain any
civilization and was the recipe for a silent and peaceful
childhood for the couple's children. During Leonie's pregnancy,
the couple built a house on the insides of a hollow tree and
prepared it for the birth of their child. The baby had a bright
purplish skin combined with a silky white hair and a pair of
shining silver eyes. The parents decided to call the newborn
baby by the name of "Van". In his early childhood the only
humanoid beings he knew were his parents who took great care
of him and loved him very much. even in his early age, his
father started to teach him about the various kinds of beasts and
fey that lived in the Luminous forest, things like what they eat,
how they hunt and even a bit about their anatomy. One more
thing that van had been taught at his childhood was to respect
nature and the beasts that lived in it, that meant to never harm
the creatures of nature unless it's absolutely necessary and still
make sure that the damage caused to them is the minimum

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