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So an example of how you could paraphrase this excerpt is as follows:

Anorexia is a mental disorder characterized by minimal food intake for extended

periods of time. Individuals with
anorexia nervosa are not happy with their weight and are vigilant in trying to lose
more weight. This may cause them to lose weight drastically and to have body
weight that may be considered as unhealthy (Nolen-Hoeksema, 2014).

Unfortunately, online, there are what we call “paraphrasing tools” that already
paraphrase the excerpt for you. However, the output may not be contextualized to
psychology. It is always better to manually do this yourself. The key to getting
better at paraphrasing is to practice this as much as you can.

This is the kind of output you would get when you use a paraphrasing tool.

Individuals with anorexia nervosa starve themselves, subsisting on practically no

sustenance for drawn out stretches of time, yet they remain persuaded that they have
to lose more weight. Therefore, their body weight is essentially beneath what is
insignificantly typical for their age and stature.

1. What is wrong with the output produced by the paraphrasing tool?

An online paraphrasing tool does alter the meaning of the excerpt, there are
obviously specific words that are substituted by synonyms and the whole gist
would be now different from the original text. As we can see if the paraphrased
excerpts are compared together, we can notice that the manually paraphrased
one is much larger by number of words compared to the paraphrased tool

2. How is it different from the excerpt that was manually paraphrased?

It is very evident if an excerpt is paraphrased using an online tool than

paraphrasing manually. One key indicator is that, in an online tool, it uses
several synonymous words of the main topic but it fails to follow the main point
of the excerpt. However, if you manually paraphrase it, you will be the one to
look up for words using a dictionary book or online to find alternative words,
whilst not detouring the meaning of the paragraph or sentence. The main thing
I observed is that, the word usage is totally different from the manually
paraphrased one, although it was somehow shorter than of the manual
3. Compare and contrast the output with the content that was manually

Excerpt Paraphrased Online:

Shorter content

Uses undependable or obscure synonyms.

Number of words is limited.

Excerpt Paraphrased Manually:

Allows you to control the number of text or words base on your ideas.

Allows you to proofread, and expand your vocabulary by finding related words
through a dictionary.

Produces dependable content that based on your own thought, words, and

Paraphrase the following excerpts:

1. One group with additional pressure to maintain a specific weight and body shape
is athletes, especially those participating in sports in which weight is considered an
important factor in competitiveness, such as gymnastics, ice skating, dancing, horse
racing, wrestling, and bodybuilding (Smolak, Murnen, & Ruble, 2000 as cited by

Maintaining a specific weight as well the body shape adds additional pressure to a
specific group consisting the athletes. Having a well-maintained weight and body
shape stands as an essential factor in determining competitiveness that would impact
their performance in competing various sports such as gymnastics, ice skating,
dancing, horse racing, wrestling, and certainly bodybuilding,

2. Cognitive factors help maintain insomnia (Harvey, 2000 as cited by Nolen-

Hoeksema, 2014). First, during the day and when trying to sleep, individuals with
insomnia worry about whether they will sleep. They may monitor the clock while
trying to fall asleep, worrying more as time passes (Tang, Scmidt, & Harvey, 2007 as
cited by Nolen-Hoeksema, 2014).

Insomniac person or a person who has a sleeping disorder tends to have a daytime
dysfunction, thinking if they might even need to sleep during the day. An individual
may frequently monitor the clock from time to time. There are certain cognitive factors
such as “attention to a specific object” specifically to a clock that hinders a person
from an absolute rest in any given moment. As a result, it maintains a person from
having insomnia.

3. Another predictor of vulnerability to PTSD is the available social support. People

who have the emotional support of others after a trauma recover more quickly than
people who do not (Kendall-Tackett, Williams, & Finkelhor, 1993; LaGreca,
Silverman, Vernberg, & Prinstein, 1996; Sutker, Davis, Uddo, & Ditta, 1995 as cited
by Nolen-Hoeksema, 2014).
The availability to express social support is often referred to as another predictor of
Vulnerability to PTSD. According to this study, people who expresses emotional
support to others who suffers traumatic incident, are inclined to a fast recovery.

4. A common belief is that behaviors, thoughts, or feelings can be viewed as

pathological or abnormal; if they are symptoms of a mental illness. This implies that a
disease process, much like hypertension or diabetes, is present (Nolen-Hoeksema,

If a person has a mental illness, a common and traditional belief is that, behaviors,
thoughts, or feelings can be considered as an abnormal factor that triggers the
symptoms, and it is likely to be characterized towards other diseases.

5. Cultures have strong norms for what is considered acceptable behavior for men
versus women, and these gender-role
expectations also influence the labeling of behaviors as normal or abnormal (Addis,
2008 as cited by Nolen-Hoeksema, 2014).

From the fact that culture is fundamentally acknowledge as the main determinant in
considering “Acceptable behavior” to both gender, it also believed that gender role
expectations affects the classification of what is normal and abnormal behaviors in our
society. (Addis, 2008 as cited by Nolen-Hoeksema, 2014).

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