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PVO Registration Number: PVO 07/12

Reporting Period: September 2023 – October 2024(Indicate your

reporting period)
Programme Outputs: Output 6.2 ACCESS TO QUALITY CHILD

Programme Output 1: Improved Access to

Justice for Children in conflict and in contact
with the law
Programme Reach: According to PCA Bulawayo, (Harare Central)-Epworth, Mutasa and
document Beitbridge

INSTRUCTIONS (please read these before you write the report and before submitting)

i. Please Ensure that you have indicated the name of your department and the correct reporting
ii. Contextual analysis is a must and it should be contextualise what is happening in all your districts
of operation.
iii. Progress on outputs table – The bolded figure is for all partners and make sure you report under
your targets. Please note that as you explain progress on outputs the template might move
downwards and this means you have to align and adjust other sections. Data should be
disaggregated by gender (adults- males, females, children – girls and boys) in explanation but on
the section of beneficiaries reached under M you include both male adults and boys and under F
you include both female adults and girls.
iv. All sections should be completed except for section HACT Assurance Activities: Spot Check /Audit
Findings/Joint Field monitoring and recommendations, Finance Update, quarter recommendation .
Sections that needs explanations should range from 300-500 words.
v. Everything reported should have source documents and these might be needed to be produced
during monitoring visits.
vi. On Page 21 and 22 you can add other districts not included that you are operating in.

Every report should be submitted with a story of significant change. Please attend to the last pages
written Annex B and cases of human interest following the colour code.

If you face any challenges in writing this report please get in Touch with:

JCT Programs (John Mhlanga) @ 0772208322

JCT MEAL Officer (Constance Gwede) @ 0775330625

JCT CPF Project Officer (Dadisayi Gwaunza) @ 0774434827

When submitting reports please send to all the emails above.

1. The Programme Context - not more than 500 word (Context of all districts you are operating in)

onset of the cold weather and rain season has plunged Mutasa District .Communities are into various farming activities including production of bananas, avocado,
yams, sweet potatoes and potatoes. Farmers are busy tilling the land for planting other crops like maize beans and potatoes. The district is mountainous and has a
lot of farming land as well as water. Mutasa boarders the country with Mozambique and people from Sagambe work in Mozambique and at times buy their
groceries from Mozambique. In terms of water supply over 50% OF people in the district use have piped natural water outside their houses.
Cases of domestic violence, maintenance, land disputes and child marriages are cases of concern in the district, most farmers marry these young women as they are
the cheap labour to work in the fields and religiously the white garment Marange sect is also into the business of marrying these minors.
Child marriage cases are never reported as communities try to settle these at village or family level by paying lobola or damages to the girls families and this
practice is violating child rights to be in school. Several children are in need of birth certificates and Stakeholders are working together to make sure resources are
put in place to assist them to register.
The operating environment is just cool but considering that we are in the post elections period the eye brows are open and taking of pictures at some activities is
not allowed. Parents in the district continue to put children at risk of abuses as they live these minor children alone while they go for days or months to sell their
bananas and other fruits in larger towns like Harare ,Bulawayo,and Rusape. Some children are used as cheap labour to sell these fruits on the highways of Mutasa
and once these children join in these activities they drop out of school resulting in child marriages and some end up in conflict with the law as they are involved in
various crimes that take place in these places. Drugs and substance abuse are common in these flooded business areas and children
Also join in and end up abusing other children and violating other people’s rights.
As children remain the most vulnerable and their rights continually violated JCTS mandate to ensure that all children in Zimbabwe enjoy their fundamental human
rights to access justice by offering legal aid services to those children who are in difficult circumstances and also by raising awareness on child protection laws

. Progress towards output

Notes: In order for you to complete this section please use the agreed log frame. If you are not sure consult your PCA focal person

Output 1: Programme Output 1

Improved Access to Justice for Children in Beneficiaries reached
conflict and in contact with the law Progress on activities
relating to output -
Actua Sept Oct Nov Dec
challenges and results
Overall l
target cumul
ative M F T
1. # of girls and 864 140 JCT received a total of 60 80 140
boys receiving 62 cases where 60 boys
legal assistance and 80 girl’s
benefitted.17 boys and
mobile legal aid 28 girls were assisted
clinic and at help desk and 28
representation boys and 34 girls
benefitted from mobile
legal aid clinics.
Children in 2 children were found
contact and being in conflict with
in conflict the law for possession
with the law of dangerous drugs and
assisted incest.
through 37 boys and 47 girls
helpdesk by were assisted through
JCT help desk making a
total of 84

assisted by 23 boys and 33 girls
JCT through benefitted at mobile
Mobile legal legal aid clinics making
Aid Clinic a total of 56 children

Children 6 children benefitted

represented from court monitoring
by JCT in being 2 section 70
courts. cases and 2
maintenance cases
supported 5 cases were supported
with client with client assistance
assistance and 11 people were
assisted 2 section 70
cases and transport to
Mutare Regional court
with a mental of sexual
abuse challenged
2 Analysis per Output – not more than 500 words (each output 500 words or less)
Notes: Some of the questions that may be useful in completing this section
 Assess the progress towards achieving each of the outputs of the project, as stated in the
project proposal and in relation to the set indicators.
 What problems have impeded progress and what actions are being taken to overcome
 To what extent have these actions been successful so far? Are any changes in approach
needed? If so, how will the project outputs and and/or plans will be revised, and how will
the participants be involved in making the changes?

Programme Output 1: Improved Access to Justice for Children in conflict and in contact with the
Progress has been made in the district towards achieving output 1 .Mutasa area is comprised of 31
wards. This implies that the area is quite big and requires maximum effort in order to cover the area.
The 31 wards share common challenges that is children without birth certificates, the white garment
sector which does not value child rights, child marriages .Collaboration plays an important in child
protection since it brings combined effort in child protection. Despite these challenges JCT paralegal
managed to conduct help desk at court and carrying out mobile legal aid clinics.17 males and 28
females were assisted at help desk, 84 children also benefitted from the services offered to their
parents and guardians.

Programme Output 2: Key officials at national and/or sub-national levels in all relevant institutions
are better able to develop and deliver evidence-based programmes that prevent and respond to
VAWG, including SGBV/HP, especially for those groups of women and girls facing intersecting and
multiple forms of discrimination, including in other sectors.

Programme Output 3: district coordination meetings are being done and these strengthen the
referral pathway and pave way for effective child protection as everyone will be aware of the issues
in the district.

3. Child Protection Surveillance and Prevention- not more than 500 words

Notes: Which are the problematic districts with high caseloads? Provide an analysis of the district
based hotspot analysis.
 Apart from just stating the data, how has the organisation responded? What are the
prevention and early detection activities that have been instituted?

The organisation is carrying out mobile legal aid clinics and giving awareness to the communities on
child protection laws. Clients are assisted with completing court papers and making other court
applications to make sure that justice is being enjoyed by all.
Month under review, the district due to the farming season that has approached and also patriarchal
differences caused by the polygamous marriages that emanate from banana plantations. Some
community leaders have also received peace orders applications due to their involvement in sexual
harassment with female villagers were also sensitised about the effects of disputes
MLACs were conducted at Bhonda hospital, Hauna and Mutasa DC so as to empower the
communities on child protection laws. Trough JCT help desk initiative 140 children benefitted from
the services that were given to their guardians and parents who came for legal assistance in
completing court papers.

Age range for children benefiting.

Age range Boys Girls Total

0-5 years 19 16 35

6-10 years 9 26 35

11-15 years 19 22 41

16-17 years 13 16 29

Total 60 80 140

Children benefiting per district (please indicate all districts you are operating in)

Area Boys Girls Total




Mutasa 60 80 140

4.Partnership and Collaboration

Name of Nature of Enablers Bottlenecks Recommendation

Organisati Collaboration

Z.R.P V.F.U Quality dockets Transport More cases which needs

assistance for court require
documents( dockets,)

D.S.D Writing probation Quality reports Delay in To have more qualified

officers reports for for courts producing probation officers to speed the
children in conflict children in probation production of these reports.
with the law conflict with officers reports
the law are hindering
Collaborations in released in completion of
Mlacs meetings and their custody cases of
dialogues and custody,CICWL.
awareness Also provides
campaigns. child protection
from child care

Civil Court Referral Court for Case Clearance Inadequate from Needs support to assist the
cases the police police in examination of witness

PLAN Partner dealing Assist in At times our There is need to do combined

with children advocating for programmes campaigns
child rights differ

Civil Registration of Partner in Producing Combined efforts in clearing

Registry documents assisting with documents / court cases involving juveniles
birth birth certificates
registration involving
especially for juveniles
court cases

MoHCC Partner dealing Production of No function Assist in the courts in producing

with medical medical machines for evidence needed for sexual
issues, provides examinations , scans. and these abuse cases, doctors to be
medical scan, can only be deployed in local clinics so that
examination termination carried out at everyone access these services
reports on child involving major hospitals on time.
abuse cases. survivors

Ministry of Partner dealing Awareness Involving women Always on the ground

women with Gender issues campaigns on in GbV, Projects monitoring gender issues the
affairs gender issues for women ministry to be flexible to assist
Mobilising for and overseeing anyone despite of their genger.
stakeholder the safe
meetings and shelters.

PTD Help in community Safeguarding These are in Has to be run country wide so
service allocations children from
for CICWL imprisonment selected districts. that all children benefit.
and also from
criminal records
by diverting
their cases.

5.Major constraints faced and risks (against risk matrix) to delivery of results - not more than 500
 What are the programmatic risk and what mitigation approaches have been instituted (risks
identified per district and measures proposed to address challenges)?
 Geographical challenges; rural areas are often characterized by remote locations, difficult
terrain, and inadequate transportation, infrastructure. These geographical constrains can
result in delays and difficulties in delivering effective child protection outcomes.
 Collaboration; effective child protection often requires collaboration among multiple
agencies and stakeholders, social services ,health care providers and educational institutions
however in rural areas the coordination and collaboration between these service providers
may be limited due to factors such as distance ,communication barriers and resource
 Cultural and social barriers: rural communities have unique cultural norms that can pose
challenges for paralegals working on child protection issues. These barriers include
traditional beliefs, gender inequalities, social stigmas or resistance to change. Overcoming
these barriers requires cultural sensitivity community engagement and building trust with
local stakeholders
 Lack of awareness and Education: this is another significant constraint the lack of awareness
and education among rural communities regarding child protection laws and rights .many
people are not aware of the child protection laws and legal provision or may have limited
understanding of their rights. This may hinder the ability for paralegals to effectively
communicate with community members ,gain trust and ensure their cooperation in child
protection cases
 Capacity building: provision of trainings and capacity building programs for paralegals.
Community leaders as they are key stakeholders in child protection.
Level Risk Mitigation

Mutasa Failure to respond on time on Availing of emergency

child protection cases. funds and readily available
transport to respond on
Un availability of emergency time

Agrarian community where Strict parental supervision

parents and caregivers rely on or guardianship where in
cash crops for survival leaving the absence of these
children un attended. They go biological parents someone
to markets in Harare or other will be there to take care of
places outside the district for the children. Formulation of
parental clubs for
several weeks leaving these
awareness purposes so that
children un attended or parents are aware of the
without food. risks associated with leaving
these children un attended
or in the absence of a
responsible person.

Education, Traditional Leadership Lack of Availing funds for trainings

participation ,formulation of school clubs , community
school clubs and community leaders, and community
paralegals ready report cases paralegal
on time
Stakeholders Lack or no capacitation of Trainings needed
stakeholders on child occasionally for people
protection laws, health, police, working with children so
NPA, Court. that they also prioritise on
the cases of children and be
able to handle both
children in conflict and in
contact with the law.
JCT Confidentiality considering the JCT needs an infrastructure
type of cliental we deal with, or accommodation office to
their cases are delicate, maintain privacy children
conducting interviews or usually needs privacy on
taking notes in the shed wide their cases once they
open reduces the weight of realise that their case is
the services we provide for exposed they tend to hide
children other relevant information
Independent office for JCT and fail to open up.
work due to hash weather There is need for adequate
conditions in Mutasa, office furniture for both the
temperatures are very low at client and the paralegal.
the DC

NPA Lack knowledge in how to Refresher trainings are

handle children. Victims of crucial in this stakeholder
sexual abuse or children in
conflict with the law. Trained
personnel are always
transferred living the offices
with officers with little or no
knowledge in how the children
should be handled
6.Programme management Considerations and Any Programmatic Issues (not more than 300

Internal Report Clearance at Partner level Signature Date

BESTER MOYO 31/10/2023
Report Prepared by:

Report Reviewed by: Team Leader

Report Approved by:

Annex A: District profiles – quarterly case load for services provided by organisation
Add other cases and districts not listed that you would have assisted

Nature of Cases

Harmonized Case Type List




Child Protection Case Types
A Child Sexual Abuse 2
1 Rape 2
2 Aggravated indecent assault 0
3 Indecent assault 2
4 Child marriage 2
5 Having sexual intercourse with a 2
6 Physical abuse 2
7 Ill-treatment and neglect 0
8 Emotional abuse 0
9 Deliberate transmission 0
10 Virginity testing 0
11 Protection order 12
12 Attempted Rape 0
13 Incest 1
14 Public indecency 0
15 Child Prostitution 0
16 Land dispute 1
17 Child support 11
18 Small claims 1
19 Drug abuse 1
20 Child pregnancy 1
21 Guardianship 0
22 Birth Registration 19
23 Custody 4
24 Access 1

Total Child Protection 64

Grand Total 64

Legal aid services remain very important for access to justice for all. Legal services offered for free makes life easy for litigant’s who come to courts with
different cases were completed by completion of court papers, applications needed, and court empowerment is provided for free. JCT to continue offering
services and indeed capacitation of key stakeholders so that all children despite the terrains are reached to. Cases of child support, domestic violence birth
registration continue to dominate as indicated .these cases are by separation of parents, due to continued economic hardships parents are failing to raise
adequate funds to take care of their children. Women are now deserting their marriages and vice versa men living families to greener pastures. These
separations also results in more maintenance claims.
Annex B
Human Interest Story (1 per month) Including Referral pathway analysis EXAMPLE (case analysis for the Human Interest story)
Note: Add narrative analysis of referral pathway addressing: Did we do it in the right way? What can we learn from the referral pathway? What do you recommend?

JCT recieved a case of custody from the DSD An RTC was arranged and the two
office. parents of the two minor children paties came for an RTC but we did
a court date was set and the two
separated in June 2023 and they had not aggre on anything and we made apperaed before the the Magistrate.
disputes on who would have custody of the an application for custody and
minor children. reffered the case to court.

DSD is now in the process of

the court also advised the
the case was refffered assessing from both the
mother to claim for the matter will be heard in
further to the department of father and the mothers
maintenance so that the court when DSD availls the
social welfare for places of residence to see
fater would assist in the probation officers report
assessment. who can have custody and
welfare of the minor children
access respectively.
Contextual information about the case
Informal help-seeking/help giving
Involvement of law enforcement
Involvement of DCWPS
Involvement of the justice/court system
Involvement of civil society, NGOs or other local organisations
Involvement of medical services

Human interest story 250-300 words

JCT received a case of custody involving 2 minor children. Parents of the two children separated in June 2023 and there had dispute in who will have custody of the children.
The father stays with one child who is the boy and the mother stays with the girl. The matter of custody came out when the mother of the child had applied for maintenance
of the two minor children this matter was referred to JCT by the department of social department. An RTC was done and we did not come to agreement as the mother of the
children failed to understand the purpose of the meeting and thought that she was denied right to have custody of her two minor children. A custody application was done
and the case was set to court and the two parties came to court and their matter was heard and the two parties failed to come to agreement and the matter was referred
to DSD again for assessment and this case will proceed when the Probation officers report will be released. Some parents are using children as a tool to fix each other when
they separate, this frustrate children as they will be moving from one parent to another .in this case children have no rest as they travel every day from the mother or the
father trying to make both their parents happy.

Findings and recommendations

Parents have to be educated on the best interest of a child so that they act wisely on every case that involves the child or they might destroy the future of their children.

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