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Afrikaans speech

Topic – n Gesegde liggaam huisves n gesegde gees. {A healthy body houses a healthy mind}.

Talking points –

1. Obesity, being an extremely unhealthy condition causes those suffering from it to feel anxiety
about what those around them think.
2. Exercising daily has shown to greatly improve mood and can help boost the confidence of
3. Benefits of exercising
4. The drawbacks of very unhealthy bodies
5. The correlation of being healthy to a good state of mind and improved cognitive function

Structure -

Intro : gripping strong intro very vivid visuals and an emphasis on the importance of being

Body: more detail orientated in terms of the benefits and drawbacks of each side of my

Concl: short and sweet, a clever sounding quote to back up the info + a quick summary of all the
arguments and why you should be agreeing with what I'm saying.

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