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National AIDS Council

Manicaland Province: Mutasa District

Name of the Meeting DYPNSRHHA meeting
Date 1 December 2023
Venue DMO’s Boardroom
Starting Time 1000hrs
Ending Time 1300hrs

Attendance Register
Name Organisation Designation
Samuel Nyanungo NAC YPNSRHHA
Franklin Mazongonda NAC DF
Tadiwanashe Saungweme NAC Secretary
Kishel Mangombe NAC
Nyline Mautsa Chiedza
Monalisa Chikuni NAC
Miles Tafangenyasha NAC
Natasha Maone NAC
Tawananyasha Chimombe NAC
Pharaoh Mudenha NAC

• The Secretary gave an opening prayer and also opening remarks

• Introductions
Every member who attended the meeting introduced themselves and the agency they
came to represent

Action Responsible Timeframe

Agenda Item Discussion
Required Person
Registration The meeting started
Introductions with registration of
remarks members. Traditional
recognition of
traditional leaders was
done. A prayer was
given by Natasha
Mawone. The
secretary gave the
welcome remarks. She
appreciated the DAAC
members present as
they had put an effort
to attend with the cold
Minutes of the
Business of the Samuel Nyanungo
Day- HIV explained on the issue
Prevention of reporting and
Programmes priority areas. The
secretary gave
feedback from the
Provincial YPN Q3
Mutasa presented on
issues of drug and
substance abuse. The
provincial team
acknowledged the
Pads initiative.
Saungweme gave a
report on tertiary
Young people able to
access SRH services
at the AU clinic. YPN
took part in the Breast
Cancer Awareness at
Africa University.
YPN was recognised
by SU and Pafiwa
Mutasa high for its
advocacy roles in
schools using faith.
Samuel Nyanungo
called the house to be
more attentive to
issues affecting young
Chiedza Mautsa
shared the issues
affecting Young
People in Mutasa
South. The sector rep
gave an outcry that all
surrounding clinics
were not giving out Mobilising pads Natasha
contraceptives. to donate to Maone and
Implementing partners extremely OVCs. Nyline
should help in Trying to source Chiedza.
assessing the situation. ways to train
The house called for young people to
look into the issues of make reusable
young people under pads.
the age of 18 to be
able access, Natasha
clarified the need to
track why a minor is
seeking the clinical
services. The nurse
has to counsel the
minor to know the risk
associated with early
sexual debut.
Tadiwanashe gave a
realistic approach to
the issues looking at
the data from the DSD
Child marriages and
Early childhood
pregnancy. The young
women can prevent
these issues by being
able to access these
services .Issues like
new infections and
incidence rates can be
lowered if condoms
are available to
sexually active Young
People. Miles shared
the reparations of
making SRH services
readily available.
Chiedza called for the
need to realise how
the policy would
destroy the societal
fabric. Tawananyasha
highlighted the also
underlying factors to
the issues being

There is need to mend
and amend
relationships between
YPN team members.
There is need to
observe protocol and
acknowledge efforts
made by the team and
individuals. There is
need to share
between members and
assigned members
should respect the
assigned task at hand.
Let’s learn to derole
when we conduct

pad drive initiative
colour run

Independence Day
Closing Miles
remarks Closing prayer was Tafangenyasha
done by

Compiled by:…Tadiwanashe Saungweme……..Signature:

Date: 15/12/23

Reviewed by:………………………………………….
Signature: ..................................................... Date: .................................................................

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