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Workspace Report Name Report Description Data Source

Performance Tracking Topline Snapshot performance (Rev / Tonnage). Actual Invoices - from the data
Reports Actual performance is captured from the system, wareshouse.
but target is tracked seperately. Targets - Set on excel by sales person
by route.

Performance by Category Actual performance by category (Tonnage and Actual Invoices - from the data
To have a view to show Rev). wareshouse.
performance by product Targets - Set on excel by produc

Revenue Trends To show week on week trends of revenue. Actual invoices

YoY / MoM revenue reports. to show YoY / MoM revenue performance by the Actual Invoices
different measures
To have MTD and YTD view.

Performance vs Target Performance by sales persons, actual vs target. Actual invoices

trends (For sales persons) To show both historical trends and as well WTD Targets are set in an excel worksheet
and MTD performance vs Previous periods and by week and by month.

Customer Trading customers Indicator of customers who haven't bought so far Actual invoices
Performance Analysis in the month. What indicator can we put to show
where we are loosing the size of business

Dropped customers Customers who haven't bought in the last 30 days. Actual invoices
Let's base this on the historical frequency.

Customer Item Sales product performance per customer, week to date, All Invoices
year to date and month to date vs PY Same

Customer-Top 10 List Top performing customers year to date, Week to All Invoices
date, Month to date

Category % Category and Product To show % penetration of our categories and All Invoices
Performance penetration products. (This can be MTD Penetration.
Should be from a product perspective.

% Categories dropped To show % customers that hevn't traded in a All Invoices

specific category / product (We'll define the
definiction of not traded?
Should be from a product perspective with a view
of a list of customers who have dropped from the
largest to the smallest

Report that shows new To show new customers into a category / product Actual invoices
customers into a category /
Report Details Filters Other Notes
Actual invoice for today by sector Sector. Can possibly be split into
Week on Week trend vs target. (Explore having a filter by more than one report.
Day on day performance comparison for WTD route as well, of all available
(Actual tonnage vs previous week). details allow)
Week to date actual tonnage by sector by region
Route performance vs target.

To show category performance for yesterday, WTD Sector. We'll have to clean up the
and MTD vs Target vs PWTD and PMTD. Route prefix in the category data
We can as well show YTD today

Show trend overall and by the different sectors. Sector.

To show trends by route Route view

show performance vs previous period trended over Sector. Both revenue and tonnage
the last 6 - 12 months and have a YoY view as well. Route view

Show revenue and tonnage performance by sales Sector Need flexibility because
person as defined in the target worksheet. Supervisor / Territory targets will be uploaded
manager every month

% Customers who haven't bought MTD / from Posting date

previous month base. (Both % and Abs). Company
Number of newly on-boarded customers. (We'll Sector
agree on what is new) Route / salesperson
MTD value of business vs PM (highlight customers
with a risk of droppping

% Dropped customers. Abs dropped customers. Sector.

Number of dropped customers by sales person. Variability of the number of

This should be both for value and volume Posting date

performance Company
Route Customer Dist group

This should be both for value and volume Posting date

performance Company
Route Customer Dist group

To show % penetration as a KPI of measure. Posting date

To also have a list of customers where we haven't Company
listed Sector
Sales Person

Posting date
Sales Person

To define and share the definitions used for who is Sector

new to a product or category Route

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