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Common Expressions in Everyday English

Domino Game

Teacher Instructions

Cut out the dominoes

Place one random domino face up on the playing area. Each player gets
5 dominos to start. The remaining ones are placed in a pile
Players take it in turns to place a domino. If it’s not possible to place a
domino, they miss a turn
After each turn they take one more from the pile
They play until all dominos are used and the winner is the first person to
use all their dominoes
That's impressive! I'm doing well,
What's your favorite
Which language are How are you today? thanks. How about
you learning? you?

I love pizza. It's my Do you like reading

Yes, I enjoy reading. I'm so tired.
favorite! books?

Can you help me

Maybe you should Of course, I'd be
with this math What time is it?
get some rest. happy to help.

I went hiking with
What did you do over How was your day at
It's half-past two. friends. It was
the weekend? work?

It was a bit
I'm originally from What's your favorite
stressful, but I Where are you from?
Mexico. movie?

I really like action

Can I have a glass of Of course, here you What's the weather
movies, especially
water, please? go. like today?
Marvel films.

It's sunny and warm I can't find my keys Did you check your How do you like your
outside. anywhere. bag? coffee?

I prefer it with I have a job interview Good luck! You'll do What do you do in
cream and sugar. tomorrow. great. your free time?

I think it's a serious I'm going shopping.

I like playing the What's your opinion
issue that needs Do you need
guitar and painting. on climate change?
attention. anything?

I'm really excited I'm feeling a bit
Yes, can you get Where are you
about my upcoming under the weather
some milk, please? going? I'm curious.
vacation. today.

You should get What was your I need help with my

I enjoyed English
some rest and drink favorite subject in computer. It's not
and History.
some tea. school? working.

I've been trying to

I'll take a look and What's your plan for I'm thinking of
learn a new
see if I can fix it. the weekend? going to the beach.


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