Everything About The Fertilization

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The state of the union: The cell biology of fertilization

Article in Nature Cell Biology · November 2002

DOI: 10.1038/ncb-nm-fertilityS57 · Source: PubMed


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2 authors:

Janice P Evans Harvey Florman

Purdue University University of Massachusetts Medical School


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fertility supplement

The state of the union:
the cell biology of fertilization
Janice P. Evans*‡ and Harvey M. Florman†§

*Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Division of Reproductive Biology, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University,
Baltimore, MD 21205, USA
†Department of Cell Biology, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA 01655, USA
e-mail: ‡jpevans@jhsph.edu or §harvey.florman@umassmed.edu

Look at songs, hidden in eggs. Carl Sandburg in Prairie.

Fertilization is the process by which sperm and egg unite. An expanded understanding of the mechanisms that
underlie these events has provided insights into an important aspect of early development and also has proven
to be a valuable model in which to study cellular function. In addition, many emerging strategies for contracep-
tion and for the treatment of infertility are based on the mechanism of gamete interaction. Here, we discuss the
cell and molecular biology of mammalian fertilization, highlight selected recent breakthroughs and attempt to
identify key unanswered questions.

exual reproduction occurs through fertil- these events may be essential to utilize inactive state, immotile and incapable of
ization, during which two haploid developmental processes, such as stem cell interacting with eggs8.
gametes unite to produce a genetically dis- technology, within therapeutic contexts, The mammalian egg complex that is
tinct individual. Advances in the under- such as the treatment of degenerative dis- ovulated and enters the oviduct consists
standing of fertilization are significant eases. This review will focus on selected of three components: first, the egg, arrest-
from several perspectives. Gametes have areas of fertilization research in which ed at metaphase of meiosis II in humans
provided a valuable model system for the recent advances have been made or con- and most other mammals; second, the
examination of cellular biology since the troversies persist. The reader may consult extracellular matrix of the egg, or zona
19th century1. To cite several recent exam- other reviews for additional information pellucida, consisting of three glycopro-
ples that underscore the continued utility on these or other aspects of fertilization7–9. teins (ZP1, ZP2 and ZP3) that are synthe-
of these cells, our understanding of cell sized and secreted by the oocyte; third, the
division has been advanced by mitosis- Overview of fertilization cumulus oophorus, consisting of several
promoting factor (MPF), by signal trans- Fertilization begins when free-swimming layers of ovarian follicular granulosa cells
duction through receptor guanylyl sperm approach eggs within the oviduct. embedded in an extracellular matrix
cyclases and soluble adenylyl cycles, and These gametes are produced within the composed of hyaluronic acid (Fig. 1)8,9.
by the cellular interactions of ADAM (a unique microenvironments of the ovarian Sperm acquire the ability to fertilize
disintegrin and metalloproteinase) pro- follicle and the testicular seminiferous eggs through the process of capacitation,
teins (see below); all molecules or activi- epithelium. The end-product of sper- during migration through the female
ties initially described in gametes2–5. In matogenesis is a highly polarized sperm, reproductive tract. Capacitated sperm
addition, new strategies for the control of consisting of a head region that contains penetrate the cumulus oophorus assisted
world population, which is now estimated the nucleus and a single enlarged secreto- by PH-20, a cell surface hyaluronidase
to have surpassed 6.2 billion6, as well as for ry granule, or acrosome, in the apical (Fig. 1a)10, contact the zona pellucida
the treatment of infertility, which affects region, and a flagellum containing a 9 + 2 and undergo the acrosome reaction, a
more than 10% of couples, are likely to array of microtubules and associated calcium-dependent exocytotic event
emerge from an expanded knowledge of sheath proteins. After release from the (Fig. 1b). After completion of the acro-
the mechanisms of sperm–egg interac- seminiferous epithelium in the testis, some reaction, sperm penetrate the zona
tion. Finally, fertilization converts two ter- sperm are transported through the epi- pellucida, finally contacting and fusing
minally differentiated cells into a totipo- didymis, where additional biochemical with the plasma membrane of the egg
tent zygote that can form all of the cell and functional modifications occur. They (Fig. 1c,d). Gamete fusion results in egg
types in the body. An appreciation of the are then stored within the cauda epi- activation, pronuclear formation and
mechanisms through which sperm initiate didymis, where they are in a functionally syngamy8,9,11.

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incubation conditions initiate these

Cumulus cell
Capacitation events13, although it is likely that a cluster
of stimulatory molecules controls various
Meiotic spindle aspects of capacitation in vivo.
Several factors may drive capacitation
Perivitelline in vitro: first, cholesterol efflux from
sperm membranes is mediated by sterol-
binding proteins and initiates many
PB1 aspects of capacitation13. The reorganiza-
tion of the sperm membrane after choles-
terol depletion may be an early step in the
process of capacitation; second, an array
of sperm proteins are tyrosine phospho-
a rylated through a cAMP-dependent
mechanism13,15. Mammalian sperm
express a bicarbonate-sensitive, soluble
form of adenylyl cyclase4 that may control
these phosphorylation events15. The
c involvement of this bicarbonate-sensitive
adenylyl cyclase in capacitation may also
account for the requirement for extracel-
lular bicarbonate in capacitation; third,
b elevations of intracellular pH and bicar-
bonate levels, with the associated stimula-
tion of cAMP production, may activate
Zona the cyclic nucleotide-gated channels that
are present in sperm flagella and are
linked to the control of flagellar motili-
ty16. This may account for the switch to
the hyperactivated motility that is charac-
Figure 1 The sequence of early events in mammalian fertilization. A sperm–egg interaction begins teristic of the swimming patterns of
after sperm capacitation. A sperm first penetrates the cumulus oophorus (a), consisting of cumulus capacitated sperm17; fourth, membrane
cells (somatic cells from the ovarian follicle) embedded in an extracellular matrix (ECM). The sperm potential hyperpolarization occurs dur-
then contacts the zona pellucida (b), where the acrosome reaction is triggered by ZP3. Acrosome-
ing capacitation, when T-type calcium
reacted sperm penetrate the zona pellucida, enter the perivitelline space, then adhere to (c) and
channels are released from voltage-
fuse with (d) the plasma membrane of the egg. The egg has extruded the first polar body (PB1) and
dependent inactivation and thereby able
progressed to metaphase II. In most mammals, sperm–egg fusion triggers the completion of meiosis.
This model is based on in vitro studies of gamete interactions and is consistent with in vivo fertilization,
to participate in ZP3 signal transduction
which occurs in the oviduct. (see below)18. Hyperpolarization is
caused, at least in part, by an increased
contribution of potassium channels in
setting sperm membrane potential14.
Sperm capacitation initiation of acrosome reactions by ZP3; In vivo, multiple cooperative factors are
As noted above, mammalian sperm are alterations in flagellar motility that may be likely to mediate capacitation. Sterol-
unable to fertilize eggs until they complete required to penetrate the zona pellucida; binding proteins, such as high-density
functional reprogramming, or capacita- development of the capacity to fuse with lipoprotein, are present in the oviduct and
tion, within the female reproductive tract. eggs. This is accompanied by alterations in can accelerate cholesterol efflux from
Similarly, sperm of many non-mam- metabolism, membrane biophysical char- sperm19. In addition, progesterone may
malian species are activated by factors that acteristics, changes in protein phosphory- regulate some aspects of capacitation: this
are either associated with eggs or spawned lation state, elevations of intracellular pH steroid is present in the oviductal milieu,
with eggs12. Capacitation consists of a and calcium levels, and hyperpolarization derived both from follicular fluid and from
number of component processes, includ- of membrane potential9,13,14. Much of our secretion by cumulus oophorus cells asso-
ing: the functional coupling of the signal understanding of capacitation derives ciated with eggs20. A central goal for future
transducing pathways that regulate the from in vitro studies, where a single set of studies is to extend our understanding of

s58 Nature Cell Biology & Nature Medicine www.nature.com/fertility

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capacitation from in vitro systems to the Acrosome

in vivo situation.
T channel
Sperm–zona pellucida
adhesion Sperm
nucleus ZP3 receptor
Capacitation is a prerequisite step for
sperm to bind to the zona pellucida in a
TRPC2 channel
saturable, specific fashion. Initial
sperm–zona pellucida adhesion is mediat-
ed by ZP3, a constituent glycoprotein of ZP3
the zona pellucida that binds to receptors
in the anterior head of acrosome-intact Plasma
sperm. Isolated ZP3 has several of the PLC
anticipated characteristics of an adhesion G protein
Transient metabolites Sustained
molecule, including the ability to bind Ca2+ entry InsP3
Ca2+ entry
directly to sperm21 and to function as a
competitive inhibitor of adhesion22. By
contrast, the other zona pellucida glyco-
proteins, ZP1 and ZP2, lack these activi-
ties7. Adhesion to the zona pellucida is
Fusion of acrosome and
based on protein–carbohydrate recogni- plasma membranes,
tion processes, through the association of acrosome exocytosis nucleus

O-linked oligosaccharides (that is, carbo-

hydrate chains attached to polypeptide by
serinyl/threoninyl: N-acetylgalac-
tosaminyl linkages) from ZP3 with a cog-
nate receptor on sperm23,24. Sperm recog-
nition oligosaccharides have been partial- Figure 2 Triggering of the acrosome reaction. A model of the events involved in ZP3 signal transduc-

ly purified23 and the application of sensi- tion is shown. In the sperm head, TRPC2–ZP3 receptor activation during adhesion to the zona pelluci-
da results in calcium entry through T-type channels, causing a transient elevation of cytosolic calcium
tive mass spectrometric methods may
concentration and activation of PLC through a Gi1 and/or Gi2 protein-mediated pathway, resulting in
soon provide a molecular definition of
the production of InsP3 and diacylglycerol. PLC and the transient calcium elevation function in con-
these sequences25. In addition, several cert to produce persistent calcium entry through a TRPC2 channel that directly drives the acrosome
high-affinity ZP3 binding proteins have reaction, triggering fusion of the outer acrosome membrane with the plasma membrane and releas-
been identified on sperm, including at ing acrosomal contents. See text for details.
least one carbohydrate-binding protein
and another protein that displays
species/order-selective binding to the zona
pellucida11,26,27. However, a sperm receptor tions that adhesion oligosaccharide chains an activation of phospholipase C
for ZP3 has not yet been identified are conjugated to ZP3 at multiple sites28; (PLC)35–37 and the elevation of intracellu-
unequivocally. that crosslinking β-1,4-galactosyltrans- lar pH38,39, resulting in a sustained calcium
ferase, a sperm protein implicated in influx that directly drives exocytosis38,40.
Triggering the acrosome gamete interaction, triggers acrosome Recent studies have focused on identi-
reaction reactions29,30; and that polyvalent oligosac- fying the channel that mediates the sus-
ZP3 stimulation triggers acrosome reac- charide structures may also trigger acro- tained phase of ZP3-evoked calcium
tions in sperm bound to the zona pelluci- some reactions in marine invertebrate entry. The Drosophila melanogaster tran-
da. ZP3 oligosaccharide chains account for sperm31,32. sient receptor potential (TRP) gene
adhesion, as discussed previously, but are The early events of ZP3 signal transduc- encodes a light-activated cation channel
not sufficient to drive acrosome reactions. tion in sperm include the opening of T- in photoreceptor cells41. The seven mem-
ZP3 may be polyvalent with regard to type, low voltage-activated calcium chan- bers of the classical mammalian TRP
adhesion oligosaccharide chains28, and the nels33, resulting in a transient calcium (TRPC) family are homologues of this
resulting crosslinking and multimeriza- influx and the activation of the het- dipteran gene and are candidate subunits
tion of sperm receptors initiates exocyto- erotrimeric G proteins, Gi1 and Gi2 of PLC-dependent calcium entry chan-
sis. This model is supported by observa- (Fig. 2)34. These initial responses produce nels41. The gating mechanisms that link

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PLC action to the opening of TRPC chan- “…the acrosome reaction membrane and cytosolic proteins modu-
nels have not yet been resolved. late the function of cell adhesion mole-
Alternative models have been proposed, is a necessary prerequisite cules71,72. In sperm, insights into the
either based on lipid products or PLC importance of multimeric membrane
hydrolysis, or on the generation of inosi- step for the sperm to be protein complexes have come from analy-
tol-1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP3) and the ses of protein expression profiles of sperm
activation of a calcium-store depletion- able to fuse with the egg from the fertilin-β and cyritestin knock-
operated entry pathway41. A number of out mice. Sperm from these mice have
TRPC genes are expressed in the mam- greatly reduced amounts of other ADAM
plasma membrane.”
malian male germ lineage42–44 and TRPC2 proteins55 and these molecular deficien-
has specifically been shown to be a sub- cies are likely to contribute to the defects
unit of the sustained calcium entry chan- in gamete membrane interactions.
nel in mouse sperm that is activated by native or recombinant proteins52,53. In After adhesion, sperm fuse with the egg
ZP3 (ref. 43). In this regard, InsP3 recep- addition, sperm from fertilin-β and plasma membrane. However, the molecu-
tors are present in the sperm acrosome45 cyritestin knockout mice show greatly lar basis of this intercellular fusion
and may participate in the activation of reduced abilities to adhere to the egg process remains elusive. Contrary to ini-
TRPC2 channels by ZP3. However, membrane, although some of the few tial hypotheses73, fertilin-α is not thought
TRPC2 is a pseudogene in humans46,47, sperm that adhere can go on to fuse with to be involved in membrane fusion55,74.
and also possibly in bovine systems42. the egg54,55. Structure–function studies Similarly, CRISP1 was thought to mediate
Therefore, this role in ZP3 signal trans- have identified specific functional motifs gamete fusion, but is now thought to
duction must be assumed by another ion in the fertilin-β and cyritestin disintegrin function before membrane fusion53. CD9
channel in the sperm of those species. domains56–58. Integrins found on the sur- is implicated in certain types of mem-
Particular attention will focus on the role face of eggs are thought to be receptors for brane fusion71,72, but it is not known
of other TRPC family members in medi- sperm ADAMs, although which mem- whether CD9 in the egg facilitates gamete
ating ZP3 signal transduction in species ber(s) of the integrin family remains to be fusion (either directly or indirectly), or
that lack TRPC2. A number of soluble N- definitively identified. Initial evidence instead functions upstream by enhancing
ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor-attach- suggested that α6β1 integrin was an egg sperm adhesion or making the egg mem-
ment protein receptor (SNARE) proteins receptor for fertilin-β (refs 59–61), brane environment ‘fusion-competent’.
are present in the acrosomal region of although the demonstration that eggs Significant inroads in the membrane
mammalian and sea urchin sperm48–50, from α6 knockout mice can be fertilized62, fusion process have been made from stud-
and these may couple calcium entry to and other data63–65, suggest that α6β1 inte- ies of virus–cell fusion and the fusion of
exocytosis. grin is not required for fertilization or fer- intracellular vesicles. Although less is
In conclusion, the acrosome reaction is tilin-β-mediated adhesion. Recent evi- known about cell–cell fusion events, new
a critical functional switch. Before exocy- dence implicates α9β1 integrin as a bind- insights are emerging from studies of sea
tosis, capacitated sperm can penetrate the ing partner for fertilin-β (refs 64,65), and urchin and abalone sperm75,76.
cumulus oophorus and adhere selectively other egg integrins may also be involved63.
to the zona pellucida51, but the acrosome These adhesion-mediating proteins on Egg activation
reaction is a necessary prerequisite step both gametes are likely to function within Egg activation occurs after fertilization
for the sperm to be able to fuse with the the context of multimeric complexes at and initiates embryonic development77. In
egg plasma membrane9,14. the plasma membranes. In the egg, an all animals and plants where this has been
integrin-associated protein, the investigated, an early event in egg activa-
Sperm–egg adhesion and tetraspanin CD9, is clearly important for tion involves an increase in the cytosolic
membrane fusion sperm–egg interactions. Sperm do not calcium concentration to approximately
After penetration of the zona pellucida, fuse with eggs from CD9 knockout 1 µM. This increase has distinct spatial
sperm adhere to and fuse with the plasma mice66–68, a recombinant form of an extra- and temporal features in each species. The
membrane of the egg (Fig. 3). The cellular portion of CD9 inhibits increase in cytosolic calcium concentra-
involvement of sperm fertilin-α (also sperm–egg fusion69, and anti-CD9 anti- tion seems to occur between several sec-
known as a disintegrin and a metallopro- bodies inhibit sperm–egg fusion and the onds and a few minutes after the establish-
tease domain 1 (ADAM1)), fertilin-β binding of sperm and sperm ADAMs to ment of membrane continuity between
(ADAM2) and cyritestin (ADAM3), as well eggs58,59,62,64,70. Other integrin-associated gametes, and often occurs as a ‘wave’ that
as CRISP1 (cysteine-rich secretory protein proteins may also facilitate sperm adhe- travels across the egg77,78. In mammals, a
1), in sperm–egg adhesion are indicated by sion58. This is consistent with models in low-frequency oscillation in cytosolic cal-
studies using antibodies, peptides, and which tetraspanins and other accessory cium concentration (approximately

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1–2 min spike duration and 1 spike per 10

min) is generated by InsP3, through acti- a
vation of InsP3 receptors in the endoplas-
mic reticulum and the subsequent release Sperm
of sequestered calcium (Fig. 3). b
Oscillations persist for several hours pre- Other sperm
ADAM Sperm
ceding the time of entry into the first ligands?
embryonic mitosis79. The increase in Integrin α β nucleus

cytosolic calcium concentration induces Egg membrane

exit from meiotic arrest and progression CD9 Other egg receptors, integrins, tetraspanins,
into mitosis, and the exocytosis of cortical integrin-associated proteins?
granules, the contents of which modify the Signalling associated
zona pellucida to prevent fertilization by associated with fusion?
with adhesion?
additional sperm9,80. These two responses ↑cytosolic
↑ InsP3
differ in the ‘dose’ of calcium oscillations
they require81. Later egg activation InsP3 receptor
responses include the recruitment of
maternal mRNAs for translation, changes ER
in protein synthesis, and zygotic genome
In non-mammalian species, this
cytosolic calcium concentration response
may be mediated by PLC-γ. This PLC iso- Figure 3 Gamete membrane interactions and egg activation a, Adhesion is mediated by a sperm
form is typically activated by tyrosine ADAM interacting with egg integrins through its disintegrin domain (dark blue). At least three ADAMs
phosphorylation, often through an inter- can participate in murine gamete adhesion (fertilin-α, fertilin-β and cyritestin). Additional sperm lig-
action of PLC-γ Src homology 2 (SH2) ands, including CRISP1, may be present. Integrin-associated proteins (including CD9, perhaps other
domains with a tyrosine kinase or adaptor tetraspanins and CD98) are present on eggs, where they seem to facilitate gamete membrane inter-
proteins. Candidate Src family tyrosine actions. b, Egg activation is initiated after the establishment of membrane continuity between the
kinases that may be involved in this path- gametes. A key event in the activation mechanism is the generation of InsP3, resulting in the release
way have been identified in echinoderm of calcium from intracellular stores. The mechanism through which InsP3 is generated remains unre-
solved and may involve the introduction of a PLC stimulatory factor(s) from the sperm into the egg
and ascidian eggs82–86. Furthermore, injec-
during gamete fusion, or the stimulation of egg PLC through signal transduction pathways (see text
tion of recombinant PLC-γ SH2 domains
for details). InsP3 then binds to the InsP3 receptor on the endoplasmic reticulum, inducing calcium
into these eggs inhibits calcium release
release into the egg cytoplasm. In echinoderm and ascidian eggs, InsP3 is generated through the
and egg activation responses86–88. activation of a PLC, a process that is possibly mediated through tyrosine phosphorylation by a Src
However, recombinant PLC-γ SH2 family tyrosine kinase (not shown). This mechanism has not been observed in mammalian eggs.
domains and phosphatidylinositol-3-OH
kinase inhibitors have no effect on sperm-
induced egg activation in mouse eggs89,90.
The alternative hypothesis that PLC-β that results in calcium release. Sperm calcium concentrations. The use of intra-
mediate egg activation is unlikely. This ADAMs and egg integrins have been cytoplasmic sperm injection to fertilize
isoform is typically stimulated through a considered candidate effectors. However, eggs also demonstrates that extracellular
heterotrimeric G protein-dependent although there are reports that ligand- sperm–egg contact is not necessary to
pathway; however, the perturbation of G mimicking synthetic peptides can induce activate eggs, and sufficient controls and
protein function does not seem to inhibit calcium release in bovine and frog analyses have been performed to demon-
the activation of mammalian eggs by eggs93–95, no other purified sperm ligands strate that it is not simply the act of injec-
sperm91,92. that bind to eggs have been shown to tion or the introduction of calcium from
Research in egg activation has focused evoke egg activation. the media that initiates egg activation96.
on the mechanism by which sperm evoke An alternative model suggests that Egg-activating activity seems to be associat-
oscillations of cytosolic calcium concen- fusion of the gametes introduces a fac- ed with the nucleus of the sperm97, possibly
trations in the egg, and has largely exam- tor(s) from the sperm into the egg that in the perinuclear theca98, and develops
ined two models. In one case, the binding initiates egg activation77. The injection during spermatogenesis96. Several candi-
of a sperm ligand to an egg receptor may of sperm lysate into eggs induces fertil- dates have been proposed, including oscillin
initiate a signal transduction cascade ization-like oscillations of intracellular (glucosamine-6-phosphate isomerase)99

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70. Wong, G. E., Zhu, X., Prater, C. E., Oh, E. & Evans, J. P. L. A. Evidence that phospholipase C from the sperm is not supporting our efforts.

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