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Jalan Raya Ketapang-Banyuates No. 81, Ketapang Sampang (69261)
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1. Teacher : I’ve got some information about English Contest. Don’t be noisy. _____________(1)___
__________ Students : Yes, sir.
A. I don’t understand
B. Are you with me?
C. I got it
D. Can I have your attention, please?
2. Dorry : Do you understand Mr. Asep’s story.
Nia : _____(2)_______ He speaks very fast
A. I think so
B. Not really
C. I’d love to
D. I don’t know what you mean
Read the dialogue below!
Teacher : If you have done your homework, collect the book tomorrow. _____________(3)_________
Student : I’m sorry sir, __________(4)________________ Could you repeat?
Teacher : OK, after you’ve done your homework, collect the book tomorrow. Do you get it? Student :
________(5)__________. Ok, I will collect my book tomorrow.
A. Do you understand?
B. Do you think so?
C. Attention, please.
D. Sorry to trouble you.
A. I don’t understand
B. I think so
C. I know what you mean.
D. I’d like to.
A. Yes Sir, I got it
B. I don’t follow you
C. I’m afraid, I can’t.
D. I don’t agree with you
6. Siti : Did you watch “Tjimanoek Carnival” yesterday?
Aqila : Yes, I watched it with my younger brother.
Siti : ……………(6)…………… “Tjimanoek carnival”?
Aqila : I think it was so amazing. It makes me so proud of being Indonesian and we have many differe
nt cultures but we are one Indonesia. We must always love our culture.
A. What is
B. What do you think of
C. Can you watch
D. Can I see
7. Wati : What do you think about our classroom?
Juita : I_________ it is very dirty! Some students leave litter on the floor
A. think
B. don’t think so
C. don’t know
D. think so
8. Santy: I got 100 in English test!
Rossa: ___________________
If Rossa will give compliment to Santy’s achievement, Rossa will say.......
A. That’s too bad!
B. Good Job!
C. Terrible!
D. That’s Awful
9. Tasya : Excelent! That’s my brother!. My motorcycle is very clean now. You have washed it. Tasya :
____________boy you are!
A. What a pity
B. What a lazy
C. How diligent
D. How poor
Dialog for no 10-11
Aqila : I will go to the beach with my family tomorrow. I will swim there. By the way, _____(10)____
_ in the beach?
Alfa : Yes, I can. Aqila : That’s good. Will you join with us?
Riana : Ok, I will join with you tomorrow, but I______(11)_______ permission first to my parent.. Aqi
la : Ok , I will wait you in my house tomorrow.
A. Will you swim with me
B. Can you go with me
C. Will you swim
D. Can you swim
A. will come
B. will ask
C. can ask
D. can’t go
Dialog for 12-13
Linda : Gyta, We have got many homework. ____________(12)__________?
Rio : ____(13)_____. I will do my homework at home.
A. Will you do my homework
B. Can I copy your work
C. Can I see your work?
D. Will you do these homework in the library?
A. Yes, I will
B. Yes, I can
C. No, I want
D. No, I won’t

Dialog for no. 14-16

Susi : I often get remedial but you never get remedial and you always be the best in the class. Dina : If
you want to be the best student____________(14)___________ nd_________(15)_______________
Susi : When I’m confused and don’t know the answer in the exam. I asked the answer to my friend nex
t to me but I still got remedial. I didn’t work.
Dina : You _______(16)_______in the exam. Believe in yourself and do the best.
A. You must study hard
B. You must cheating in the exam
C. You must copy your friend’s homework
D. You must studying when you’ll have examination
A. You mustn’t be diligent
B. You must be diligent
C. You must be lazy
D. You must confident
A. must not cheat
B. must trust your friend
C. must not do the best
D. mustn’t be too serious

Dialog for no. 17-18.

Nana : I want to be healthy but I like eating fast food. I can’t go diet.
Rina : I think you _________(17)________have diet, to be healthy _______(18)__________ eat more
fruits and vegetables.

A. should
B. should not
C. Should be
D. shouldn’t be
A. Should
B. Should not
C. Should be
D. Shouldn’t be
Dialog for no. 19-20
Mr. Harry : Look at to your class! What a messy class! ____________(19)_______________ Alvin : Y
es Sir, I will clean it up after I’ve finished eating these snacks. Mr. Harry : After you eat your snacks, p
A. Go to your class!
B. I will clean it up!
C. Don’t enter your class!
D. Clean up your classroom!
. A. Wash the dishes
B. Check
C. Don’t do
D. Don’t litter
21.. Lina : “May I use your pen?”
Dayu : “Sure. ..............................”Don’t use the red one. There’s no ink in it.”
A. take the green one
B. I will use my pen
C. is this your pen
D. The pen is broken
Jawaban: A
22.Budi : I want you to come to my birthday party tonight.
Dessy: “……(22)….. I have a lot of homework to do.”
A. That sounds great
B. I disagree with you
C. I am afraid I can’t
D. It is a good idea
Jawaban: C
Read the text below to answer no 23-24!

23. . What is it ?
A. A birthday card.
B. A get-well card.
C. A greetings card.
D. A condolence card.

24. To whom do you want to send the card ?

To someone who . . .
A. is sick
B. is special
C. celebrates his birthday
D. has attained and achievement.
The following text is for questions 25 – 26.
25.[24.] When do you send the card?
A. When a friend celebrates a special event.
B. When you are going to have a holiday.
C. When you don’t want to go to school.
D. When a friend is going on his/her holiday.

26.[25.] Why do you send the card ?

A. To wish your friend happy holiday.
B. To show the date of holiday.
C. To hope your friend will get better.
D. To make the reader proud.
Dialog for no. 27-28
Alfa : Riana, there will be “panggung gembira” in our town square this weekend. There are many popu
lar singers. Senior high school has no class every Saturday, so I’m free every Saturday. Will you watch
“panggung gembira” with me?
Riana : I wish I could but junior high school still has 6 days school so I have class on Saturday. Alfa :
Why don’t you ask permission to your teacher?
(the next morning Riana ask permission to his teacher)
Riana : Sir, ______________(27)______________?
Teacher : Sorry, ___________(28)________________. You have to study at school. If you want to wat
ch “panggung gembira”, you can watch it on Sunday.
Alfa : OK, ma’am.
A. May I watch panggung gembira on Saturday?
B. Can I call Alfa to ask permission with me ?
C. Will you watch panggung gembira with me?
D. Would it be alright if I invite all my friends?
A. I Agree with you
B. I Think so
C. I’d love to
D. I don’t think I can make it

For no. 29-30, fill the blank space using the best answer!
Ayu : What do you usually see in the Ragunan zoo?
Neyla : ______(29)_______ many animals in the zoo.
Ayu : What do you like most beside looking the animals in Ragunan zoo ?
Neyla : ______(30)_______a huge animal museum. You can see a giant Dinosaur’s fossil there.
A. There is
B. There are
C. There was
D. There were
A. There are
B. There is
C. There aren’t
D. There isn’t
31.[30.] There isn’t anything ….my pocket
A. Between
B. Next to
C. In
D. Near
32.[31.] The bank is…Orchid Street and Yellow Avenue
A. Between
B. Behind
C. Inside
D. Next to
33.[32.] The notice above means…
A. We are not allowed to let the door open all the time
B. We are prohibited to enter the room
C. We have to make another door to enter the room
D. We are not permitted to open the door
34.[33.] What is the purpose of the text?
a. to ask somebody to do something
b. to warn somebody not to do something
c. to advise somebody not to do something
d. to inform somebody that something is not dangerous

Read the following notice. Its put in the library

35.[34.] What does the notice means?
A. You cannot return the borrowed books it the library is closed
B. The library return service is available after hours only
C. You should put the books here if you return them after the closing time
D. You can borrow books from this counter even if the library is closed


What does the notice on the right mean?
a. Do not throw rubbish in the room
b. Do not destroy everything in the room
c. Do not sleep in the room
d. Do not speak in the room
The caution above means...
a. We must keep the place silent
b. We must keep the place clean
c. We enter the place
d. We may read aloud

The following text is for questions 38 – 39

38.[37.] What is it?
A. A condolences card.
B. A greeting card.
C. A get-well card.
D. A birthday card.

39.[38.] To whom do you send the card?

A. To someone who makes something special.
B. To someone who attains an achievement.
C. To someone who celebrates his birthday.
D. To someone has a lot of money.
The following text is for questions 40-41.

40.[39.] Who sends the card?

A. Angga
B. Handy
C. Angga’s friend.
D. Judges.

41.[40.] What achievement has Handy attained?

A. To be the winner of a poetry reading competition.
B. To be successful in every competition.
C. To be successful in reading.
D. To be good as a student.
The following text is for questions 42-43

42.[41.] Who celebrates the birthday?

A. The sender.
B. Ghania
C. Aisyah
D. Ghania’s friend.

43.[42.] How old is Ghania?

A. Tenth
B. Eleventh
C. Fourteenth
D. Fifteenth
44.[43.] What kind of expression is this: “Attention please?”
a. giving attention
b. asking for attention
c. giving prohibition
d. giving suggestion

45.[44.] Mr. Budi : . . . . Are we all ready to learn English?

Students : Yes, Ma’am
a. Do you understand
b. I think so
c. What do you think
d. Attention, please

46.[45.] Mr. Budi : . . . . ?

Student : Yes, Sir
a. Do you know what I mean?
b. Do you think
c. You don’t understand
d. Don’t you remember
47.[46.] Teacher: Do you understand?
Students: Yes, sir!
What kind of expression that teacher gives?
a. asking for attention
b. checking understanding
c. asking for suggestion
d. giving opinion

48.[47.] Why does Ghania send the card?

A. To wish her mum get well soon.
B. To wish her mum a happy mother’s day.
C. To give her mum the courage to be a good mum.
D. To let her mum know that today is mother’s day.

49.[48.] A tender smile to guide my way.

The underlined word has a similar meaning to . . .
A. tough
B. gentle
C. rough
D. rude

The card is sent to . . .

A. inform Heni’s sister that she was accepted in a good school.
B. congratulate to Heni sister on her graduation.
C. show Heni’s happiness on her graduation.
D. encourage Heni’s sister to study harder.
1 D 26 A
2 B 27 A
3 A 28 D
4 A 29 B
5 A 30 B
6 B 31 C
7 A 32 A
8 B 33 D
9 C 34 B
10 D 35 C
11 B 36 A
12 D 37 A
13 D 38 B
14 A 39 B
15 B 40 A
16 A 41 A
17 A 42 B
18 B 43 D
19 D 44 B
20 D 45 D
21 A 46 A
22 C 47 B
23 B 48 B
24 A 49 A
25 D 50 B

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