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Unit 2 Vocabulary

neighbour (n): someone who lives near to you.

rusty (adj): an iron or steel that has turned reddish brown when it was exposed

to water and oxygen.

massive (adj): extremely large.

Survive (v): to continue to live or exist in spite of a great danger or difficulties.

Probably (adv): maybe

Canyon (n): a narrow river valley with steep, rocky sides.

nearly (adv): almost.

Unforgettable (adj): so good or so bad that you are unlikely to forget it.

Unexciting (adj): boring

glorious (adj): very beautiful and impressive.

courageous (adj): brave, having courage.

gasp (v): take a quick breath with your mouth open, usually because you are

surprised or in pain.

unimaginable (adj): impossible to imagine or understand.

dangerous (adj): likely to hurt or harm you.

Whizz (v): to move somewhere quickly.

unbeatable (adj): something that is unbeatable is the best thing of its kind.

transport (v): to move goods or people from one place to another.

deadly (adj): likely to cause death.

transparent (adj): something that you can see through.

unmissable (adj): that should not or cannot be missed.

flight (n): a journey made by aeroplane.

bargain (n): something which is very good value when you buy it.

Zoom (v): to move very quickly.

vast (adj) extremely large.

rescue (v): to save someone or something from a dangerous or unpleasant


orbit (v): to go on a curved path around a planet, the sun or another star.

develop (v): make something grow bigger or become more advanced.

invest (v): to invent something, you are the first person to think of it or make


colony (n): a country controlled by a more powerful country.

settlement (n): a place where people have settled and built homes.

persuade (v): to convince someone to do something, or that something is true by

giving you good reasons.

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