2019 MA Integration Integrals Worksheet HSC Questions W Solutions

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WORKSHEET - Mathematics (Advanced)

1. L&E, 2UA 2014 HSC 4 MC
11. Integration
Integrals Which expression is equal to ?
Teacher: James Butterworth
Exam Equivalent Time: 115.5 minutes (based on HSC allocation of 1.5 (A)
minutes approx. per mark)



2. L&E, 2UA 2012 HSC 9 MC

What is the value of ?




T11 Integration is the second largest topic in the Mathematics course, contributing 13.1% to (D)
the HSC exam per year, on average, over the last 10 years.
This topic has been split into four sub-categories: 1-Areas Under Curves (4.5%), 2-Solids of
Revolution (3.0%), 3-Simpson's and Trapezoidal Rules (2.6%), and 4-Integrals (3.0%).
3. Integration, 2UA 2016 HSC 11d
2017 HSC ANALYSIS - What to expect and common pitfalls
Evaluate (2 marks)
Integrals (2.1%) make up the smallest contribution within T11 Integration and deals with the
more "vanilla" integration problems. Note that the 2.1% does not include Trig Integrals or
Log & Exponential Integrals whose contribution to the HSC is attributed to their specific topic
area. 4. Integration, 2UA 2017 HSC 11b
This question type appears sporadically with a very volatile mark allocation. It has only had
a dedicated question twice in the last 5 years, although 2009 saw a 6 mark allocation! Find . (1 mark)

5. L&E, 2UA 2013 HSC 11e

Find (2 marks)
6. Integration, 2UA 2009 HSC 2b 11. Integration, 2UA 2010 HSC 2e
Find . (1 mark) Given that , and is a constant, find the value of . (2 marks)

Find . (2 marks)

12. Geometry and Calculus, 2UA 2011 HSC 4c
Evaluate . (3 marks)
The gradient of a curve is given by . The curve passes through the point

7. L&E, 2UA 2016 HSC 12d .

What is the equation of the curve? (2 marks)

i. Differentiate
(1 mark)

ii. Hence find the exact value of

13. L&E, 2UA 2005 HSC 2ci

(2 marks)
Find . (2 marks)

8. Integration, 2UA 2007 HSC 2b(ii) 14. Integration, 2UA 2010 HSC 2di

Evaluate . (3 marks) Find (2 marks)

9. Integration, 2UA 2017 HSC 14b 15. L&E, 2UA 2008 HSC 2ci
(i) Find the exact value of
Find . (1 mark)

. (1 mark)

(ii) Using Simpson’s rule with one application, find an approximation to the integral 16. Integration, 2UA 2008 HSC 5a

The gradient of a curve is given by . The curve passes through the

leaving your answer in terms of and . (2 marks)

point .

(iii) Using parts (i) and (ii), show that What is the equation of the curve? (3 marks)

. (1 mark) 17. Integration, 2UA 2014 HSC 11d

Find . (2 marks)
10. Trig Calculus, 2UA 2007 HSC 2b(i)

Find . (2 marks)
18. L&E, 2UA 2010 HSC 2dii 25. Trig Calculus, 2UA 2008 HSC 2cii

Find . (2 marks) Evaluate . (3 marks)

19. L&E, 2UA 2011 HSC 4b 26. Integration, 2UA 2011 HSC 4d
(i) Differentiate with respect to . (2 marks)
Evaluate (2 marks)
(ii) Hence, or otherwise, find

. (2 marks)
20. L&E, 2UA 2012 HSC 12b

Find . (2 marks) 27. Trig Ratios, 2UA 2010 HSC 5b

(i) Prove that
21. L&E, 2UA 2013 HSC 11f
. (1 mark)

(ii) Hence prove that

Evaluate (3 marks)

. (1 mark)

(iii) Hence use the table of standard integrals to find the exact value of

22. Trig Calculus, 2UA 2012 HSC 11g . (2 marks)

Find (3 marks)
28. Integration, 2UA 2011 HSC 2e

Find . (2 marks)

23. Trig Calculus, 2UA 2014 HSC 11e

Evaluate . (3 marks)

24. Trig Calculus, 2UA 2014 HSC 13a

(i) Differentiate . (1 mark)

(ii) Hence, or otherwise, find

. (2 marks)
29. Integration, 2UA 2008 HSC 9c Worked Solutions
A beam is supported at and as shown in the diagram.
1. L&E, 2UA 2014 HSC 4 MC

It is known that the shape formed by the beam has equation , where
2. L&E, 2UA 2012 HSC 9 MC
( is a positive constant)

and .
(i) Show that
TIP: Note that , as

. (2 marks)

(ii) How far is the beam below the -axis at ? (2 marks)

30. Integration, 2UA 2011 HSC 9b

A tap releases liquid into a tank at the rate of litres per minute, where
3. Integration, 2UA 2016 HSC 11d
is time in minutes. A second tap releases liquid into the same tank at the rate of
litres per minute. The taps are opened at the same time and release the

liquids into an empty tank.

(i) Show that the rate of flow of liquid is greater than the rate of flow of liquid by
litres per minute. (1 mark)
(ii) The taps are closed after minutes. By how many litres is the volume of liquid
greater than the volume of liquid in the tank when the taps are closed? (2 marks)

Copyright © 2004-16 The State of New South Wales (Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW)
4. Integration, 2UA 2017 HSC 11b 6. Integration, 2UA 2009 HSC 2b


5. L&E, 2UA 2013 HSC 11e

7. L&E, 2UA 2016 HSC 12d


π π
6 3

y = cos x

8. Integration, 2UA 2007 HSC 2b(ii)


9. Integration, 2UA 2017 HSC 14b

10. Trig Calculus, 2UA 2007 HSC 2b(i) 13. L&E, 2UA 2005 HSC 2ci

11. Integration, 2UA 2010 HSC 2e 14. Integration, 2UA 2010 HSC 2di

15. L&E, 2UA 2008 HSC 2ci

16. Integration, 2UA 2008 HSC 5a

12. Geometry and Calculus, 2UA 2011 HSC 4c
17. Integration, 2UA 2014 HSC 11d 20. L&E, 2UA 2012 HSC 12b

21. L&E, 2UA 2013 HSC 11f

18. L&E, 2UA 2010 HSC 2dii

IMPORTANT: Minimise errors

by adjusting the integral to fit

the form before TIP: Note that ,


19. L&E, 2UA 2011 HSC 4b

22. Trig Calculus, 2UA 2012 HSC 11g

significant number of students
incorrectly integrated to get
. Minimize the chance
for error by getting the integral

in the form of before

23. Trig Calculus, 2UA 2014 HSC 11e 25. Trig Calculus, 2UA 2008 HSC 2cii

26. Integration, 2UA 2011 HSC 4d

24. Trig Calculus, 2UA 2014 HSC 13a
(i) IMPORTANT: Some students
might find calculations easier
(i) by rewriting the equation as



27. Trig Ratios, 2UA 2010 HSC 5b

28. Integration, 2UA 2011 HSC 2e

♦ Mean mark 46%.

COMMENT: Students who took
the out the front before
integrating made less errors,
as illustrated in the Worked

(ii) 29. Integration, 2UA 2008 HSC 9c

♦♦ Mean mark 31%.



♦ Mean mark 37%.

question instructs students to
use the table of standard
integrals to help solve this
integral and despite this, many
did not!

30. Integration, 2UA 2011 HSC 9b
♦♦♦ Mean mark 16%
students incorrectly
differentiated in part (i). The 1
mark allocation indicates the
answer will not require an
involved multi-step process.


♦♦♦ Mean mark 15%

students were able to answer
this part. Remember, the
previous parts of any question
should be front and centre of
your thinking when working
out strategies.

Copyright © 2014-2017 M2 Mathematics Pty Ltd (SmarterMaths.com.au)

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