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Last Sunday (22 Jan 23) I listened to a sermon in my church, and there are two things

that I learned, as follows:

1. As a parent or a Sunday-school teacher, what we teach to our kids or students can

remind them when they have encounter a situation. It shouldn’t be instantly, it can be
years later. Or in other words, what we have done is not in vain, because God can work
in it.

2. In Matthew 28 : 20 Jesus gave a command to make people his disciples, teach them
to obey everything Jesus had commanded to his disciples. Jesus’s commandment isn’t
to make people Christian, but to make them disciples who do what He had taught.
I think this is what the church should do for the congregation, teach them the words of
God and guide them to apply them in their daily lives.

Many people hear the word disciple and think it means only “follower.” But genuine
discipleship is a state of being. This suggests more than studying and applying a list of
individual attributes. Disciples live so that the characteristics of Christ are woven into
the fiber of their beings, as into a spiritual tapestry.

We came across kombucha a few years ago when we visited Jogjakarta. At that time we joined a
“healthy” tour, where we visited some places that produced or sold organic or healthy food. We
visited a village where there were people selling organic tempe and emping. We even tried
making the emping by hitting the “melinjo” by using a hammer.

After visiting the village and had lunch, we went to another homemade baker. We were given a
glass of kombucha to try. This first time trying kombucha really gave us a desire to drink more
kombucha. It was like an obsession, so when we knew there was kombucha sold, we would just
try to to buy it. And it was also a dream for us to learn how to make kombucha. Until one day I
read an advert in IG that there would be a one-day course on how to make kombucha, and I
urged my husband to join it. So he joined the course, and starting that time, he began brewing
kombucha until now.

Selling kombucha hasn’t been in our mind as during that time my husband was still working in a
bank. After he retired, there came an opportunity to sell it when someone from our church
encouraged us to give out kombucha as souvenirs for our church anniversary event. She even
paid us the cost of providing the kombucha. Fortunately, our second son was interested in
helping us in this business. He designed the packaging, as well as creating an instagram account
for the kombucha.

Currently we are still striving to develop our kombucha business. We have to think how to
expand our market. I think our kombucha is quite tasty, and the price is also affordable. There
are still plenty of things to do to establish our brand.

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