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Watching Western Movies Can Improve English Writing Azizah Rahmah Hanifah

English Education Study Program, Tarbiyah & Teacher Training Faculty UIN Raden Intan,
Lampung, Indonesia


Writing is an activity to create a note or information on a medium by using characters. English has become
an international language. Almost every country in the world uses English when communicating. Some
even make it the official or primary language of a country. With English spreading all over the world,
students are required to learn English in schools. some students at school still don't understand how to
pronounce good English with correct pronunciation or how to write correct English with correct
vocabulary, because sometimes students still don't know English words. with that how students learn
English easily, we can use some learning media such as watching western movies where students can listen
to the pronunciation of the language and then can write it down to increase vocabulary. can also read
English books and then understand the words, if students do not understand the meaning of English
students can write first and then translate the language first so that it is easy to understand. Learning
English using learning media is very easy to understand, like watching western films. if students only listen
to someone's audio or maybe just listen to the teacher's explanation maybe it can make students a little
bored for that, we can use movies so that students feel happier and not bored. when students watch movie
we can ask students to write sentences or what vocabulary they still don't understand and then it can help
students add new English vocabulary. The Silent Way method is very suitable to help students in learning.
This method focuses more on giving the freedom to express according to the ability of each student. To
achieve this, it can be done, among others, by getting students to practice writing diaries, poems, schedule /
agenda of activities, and so on. During the learning process, the teacher is not allowed to speak except
when giving new materials/materials. So, class handling is done with hand gestures, smiles, head shakes,
and so on. An easy way to do this is to invite students to watch television or drama. After that, they were
asked to write down the contents of the story from the spectacle they had just seen.

Keywords : Vocabulary, Read book, Watching movie, Writing, English skill

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