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Facilitating Student’s Reading Skill through Quizizz

Citra Puteri Utami1

English Education Study Program, Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty, UIN Raden Intan
Lampung, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia

Reading skills are abilities related to a person's ability to read, understand, interpret
and decode written language and texts. Exceptional reading skills are highly
beneficial for responding to written communications such as emails, messages,
letters, and other written messages. Reading skills can also include several key
aspects that work together to develop overall literacy skills, including
comprehension, fluency, vocabulary, and strategies that help readers interpret and
find meaning in texts. In online learning during the pandemic situation, the lecturer
can use a digital tool for teaching reading. It is Quizizz. Quizizz is software created
by India that can be used in classroom learning in the form of a collection of
questions, pre-test reviews, formative assessments, and pop quizzes. In addition,
this research uses a qualitative design. The research is about describing the use of
quizizz for students' reading skills. It will be done in second-semester students of
reading for general purposes course. The purpose of this research is to portray
students and lecturer activities in sharing the process of reading text through
quizizz. Hopefully, the result of the research will show that facilitating students'
reading skills through quizizz will be useful for students. Finally, the students will
get feedback on their reading skills through quizizz.

Keywords: Student’s Reading Skills, Quizizz.


Coronavirus has infected more than a thousand people in the world. Coronavirus
is a new virus linked to the same family of the virus as SARS while the virus transmits
through coughing, sneezing, or spattering. The virus attacks the human respiratory but
many people ignore this new virus's hazard. In addition, the explosion of infectious
diseases that occurred in a large and very dominant geographical area, generally
affecting a large part of the world's population, at the beginning of March 2020 WHO

had designated the coronavirus as a global pandemic and lasted almost two years. As a
result, it impacts many fields such as the environment, society, culture, economy, and
This pandemic has resulted in most schools in the country and even abroad
conducting online learning. In supporting this condition, there are many new platforms
served from many resources. It is done so that the online teaching and learning process
runs well. For instance the use of online media, it is the use of Quizizz. In this context,
online media or application is used to read the text. There are some explanations about
the use of Quizizz in the online teaching-learning process. Quizizz is software created
by India that can be used in classroom learning in the form of a collection of questions,
pre-test reviews, formative assessments, and pop quizzes.
There are several relevant researches about quizizz. Here the result of the research
1) The result of this study showed that usage of quizizz as a learning media can make
students enthusiastic in participating in the learning activity, so students can focus and
maximize their mobile phone as a fun learning media (Pahamzah, 2020), 2) The
findings of the study revealed that Quizizz can be used as one of an effective learning
media in teaching reading. Quizizz provided the students with meaningful and fun
activities that can improve students’ reading skills (Dewi and Kristiani, 2021), 3)
Quizizz as e-learning media can support the learning process in the English e-
classroom. It indicates that Quizizz is an appropriate e-learning media that can be used
in English e- classroom and it can increase EFL students’ motivation during e-learning
(Dhamayanti, 2021), 4) The results of the study indicate that English lecturing process
using Quizizz is a fun and effective activity so that it is expected to continue to be used
in further lecturing activities (Prasongko, 2021)
In this research, the students began with doing the reading task in quizizz. The
students can access some tasks in quizizz. There are some levels of the task. At the end
of the game, they will get feedback such as review, reward, and ranking. This activity is
not only seen by the student themselves but also the whole students in the class. Thus,
they have the same chance to get various feedbacks. The last, both lecturer and students
are free to share the other information. It happened when there were any problems or
questions in doing the reading task in quizizz.

In using a Quizizz, the user should create an account first. There are some steps in
using Quizizz. Here, they are:
Creating your account

Creating your collection

Playing a solo game

In summary, a quizizz is a digital platform that helps lecturers to share, post, or
submit their tasks for the students. The tasks are in the form of texts, pictures, etc. It is
extraordinarily valuable to be used in the online teaching-learning process. In this
research, the researcher used reading tasks in quizizz for students' assignments.
In line with the discussion above, students perform reading task in quizzes.
Reading is constant guesswork, and what one takes to the next is often more important
than what is found in it. In reading, students must be taught to use what they know to
understand unknown elements, whether it is ideas or simple words (Grellet, 2004).
In other words, Olson and Diller (1982) say that reading comprehension is a term
used to identify the skills needed to understand and apply the information contained in
written materials. This statement is supported by Harris and Sipay (1980) who say that
reading comprehension skills are taught as a set of general knowledge acquisition skills
that enable people to acquire and demonstrate information obtained as a consequence of
reading printed language. There is even an understanding that views reading as a
process of giving meaning to visual symbols (Oka: 1983 in Jaenal, 2010). In short, it

can be said that reading is a process carried out by readers to obtain messages or
information that the author wants to convey through the medium of words/written
language. When we read our eyes will see the writing and our brain understands the
meaning of the writing.
There are three skills in reading comprehension, they are : 1) Literal Skills: Stated
details Cause and effect Sequence of events Problem of the story, 2) Inferential Skills:
Mood of the selection Author’s purpose Conclusion Implied location Character
motivation and actions Meaning of figurative language Vocabulary meanings Implied
main ideas Referents Omitted words, and 3) Critical Skills: Recognizing facts and
opinions Identifying the point of view Critiquing Making value judgments Assessing
writing style and tone. (Dorn and Soffos, 2005).
Read Naturally develops and supports the five (5) components of reading
identified by the National Reading Panel, they are phonemic awareness, phonics,
fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. Phonemic and phonological awareness,
decoding and phonics, fluency, and print concepts are recognized as foundational
reading skills.
In addition, there are several types of reading such as intensive reading, extensive
reading, aloud reading, and silent reading.
A. Intensive reading is a type of reading that focuses on idioms and vocabulary taught
by the teacher in class as well as on idioms and vocabulary in poetry, novels, or other
sources. For example, Students focus on the linguistic or semantic details of a passage
and focus on structural details such as grammar.
B. Extensive Reading is a type of reading that involves students reading texts for
pleasure and developing general reading skills. For example, Students read as many
different types of books as possible such as journals, newspapers, and magazines,
mainly for pleasure, and only need a general understanding of their contents.
C. Reading aloud is reading in a loud and clear voice. For example Reading poetry,
dialogues, and other types of text.
D. Silent reading activity is reading without sound which aims to make students
understand the meaning of the reading text. Example: Students read the text by heart.
(Patel and Jain, 2008)

It can be concluded that the purpose of reading is to connect the ideas in the text
with what we already know. The reader must understand the subject he is reading to
connect ideas. According to Grabe William and L. Fredrika (2002), the categories of
reading goals include: reading to find simple information, reading to skim, reading to
learn from texts, reading to integrate information, reading to write, reading for criticism,
and reading for general understanding.
This study discusses students' reading skills in reading texts on reading tasks on
quizizz. Students’ reading skills are abilities related to a person's ability to read,
understand, interpret and decode written language and texts while the task of reading the
text is a task given to understand the information presented in written form. In the final
analysis, this study aims to determine the process of doing several text reading tasks
using quizizz to determine the improvement of students' reading skills. In this study, the
focus is on the task of reading text. Finally, lecturers can monitor the activity and
students can improve their reading skills by doing some reading tasks on quizizz.


This study uses a qualitative research approach and is used and carried out by a
group of researchers in the social sciences, including education. Qualitative research is
conducted to build knowledge through understanding and case finding. In addition,
qualitative researchers deal with data in the form of words or pictures rather than
numbers and statistics. The data collected are the experiences and perspectives of the
participants; qualitative research describes people, objects, events, places,
conversations, and so on (Donald, 2010).

Next is to choose the data collection method to be used. According to Donald

(2010) the most common data collection methods used in qualitative research are (1)
observation, (2) interviews, and (3) analysis of documents or artifacts. Researchers can
use one or more of these methods in a study. In this study, the researcher tried to
observe and examine the detailed data from the respondent's point of view in the

In this study, the observations made by the researchers focused on the teaching
and learning process procedures that had been carried out in the classroom. In addition,

O'Leary (2014) says that questionnaires have many uses, especially to find out what the
masses think. That is, to arouse students' interest in the use of Quizizz, researchers can
use this instrument. Thus, the researcher conducted 10 questions in a questionnaire that
had been filled out by 35 students. Finally, in analyzing the data, the researcher
analyzed it interactively. The data is taken from the teaching and learning process and
the results of the questionnaire.


This research describes facilitating students' reading skills through quizziz in
reading class and also shows students' perspectives on using quizziz as a learning
application in reading class to improve their reading skills.
This research begins with the creation of a questionnaire, which is distributed to
the respondents. First, the researcher will explain what students and lecturers do when
undergoing reading classes using quizziz as an application for reading class.
The following are the steps in using Quizziz in reading class:
1. First of all, students are asked to create a quizziz account through To
use quizziz in learning, all students are asked to have a quizziz account first. Previously,
the teacher had created a quizziz account first.
2. After that, the teacher gives practice in the form of reading text questions about 10 or
20 multiple-choice questions. Then students were asked to work on the questions as to
their pre-test.
3. After knowing the reading level of each student, the teacher gives another question
with the level of difficulty based on their reading ability.
4. The practice questions given are an understanding of the types of texts in English
which are presented in the form of multiple choices.
5. After students work on the problem, they can see directly their scores. The scores
they get have been sorted according to ranking based on the number of correct answers,
the speed of doing the questions, and the accuracy of answering all the questions.
6. Also, students can see their correct answer sheet right after they have collected their
answers. The teacher has provided feedback to make it easier for students to understand
the material and find out their mistakes in the problem.

7. When working on the questions on quizziz students get comfort in the form of
accompaniment music that makes students enthusiastic about doing the exercises and
reactions in the form of ringing tones of applause when answering questions correctly.
Similarly, this study was also conducted to describe the implementation of Quizziz
in reading class and find out the students' perspectives on the use of Quizziz in the
reading class during the pandemic. After implementing Quizziz in the reading class, the
researcher distributed questionnaires to students. The students were presented with
about 10 questions of questionnaires. The results of this questionnaire showed that most
of the students were motivated, interested, and helped in using Quizziz in reading class.
This is supported by the percentage results that these components are more than 50%.
This means that students are involved in the activity.

In addition, most of the students agree that this application is suitable to be used in
reading class. They also think that implementing Quizziz in reading class is a fun
activity. Moreover, by doing some exercises about some text in quizziz they can enrich
their understanding about kinds of text such as report text, narrative text, descriptive
text, and recount text. At the end of the meeting, the lecturers give feedback to students
so that they can improve their understanding. In addition, they have no difficulty in
comprehending several kinds of text by using Quizziz. In short, students like to use
Quizziz in reading class during the pandemic.

Here is the table of questions on questioner completed by the percentage:

Table. 1 List of Questioner

G, H, and I
No. Questions Class of
Reading (35
Responses in
1. Did you still remember using Quizziz in your reading class Yes No
last semester? 97.3
2. Were you interested in using Quizziz in reading class?

3. Did you feel motivated in reading some text by using Quizziz
in reading class? 97.3
4. Did you like Quizziz as the tools used in reading class? 94.6 5.4%
5. Did you think applying Quizziz in reading class is fun activity? 97.3
6. Did you get knowledge about kinds of text after doing some 94.6 5.4%
exercises in Quizziz? %
7. Did you receive improvement in vocabulary and reading 94.6 5.4%
comprehension? %
8. Are there other tools used in reading class other than Quizziz? 86.5 13.5%
9. Did you get any trouble in learning reading by using Quizziz? 75.7 24.3%
10. Did you think Quizziz is an appropriate app used in reading 100
class? %

In summary, it can be said that the benefits of using Quizziz can be shown in the
steps and the percentage of using Quizziz in reading class. First, the students get various
vocabularies. Second, the students know several kinds of text in English. Third, the
students get an improvement in their vocabulary and their reading comprehension. In
conclusion, Quizziz is an excellent tool to use in teaching reading in online reading
classes during the pandemic.

Quizziz provides students and faculty with positive opportunities to increase

vocabulary and reading comprehension in reading some text in English. In addition,
they can gain a lot of knowledge about several kinds of text in English. Furthermore,
they can receive feedback such as applause, ranking, score, and explanation. By doing

this activity, they can encourage them to engage in fun and interesting activities in
reading classes using Quizziz. In other words, it helps students in learning several kinds
of text in reading class during the pandemic. Then, the results of the questionnaire show
that students like to use Quizziz in reading class. Both students and lecturers get benefit
from using Quizziz in online reading classes during a pandemic.

Here, the author would like to express his thoughts or suggestions for readers,
teachers, and also other researchers based on the research findings and discussions of
this paper. It is recommended for lecturers during this pandemic, lecturers must be more
creative and innovative in giving students the material and also lecturers must also be
more creative in choosing learning media, one of which is using Quizziz , because by
using Quizziz, students will get new lessons and new vocabulary that they did not know
before. For further researchers, especially those who have the same problem, and feel
interested in doing research, it is hoped that this research can be a reference. And
hopefully, there will be further research to enhance this research.


The completion of this research could not have been possible without any good
effort from the researcher. Furthermore, a debt of gratitude is also owed to all the
students of the reading class. During this pandemic situation, both students and lecturers
still showed positive energy in online teaching and learning process.


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