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Smart Ubiquitous Chatbot for COVID-19 Assistance with

Deep learning Sentiment Analysis Model during and after
Nourchène Ouerhani · Ahmed Maalel · Henda Ben Ghézela · Soulaymen

Received: date / Accepted: date

Abstract The huge number of deaths caused by the posed method is a ubiquitous healthcare service that is
novel pandemic COVID-19, which can affect anyone presented by its four interdependent modules: Informa-
of any sex, age and socio-demographic status in the tion Understanding Module (IUM) in which the NLP is
world, presents a serious threat for humanity and so- done, Data Collector Module (DCM) that collect user’s
ciety. At this point, there are two types of citizens, non-confidential information to be used later by the Ac-
those oblivious of this contagious disaster’s danger that tion Generator Module (AGM) that generates the chat-
could be one of the causes of its spread, and those who bots answers which are managed through its three sub-
show erratic or even turbulent behavior since fear and modules. And finally the Depression Detector Model
anxiety invades our surroundings because of confine- (DDM) that detects anxiety in the text input through
ment and panic of being affected. In this paper we a deep leaning sentiment analysis model to help AGM
aim at developing a smart ubiquitous chatbot, called make the decision to deliver a reassurance message if a
COVID-Chatbot, for COVID-19 assistance during and bad behavior is distinguished.
after quarantine that communicates with a citizen to
Keywords Chatbot · COVID-19 · Natural Language
increase his/her consciousness towards the real danger
Processing · Deep learning · Mental Health · Ubiquity
of this outbreak. Furthermore, COVID-Chatbot is able
to recognize and manage stress, during and after lock-
down and quarantine period, using natural language 1 Introduction
processing (NLP). The robust messages delivered from
COVID-Chatbot and its way of communication could COVID-19 is the abbreviated name for novel coron-
possibly help to slow the COVID-19 spread. The pro- avirus disease 2019, which is a respiratory illness that
spreads from person to person 1 . Different from both
N. Ouerhani MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV, COVID-19 is the seventh
University of Manouba, National School of Computer Sci- member of coronaviruses family that infects humans
ences, RIADI Laboratory, 2010, Manouba, Tunisia
E-mail: nourchne [12, 4]. It was first reported in December 2019 in Wuhan
City in China . Up to April 2020, more than 144,000
A. Maalel
University of Manouba, National School of Computer Sci- people have died globally from the COVID-19, while
ences, RIADI Laboratory, 2010, Manouba, Tunisia more than 2 millions infections have been confirmed in
University of Sousse, Higher Institute of Applied Sciences and dozens of countries, according to the World Health Or-
Technology, 4003, Sousse, Tunisia ganization, as a result the COVID-19 is now declared a
pandemic 2 .
H. Ben Ghézela Upon observing the proliferation of the outbreak,
University of Manouba, National School of Computer Sci-
ences, RIADI Laboratory, 2010, Manouba, Tunisia some countries were hit earlier than others, but cur-
E-mail: rently has fewer cases than the recently hit countries.
S. Chouri 1
Vialytics Lautenschlagerstr, 16 70173 Stuttgart, Germany E- 2
mail: coronavirus-2019
2 Nourchène Ouerhani et al.

According to the World Health Organization’s head of On the other hand, [5] developed an artificial in-
emergencies, these dramatic differences show that the telligence based automated thoracic CT image analy-
behavior of governments in response to this epidemic sis tools for detection, quantification, and tracking of
matters 3 , but most importantly, citizens’ response too. COVID-19 positive patients, while [10] presented an
In fact, while the number of people who are being artificial intelligence framework that reads the smart-
treated for COVID-19 is increasing by the day, some phone sensors’ signal measurement to predict the sever-
citizens are not aware of the real threat of this outbreak ity of the pneumonia and the result of the COVID-19.
which explains its quickly spread all over the world, It is designed for the experts (doctor or radiologists).
however others, panicked and desperate, fell headlong Chatbots prove their potential to surmount obsta-
into the trap of this grim and even worse committing cles such as geographical problems that could be effec-
suicide [2]. tive in our confinement period to curb in-person medi-
Given the previously outlined circumstances, a smart cal consultations. Meanwhile, communication becomes
ubiquitous chatbot is proposed in this paper in order a necessity to convince and reassure people of the cur-
to assist ordinary citizens during and after the quar- rent plight, that’s why, a Japanese based Bespoke com-
antine period to help them overcome such a situation. pany took advantage of artificial intelligence to launch
The proposed method is a chatbot based ubiquitous [37] an online chatbot called Bebot that provides up-to-date
healthcare service that offers healthcare to anyone, any- information of the COVID-19 and preventative actions
time, and anywhere. with a possibility to check symptom [3].
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: Some interesting chatbots that were previously de-
First, we enumerates some solutions based on artificial veloped for the healthcare domain are also worth men-
intelligence proposed to fight COVID-19, in 2. Next, we tioning such as, SPeCECA [11] which is a smart perva-
explain our approach through a global architecture and sive chatbot for emergency case assistance and it is des-
the articulation between the different modules of our ignated to interact with ordinary citizens to help them
Chatbot 3. Then, we evaluate our work by a test case overcome an emergency situation by suggesting the ac-
in 4. And finally, the paper ends with a conclusion and curate first aid actions to do. Additionally, Mandy [18]
an outlook on some perspectives and future works for is a chatbot that communicates with normal people
interesting research directions 5. using natural language in order to provide an online
healthcare suggestions. In [21], a chatbot is designed to
mimic human interaction in a medical case. Its objec-
2 Related Works tive is to help ordinary people choose the most appro-
priate way to prevent a disease. Finally in [14], a mobile
Some citizens from several nations express their inter- chatbot is developed for health care service. This chat-
est to the diagnosis, prediction and heal of the viral bot is able to collect and detect user’s daily health data,
outbreak so that computer science researches has cho- in order to diagnose chronic diseases and give preven-
sen to adopt artificial intelligence into the COVID-19 tive information and fast treatment to accidents that
diagnosis to avail of its several advantages. may occur in everyday life.
The authors of [7], developed an artificial intelli- The second part of our research is the impact of vir-
gence method to to diagnose and predict COVID-19. tual assistants to overcome stressful situations. Besides,
This method is designated for the clinical use, so that a messenger chatbot was built to recognize and man-
ordinary citizens could not profit from it. age emotional stress through predefined set of questions
Also [9] proposed to use artificial intelligence and [16]. Not far from this spirit, [19] presents chatbot for
mobile-phone simultaneously in order to improve pos- mental health counselling also using a set of questions to
sible case identifications of COVID-19 in populations assess a user’s depression without a deep learning sen-
under quarantine . timent analysis. However, other works [17, 15, 20, 29, 28]
More over in [8], artificial intelligence is coupled have benefited from the power of deep learning some-
with an universal data sharing standards to manage times to adjust the sentiment of the chatbot response,
and monitor urban health in smart cities, also it re- and sometimes to detect depression in text sequences.
vealed the urgent need of the standardization of proto- Another solution was developed as virtual reality ap-
cols for enhanced smart city communication to provide plication to support individuals in a stressful situation
more possible cooperation in the case of disasters such via communication with imaginary persons [35].
as the recent novel pathogen COVID-19.
Table 1 shows a comparative analysis of some re-
3 search works according to several criteria: Chatbot-based,
coronavirus-2019/events-as-they-happen Service Delivered, Smartness, Ubiquity, Beneficiary and
COVID-Chatbot 3

Deep Learning Sentiment Analysis (DL Sentiment Anal- text to vector. Next, we extracted entities by using Con-
ysis). From the research we have done, we can conclude ditional Random Field (CRF) [38]. And finally, intent
that despite the several propositions of solutions to fight classification is done using Support Vector Machines
havoc and damage caused by the novel COVID-19, very (SVM) classifier [36] because it requires less training to
few works managed to broach the subject of commu- guarantee confident intent classification. IUM is very
nication with ordinary citizens to fight the spread of similar to the Natural Language Processing Component
epidemic and mainly to handle and avoid psychologi- (NLPC) of the Chatbot SPeCECA [11] which is used
cal troubles that may appear because of the ongoing for emergency case assistance.
world’s situation. That’s why, we seek a smart ubiq- Action Generator Module (AGM): After un-
uitous chatbot to ensure communication and interac- derstanding the user’s request, COVID-Chatbot must
tion with ordinary people under quarantine using artifi- deliver a precise, accurate and rapid actions. This task
cial intelligence and natural language processing (NLP) is done by Action Generator Module (AGM). AGM
methods to assist them mainly to thwart the agony may is trained on customised data that we generated from
be caused by COVID-19 during or after quarantine. scratch because until now there is no publicly available
conversational data sources between doctors and nor-
mal people about COVID-19.
3 COVID-Chatbot Architecture So, we use decision trees algorithm [42] to generate
actions as we treat this task as a classification problem.
Communication is essential to convince people of the Actions delivered from COVID-Chatbot depend on the
danger of COVID-19 because most citizens all over the user input that’s why we have decomposed AGM into
world are unconscious of the contagiousness of COVID- three sub-modules:
19. However we have to limit close interactions among
people, so we propose COVID-chatbot: A Smart Ubiq- – Response Classifier: is the main sub-module of AGM
uitous Chatbot for COVID-19 Prehospital Assistance. since it decides the answer that must be generated
The main objectives of COVID-Chatbot are listed be- taking into consideration the psychological state of
low: the user as well as his desire of our chatbot.
– Daily Medical Follower (DMF): the user who can
– Help people understand and accept the coronavirus
take advantage of this functionality must either be
quarantine in order to limit the quickly spread of
infected or suspected of being infected with COVID-
the viral disease
19. During the 14 days of quarantine the patient
– Raise awareness but also share reassuring messages
must fill in a virtual form which differs from the
to take the required precaution actions
traditional form because there are no boxes to fill
– Collect user’s data (non-confidential information) to
in but the fact of answering successive questions in
use it in machine learning later
a well determined order. DMF has the role to mon-
– Tell both uninfected and infected people what to
itor the progress of the various symptoms during
do to protect themselves and their entourage from
the 14 quarantine days. Then the information will
more infections.
be stored in the Data Collector Module so experts
Our adopted approach is modular in its organization. (Doctors, data scientists, etc..) will be able to have
The individual modules of the workflow have been seg- access to these information.
regated into self-contained steps to enhance the quality – Off-topic input Manager: when the user shows a
of the implementation. COVID-Chatbot’s architecture non-serious aspect, this sub-module returns a warn-
is shown in Figure 1, so we divide it into four main mod- ing message to avoid unnecessary discussions.
ules: Information Understanding Module (IUM), Ac-
tion Generator Module (AGM), Data Collector Module To accelerate interactions between COVID-Chatbot
(DCM) and Depression Detector Model (DDM). and the user, there are answers suggested to the user
Information Understanding Module (IUM): to control the conversation in order to minimize errors
When the user sends an input message, COVID-Chatbot as much as possible.
must transform unstructured text to a structured repre- The Data Collector Module’s mission is to collect
sentation composed of entities and intents which called the user’s non-confidential data and create a dataset
the natural language processing (NLP), through sev- that contains these user’s information:
eral successive steps such as Tokenization [43], Part of – Location
Speech tagging (PoS tagging) [40], Lemmatization and – Symptoms (Fever, coughs, dyspnea, etc)
Stemming [27], etc. Then we used the pre-trained word – Age
embedding model [33, 25, 26, 13] GloVe [31] to transform – Gender
4 Nourchène Ouerhani et al.

Table 1: Summary of related works

Reference Chatbot Service Delivered Smartness Ubiquity Beneficiary DL Sentiment Analysis

Bespoke 2020 [3] X COVID-19 diagnosis and prediction X 7 Ordinary Citizens 7

Peng et al. 2020 [7] 7 COVID-19 diagnosis and prediction X 7 Experts 7

Allam et al. 2020 [8] 7 Manage and monitor urban health (including COVID-19) in smart cities X 7 Experts 7

Maghdid et al. 2020 [10] 7 Predict the severity of the pneumonia X 7 Experts 7

Gozes et al. 2020 [5] 7 Predict the severity of the pneumonia X 7 Experts 7

Ouerhani et al. 2019 [11] X Emergency Case assistance X X Ordinary Citizens 7

Chih-Wei et al. 2018 [17] X Open X 7 Experts X

Hanai et al. 2018 [15] 7 Depression Detection X 7 Experts X

Chung et al. 2018 [14] X Health care service X 7 Ordinary Citizens 7

Park et al. 2018 [16] X Emotional Stress Recognition and Management X 7 Ordinary Citizens 7

Amato et al. 2017 [21] X Health On-Line Medical Suggestions 7 7 Ordinary Citizens 7

Lin NI et al. 2017 [18] X Health care assistance X 7 Ordinary Citizens 7

Cameron et al. 2017 [19] X Mental health counselling X 7 Ordinary Citizens 7

Fig. 1: Architecture of COVID-Chatbot

– Status (Infected, Not infected/Suspected to be in- – Chronic diseases (Alzheimer disease and dementia,
fected) Arthritis, Asthma, Heart disease, Cancer, Diabetes,
– Contact with Infected Person etc)
– Recent Travel
Depression Detector Model (DDM): We solve
the detection of depression as a text classification prob-
COVID-Chatbot 5

lem. So we designed a Sentiment Analysis [22] model ”python” means a very large snake in the everyday con-
which is the process of computationally identifying and text, however it means a programming language in the
classifying sentiments expressed in a piece of text, espe- field of computer science. These differences become even
cially in order to determine whether the user’s attitude more relevant in our case because we are supposed to
towards a specific topic is positive, negative, or neu- analyze medical data. Our solution is to simply train
tral. We used the Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) the GloVe model on our domain specific data. Since
network [41] as the regular Recurrent Neural networks the embeddings are already trained, the SVM requires
(RNN) are not easy to train [34] because of the expo- only little training to make confident intent predictions.
nential growth by repeatedly multiplying gradients [39] So far the chatbot is able to process user input
over long sequences. We choose the LSTM, as it per- and understand it. Our next task is to teach COVID-
formed better than Gated Recurrent Units (GRU) [32] Chatbot to respond to messages by training the AGM.
in our case. So we developed a sequential neural net- The training data for AGM is called scenarios. User’s
work model composed of four layers: Embedding layer inputs are expressed as intents as well as the corre-
and LSTM layer followed by two fully connected layers sponding entities, and the chatbot responses are ex-
as shown in Figure 2. pressed as actions. Finally, we will train AGM citing
In our example, we want to predict the state of the the policies that should be used to train it.
user when talking to our chatbot. Our model does not DCM collects entities as soon as the conversation
learn the response of immediate dependency, but rather begins and saves to create its proper dataset.
of long-term dependence. We used the Sigmoid Activa- As for DDM, we used the deep learning library Keras
tion function [44] as it can turn the output values in a [23]. This is where we get to use the LSTM layer. As we
value between 0 and 1. Thanks to this output, AGM said in 3, our model is composed of an Embedding layer,
will know the state of the user during an ongoing con- LSTM layer and two Dense layers which are a fully con-
versation. Thus, if the user sends three successive nega- nected neural network, first Dense layer with ReLU as
tive messages, AGM will decide to make the user more activation function which to reach a higher accuracy.
comfortable by sending him/her reassuring messages or This layer has no parameters.and the second one with
pleasantries or even sending questions asking him/her sigmoid as activation function. We added dropouts be-
the cause of the bad mood. tween layers to avoid over-fitting. After training and
testing our model we got 92% of accuracy and 80.78 %
of F1 score on validation set while running on a dataset
that includes 14375 data with labeled sentiment (neu-
4 Implementation
tral, negative, positive). When we measure the number
Our solution is cloud based, so we developed three sep- of correct predictions, we found that negative messages
arate but inter-dependent applications: The mobile and goes better for the Network than deciding the positive
web applications used by citizens and the cloud based ones as shown in Table 2.
platform, where each of proposed modules is deployed We evaluated our model’s results on the basis of
as a web service. Our web services are exposed as REST F1 score and accuracy. F1 score as the primary perfor-
API micro services on the cloud, referenced via their mance measure and accuracy as the secondary one. To
URI as shown in Figure 3. calculate F1 score we had to calculate first Precision
and Recall which are based on True positives (TP),
As mentioned in Section 3, the IUM deals with teach-
True negatives (TN), False positives (FP) and False
ing a chatbot on how to understand user inputs. To be
negatives (FN).
able to achieve this task, we build a natural language
Here are the equations that we used:
understanding (NLU) model and feed it with the train-
ing data. The model will then learn to convert the data TP + TN
Accuracy = (1)
into a structured format consisting of intents and enti- TP + TN + FP + FN
ties. Then it will classify the user messages into one or TP
Recall = (2)
multiple user intents. We already choose to work with TP + FN
spacy sklearn pipline, so this intent classifier loads pre- TP
trained language model which then is used to repre- P recision = (3)
sent each word in the user’s message as word embed-
ding vector. Word embedding models have been trained P recision ∗ Recall
F 1 Score = 2 ∗ (4)
on massive text corpus created from Google news and P recision + Recall
similar sources so the representations may not always As shown in Table 3, when we use LSTM Layer
transfer well to specific domains. For example, the word we get F1 score of 80.78% whereas Gru has achieved a
6 Nourchène Ouerhani et al.

Fig. 2: Depression Detector Model Architecture

Fig. 3: COVID-Chatbot’s Data Flow Architecture

lower F1 score of 77.75%. The accuracy is 92% for both To sum up, COVID-Chatbot keeps requesting infor-
LSTM and GRU Models. That’s why we choose to use mation from the user to understand his/her situation
the LSTM Layer for our model. Also we can observe and to collect information that will be used for a further
low recall, high precision: This shows that we missed a machine learning. Once the determination is complete,
lot of Correct answers. actions suggested by COVID-Chatbot are performed.
COVID-Chatbot 7

Table 2: Accuracy of Positive and Negative Messages

Positive Messages Accuracy Negative Messages Accuracy

73.23% 97.27%

Table 3: Results

Performance Metric Precision Recall Accuracy F1 score

Model based LSTM 86.62% 75.70% 92% 80.78%

Model based GRU 86.74% 70.46% 90% 77.75%

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