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Mini Essay

Compare and contrast Cinderella and Goldilocks.

In the stories Cinderella and Goldilocks and the three bears, the two
protagonists have some things in common and some things different.
Protagonists are young, blonde girls but, while one is a servant who marries a
prince, the other is a house invader who breaks furniture.

Cinderella and Goldilocks are similar in appearance because thay both have
blonde hair, they are both girls and they both wear jeans. Blah Blah so on

However, while Cinderella has long eyelashes and nail polish, Goldilocks
doesn’t. She has plucked eyelashes and long clean fingernails. Blah Blah so on

Cinderella and Goldilocks they have personality similarities because they both
loss they temper easily. They can kill people and hate people.

While Cinderella kills people she hates, Goldilocks gives money to the poor.

They both are best friends to all of the U.S Presidents and politicians.

Cinderella has a boyfriend but goldilocks doesn’t. bbbbbbbbbbbballllllhhhhhh

Cinderella and Goldilocks have much in common and much that is different in
appearance, personality. bbbbbbblaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabxkdx

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