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Kingdom of Cambodia

Nation Religion King

Royal Government of Cambodia

Council for Development of Cambodia
No. 5490/23 CDC


Establishment of Technical Secretariate of Inter-Ministerial Committee to

Accelerate Implementation Inland Waterway Project “Funan Techo Canal”

Deputy Prime Minister, First Vice Chairman of CDC and Chairman of Inter-Ministerial
- Have seen the Constitute of Kingdom of Cambodia
- Have seen the Royal Decree No. NS/RKT/0823/1981 dated 22nd August 2023 on Appointment of the Royal
Government of Cambodia
- Have seen Royal Krom No. NS/RKM/0618/012 dated 28th June 2018 which promulgated Law on Arrangement
and Function of the Council of Minister
- Have seen Royal Krom No. NS/RKM/1021/014 dated 15th October 2021 which promulgated Law on Investment
of Cambodia
- Have seen Royal Krom No. NS/RKM/0196/03 dated 24th January 1996 which promulgated Law on
Establishment of Ministry of Public Works and Transport
- Have Seen Decision No. 180/SSR dated 17th November 2023 on Revised of Inter-Ministerial Committee to Accelerate
Implementation Inland Waterway Project “Funan Techo Canal”
- Refer to the needs of Inter-Ministerial Committee to Accelerate Implementation Inland Waterway Project “Funan Techo Canal”
Article 1:
Have establish Technical Secretariate of Inter-Ministerial Committee to Accelerate Implementation Inland
Waterway Project “Funan Techo Canal”, which consist of member as following:
1. H.E Mak Sideth Director General of General Department of Waterway Director
Transportation, Maritime and Ports
2. Mr. Heng Sothy Deputy Director General of General Department of Waterway Permanent Deputy
Transportation, Maritime and Ports Director
3. Mrs. Brasoeur Molyka Deputy Director of Cabinet of Deputy Prime Minister H.E Member
Sun Chanthol
4. Mr Sok Ly Deputy Director General of General Department of Member
Administration and Finance
5. Mrs. Sorn Sopheavatey Deputy Director General of General Department of Logistics Member
6. Mr. Sou Phally Director of Department of Port Administration Member
7. Mr. Six Phychey Rithy Director of Department of Maritime Transport Member
8. Mr. Chan Rathana Director of Department of Information Technology Member
9. Mr. Ponlork Phalla Deputy Director of Cabinet Member
10.Mr. Huy Bunchay Deputy Chamber of Cabinet of Deputy Prime Minister H.E
Sun Chanthol
11.Mr. Srey Sokdara Deputy Director of Department of Port Administration Member
12.Mr. Huon Rath Deputy Director of Department of Waterway Infrastructure Member
13.Mr. Thor Mineaka Deputy Director of Department of Waterway Transport Member
14.Mr. Khim Sereysophorn Deputy Director of Department of Maritime Transport Member
15.Mrs. Kaing Menghuong Deputy Director of Department of Maritime Transport Member
16.Mr. Nuon Phearum Member Director of Cabinet Member
17.Mr. Nhguv Lipcheang Office director of Department of Waterway Infrastructure and Member
Port Construction
18.Mr. An Vuthea Deputy Office director of Department of Waterway Member
Infrastructure and Port Construction
19.Mr. Ros Sovanarith Office Director of Department of Port Administration Member
20.Mr. Chin Ly Sothyny Office Director of Department of Waterway Transport Member
21.Mr. Lim Seng Im Office Director of Department of Maritime Transport Member
22.Mrs. Luon Samnang Deputy Office director of Department of Waterway Member
Infrastructure and Port Construction
23.Mr. Hong Sotheara Deputy Office director of Department of Waterway Member
Infrastructure and Port Construction
24.Mr. Vann Chamroeun Office Director of Department of Waterway Transport Member

Article 2:
The Technical Secretariate had duty and responsibility as following:
- Coordinating project implementation as well as technical review for study the detailed feasibility study and
construction inland waterway of " Funan Techo Canal".
- Coordinate with the investment company to study and implement the project.
- Prepare a detailed plan for the implementation of the project, including: administration, finance, human
resources, equipment and machinery needed to implement the project..
- Coordinate the preparation of a public-private partnership (PPP) agreement so that the project can be
implemented as planned.
- Participate in coordinating the work of monitoring and evaluating the implementation of contracts of investment
companies and technical advisory firms and the implementation of general projects (M&E)
- Coordinate the solution of environmental and social impacts.
- Participate in reviewing and evaluating the request for decision on all technical aspects of the project.
- Organize meetings of inter-ministerial committee and technical meetings as instructed by the Director of the
inter-ministerial committee.
- Prepare supporting documents, reports on activities, financial results and technical reports of project
implementation to request a decision from the Minister of Public Works and Transport and the Director of the
Inter-Ministerial Committee.
- Prepare action plans and budgets for the functioning of the Secretariat and coordinate budget requests from the
Ministry of Economy and Finance; and seek assistance from development partners.
- Coordinate administrative, Cooperation, technical and financial affairs with relevant ministries and institutions;
Development partners as well as national and international experts.
- Perform other duties as instructed by the leadership of the Inter-Ministerial Commisttee.
Article 3:
The Permanent Deputy Director and the members of the Technical Secretariat shall attend the meeting at the
invitation of the Director of the Technical Secretariat. In case of absence of the Director, the Permanent Deputy Director
shall be authorized to chair the meeting in his place.
The Director or Permanent Deputy Director has the right to define and divide the roles, duties and responsibilities
of each member as necessary.
The Technical Secretariat has the authority to assign the relevant professional officers within the framework of the
General Department of Waterway and Maritime Transport and Ports of the Ministry of Public Works and Transport to
facilitate the Secretariat's work as necessary.
Article 4:
Any provisions that are contrary to this decision shall be repealed
Article 5:
The Permanent Deputy Director, Deputy Director and members of the Inter-Ministerial Committee to accelerate
the implementation of the "Funan Techo Canal" Inland Waterway Project and mentioned person as stated in Article 1 shall
be responsible for the implementation of the content of this decision. Highly effective from the date of signing.
Sincerely Yours,
Phnom Penh, 08th December 2023
Deputy Prime Minister, First Vice Chairman of CDC
and Chairman of Inter-Ministerial
Sun Chanthol
- Office of the Council of Ministers
- Ministry of Economic and Finance
- Counsil for the Development of Cambodia
- Ministry of Public Works and Transpot
- Cabinet of Samdach Borvor Thipadei Prime Minister
- Cabinet of Deputy Prime Minister
- As per article 5
- Royal Works
- File- Archive

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