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Technical Cube Tally English E-book

By- Deepesh Kumar

Technical Cube Page 1

Welcome to Technical Cube
Table of Contents:
1. What is accounting? Introduction to Accounting
2. What is Tally? Introduction of Tally
3. How to download Tally Educational version?
4. What is Groups in Tally? Types of groups
5. What is Ledger in Tally? Ledger creation
6. What is Accounting Vouchers in Tally? All
Vouchers Explain in Tally
7. What is Inventory Vouchers in Tally? Inventory
vouchers in tally
8. What is Journal voucher? How to enter journal
9. What is Sale voucher? How to enter in sale
voucher? GST bill Creation
10. What is the payroll in Tally??
11. What is the balance sheet in Tally? How to make
balance sheet?
12. What is Bank Statement in Tally? How to enter
13. How to get job after learning Tally?? Complete
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14. How to Entry service in Tally? Know
15. How to Generate E-Way Bill?
16. Sale order in Tally?
17. Purchase Order in Tally?
18. How to do Inclusive of Tax Entry in Tally?
19. How to create Multi Tax invoice in Tally?
20. How to Activate Tally License?
21. What is Chart of Accounts?
22. How to do Medical work in Tally?
23. How to create Projects in Tally?
24. How to become an accountant after learning
25. How to become a Tally Operator? What is the
work of Tally Operator?
26. Bill of Material Entry in Tally? BOM Entry in
27. What are Adjustment Entries in Tally?
Adjustment entry in tally?
28. How to Earn 30000 Rs by learning Tally?
29. How to Earn Money by learning accounting?
Make Money in Accounting?
30. How to create POS Invoice in Tally? Point of
Sale Invoice?

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31. How to create Sale bill in PDF in Tally?
32. How to make a cash bill in Tally? Cash sale
33. What is the Cost Center in Tally? Create Cost
Center in Tally?
34. How to create Challan in Tally?
35. What are GST Sahaj and Sugam Return? GST
Return Overview?
36. How to fill Sales Dispatch Details in Tally?
Complete information?
37. How to Maintain Batch Wise Details in Tally?
38. How to Tally Erp 9 App for Android free
39. Tally Invoice Printing Configuration?
40. What is Memorandum Voucher in Tally?

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Introduction of Accounting: - Introduction to
Accounting is an art, inside it we do recording, classifying and
summarizing like a proper significant manner.
Recording here means recording the data.
Classifying means taking them from one place to another.
Summarizing means getting it to its rightful place.
Significant manner means keeping in many ways.
Combining all these factors, we define the account.

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Let us understand by an example what is accounting?
Shivam's wife told him to take a bag and go get some goods
from the market and his wife gave him a list inside which told
that if you want to bring potato cabbage, tomato etc. then this
process is done by your recording.
Then Shivam went to the market to take the goods and put the
goods in one place, then his wife came and said to separate all
these things, then she put the potatoes in the potato box, put the
tomatoes in the fridge So we call this process classify.
Maintaining all the transactions of our businesses and firms in a
book systematically so that we can know all the details of our
company and analyze what the financial position of the
company is, which means that the company will profit in the
future or will make loss or by adding which features can
increase the profit of the company. This happens in the order of
date or according to the rule.

Advantage of accounting: -
1: -Proved complete and systematic recording.
2: -Information regarding profit and loss.
3: -Information regarding the financial position.
4: -Help in the assessment of tax liability.

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What is Account definition: -
The total record of transactions related to a person, thing,
special, property gain or income, loss or expenditure etc., is
called the account in the title in which books are kept in the
books of accounts.
Example: - The account of all the transactions related to Shanti
Traders will be written in brief in one place in the accounting
books, and then we call them the account of Shanti Traders.
The account has two sides.
1: -Debit Side (Name post)
2: -Credit Side (Deposit Deposit)
The debit is on the left side and the credit side is on the right

Let us explore Debit and Credit in detail.

Debit: - When an account is entered in the name of the post, it is
called name or debit. A debit means that someone's name is
written, that is, if we have sold a loan to someone, then we write
that amount in the name of someone only. Here, writing that
amount in one's name is called debit. We write Debit as Dr in
Example: - Deepak bought goods worth 1000 rs from you, so
what did you write 1000 rs in the name of Deepak, it is called

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debit in the language of commerce, Deepak's account has to be
Credit: Credit refers to the deposit, that is, if we have sold any
goods lent to someone and he gives the money back to us, then
we credit that amount to his account in the name of that person.
Is. We write the credit as Cr in short.
Example: We have sold goods to Shivam and he has given us
money, then when he bought it, we debited his account and
when he gave money to us, we credit that money to his account
i.e. money deposited in his account Done..
Classification of Accounts Classification of accounts: -
types of accounting
There are 3 types of accounts in Account.
1: -Personal Account (Personal Account)
2: -Real Account (Real Account / Objective Account)
3: -Nominal Account (nominal account / unrealized account)
1: -Personal Account (Personal Account): - All such accounts
which are related to any person, institution, bank, firm or
company, we call them Personal Account.
Example: -Sandeep A / c, ABC pvt limited A / c, SBI Bank
Account, Capital A / c, Drawing A / c etc.

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Rules of Personal Account: -
A: - Debit the account of the person receiving the item in the
B: - Credit the account of the person taking the merchandise.
Debit the receiver, credit the giver
2: -Real Account (Real Account / Objective Account): - All
such accounts which are related to goods, such items which we
can enter, but cannot realize, we are called Real Account (Real
Account / Objective Account). .
Example: -Purchase A / c, cash account, furniture's account,
building account, computer account etc.
Rules of Real Account: -
A: - Debit the accounts of all items coming into the business.
B: - Credit the accounts of all items going through the business.
Debit was comes in
Credit goes out.
3: -Nominal Account (Nominal Account / Unrealized
Account): - All expenses and losses and gains in business,
income related accounts in Nominal Account (nominal account /
unrealized account)
Is kept

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Example: - Wages account, Salary account, Commission
account, Rent account etc.
Rules of Real Account: -
1: - Debit all the expenses and losses of the business.
2: - Credit all the profit and income of the business.
“Debit all expenses and loss”
“Credit all income and gains.”
Terminology of Accounting (Definition of Accounting): -
1: Trade: - Trade means that the sale and purchase of goods
done for the purpose of making profit is called trade.
2: Business: - One such statutory work, which is done for the
purpose of obtaining income benefit, is called business.
Business is a broad term that includes production, purchase and
sale of goods, services, banks, insurance transport companies,
3: Profession: - Any work or means done for earning income,
which requires complete training, we call it profession. For
example, the work done by Doctor, Teacher, Engineer etc. is
called profession.
4: - Owner: - The person or groups of people who put necessary
capital in business, conduct business and possess profit and loss
are called the owner of the business.

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If there is only one person who owns a business, then he is
called a Propwriter.
If the owner is two or more persons, then they are called
If many people work together as a company in an organized
way, then they are called the shareholders of that company.
5: Capital: - The owner of a business, who puts things like
rupees, goods, property etc. in the business, we call it capital.
Example: - Rohan took cash of Rs 20000 and opened a
computer shop with goods worth Rs 10000, and then in such a
situation his capital would be Rs 30000. Capital increases when
there is profit in business and capital decreases when loss
6: Goods: - Goods are the goods that are bought and sold in
trade. Under the goods can be the materials obtained for the
manufacture of goods.
Example: - The cloth purchased by the commodity seller is
goods for that merchant.
7: - Drawing: - The owner of a business who withdraws money
or merchandise from the business at time-2 for his personal
expenses is called his drawing or personal expense.

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8: - Purchase: - All those items which are bought for the
purpose of selling are called Purchase. Trade can be used to
borrow goods or buy cash.
9: - Sale: - All the items that we sell are called sale. That means
that the goods that are sold are called sales. Tell you that the sale
of goods which are sold in cash is called cash sale and the goods
which are sold on credit are called credit sales.
10: Purchase Return / Return Outward: - Whenever some of
the purchased merchandise is returned due to various reasons,
we call it Purchase Return / Return Outward. Which means
Goods Return to the seller for any reason?
11: - Sale Return / Return Inward: - When some part of the
goods sold is returned by the merchant due to various reasons,
this type of return is called Sale Return / Return Inward.
Meaning that Goods Return by the customer for any reason
12: - Stock: - All those items which we have not sold yet are
called our stock. And in another language, you can say that all
those items which are currently in my Godown, which I have not
sold out, are called stocks.
The goods that remain unsold at the end of the year are called
Closing Stock. And on the first day of next year, the same goods
are called our Opening Stock.
13: -Cost: - What is the cost of the goods I have sold, the same
is called cost.

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14: - Creditor: - The person or entity that sells goods or
services on loan to any other person or entity is called a creditor.
15: - Debtors: - The person or any institution which lends goods
or services or rupees from any other person or entity, they are
called debtors.
16: - Liabilities: - Liabilities are our liability. Liabilities are the
activities that we have to give to everyone except the owner or it
can be said that all those activities which the business has to
repay to other persons or to its owner or owner are called
There are mainly two types of liabilities.
A: -Long term / Fixed Liabilities: -
B: - Short Term / Current Liabilities: -
17: - Assets: - All the items in our business which are helpful in
conducting business are called Assets.
There are mainly two types of Assets.
A: - Fixed Assets
B: - Current Assets
18: - Expenditure: - These are the expenses for which I have to
pay, the expenses for which I paid and got the benefit.

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19: - Expenses: - Whatever expenses are incurred in producing
and selling our goods is called Expenses. Example: - Electricity
Expenses, Rent, Salary etc.
Expenses are mainly of two types.
A: - Direct Expenses
B: - Indirect Expenses
A: - Direct Expenses: - These are the expenses that a business
spends at the time they buy goods. (Direct Expenses) is a part of
the cost of the item. Car freight, wages, factory electricity etc.
come under Direct Expenses.
B: - Indirect Expenses:- All those expenses which are not
related to the purchase or manufacture of the goods, but related
to the sale or office of the goods.
Under this, there are expenses such as advertisements, car hire
on sales, electricity bill, discount etc.
20: - Revenue: - Revenue is what we get from the sale of goods
or service in the market.
21: - Discount: - The principality given by the businessman to
his customers is called Discount.
22: - Bad Debts: - It is not necessary for the merchant to get the
entire amount of the goods sold from the debtors i.e. Debtors, so
what is not recovered from the amount of this loan is called Bad
Debts of the businessman.

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23: - Voucher: We are called voucher for all business related
transactions and transactions, which are given or taken for proof.
We use vouchers to record all transactions in business in tally
24: - Balance sheet: - The statement of the company, which
tells you all the details of the company, is what we call the
balance sheet.
A balance sheet is a written statement that shows the details of
the company that the company is making profit or whether we
make the loss balance sheet at the end of the year.

Chapter-1 End

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What is the Educational Version in Tally? What
is Educational Version in tally?
There are mainly 2 versions available in Tally, one educational
version and the other your license version.
Educational version is that which we can use only for an
educational purpose, that means in educational version you
cannot post every day entry, in educational version only you
enter 1 or 2 date or month You can only enter the last date of
entry, because you have to buy the license version of the tally
for every day entry in the tally, only then you will be able to
post the daily entry.
We use the educational version for the purpose of studying only
that we can easily learn the tally by posting the entry on it.

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How many versions does Tally have? Let's
If seen, 2 versions of Tally are available.
• Tally ERP 9 silver versions
• Tally ERP 9 Gold version / Tally ERP 9 multi user

What is Tally ERP 9 silver versions?

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We can use the silver version of Tally in one computer only by
one person; this silver version only works by inserting a license
key in a computer system and valid for only one year, one year.
After that you have to renew the silver version only then you
will be able to post your daily entry.

What is Tally ERP 9 Gold versions?

We can easily use Tally's Gold version by installing it on one of
our computers and connecting it to other computers with the
help of remote, so we also call it tally ERP 9 multi-user
because we can remotely use it on many computers. I can use

How to download Tally's Educational Version?

Tally 9 free download full versions for windows 7
To download tally ERP 9 software for free, you have to follow
some steps.
SETP: 1- Firstly you go to the official website of Tally, and go
to the download section and click, click here: -Tally Software
STEP: 2- Now you scroll down and you will see 2 options, you
just have to click in the Download for later option, only then you
will have to download tally ERP 9 software.

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STEP: 3 As soon as you click in the Download for later option,
tally software will start downloading.

So in this way we can download tally erp 9 educational versions

very easily, and by installing it we can learn tally from our
home. I would do that you will be able to download the software

Tally GST software price: -

What is tally ERP 9 price, this question must be coming in your
mind, so let's know what the price of silver and gold version of
Tally is.

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Tally ERP 9 Prices: - Tally ERP 9 Prices in India is like this,
your silver version will be 18000 rupees and Gold version 54000
rupees, 1 year with a license.

Renewal Tally Prices: -

If you buy the license version of tally once, then you do not have
to buy again, you can get it renewed, the price of renewing the
silver version of Tally is 3600 rupees / year and the price of
renewing the gold version 10800 rupees / year and the price of
renewal of your auditor which most CA people use is 5400
rupees / year, with included Tax.

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Tally rental license Purchase price: - Tally Rental means you
can use it for a month even with license, Tally Silver version
Rental price is 600 rupees, 1 month and Tally Gold version
Rental price is 1800 rupees, 1 month more if you want, you can
also take a rental license of 2 months instead of one month.

If you want, what is the price of Tally Software in any country?

Can easily know let’s look at an example. If you want to know
what is in tally erp 9 software prices in UAE then how come
let's see.

Tally ERP 9 price in UAE: -

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Tally ERP 9 software online purchase: -
Tally ERP 9 price Flipkart: -
If you want, you can also buy tally ERP 9 software online, you
will get the license version of Tally very easily on online
Flipkart or Amazon, let's know what the price is.

Tally erp 9 price Amazon: -

You can also buy Tally's Silver / Gold version from online

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Chapter-2 End
Tally Meaning:-
By the way, Tally means to calculate in Hindi language, which
we can say that (mixing). And in computer language we know it
as Tally. If you go to Google and search for the meaning of
Tally in Hindi language, then you will find a lot of meaning of
Tally, let's see all these meanings with some examples.
Meaning of TALLY: Meaning Of Tally-
1: -TALLY = Calculation
2: -TALLY = Accounts
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3: -TALLY = Matching
4: -TALLY = count
5: -TALLY = Counting

What is Tally? Full Information

First of all, know what is the full form of Tally? Tally's full form
is "Transactions Allowed in a Liner Line Yards". Tally is
famous international financial accounting software, with the
help of which we can maintain our account very easily with the
help of computer.
Tally Software is developed by Tally solution Pvt. Limited and
Tally Solution Pvt. limited company is in Bangalore from where
you can take all the facility. Tally Solution pvt ltd Company
which is one of the most famous company in India. The father of
Tally is Mr. Shyam Sunder Goenka and his son Bharat Goenka.

What is the full form of ERP? Let's know: -

We all got information about Tally but one question which
confuses us is what this ERP is? What does ERP mean after all?
Let us know what is ERP? What is the full form of Erp? Let us
know all the information related to ERP.
ERP is Full Form (Enterprise Resource Planning). We use ERP,
every Big / Small Company uses to manage their business, if
seen ERP is connected to our business itself. With the help of

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ERP, we manage our data in the proper way and can store our
data very easily.

What is Tally ERP 9? Let's know

ERP means (Enterprise Resource Planning) with the help of this
we can complete our work with very simple, if seen (Tally ERP
9) software basically (Voucher Entry, Financial Statements,
Taxation, Payroll, POS (Point of Sale) and GST Returns Fill and
Accounting are used to simplify, Tally Latest Version is what
we call (Tally ERP 9).

How to download Tally ERP 9 Software?

Complete information?
When you got so much knowledge related to Tally, then you
must be thinking that how can we download Tally ERP9
Software? Surely, this question must have come to your mind,
and then the answer to your questions will be found in this
article. Let us know how we can download Tally ERP 9
Software before learning Tally and what the website to
download Tally software.
We can download Tally ERP 9 Software from Tally's official
website To download Tally ERP 9
Software, first of all you go to Tally's website, there you will see
the Download section, click on it, now scroll down here, and
you will see 2 options.

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You simply click on the option of Download for Later, as soon
as you click Tally Software Download will start, you can easily
go to the page of Tally's download section by clicking on this
Mode of Tally ERP 9 Software:
Tally ERP 9 Software 2 Modes are following
 Silver Mode
 Gold Mode.

Tally Versions in Following.

1. Tally 4.5
2. Tally 5.4
3. Tally 6.3
4. Tally 7.2
5. Tally 8.1
6. Tally 9.0

Features of Tally ERP 9.?

1. Simple Accounting Management.
2. Support for Banking Transactions
3. Fast Access for Business Report
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4. Flexible Inventory Management
5. Payroll Management
6. Budget and Controls
7. Support for Manufactures
8. Enhance Security
9. GST Invoice
10. Sale and Purchase Management

What is the use of Tally ERP 9?

Basically, if seen, Tally is used to record Accounting
Transaction, as you all know that there are lots of daily
transactions in business such as- Sale, Purchase, Payment,
Stock, Banking, and Payroll. We can record all the transactions
related to GST etc. very easily in Tally and maintain your
account very easily.

Why should we learn Tally software? Let us

know all the details.
If a question comes in the mind of all of us, it is definitely why
we should learn Tally? I am not in the commerce field, can I
learn tally, and can tally be done only by commerce? Thousands

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of such questions will come to you whenever you think of
learning Tally.
So see that it is not necessary that only those with commerce can
learn the tally, you are from any stream, you can learn the tally
very easily, and just you have to work hard.
After all, you can have 2 reasons to learn Tally, either you have
interest in accounts and you want to manage your own business
properly and properly, how much is the daily transaction in our
business, how outstanding is due etc. or Then you want to do a
job by learning Tally for your earning? There may be some
reason why you want to learn Tally.
Importance of Tally software has increased in the market today
be it small or middle-class business man, all need an accountant
to maintain their accounts and file GST Return, which can
correct their accounts. Could keep from
Let me tell you that you must have knowledge of 2M.S Excel
with Tally, because if you have to make reports etc. then you
should come to Excel because it is very important from the point
of view of the job.

Where does Tally Software work? Know full

This question is very common, where is the work on Tally ERP
9 Software, if we learn the tally then where and where can we

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work on the tally? If you do not have all these related
information, then today I would like to tell you, let's go.
If I talk about the present time, then I would like to tell you that
Tally's work today in the bank, or in a company, in a very large
organization, in a college, and most of what is used here in CA
is done. In Tally, we can easily do daily business in our business
by making daily Transaction, Outstanding Bills, Stock
Statement, Salary payroll or preparing the report of the
manufacturing that is taking place and Maintain Bank Statement
Etc in Tally etc. is.
Work on Tally has increased a lot in our life with the arrival of
GST, if seen today, every businessman doing Tally ERP 9
Software to manage their daily transactions such as Sale,
Purchase, Stock and GST Returns Etc. Uses only.

Where do we learn Tally? Let's know

When we have learned so much about Tally and now we also
want to learn Tally, then now a question comes, we should learn
Tally from where? From which place should we course the
tally? So let me answer all these questions to you.
By the way, to learn Tally, in the city where you live, there will
be a lot of Coaching, Institute, you should go and find out in
your city, and with those coaching you can learn Tally.
And the other way is that you can learn Tally very easily from
online (YouTube or Google) because on YouTube you will find

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a lot of channels that teach Tally and in the end I would like to
tell that you are a C. A. You can learn Tally by going here; here
you will get to learn a lot, which probably no coaching will
teach you.
C. The advantage of learning here will be that you will know
everything that is done in the tally and at the same time you will
get some money if you work with any C. You can learn Tally by
visiting our website, I write a regular article here on Tally with
which you can learn Tally.
There are many ways to learn, depending on which way you
walk, it depends on you.

What is Tally Course? What is tally course? Complete

What is Tally Course? Do you know if we do not know? As
above we have come to discuss with you that Tally is an
accounting course in which you can do all kinds of Transactions
Entries, Payroll, Stock Manage, Inventory Create, GST Tax
Calculated Etc things can be done very easily.
If you learn Tally in the proper way, then you can work as an
Accountant in a Company / Factory.
Let me tell you that if the eligibility of Tally ERP 9 Course is
seen, then minimum 3 months is 4 months and after that you can
understand things very easily by doing practices on Tally's
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regular basis, if you want to learn tally You can learn the tally
through social media or YouTube.

Chapter-3 End

What is a Group?
With the help of Groups, we make Ledgers in Tally. Groups are
a collection in itself, through which all final reports within the
Tally means that all final accounts are made.
If seen, Groups are a kind of collection in Tally, of a lot of
Ledger's, and when creating any Ledger, we have to put it in a
group because each group has its own Particular Nature defined
in Tally ERP Software. . Tally ERP 9 has a total of 28 Groups
and consists of 15 Primary Groups and 13 Sub Groups.

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Tally Group Details: -
1. Bank Accounts
2. Bank Occ A / c
3. Bank Od Accounts
4. Branch / Division
5. Capital Account
6. Cash-in-hand
7. Current Assets
8. Current liabilities

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9. Deposit (Assets)
10. Direct Expenses
11. Direct Incomes
12. Duties & Taxes
13. Expenses (Direct)
14. Expenses (indirect)
15. Fixed Assets
16. Income (Direct)
17. Income (indirect)
18. Indirect Expenses
19. Indirect Incomes
20. Investments
21. Loans & Advances (Assets)
22. Loans (Liabilities)
23. Provisions
24. Purchase Accounts
25. Reverse & Surplus
26. Sales Accounts
27. Secure Loans

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28. Stock-in-hand
29. Sundry Creditors
30. Sundry Debtors
31. Suspense Accounts
32. Unsecured Loans

Groups in Tally with Example.

1. Bank Account: Whatever is the Ledger of our Current
Account or Saving Bank Account, we will keep it in the Bank
Account Group. Example: SBI Bank A / c, PNB Bank A / c,
IDBI Bank A / c etc.
2. Bank O / D (Bank Overdraft) & Bank OCC (Bank
Overdraft cash credit): - Whenever we get a loan from any
bank, then the ledger of the bank loan will be given to us by any
one of the Bank o / d or Bank Occ. Will have to be kept in group
3. Branch / Division: - Whenever a company which has a lot of
branches, can also open a bank account with the help of Branch /
Division in a different state or district, then we can branch such
account will keep in the group of / Division.
Examples such as Delhi branch separate and Allahabad branch
4. Capital Account: Whoever is a businessman and when he
invests Paisa in his business, then the group we have to use for

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that is the Capital Account group. Example (We will put Capital,
Drawing, LIC, Income Tax in Capital A / c group).
5. Secured Loans: Whenever we take such a loan that you have
taken from someone other than the bank that means you have
taken a loan keeping any security, and then we will keep it in the
group of Secure Loan.
Example, you have taken a loan from Bajaj Finance, like you
have taken on Car Finance, have taken a Gold Loan, you want to
take a loan by the Building, such loans in which you are taking a
loan again by keeping security, Will keep in Secure Loans
6. Unsecured Loans: - When we take a loan from any of our
friends or relatives, then we keep them in the group of
Unsecured Loans.
7. Loan & Advance (Assets): When we have to give loan to
someone or pay Advance Payment, then we will put it in groups
of Loan & Advance (Assets).
Example- Advance Salary Loan to Deepak Etc.
8.Deposit (Assets): Whenever we make an investment in which
we have a time-period and Profit Decide and we already know
how much money I am investing and I will get money after that
time, then it will We will put it in the Groups of Deposit
(Assets). For example- FD (Fixed Deposit), RD, KVP, NSC,
PPF or Gov. Plans, we have bonds in the deposit (Assets) group.

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9. Investment: An investment in which time limit and profit are
not fixed and you have made such investment, in which you do
not know whether Profit will happen or not, or if it will happen,
then how much time will also be fixed. Profit will do that. If
seen, there can be loss, and then we will keep such legers in the
Investment Group.
Example- Share, Mutual Funds, Lottery.
10. Direct Expenses: All those expenses which are related to
the factory and effect our production, we keep all those Ledgers
in Direct Expenses.
Example. Wages, Power bill, Factory Rent, Factory Insurance,
and Carriage Inward Etc.
11. Indirect Expenses: All such expenses (Expenses) which are
related to Office, we place them in the group of Indirect
Expenses Example: Discount Paid, Rent Paid, Commission Paid,
Interest Paid, Bad Debts, Salary Paid Etc
12. Indirect Incomes: Incomes that are received by us except
for selling Goods, we keep all the Ledgers of those in Indirect
Income Group. Example: Discount Receipt, Rent Receipt,
Commission Receipt, Interest Receipt Etc.
13. Duties & Taxes: All types of Taxes we use, except Income
Tax, we keep all the Tax Ledgers in Duties and Taxes Ledgers.
Example Sales Tax, CST, VAT, TDS, Service Tax, GST, SB
Surcharges Etc.

Technical Cube Page 36

14. Fixed Assets: Property means property that we do not buy
for sale and which is Life Long, we use them in Group of Fixed
Assets to use.
Example Plant, Machinery, Building, Land, Computer, Car,
Furniture, Cycle Etc.
15. Provision: In business, we have to make some funds to sell
from Future Costs, they are called Provision.
Example: Provision for Bad debts, Provision for Income Tax,
Provision for Sundry Creditors, Provision for Sundry Debtors.
16. Purchase Account: We will keep the entire Ledger in the
Purchase Group for the purchase and return of goods.
17. Sale Account: If we return the goods and sales, then we will
keep all of them in the Sales Account group.
18. Sundry Creditors: In business, we will keep all Ledgers’ in
Sundry Creditors Group from the Parties or people with whom
we buy goods on (Credit) and who have to pay money to us.
19. Sundry Debtors: We will put all the Ledgers in Sundry
Debtors Group, all the Parties whom we sell goods on loan and
from whom we have to take money.

How to create a group in Tally? Create Groups in

First you will go to Accounts info in Masters, and then click on
the option of Groups. After that you will click on the option of
Technical Cube Page 37
Create. Here you will see the option of (Create, Display, and
Alter) in Single Group (Create, Display, and Alter) and also in
Multi Group. Let us first know what is (Create, Display, and

1. Create: We can create any group by going to the option of

2. Display: By going to the option of Display, we can see that
created group.
3. Alter: We use Alters’ Option to modify that group, meaning
that we can edit and delete that group.
STEP-1: Group, we will go to Create Option and click.

Technical Cube Page 38

STEP-2: In the Name Box we will write the name of the group
as it is, but we have created a group whose name we have given
as Staff.

STEP-3: In the option of Alias, we can write a short name or a

nickname, with the help of which we can access that group very

STEP-4: In the option of under, you have to select a group

because the groups we create will have to be kept under some
group, and then only that group will work. Here I put a group
named Staff inside a group named Indirect Expenses.
Technical Cube Page 39
Example Explain. Suppose you have a lot of staff, you want the
name of Staff to come and write it yourself, that this is Staff
column. So in the name we will write Staff and under it we will
put it in the Indirect Expenses Group and then save this group.
Now we will go to Lists of Groups, then we will have a different
Group Show of Staff Name, so in this way we can create any Is
Group according to our convenience.

Various Group List in


What is Single and Multi Groups?

Technical Cube Page 40
With the help of Single Group Option, we create only one group
at a time.
With the help of Multi Group, we can easily create many
groups at the same time. By which we can save a lot of time and
Groups will also be very create.

So today we learned how to create Tally Me Groups, what is the

use of these Groups in Tally, I hope that now you will have
learned to create Groups in Tally easily with all these processes.

Chapter-4 End

Technical Cube Page 41

What is ledger in Tally???
After creating Groups in Tally, we have to make Ledgers. There
is an Ledgers Means Account (account), which we have to open
in Tally, in the language of modern accounting, it is also called
creating a ledger, meaning that if we say in clear words, then
only to open an account (account), we can make ledger It is said.
If seen, ledger is a kind of account, with the help of which we do
Voucher Entry in Tally. It is very important for you to know that
before entering Tally you have to create Ledger.
In Tally ERP 9 Software (2 Ledgers) are made automatic (Cash
and Profit & Loss Ka). With the help of these Ledgers, we can
do Tally Me Entry very easily, because you also know that
without creating Ledger you cannot post Entry.

Technical Cube Page 42

How to create Ledger in Tally ERP 9
To make Ledgers in Tally, you must follow some steps, let's
know. Tally ledger entry example
FIRST STEP: To make Ledger, first you go to Accounts Info in
Gateway of Tally, then you go to Ledgers Par and click here,
you will see the option of Create, just click on it.

Technical Cube Page 43

NEXT STEP: Create Option, the Option of Name will appear in
front of you, just go to the Option of that name and write the full
name of whatever Ledger you want to create,
Suppose we have to create Computer Ka Ledger, then we will
get that box I will write the words Computer.

Technical Cube Page 44

NEXT STEP: In the Option of Alias, we can give someone
(surname) of that Ledger with the help of which we can access
that Ledger very easily, because we have a lot of Ledgers in
Tally, so one of them Particular ledger is very difficult to find.
Therefore, we can give a nickname of that ledger, with the help
of that surname,
When we enter, we can easily access that particular ledger. Here
I had given a computer name, Alias Name, in which we had
given a nickname of Co, with the help of which we could access
it quickly.

Technical Cube Page 45

NEXT STEP: Under Option we will select a group, we know
that each of the Ledgers has a different nature defined in Tally,
due to which that Ledger works in the same way,
If we wrong group if you do, then the effect of Ledger will be
wrongly on our balance sheet, so you always choose the right
group, while making Ledger.
Example: - We will put the ledger of the computer in the group
of Fixed Asset, because we know that computer is an asset of
our Asset meaning, so we will keep it in the group of Fixed

Technical Cube Page 46

NEXT STEP: Mailing Details, we will write the name of that
Ledger, and if there is any address, we will also write it, after
that select the country, select the PIN code and then you will
keep the option of Provide Bank Details now will fill bank
details according to when we make Ledger as per our
Now we will keep PAN / IT No as well, we will do Yes / No as
per the need.

Technical Cube Page 47

NEXT STEP: In the opening balance, we will fill whatever
opening balance of that Ledger, it will definitely be filled, as if
the computer's Ledger we made was 1000 rs, if your Ledger has
no opening balance then you will not fill.

Technical Cube Page 48

Now through this procedure you must have learned how to
create Ledger easily in Tally

Single and Multi Ledger Create In Tally ERP 9:

Single Ledger is those which together we can create only one
Ledger in Tally, as I told you above, it is Single Ledger.
Multi-Ledger are those which we can easily create many hot
Ledgers at the same time and the biggest thing is that it is an
advantage to create Multi Ledger that you can make many
ledgers simultaneously. And can make their accounting entry
Let's understand from Screenshot what is single and multi-

Single Ledger Creation:

Technical Cube Page 49

Multi-Ledger Creation:
To create Multi-Ledger Create, first you have to go to Create
Option, and then you will go to Under Group and select All
Items, after that you will come down. And whoever has to create
the ledgers, will write the name of the ledger and select the
group under it, because the ledger will select the group it comes
in and if you have any opening balance, then fill it too. So in this
way, you can create a lot of Ledgers very easily at the same
For an example, here I have created a multi ledgers related to
Sundry Creditor, Sundry Debtor, Fixed Assets, Duties, and Tax

Technical Cube Page 50

What is the use of Create, Display and Alter Options?
Let's know
1. Create: Create Option, we can easily create a ledger.
2. Display: Display Option, we can see that created Ledger very
3. Alter: With the help of Alter Option we can modify Ledgers
that means we can edit that Ledger and also delete the ledger
How to Alter (Modify) Ledger in Tally: -
To edit Ledger to mean Alter, we will go to Alter Option Par in
Ledger and click in Accounts Info, then after that whatever
Alteration we want to do in that Ledger, we can do it very
How to delete Ledger in Tally: -
To delete Ledger also, we have to go to Alters’ Option and press
(Alt + D) from your keyboard, then that Ledger will be deleted
How to display Ledger in Tally: -
To see the Ledger created in Tally, we also have to go to the
option of Display and select any Ledger you want to see, as soon
as you select Ledger, you will see that ledger easily.

Technical Cube Page 51

Tally Me Predefine Ledgers: -
In Tally, you get to see a list of many Predefine Ledgers here,
which is something like this.

Various Types tally Ledgers under list

Group List files:-

In this group list I have told you which Ledger is created under
which group, please read and understand it carefully.

Freight Outward Indirect Expenses

Fuel & Power Of Factory Direct Expenses

Furniture & Fitting Fixed assets

Gas & Water Direct Expenses

General Expenses Indirect Expenses

General Reserve Current Liabilities

Godown Rent Indirect Expenses

Technical Cube Page 52

Goods Sent On Consignment Sales Accounts

Goodwill Fixed Assets

Horse & Cars Fixed Assets

House Rent Capital Account

Import Duty Direct Expenses

Income From Repair Indirect incomes

Income on Assets Indirect incomes

Income on Investment Indirect incomes

Income Tax Capital Account

Insurance Indirect Expenses

Insurance Claim Indirect incomes

Insurance Company Sundry Debtors

Interest(Dr) Indirect Expenses

Interest On capital Indirect Expenses

Interest On Drawing Indirect Incomes

Interest On Loan Indirect Expenses

Interest Received Indirect incomes

Investment On Gov Bond Investment

Investment Investment

labor Charges Indirect Expenses

Technical Cube Page 53

Loan & Building Fixed assets

Lease Hold Building Fixed assets

Legal Expenses Indirect Expenses

LIC Premium (Dr) Capital Account

LIC Refund (Cr) Capital Account

Life Insurance Capital Account

Loss By Damage Indirect Expenses

Loss By Fire Indirect Expenses

Loss On Assets Indirect Expenses

Machine & Tools Fixed assets

Machine Repair Fixed assets

Manufacturing Expenses Direct Expenses

Master Plus Investment

Miscellaneous Expenses Indirect Expenses

Miscellaneous Incomes Indirect incomes

Motor Cycle Fixed Assets

Motorcycle Repair Indirect Expenses

Mutual Fund Investment

Office Expenses Indirect Expenses

Oil Direct Expenses

Technical Cube Page 54

Opening Stock Stock in Hand

Outstanding Exp Current Liabilities

Packing Exp Indirect Expenses

Personal Exp Capital Account

Petrol Exp Indirect Expenses

Postage & Telegram Indirect Expenses

Power & Fuel Direct Expenses

Prepaid Exp Current Assets

Production Wages Direct Expenses

Provision on office Exp Current Liabilities

Purchase Purchase Account

Purchase on New land Fixed assets

Purchase On Raw material Purchase Account

Purchase return Purchase Account

railway Authority Sundry Debtors

Rent Indirect Expenses

Rent on Purchase Direct Expenses

Rent Payable Current Liabilities

Rent Received Indirect incomes

Repair Charges Received Indirect incomes

Technical Cube Page 55

Return Inward Sales Accounts

Return Outward Purchase Account

Salary Indirect Expenses

Salary & Wages Indirect Expenses

Salary payable Current Liabilities

Scooter Fixed assets

Shares & Bonds Investment

Shop Fixed assets

Shop Exp Indirect Expenses

Shop Rent Indirect Expenses

Showroom Fixed assets

Some Important Ledgers List:-

I am giving you some Ledgers Screenshot here, I hope that you
will be very easy to create Ledgers now, you will be able to
make ledger with it.

Sale Ledger

Technical Cube Page 56

Purchase Ledger

Technical Cube Page 57

Round Off Ledger

Sundry Creditor Ledger

Technical Cube Page 58
Sundry Debtor Ledger

Salary & Wages Ledger

Technical Cube Page 59
GST Tax Ledgers
Technical Cube Page 60
Discount Ledgers
Technical Cube Page 61
Expense Ledgers
Technical Cube Page 62
Freight Ledgers
Technical Cube Page 63
Fixed Assets Ledgers
Technical Cube Page 64
Bank Ledgers
Technical Cube Page 65
Bank Charges Ledgers

Technical Cube Page 66

Repair & Maintenance Ledgers

Technical Cube Page 67


Chapter-5 End

Technical Cube Page 68

What are vouchers? Let's know
A voucher is a Basic Document, with the help of which we keep
a complete account of the daily transactions in our business, and
with the help of the voucher, we can easily post an entry in the
A few years before today, we used to write our accounts on
paper manually, and after making a register, keeping a full
account of the daily transactions in it, such as how much goods
were bought from whom, how much goods were sold by whom,
from how much You have to take payment and how much we
have to pay, which person's payment came, etc. But since Tally
ERP 9 Software has come, we can do our daily transactions
(Sale, Purchase, Payment, Receipt and Bank related
Transactions) with the help of Accounting Voucher in Tally.
Entry with the help of voucher is much easier it is done.

Technical Cube Page 69

"Voucher is A Basic Recording Document Day To Day Transaction is
Entered, in Tally Through Vouchers. It is a key to all business
information entering the transaction through voucher is Called Creating
a Voucher."

What is Accounting Voucher???

Accounting Voucher refers to the Vouchers used to store the
Basic Transaction of Accounts.
Accounting Vouchers is the key to all your business through
which you keep track of your transactions, just with the help
of these vouchers. If you have all the Vouchers available,
then you can very easily remove the status of your company,
and match your Balance Sheet. Whenever you do any
transactions in your business, they do it with the help of
Accounting Vouchers only.
In Tally we get many Vouchers to do business transactions,
with the help of which we are able to do all our transactions.
Whenever we do a Transaction, we call it (Voucher Pass,
Pass a Transaction or Voucher Entry).

Overview of Accounting Vouchers: -

To go to Accounting Voucher, you must first go to Gateway
Of Tally, it will show you Transactions Options, you click on
it, here you will find many Accounting Vouchers, click on
the Accounting Vouchers you need. Do, the voucher will

Technical Cube Page 70

Types of Accounting Vouchers: -
1. Contra Vouchers
2. Payment Voucher
3. Receipt Voucher
4. Journal Voucher
5. Sale Voucher
6. Purchase Voucher
7. Debit Note
8. Credit Note
1. Contra Vouchers: We use Contra Voucher when we have
to make a check in the bank, or withdraw money from the
bank, either when transferring money to one of the banks. In
other banks, we use Contra Voucher at that time. In Contra
Voucher, only (Cash Bank Account) can debit / credit, apart
from this you cannot use any other group.

Technical Cube Page 71

4 Types of Transaction in Contra Vouchers.
A. Cash Deposit in Bank.
B. Cash Withdrawn From Bank.
C. Loan from Bank.
D. Loan Repayment from Bank.
Some Important Point Of Contra Vouchers.
1. If Money will be done in a bank, then we will credit that
bank account depositing Debit and Cash Account Means.
2. If the money is withdrawn from the bank, the bank will
credit the account and debit the cash account.
3 If the check of a bank is going to Bank, then the first bank
will credit and the second bank in which cheque is given will
be Debit.
2. Payment Voucher: In Tally, Payment Voucher is that,
whenever we make a payment to someone (Cash or Check)
that means Paisa is going out of business, then it goes in any

Technical Cube Page 72

way, then at that time we All entries are done in the
Payment Voucher. To open the Payment Voucher in tally,
pressing the Short Key (F5) from your keyboard will open
your payment voucher.
Example: - We purchased Goods goods from someone,
meaning that goods came and went in business, meaning
that we paid for it, now whether it is in cash or by cheque or
you online, it is your choice.

3. Receipt Voucher: Receipt means that money came into

our business, now whether it comes in cash or by check or
online. It is clear to say that whenever money in Business
comes from anywhere, when there is Means Amount
Receipt, then we do all such entry in Receipt Voucher.
Example: - If you are doing Receipt of interest, then you will
use Receipt Voucher.

Technical Cube Page 73

4. Journal Voucher: Journal Voucher is a kind of
Adjustment voucher, through which we post Adjustment
Entry in Tally. In Journal Voucher we adjust the Amount
between (2 Accounts), without using any physical fund, if
you have to make such an entry then you will use Journal
By the way, if all such entries are not included in (Dr and
Cr) Cash or Bank, we do all those entries in Journal
Example: - We use journal Voucher for entering all
transactions like Depreciation of Fixed Assets Etc, on
purchase of any (item) loan except Purchase Return, Sale
Return, and Goods.

Technical Cube Page 74

5. Sale Voucher: In Sale Voucher, you have to do only one
entry, that is to sell goods on credit, that is to say (Goods
Sold On Credit). If you sell goods to Goods on credit, then
you have to post Entry in Sale Voucher. Use Sale voucher in
those conditions when you are doing regular course of
business that means selling those things. To sell the ones you
bought, not the things that are your Fixed Assets property.

Technical Cube Page 75

6. Purchase Voucher: When you do any kind of purchase in
Tally, then we do all of its entry in the purchase Voucher, in
general purchase, we do it in credit. Tally provides us the
facility to do both types of entry, whether it is Cash Me
Purchase or Credit Me Purchase.

7- Debit Note: - When we get goods from a party or

purchase goods, and the front party sells the goods to us,

Technical Cube Page 76

some of the items when Damage Goods of Defect Quality, or
Bad Quality, If received, in such a condition, we have to
return the goods to the party for which we use Debit Note.
Shortcut key (Ctrl + F9) is to open Debit Note.

8: - Credit Note: - Whenever our customers return Goods to

us due to any condition, that is, whenever there is a Sale
Return, then we use Credit Note for all these Entries. There
is a Shortcut Key (Ctrl + F8) to open a Credit Note.

Technical Cube Page 77

Chapter-6 End

Technical Cube Page 78

What is Inventory Vouchers? Let us
With the help of Inventory Vouchers we do much such entry
in Tally which is related to our stock in our business.
Suppose that you have 2 Godowns and you have to transfer
goods from one Godown to another Godown, then how will
you do it.
If you have to check in your business how much physical
stock is left, then how will you check it? If you want any
query related to your stock statement, how will you check it?
So to solve all such problems, we get some facility in tally
ERP 9, which we call inventory Vouchers. Through this
Inventory Voucher, you can post all such entries in Tally
very easily.
With the help of Inventory Vouchers, we can easily manage
both accounts with Inventory simultaneously. In Tally there are
many types of Inventory Vouchers, which we use for different
work in our business.
Let us know how many types of Inventory Vouchers are there.

Types of Inventory Vouchers: -

1. Purchase Order: -

Technical Cube Page 79

2. Sale Order: -
3. Rejection inward: -
4. Rejection Outward: -
5. Stock Journal: -
6. Delivery Note: -
7. Receipt Note: -
8. Physical Stock: -
1: Purchase Order: - The order we give to the supplier for
the purchase of Goods in our business is known as Purchase
Order in Tally. Use Short Key Alt + F4 to open Purchase Order
Directly in Tally, just you have to press Alt + F4 key from your
keyboard, just Purchase Order Voucher will open easily.
If seen, there is a written document between the Purchase Order
Buyer and Supplier, wherein the Buyer acquires Goods /
Services from that Supplier, that means by not purchasing any
item in Cash,
you first order that item or similar. We then pay Invoice with
Goods only after the bill arrives.

Technical Cube Page 80

Example: - When we purchase something from Flipkart,
Amazon, first we book our order and when we get that item with
the bill, then we pay the same process, we call it the purchase

2: Sale Order: -Sales Order is when the company gets to

supply Goods from customers that you have to supply Goods of
this particular quantity to these customers in this Particular Date,
then the same procedure we call it Sales Order.

Technical Cube Page 81

3: Rejection Inward: - In Rejection Inward we also called
Rejection In short. If seen, we use Tab in Rejection in, when we
make a sale, we will return our own Goods and Goods to us, due
to any particular reason, then all such Entries in Rejection In
Will do.

Example: - Suppose you have one shop and you sell goods to a
customer, but if the goods he takes from us, any goods go
defective in that, then that customer comes to us and returns the
goods. Suppose man sold goods worth 5000 rupees to him and
he returned the goods of person 2000 due to bad damage to us,
then we do all such entries in the Rejection In.
4: Rejection Outward: - We also called Rejection Outward in
Short Form. Used to use the Rejection Out when Purchase
Return means that whenever we purchase any Company Se
Goods and some similar Damage goes out in that Goods, either
the goods we wanted, they did not come The company gives
different goods to us, for whatever reason, in such a condition,

Technical Cube Page 82

when we return the goods to the company, then all such entries
have to be posted in the Rejection Out.

5: Stock Journal: - Stock Journal Voucher is used to transfer

our goods from one Godown to another Godown. In Stock
Journal you get 2 things. First Source (Consumption) and
Destination (Production).
Consumption means that if the company has a raw material
lying in it, and after using that raw material, the company makes
a production, that is, it makes some goods by using that raw
material, then this process we call Consumption Production and
we post all such entries in Stock Journal Voucher.

Technical Cube Page 83

6: Delivery Note: -Delivery Note is, whenever we Delivered a
Goods from our Business, the Receipt that happens on Delivered
Goods is what we call Delivery Note. Suppose any of our
customers get a Sale Order for any Goods then we also send
Delivery Note to our Customers with those Goods
If the Delivery Note is passed according to the customers'
requirements and the Goods Mall is received to the customers,
then we generate a Sales Invoice for the customer.
We also call Delivery Note as Delivery Challan.

Technical Cube Page 84

7: Receipt Note: - Whenever we order a Goods the Receipt that
we get from the front party is called Receipt Note, we will post
all such entry in Tally in Receipt Note Voucher.

Technical Cube Page 85

8: Physical Stock: To check how much stock is available in our
business in Physical Stock, we use Physical Stock Option in

Chapter-7 End

Technical Cube Page 86

What is a journal voucher? Learn what is journal
voucher in Hindi
Often we post entries in the journal Voucher, the accounts that
we have to adjust, that means whenever we enter a transaction
between two people, we have to either adjust something, then
we often enter all of them Posted in journal voucher.
In Journal Voucher we adjust the Amount between (2
Accounts), without using any physical fund, if you have to make
such an entry then you will use Journal voucher.
By the way, if all such entries are not included in (Dr aur Cr)
Cash or Bank, we do all those entries in Journal Voucher only.
Example: - We use journal Voucher for entering all transactions
like Depreciation of Fixed Assets Etc, on purchase of any (item)
loan except Purchase Return, Sale Return, and Goods.

Technical Cube Page 87

How to Pass Journal Voucher Entry in Tally?
Let's get
To enter the journal Voucher, you have to follow some simple
steps, come on.
STEP: 1- First of all go to Accounting Voucher at Gateway of
STEP: 2- Now, to open the Journal Voucher, press the (F7)
button from your keyboard or click on the option of Direct
Journal Voucher, your voucher will be open.
Remember that if we post the adjustment entries between two
accounts here, then Debit / Credit will give you here, sometimes
-2 can also show you (To / By) but if you wish, you will have
TO / BY or Debit / Credit anyone can select and enter. It
depends on you that you have comfort.
Let's do some entries in Journal Voucher, how to do Entries in
Journal Voucher? Let's get
1: - Purchase Furniture from Sonu Traders rs 9000.
2: - Purchase Machine From Rohan Pvt Ltd rs 20000
3: - Deprecation of Furniture rs 600.
4: -Deprecation of Machine rs 1200.
Let's post all the entries in Tally one by one, let's see how we
make entries in Journal Voucher.

Technical Cube Page 88

Journal Entries in Tally ERP 9 with examples
1: - Purchase Furniture from Sonu Traders rs 9000.
Here, let us do a journal entry in tally through some examples,
as you see here we have to post an entry, in tally, we will open
the journal Voucher to enter in Tally and Ledger of a Purchase
Account and Ledgers of Sonu Traders.
Select the furniture ledger in the Dr, and fill the amount you
want, and then in Cr you select the Ledger of Simply Sonu
Traders which is your party and save the entry.

Technical Cube Page 89

2: - Purchase Machine From Rohan Pvt Ltd rs 20000
Let's understand from another example, first you select the
ledger of the machine in Dr, and fill the amount you want, then
in Cr you select Simply Rohan Pvt Ltd which is your party and
save the entry by selecting the ledger.

3: - Deprecation of Furniture rs 600.

Let's see an example of entry of deprecation, first you select the
ledger of Deprecation in Dr Side, and fill the amount that is
there, then in Cr Side you simply select it and select the Ledger
of Furniture and save the entry.

Technical Cube Page 90

4: -Deprecation of Machine rs 1200.
Let's see an example of another Deprecation entry, first of all
you select the ledger of Deprecation in Dr Side, and fill the
amount you want, then in Cr Side you simply select it and select
the Ledger of the machine and save the entry.

Technical Cube Page 91

I hope that you have now come to the entry in Journal Voucher,
now you can post all Adjustment entries very easily with the
help of Journal Voucher.
How to see Entry done in Journal Voucher in Tally?
To see all the entries that we have posted in journal vouchers in
tally, follow these steps.
STEP: 1- Display Gateway in Gateway of Tally will be visible
to you, click on it.
STEP: 2- Now you go to the Day Book, here you will see all the
entries of every single day.

Chapter-8 End

Technical Cube Page 92

How to make GST bill in Tally? How to create sales
invoice in tally ERP 9 full details
Tally ERP 9 is a very Famous and International Accounting
Software, which supports the language of many countries,
meaning many languages. With the help of Tally ERP 9, we can
easily keep track of all our transactions related to GST and can
maintain accounting by accounting entries related to our
Today in India also the utility of Tally ERP 9 software has risen
significantly. Today many charted Accountant uses Tally ERP 9
Software only to solve the problem related to account and GST
and to maintain the account.

Technical Cube Page 93

Note: - Do you know that for Tally Sale Entry then we will use
its technique as well because it is the same thing to do Sale
Entry and make GST bill. As you know, we do the sale in the
same way, the first one is sold in cash and the second is sold to a
party / customer etc
To make GST bill in Tally ERP 9, you have to follow some
steps, let us know what those steps are.
STEP: -1 First of all, open Tally ERP 9 software to generate bill
in Tally.
STEP: -2 at the opening the Tally ERP 9 software, something
like this will appear on your computer screen, all you have to do
is open the Tally software in Work in Education Mode.

Work in Educational Mode will be visible to you only if you

have not activated your Tally ERP 9 software, if you have
purchased the License of Tally ERP 9 Software, then
Educational Mode will not appear on your screen.

Technical Cube Page 94

Educational Mode - In Educational Mode, you can just do
Education Purpose which means you can do accounting entry
only for learning, you cannot do Entry of Daily Transaction in
Educational Mode, just you of the month (1 or 2) Entry of date
or last date of the month can only be done because Educational
Mode is designed for learning purpose only, here you can do all
the entries of accounting.
STEP: -3 Now you have to go to Gateway of Tally and click in
Accounting Voucher.

STEP: -4 After clicking in Accounting Voucher, you have to

open Sale Voucher, to open Sale Voucher, you will see Sale
(F8) on the right side, you click on it, either from your keyboard
(F8) button As soon as you press the (f8) button, your Sale
Voucher will open.

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We use Hum Sale Voucher to generate GST bill in Tally.
Sale Voucher: In Sale Voucher, you have to enter only one
entry, which means selling loan to (goods) (Goods Sold on
Credit). Entry will have to be made, in order to make Tax
Invoice in Tally; you will have to enter Sale Voucher.

STEP: -5 Now to make bill in Sale Voucher, we have to do

some details Step by Step Fillup, let us know how we fill details
to make bill in Tally.
To make a sale bill, you have to follow some easy methods, let's

Technical Cube Page 96

(1) Sale No 1: - This Number Automatic will appear in your
Sale Bill.
(2) Date: - Whatever date you want to bill, you fill up that date.
But remember you are using Education Mode right now, so I
had already told you that you will be able to enter only the (1st
and 2nd) month of the month and last date in Education Mode, if
you need more If you want to enter the date, then you will have
to purchase Tally (Silver Ya Gold) version, only then you will
be able to enter.
My License Version of Tally, so I am posting a 10th date entry
here as you can see in Screenshot.
(3) Reference No: - Reference No is also called as Bill Number,
you have to fill a unique number of your bill here, however it
may be.
For example: - You can create some unique GST bill number
like this. (GST / 01 / 18-19)
Technical Cube Page 97
(4) Party A / c Name: - In Party A / c Name, to fillup the full
name of whoever (Party / Customer) you want to sell the goods
to, you need Ledger of that (Party / Customer) Create (Account)
If you want to create Ledger while creating bill in Tally for that
you have to press (Alt + C) key from your keyboard. As soon as
you press Alt + C, Ledger Creation's page will open on your
screen. To create Ledger you have to fill up some Required
Fields, which is something like this. Let's know
Making Party Ledger

• Name: - Fill the full name for the party whose name you want
to create in Name.
• Under: - In which group you will put that Ledger that means
you have to select that one group. And here we are making Sale
Bill, then we will put the party who’s Ledger we will create in
Sundry Debtors Group. .
• Maintain Balance Bill By Bill: - Yes to Maintain Balance Bill
By Bill.

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• Name: - Fill the full name of the party.
• Address: - Fillup the full address of the party.
• Country: - Select India in the country.
• State: - Select Uttar Pradesh in the state.
• Pin Code: - Fill up the Pin Code of the party.
After filling up all the details, click on the option of Yes and
save that Ledger. .
(5) Sales Ledger: - Now you have to open a ledger (account).
You can create Sales ka Ledger in this way. Follow The

(6) Item: - Now you have to create all the items that you want to

Technical Cube Page 99

If you have to make Stock Items while making bill in Tally, then
you will press (ALT + C) button from your keyboard. As soon
as you press the Alt + C button, the page of Stock Creation will
open in front of you. Now fill up all the details of whatever
stock you have to create, here.
For example: Here we have created a Stock Item named Fridge.

• Name: - Write the full name of whatever stock item you want
to create in Name.
• Under: - Keep it in Primary only.
• Units: - Create a Unit PCS for a Stock Item. To create a unit,
press the (Alt + C) button from the keyboard and create the unit.
Let's make the unit something like this.

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• GST Applicable: - Here you have to tell whether you want to
apply GST or not, just click on the option of Simply Applicable.
• Set / Alter GST Details: - If you Yes to Set / Alter GST
Details, then will open a page in front of you, in which you will
get all the information related to your stock item like: -
Description, HSN / SAC Code, Tax Details What is Tax Type,
all these information have to be filled up
Set up GST Details and Tax Rate in this way.

1. Description: - In this you will fill the description of the item.

2. HSN / SAC: - In this, the HSN Code of your item will be
filled, and if you sell the service, you will use the SAC Code.
3. Calculation Type: - In this you will select On Value.
4. Taxability: In this, you will select Taxable.
5. Tax Type: In Tax Type, you will fill whatever tax rate will be
on that item, Tally software calculates Automatic CGST And
Technical Cube Page 101
• Type Of Supply: - In Types of Supply, you have to select
Goods. .
After filling up all the details, clicking on the option of Simply
Yes, clicking on it will save Ledger.
After creating a stock item, how much quantity you have to sell
for that item, at what rate to sell that item, you have to fill all the
(7) You can also make an item named A.c likewise, as I have
told you.
(8) CGST: - Now you have to create tax ledgers to calculate tax,
in order to create tax ledgers, first of all you have to see whether
your party is local or outside. If your party is local then we will
create Ledgers of CGST, SGST and if party is outside, we will
create Ledger of IGST.

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As soon as you save both your Tax Ledgers and Enter in your
bill, Tally software automatic will be shown in your bill by
CGST and SGST Tax Automatic calculated.
(10) Provide GST / E-way Bill Details: you have to do no now
because it will do Option only if the value of Invoice is more
than (50000 Ya 50000), if the value of your bill is less than
50000 then you Will do
(11) Narration: In future, if you do not remember what entry was
posted in which bill, for this we write a short narration, so that
we remember, such as - I Goody Sale to Rohan on Credit If
done, I will write a Short Narration - (Being Goods Sold on
Credit to rohan As per Bill No 123.)

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After filling all the information in the bill, we will save the bill
by clicking on the option of Yes, now GST Sale Bill is easily

How to print GST bill in Tally ERP 9?

If you want to print your bill after creating the bill in the tally,
you can click on the option of the above button (Print P) or you
will have to press the (Alt + P) button from your keyboard,
(After pressing the Alt + P) button a window will open in front
of you, all you have to do is click on the option of Yes.

As soon as you click on the option of Yes, your GST bill will be
printed, you can print it out directly or you can save this GST
bill in PDF format, and then through this procedure you can
easily tax in Tally Invoice can be created.

Tax Invoice

Technical Cube Page 104

So in this way we learned to make GST bill, I hope that all of you
must have come to make GST bill now.

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What is payroll? Complete information
Payroll is a program through which we can create an Attendance
Register of Workers working in our Company / Organization /
Firms etc., that too very easily, so we use payroll.
As I said above, let's create the Attendance Register; let's know
what the Attendance Register really is? Attendance Register
means which worker is coming to work, at what time does that
worker come, what is the monthly salary of that worker, what is
the full address of that worker, what is the last name of that
worker etc. This is to say that we record all the information of
that worker in the Tally software through payroll, this process is
called payroll.

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Through Payroll, we prepare a Management of Salary of
Employees working in our Office / Company. We can easily
create Payroll Ko with both Tally ERP 9 and M.S Excel.

What is the use of payroll? Let's know

In Tally ERP 9, just as we used to create Stock Group, Stock
Items in Inventory, for Management of Inventory, in the same
way we will create a Group in Payroll for Employee, for
Employee Management, after that Employee. What is the name,
what is his full address, what is his age, what is his DOB, what
are the salary details of that employee? How many days leave
has been taken by the Employee, how many days did that
Employee work, and what is the total Salary of that Employee,
how much TDS was deducted from that Employee's Salary etc.

How to activate Payroll in Tally?

To activate Payroll features in Tally ERP 9, you have to follow
some simple steps, let's know?
STEP: 1 First of all you will be seeing the option of Features
(F11) in the right side at the bottom of Gateway Of Tally, you
go to that option and click, either press the (F11) button from
your keyboard.

Technical Cube Page 107

STEP: 2 Now you go to the option of Accounting Features (F1)
and click.

STEP: 3 Now the menu of accounting features will be shown in

front of you, to activate Payroll Features you have to go to Cost /
Profit Center Management and there you will see the option of
Maintain Payroll, just you have to YES this option, its A little
below you will see the option of Maintain More Than Payroll or
Cost Category, you will also have to do YES, then you have to
save Payroll Setting by YES.
Technical Cube Page 108
STEP: 4 Now you come to Gateway Of Tally and your Payroll
Feature is activated. Now you can easily create Payroll in Tally.

Technical Cube Page 109

STEP: 5 If you want to do entry post in Payroll at Gateway of
Tally, then Payroll Voucher is used for that. With its help, you
can do all the entries related to Payroll Me Salary very easily.

What can we do in Payroll? Payroll Overview in

Hindi: -
What are the 2 functions we get in Tally ERP 9 through Payroll;
let's discuss them all with you.

Payroll Info Details:-

Technical Cube Page 110

1: - Employee Categories: - In this, you can make different
categories of Employee-2, such as which Employee belongs to
which categories.
2: - Employee Group: - In this, you can create separate 2 Group
of Employee.
3: - Employee: - In this, you can create your entire Employee
4: - Units (Works): - In this, you can create a unit for the
Employee, which Employee has done how many hours work.
5: - Attendance Production Type: - In this, you can create
Attendance Type for your Employee.
6: - Pay Heads: - In this, you can easily create pay heads for
Employee. like: -T.A, D.A, P.F, ESI Etc Etc
7: - Salary Details: - In this, you can create Salary Details of
Employee. And it can be easily checked.
8: - Voucher Types: - you can create any Voucher Types to
Entry Post according to your wish.

Technical Cube Page 111

What is balance sheet? What is balance sheet in
The overall statement of the company, the statement of the
company which states all the details of our company, it is called
the balance sheet.
In other words, the balance sheet is a written statement that
shows every detail of the company, whether every statement of
the company is making profit or loss is shown to you through
the balance sheet.
We make the balance sheet at the end of the year which tells
what is the financial position of the company at this time.

Technical Cube Page 112

To see the balance sheet of any company in the tally, press the
F2 button from your keyboard and choose from 1-april-2018 and
enter the date of the period and in 31-march-2019, you will get
your full details balance sheet Will be seen

How to create Final Account in Tally? How to

make a balance sheet
To create a final account in Tally, it is very important to create
these 3 accounts, let's know.
1: -Trading Account
2: -Profit & loss account
3: -Balance Sheet
Balance sheet accounts in Tally
I will tell you what the 2 items of the balance sheet are.
1: -Trading Account: - When you go to Profit & Loss in
Gateway of tally, here you will see 1: -Trading Account
(Business Account).
Particulars (Dr Side): - All the expenses you have incurred in the
debit side are necessary to run your business, such as- Purchase
Account means that the goods we have purchased will be shown
on the dr side and if you purchase any. If you return, it will also
be dr side show.
In the same way, whatever the Direct Expenses are, which are
necessary for production, all the expenses will also be visible to

Technical Cube Page 113

you in the same section meaning Dr Side. Dr Side will be your
opening stock show.
Trading Account Format

Particulars (Cr Side): - In Credit Side you will see all the
Incomes as- Sales is, if you have made a Sale Return that too
will be Cr Side show that the sales return always leads to loss of
sales. Cr Side will be your closing stock show, remember this.
2:-Profit & loss Account:-
Dr Side: - In Profit & Loss Account, all the Expenses in Debit
side means that all such expenses which are related to office are
visible. Like- Bank charges, Discount paid, Salary etc.
Profit & loss Account Format

Cr Side: - On the credit side, all your Indirect incomes come,

meaning inside it all such incomes, which we get in addition to

Technical Cube Page 114

selling goods. As we know that the income we get on selling
goods is called sales and it comes in our trading account. But
here, all such ledgers are seen in the Commission received,
Discount received, and Interest Received in Profit & loss
Some Important Note For-Profit & Loss Account: -
• Whenever you make the ledgers, always choose the group
correctly, otherwise the result will show upside down in the
balance sheet.
• Where you have to debit, if you credit, it will always have an
effect on Profit & loss account, and it can also appear.
3:- Balance Sheet
The balance sheet also has 2 sides, the first Liabilities and the
second Assets.
All the liabilities of the business will be reflected in the
liabilities and all the assets you have in the business will be
visible on the Assets.

Technical Cube Page 115

Balance Sheet Format: -

Here are 2 shows in Liabilities Side.

1: - Capital Account: - Capital account represents whatever
capital was put by the businessman.
2: - Loan (Liabilities): - All the loans that you have taken are
also our own liabilities; you will see them all here.
3: - Current Liabilities: - Within this, we will show all
information about the taxes that the government has to pay.
4: - Profit & loss Account: -Profit & loss will also show in your
liabilities only.
Let's see what you will see in Assets Side.
1: -Fixed Assets: - All information about our permanent
property will be shown.

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2: - Investment: - All your investment will be show.
3: -Current Assets: - All your Current Assets will show.
Very important installation in this regard: -
1: - It happens many times that the heads of the Assets side are
shown in the Liabilities Sides and the heads of the Liabilities
Side are shown on the side of our Assets. You have thought why
this happens. Let me tell you that this is because when we enter
the tally, we do not take care of debit and credit at the time of
entry and give credit to the one who has to debit and the one
who has to be debited. Let's do it. Then such a problem comes to
us that heads start to show in different sides. So always take care
of this whenever posting an entry.
2: - While making entry, always check that the balance of both
Cash in hand and Bank account especially you should be
carefully mixed.
3: - Cash in hand means whatever position we have in our
throat, we must definitely come in cash.
4: - The balance that is in all the accounts in the Bank Account
should also be shown in the Current Assets, if this happens only
then your balance sheet will be perfect.

Technical Cube Page 117

What is a Bank Reconciliation Statement? Let's
know bank reconciliation statement meaning
A statement which is made on a fixed date to address the
difference found in the balance of bank account and bank
statement here is called bank reconciliation statement.
By the way, in today's time, most of the transactions are done
through the bank. In order to do the accounting of all these
transactions, the businessman himself opens an account of the
bank in his books, and the entry of all the transactions related to
the bank Post in the same account. Similarly, the bank also
opens an account of the customer here and posts the entry of all
transactions related to the customer in that account on a regular
The bank gives a copy of the details of these entries to its
customers after a certain period, the target period is usually one
month so that the customer can check his transaction, and this
statement is called bank statement.
The balance of bank account and bank statement given by bank
should always be found in our account book, because the basis
of entering both is linked to the same transaction but in practice
it does not happen.

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The balance of the bank statement and the balance of our bank
account are not normal. There is some difference in the balance
of the two, in both our accounts books, in our accounts books
and bank accounts. In books, the balance is correct at its -2
place, but still this difference comes, just to remove its
difference, bank reconciliation statement is made.

Benefits of Bank Reconciliation Statement: - bank

reconciliation statement rules
• Detection of mistakes.
• Trick fraud information.
• According to us the basis of accounting.
Let's activate the option of Bank Reconciliation in the tally.
First of all you go to Gateway of Tally, you will see the option
of utilities found here, click on it, and now click on the option of
banking. Then you go to bank reconciliation option and select
your bank account and enter, your bank reconciliation window
will open immediately.
In this, all transactions of our bank are visible for the whole
month. Here now the statement which is in your bank account
will be shown in the list, now the entries in the tally that you
have made, match all those entries with your bank statement, we
know this procedure by the name of bank statement BRS.

Technical Cube Page 119

Concept of bank reconciliation statement (BRS): - the
importance of bank reconciliation statement
To increase the cash book, we will debit.
Will credit for reducing the cash book.
But the bankers don't
Bankers give credit to increase.
Bankers debit to reduce.
Example: - Shivam Shukla deposited Rs 20000 in the bank, then
the loan went up on the bank, Rs 20000 means that the bank will
have to pay 20000 rupees.
Credit is given for increasing the liabilities which is the Assets
for Shivam Shukla and the Liabilities for the Bank.

BRS Concept 2: -
Match the balance of the cash book with the balance of the
The balance of this passbook was received from the balance of
two cash books.
Ultimately, you have to do these two things in BRS.

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BRS Concept 3: -
BRS Prepared: - We make it on monthly basis.

Differences of BRS: -
It is important to know the reason of difference between Bank
Account and Bank Statement here, let us know.
1: - In our bank account there is entry but not in the bank
2: - There is entry in bank statement but we do not have bank
account here.
1: - In our bank account there is entry but not in the bank
(*) Checks issued by us but not presented for payment.
(*) Collection of check drafts etc. deposited in the bank for
(*) Checks debited to our account but forgot to deposit in the
bank for collection / clearing.
2: - There is entry in bank statement but we do not have bank
account here.
(*) Expenditure debited by the bank.
(*) Interest paid by the bank.
(*) Direct payment of bank by customer.

Technical Cube Page 121

(*) For Clearing, deposited the check in the bank, but forgot to
debit in our bank account here.

Some important Bank Transaction Entries: -

• Cash Deposit in Bank
• Cash Withdrawn from Bank
• Loan from Bank
• Loan Repayment to Bank

Cash Deposit in Bank

Technical Cube Page 122

Cash Withdrawn from Bank

Loan from Bank

Technical Cube Page 123

Loan Repayment to Bank

Technical Cube Page 124

In this article of today, we will discuss a very important
question, the question of many of my friends is that after
learning tally, in which sector can they get a job, and what kind
of job will they get to learn tally will get you later. I had
comments from some friends in which they asked us that they
were learning Tally software but called them jobs and how to
get them, and after learning Tally how much you can earn from
it. So today we will have an in-depth conversation on all these
topics, and will inform you that tally jobs? So let's know that
jobs in tally accounting for freshers.

Technical Cube Page 125

There will be a lot of questions in your mind, so let us
answer those questions first.
• Who can learn Tally?
• What is the age to learn Tally?
What is the qualification of learning tally?
Where did you learn Tally software?
• Why did you learn Tally?
• After learning Tally you will get a job but how much paisa can
you earn from that job?
Que-Who can learn Tally?
Ans- If seen, anyone, person / student can easily learn Tally. If
you are a commerce student then you can learn Tally very easily
but even if you are from any other stream, you can still learn
Tally, just according to commerce student you will have to work
a bit more as we Know that Tally is an accounting software,
which is used to manage an account in our business, in such a
situation, if you are a shop or merchant then you can also learn
Que- What is the age to learn Tally?
Ans- There is no age to learn Tally; you can learn Tally software
anytime. If you have become overage and you do not have any
source of earning, then you can get employment by learning
Tally software. .
Technical Cube Page 126
Que- What is the qualification of learning tally?
Ans- There is no qualification defined for learning tally, but
minimum qualification should be 12 pass, and you should also
have some English because all the work in tally is mostly in
Que-Where do you learn Tally software?
Ans- This is a very important question that you should learn the
tally from where you are. By the way, in every city, there are
many private institutes open to teach Tally, where you can learn
Tally very easily. Is, but if you do not have that much money
and you want to learn the tally then you can learn the tally
through YouTube, just you should have that desire.
If you want to learn Tally sitting at home through YouTube,
then you can follow these YouTube channels, come and go.
• RTS Professional Studies
• GS Easytech
• Carrier Plant Computer Education.
• TAG (Tally Account GST)
• Tally online Class.

Technical Cube Page 127

Que- Why did you learn Tally?
Ans- Why should we learn Tally after learning Tally? So I want
to tell you that after learning Tally you can get job in private
sector very easily, as we know in India. Unemployment has
increased a lot, in such a situation, middle class students who are
in great need of job and money, who cannot study much and
those who have the responsibility of their family, can easily
learn the tally in the private sector. Can Ob.
Que- After learning the tally, you will get a job, but how
much Money can you earn from that job
Ans- After learning the tally, a lot of job options is opened for
you, such as you can do the job by visiting a charted accountant
or by visiting a lawyer here, and if you do account in more depth
and if you want to learn Tally, you can work easily by staying
under C. A.
And the thing about the job, I want to tell you that after learning
the tally, you can easily earn money by visiting a holseller or a
shopkeeper by maintaining his account, and for this you have to
work full time here. Don't even have to, just go and post all the
entries related to their sale, purchase and bank, and for all this
you should talk to those misdemeanors that you will be able to
come in for only two or three days. Will be saved and thus At
least, you can easily earn money by accounting for 4 to 5 rapists.

Technical Cube Page 128

Now let me tell you how much money you can take from
accounting work from them, it depends on how quickly you post
entry in the tally and how many bill entries you have to post in
those businesses, if more bills If you can easily take 4000 to
5000 rs of the month from them, and if you have caught 5 such
business, then you can easily earn 20000 to 25000 thousand
rupees in a month.
What work is done in the tally with C.A? Let's know jobs in
tally accounting
If you are learning the tally or you have learned the tally, and
you want to work on a charted accountant here, then what
should you do - 2 jobs should come in the tally, and that C. A is
what -2 work for you I will tell you all the details of these today.
Let's know
As you learned Tally from an institute or through YouTube, but
you only learned Tally from there as an educational purpose, but
whenever you work under a charted accountant or under an
Advocate You get to learn a lot, which is not taught in the
institute. Here you get the bills for sale and purchase, whose
entry you have to make in the tally. Here you get a lot of bills
which are of different types, which may have a whole seller bill,
and then a company's bill may mean that you get to learn
everything here.

Technical Cube Page 129

Let us know in detail what works for C. A.
Whenever you go to work on any charted accountant, he takes
so much work from you.
1: - Record all entry of sale in tally.
2: - Record all entry purchases in tally.
3: - Whichever party belongs to him, record the bank statement
of all of them in tally, your bank related entry comes in the bank
statement, and whatever you have paid to someone from your
business, record them, business to enter the money that has
come in and finally you have to make some adjustment entry as
4: - Party's filing of GST return for every month; GST return
brings your monthly return like GSTR 3B and GSTR-1 returns.
But according to the new government rule, now there will be a
smooth and easy return file, which I will definitely tell you in
my upcoming post.
But if seen, most of the work of gst return file is done by C. A.
But sometimes you may also have to do this work and if you
start learning the return process completely, then you go directly
to a businessman's gst return file. Can also do the work of, and
can take some more money from them, including accounting and
gst return.
5: - You have to adjust the accounts of all your party before the
financial year ends, you will also have to learn it because only
Technical Cube Page 130
after making all these entries your final balance sheet will be
ready, in which your full account book profit and loss Will show
6: - You also get the opportunity to learn how to file ITR means
Income Tax Return in C.A but a charted accountant files ITR of
all his party or customer himself.
How to search for jobs online after learning Tally? Let's
know tally job for fresher?
If you have learned to complete tally and you are now looking
for a job, then how will you do it, if you want, you can also
search for jobs online and you can give an interview by going
there, how can I search you job in Tally Will talk about that, so
let's know.
To do online job search in Tally, follow these steps.
STEP 1: - First of all you have to download an app in your
mobile; the name of that app is (Indeed job search).
STEP 2: - Actually open the app and create your own account,
in which you can fillup all your details and upload one of your
Resume / CV.
STEP 3: - Now you go to the option of New Job Search and
search for the related job from Tally in your state, and you
simply apply that job, depending on the terms & conditions of
the job according to your qualification. After a few days of
applying, you will get a call; you can go there and give an
Technical Cube Page 131
Note: - I want to tell you some things that whenever you get
a call, you should not pay any Amount to them, because such
a call is not gen-win, you go to those calls when they say that
you Size can be interviewed. Best of Luck
What should you do before doing a job in Tally? Let's know
As I tell you that whenever we learn the tally, no institute
teaches us the whole tally, just those people tell you how to
make basic introduction things, they do not tell you what work
you will have to do in the tally in the market, who Will have to
enter etc.
So I would like to tell you that when you have learned the tally
and want to do the job, then you first work under a C.A or under
a lawyer and work there for a few days, and learn because it is
very important to learn. Unless you have complete information
about the tally, you will not know the work in the market or any
company, in such a situation, by staying here at a C. A, you can
learn the tally even more. You will get practical knowledge
because till now you have posted only Dami entry in the tally,
when you go to the market, you will get to learn a lot of new
things, then my suggestion is to all of you that you first take full
knowledge of the tally.

Technical Cube Page 132

GST Service Entry in Tally?
Many companies in the market deliver their services to us. Have
you ever tried to know how we keep the book of those services,
let us understand from an example that a company is xyz which
is a wifi network if the services provide to us, then how will that
service provider keep our accounts, and let us discuss in detail
how we can do some similar entry in the tally.

Technical Cube Page 133

To do entry of services in Tally, you have to follow some
simple steps, come on.
STEP: 1- First of all you go to F11 features option and go to
Statutory and Taxation details to enable Gst and save all the
information related to your company like Gst details, Dealer etc
and save the setting.
STEP: 2- Now you open the company and go to the accounting
vouchers at the gateway of tally.
STEP: 3- Now here you have to turn on accounting mode,
because you provide services, then there is no use of inventory,
so go to your right side to turn on accounting mode, there you
have the option to turn on Accounting mode. You will get it
STEP: 4- To enter the service in the tally, you have to fillup
some required fields, let's go.

Technical Cube Page 134

How to create gst service invoice in TallyERP 9

(1) Sale No: - This Number Automatic will appear in your Sale
(2) Date: - Whatever date you want to bill or enter the bill, then
fill it up on the date.
(3) Reference No: - Reference No is also called as Bill Number,
you have to fill a unique number of your bill here, then whatever
it may be you can fill any number as per your wish. .
(4) Party A / C Name: - Here you will create a party, from which
we take wifi service, and then we have created a dami company
Xyz Wifi Company.
If you do not know how to create Ledger or party in the tally,
then you can read all these articles on our website.
(5) Particulars: - Now you have to create whatever service you
want to sell.
Technical Cube Page 135
To make Ledger of Wifi charges, you can follow this

(6) CGST and SGST Tax Ledgers: - Now you have to create tax
ledgers to calculate tax, to create Tax Ledgers, first of all you
have to see whether your party is local or outside. If your party
is local then we will create Ledgers of CGST, SGST.
(7) Narration: - Narration means that if you do not remember in
the future what entry was posted in which bill, we write a Short
Narration, so that we can remember it.
In today's post I told you how to enter services in Tally? Service
entry in tally.

Technical Cube Page 136

How to Generate E-Way Bill?
E way bill is the full form of electronic bill means E-Way is a
kind of electronic bill which we generate with the help of
computer or laptop.
Ever since GST has arrived in India, we have to generate an
online bill from one place to another to transfer the goods, only
then we can transfer the goods.
Whenever the total value of your invoice is more than 50000 or
50000, in such a situation you have to generate the E-Way bill.

Technical Cube Page 137

How to Generate E-Way Bill? Know full details
To make the E way bill, you have to follow some simple steps,
STEP: 1- First you go to the official website of E way bill and
click on the simply login button.

STEP: 2- Here you have to fill up your E way bill number,

password and Captcha code of your E way bill, after filling up
all the details, click on Login

Technical Cube Page 138

STEP: 3- Now you are logged into the E way bill portal, you are
provided with many options here, from where you can remove
the E way bill, generate it.

STEP:4 To create a new E way bill, you go to the left side, you
will see an option of Generate New here, click on it.

STEP: 5- Here the form of E way bill will be open in front of

you, you have to fillup the details regarding your bill here. Let's

Technical Cube Page 139

Supply Type: - Here you will show many types of supply, for
which purpose you have to generate the E way bill, you select it.
Here in the supply type you get the option of supply of Inward /
Outward 2 type means that you have to tell her that you are
sending or receiving the goods.
Sub type: - If you are exporting, importing goods, job work etc.
There are many such options, if you are using them, then select
from these because you have to tell that the goods you send are
you getting or what is it?
Document Type: - Select your document type here. Here I have
selected Tax invoice.
Document No: - Fill up your Document Invoice Document No
Transaction from: - Here you select regular.
Bill from:-
Here you will get every details fillup such as your name,
address, GSTIN no, State, place etc. You do not need to fillup
some details.

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STEP: 6- When you come down here, you will see the option of
Bill To, meaning in whose name you are making an eway bill,
fill up the entire details as soon as you fill the GSTIN No of the
front party with all the details from gst no. will fillup
Item Details: - Here you have to fill up the details of the items,
Product Name: - Fill the name of the product which is in your
Description: - will give some description about that product.
HSN: - Will fillup his HSN code.
Quantity: - will fillup the quantity
Units: - What is the unit of that product?
Value / Taxable value rs: - Whatever taxable value will fill up.
Tax rate: - Here you have to enter tax rate, what is CGST aur
SGST, just enter tax rate like 12% tax, then you fill up 6%
CGST and 6% SGST and if you supply goods out of nowhere
IGST will fillup the tax rate as soon as you enter tax rate% will
be automatically calculated.

Technical Cube Page 141

STEP: 7- Last, you have to fill up the details of the transporter,
come on
Transporter Name: - Write the name of your transporters
Transporter ID: - If his Id is available then write to him.
Appreciate Distance in km: -Goods fill the details of how much
km distance is going.
Part B: -
Mode: - Select from which mode the goods are going.
Vehicle types: -Select the type of vehicle.
Vehicle No: - Fill up the number of the vehicle
Transporter Doc. No & Date: - Fill up the Doc number and date
of the transporter.

Technical Cube Page 142

STEP: 8- Now after filling the entire details click on the button
of Submit. Finally your E way bill has been created, you can
save it.

Technical Cube Page 143

How to Cancel E-Way Bill? How to Cancel E-
To cancel the E way bill, you follow some simple steps.
STEP: 1- First you come to the home page and you will see
many options in the left side, you open the option of E way bill,
here at the bottom you will see the option of Cancel click on it.

STEP: 2- As soon as you click, you will have to fillup your E-

way bill no cup and simply click on the go button. Now your e
way bill will be open, if you have to cancel your e way bill, then
you have to select a reason, after selecting your reason and after
commenting, click on cancel.

Technical Cube Page 144

STEP: 3- When you cancel, your e way bill will be shown by
writing Cancel, this shows that your E way bill has been

How to Print E-Way Bill? How to Print E-Way?

To print the E way bill, follow some simple steps.
STEP 1: - First you came to the home page and in the column of
E-way Bill; you have to click on the option of Print EWB.

STEP 2: - Now you will be asked for E-way Bill (12 Digit No),
after filling it, you have to click on the option of Simply GO.

Technical Cube Page 145

STEP 3: - Now your E-way bill will be shown, then by clicking
on the option of Print or Detailed Print below, you will get the
print of your E-way bill very easily.

What are the 2 Mediums of issuing E-Way Bill?

However, 3 medium is available to release the E-way bill.
 Online E-Way Bill Generation through Website
 E-Way Bill Generation via SMS
 Through E-Way Bill Generation Android App
1: - Generate online through E-Way Bill Website
E way bill you can easily generate from the official website of
the government. Here just you have to register your firm or
company in E way bill portal and after that you can easily
generate E way bill. You can also generate multiple E way bills
in bulk simultaneously.
2: - Generate E-Way Bill through SMS.
You can also generate E way bill through message. Just you
have to do a message and your E way bill no will come in your
mobile and you can print your E way bill from that E way bill
3: -E-Way Generate Bill's Android Apps.

Technical Cube Page 146

You can also easily generate E way bill from the official app of
the government.
For whom is E-Way Bill Applicable? Let's know
 If seen, the E way bill has been implemented by the
government for each state. Under the E way bill, you will
be applicable for vehicles entering up to 10 km, which have
goods worth more than Rs 50 thousand.
 Basically E way bill is used to move goods from one place
to another in every state.
 To create an E way bill, the value of Invoice should be
50000 or more than 50000.
 You can easily generate a Eway bill by registering on the
official website of the government.
 You can generate Eway bill in every mode online and
offline very easily.
What are 2 benefits of E Way Bill?
 Due to the presence of E way bill online, businessmen and
transporters have got a lot of relief, sometimes there used to
be a lot of trouble due to the loss or deterioration of the bill,
but E way bill online once done, you can easily track the
 Earlier there was a lot of congestion during check post in
Transportation, but due to the eway bill being online, now
you can easily complete the verification process in a short
time, and save your time.
Technical Cube Page 147
Sale order in Tally?
Hello friends, how are you? Do you also receive orders for a
product from your customers? Do you ever face difficulties in
receiving orders? Are you also having problems in entering sales
orders? If yes, then today's article is only for you. In today's
article I will tell you what is order processing in Tally? What is
the Sale Order in Tally? How to enter sale order in Tally?

What is the Sale Order in Tally?

In Tally, we record sales order processing when we receive an
order from a party and we feed that record in tally as to when to
deliver that order to our party, so we Sales order has to be made
If seen, the sales order is also like a purchase order, the only
difference is that in the purchase order you go to a customer and
you have to take the goods from him, then he gives you some
time and you give that transaction let's note
In the sales order, it will be such that the customer will come to
you, you have to note the order of your customer and you have
to give him some time that in such a day we will deliver this
order to you, in the same way you will note down orders from
many of your customers and We have to keep the complete

Technical Cube Page 148

details of which order of which customers have to be delivered,
for this we use the sales order.

How to activate Sale Order Option in Tally?

To enter the Sales Order in Tally, you have to follow some
simple steps, come on.
Step: 1- First of all goes to the Gateway of Tally option (F11)
Step: 2- Now go to the option of Inventory Feature and click.

Technical Cube Page 149

Step: 3- In the Inventory Features, you go to the option of Order
processing and here you do yes to Enable Sales order processing
and save the setting.

Step: 4- Now you will show a different option Order vouchers

name inside Transactions in Gateway of tally, you can easily
post an entry in Order voucher from here.
How to enter Sales Order in Tally? Sales Order
Processing in Tally in Hindi?
Whenever you place an order from a party or company to do
good sales, we call it a sales order. To post the entry of Sales
order in Tally, you have to follow some simple steps, come on.
STEP: 1-Tally, if you have to enter the Sales voucher, then you
simply go to the Order Voucher or you go to the accounting
voucher and press (Alt + F5) and the key order voucher will be
Technical Cube Page 150
STEP: To enter the 2-sale order, you follow the screenshot given
below. Let us know what steps you will have to follow.

Sales Order Entry

Technical Cube Page 151

(1) Sale Order No 1: - This Number Automatic will appear in
your Sales Order voucher.
(2) Date: - Whatever date you want to bill, you fill up that date.
But remember you are using Education Mode right now, so I
had already told you that you will be able to enter only the (1st
and 2nd) date of the month and the last date in Education Mode.
(3) Party A / c Name: - In Party A / c Name, you will have to
Ledger Create (Account) of whomever (Party / Customer) who
gives the sales order of Goods. .
(4) Sale Ledger: - Now you have to open a Ledger (account) of
Sales A / c.
(5) Name of Item: - Now you have to create all the items you
want to order. Here Regarding of whatever orders the customer
has given, we will have to create all those stock items and at the
same time you will have to fillup its quantity, rate and Amount.
(6) CGST and SGST Tax Ledgers: - Now you have to create tax
ledgers to calculate tax.
(7) Narration: Narration means that if you do not remember in
the future what entry was posted in which bill, for that we write
a short narration, so that we can remember it.
Now you save Entry, in this way we have learned to pass Entry
of Sales Order successfully.

Technical Cube Page 152

How to see Entry made in Sale Order in Tally?
To see the entry of Sales order in Tally, follow these simple
STEP: 1- If you want to see which of your 2 party / customers
have given you an order, and then you can simply go to the
Gateway of tally in the Display option.
STEP: 2- Now you go to the option of Statement of Inventory.
STEP: 3- Here you go to the option of sale order outstanding
and click, you will get entry of all sales order here.

Today I told you what is order processing in Tally? What is the

Sale Order in Tally? How to enter sale order in Tally?

Technical Cube Page 153

Purchase Order in Tally?
You also purchase goods from a company, if you purchase
goods from a company, how do you decide which of the 2 goods
you have to buy in how much quantity? Often we buy a lot of
goods in our business from different 2 companies, in such a
situation it becomes very difficult to maintain those goods?
Today we will talk on this topic, what is order processing in
Tally? What is a Purchase Order in Tally? How to enter
purchase order in Tally?

What is a Purchase Order in Tally? Order

processing in tally?
Purchase process is a process of purchasing goods that is the
process of buying goods, we call the purchase process. These
every dealer has to follow, whose goods are not available readily
(meaning ready) in the market, for this you have to order first,
then the goods are delivered to us.
Come on, give an example - as if we have to buy something,
then we go to Flipkart and look at a product first, then after that
select it and then order then at the end in a few days, that
product is delivered to us.

Technical Cube Page 154

A purchase order is a formal request that we give to the supplier,
in which we define our quantity as to which 2 products we need,
what kind of product we need, they define as well as price. That
at this price we want that product, this is what we call purchase

How to activate Purchase Order Option in Tally?

To enter the purchase order in Tally, you have to follow some
simple steps, come on.
Step: 1- First go to the Gateway of Tally option in F11.
Step: 2- Now go to the option of Inventory Feature and click.

Technical Cube Page 155

Step: 3- In the Inventory Features, you go to the option of Order
processing and here you do yes to Enable Purchase order
processing and save the setting.

Step: 4- Now you will show a different option Order vouchers

name inside Transactions in Gateway of tally, you can easily
post an entry in Order voucher from here.
Technical Cube Page 156
Purchase Order Entry in Tally?
Whenever you place an order to purchase Goods from a party or
company, we call it a purchase order. To post the purchase order
entry in Tally, you have to follow some simple steps, come on.
STEP: 1-Tally, if you have to enter the purchase voucher, then
you simply go to the Order Voucher or you go into the
accounting voucher and press (Alt + F4) and the purchase order
voucher will be open.

To enter STEP: 2- Purchase order, you follow the screenshot

given below. Let us know what steps you will have to follow.

Technical Cube Page 157

Purchase Order Entry

(1) Purchase Order No 1: - This Number Automatic will appear

in your purchase order.
(2) Date: - Whatever date you want to bill, you fill up that date.
But remember you are using Education Mode right now, so I
had already told you that you will be able to enter only the (1st
and 2nd) date of the month and the last date in Education Mode.
(3) Party A / c Name: - In Party A / c Name, you will have to
Ledger Create (Account) of whichever party (Goods) you have
to purchase (Goods).
(4) Purchase Ledger: - Now you have to open a Ledger
(account) of a Purchase A / c.
(5) Name of Item: - Now you have to create all the items you
want to order. Here you have to create all those stock items that

Technical Cube Page 158

you have ordered and at the same time you have to fillup its
quantity, rate and Amount.
(6) CGST and SGST Tax Ledgers: - Now you have to create tax
ledgers to calculate tax, to create Tax Ledgers, you have to see it
(7) Narration: - Narration means that if you do not remember in
the future what entry was posted in which bill, we write a Short
Narration, so that we can remember it.
Now if you save Entry, in this way we have learned how to paas
entry order successfully.

How to view Entry made in Purchase Order in

To see the purchase order entry in Tally, follow these simple
STEP: 1- If you want to see which 2 party you have ordered,
then you can simply go to the Gateway of tally in the Display
STEP: 2- Now you go to the option of Statement of Inventory.
STEP: 3- Here you go to the purchase order outstanding option
and click, you will get entry of all purchase order here. What
you want to see.

Technical Cube Page 159

What are the benefits of Purchase Order? Let's know?
The advantage of purchase order is that you can easily know that
what is the rate of goods you want to buy? You can know all the
information about those goods.
Sometimes 2 it happens that out of the number of products that
you have ordered, you need some products more or less, in such
a situation, you can make some changes in your order, because
now you have only given orders to the company.
Today I told you what is the Purchase Order in Tally? How to
enter purchase order in Tally? Today I gave you complete
information regarding Tally ERP 9 Order processing. I hope you
liked this article.

Technical Cube Page 160

How to do Inclusive of Tax Entry in
Whenever we go to buy something, we definitely ask that how
much will this item cost by including brother tax, do you also
ask that when you go to buy any goods, have you ever thought
what is Inclusive of Tax? Why Inclusive of tax is used, so
today's article is on this topic, in this article of today, I will tell
you how to enter Inclusive of all tax in Tally? Learn about this
in today's article.

What is Inclusive of Tax? What is Tax-inclusive

Rate in tally?
Whenever we sell any item, you tell the fixed rate of that item to
your customers that in this rate you will get these goods,
meaning that by including the tax, you tell the final rate that
remains. We call the rate Inclusive of tax.
Let's understand with an example
I have a computer shop of Suppose and I want to sell the
computer for Rs 10000, but when we generate its bill and charge
CGST SGST Taxes above Rs 10000 then the customer falls in
the computer 10990, in this case the customer It says that by
including the tax, tell me the final rate, how much will it cost, in
Technical Cube Page 161
such a situation we do not know on which item rate wise we
have to charge tax, for that we want to include the column of
Inclusive of tax rate in our invoice.
Come also, so that we can easily know that how much tax we
are being charged above the item, that's why we use inclusive of

How to activate Inclusive of tax option in Tally?

To activate Inclusive of tax in Tally, you have to follow some
simple steps, let's go
STEP: 1- First you go to Gateway of tally and open Accounting
STEP: 2- In Accounting Voucher, you open the Sale voucher,
and you will show F12 configuration key towards the niche, go
to it and click on it.
Technical Cube Page 162
STEP:3 After pressing 3-F12, you will open the menu of Sale
invoice standard configuration, here you have to yes to the
option of Allow entry of rate inclusive of tax for stock item in
Statutory option and save this setting.

As soon as you save this setting, the option of exclusive of tax

will be shown in your sale voucher.
How to enter Inclusive of tax in Tally? Complete
For the entry of exclusive of tax in Tally, you have to follow
some simple steps, come
STEP: 1- First goes to Gateway of tally and from there you open
Accounting Voucher.

Technical Cube Page 163

STEP: In 2-Accounting Voucher, you open sale voucher, press
F8 key from your keyboard to open Sale voucher.
Inclusive of Tax Entry
To make the entry of exclusive tax in the sale voucher, you have
to fill up the required field, come and go.

1: Sale no 1- Here Sale no automatically fillup.

2: Date - Select the date on which you want to enter.
3: Reference No: - Here you have to put a unique bill no or any
reference no, so that it will be known that this bill belongs to
your own company / firm.
4: Party A / c Name: - Here you have to select your party's
Ledger, whom you are selling your Goods to.

Technical Cube Page 164

5: Sale Ledger: - Now you have to select ledger of sales, if you
do not know how to create ledger in tally, then you should visit
our website and read this article how to make ledger.
6: Name of item: - Now here you have to select the ledgers of
stock items, here we have created a stock item named computer,
in which we have kept the tax rate of 18%.
Now how much quantity you want in the column of quantity, fill
it, in the column of Rate (Inc of tax), how much are you selling
the computer with tax, fill that amount here, here we are selling
the computer for 10000 rupees.
As soon as you fill up 10000 rupees, that rate will be shown in
the column of automatic rate. After this, as soon as we apply the
tax ledgers CGST and SGST, the value of the automatic invoice
will be shown with the included tax.
You can see in the screenshot given above how we have done
the entry of Inclusive of tax.
Note: - Sometimes 2 it happens that when you create an
invoice, the value of some invoice is not round like 100
rupees is the invoice value, then 99.20 comes in such a
situation, you can create a ledger of round off and apply it as
you like. The value of your invoice will come by automatic
Finally, in this way you can easily include the entry of tax in

Technical Cube Page 165

GST Inclusive invoice in Tally
You can take the print of the invoice of tax inclusive in the
Tally. The print of the entry we have in the tally is something
like this. Show the screenshot plz

Tax invoice

Technical Cube Page 166

What are the benefits of Inclusive of Tax? Know
There are many benefits of exclusive of tax, let's discuss some
1: - If you use inclusive tax in tally to make your invoice, then
you can tell your customers how much rupees the goods will
cost by adding tax to them, this gives the customers an idea that
the total value of these goods is so Is Rs.
2: -Including tax-inclusive tax, the customers will also engage
with you because after adding the tax, you can clearly tell them
that these goods are worth so much money that you can avoid
3: - Sometimes 2 it happens that we do not know how much tax
is being levied in a particular item, then through this feature you
can know that the tax is worth so much and the final value is so
much for this product. , You may have seen in Amazon’s
invoice that the total value is 500 rupees with included tax while
in real the rate of that product is low but Amazon shows us the
final price by including tax.

Technical Cube Page 167

How to create Multi Tax invoice in Tally?
Do you have a shop or business where you sell items of multi
tax rate and you want to add multi tax to your bill, then how will
you make such bills in the tally, today I am about you I am
going to tell everyone, in today's article, we will know what is
Multi Tax Invoice?
How do we create Multi Tax Invoice in Tally? Read this article
carefully for complete information.

What is Multi Tax Invoice in Tally? Let's get

Multi tax in the tally simply means that you can add different
types of tax in the same bill that means you have a business and
you run your business with stock items with 5% and 18% tax
So if you want to put both these taxes in the same bill, then how
can you put this, this is what we call Multi Tax Invoice in our

Technical Cube Page 168

How to create Multi Tax invoice in Tally?
Complete information???
To create a multi tax invoice in Tally, you have to follow some
simple steps.
STEP: 1- First you create a new company in the tally.
STEP: 2- After creating the company, you go to the Accounting
Voucher in Gateway of tally, and open the Sale Voucher.
STEP: 3- In Tally you have to create agar multi-tax invoice, then
you have to create some important ledgers like Tax related
ledgers, Sales ledgers, Ledgers of Sundry debtors etc. How and
how to make ledgers related to tax, I have provided you some
screenshot for you to follow it.

Technical Cube Page 169

Ledger Create (CGST 6%)
Whenever we create tax-related ledgers in the tally, we will
definitely pay attention to some things, that where there is a
column of percentage of calculation, you will have to write the
percentage that you are creating the ledger of tax percentages.
Example: - Here we are creating a ledger of 12% tax rate, and
then we will create ledgers like CGST 6% and SGST 6% in this
way. You see in the screenshot and follow like this.

Technical Cube Page 170

Ledger Create (SGST 6%)

Technical Cube Page 171

Ledger Create (CGST 9%)

Technical Cube Page 172

Ledger Create (SGST 9%)

STEP: 4- Tax Ledgers, you will have to create Stocks items,

and fill up all the details of what percent gst tax you have on
those Stock items.
For example like our electronics shop and we deal in 2 types of
Gst rate in 12% of items and 18% in items, and we have a
customer who comes from our shop for 12 and 18% of the
items. If we buy, then how will we create an invoice of sale in
tally and how will we do tax analysis.

Technical Cube Page 173

Here we have taken two stocks item laptop and pen drive which
include different tax-2 tax rate. How to do its entry in Tally?
Let's get
Tally stock Item Creation (Laptop)

Tax Rate Setup (Laptop 12%)

Technical Cube Page 174

STEP: 5- To make multiple tax invoice in tally, you have to
follow some simple steps, come.

Multiple Tax Invoice Generate in Sale Voucher

1: Sale no 1- Here Sale no automatically fillup.

2: Date - Whatever date you want to enter, select the date.
3: Reference No: - Here you have to put a unique bill no or any
reference no, so that it will be known that this bill belongs to
your own company / firm.
4: Party A / c Name: - Here you have to select your party's
Ledger, you select the party.
5: Sale Ledger: - Now you have to select ledger of sales, if you
do not know how to create ledger in tally, then you should visit
our website and read this article how to make ledger.

Technical Cube Page 175

6: Name of item: - Now here you have to select the ledgers of
the stock items, when we are creating the stock item, then we
have to set how many percent tax we have to keep in that stock
Here we have created 2 types of stock items Pen Drive and
Laptop, in which we have setup 12% and 18% tax rate.
7: Tax ledger: - Now all the ledgers we have made related to tax
have to be put on top of our stock. For example, you will put
CGST 6% and SGST 6% ledgers on a stock item with 12% and
CGST 9% and SGST 9% in stock items with 18%, only then
your tax will be calculated separately on 2 items separately.
STEP: 6- When you have created the multi tax invoice in the
tally, you can see the tax analysis on which item of percent tax
rate, you will get all the information related to the tax here, to
see the tax analysis your keyboard Press the (Alt + A) key.

Tax analysis

Step: 7- Finally our multiple tax invoice has been successfully

created in tally, press Alt + P button from your keyboard to print
the invoice in the tally, your invoice will be printed.

Technical Cube Page 176

Multiple Tax Invoice

In today's post, how did you make Multi Tax invoice in

Tally?If you have any problem then you can mail me. I will
do my best to remove your problem soon. I hope you liked
this article.

Technical Cube Page 177

How to Activate Tally License?
Have you also expired tally software? Do you also want to
activate the license of your tally software but you do not know
the whole process, if you have any such problem with me then
today I will clear your problem. In today's article, I will tell you
how to activate Tally license? How to activate the tally license?
How to check tally license validity?

What is Tally License? What is Tally License?

Whenever we download Tally software, we get educational
version and if you want Tally license, then you have to purchase
Tally. Tally software comes in single user and Multiuser (Gold /
Silver) mode, you can buy license of Tally according to your

How to Activate Tally License? How to Activate

Tally License?
To activate the license of Tally software, you have to follow
some simple steps, come on.
STEP: 1- First you go to the official website of tally, click here
the Tally Website

Technical Cube Page 178

STEP: 2- Now you go to the download section, you have to
download tally software here, click on download later button to
download it.

STEP: 3- Now you install tally software in your computer,

Install the Tally Software
STEP: 4- When you open tally, there will be some such menu
show in front of you, you have to go to activate your license and
click to activate the license of Tally.

Technical Cube Page 179

STEP: 5- Now in front of you the Administrator will ask for
permission tally of the rights action and will ask for Restart, you
just have to click on the button of yes.

STEP: 6- If you are not the Administrator user, then you will
have such a message show.

STEP: 7- Here you will have some screen show where you have
to fillup serial no and activation key etc.

Technical Cube Page 180

STEP: 8- Fillup your Serial Number, Activation key,
Administration Email id and press Enter key.

STEP: 9- Now you will have a message show of Thank you, in

which tally has sent the unlock key on your email id, you open
your registered email id.

STEP: 10- Now you fillup your unlock key here and if the
Unlock key does not come on your email id then you press (f12)
key from the keyboard, the unlock key will be sent again to your
email id.

Technical Cube Page 181

STEP: 11- On your email id, some such message must have
come from Tally, in which your Unlock key will be given. You
have to fillup this unlock key in Tally, as soon as you fill up the
unlock key, your Tally Software will become active.

STEP: 12- As soon as we entered the Unlock key, a Congress

message was shown on our computer screen. Now your Tally
Software Active is done.

Technical Cube Page 182

Tally ERP 9 Prices

Tally ERP 9 Renewal/Upgrade Prices

Tally ERP 9 Rental Prices

Technical Cube Page 183

What is Chart of Accounts?
Whenever you learn or are learning tally, especially those
students who do not belong to the commerce stream, such
students will always be made which leader in which group, in
which group, when entering the entry of any transactions in the
tally In ledgers should be made, which account will be debit and
which account will be credit, they often face difficulties in
identifying and the same happens to every students.
If you face a similar problem, then this article is very special for
you, in this article today I will tell you what is Tally me Chart of
accounts? How to download chats of accounts in pdf? Chart of
accounts in tally ERP 9 pdf?

Chart of accounts in tally?

Chart of account is that with the help of which you can identify
which particular ledger you will keep in which particular group,
and at the same time you will also be able to know which
account to debit and whom to credit.
I have created Chart of account for you all in a pdf file, with the
help of which you will be able to learn Tally easily.
Sometimes it happens that we do not understand that whenever
we make the ledgers that in which group or subgroup we place
the ledgers, in such a situation, the chart of accounts will be very
useful for you, with the help of this you will be able to
Technical Cube Page 184
understand that Which group should you put in which ledger,
because if you have wrong group selection while creating
ledger, then the effect of that ledger will be inverted in your
balance sheet, so whenever you create ledger, you select the
group of that ledger correctly.

In Tally, a separate particular group has been defined for each

ledger, because of which this software works.
Suppose you created a ledger related to the expenses and you
put it in a wrong group, that is, regarding the tax, and then the
entire entry is your wrong. Therefore each ledger has already
been created in one of its groups tally.
How to select the correct group when creating Ledger in Tally?
Let's know

Technical Cube Page 185

In the beginning, you will definitely make a mistake that when
you make a ledger, you will put it in a wrong group, but there is
no need to be afraid, because the person learns from the
mistakes and only to solve your problem, I have to chart my
Just like 2 you will practice in tally, you will be clear which
groups of ledgers to be kept in and from which practice
perfection comes, so never be afraid of mistakes, just remember
to learn from those mistakes. And if possible, do not make
mistakes again.

What are the benefits of Chart of Accounts? Let's

The advantages of Chart of Accounts are as follows.
1: - If you are not a student of commerce stream and want to
learn Tally, then you can learn the basics of tally with the help
of this chart of accounts.
2: - Often every student has to always debit which accounts to
debit in tally, whom to credit, but with the help of chart of
accounts you can solve this problem easily.
3: - You can understand the basics of accounting with the help
of this files, which will make you easier in ledgers creations and
group’s selection and you will be able to learn the tally even

Technical Cube Page 186

How to download Tally me Chart of Accounts File?
In this group list I have told you which Ledger is created under
which group, please read and understand it carefully.

Freight Outword Indirect Expenses

Fuel & Power Of Factory Direct Expenses

Furniture & Fitting Fixed assets

Gas & Water Direct Expenses

General Expenses Indirect Expenses

General Reserve Current Liabilities

Godown Rent Indirect Expenses

Goods Sent On Consignment Sales Accounts

Goodwill Fixed Assets

Horse & Cars Fixed Assets

House Rent Capital Account

Import Duty Direct Expenses

Income From Repair Indirect incomes

Income on Assets Indirect incomes

Income on Investment Indirect incomes

Income Tax Capital Account

Technical Cube Page 187

Insurance Indirect Expenses

Insurance Claim Indirect incomes

Insurance Company Sundry Debtors

Interest(Dr) Indirect Expenses

Interest On capital Indirect Expenses

Interest On Drawing Indirect Incomes

Interest On Loan Indirect Expenses

Interest Received Indirect incomes

Investment On Gov Bond Investment

Investment Investment

labour Charges Indirect Expenses

Loan & Building Fixed assets

Lease Hold Building Fixed assets

Legal Expenses Indirect Expenses

LIC Premium (Dr) Capital Account

LIC Refund (Cr) Capital Account

Life Insurance Capital Account

Loss By Damage Indirect Expenses

Loss By Fire Indirect Expenses

Technical Cube Page 188

Loss On Assets Indirect Expenses

Machine & Tools Fixed assets

Machine Repair Fixed assets

Manufacturing Expenses Direct Expenses

Master Plus Investment

Miscellaneous Expenses Indirect Expenses

Miscellaneous Incomes Indirect incomes

Motor Cycle Fixed Assets

Motorcycle Repair Indirect Expenses

Mutual Fund Investment

Office Expenses Indirect Expenses

Oil Direct Expenses

Opening Stock Stock in Hand

Outstanding Exp Current Liabilities

Packing Exp Indirect Expenses

Personal Exp Capital Account

Petrol Exp Indirect Expenses

Postage & Telegram Indirect Expenses

Power & Fuel Direct Expenses

Technical Cube Page 189

Prepaid Exp Current Assets

Production Wages Direct Expenses

Provision on office Exp Current Liabilities

Purchase Purchase Account

Purchase on New land Fixed assets

Purchase On Raw material Purchase Account

Purchase return Purchase Account

railway Authority Sundry Debtors

Rent Indirect Expenses

Rent on Purchase Direct Expenses

Rent Payable Current Liabilities

Rent Received Indirect incomes

Repair Charges Received Indirect incomes

Return Inward Sales Accounts

Return Outword Purchase Account

Salary Indirect Expenses

Salary & Wages Indirect Expenses

Salary payable Current Liabilities

Scooter Fixed assets

Technical Cube Page 190

Shares & Bonds Investment

Shop Fixed assets

Shop Exp Indirect Expenses

Shop Rent Indirect Expenses

Showroom Fixed assets

wages Direct Expenses

Bank Loan Loan & Liabilities

What is Tally me Chart of Accounts? Chart of accounts in tally?

How to download chart of accounts file? Today I gave you
complete information of chart of accounts in tally in Hindi. I
hope you liked this article.

How to do Medical work in Tally?
Do you also want to do accounting work in the medical store?
Do you have any medical store where you manage your
accounts and stock of medicines in proper way? Do you also
think what work is done on the tally in the medical store? How
Technical Cube Page 191
do medical stores manage their accounts and Inventory? How do
you set the Expiry date of Medicines in Tally? How to do
medical work in Tally? Read this article carefully for complete
information related to tally for retail medical store.

Some important steps before working in Tally

Medical?? Tally for retail medical store
Friends, if you have to do medical work in tally, then you should
know what are the 2 things that you have to do in tally.
1: - First of all you have to activate Batch wise details in Tally,
only then you will be able to do medical work.
2: - You have to create all the stocks related to medicines.
3: - You have to setup the expiry date and manufacturing date of
Medicines in stock.
4: - Party / Customers will have to be created.
5: - All reports of stock query have to be managed in a proper

Technical Cube Page 192

How to activate Batch wise details option to do
medical work in Tally?
What are Btachwise details?
Tally Me Batch Wise Details means that nowadays, there are
many industries that use manufacturing Dates, Expiry Date and
Batches for all their products. Batch refers to a particular
manufacturing date or a particular Expiry Date.
If you have to does medical work in Tally, then you have to
activate Tally Me Batch Wise Details Option, let us see how you
can activate batch-wise details in tally? Follow the simple Steps
STEP: 1- First of all, in the Gateway of Tally, you will see the
F11 (Feature) Button on the bottom side, you go to it and click.
STEP: 2- Now go to Inventory Features, press F2 Button from
your keyboard to go to Inventory Features.

Technical Cube Page 193

STEP: 3- Here you will see the option of Maintain Batch wise
Details in the option of Storage and Classification, you can Yes
that option and also save the details by Yes by Set Expiry Dates
for Batches.

How to do medical work in Tally? Medical Store

Accounting in Tally?
To do medical work in Tally, you have to activate the batch-
wise details option first because whenever we sell any medicine
in the medical store, we see its manufacturing date and Expiry
date. He purchases the medicine and provides us all the facility
of batch-wise details option, through which we can see which
medicine, has been manufactured and which medicine has an
expiry date.
Whenever you create a stock item in Tally, you will have this
option show, and then you can easily know the expiry and
manufacture details of medicines and can enter in tally.

Technical Cube Page 194

Medical Related Sale Entries in Tally?
When we do Medicines sale to our customers in Tally, how to
enter it? Let's get
In Tally, we have to sell Medicines to our customers, so to do
their entry in tally; you have to follow some simple steps.
STEP: 1-Tally, first of all you have to create Inventory, here I
mean by inventory that you have to first create Stock items,
Stock groups, Stock units, because it is very important Medical.
For the accounting of the store, let us create all these items in
STEP: 2- Firstly you create a stock group called Tablets and

STEP: 3- Now you have to create some simple units like (Box,
Gm, Kg, Strips, Nos) and then you create 2 Compound Units.
Like: - (Box of 10 Nos aur Strip of 10 Nos).

Technical Cube Page 195

STEP: 4- Now you have to create the stock item in the name of
Himani Gel and Paracetamol tab. You have given the details of
the stock items in the screenshot; follow them in the same way.
Whenever you create stock items, you will definitely have to do
maintain in Batches, Track Date of Manufacturing and Use
Expiry Dates, only then you will be able to post the entry of
Batch Wise Details in Tally.
Finally by going to Statutory Information, you can set whatever
GST tax rate you want to set in your item and save the item.

Technical Cube Page 196

STEP: 5- For the related entries related to Medical in Tally, you
have to follow some simple steps, come

Technical Cube Page 197

Medical Store Entry

Sale No: - Sale No Automatic is lying in Sale Voucher.

Date: - select whatever date you want to post the entry.

Reference No: - Here you can put your Bill Ka Reference No whatever
you want.

Party A / c Name: - Choose the Ledger of the party in whose name you
are creating a bill, and if you have not created the ledger of that party,
then make it.

Name Of Item: - Here you select the Name Of Items that you had
created in the stock item, you had created a Stock Item named
Paracetamol Tab and Himani Gel, select all those items.

As soon as you select the stock item, such a menu will open on your
screen, here you have to fill Batch / Lot No, Manufacturing Date and
Expiry Date, Quantity and Rate.

Technical Cube Page 198

Location: - In Location, then you select only the Main Location.

Batch / Lot No: - Whatever Batch or Lot No of your item, select it and
make it Ok.

Quantity: - Fill the Quantity of that item.

Rate: - Fill the rate of that item.

Mfg Date: - Fill the manufacturing date of that item.

Expiry Date: - Fill the Expiry Date of that item. Now after filling up all
the details, you go ahead.

CGST: - How much% Tax is there on that item, you select that Tax
Ledger CGST.

SGST: - Then select the ledger of SGST.

Technical Cube Page 199

Fill up all the details and save Entry. Now with the help of your
Successfully Batch wise Details, you have learned to post the Entry of
the Medical Store in Tally.

Tax invoice

How to see all stock reports of Medicines in Tally?

Let's know?
All stock reports of Medicines in Tally can be viewed through
Batch wise Details. To see the Tally Stock report, you have to
follow some steps.

Technical Cube Page 200

First you go to Gateway of Tally and go to the Display option.
Now go to Inventory Books and click.
You will see the option of Batch here, click on it.
Whichever Batch is in your medicine, select the item and click
on the Ok button, you will get a Batch wise Report show of that
item as soon as you click OK.
In this way, you can view the stock report of any of your
medicines in tally and find out what is the manufacturing date of
that medicine and what is its expiry date.
In today's post, I told you how to do medical work in Tally?
Tally for retail medical store? Today I shared complete
information about how to do all entry related to medical store in

Technical Cube Page 201

How to create Projects in Tally?
Today we are going to talk on a very important topic that how
you can make projects in Tally. Friends, what happens is that
when you are learning tally in an institute, then you are just
given questions, you have to do their entry in tally, but when
you go to work at a firm or shop somewhere, you get nervous
that How to do this entry in tally because at a firm or shop you
have to tally the entries of bills, Vouchers and Bank statements,
then today we will know how to create projects in Tally? Project
Accounting in Tally erp 9 How to Solve those projects and in
Entry Tally of Projects?

How to create Project in Tally? Tally projects

What are some important steps to create a project in Tally??
Let's know
To make a project in Tally, you have to follow some simple
steps, only then you will be able to create a project. I am giving
you sample of sale invoice, you have to post its entry in tally,
this is our project today?

Technical Cube Page 202

Tally Project Sample

Technical Cube Page 203

Steps to Solve Tally Projects
Step: 1- First you create a company in Tally.
Step: 2- After creating a company enable Gst in that company,
fillup all your details in it.
Step: 3- To make some important ledgers; let us know which
ledgers you have to make.
A: -Sale Ledger
B: -Purchase Ledger
C: -Tax Ledgers (CGST, SGST, IGST)
D: -Sunder creditors
Step: 4- Now you have to make Inventory, in inventory you will
have to create stock, etc. Come.
A: -Unit creation
B: -Stock Item creation
C: - Tax apply on stock items
Step: 5- Now you have to post Accounting Vouchers Entries.
Means sale or purchase voucher entry pass
Step: 6- Finally you can take a print of the voucher entry PaaS
you have done.
Step: 7- Now you have to post all the entries of your party to
which you have sold the goods.

Technical Cube Page 204

By following all these processes you can solve your project, I
have explained all the steps to you point wise, adopt this
procedure and practice many such projects by entering them in
tally, so that your concept can be clear.

How to create Project in Tally? Project

Accounting in Tally ERP 9
STEP: -1 Firstly we will create a company, if you do not know
how to create a company in the tally, then you should read our
article from the website.

STEP: -2 After creating a company, we will enable GST in that

company and fill all the details related to GST. Follow the

Technical Cube Page 205

STEP: -3 Now you have to create Ledgers in Tally, if you have
any problem in ledgers creation then you read this article. What
is laser in tally? How to make laser in tally

Technical Cube Page 206

Sale Account Ledger

Technical Cube Page 207

Purchase Accounts Ledger

Technical Cube Page 208

Tax Ledgers( CGST, SGST IGST)

Technical Cube Page 209

Sundry Creditors Ledger's

Technical Cube Page 210

Sundry Debtors Ledger's

STEP: -4 Now you have to create units and stock items in Tally,
if you do not know how to create stock items, then you should
read this article
Unit creation in Tally

Technical Cube Page 211

Stock item Creation

Tax Setup on Stock items

Technical Cube Page 212

STEP: -5 After doing all these processes we will pass the
voucher entry, to pass the voucher entry you have to open the
sale voucher and post the Simply entry.
If you do not know how to pass entry in Sale voucher, then you
can read this article. How to make GST bill in the table?
Complete information.

Technical Cube Page 213

Thus, today we have successfully learned a project which was to
be entered in the sale voucher; I will continue to bring such
projects for you to learn something.
If you want assignments in tally, then I am providing you some
tally assignments, you should solve them and learn the tally

Technical Cube Page 214

How to become an Accountant after learning
In today's changing times, no one has enough time to manage
their business account on their own? If you are the owner of a
business / firm / shop in such a situation, you can make daily
transactions in your business proper. If you want to manage in
the way, then you will definitely need an Accountant, so today
we will talk on this topic. In today's article, we will know how to
become an accountant by learning Tally? What is the job of an
accountant? To become an accountant, what should be the
qualification, know all the information in this article today.

How to become an accountant after learning

Today we are going to know how you can become a perfect
accountant by learning tally. To become an accountant, it is very
important to have the knowledge of accounts and at the same
time you should come to work on tally because over time 2
accounting has become modern now we can record all our
transactions easily with the help of Tally. Can.
If you want to become an accountant, then you first have to take
accounting information, properly command Tally and other
accounting software's and if possible, you can get all the
information by training a few days you will be able to become a
good accountant.
Technical Cube Page 215
In today's time, there are many professional accounting courses,
by which you can get a job in the accounting field.

What is an accountant's salary? Accountant salary in

If you have good knowledge of accounting then you can get a
good salary, it just depends on which company you are working
as an accountant. As far as I know, if you have studied well in
B. Com and you have a good knowledge of Tally and you have
trained in a good C. A under you then you can get a good salary.
If seen, the minimum salary of an Accountant starts from 25000,
just depends on how that company is and slowly -2 you get good
salary as 2 you get experience.

Technical Cube Page 216

What is the accountant's work?
If I tell you the work of an accountant, then to manage all the
transactions per day that are going on in any business, the
transactions here mean that you have to work for sale, purchase,
BRS and party Gst returns etc. If you are working in a company,
then it is the job of an accountant to manage their accounts and
balance sheet in a proper way.

Is training necessary to become an accountant?

If you go to a company, firm or under a C under training, you
get much more benefit because you can tell your work
experience then.
Whenever you go for an interview in a company, you can tell
your work experience there because it is not as easy for the
freshers to get the job, but the experience person gets some
priority. You get only this benefit of training.

What should be the qualification to make an accountant?

Let's know? Accountant Qualification in India
To become an accountant, then B. Com in India, if you have
done and done some tally courses, then you can easily become
an accountant.
B. com is required for qualification because in B. com you are
taught about accounts, but even if you are from any other

Technical Cube Page 217

stream; you can become an accountant and learn the clap of

Technical Cube Page 218

How to become a Tally Operator? What is the
work of Tally Operator
In today's time, if you do not have any technical knowledge, it
becomes very difficult to get a job, do you also want to get an
operator's job by doing some such short course, and then you
must read this article? Today I am going to tell you what is Tally
Operator? How to become a Tally operator? What is the work of
Tally operator? Know full details.

What is Tally Operator? Meaning of Tally

Tally operator is the one who records entry in the tally in proper
way. Means in tally are per day transactions like: - To enter
entry of sale, purchase etc in tally, like an operator only means
to operate anything. That means maintaining it in the right way,
which tally operator does. This is what we call the Tally

How to become a Tally Operator? How to become a

Tally Operator?
To become a Tally Operator, you first have to do the Tally
course, when you do the Tally course then you are given proper
knowledge of Accounting and Tally. You can become a tally
operator after you complete the tally course.

Technical Cube Page 219

I tell you that to become a tally operator, you have to learn the
tally fully, you have to practice the entry of every transaction in
a proper way, only then you will be able to become a good
operator. Apart from entry in the tally, you should come to see
the balance sheet, how to maintain stock, how to maintain Gst
bill creations etc.

What is the job of a Tally Operator? Tally Operator

Tally operator's job is to do the entry of every transaction, let's
explain with some points what the function of tally operator is.
1: - If you want to work as a tally operator in a company or firm,
then you should come completely.
2: - You should know all the types of accounting vouchers
which voucher is used on where it is said, and you need to have
all the information about how the voucher entry is done.
3: - You should have complete information about all such entries
to create stock in tally, view report to stock and transfer stock
from one place to another.
4: - It is important to have a Tally operator to enable Gst in
Tally, set gst rate, view report to gst and basic information of
5: - The tally operator should get all the entries related to the
bank because it is the job of a tally operator to record the party's
statement in the tally.

Technical Cube Page 220

6: - If you are working in an industry where the salary and
Attendance report is maintained to the workers, then it is very
important for a tally operator to have full knowledge of Payroll.
7: - It is very important for a tally operator to come to Excel
because you have to do a lot of files and work in excel, so
remember that when you learn Tally you should never forget to
learn Excel.

What is the difference between Tally Operator

and Accountant?
This is a very common question that what can be the difference
between a Tally Operator and an Accountant, as we all know
that Tally Operator only knows how to do accounting entries in
Tally, it only knows basic information and basically it The only
thing is to record the voucher entries in the tally.
If we talk about the accountant, then an accountant knows the
basics of accounts very well and he knows the full details of
accounting. The accountant's job is to maintain all the accounts
of his party, make a balance sheet, tally all adjustment entries,
file gst return, etc. An accountant has to do the tasks in the tally.

How much salary does Tally Operator get? Tally

Operator salary?
Tally operator is not given much salary, it depends on how much
work is done in the tally or in which company or firm you are
working. If seen, a tally operator gets a minimum of 10000 rs, if
he is an operator and if he is a good company, then you can
easily get 15k or 20k according to the experience.

Technical Cube Page 221

Bill of Material Entry in Tally? BOM Entry in
Do you have any manufacturing business? Do you also make a
product and then sell it by adding your profit to it? Do you want
to know that it takes 2 items to manufacture a product, what is
the price of those items, finally what is the cost after
manufacturing the finished goods?
If you want to know all these details related to manufacturing,
then this article today is going to be very important for you, in
this article today, I will tell you what is the bill of material in
Tally? How to enter Bill of Material in Tally? For all the
information related to how to make a bill of materials BOM,
read this article completely.

What is Bill of Material in Tally?

Bill of material is mainly used for manufacturing and
assembling, suppose if you have to do some manufacturing then
it will take 2 such as Labure charges, packing charges and what
2 items will take to make that product, after all this will be
combined. The product you manufacture is called Bill of

BOM Example.
Technical Cube Page 222
Suppose you have to make a computer, then first you have to
purchase its parts, then you will have to add whatever extra
additional cost will be there to make it, then finally your
computer will be ready.
In the bill of material, it is easily known that what will be the
cost of manufacturing a computer that is how much the items
will be, after adding additional cost, a detailed analysis of how
much it will take to build a computer. You can easily do it in
BOM and finish good when ready; you can sell it further by
adding your profit to it.
Today we will explain this example to you in detail, and will
know that the complete information about Bill of Material in

How to activate Bill of Material Option in Tally?

Technical Cube Page 223
To activate the Bill of Material option in Tally, you have to
follow some simple steps, come on.
STEP: -1 First of all, in the Gateway of Tally, you will see the
F11 Features option, go to it and click on the Inventory option.
STEP: 2- Inventory Option, you will have the option show of
storage and classification, you have to yes to Maintain Multiple
Locations and Maintain Stock Category Options and save the

How to do Bill of Material Entry in Tally? BOM Entry

in Tally
To enter Bill of Material in Tally, you have to follow some
simple steps.

Technical Cube Page 224

STEP: 1-Tally, firstly you go to Inventory info and you have to
create stock items here.
Let us create some stock items and know how we will use the
stock category and BOM.
STEP: 2- Before creating a stock item, we create a stock
category in the name of Raw material, because this is the stock
category that we will use while creating the stock item.

STEP: 3- We are creating stock items accordingly according to

what items it takes to build a computer here.
Here I am creating a stock item in the name of Motherboard,
which I will put under the electronics group, you create a group
of electronics, in the category we will select the raw material,
take the pieces in the unit and finally here you To fillup
everything in the opening balance, what is Quantity, what is
Rate and what is value, after filling up all these details simply
save the item.

Technical Cube Page 225

NOTE: - While creating each stock item, you must fill up its
opening balance. Stock item Create something like this, as I
told you by creating in screenshot.
Stock Item MotherBoard

Technical Cube Page 226

Stock Item Mouses

Stock Item KeyBoard

Technical Cube Page 227

Stock Item Moniters

Stock Item Cabinet

Technical Cube Page 228

Stock Item Processer

Stock Item Hard Disk

Technical Cube Page 229

You can create all these stock items, meaning stock of all our
materials has been created, we just have to assemble it, but after
assemble anything is given a name means Company is named,
so here But we will create a stock in the name of an Acer
Computer and use BOM in it. Let's go ahead for that.
STEP: 4- Now you have to create a stock item in the name of
Acer Computers which will be our finish good. While doing the
stock item, you will see the option of Set component BOM on
the bottom side.

Finish Good Stock Item Acer Computers

If you do not see this option, then you go to the bottom right
side and key press F12, here at the bottom you will see the
option of Enable component list details bill of material, you
have to yes it and save the setting.

Technical Cube Page 230

Now when you say yes to the Set component Bom in the Stock
item, a menu will appear in front of you, in this you have to tell
what you are creating, then here we are making a computer, so
in the name of Bom, the computer will fillup and enter key

Here some such menu will appear in front of you, you have to
put unit in unit of manufacture here, and we put 1 piece here and
come as below. Now you will select all the finally stock items
you created by doing a 2, and fillup its quantity as well.
You select all the stock items in the same way as I have selected
in Screenshot and when all the stock items are selected, you save

Technical Cube Page 231

STEP: 5- Now you have to go into the option of Voucher types
and create a Voucher type of manufacturing.
Like I have created a Voucher type of manufacturing in
Screenshot, you can also create a Voucher type in the same way
and save it.

Voucher type Manufacturing

Technical Cube Page 232

STEP: 6- Now to finally enter you go to Inventory voucher and
press (Alt + F7) key with your keyboard, then the Voucher you
created will show that you select Simply Manufacturing

STEP: To enter the Bill of Material BOM in 7-Tally, you have

to follow some steps, let's go

BOM Entry in Tally

Name of Product: - Here you select your Product which you

want to make.

Technical Cube Page 233

Name of BOM: - You select the Bill of material which we had
created with computer.
Location: - Select the Main Location here.
Qty: - Select how much quantity you have to make and enter it
and come down.
Create a ledger of Traveling charges and Wages charges like
this. Follow Screenshot
Ledger Traveling Charges

Technical Cube Page 234

Ledger Weges Charges

We will add 10 percent to the Traveling charge in the additional

cost and Wages will be 5 percent then as soon as you add the
additional cost, your total add cost and effective cost will all
show and you will be able to know that in creating a 2 pcs
computer What will be the total cost, will 2 stock items be
If there is some additional cost to manufacture, then you can
also add that and you can know what the cost will be in
preparing the final goods.
STEP: 8- I tell you that if you add additional cost, then you will
have to pay this additional cost only then your effect will show
in your balance sheet.
Finally, we have prepared Finish goods, now you can sell it
easily by adding your profit to it. So today we learned to enter
bil of material.

Technical Cube Page 235

How to see Bill of Material report in Tally?
Follow these steps to see the Bill of material report in Tally.
Step: 1 First you go to the Stock Summary at Gateway of tally.
Step: 2- Here you will get to see all the stock report of Bill of

Today I gave you complete information of BOM Bill of Material

in tally. I hope you liked this article.

Technical Cube Page 236

What are Adjustment Entries in Tally? Adjustment
Entry in Tally?
Friends, there was a lot of request from all of you to share
information related to the adjustment entry? This question
comes in everyone's mind that why do we do the adjustment
entry, so friends, today I have come with the answers to all these
questions. In today's article, I will tell you what Adjustment
entries are, what is its purpose?
Adjustment Entries in tally with example? After the end of the
financial year, which 2 adjustment entries are made and what is
their effect on our final accounts, you will get all the information
related to all adjustment entry in tally in today's article, and then
you read the article completely.
In this article I will mainly focus to tell you, Outstanding
Expenses, Prepaid Expenses, Accrued incomes, Drawing,
Unearned Incomes, we will talk about the adjustment entries of
all these.

What is Adjustment Entries? Adjustment entries

in tally with example
After the end of the financial year, we have to post a number of
adjustment entries tally because there are so many entries that

Technical Cube Page 237

we have to adjust, some expenses and some incomes. Only by
making adjustments you can maintain the final books of your
Often all such adjustment entry is a C.A only after taking
information from his client, and then he can finally make your
balance sheet. Only after the creation of the balance sheet, you
can know how much loss, how much profit you have made in
the business.

What is the purpose of adjustment entries? Let's know

Read the points given below carefully to know the purpose of
the adjustment entry.
The purpose of adjustment entries is mainly related to the final
account and our final account is mainly made up of general
trading account, profit and loss account and balance sheet.
Technical Cube Page 238
Through the adjustment entries that we do at the end of the year,
we know the financial position of our business.
Suppose any investors or businessman have to invest money in
our business, and then they will invest in our business by
looking at our final account, because only by looking at the final
accounts, they will know what the financial position of our
business is.
When we pass the adjustment entries in our books, our final
accounts represent the original picture of our business in the
proper way. We write the income related to the current year in
our books, but by clearing you, there are some incomes that we
do not get in the current financial year but if it is related to the
current financial year, then the adjustment entry Through this,
we record that income in our books so that our profit and loss
account can show proper income.
Same as it is there are some expenses that are related to current
financial year but we spend those expenses in next financial year
but if they are related to current financial year, then we also
have to pass the adjustment entry in our books.
While doing so we have to record in tally so that we can show
the expenses we have in our profit and loss account in a proper
The main purpose of adjustment entries is that we have to record
all our incomes and all kinds of expenses in our books which are
related to current financial year.
Technical Cube Page 239
Let's know about some important Adjustment Expenses /
Incomes? Year-end adjustment entries in tally
1: -Outstanding Expenses: Such expenses which are related to
the current financial year but it is not paid in this financial year,
then all such expenses are called Outstanding Expenses.
Such as: - Outstanding Salary, Outstanding Rant etc.
2: - Prepaid Expenses: Such expenses which are related to the
next financial year but their payments are made in the current
financial year, we know all such Expenses as Prepaid Expenses.
3: -Accrued Incomes: We also called Accrued income as the
outstanding income, such income which is related to the current
financial year but we do not receive it in the current financial
year, but that income is received in the next financial year, then
all such income We also know the name of outstanding income.
Suppose you had to receive interest till 31st March it was sure
that interest should be received but when we do not get that
interest, then we have to close our books on 31st March.
We also have to make adjustment entry in our books of income
that we are going to receive in the next financial year. Because
all such incomes, whether they have been received or not
received, but if its relation is from current financial year, then
we have to record in our books.
4: -Unearned income / Income Received in advance: There is
such income that we get from our own party in Advance but in
Technical Cube Page 240
real it is related to next financial year and that income should be
received in current financial year itself. Goes like advance
commission, Advance rant etc.
Suppose we get commission of 1500 rs and we had fixed this
from the front party 100 rs per month commission will be
received but the front party has paid us 1500 rs total commission
in the starting of the year itself 100 rs in According to this,
We should have got 1200 rupees for 12 months but we have a
total of 1500 rs. Now of these 1500 rs, this year's income is 1200
rupees and 300 rs, we will have to make less than this income.
We will say unearned income and its adjustment we have to
show in liabilities in liabilities. The real is not income of our
year's income of our next year.

This was the adjustment of the main 4 types that you are
required to do, apart from this there are some other adjustment
entries which you have to post.
A: - Depreciation adjustment
B: - Provisions for a discount for Debtors
C: - Provisions for a discount for Creditors
D: - Provisions for doubtful debts
E: - Interest for capital
F: - Interest for Drawing

Technical Cube Page 241

G: - Commission to manager
H: - Common Debts
I: - Adjustment related to goods
What are adjustment entries, what is its purpose? Today I gave
you complete information about Adjustment Entry se related.

Technical Cube Page 242

How to Earn 30000 Rs by learning Tally?
Are you preparing for government exam and you have become
very frustrated while giving 2 exams. Are you looking for such a
course that you can get your expenses out by doing it? If you
have such problem then this article is only for you.
In today's article, we will talk about how to earn 300,00 rs by
learning Tally? How can you earn 30000 rs by taking a tally
course? Read the article to know all the information in Hindi.

What is Tally Course? Tally course in Hindi?

Tally is basically an accounting course where you learn how to
deal with the daily transactions like sale, purchase, party
payments, balance outstanding and all the bank related
transactions in your business. The way you can do entry, you
basically learn all these things in the tally.

Technical Cube Page 243

In Tally, we can also learn how to make our own Salary Payroll
very easily. Tally is international accounting software that
supports multi language, so all the C. A's use Tally software for

How to learn Tally?? Let's know Tally Basics

Friends, when you have heard so much about Tally, then you
must be interested in how and where to learn this course. I
would like to tell you that you can learn Tally's course both
online and offline.
There are many tally related channels on YouTube that teach
you tally for free and if you want to do offline course then in any
city you live in, you can search in your area because many
institute offer tally course So you can learn the tally by going
there too.
This question is coming in your mind that it would be right to
learn online or from an institute, then I would like to give you
some advice that firstly you should learn the tally from an
institute because there you will get to know the basic of the tally
and when your course Finally, you can watch all the videos
related to Tally on YouTube and enter it at your home, this will
let you know what is the advance level of Tally.
The more you enter the entries of the 2 conditions, the more
expert tally you will become.

Technical Cube Page 244

What to do after learning tally? Come on.
When you complete the course of tally and practice by watching
videos on YouTube, then you should not go to any job
immediately, first of all you go to a C.A or a lawyer and work
with them, what would be the 2 jobs in the market? They have to
know, because till now you had done only Dami entries, but
when you work with a C. A, then you will get the data related to
Sale, Purchase Bank which will belong to a party, you will have
to do its entry in the tally. .
When you will know what is the work in the market, how you
have to enter in the tally, then when you learn all these things,
then a different kind of Confidence will be built in you, then you
can easily make every entry Can be done in tally.

How to Earn 30000 Rs for a month by learning

Friends, if you learn the tally completely, then you can earn
30000 rupees a month very easily. To earn money by learning
Tally, you have to first make your clients, and clients will be
made only when your work is perfect.
When you first work here with C.A, when people see your work
there, they will speak to themselves that if you come here, I will
give you 5000 rs of 2 hours, then your client will get the same
from you and when You will work on that client and if they like
your work, then the same client will introduce you to more
people and you will get more clients.

Technical Cube Page 245

Suppose you have a total of 6 clients who are ready to give you
5000 rs of work for 2 hours and you can do time management
according to your own opinion that you will come here for 3
days and work for 3 clients and the rest of 3 clients here. 3 days,
and only you have to give 6 hours in a day, in all of this you will
have to run a little because every client's office or shop will not
be nearby, but if you are willing to work hard then you can get it
very easily in this month
Even if you work as an Accountant in a firm or company, you
can earn 20000 rs easily and if you can manage the accounts of
two clients by taking some time, then you can take 5000 per
client. You can earn 30000 rs per month very easily.

What are the 2 benefits of learning tally? Benefits of

There are many benefits of learning Tally. Let's know some
1: -If you are a student and want to prepare for CA ahead, then
you can do a course of tally in your free time, this will benefit
you further.
2: - If you are preparing for competitive exams and want to earn
some part time, then you can earn money by working a few
hours very easily by learning the tally.
3: - If you run a business and you want that you can record the
transactions in your business every day, then you can easily do
the course of tally.

Technical Cube Page 246

4: - Tally course is very batter from the point of view of job,
because by doing tally course you can easily get job in a
company firm.
5: - If you want to earn good money every month from Tally,
then you can earn very easy money by going to your clients and
maintaining their accounts.
So there are many benefits of learning Tally, just you have to
apply how you can learn Tally and generate income. I have seen
that today a lot of people are learning accounting and are doing
jobs in a bank or are doing easy living by doing an accountant
job in a company.
Tally learns how to earn 30000 rs a month?? What are the 2
benefits of learning tally? Benefits of Tally? I gave you all the
information about it.

Technical Cube Page 247

How to Earn Money by learning accounting?
Make Money in Accounting?
In todays time when there has been so much competition for
jobs, in which case can you do such a course that you can earn
money? Such a question must have come from your mind at
some time or other, so friends, today we will talk on the same
topic that you can earn money by doing such a course in a short
time. Today I will tell you how to earn money by learning
accounting? How to make money in Accounting? Completely
read the article to get information?

How to Earn money by learning accounting?

Today's era is such that if you have talent, you can earn money
very easily. Accounting is a field where you can earn money on
the basis of your skills and knowledge.
In today's time, if someone has a business, then he will
definitely need an accountant to manage his accounts; in that
case you can earn money by managing his accounts because
every small shop has a C. If you have done an accounting course
like Tally, then you can easily earn money.

Technical Cube Page 248

There is a lot of need for an accountant in the market today,
people are searching for a good accountant who can file their
accounts, and all the returns of gst properly, so you can learn
part time and full time easily by learning accounting. I can work
and earn money.

Who has 2 courses in accounting learning? Let's know

Although many courses of accounting are available in the
market but today we will know which are the best short terms
courses for learning accounting, let's know about some courses
which are very famous in the market at this time.
1: -Tally ERP 9
2: - Busy Accounting Software
3: - Marg ERP 9

Technical Cube Page 249

What is the Best Accounting course?
Which is the best accounting course let us know in detail about
all these courses.
1: Tally ERP 9: - If seen, Tally is an accounting software with
the help of which we can manage all the transactions of our
business very easily.
Tally course is a course that you can easily earn money by
As you all know that with the help of Tally, an accountant
records all the accounts, sales, purchase and bank related entries
of any clients in Tally and prepares the final account and
balance sheet with the help of Tally. This is why any person
who gets all entries in the tally can easily earn money; due to
this the tally is one of the very popular software.
2: Busy Accounting Software: - busy is one of the cheapest
and famous accounting software's at the moment. Today most of
the small or big shopkeepers in the market use busy software
only because its interface is much more user friendly and you
can easily record your business transactions entries in it.
Nowadays all shopkeepers use busy accounting software's to
make bills, busy software is much cheaper according to the tally
so people prefer it. Therefore you can easily do accounting by
doing busy accounting software's course, Air can earn money.

Technical Cube Page 250

3: Marg ERP 9: - Marg is also accounting software with the
help of which we can maintain accounting entries, stock
management, Gst billing and balance sheet etc.
Most of the Marg software is used to manage transactions in the
medical field and medical stores, so you can also do accounting
and earn money by taking the course of Marg software.
I told you about some of the best accounting software's courses,
then you must be thinking that which of these courses you do,
then I can tell you that if you do any accounting course, then you
can very easily An accounting software's can be run in the
proper way.
If you want to learn all these courses online, then you can also
learn through Google and Youtube and become a master of
accounting by practicing at home.

Technical Cube Page 251

What will be the future of accounting? Future of
Ever since GST has come to India, the future of the accounting
field has become much brighter, because with the arrival of GST
all traders have to hire an accountant to manage their account,
that is because of the coming of GST After that every work
started happening in a proper way and systematically.
After the arrival of Gst, all the traders started having problems in
filing the return, some people did not have registration in gst,
how did they get registration in gst, then in this case you need an
accountant or C. A. It will happen, since then there has been
such a change in the field of accounting that its future has
become very bright.
Today you can earn good money every month from accounting
because the government keeps bringing some new rules related
to gst, income tax and return filing every single day, in such a
situation you have to manage the accountant or C.A to manage
the accounts in your business.
How much money can you earn by learning
accounting? Let's get
See friends, in this field you can ask for money from the client
as per your choice, if you have that ability, then I will not be
able to tell you clearly how much money you can earn if you can
tell that a good qualified accountant is minimum One can easily

Technical Cube Page 252

earn 30000 rupees per month and he can earn much more than
that, it just depends on which company he is an accountant or
how his clients are whose account is managed by him.
Accounting and C.A course is considered to be a passionate and
responsible course in India, as the accountant only solves every
problem that is happening in the business, and then the
accountant can understand the salary.
How to earn money by learning accounting? Today I shared all
the information related to Make Money in Accounting.

Technical Cube Page 253

How to create POS Invoice in Tally? Point of Sale
In today's time, if you go to buy anything, then it has become
very necessary to take a bill, have you ever thought that
whenever you buy anything from a medical store or from a moll,
you get a bill immediately, you want to know. That is how we
can make that bill in the tally. In today's article, we will talk
about what is the point of sale of POS? How to create pos
invoice in tally? What is the benefit of creating POS invoice?
What is the benefit of tally me pos invoice, how to create POS
Invoice with GST, pos invoice in tally gst, I will give you
complete information on all these topics today, so let's know.
What is Point of sale (POS)? Let's know POS Invoice
We often use Pos only for the billing process. Let us tell you
with an example, such as whenever you go to buy a Moll, you
can pay there in cash, you can do it through check also, Credit
card, Debit card and either a gift voucher.
You will see that whenever you make a payment, you get a bill
immediately, and for this you can select any mode of payment,
that is the billing process, this billing process is what we call
(Point of sale). Most of the use of pos invoicing, you will see
Technical Cube Page 254
that the molls, or sale clothes are used there, all the invoicing is
done by them and they are used the most.

In the medical stores of pos invoice, because today no one has

enough time to stand to collect the bill, so today the machine has
also come to fast the billing process, through which you just
enter the item and rate the rest of the bill. Your print will come
out immediately.

Creating Voucher Class for Pos invoice?

To make Pos invoice in tally, you must first create a Voucher
Type, in the Sale voucher, read the article carefully to know how
to create a Voucher class.
Follow these steps to create a Voucher Type for Pos Invoice.
STEP: 1 first go to Accounts info option in Gateway of tally.

Technical Cube Page 255

STEP: 2 Here you will see the option of Voucher Type, click on

STEP: 3 Now click on Create option to create a new Voucher

Now here you will open a page to create a new Voucher Type,
in which you have to fill some details. Let us know how to
create a new voucher type, for that you please follow some
simple steps.
Here you will open the window of voucher type creation, here
you have to fillup some required fields.

Technical Cube Page 256

Name: - In the name option, you have to write POS Invoice.
Type of Voucher: - Here you have to select the sale Voucher.
Now you have to come in the option of direct printing.
Use of Pos invoice: - You have to yes it.
Print Message 1: - You can write any message here as per your
wish, which you want to print in your pos invoice. Thank you
for shopping as I write.
Print Message 2: - In this you write the message that, Plz visit
again etc
Default print title: - Here you have to give a title, and then you
simply write Pos Invoice.

Technical Cube Page 257

Deceleration: - Tally already provides you a Deceleration, but if
you want to write another Deceleration of your choice, then you
can write that Deceleration will be printed in your pos invoice.
Name of Class: - Here you have to create a Name of Class to
create pos invoice, to create Name of Class simply type Name of
Class from keyboard.
Here the menu to create Name of Class will be open, let's come,
here are the 2 things which you have to fill up.
POS Class Creation

Gift Voucher: - You have to yes, if you accept payment through

a gift voucher. After that go to the option of Ledger Name and
you create a Ledger of Gift Voucher, Create Ledger of Gift
Voucher like this.

Gift Voucher Ledger

Technical Cube Page 258

Credit / Debit Card Payment: - You have to yes, if you make
payment through Credit / Debit Card Payment, then go to the
option of Ledger Name and you create a ledger of a bank, from
which bank you want to pay then after that you select the ledger
of that bank.
Check DD: - You have to do yes to this option also, if you make
payment through Check DD Payment, then go to the option of
Ledger Name and you create a ledger of a bank, from which
bank you make payment Want to
Cash: - Yes, even if you pay with Cash, this option is also done.
Sales account: - Here you have to create a ledger of a sales
account, after creating the ledger, select it and proceed.
CGST: - Here below you have to create a Ledger related to Tax,
create Tax Ledger and proceed by selecting it, as I have shown
you in Screenshot.
SGST: - Select and make SGST ledger.
After filling all the details, save the Name of Class and save it in
POS Voucher Type. Now your POS Voucher Type has been
successfully created.

Technical Cube Page 259

How to create POS Invoice in Tally? How to create
POS Invoice in tally?
In Tally, we can make POS Invoice both as Single Payment
Mode and Multiple Payment Mode, right now we are telling you
to make POS Invoice with Multiple Payment Mode. Let us tell
you that Multiple Payment Mode is that in which we can pay the
bill through multiple payment, such as Credit card, Debit card,
Check etc.
Follow some simple steps to create POS Invoice in
STEP: 1- To create POS Invoice in Tally, first of all go to
Accounting voucher and click.
STEP: 2- Now press the Sales Voucher F8 button from your
keyboard, as soon as you press the f8 button a menu of Voucher
type will open in front of you, here you have to enter in the Sale
Voucher or it will be asked Option in POS Voucher, As we have
to create POS Voucher, we will select POS here.
STEP: 3- Here you have to select Voucher Class, and then select
the POS Voucher Class you had created here. You select Simply
Pos invoice.
STEP: 4- Now the page to create POS Invoice will be open in
front of you, you will have to fill up some Required Fields to
create POS Invoice, so let's know.

Technical Cube Page 260

POS Invoice Creation

Date: - First of all date, on which you have to create Invoice, fill
that date.
Location: - In this, you select the main location.
Party a / c name: - Here you have to select the party to whom
you are selling goods. Select the ledger of that party, and if you
do not know how to create a ledger, then read this article. What
is laser in tally? How to make laser in tally
Name of Item: - Here you select the item that you want to sell.
As per the Quantity Rate, you have to sell that item, fill up all
those details.
Now you will have to make Ledgers related to Tax, you should
make a ledger of CSGT and SGST and apply Tax.
Now you get multiple payment models at the bottom, through
which you can easily pay your bill. Let's know about these
Multiple Payment Modes, and how to apply these Multiple
Payment Modes to POS Invoice.

Technical Cube Page 261

Gift Voucher: - If you give a gift voucher on an item, then fill
that amount.
Credit / Debit Card: - If you want to pay with Credit / Debit
Card, then they will select whichever bank the Credit / Debit
Card belongs to, they will enter the amount they want to pay and
also fill up any card.
Cheque DD: - If you want to make payment with Cheque DD,
then you will select the bank which is owned by Cheque DD,
enter the amount you want to pay and also fill up the Cheque
Cash: - If you want to give cash, then you can also make cash
payment easily. Enter the amount of cash you are giving in cash
handed, the tally will automatically adjust the amount and the
balance that is reduced or more will also show.
How to print POS Invoice in Tally? How to print pos
invoice in tally
As soon as you create POS Invoice in Tally, you just have to
press the (ALT + P) button from your keyboard, as soon as you
press the (ALT + P) button, something will open in front of you.
To print POS Invoice, click on the yes button. As soon as you
click on the Yes button, you will see your POS Invoice, by
clicking on the Simply Print button to print POS Invoice, you
can easily save it in PDF format.

Technical Cube Page 262

POS Invoice: -

How to create POS Invoice Single Payment Mode

in Tally?
In tally, Single Payment Mode Pos Invoice means that you can
only use Single Payment Mode means Cash only. Let us know
how to create Pos Invoice with Single Payment Mode.
Follow some simple steps to create POS Invoice in Tally.
STEP: 1- To create POS Invoice in Tally, first of all go to
Accounting voucher and click.
STEP: 2- Now press the Sales Voucher F8 button from your
keyboard, as soon as you press the f8 button a menu of Voucher
type will open in front of you, here you have to enter in the Sale
Voucher or it will be asked Option in POS Voucher, As we have
to create POS Voucher, we will select POS here.
What is POS Invoice? POS invoice definition? How to create
POS Invoice in Tally? Today I gave you all the information
related to pos in tally erp 9 gst.

Technical Cube Page 263

How to create Sale bill in PDF in Tally?
At present time, it has become something that we now like to do
every work online? Do you also have such a problem that any of
your party asks for the sale bill from you in pdf, yet nowadays
everybody asks for bills in Pdf because nowadays we do every
work only through our smart phone. Do you know how to create
a Sale bill in Tally? In today's article, you will get complete
information about sale bill convert into pdf.
How to make Sale Bill in PDF in Tally? How to create
sales invoice as Pdf in tally
Whenever we make a sale bill in tally, a problem definitely
arises that how can we convert it directly into a pdf file from
tally? Often all users have to face this problem, so today I am
going to give you complete information about how to convert
Sale bill to Pdf.

Technical Cube Page 264

To convert Sale Bill to Pdf, you just have to follow
some steps, come on.
STEP: 1- If you want to convert sale bill into pdf file, then you
have to download the Pdf24 software, click on the button below
to download this software.

STEP: 2- After downloading install this software because it is

very important only then you will be able to directly convert Bill
to Pdf.
STEP: 3- Suppose you have an invoice of tally and you have to
convert it to a pdf file, so let us know the complete information
about how to convert this invoice to pdf by tally.

Technical Cube Page 265

STEP: -4 when you enter in the sale voucher, then you press the
Alt + P button to print, then such a menu of printing voucher
will open in front of you. You have to click on the yes button to
print your bill.

Technical Cube Page 266

STEP: -5 Now your Invoice will be open in front of you, you
just have to click on the option of print at the bottom.

STEP: 6 As soon as you click in the option of Print, a menu will

open in front of you, here you go in the option of Save as Pdf
and click.

Technical Cube Page 267

STEP: -7 Now your bill is being converted into pdf file.

So finally in this way you can convert any of your invoices to


How to Add PDF Printer in Tally Erp 9?

When you have installed the Pdf24 software in your computer,
then you have to select your printer in the Print settings in Tally
software, if you have to print directly from Tally then you can
select that setting or if you have to bill from Tally If you don't
want to convert it into a pdf file, then I am going to tell you step
by step today.
STEP: -1 If you have to convert your Invoice to pdf file from
Direct Tally software, then you have to do the first printer
setting only then you can convert it to Pdf.
STEP: -2 when you pass Entry in the Saale voucher, then you
press the Alt + P button, you will see an option of Select Printer
here and you go to it and click on it.

Technical Cube Page 268

STEP: -3 Here you have to select Pdf24 pdf, if you have to
convert your bill to pdf then you can very easily convert your
bill into PDF file by selecting the printer option.

This setting is very important, only then your bill will be

converted to pdf, and if you want more print setting in your bill
then you can.

What are the other benefits of Pdf 24 Software? Let's

If you have to convert bill from Tally to Pdf then you can do it
easily through pdf24 software but I would like to tell you that
through pdf24 software you can merge many pdf file, convert

Technical Cube Page 269

Pdf to Word There are many features etc. you will get in this
software, so you must definitely keep such software in your
With time 2 every person has their own smart phone and we all
do most of our work from the phone in pdf, if you convert the
bill and send it to your party via whatsapp or email, it will save
your time and the file in pdf will be secure.
If you have pdf files of all your accounts bills available, then
you can print it out anytime. If you have a bill on a paper, it can
be lost, torn and you cannot carry it all the time. Having
documents in a pdf file saves both your work and time.
How to create sale bill in ally in pdf? In today's article, sale bill
convert into pdf gave complete information about it.

Technical Cube Page 270

How to make a cash bill in Tally? Cash sale
Hello friends we have learned to make gst bill in tally, enter gst
bill in ms word and ms excel etc. I hope that now you have
come to make a gst bill in the tally, but do you know that if you
want to make a cash bill for your customers in the tally, then in
this article today we will tell you that How do you create a cash
bill in Tally? How to create cash bill in tally? Let's know

How to make cash bill in tally? How to make cash bill

in tally?
To make a cash bill in the tally, you have to follow some simple
steps, let's know what all those steps are follows.

Technical Cube Page 271

STEP: 1- First of all go to Accounting voucher at Gateway of
tally and open Simply Sale Voucher to make cash bill.
STEP: After opening the 2-Sale Voucher, you have to open
some required fields, which is something like this? Let's know

Making cash bill in Sale Voucher:

(1) Sale No: - This Number Automatic will appear in your Sale
(2) Date: - Whatever date you want to bill, you fill up that date.
(3) Reference No: - Reference No is also called as Bill Number,
you have to fill a unique number of your bill here, then whatever
it may be you can fill any number as per your wish. .
(4) Party A / C Name: - Here you are selling goods in Cash, then
you have to select Cash Ledger, as soon as you select Cash
Ledger, you will get page open of Dispatch Details of Party /
Technical Cube Page 272
Here you have to fill all the details of your buyers in the
Buyers Details Option.
Buyers: - Fill Full Name.
Address: - Fill his full address.
Country: Fill the country
State: - Fill in the state of which.
Place of Supply: - It is definitely filled with the place of supply,
but you are doing it.
GST registration type: - Here you fill the consumer.
After filling all the information, proceed.

Technical Cube Page 273

(5) Sales Ledger: - Now you have to create a ledger (account). If
you do not know how to create Ledgers in Tally, then you read
this article carefully: - What is laser in Tally? How to make laser
in tally
(6) Name of Item: - Now you have to create all the items that
you want to sell.
(7) CGST and SGST Tax Ledgers: - Now you have to create tax
ledgers to calculate tax, to create Tax Ledgers, first of all you
have to see whether your party is local or outside. If your party
is local then we will create Ledgers of CGST, SGST.
We are making a cash bill here and our customer is Local, then
we will create ledgers of CGST and SGST.
As soon as you save both your tax ledgers and enter tax ledgers
in your bill, the Tally software automatic will be shown in your
bill by CGST and SGST Tax Automatic calculation.
(8) Narration: - Narration means that if you do not remember in
the future what entry was posted in which bill, for that we write
a short narration, so that we can remember it.
After filling up all the details, save the entry, now you have
successfully created a cash bill in Tally.

How to print cash bill in Tally?

If you want to print your bill after creating the bill in the tally,
you can click on the option of the above button (Print P) or you
will have to press the (Alt + P) button from your keyboard.

Technical Cube Page 274

As soon as you click on the option of Yes, your cash bill will be
printed, you can print it out directly.

Tax invoice

So in this way we learned how to make cash bill in Tally, I hope

that all of you must have come to make cash bill now.

Technical Cube Page 275

What is the Cost Center in Tally? Create Cost
Center in Tally?
Do you have any business which has many branches in different
states? If you want to know the details of all your branches,
what will you do, if you want to know how many rupees have
been sold in this particular branch, how many rupees are in
stock, etc.
Today we will talk to you on this topic, by the way, I had a
request from one of my users that what is cost center, so in
today's article, I will tell you what the cost center in Tally is?
Explain cost center in brief? How to make a Cost Center in
Tally? What are the benefits of cost center? Know all the
information in this article today.

What is Cost Center in Tally? What is Cost Center in

Tally ERP 9? Know full details
Basically use of cost center is made to maintain details of
particular 2 branches in business. If we have to maintain the
details of 2 branches separately, then we use the cost center. If
seen, there are both Income and Expenses in companies, and to
divide these incomes and Expenses in different ways in 2
different people, we are called cost center.

Technical Cube Page 276

Let's explain with an example?
Suppose I have a clothes business and have an office in
Lucknow, a branch in Chandigarh and a branch in our Mumbai,
so suppose you have to check the details of 2 different branches,
so for that you can easily use the cost center. You can get all the
information from.

Now as you have to find out how many sales were done in your
Lucknow branch, how many rupees we bought, how much stock
we have left, how much stock is sold, etc. Meaning that if you
want to check the reports of 2 branches separately in your
business and you want that all the details of the entire branches
are sale, purchase incomes and expenses, then in such a
situation, with the help of cost center, we will give all these
details Can see very easily.

Technical Cube Page 277

The cost center that is used in most of the tally is normally how
we want to know the cost, like there are many departments in
our organization like: - Accounts department, Administrator
department, Sales department, engineering department etc. Now
we want to know how much expenses happened in each
department, we use the cost center to know the complete report
of it.

How to activate Cost Center Option in Tally?

Let's know
To activate Cost Center in Tally, you have to follow some
simple steps, come on.
STEP: 1- First you go to the gateway of tally and click on the
option of F11 Features.
STEP: 2 now you go to the option of accounting features.
STEP: 3- Here you will see the option of Maintain Cost center in
Cost / Profit center management, yes to it.

How to make a Cost Center in Tally? Complete

To enter the cost center in Tally, you have to follow some
simple procedure step by step, let's go
STEP: 1-Tally, first you go to the Gateway of tally and go to
Accounts Info and click.

Technical Cube Page 278

STEP: 2- In Accounts info, you will see the Cost Center; you
just click on it, and then click in the Create option to create a
Cost Center. Show the Screenshot.

STEP: 3- Here you have to create 3 Cost centers, as we said in

the example above that our head office is in Lucknow and our 2
branch is in Chandigadh and Delhi, in such a condition we have
to create all the branches in Cost center.

Head Office Lucknow

You will create Head Office Lucknow in the cost center like
this, in the category you will simply select the Primary cost
category, in the name you will type the name of the cost center
and in under you will save it by placing it inside the primary.

Technical Cube Page 279

Chandigarh Branch Office Creation
In the same way you will create a cost center for Chandigadh
Branch, in the category you will simply select the Primary Cost
category, in the name you will type the name of the Cost Center
and under it you will place it inside the Head Office Lucknow
because Andar of Head office Lucknow We are creating all
these branches, after filling up all the details, we will finally

Delhi Branch Office Creation

As it you will create a cost center for Delhi Branch, in the
category you will simply select the Primary Cost Category, in
the Name you will type the name of the Cost Center and under it
you will place it under the Head Office Lucknow and fill all the

Technical Cube Page 280

In this way you create all your branches in the cost center.
STEP: 4-Cost Center in Voucher, if you want branch to ask in
which branch you want to enter voucher, then for that you have
to press F11 again and go to Accounting voucher.

Cost center setting

Here you should go to Cost / profit centers management and yes
to use predefined cost center allocations in transaction option.

Cost Center Class Creation

As soon as you answer yes to the option, a page of Cost center
classes will be opened in front of you, here you have to type the
name of your head office and enter it. Show the screenshot plz.

Technical Cube Page 281

All Cost Centers Classes Creation (Lucknow,
Chandigarh and Delhi Branch).
After entering the head office Lucknow, you have to take the
head office Lucknow within the primary cost category, similarly
for the Chandigadh branch you have to take the Chandigarh
branch inside the primary cost category,
same as it is the Delhi branch also the primary cost. Delhi
branch has to be placed inside the category.
Then finally you have to save this setting, if you do not save this
setting, then the time of voucher entry will not ask you in which
branch you have to enter, this setting is required regarding cost

Technical Cube Page 282

STEP: After doing all the settings of 5-Cost center, now you
have to enter voucher, here we are buying some items for all our
branch whose entry is something like this, so let's see.

A: - Cost Center Entry (Payment Voucher - Head

Office Lucknow)
How will you enter in Lucknow which is our Head Office, come
to the Cost Center and discuss some of its steps with you.

Technical Cube Page 283

Main Steps of Payment Voucher Entry: -
In the payment voucher, we are first purchasing a computer for
Head Office Lucknow, for this you go to the payment voucher
and in the Cost center class select which branch you have to
enter regarding, then select the entry.
First STEP: -: First of all you have to create ledger of computer,
while creating cost center, you will create ledger of computer in
this way, because while creating ledger, you have to yes to Cost
Center are applicable only then Voucher can do in Entry Cost
Center. .

Technical Cube Page 284

Create like this in Ledger Cost Center of Computer

Next STEP: - After creating the ledger of the computer, Simply

Computer will debit whatever the amount will be, and will credit
the cash.

B: - Cost Center Entry (Payment Voucher -

Chandigarh Branch)
How to enter payment in Chandigarh branch let us explain you
with a few steps.

Technical Cube Page 285

Main Steps of Chandigarh Branch Payment Voucher
Entry: -
Similarly, for the entry regarding Chandigarh branch, you
should go to the payment voucher and go to Cost center class
and select the Chandigarh branch then post the entry.
First STEP: -: First you have to create the ledger of the bike,
while creating the cost center in the Chandigarh branch, you will
create the ledger of the bike in this way, because while making
the ledger, you have to yes to the Cost Center are applicable
only then Voucher Entry Cost Center I will be able to

Technical Cube Page 286

Create a bike in Ledger Cost Center like this

Next STEP: -: After creating the ledger of the bike, Simply will
debit the bike, whatever the amount will be, and will credit the

C: - Cost Center Entry (Payment Voucher - Delhi

How to enter payment in Delhi branch let us explain you with a
few steps.

Technical Cube Page 287

Main Steps of Delhi Branch Payment Voucher Entry:
As it is like this, you go to the payment voucher for regarding
entry of Delhi branch and go to Cost center class and select
Delhi branch then post the entry
First STEP: -: First of all you will have to create a ledger of the
car, while creating a cost center in Delhi branch, you will create
a car ledger in this way, because while creating a ledger, you
have to say yes to the Cost Center are applicable only then
Voucher Entry Cost Center.

Technical Cube Page 288

Create a car in Ledger Cost Center like this.

NEXT STEP: - After creating the ledger of the car, you will
debit the Simply Bike, whatever the amount will be, and will
credit the cash.
So finally in this way we spent 2 separate for different 2
branches in the cost center, whose report you can easily see the
different 2 branch wise details in tally which branch has spent so

How to check the reports of Tally's Cost Center? Let's

When you have created a cost center in tally, then you will have
to follow some steps to see the cost center reports.

Technical Cube Page 289

STEP: 1-Cost center, first of all you go to the option of Display
in Gateway of tally.
STEP: 2- Display you will have to show the statement of
accounts, click on it, then you click on the cost center and to see
the cost center report, click on the category summary.
STEP: 3- As soon as you click on the category summary, the
entire report of the cost center in front of you will be branch
wise show how much is spent in which branch.
In this way, you can easily see the expenditure happening in all
your branches, it shows you which position is which branch.

What are the 2 benefits of Cost Center? Benefits

of Cost Center.
If seen, the cost center has many benefits, let's know some
important benefits.
1: - The biggest benefits are that with the help of cost center,
you can easily see the reports of every branch of your business.
2: - It often happens with all of us that in such a busy life, we are
not able to manage every branch in proper way, what is lacking
in the branch, what expenses are required, if we can know the
reports. These problems can be solved easily and the cost center
provides this facility to us.
3: With the help of the cost center, we can know from anywhere
with the help of any laptop or computer, through tally that which
financial position of our branch is there, what are the reports,
according to that we can grow our business further.
Technical Cube Page 290
How to create Challan in Tally?
Hello friends, you must have heard about the challan
somewhere. Often whenever we deliver goods, we send an
invoice to our party. Do you know what an invoice is? How to
create challan in Tally? How to make delivery challan in tally
gst. What is a Delivery Challan? You will get all the details of
this in today's article, so let's know.

What is an invoice in the tally? Delivery challan

in GST?
Whenever we deliver the goods to any of our party, we send a
delivery note to it, the delivery note is a simple receipt to deliver
the goods, whenever we get a sale order from the customer, we
must first give the goods to the customer. Also send a delivery
Suppose that delivery note is passed, meaning that according to
the requirement of the customer, if the customer gets the goods
according to that requirement, then after that we create a sale
invoice for the customer from us.
We also call delivery note as delivery challan.

Technical Cube Page 291

How to activate Delivery Note option in Tally?
Let's know
To activate the Delivery Note option in Tally, you have to
follow some steps. Let's get
STEP: 1- First go to Gateway of Tally and click on (F11)
Feature Option.
STEP: 2- Now go to the option of Inventory Feature.
STEP: 3- In the Inventory Feature, you will see the option of
Others Features, in it the option of Use tracking number (enable
delivery and receipt note) will appear, yes to it and click on the
Save button and save the setting.

Technical Cube Page 292

How to Entry Delivery Note in Tally? How to create
challan in Tally? How to make delivery challan in tally
To enter the delivery note in the tally, you have to follow some
simple steps, come and go.
STEP: 1- First you have to go to Accounting Voucher, after that
you have to press (Alt + F8) key from your keyboard to open
Delivery Note Voucher, as soon as you press (Alt + F8) key.
Your Delivery Note Voucher will open.
STEP: 2- To enter the Delivery Note Voucher, you have to fillup
your details in the required fields, come and go.

Delivery Note Voucher Entry Details

Technical Cube Page 293

Delivery note No: - This is Automatic Fillup.
Date: - On whatever date you want to make a delivery note, fill
that date.
Reference No: - Here you have to do a Reference No Fillup, you
can do any Reference No Fillup as per your choice.
Party Account Name: - Here you have to select your party for
which you are making a delivery note, if you do not know how
to create a Ledger of the party, and then you read this article: -
What is a laser in the table? How to make laser in tally
Sales Ledger: - Here you have to select the Sales Ledger, if you
have not created the Ledger for the sale, and then create a ledger
of Sales.
Name of Item: - Here select whatever item you want to sell,
after selecting the item, fill up the quantity, rate etc. details as
per your choice
CGST: - Now you have to calculate the tax on your item, just
select the ledgers of the tax to calculate the tax. Select CGST
Ledger and if you have not created tax ledgers, then make them.
SGST: - Now select the ledger of SGST, as soon as you apply
the ledgers, Tax Calculate will be done on your item.
After filling up all the details, accept the Simply Entry and save

Technical Cube Page 294

How to see the Delivery Note entry in the tally? Let's
To see the entry made in the Delivery Note Voucher in the tally,
you have to follow some simple steps, come and go.
STEP: 1- First goes to Display Option at Gateway of Tally.
STEP: 2- After that you will see the option of Statement of
Inventory, you go to it and click.

STEP: 3- Here you will see the option of Sale Bill pending, you
click on it.

Technical Cube Page 295

STEP: 4- Here you will get all your Delivery Note Vouchers
So in this way we can entry in Delivery Note Vouchers, and can
easily that entry as well.
Note: - When your customer or party to whom you have given
the delivery note paas the delivery note, then you can send it by
making it a Sale Invoice, and if your customer / party returns
any goods to you, then Everyone's entry is posted in rejection in.
In today's article, I told you how to create challan in the tally?
How to make delivery challan in tally gst? What is a Delivery
Challan? Today I gave you all the information related to Challan
in tally.

Technical Cube Page 296

What are GST Sahaj and Sugam Return? GST
Return Overview?
Hii dosto Do you also face many problems in filling gst return?
As I would like to tell you that a lot of changes have been made
according to the new Gst return of the government, earlier you
used to file GSTR 3B and GSTR 1 return but in july 2019 many
changes have been made in the returns, in which you have Sahaj
and Sugam.
Something is being told about the return, what is this sahaj
return, who has to file the sahaj return, what is Sugam Return,
after all these questions must be coming from your mind, so
today I will answer all your questions and tell you What is GST
Sahaj and Sugam Return? For whom to file which return, then
read this article fully for all the information regarding gst return.
As if you do not know, then I can tell you that the new Gst
Return form has been applied since October 2019, so it is very
important to implement it for all the small or big traders.

Technical Cube Page 297

What is GST Return? Let's know New GST
Return Sahaj and Sugam
GST return is that which you supply inward and outward in your
business, according to that we have to give a report to the
government and out of that the tax that is required, you have to
pay to the government.
In GST till now, if we talk about the old return system, we used
to do the GSTR-1 Sale, GSTR-2 Purchase and GSTR-3B Sale
aur Purchase Summary and Payment, but OCT 2019 A lot of
changes have been made in the GST returns in the month, which
many people do not understand.
Today we are going to know that what is the new return system
that the government has brought. Which GST do we have to
select from in the GST Login Portal?
Which return to fill? For all the information, which returns are
right according to our business, read this article completely.

Technical Cube Page 298

What are you required to do before filing the
return? Let's know some things?
1: - I would like to tell you that it is very important to choose the
form correctly before filing the return because as soon as you
login in your GST login portal, you must first select the
regarding form regarding Return, in this you will It has to be
told that how much your monthly turnover was in the last
financial year, on the basis of that you can select the return form.
2: -Whoever selects this new gst from on behalf of his turn over,
then on that behalf, that merchant will file Monthly or Quarterly

Technical Cube Page 299

3: -Monthly mode, the merchant whose return is above 5 cores
and in quarterly mode he will file the return whose turnover is
below 5 cores.
4: -If you will not select the form in proper way and file the
wrong return, then you may have to face many problems.
5: - Before knowing these Gst returns, I would like to explain to
you how many types of Dealer are there, although you know that
there are 2 types of your Dealer.
The first regular dealer is what you call a registered dealer and
the second is your composition dealer.
6: -The new gst return system that has come for sand regular
dealers Composition dealer has to file the return as he has been
doing already which all the changes government has brought are
just for regular dealers Is brought to
Regular Dealer which is your registered dealers, it then includes
two types of dealers. First Small Taxpayer and Large Taxpayer
A: Small Taxpayer: If a businessman's Aggregate turnover is 5
cores or less in the last financial year, then all such dealers will
be called Small taxpayer.
B: Large Taxpayer: If a businessman's Aggregate turnover is 5
cores or above in the last financial year, then all such dealers
will be called Small taxpayer.

Technical Cube Page 300

What is the type of GST Return? Types of Gst
The name of the Gst return that has been brought in the new
government has just been changed. If you have been filing the
return of the gst earlier, then you will not have much trouble in
understanding which 2 government returns have come.
1: - PMT 08
2: - GST RET- 1 (Normal)
3: - GST RET- 2 (Sahaj Return)
4: - GST RET- 3 (Sugam Return)
5: - Annexure ANX-1 and ANX-2

Let us explain all these Gst returns.

1: - PMT 08 Gst Return: Here we are calling it PMT 08 Here,
Relate your payment from P as you would have known that
earlier what used to happen that we used to file the return of
GSTR 3B, then we used to pay in it Also, we have supplied in
the month a summary of that, which used to make the liability
we used to see in Gstr3B Outward supply. Then if you had to
take ITC input tax credit, you used to avail ITC. Same as it is the
same concept you have to show in PMT 08 too

Technical Cube Page 301

It is clear to say that what your GSTR 3 B was, now that your
PMT 08 has come, whether you are a small taxpayer or a large
taxpayer, whether or not you have a Transaction means that it is
not Nil, Monthly Mode I have to file PMT 08 Return. PMT 08 is
just like GSTR 3B only its name has been changed.
2: - GST RET-1 (Normal): - I will explain to you that GST
RET-1 (Normal) is your main return. You are a merchant who
buys goods from interstate and intra state and sells your goods to
anyone other than your state, that is, you can sell goods to
anyone from anywhere, whether consumer or registered dealer.
In any case, you will file GST RET-1 (Normal) Return.
What is New GST Sahaj Return? Who needs to file
Sahaj Return? Let's get
GST RET-2, which we now know as Sahaj Return, if a
businessman who buys goods only and only in his own state
means (Intra state) and only B2C, means business2 in his own
state. You sell goods to Consumer Unregistered, if you conduct
this type of transaction, you can fill Sahaj Return.

What is Sugam Return? Who can file sugam

For Sugam, first of all, you have to see your transaction, what
kind of business do you do? You buy goods from local, and sell
goods locally but do you sell any? B2C and (B2B) Business 2
Consumer and (Business2business).

Technical Cube Page 302

In Sahaj return you can only sell goods to your B2C but in
Sugam you send goods to 2 types of customers of B2B Means.
If a businessman who buys goods from Intra state only and only
in his own state and sells goods only to B2C means Business2
Consumer Unregistered in his own state, if you conduct this type
of transaction. So you can fill Sahaj Return
Annexure (ANX-1 and ANX-2): -
A lot of people in the market have confusion about what is this
Annexure ANX-1 and ANX-2, so I would just like to tell you
that you remember the old returns systems. Earlier we used to
file GSTR1 and GSTR2, here is ANX-1. It is a replacement for
GSTR-1 and ANX-2 which is a replacement for GSTR-2.
Earlier we used to say GSTR-1, now we know it by a new name
ANX-1. All traders are required to file ANX-1, just like you
used to file for Gstr1 sale earlier; similarly you will have to file
ANX-1 as well. ANX-1 only when you file, it will reflect in
Sahaj aur sugam.
GSTR 3B Return been discontinued by Government?
Know full details?
A lot of people are thinking that the government has stopped the
GSTR 3B return, whereas it is not what your GSTR- 3b return
is, the government has changed the name only, the government
has changed the name of GSTR- 3b to PMT 08. Many people
believe that Gstr3b Return is now a band.

Technical Cube Page 303

You have to do all the same procedure payment in PMT 08,
which you have always been doing every month in Gstr3b.
What are GST Sahaj and Sugam Return? new gst return sahaj
and sugam? gst sahaj and sugam forms know full information

Technical Cube Page 304

How to fill Sales Dispatch Details in Tally?
Complete information?
Whenever you are posting an entry in the sale voucher in the
tally, you will have to open a form to fillup some such details,
after all what is the meaning of this form, how to fill all the
details of this form. How to fill Sales Dispatch Details in How to
fill from Buyer details Today's article is about this, so let's
How to fill the Dispatch Details while entering the
sale: -
First of all, I will tell you about Dispatch Details, what is the use
and in which what-2 you have to fillup, whenever you enter the
sales voucher in the tally, let us all know.

Technical Cube Page 305

How to fill up these sale details and what do they mean
to go?

1: -Delivery Note (No): - Whenever we sell cash or borrowed

goods, we also bill with the goods while selling the goods,
sometimes it happens that sometimes the bill is made and made
and the goods are said Dispatch occurs.
Our shop of Suppose shop and Godown is at different location.
So we make the bill from the shop and dispatch the goods from
Godown then for this type of delivery, delivery challan like
delivery note no is stated in the tally and we have to put the
delivery challan no.
The quantity of the item is written in the delivery challan, its
value is not written.
Technical Cube Page 306
2: -Dispatch Doc (No): - Whatever is being sent from our
transport, or through railway, then whatever is the builty no, it
has to be filled here.
3: - Dispatch Through: - You have to fill the transport name of
any transport through which you are sending goods.
4: - Destination: - The name of the place where our goods are to
be sent is to be filled here.
Order Details: -
Let us now discuss about the use of which-2 fields in Order
Details and where what-2 is required to be filled.
1: - Order No (S): - When the party has ordered us, we will fill
up that Order no here.
2: - Mode / Terms of Payments: - If we are selling borrowed
goods, then whatever credit period we are giving, we will fill it
For example, if we have to pay in 30 days, then we will put it
here and if we are selling goods on cash, then cash will come
3: - Other Reference (s): - If there is any other reference, we can
give it here
4: - Terms of Delivery: -

Technical Cube Page 307

There are 2 types of come.
A: -Spot Delivery
B: - For Delivery (Free on-road / free on rail delivery).
A: -Spot Delivery: - In Spot Delivery, the goods which we sold
from the shop, now the customer has to bear the cost of taking
that goods to wherever. He can take it with his expenses
wherever he needs to be taken; this is what we call Spot
B: - For Delivery (Free on-road / free on rail delivery) for
delivery, we have to bear the cost of transporting the goods to
the customer. We also call it for free on-road or free on rail
Buyers Details: -
After all, in the Buyers details, what are the uses of KIN-2 fields
and where what-2 fields are required to be filled in, discuss them
1: - Buyer Name: - Fill the name of Buyer means that you will
write the full name of the goods you are selling.
2: - Address: -Buyer's full address will be filled
3: -Sale tax no: - will fill sale tax no.
4: -CST No: - Will fill cst no.
5: - Type of dealer: - He will fill which type of dealer he is.

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Note: - When you press (Alt + M) with your keyboard, the
entire list of the party list which we have made ledgers will
be open, then whatever is our party, we will select it as soon
as all the information of that party is automatic fillup. Such
as gst no, type of dealer etc.
We fill the Buyer's details on selling cash in the same way.
Whenever we buy cash goods, the details of suppliers come
here; it has to be filled up.

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How to Maintain Batch Wise Details in Tally?
Hello friends. Have you heard about the Batch Wise Details in
Tally ERP 9, many times it happens that we go to the medical
store and there are medicines kept in the batches, often people
on the medical line use batch wise details.
What is Batch Wise Details in Tally? Complete
Tally Me Batch Wise Details means that nowadays, there are
many industries that use manufacturing Dates, Expiry Date and
Batches for all their products. Batch refers to a particular
manufacturing date or a particular Expiry Date.

Technical Cube Page 310

I would like to tell you that the main example of Batch Wise
details is Pharma Industries, which manufactures Medicines, as
well as allocate and sell those Medicines in Batches, in which
Date of Manufacturing and Date of Expiry of those medicines
will be given to you. See. In Tally, we will have complete
facility to store information in Batches.
Today we will get full information about how we can do batch
wise details in Tally.
How to activate Batch Wise Details Options in Tally?
To activate Tally Me Batch Wise Details Option, you have to
follow some simple steps.
In Gateway of Tally, you will see the F11 (Feature) Button on
the side, you go to it and click on it.
Now go to Inventory Features, to go to Inventory Features, press
F2 Button from your keyboard.
Here you will see the option of Maintain Batchwise Details in
Storage and Classification Option; you can Yes that option and
also save the details by Yes by Set Expiry Dates for Batches.

Technical Cube Page 311

Batchwise Details Medical / Pharmacy Example
Entry in Tally?
To explain the Batch Wise Details, I am taking the example of
Medical / Pharmacy that how medical people use Batch Wise
Details, and how they maintain their stock by entering tally Will
tell you
STEP: 1- First you go to Gateway Of Tally, after that to post the
entry of Batch wise Details, you have to first create Inventory,
because without creating inventory we will not be able to enter.
By inventory I mean we have to make Stock Groups, Stock
Items, Stock Category, and Stock Units as per our requirement,
so let's start
STEP: 2- Firstly you create a stock group called Tablets.

Technical Cube Page 312

STEP: 3- Then you create a Stock Category.

STEP: 4- Now you create a stock unit in the name of Bottle, Box
and Tablets because we will need all these at the time of entry.
You should also create a compound unit, and if you do not know
how to build a compound unit in the tally, you will get all the
articles by checking our website.

STEP: 5 Create a stock item named Action 500 (100 Mg) and
follow the same way as you have given the details in the

Technical Cube Page 313

screenshot, and save it by Yes. But remember that Maintain in
Batches, Track Date Of Manufacturing Use Expiry Dates, you
must definitely do all these options, only then you will be able to
post the entry of Batch Wise Details in Tally.
Finally, by going to Statutory Information, you can set whatever
gst tax rate you want to set in your item and save the item.

How to Entry Tally of Batchwise Details? Let's

To post the entry of Batchwise details in Tally, you have to
follow some simple steps.
STEP: 1- First you open the Sale Voucher to post the entry of
Batchwise in Tally.
To post Batchwise's entry in STEP: 2-Sale Voucher, you have to
fillup some Required Fields.

Technical Cube Page 314

Batchwise Details Entry

Sale No: - Sale No Automatic is lying in Sale Voucher.

Date: - Whatever date entry you want to post, you select the
Reference No: - Here you can put your Bill Ka Reference No
whatever you want.
Party A / c Name: - Choose the Ledger of the party in whose
name you are creating a bill, and if you have not created the
ledger of that party, then make it.
Sales Ledger: - Here you select Sale Ledger.
Name of Item: - Here you select the Name Of Items that you had
created in the stock item, you select the Stock Item named
Action 500. As soon as you select the stock item, such a menu
will open on your screen, here you have to fill Batch / Lot No,
Manufacturing Date and Expiry Date, Quantity and Rate
Technical Cube Page 315
Location: - In Location, then you select only the Main Location.
Batch / Lot No: - Whatever Batch or Lot No of your item, select
it and make it Ok.
Quantity: - Fill the Quantity of that item.
Rate: - Fill the rate of that item.
Mfg Date: - Fill the manufacturing date of that item.
Expiry Date: - Fill the Expiry Date of that item.
Now after filling up all the details, you go ahead.
CGST: - How much% tax is there on that item, you select that
tax ledger as CGST.
SGST: - Select the Ledger of SGST.

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Fill up all the details and save the Entry. Now you have learned
to successfully post your entry of Batchwise Details in Tally.

How to see Batchwise Details in Tally? Let's

To see Batchwise Details in Tally, you have to follow some
First you go to Gateway of Tally and go to the Display option.
Now go to Inventory Books and click.
You will see the option of Batch here, click on it.
Whatever Batch you have, selected the item that you have
created, and click on the Ok button, you will get a Batchwise
Report show of that item as soon as you click OK.
Finally, by following this procedure, you can activate Tally Me
Batchwise Details very easily and can also post Entry of

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How to Tally Erp 9 App for Android free
Today's era is the modern era, a few years ago; we used to do all
our work with computers, but technology has become so many
advances day by day that now Smart Phones have replaced
computers. Today almost all the work is done from mobile. In
this article of ours today, we will tell you how you can learn
Tally with the help of an app in mobile, and at the same time
you can easily download Tally's notes. Tally erp 9 app download
and tally practices can be done easily from your home.

How to download Tally erp 9 app? Know full

By the way, many applications are available on Google play
store related to tally Course, but today I will tell you about some
such apps which are very useful, so let's know. To download
Tally's app, you have to follow some simple steps, come on.

Technical Cube Page 318

STEP: 1- First you go to Google Play Store, and search Learn
tally with gst app or you can download the app by clicking here.
Download the App Now Learn Tally with gst
STEP: 2- You can get complete information about tally with gst
from this app.

Some Famous Tally erp 9 app download list: -

I am telling you some famous tally apps that you can use, in this
you will get many facilities with tally with gst like: - tally notes,
tally with gst practice papers, tally quiz, tally shortcut keys etc.,
so come To know which app is 2C.
1: -Tail full cource Hindi app: --- Download it from here. Tally
full cource app
2: -Tally cource in hindi app: --- Download it from here. Tally
cource hindi app
Technical Cube Page 319
3: -Tally with gst app: --- You can download it from here tally
with gst app
4: - Full tally course app: --- You can download it from here full
tally course app
5: - Tally on Mobile App: --- Here you can download it Tally on
Mobile App
6: Tally Complete Source app: --- Download it from here Tally
Complete App
So these are all apps, related to tally, you can learn the complete
resource of tally by downloading these apps, that too with the
help of your mobile phone sitting at home, tally erp 9 app
download for mobile

Feature of tally Apps: -

1: -You can practice the examples of Tally with the help of these
apps. You have been given many lessons here.
2: - With its help, how can you implement all the information
related to gst in tally with ease and simplicity.
3: - You can download Tally's notes with the help of this app
and Tally's notes are available in both English and Hindi
4: - Through this app you can also play tally quiz and further
develop your skills.

Technical Cube Page 320

Tally Invoice Printing Configuration?
Do you create a tax invoice in the tally? Sometimes 2 happens
that the invoice print setting gets spoiled due to which you have
to face many times difficult. In such a situation, you do not
understand what to set. There is a lot of setting of invoice
printing in tally, which is how to print numbers of copy, how to
print invoice original, duplicate or triplicate copy,In this article
today, I will tell you that you Tally Invoice Printing

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Tally Invoice Printing Configuration All Settings
Explain in Following: -

Settings to print Invoice in Tally ERP 9 is like this, let's explain

the entire settings one by one.
Tally Invoice Printing Settings Follow It.

(1): Print Language: - With Print Language Configuration, you

can select your language, whichever language you want very

(2): No Preview: - Agar, if you want to see the Preview of your

Invoice, then you can view the Preview with the help of this
Preview Option, and according to your wish you can turn this
Technical Cube Page 322
setting on or off. Meaning that you can use it as per your choice,
Preview and No Preview Option.

(3): Titles: - You can set the title of your Invoice from here,
whatever title you want to give in Invoice, the title will be
visible in your Invoice. Here you get many options in Additional
Information, with the help of which you can do many settings in
your Invoice and you can use them with the help of these

(4): Page Nos: - You can use Page Nos for how many page
ranges you want to print Invoice.

(5): Pre Printed: - With the help of this, you can Pre Print to
your Invoice.

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(6): Print Format: - From here, you can select in whatever mode
you want your Invoice. If seen, here you get 3 modes, Dot
Matrix format, Neat Mode and Quick / Draft.

(6): Copies: - How many Copies of your Invoice do you want,

fill the number of Copies Invoice you want in Number Of
Copies, and select which type of Invoice you want in Type Of
Copy, you can easily very easily You can print your invoice. On
this, you get to see such types of Invoice Types like Duplicate,
Extra Copy, Original, Quadruplicate, Triplicate etc., you can
print the invoice whatever you want.

(7): Select Printers: -In order to print Invoice Directly, you can
select the printer, with the help of which you can print your
Invoice very easily from Direct Tally.

Technical Cube Page 324

(8): Configure: - Here you get all the settings related to Invoice,
let's go through all these settings in detail by doing one by two.

Setting the Invoice / Bill Format Setting Size: -

First you go into the voucher and press the Alt + P button, then
you will go to F12 Configuration, then again you will press the
F12 Configuration button.

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Here you have to make some settings to increase the size of your
Height of normal (inches): - Make it 11.69.
Height of normal (inches): - You can change it to 8.27, by
removing the previous setting. And if you want to keep the
setting the same way, then you should increase the height to 10
and the width to 7.50.

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What is Memorandum Voucher in Tally? Memo
voucher in tally?
Lo Friends, we post new article 2 every day and give you all the
information related to Tally. In this article of our day, we should
talk about an optional voucher which we also know as
Memorandum voucher. Today we will know what is
Memorandum Voucher in Tally? Let us know what is the use of
Memorandum voucher in the tally and how can we post the
entry in Memorandum voucher.

What is Memorandum Voucher in Tally? Memo

voucher in tally?
Whenever we give money to someone, for the memorial, we
write in a place as a remembrance in our note book so that we
can remember how much money, to whom and on which date
we gave it. We use it in the tally in this way;
we can remember that we use Memorandum Voucher to do all
such entry to whom the money was paid.

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Suppose we gave 2000 rs to some of our workers, to bring some
stuff. Now how much will that item cost, how much will that
item cost, how much we will not know, but you have given 2000
rs to your worker, if you have to write it for your memorial, then
you have to tally for it A feature is given in which we know as
Memorandum Voucher.
The advantage of Memorandum Voucher is that every entry we
make in it does not have any effect on any other ledger.

How to activate Memorandum Voucher in Tally.

Know full details.
As we know that Memorandum is Voucher Non Accounting
Voucher and the entry made in it does not affect any report.
Let's know how to activate Memorandum Voucher in Tally. To
activate Memorandum Voucher, you have to follow some
simple steps.

Technical Cube Page 328

STEP: 1- First of all, goes to Features f11 option and click.

STEP: 2- Here you will see the option of Accounting feature

(F1), click on it.
STEP: 3- You have to go to the option of Budget & Scenario
management here and use Reserving Journal & Optional
Voucher Yes and save the setting.
Memorandum Voucher is used to Tally with Example
To use memo voucher, go to accounting Voucher and press (Ctrl
+ F10) button from your keyboard, your Memo Voucher will
open as soon as you press (Ctrl + F10) button.

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How to Entry in Memorandum Voucher? Let's
Entry in memo Voucher will do something like this in Tally,
let's see.

Memorandum Voucher Examples: -

Example: 1- Take the goods that you have an employee whose
name is Shivam, you gave some money to Shivam to go and
bring this stuff. When Shivam came, he gave the account that he
took a stationary purchase of 800 rs, now we will make its entry
in the payment voucher because Shivam took the stationary
purchase from the market, under Stationary Expenses.
In such a situation, if you have opened the memo voucher, then
you will simply come to the payment voucher by pressing the F5
button and here you will post the entry of stationary expenses.

Technical Cube Page 330

Let us see how to enter Stationary Expenses.

Example: 2- Suppose there is a businessman in your

neighborhood that needs some goods, some customer has come
to him, and he needs the goods to show it, but he does not have
those goods available at that time. He takes the goods from there
only. But one thing should be kept in mind that he has not
bought the goods yet, but he has taken it.
If the customer likes the goods, then he will give it to him and if
the goods are not liked, then your goods will be returned to you
and your goods will be returned to your stock, but till then you
have got how much of your goods for your remembrance. And
the same amount you have given to him, it is for you to
remember that you can put all such entries in Memorandum
Voucher for your memory.

Technical Cube Page 331

How did Entry view in Memorandum Voucher? Let's
To see the entry made in the memo voucher, you have to follow
some steps.
STEP: 1- Go to Gateway of Tally and click on Display option.
STEP: 2- Here you go to the Exception Report.

STEP: 3- Now go to Memorandum Vouchers option and click.

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STEP: 4- Here you will see all the total entries you have made in
Memo Vouchers.

In this article, I told you what is Memorandum Voucher in the

tally? What use is Memo Voucher in the tally? Today I gave you
all the information related to Memo Voucher.

Technical Cube Page 333

If you have any problem in what is Memorandum Voucher in
Tally, what is the use of Memo Voucher in Tally, then you can
mail me, I will try my best to solve your problem soon. I hope
that you liked this article, if you liked this article, and then share
it with your friends on social media, so that they too can get this
Thanks for reading this E-Book! Visit the Technical Cube

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