List of Programs Python

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List of Programs

1. WAP to display your biodata.

2. WAP to swap two numbers using two methods.
3. WAP to determine whether the given number is even or odd.
4. WAP to determine whether the given number is Armstrong number.
5. WAP to print Fibonacci series up to n.
6. WAP in Python to read an entire text file.
7. WAP in Python to append text to a file and display the text.
8. WAP in Python to print string Functions.
9. WAP to find sum and average of tuple elements.
10.WAP in Python to display 10 methods in list.
11.WAP in Python to display 10 methods in Dictionaries.
12. WAP to find Prime Number.
13.WAP to find the sum of all items in a dictionary.
14.WAP to traverse a list .
15.WAP to print Multiple Arguments in python.
16.WAP for printing pyramid pattern in python.
17.WAP to compute the GCD of two numbers using python
18.WAP to find a value using linear search in python
19.WAP to find a value using binary search in python program.
20.WAP to create a student management system in python using class.
21.WAP in Python to create a class Representing a bank include methods for
managing customer accounts.
22.WAP to create a class calculator with methods of adding, subtracting,
multiply and divide.
23. WAP to implement a person class (Name, address, phone, Id) and derive
two classes class teacher (additional TID, Course, faculty) and student
Roll_no, course enrolled) from person class to show the use of Inheritance.
24. WAP in Python to creating simple GUI button by using tkinter module.
25. WAP to create a login form in python with tkinter.


1. File should be hand written with blue pen.

2. Aim and program no should be written with black pen and output
should be printed.
3. You should attach colored front page and Index in your file.
4. Your index must be according to your programs.

Subject Code: CSE-104 P






S. No. Name of the Program Date Sign.


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