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1. The table displays the data for international students studying in Canada and the United
States in 2002 and 2003. 2. Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that
figures increased for all countries except those going to the United States from India. 3.
Moreover, there were significantly more international students in the United States, though
overall growth was higher in Canada.
1. Paraphrase what the table shows.
2. Write a clear overview summarising the differences.
3. You might need another sentence for your overview.
1. In 2002 in Canada there were 5,400 international students from China, a data point that
rose by 45% to 7,850 the next year. 2. In contrast, in the USA this number rose just 6% to reach
116,600. 3. There were more students from India studying in the US both years (200,000 in
2002 and 182,000 in 2003, a -9% decrease) while in Canada there were fewer despite a 35%
surge (2,100 and 2,835 for each year).
1. Begin writing about the data for the first categories.
2. Make sure you compare as much as possible.
3. Don’t leave anything out!
1. In Canada, the number of American students rose by 9% from 5,000 to 5,450 and in the US,
Canadian students grew by a comparable 7% to 33,170. 2. Finally, the total number of
international students in all of Canada increased 17%, a growth of more than 11,000, to
70,004 while in the United States this figure climbed just 2%, ending at 592,230.
1. Write about the final, other parts of the graph – include everything!
2. Compare the categories.
What do the words in bold below mean? Take some notes on a piece of paper to aid your
The table displays the data for international students studying in Canada and the United
States in 2002 and 2003. Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent
that figures increased for all countries except those going to the United States from
India. Moreover, there were significantly more international students in the United States,
though overall growth was higher in Canada.
In 2002 in Canada there were 5,400 international students from China, a data
point that rose by 45% to 7,850 the next year. In contrast, in the USA this number rose just
6% to reach 116,600. There were more students from India studying in the US both years


(200,000 in 2002 and 182,000 in 2003, a -9% decrease) while in Canada there were fewer
despite a 35% surge (2,100 and 2,835 for each year).
In Canada, the number of American students rose by 9% from 5,000 to 5,450 and in the US,
Canadian students grew by a comparable 7% to 33,170. Finally, the total number of
international students in all of Canada increased 17%, a growth of more than 11,000, to
70,004 while in the United States this figure climbed just 2%, ending at 592,230.
Try to write down or think of an antonym/opposite word for further practice:
displays shows
data numbers, figures
international students people studying from other countries, studying abroad
Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that figures overall
except not including
moreover also
significantly a lot more
overall growth increased a lot
data point figure, number
rose increased
in contrast however
number data, figure
reach get to
while however, in contrast
fewer despite less regardless of
surge increased a lot
each year the two years mentioned
rose increased
comparable similar
total number overall figure
all of Canada the whole country
climbed increased
ending finishing


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