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Investment Paradise – Kerakas and Gili Gede

Lombok Island has designated as one of the “10 Priority Tourism Destinations”.
The designation contained in the National Medium-Term Development Plan 2020-
2024. It opens up opportunities for tourism investment development in West
Nusa Tenggara.
Voice Over:
Kerakas is tourism area located in Segara Katon, Gangga, North Lombok. This area
boasts the wonders of freshwater seabed springs known as one of “The Seven
Springs Under the Sea”.
The freshwater seabed springs are divided into two zones. Zone I is only one
seabed spring that gushes to the surface, and Zone II is a combination of 12
seabed springs.
Not only beautiful, the Kerakas spring area also has the highest number of reef
fish species in North Lombok which reaches 430 species from 46 families.
59 hectares core zone of Kerakas area is very suitable for develop beach tourism,
construct star-rated hotels and other lodging facilities as well as the object of
seabed springs nautical research.

Voice Over:
Kerakas people also uses the beach as a source of meeting economic needs. They
are very open to receive investment from domestic and foreign investors.
Lalu Kusnawan:

Gili Gede
Voice Over:
In addition to Kerakas, Gili Gede is also included in a strategic tourism
development project. This exotic island is easily accessible with 10 minutes travel
time by the sea.
317 square kilometers of Gili Gede area is inhabited by 1,491 people and 80
percent work as fishermen.
Gili Gede area is also included in the National Tourism Destination (DPN) in
accordance with Government Regulation No. 50 of 2011 concerning the National
Tourism Development Master Plan, so that it becomes a regulatory guarantee for

Voice Over:
The number of tourist visits to Sekotong in 2019 was quite high, reaching 20,161
people, if it is assumed that 40 percent of them went to Gili Gede, it means 8,064
tourists went there in that year, so there was a potential need for accommodation
for 6,869 people.
Therefore, at least every 5 hectares of Gili Gede area is very potential to be
developed by investors.
Abu Bakar:

Voice Over:
With its natural excellence and beauty, Gili Gede area is hugely promising
investment for nautical tourism and accommodations.
In existing planning document, a 2-storey hotel design has been prepared, built on
an area of 17.132,6 square meters. This is expected to be a spark of interest for
large investors.
Voice Over:
The Government of West Nusa Tenggara, has conducted research and deepening
of the potential of Kerakas and Gili Gede areas.
The research was outlined in IPRO, Investment Project Ready to Offer document.
IPRO is expected to be one of the tools and play an important role as an effort to
overcome obstacles in promoting investment opportunities.
Mohammad Noor:

The large investment opportunities in West Nusa Tenggara are also supported by
an open and friendly bureaucracy, so that it can be a lever for successful
investment in this area.

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