PROJECT 3 Perception (Special Needs)

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. Visit to the neighbouring areas and interview two adolescents and two adults
regarding their perception of persons with special needs.
Theory a) what does the term special needs means
b) discuss about the needs of these individuals
physical needs/ special clothing needs/ feeding / educational etc
c) are they accepted in the society—relationship with family members,
people of their own age/ opposite sex etc
d) what steps are being taken by the society to help them
Develop questionnaire keeping special needs as criteria
Physical needs
Socio- emotional / acceptance
Vocational/ financial independent
Iam a student of class xii . as a part of our project we need to collect
information about your views regarding people with any disability .
please assist in answering few of these questions
1. What is Your name ?
2. Have you met/seen any one with special need /or disability ? if yes .
where ?
3. What did you notice about this person ?
4. How did you feel when you met /saw this person ?
5. Did you notice his/her special abilities ? please specify ?
6. Have u ever interacted with any of these individuals?
7. Did u face any difficulty in doing so?
8. How are they accepted in their families ?
9. What problems are faced by them ?
10. Are you aware of any aids especially designed for them ? please
specify .
11. Can they be educated ? How ? Will the children make fun of them ?
12. Can they become financially independent?
13. What are their specific needs ?
Socio- emotional / acceptance
Vocational/ financial independent

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