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October 21, 2011

Bidens Over The Top Rhetoric Fact Check

The Vice President May Be Entitled To His Own Extreme Rhetoric But Not To His Own Facts

When Confronted About His Rhetoric, Biden Didnt Back Down On His Claim That Murders And Rapes Will Rise If Obamas Jobs Act Didnt Pass. BIDEN: Dont screw around with me. Listen to me. I said rape was up three times in Flint, there are the numbers, go look at the numbers. Murders up, rape is up, and burglarys up. Murder will continue to rise, rape will continue to rise, all crimes will continue to rise. (Vice President Joe Biden, Comments To Reporter After Rally, Washington, D.C., 10/19/11) Biden Wished Republicans Would Know What Its Like For A Rape Victim Or To Have A Gun Pointed At Their Head. BIDEN: I wish these guys that thought it was temporary, I wish they had some notion what its like on the other side of a gun or a 200 pound man standing over you telling you to submit. Folks, it matters. It matters! (Vice President Joe Biden, Remarks At Event About American Jobs Act, Philadelphia,
PA, 10/18/11)

The Washington Posts The Fact Checker: Bidens Absurd Claims About Rising Rape And Murder Rates.(Glenn Kessler, Bidens Absurd Claims About Rising Rape And Murder Rates, The Washington Posts The Fact Checker, 10/21/11) The Washington Posts The Fact Checker Gave Biden Four Pinocchios For His Over The Top Rhetoric. (Glenn Kessler, Bidens Absurd Claims About Rising Rape And Murder Rates, The Washington Posts The Fact Checker, 10/21/11) When Making Such A Breathtaking Charge, You Had Better Have Your Facts Straight. (Glenn
Kessler, Bidens Absurd Claims About Rising Rape And Murder Rates, The Washington Posts The Fact Checker, 10/21/11) Bidens Whopper In Flint, Mich. (Eugene Kiely, Bidens Whopper In Flint, Mich.,, 10/20/11) Biden Should Get His Facts Straight To Support His Opinion. If hes going to quote the former New York Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan a quotation we used when launching this site in 2003 then he should get his facts straight to support his opinion. (Eugene Kiely, Bidens
Whopper In Flint, Mich.,, 10/20/11)

Biden Is Wrong On His Claims

Paid for by the Republican National Committee. 310 First Street SE - Washington, D.C. 20003 - (202) 863-8500 - Not authorized by any candidate or candidates committee.

Biden Falsely Claimed On Multiple Occasions The Number Of Reported Rapes In Flint, Mich. Has Skyrocketed Joe Biden falsely claimed on multiple occasions that the number of reported rapes in Flint, Mich., has skyrocketed since 2008 providing different accounts at different events that do not square with FBI data. (Eugene Kiely, Bidens Whopper In Flint, Mich.,, 10/20/11) Vice President Is Clearly Wrong About The Statistics He Uses To Demagogue On The Jobs Act. [T]he vice president is clearly wrong when he says the number of rapes have quadrupled, when in fact they have gone down, or that the murder rate has tripled, when it has doubled. (Eugene
Kiely, Bidens Whopper In Flint, Mich.,, 10/20/11)

Biden Should Know Better Than To Spout Off Half-Baked Facts In Service Of A Dubious Argument. [T]he vice president should know better than to spout off half-baked facts in service of a dubious argument. (Glenn Kessler, Bidens Absurd Claims About Rising Rape And Murder Rates, The Washington Posts The Fact Checker, 10/21/11) There Is No Excuse To Make The Dramatic Claim That More People Will Die Or Be Raped Without Additional Funds For Police. Even if one believes there is a link between crime and the number of policewhich is debatable and subject to many caveatsthere is no excuse to make the dramatic claim that more people will die or be raped without additional funds for police. (Glenn Kessler,
Bidens Absurd Claims About Rising Rape And Murder Rates, The Washington Posts The Fact Checker, 10/21/11)

Even Flint, MI Police Chief Has Asserted That Cuts In Police Had Little Effect On The Crime Rate. Interestingly, Flint Police Chief Lock has repeatedly asserted that cuts in staffing had little effect on the crime rate. As the Flint Journal reported in May: Officials said the fact that 46 police officers were laid off last year had little to do with the escalating crime. Most of the crimes were between people that knew each other. No matter how many officers we have, we can't stop disputes between two people in their own homes, Lock said. (Glenn Kessler, Bidens Absurd Claims About Rising Rape And Murder Rates, The Washington Posts The Fact Checker, 10/21/11)

Flints Police Chief Made Similar Assertions In 2010 When Statistics Showed A Decrease In Violent Crime. Lock made a similar assertion in September, 2010, when FBI statistics were released showing violent crime in Flint had decreased in 2009. The Flint Journal reported: A smaller police force doesn't automatically mean more crime, said Flint police chief Alven Lock. There's been years when we had 300 officers and we still had more homicides, he said, referring to 1986, when he was in the homicide division and homicides hit an all-time high of 61. (Glenn Kessler, Bidens Absurd Claims About Rising
Rape And Murder Rates, The Washington Posts The Fact Checker, 10/21/11)

2 Paid for by the Republican National Committee. 310 First Street SE - Washington, D.C. 20003 - (202) 863-8500 - Not authorized by any candidate or candidates committee.

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