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The average size of a leaf cell is approximately 18.2 μm x 29.12 μm. To put this in perspective,
let’s compare it to the size of a red blood cell. The length of the leaf cell is ten times the
diameter of a red blood cell.

Additionally, for context:

● Most animal and plant cells fall within the range of 0.01 mm to 0.10 mm in size

1. Leaf Length: Leaf cells typically have an average length of approximately 18.2 μm
2. Leaf Width: The average width of a leaf cell is approximately 29.12 μm 1

Leaf cells are specifically found within leaves, which are essential plant organs responsible
for photosynthesis, gas exchange, and transpiration.
Why are leaf cells not found elsewhere? Leaf cells are specialised for specific functions
related to photosynthesis, gas exchange, and nutrient transport. Their unique adaptations
make them well-suited for these roles. While other plant cells exist in various tissues, leaf
cells are uniquely designed to perform these essential tasks within the leaf structure.

relationship between leaf cells and plant cells:
1. Cell Wall:
○ Both leaf cells and plant cells have a cell wall made of cellulose, providing
structural support.
2. Cell Membrane (Plasma Membrane):
○ Leaf cells and other plant cells share a cell membrane, controlling substance
3. Nucleus:
○ The presence of a nucleus is common to both leaf cells and plant cells.
4. Chloroplasts:
○ Leaf cells uniquely contain chloroplasts for photosynthesis.
5. Central Vacuole:
○ All plant cells, including leaf cells, have a central vacuole for storage.
6. Plastids:
○ Plastids (including chloroplasts) are found in both leaf cells and other plant

In summary, leaf cells are specialised for photosynthesis, gas exchange, and nutrient
transport within the leaf structure

1. Cell Wall:
○ Leaf Cell: Lacks a cell wall; has a flexible cell membrane.
○ Plant Cell: Also lacks a cell wall; relies on a cell membrane.
2. Chloroplasts:
○ Leaf Cell: Contains chloroplasts for photosynthesis.
○ Plant Cell: Lacks chloroplasts.
3. Vacuole:
○ Leaf Cell: Has a central vacuole for water storage.
○ Plant Cell: May have smaller vacuoles but not as prominent.
4. Organelles:
○ Leaf Cell: Contains specialised organelles like palisade mesophyll and spongy
○ Plant Cell: Has organelles such as the nucleus, ribosomes, and endoplasmic
5. Epidermis Cells:
○ These cells form a protective layer on the outside of the leaf.
○ They produce waxy substances to prevent drying out and protect against insect
○ The upper epidermis (exposed to sunlight) consists of translucent cells, while the
lower epidermis facilitates air exchange through specialised openings called
○ Stomata allow the exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen and regulate water loss
through transpiration.
○ The lower epidermis also contains specialised cells for air exchange 1.
6. Palisade Mesophyll Cells:
○ These cells are densely packed with chlorophyll and are responsible for
○ Located just beneath the upper epidermis, they maximise exposure to light.
○ Palisade mesophyll cells release sugars into the intracellular space, which then move
to other leaf cell types 1.
7. Spongy Mesophyll Cells:
○ These cells form a loose matrix around vascular bundles.
○ They participate in photosynthesis but also serve additional functions.
○ Spongy mesophyll cells facilitate gas exchange and transport materials within the
leaf 1.
8. Vascular Tissues:
○ Leaf cells are associated with vascular tissues (xylem and phloem) for nutrient
○ The xylem transports water and dissolved minerals from the roots to the leaves.
○ The phloem carries sugars (produced during photosynthesis) to other parts of the
plant 1.


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Size: The average red blood cell has the following dimensions:
Diameter: RBCs are disc-shaped, so their widest point across the middle is the diameter. The
average diameter is 7.5 to 8.7 micrometres (μm).

Thickness: RBCs are thickest at the outer edge and thinnest in the centre (due to their biconcave
● Maximum thickness at the edge: 1.7 to 2.2 micrometres (μm).
● Minimum thickness in the centre: around 0.8 - 1 micrometre.


● Bloodstream: RBCs primarily reside within your blood vessels (arteries, veins, and
capillaries). This is where they carry out their essential function.
● Bone Marrow: RBCs are produced in the bone marrow, specifically the soft, spongy
tissue inside large bones. This is where they mature before being released into the
● Spleen and Liver Old and damaged red blood cells are removed from circulation and
broken down in the spleen and liver.

Why they're found in the bloodstream:

1. Oxygen Pick-up: RBCs travel to the lungs and pick up oxygen molecules. Oxygen binds to
a protein called haemoglobin within the RBCs.
2. Oxygen Delivery: The blood circulates, carrying oxygen-rich RBCs to all the cells and
tissues that need it.
3. Carbon Dioxide Removal: RBCs also remove carbon dioxide, a waste product of cellular
activity, and carry it back to the lungs to be exhaled.

Why they're NOT found elsewhere:

RBCs are specially designed to function within blood vessels.

● Shape: Their biconcave disc shape gives them flexibility to squeeze through small
capillaries and maximises surface area for gas exchange.
● Lack of Nucleus: They lack a nucleus and other organelles, providing more space for
haemoglobin to carry oxygen.


The structure of a red blood cell (RBC) is adapted to allow it to perform its very specific function
of transporting oxygen and carbon dioxide throughout the body. Here's how its structure is
tailored to this job:
● Biconcave Disc Shape: This shape gives RBCs several advantages:
○ Flexibility: To squeeze through tiny blood vessels, especially capillaries.
○ Increased Surface Area: Provides maximum space for the exchange of oxygen and
carbon dioxide.
● Lack of a Nucleus and Organelles: Removing these components creates more space for
haemoglobin, the protein that carries oxygen. This means RBCs can carry a massive
amount of oxygen per cell.
● Haemoglobin: This iron-containing protein is what actually binds oxygen in the lungs
and carries it to tissues. It also helps carry some carbon dioxide back to the lungs to be
● Flexible Cell Membrane: The membrane of an RBC needs to be pliable to change shape
as they squeeze through blood vessels, yet strong enough to maintain its integrity
throughout its 120-day lifespan.

How they differ from other cells

Red blood cells (RBCs) differ significantly from other cells in the body due to their specialised
functions and unique adaptations. Here are some key points:
1. Lack of Nucleus and Organelles:
● Unlike most cells, RBCs lack a nucleus and other organelles like mitochondria and
ribosomes. This allows them to dedicate more space to their primary function: oxygen
● Without a nucleus, they can't replicate on their own and have a shorter lifespan
compared to other cells.
2. Biconcave Disc Shape:
● RBCs have a distinctive biconcave disc shape, unlike the typical rounded shape of most
cells. This unique shape offers two benefits:
○ Increased surface area: Allows for efficient diffusion of oxygen and carbon
dioxide across the cell membrane.
○ Flexibility: Enables RBCs to easily squeeze through narrow capillaries, the
smallest blood vessels.
3. Haemoglobin:
● RBCs are filled with haemoglobin, a protein specifically designed to bind and carry
oxygen molecules. This immense amount of haemoglobin allows them to carry a large
amount of oxygen per cell compared to other cells.

Red blood cells (RBCs), also known as erythrocytes, are vital components of the circulatory
system responsible for two critical functions:

1. Oxygen Transport:
● RBCs act as the primary carriers of oxygen throughout the body.
● They travel to the lungs, where oxygen molecules bind to haemoglobin, a protein present
within the cytoplasm of the RBC.
● This oxygen-rich blood then circulates through the blood vessels, delivering oxygen to all
tissues and cells that require it for cellular respiration, the process by which cells
generate energy.

2. Carbon Dioxide Removal:

● As a byproduct of cellular respiration, carbon dioxide (CO₂) is produced by tissues.
● RBCs facilitate the removal of CO₂ by facilitating its diffusion into the bloodstream.
● Some CO₂ directly dissolves in the blood plasma, while some binds to haemoglobin,
forming carboxyhemoglobin.
● This CO₂-laden blood is transported back to the lungs, where CO₂ is released during

Location and Size

Average Size: A typical human red blood cell has a diameter of approximately 6.2–8.2
micrometres (µm) and a thickness of around 2-2.5 µm at its thickest point, making it much
smaller than most other human cells.

Location: Red blood cells are found exclusively within the bloodstream. They are specifically
adapted to this environment for efficient oxygen transport throughout the body.

Why are they not found elsewhere: RBCs are specially designed to function within blood
● Shape: Their biconcave disc shape gives them flexibility to squeeze through small
capillaries and maximises surface area for gas exchange.
● Lack of Nucleus: They lack a nucleus and other organelles, providing more space for
haemoglobin to carry oxygen.

Structure-Function Relationship
The lack of a nucleus and most organelles streamlines the red blood cell's structure, making it
highly specialised for its singular function of oxygen transport. This specialisation allows them to
carry more oxygen per cell and efficiently pass through tiny blood vessels, delivering vital
oxygen to all body tissues.

Unique Structure: Unlike most other animal cells, red blood cells lack a nucleus and most
organelles. This unique structure allows them to:
● Pack more haemoglobin molecules (proteins that carry oxygen) into the cytoplasm,
maximising their oxygen-carrying capacity.
● Squeeze through narrow capillaries due to their biconcave disc shape, facilitating
oxygen delivery to tissues.
● Be more flexible and deform easily, allowing them to navigate the intricate network of
blood vessels.
Red blood cells play a critical role within an organism by:
● Transporting oxygen absorbed in the lungs to all body tissues.
● Aiding in the removal of carbon dioxide, a waste product of cellular respiration, from
tissues to the lungs for exhalation.

Survival Benefit: The unique structure and function of red blood cells are essential for survival.
By efficiently delivering oxygen throughout the body, they support cellular respiration, the
process by which cells generate energy, allowing tissues and organs to function properly. This,
in turn, is critical for maintaining vital bodily functions and overall survival.

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