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1. 时间(有助于提升效率/优化效率 VS. 削弱/破坏效率)


1 正面:adopt proper method, take a short cut

→Improve efficiency, increase productivity, we use half of the effort, but we can double the result,
→maximize output, optimize learning performance, improve work quality,
→raise living standards
2 反面:ineffective, unproductive, not cost-effective, puts a drag on efficiency 拖累效率
→Disrupt efficiency, undermine efficiency, reduce efficiency
→It will be challenging to balance and advance studies, work, and personal life simultaneously.
1.1 When having class discussion, some people prefer to give their opinions immediately.
Others prefer to wait and listen to others’ opinions before giving their own. Which one
do you think is better?
Boost efficiency
A→immediate contributions can save time(elaboration)
→immediate feedback can help identify and resolve misunderstandings or errors early in the
B→lead to creative and innovative insights
→help in time-constrained (有时限的) discussions, a wider range of topics can be explored
within the available time
1.2 Nowadays, to become more successful, a business must use social media. Do you agree or
Boost efficiency
A→provides efficient tools for customer engagement and feedback
→Platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn allow businesses to interact directly with their customers,
addressing questions, concerns, and feedback in real-time.
→enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty
B→offers powerful analytics and insights that can drive more efficient decision-making
→provide detailed data that enables businesses to refine their marketing strategies
→optimizing their marketing efforts
1.3 Your university is planning to allow people in the community to take courses with
students. This course will be free for them and they will not receive feedbacks or grades
about their papers. Do you think this is a good program and why?
A→the motivations of community members and regular students differ
→people from the community may slow down the pace of the class
→lead to inefficiencies and a diluted(稀释的) learning experience for the students who need to
achieve specific academic goals.
B→the class size increases significantly
→need to spend more time addressing basic questions from the community members


1.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teachers should encourage
students to have class discussion= motivate students to engage in classroom discussions.
Please explain why in details and examples.
 Boost efficiency
A→immediate contributions can save time(elaboration)
→immediate feedback can help identify and resolve misunderstandings or errors early in the
B→lead to creative and innovative insights
→help in time-constrained (有时限的) discussions, a wider range of topics can be explored
within the available time
2.Many college students have part-time jobs. Some prefer to take classes during the day and
work at night or on weekends= attend classes during the daytime and work in the evenings
or on weekends. Others like to work during the day and take night or weekend classes.
Which one do you think is better? Please explain why and support your answer using details
and examples.
 Boost/enhance efficiency
A→cognitive function is at its peak during the morning and early afternoon
→a student who takes a challenging math or science course during the day is more likely to
absorb and retain complex information effectively
B→allows students to focus on their studies during the day without the distraction of a job
→This separation of academic and work responsibilities can lead to higher productivity and better
academic performance.
3. Some people think that it is important for students to memorize the dates and names of
the significant historical events. Others believe that it is not necessary for students to
remember such information because they can easily get access to the information on the
Internet. Which one do you agree with? Please explain why and support your answer using
details and examples.
 save valuable time
B→use it to enhance their comprehension and critical thinking skills
→are more beneficial in the long run
4.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teaching others is the best way to
learn and improve a skill. Please explain why and use specific details and examples to
support your answer.
 enhance efficiency
→the instructor receives immediate feedback from students
→a software developer teaching a coding class might realize through student questions that their
understanding of a particular algorithm is not as deep as required. This immediate insight drives
the developer to study further and adjust their methods accordingly, thereby enhancing their own
skills and solidifying their knowledge. (例子)
5.Some people think that a business benefits more when employees complete their work as
perfectly as possible. Others believe a business benefits more when the employees try to do
more work= take on more work instead of focusing on whether things are done perfectly or
not. Which one do you think benefits a business more? Please explain why and use specific
details and examples to explain your answer.
 enhances overall efficiency and productivity, which are crucial for the success of any
→if employees focus on completing more tasks to a satisfactory standard, the business can
maintain a steady workflow and meet deadlines more effectively
→This balance between quality and quantity ensures that the business operates smoothly and can
handle a higher volume of work.
→Instead, aiming for perfection in every task can be time-consuming and may lead to diminishing
6. Agree or disagree with the statement that it is never acceptable to interrupt another
person when he or she is talking.
 Boost efficiency
A→immediate contributions can save time(elaboration)
→immediate feedback can help identify and resolve misunderstandings or errors early in the
B→lead to creative and innovative insights
→help in time-constrained (有时限的) discussions, a wider range of topics can be explored
within the available time
7. Some people prefer to read reviews written by critics before watching a movie; Other
people prefer to watch the movie without reading reviews of it. Which way do you prefer and
 save time
allows me to quickly assess whether a movie is worth watching
→Critics provide concise(简约的) summaries and evaluations, which can help me decide if a
film matches my interests and preferences
→prevents me from wasting time on movies that I might not enjoy or that do not meet my
→For example, I do not enjoy horror films. By reading reviews, I can easily identify if a movie is
too horrible, and avoid spending time on a film that I am unlikely to appreciate.
8. Some people believe robots will replace humans for many types of work in the future.
Others don't think so. Which do you agree and why?
 enhance efficiency in various tasks
→Unlike humans, robots can work continuously without the need for breaks, sleep, or vacations
→This continuous operation leads to a substantial increase in productivity.
→in manufacturing, robots can handle repetitive tasks such as assembly and packaging with high
precision and consistency.
→people can save time and reinvest the time in recreation

2. 开心(得到更多乐趣 VS. 无趣)

1 正面:Know how and why, be well-prepared, prepare in advance
→Have more fun, derive more pleasure
→have a great time, have a blast
2 反面:a tedious 乏味的 XXX/ XXX is a total buzzkill 扫兴
find it boring, feel bored, lose interest
1.1 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is important to learn about the
tradition and culture of a country before we go there to travel.
A→watch documentaries about history, art and culture in advance
→Learning about the culture and traditions might lead you to discover less-known places and
activities that are not typically highlighted in travel guides.
→This deeper understanding can make your adventures more fulfilling and enjoyable.
B→participate in local festivals, ceremonies, and activities
→adds a unique and enjoyable dimension to your trip that you might miss out on otherwise
2.2 Some people like surprise visits from their friends, while others prefer to be informed of
such visits. Which one do you prefer and why?
A→Gives me a head’s up 提前提醒我
→Avoiding schedule conflicts
→enjoy my friends' company without any distractions or commitments pulling me away
B→prepare fun activities and events
→plan a game night, a movie marathon, or even a small party
2.3 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Young people should learn about
world history.
A→During the trip, learning about the culture and traditions might lead you to discover less-
known places and activities that are not typically highlighted in travel guides.
→This deeper understanding can make your adventures more fulfilling and enjoyable.
B→inspire new interests and hobbies
→A young person might develop a passion for ancient architecture historical novels, or
→lead to fulfilling and enjoyable pastimes
C→have to memorize lots of names, dates and events and all these thing will take a long time
→find it boring
→fall asleep


1.Some people like to listen to music on headphones while they go from one place to another=
through headphones while commuting or traveling. Others prefer going from place to place in
silence. Which do you prefer? Explain why.
 Make me happy
→listen to upbeat 欢乐的 pop or my favorite rock songs
→lifts my spirits and energizes me
→turns an mundane 单调的 commute into a joyful experience
→fills me with positive emotions, keeps me in a good mood throughout the day

3. 放松(有助于娱乐/放松 VS. 增加压力/焦虑)


1 正面:Have leisure time, relax, recharge, chill out, allows me to kill time, blows off steam 发泄,
relieves the pressure
→mental and physical health, personal interest, social life
2 反面:increase stress, suffer from anxiety
→stress-induced diseases (depression 抑郁症, GAD 焦虑症, insomnia 失眠症)
→feel joyful, forget worries, feel refreshed, lead to better energy
3.1 Suppose you have two job offers. The first one gives you a lot of salary, but you won't
have much free time and no holidays. The second one doesn't pay you as much, but you can
have more free time. Which one do you prefer, and why?
A→Having leisure time enables me to pursue hobbies and interests, which are essential for
personal growth and happiness.
→I enjoy playing video games and reading books, activities that require uninterrupted time to
fully enjoy.
B→maintaining relationships with family and friends
→Engaging in social activities and spending quality time with loved ones
→ enhances life satisfaction
3.2 Some people like participating in performance like theatrical or musical show. Others
prefer being audiences watching those plays. Which one do you prefer?
A→Being part of a performance group fosters social connections, boost self-confidence
→a fun and enjoyable experience, rewarding and relaxing
B→Watching a performance is a passive activity that allows for complete relaxation. There’s no
pressure to perform, just the enjoyment of the show.
→escape from daily stresses and immerse oneself in the storyline or music
3.3 Is it better to use your extra money to buy some objects like clothes or electronic
products, or is it better to use the extra money to increase your experience like going for a
vacation or a concert? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
A→These experiences often involve elements of fun, excitement, and relaxation that are essential
for mental health.
→原因:strengthen social bonds if attended with friends or family
→reduce, alleviates stress and improve mental well-being
B→provide a refreshing experience(耳目一新的体验)
→例子:a road trip to a nearby national park or a city you've never visited
→the novelty of the experience can take your mind off daily worries and provide a sense of
adventure and relaxation.


1.Some people think that it is important for students to memorize the dates and names of the
significant historical events. Others believe that it is not necessary for students to remember
such information because they can easily get access to the information on the Internet.
Which one do you agree with? Please explain why and support your answer using details
and examples.
 Allows for more relaxation and entertainment
A→Internet provides a vast and easily accessible historical information
→makes learning history more interesting and engaging, as students can explore the causes,
impacts, and lessons of historical events
→sparks students' curiosity and encourages them to delve further into the subject
2.Some people like to listen to music on headphones while they go from one place to
another= through headphones while commuting or traveling. Others prefer going from place
to place in silence. Which do you prefer? Explain why.
 Recharge myself
→listen to some soothing jazz or classical music
→a passive activity that allows for complete relaxation
→eases my mind and reduces stress
3.Some students prefer to have several classes in a row=attend several classes consecutively
and take a long break after the classes are over. Others like to take short breaks in between
classes. Which one do you prefer? Please explain why and use specific details and examples
to explain.
 Recharge myself
A→after an intense math class, taking a 10-minute break
→use this time to take a quick walk or grab a snack
→allows me to clear my mind, reduce stress before diving into the next subject
B→provide an opportunity to stretch and move around
→I feel more comfortable and energized
The school is thinking about getting “the study hall” to fill in the schedule of the students. 4. 4.
The study hall is the free class time for students to relax or study what they like. Do you
agree or disagree with this?
 Recharge myself, refresh my mind
→listen to some soothing jazz or classical music, eat some snacks, have some coffee
→allows for complete relaxation
→eases my mind and reduces stress
5. Some people prefer to finish their daily tasks slowly and carefully. Others like to do their
tasks quickly. Which one do you prefer? Please explain why and use specific details and
examples to explain your answer.
 Reduce stress
Completing/finish tasks quickly/ efficiently
→provide more free time for other activities
→extra time to relax or engage in hobbies
→contributes to a better work-life balance
→I had time to meet friends for dinner, which provided a much-needed mental break and helped
me maintain a positive mindset.

4. 金钱(省钱/赚钱/经济 VS. 浪费钱)


1 正面:lead to better decision-making in various aspects of life, including finances

→from a cost-saving perspective, affordable, inexpensive, economical, make money
→Financially comfortable and prosperous
→long-term benefits of education, the immediate financial rewards of employment
2 反面:waste money, expensive, overpriced, unprofitable
→Having difficulty managing finances
Nothing comes for free. 没有什么事情是不可以用金钱去衡量的,至少,在托福口语考试的
4.1 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is important to learn about the
tradition and culture of a country before we go there to travel.
A→Understanding local customs can help travelers avoid unnecessary expenses.
→in some countries, tipping(付小费) is not customary(常见的) , and doing so might be
seen as unnecessary or even offensive
B→Being aware of local holidays and festivals can also help in planning a cost-effective trip.
→visiting Japan during Golden Week(黄金周), a series of holidays, can be very expensive due
to high demand for accommodation and transportation. By planning the trip outside of this peak
period(高峰期), travelers can save a significant amount of money on flights and hotels.
C→Knowing about local food and dining customs can lead to more economical ( 实 惠 的 )
dining choices.
→in Thailand, eating at local food stalls(大排档) instead of restaurants can save a considerable
amount of money while providing an authentic cultural experience.
4.2 Some people like surprise visits from their friends, while others prefer to be informed of
such visits. Which one do you prefer and why?
A→Surprise visits can often lead to unplanned expenses.
→if friends arrive unexpectedly, you might feel the need to buy additional groceries, order
takeout, or entertain them with activities that cost money
→These sudden expenses can disrupt your budget and lead to unnecessary spending.
B→look for cost-effective ways to host your friends
→include preparing homemade meals or planning free or low-cost activities in advance
→allows for(考虑到) better financial planning
4.3 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Young people should learn about
world history.
A→Historical knowledge can help avoid repeating past mistakes. (政府角度)
→learning about the consequences of past financial policies and strategies can help young people
and policymakers implement more effective and economically sound measures
→avoid wasteful expenditures.
B→Understanding historical economic trends and crises can help young people make more
informed(明智的) financial decisions.
→knowing the causes and effects of past economic recessions can guide them in making
prudent(谨慎的) investments and avoiding financial pitfalls(财务陷阱)
→ ultimately saving money.


1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teenagers cause many problems
for their parents. Use specific examples and details to support your opinion.
→keep in contact with friends/ push me to enrich my knowledge
→update frequently
→money consuming
→ask money for parents
→yet it is a sweet burden, still a problem
反面:win-win situation
2. Some schools are considering eliminating computer labs on campus because all students
nowadays have their own laptops. Do you think it's a good idea?
 save money
→allocated to other areas that enhance the overall educational experience for students
→schools can create a more dynamic, inclusive, and supportive educational environment
→build more libraries, expand existing ones, or improve library resources(eg)
→build or upgrade sports and recreational facilities such as new or improved gymnasiums, sports
fields, and fitness centers(eg)
3. Some people prefer to shop regularly at a store that is close and convenient to them, even
though it might be expensive. Others prefer to shop regularly at a store with the lowest
prices, even if it is far away. Which do you prefer? Use details and examples to explain your
 This choice is primarily driven by the considerations of saving time and, indirectly, saving
A→Time is a valuable resource, and the hours spent traveling to a distant store can be used more
→By avoiding long commutes, I can allocate more time to important tasks, hobbies, or simply
B→the cost of travel often offsets the savings of lower price at the distance store
→if the cheaper store is thirty minutes away by bus or subway, the cost of public transportation
fares can add up over time
4. Do you prefer to live in an area that is noisy but closer to shops, restaurants or public
transportation, or an area that is quiet but far away from shops and public transportation?
I would prefer the former=live close to amenities(便利设施)
 This choice is primarily driven by the considerations of saving time and, indirectly, saving
A→as we known, time is a valuable resource, and the hours spent traveling to a distant store can
be used more productively.
→By avoiding long commutes, I can allocate more time to important tasks, hobbies, or simply
→instead of spending an extra 30 minutes driving to a gym located far from home, I could use
that time to exercise, read a book, or work on a personal project.(eg)

5. 健康(有助于身心健康 VS. 不利于身心健康)


1 正面:engage in physical activities

→helps them endure hard pressure, makes the human body stronger, keep one in a good mental
→reduce the risks of various diseases, promote the physical health and mental health
2 反面:decrease physical activities and make life increasingly sedentary
→associated with high pressure
→undermines people's health, heighten the risk of various diseases. (high blood pressure, obesity,
and diabetes, insomnia, depression, GAD 焦虑症)
5.1 The university plans to build a study hall where students can relax and study. Do you
think this is a good idea? Why?
A→designed with comfortable seating, proper chairs and desks
→reduce the risk of back pain, prevent physical strain 身体劳损 and discomfort associated with
long hours of sitting
B→encourage group study sessions, which can foster collaboration and peer support
→combats feelings of isolation and promotes a sense of community
→ helps them endure hard pressure, helps in reducing stress levels
5.2Some students prefer to study in the morning while others choose to study in the evening,
which one do you prefer, why?
A→complete my study goals in the morning
→feel more motivated and less stressed throughout the day
→improves my overall mood and mental well-being
B→Studying late into the night can interfere with sleep patterns
→insufficient or poor-quality sleep
→chronic sleep deprivation(长期睡眠缺乏), which negatively affects overall health


1.Some people prefer to stay and live in one place their whole life. Others like to move
around and live in different places= changing environments. Which one do you prefer?
Please explain why and use examples to support your answer.
 Benefit physical and mental health
A→new places offer fresh experiences and challenges
→stimulate the brain and keep it active
→enhance cognitive function
B→moves to a new city might join local clubs or groups
→provide emotional support, reduce stress, and improve overall mental health
2.Some high schools require students to pass a physical fitness exam, in which they are tested
on their ability to perform certain physical activities, such as running and swimming, in
order to graduate. Do you think this is a good idea? Explain why or why not. Support your
opinion with specific details and examples.
 engage in physical activities & decrease physical activities
A→正面:helps them endure hard pressure, makes the human body stronger, keep one in a good
mental condition
→reduce the risks of various diseases, promote the physical health and mental health
B→反面: make their life increasingly sedentary
→associated with high pressure
→undermines people's health, heighten the risk of various diseases. (high blood pressure, obesity,
and diabetes, insomnia, depression, GAD 焦虑症)
3.Some university students believe that they should participate in projects that help the local
community= get involved in the community service. Other students think that it is better to
focus on their schoolwork. Which one do you agree with? Please explain why and use
specific details and examples to support your answer.
 engage in physical activities & decrease physical activities
A→正面:helps them endure hard pressure, makes the human body stronger, keep one in a good
mental condition
→reduce the risks of various diseases, promote the physical health and mental health
B→反面: make their life increasingly sedentary
→associated with high pressure
→undermines people's health, heighten the risk of various diseases. (high blood pressure, obesity,
and diabetes, insomnia, depression, GAD 焦虑症)
4.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students who are physically active
and exercise regularly are more likely to succeed academically. Please explain why and use
specific details and examples to support your answer.
 engage in physical activities & decrease physical activities
A→正面:helps them endure hard pressure, makes the human body stronger, keep one in a good
mental condition
→study more efficiently
B→反面: make their life increasingly sedentary
→undermines people's health, heighten the risk of various diseases. (high blood pressure, obesity,
and diabetes, insomnia, depression, GAD 焦虑症)
→reduce the efficiency
5. Some high schools require students to pass a physical fitness exam, in which they are
tested on their ability to perform certain physical activities, such as running and swimming,
in order to graduate. Do you think this is a good idea? Explain why or why not. Support
your opinion with specific details and examples
 engage in physical activities & decrease physical activities
A→正面:helps them endure hard pressure, makes the human body stronger, keep one in a good
mental condition
→study more efficiently
→continued my jogging routine. I noticed that I was less anxious and could concentrate better
while studying. The mental and physical benefits of jogging allowed me to absorb information
more effectively and perform well in my exams. (eg)
B→反面: make their life increasingly sedentary
→undermines people's health, heighten the risk of various diseases. (high blood pressure, obesity,
and diabetes, insomnia, depression, GAD 焦虑症)
→reduce the efficiency
6. A big corporation is planning to build a factory in your hometown. This factory will create
many job opportunities for people, but it could also cause a lot of pollution at the same time.
Do you support this plan or not?
A→release harmful chemicals and pollutants into the air and water
→lead to health issues for the local population
→decrease the overall quality of life for the residents
B→constant exposure to high levels of noise pollution from the factory can significantly affect
mental health
→Continuous loud noises can lead to chronic stress and anxiety.
→find it difficult to relax or concentrate
7. Some adults believe that young people have become excessively dependent on or even
addicted to electronic devices and should try to use them less. Do you agree with this point of
view? Explain why or why not.
 Mental&physical health
A→excessive use of electronic devices can disrupt sleep patterns
→The blue light emitted by screens interferes with the hormone responsible for regulating sleep.
→ difficulty falling asleep, insomnia, and poor sleep quality
B make their life increasingly sedentary
→undermines people's health, heighten the risk of various diseases. (high blood pressure, obesity,
and diabetes, dry eyes, blurred vision, and headaches)
5. Previous generations spent time playing board games or card games with family and
friends. Nowadays, many young people prefer to play games on their computers and phones.
Which do you think is better and why? Use details and examples in your response.
 Mental&physical health
A→make their life increasingly sedentary
Prolonged use of computers and phones can strain eyesight and cause issues such as neck pain.
B→excessive use of electronic devices can disrupt sleep patterns
→The blue light emitted by screens interferes with the hormone responsible for regulating sleep.
→ difficulty falling asleep, insomnia, and poor sleep quality

6. 交友(增进人际关系/加深情感 VS. 疏远关系/情感)


1 正面:Build connections with like-minded individuals, strengthen relationships, be bond with

my family or friends
→expand sb.’s social circle, get to know people with different specialties
2 反 面 : Cause a quarrel, lead to a disagreement, distance my family or friends, offend your
friends or family
6.1 Which one do you prefer? Playing video games or playing board games(棋盘游戏)
with your friends.
A→During a game of Monopoly, players discuss strategies, negotiate trades, and share laughs
→provide opportunities for face-to-face interaction
→deepens friendships
B→create shared experiences and memories
→such as inside jokes and fond memories
→reinforces their bond
6.2 Some people prefer to stay in touch with their friends and family members while
traveling. Others prefer not to get in touch and stay alone. Which do you prefer and why?
A→ take photos of the places that I go to and people I meet and sent them to my family and
→they will know that I am having a great time
→they can share that happiness and excitement
B→Regular updates and check-ins, staying in touch with my parents through weekly video
→helps me feel connected and supported, even though I am far from home
→alleviates feelings of loneliness or homesickness
6.3 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents should be involved in the
process of helping their children to choose a career.
A→ A parent might believe that a career in law is prestigious and secure, while the child may have
a passion for the arts.
→This divergence can lead to heated discussions and strain the relationship if not managed
B→A child might want to pursue a career in technology, but if parents ignore their enthusiasm and
push for a more traditional career path.
→the child may withdraw ( 撤 退 ) and become less communicative about their goals and
→distance family


1. Your university currently requires all students to take one humanities course=liberal art
course in a subject such as literature or philosophy in order to graduate. However, some
students majoring in subjects such as math and science think that these humanities courses
are not relevant to their field of study, and they should therefore not be required to take
them. Do you agree with these students? Explain why or why not.
 humanities courses play a crucial role in fostering a well-rounded education and enhancing
the ability to connect with others on a deeper level
A→participate in discussions about philosophical theories 哲学理论 or analyze complex texts
→provide opportunities for face-to-face interaction
→deepens friendships
B→create shared experiences and memories
→such as inside jokes and fond memories
→reinforces their bond
2. Some universities require the students to choose a major field of study when they enter the
school; while other universities require the students to learn several fields at first and then
choose a major field of study. Which do you prefer? Why or why not?
have the opportunity to meet and interact with a diverse group of peers
→expand their social circles beyond their major
→learn from each other, broaden their perspective
→draw connections between different fields, develop a more comprehensive understanding of
complex issues
→knowledge gained from a psychology class could be applied to marketing strategies in a
business course(eg)
3. When attending events and activities, some people enjoy taking photographs of the events.
Others, however, believe that taking photos disrupts their overall experience, so they prefer
to simply immerse themselves in the activities. Which do you prefer? Why?
sharing photographs with friends and family
→reinforce the emotional connections made during the event
→attending a significant life event, such as a graduation ceremony
→taking photos of the graduate receiving their diploma
→Sharing these photos on social media or in a family group chat allows distant relatives and
friends to partake in the celebration
4. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People's social skills have declined
as their use of technology has increased.
 Increased use of technology, such as smartphones and social media, often leads to a decrease
in face-to-face interactions
→people might prefer texting or chatting online rather than meeting in person
→can result in a decline in conversational skills, including the ability to read body language ,
facial expressions, and other non-verbal cues
→video calls might allow people to see and hear each other, but they lack the physical presence
and warmth of face-to-face meetings
5. Previous generations spent time playing board games or card games with family and
friends. Nowadays, many young people prefer to play games on their computers and phones.
Which do you think is better and why? Use details and examples in your response.
 Strengthen the relationship between them
A→During a traditional card games "Dou Dizhu", players discuss strategies, negotiate trades, and
share laughs(eg)
→provide opportunities for face-to-face interaction
→deepens friendships
B→create shared experiences and memories
→such as inside jokes and fond memories(美好的回忆)
→reinforces their bonds
6. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way to teach children
how to behave is to praise their good behavior rather than to criticize their bad behavior.
A→praise creates a nurturing(助长的) and supportive environment
→When children receive praise for their good deeds(善举), they feel valued and recognized,
which boosts their self-esteem and confidence.
→when a child shares his toys with a sibling(兄弟姐妹) and is praised forhis generosity, he is
likely to continue sharing in the future.(eg)
B(on the other hand)→Criticism often leads to feelings of shame, guilt, and resentment.
→Children who are frequently criticized may develop low self-esteem and a negative self-image.

7. 学习(有助于个人发展 VS. 不利于个人发展 & 学术自由)


1 抽象:broaden horizon 拓宽眼界

be exposed to various information, cultures, and perspectives
Stimulates innovative thinking and creativity, and enables individuals to better understand and
adapt to different environments and changes
2 实际:knowledge and skill 知识和技能、accumulate experience 积累经验
complete tasks and solve problems more efficiently
Become more competitive in the job market
Achieve career goals and pursue higher positions and salaries
7.1 Suppose you have been admitted by two universities. One is a very good university but
they don't offer you any scholarship and it's very expensive. The other one is less well-known
but they do offer scholarships to you. Which university would you choose to go to?
A→Attending a top-tier university would expose me to a diverse range of information, cultures,
and perspectives.
→Stimulates innovative thinking and creativity, and enables individuals to better understand and
adapt to different environments and changes
B→participate in cutting-edge research projects and take advanced courses that are not available
→allow me to gain valuable knowledge and skills from some of the best faculty in my field
→complete tasks and solve problems more efficiently
→Become more competitive in the job market
→Achieve career goals and pursue higher positions and salaries
7.2 Do you agree or disagree with the statement that to be successful, one must study in
7.3 Some people prefer to work in a large company=established companies; Others prefer to
work in a small company. Which way do you prefer?
A→provide extensive training programs and resources
→they often offer workshops, seminars, and courses led by industry experts
→learn more knowledge and skill,
→ complete tasks and solve problems more efficiently
→Become more competitive in the job market
→Achieve career goals and pursue higher positions and salaries
B→have a variety of departments and projects
→accumulate experience in different areas of the business
→enhance my problem-solving abilities and technical expertise
→Become more competitive in the job market
→Achieve career goals and pursue higher positions and salaries


1.Some people prefer to learn new topics by reading a textbook. Others like to learn new
topics by listening to a lecture= attending lectures. Which way do you think is better? Please
explain why and use examples to support your answer.
 Broaden horizon & learn knowledge and skills
A→Expose me to a diverse range of information, cultures, and perspectives.
→Stimulates innovative thinking and creativity, and enables individuals to better understand and
adapt to different environments and changes
B→take advanced courses that are not available elsewhere
→allow me to gain valuable knowledge and skills from some of the best faculty in my field
→complete tasks and solve problems more efficiently
→Become more competitive in the job market
→Achieve career goals and pursue higher positions and salaries
2.Some college students choose a course of study that will give them specific professional
training, such as teaching or engineering. Others choose a broader course of study= choose a
broader field of study, such as philosophy or history, which will give them more general
knowledge. Which do you think is better? Explain why.
 Broaden one’s horizon & enhance one’s skills
A→studying philosophy can enhance critical thinking and ethical reasoning
→valuable in various fields and aspects of life, foster a well-rounded perspective
B→history students develops their research and writing abilities by analyzing historical
→essential for careers in academia, journalism, and beyond
→transferable to many professions, including law, business, and public policy
→students become versatile thinkers and problem-solvers
→adapt to diverse career paths
3.Your university is organizing a series of guest lectures. Some people think that speakers
with controversial opinions should not be invited to speak at the university =feature a
variety of speakers, regardless of their opinions. Others believe that the university should
feature a variety of speakers, regardless of their opinions. Which point of view do you agree
with? Explain why. Using details and examples in your response.
 Broaden horizon & learn knowledge and skills
A→Expose me to a diverse range of information, cultures, and perspectives.
→Stimulates innovative thinking and creativity, and enables individuals to better understand and
adapt to different environments and changes
B→take advanced courses that are not available elsewhere
→allow me to gain valuable knowledge and skills from some of the best faculty in my field
→complete tasks and solve problems more efficiently
→Become more competitive in the job market
→Achieve career goals and pursue higher positions and salaries
4.When facing a difficult situation, some people prefer to get advice from people of their own
age, like their friends. Others like to ask people who are older than them, such as their
parents or teachers= seek advice from older individuals. Which one do you prefer? Please
include specific details and examples in your answer.
 broader perspective & learn knowledge and skills
A→allowing them to provide more comprehensive advice
→faced a teamwork issue at work, and my mentor, with her extensive management background,
advice helped me resolve the issue(例子)
B→have more experience and expertise
→when I was deciding on my graduate school specialization, I consulted my parents. They drew
from their professional experiences to give me insightful 富有洞察力的 advice. My father, who
has a background in law, helped me weigh the pros and cons of this field. Therefore, I choose the
major I both like and excel in.(例子)
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
5.It is better for students to live with a roommate who is studying the same subject≠who is
pursuing a different field of study. Please explain why and use specific details and examples
to support your answer.
 Broaden horizon
A→Expose them to a diverse range of information, cultures, and perspectives.
→Stimulates innovative thinking and creativity, and enables them to better understand and adapt
to different environments and changes
→if a computer science student lives with a history major, they will not only hear about the latest
programming techniques but also learn about historical events and their impacts on society. This
exchange of knowledge can lead to a more well-rounded education and stimulate curiosity in
subjects outside their own field.(例子)
6. Your university requires that you take a history course, and you have two options that fit
your schedule. The first course is taught by a professor who is well-known for being a good
lecturer and includes little to no class discussion. The second course is led by a professor who
rarely lectures and instead encourages students to contribute to class discussions. Which
course would you choose to fulfill your history requirement and why?(2024)
 broaden my perspective & develop important soft skills→provide a more enriching
educational experience
A→Engaging with diverse viewpoints from my classmates
→exposed to different opinions and interpretations can deepen my comprehension
→in history class, understand historical events from multiple angles(eg)
B→Regularly expressing my thoughts and debating ideas in class
→improves my communication skills and public speaking confidence
→highly valuable in the professional world,
→since clear and effective communication is crucial.
7. Some people prefer to watch films that are exciting and entertaining. Others prefer to
watch films that are more serious and have an important message or teach them something
new. What kind of film do you prefer and why?
 Broaden one’s horizon & enhance one’s skills→offer a more enriching experience
A→studying philosophy through films can enhance critical thinking and ethical reasoning(eg)
→valuable in various fields and aspects of life, foster a well-rounded perspective
B→historical films require analyzing historical documents and contexts, similar to what history
students do
→develop my research and writing abilities
→essential for careers in academia, journalism, and beyond
→transferable to many professions, including law, business, and public policy
→I become versatile thinkers and problem-solvers
8. Do you think people should read the news to know what is happening around the world
even if it may have nothing to do with their personal lives?
 broadens one’s perspective & develop valuable skills
A→be exposed to diverse viewpoints and cultures
→learning about different countries, societies, and issues
→helps in developing empathy and awareness of global challenges,
→such as climate change, political conflicts, and economic disparities(eg)
B→enhance critical thinking and analytical skills
→learning about breakthroughs in artificial intelligence or renewable energy can motivate
someone to pursue further education or training in these fields.(eg)
9. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should spend time reading
the news every day in order to know what is happening in other countries around the world.
 broadens one’s perspective & develop valuable skills
A→be exposed to diverse viewpoints and cultures
→learning about different countries, societies, and issues
→helps in developing empathy and awareness of global challenges,
→such as climate change, political conflicts, and economic disparities(eg)
B→enhance critical thinking and analytical skills
→learning about breakthroughs in artificial intelligence or renewable energy can motivate
someone to pursue further education or training in these fields.(eg)
10. Some people think that only those who perform well in secondary school should be able
to attend university. Others believe that anyone who really wants to attend university should
have that opportunity. Which view do you agree with? Explain why.
 It ensures equal opportunities for all.
A→Expose me to a diverse range of information, cultures, and perspectives.
→Stimulates innovative thinking and creativity, and enables individuals to better understand and
adapt to different environments and changes
B→take advanced courses that are not available elsewhere
→allow me to gain valuable knowledge and skills from some of the best faculty in my field
→complete tasks and solve problems more efficiently
→Become more competitive in the job market

8. 方便(易接近/易携带 VS. 不易接近/笨重)


1 正面:Convenient, easy to be made use of, comes more flexibility, more mobile
→get easy access to it, go on a journey anytime they want
→the potential can be fully exploited
→devote more time and efforts to accomplishing other business that is urgent and pivotal 关键的
2 反面:Inconvenient , cumbersome 笨重的, difficult to use
→requires significant effort to access, Users face obstacles when trying to access it
→ The potential of the system is underutilized due to the high barriers to entry.
→ Users are forced to devote more time and effort to overcoming these challenges, leaving less
time and resources for other urgent and pivotal business tasks.

9. 感受(有成就感 VS. 无 & 维持舒适区 VS. 走出)

思路 1 成就感

思路 2 舒适区

1.Some people prefer to stay and live in one city their whole life. Others like to move around
and live in different cities. Which one do you prefer? Please explain why and use examples to
support your answer.
 who is willing to step out of their comfort zone, explore new experiences, and embrace the
unknown with enthusiasm and curiosity
→Each city has its own unique industries and job markets, and moving around can open doors to
exciting prospects that I might not have considered otherwise.
→Shanghai is a global financial hub
→Living in Shanghai provided me with numerous opportunities to network with professionals
from various industries and attend international conferences
→foster my personal growth, making me more adaptable and open-minded.
2.Do you agree or disagree with this statement: Friends may disagree with each other and
still remain friendship·
 who is willing to step out of their comfort zone, explore new experiences, and embrace the
unknown with enthusiasm and curiosity
→close friends
→learn from each other
→broaden my perspective/ refresh my mind
3. You have been offered two jobs. One pays a high salary but involves frequent business
trips. The other one doesn't require you to travel a lot but pays less. Which job would you
choose? Please explain why and use details and examples to support your answer.
 Win-win situation
allows me to step out of my comfort zone
→broaden my perspective
→meet different people and be exposed to different culture
→Meeting clients or colleagues from various cultural backgrounds r
→learn how to communicate effectively with diverse groups of people,
not only provides financial benefits but also fosters personal and professional growth, making it a
more rewarding and enriching option.

10. 人设(内向 VS. 外向 & 喜欢冒险 VS. 保守谨慎 & 经济富裕 VS.贫穷 & 勤奋

VS. 懒惰)

思路 1 内向外向

思路 2 冒险谨慎


1.Some people prefer to stay and live in one city their whole life. Others like to move around
and live in different cities. Which one do you prefer? Please explain why and use examples to
support your answer.
 who is willing to take risks, explore new experiences, and embrace the unknown with
enthusiasm and curiosity
→Each city has its own unique industries and job markets, and moving around can open doors to
exciting prospects that I might not have considered otherwise.
→Shanghai is a global financial hub
→Living in Shanghai provided me with numerous opportunities to network with professionals
from various industries and attend international conferences
→foster my personal growth, making me more adaptable and open-minded.
2.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Old people should not take risks
and participate in adventurous events as the young people do. Please explain why in detail
and examples in your answer.
 who are willing to take risks, explore new experiences, and embrace the unknown with
enthusiasm and curiosity
→older adults who decide to go on a solo travel adventure or join a group for skydiving(跳伞)
may experience a sense of accomplishment
→These feelings can boost their confidence and self-esteem, showing them that they are capable
of achieving great things regardless of their age.
3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Happiness comes from helping
others rather than helping yourself.
 an extroverted and outgoing person
→Helping others provides valuable opportunities for social interactions
A→allowing people to build and strengthen their relationships.
→volunteer at a community event, feeling a profound sense of joy and fulfillment from the
positive interactions
B→receive positive feedback
→boost their confidence and self-esteem and overall sense of well-being
3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important quality of a
leader is being a gifted speaker. Use details and examples to explain your opinion.
 the ability to inspire through actions can be far more impactful
→Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple, is known for his introverted nature
→His leadership style focuses on collaboration, operational excellence, and thoughtful decision-
making rather than public speaking
→he has successfully led the company to new heights
→introverted individuals who may not excel in public speaking can still be highly effective

思路 3 富裕贫穷
思路 4 勤奋懒惰


1.Some students like having a teacher who supervises them closely and frequently checks
their work. Others prefer having a teacher who lets them work on their own and only
occasionally checks their work. Which do you prefer? Explain why.
 diligent and hard-working individual
→By actively seeking guidance and sharing my thoughts with my teachers
→ensures that I am consistently on the right track
→in my English literature class, I often stay after lessons to discuss themes and analyses of the
texts we're studying.
→These meetings allowed me to clarify complex concepts, receive constructive criticism on my
methodology, and gain new perspectives that I hadn't considered.
2. There is a policy that parents should not be allowed to see children’s grades without their
permission. Do you agree or disagree?
 diligent and hardworking student
→have a strong sense of responsibility and transparency
→appreciate the support and guidance of their parents
→lead to constructive discussions about academic progress and areas for improvement
→arrange for additional tutoring or other support services(eg)
→benefits the student

11. 对政策和计划:尊重则支持 VS. 限制则逆反


提供多维度的观点。但是综合任务中有一篇心理学讲座解释了一个 reactance 的原理可以为
一理论也可以成为“反驳”限制类政策的有力原因 --限制则逆反,政策失效;反而给到更
Do you think the government should legislate laws to fine people who use cell phones when
crossing roads and intersections?
Should government limit violence and bad language on television?
12. 多人合作 VS. 独立完成


率更高”、“培养团队精神”,但“独立完成”的理由除了老套的锻炼能力之外,no free
rider problem 和 get all the credit 也十分万能好用且清新脱俗。
Some people like to work alone; others like to work with others. Which do you prefer?
Some people prefer to do team sports, others prefer to do individual sports. Which do you prefer?

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