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Navigating Career Paths: A Phenomenological Study of

Young Adult Lesbian’s Career Decision Making

Proposed Research aims/ goals

This study aims to explore other factors that relate to the career decisions of members of the
LGBT community in the Philippines.

Proposed Research problem/statement of the problem

1. What is the perspective of lesbians on making career decisions?

2. What is their experience in making career decisions?
3. What are the factors that influence young adult lesbians in making career decisions?

Rapport Questions
1. How are you feeling today?
2. I appreciate your willingness to be part of this, what motivated you to get involved?
3. Before we start, is there anything specific you would like to know about the research or
the interview process?

For Statement of the Problem 1

What is the perspective of lesbians on making career decisions?

Interview Questions:
1. Could you share a bit about what career decision-making means to you personally?
2. Do you think being lesbian has affected your professional growth or opportunities?
3. In balancing your personal identity and professional aspirations, how do you approach
decision-making regarding your career?
For Statement of the Problem 2
What is their experience in making career decisions?

Interview Questions:
1. Can you share your journey in making career decisions and how your identity as a lesbian
has influenced this process?
2. How do you seek advice or guidance when you're faced with a tough career decision?
3. In the context of you making career decisions, have you encountered any specific
challenges related to your identity as a lesbian, and how did you navigate or overcome
these challenges?

For Statement of the Problem 3

What are the factors that influence young adult lesbians in making career decisions?

Interview Questions:
1. As a young adult lesbian, what factors do you consider most when making career
2. Do you have any role models or mentors who have influenced your career aspirations?
3. Have you ever felt pressured to choose a certain career path because of your sexual

Making career decisions during the time of central growth of young adults is crucial as it
coincides with the establishment of sexual identities. A study by Israel and Mohr (2004) found
that various sexual minority groups, such as lesbians, receive varying degrees of support, which
may have a distinct impact on how they make decisions. For majority of individuals, this is a
lifelong process with each person influenced by many factors, including the context in which they
live, their personal aptitudes, and educational attainment (Bandura, Barbaranelli, Caprara, &
Pastorelli, 2001). This study sets out to address this research gap. We explored other factors that
relate to the career decisions of members of the LGBT community, specifically lesbians, and how
these factors influence the career decision-making of young adult lesbians.
Conceptual Framework

Figure 1.

In Figure 1 above. We can see the conceptual framework that includes the factors that relate to the career
decisions of lesbians in the Philippines base to their perspective on making a career decision, experiences
in making career decisions, and factors that influence career decisions.

Instrument of the Study

Interview questions are a set of inquiries that an interviewer asks an interviewee during
an interview. These questions are designed to assess the interviewee’s skills, competencies,
experience, and fit for a specific role or to gain insights into their perspectives on a particular
topic. Interview questions can be open-ended, allowing for expansive responses, or closed-ended,
requiring specific and concise answers. Interview questions serve as an excellent instrument in
research, particularly in studies that aim to delve into the complexities of human experiences,
perceptions, and decision-making processes. In the context of a study on career decision-making
in young adults, the use of interview questions as a research instrument is highly appropriate and

One of the primary reasons for this is the depth of information that interviews can
provide. They allow researchers to gather rich, detailed data about a person’s thoughts,
experiences, and perceptions. This depth of understanding is particularly crucial when exploring a
multifaceted topic like career decision-making, where individual experiences can vary widely and
be influenced by a complex interplay of personal, social, and contextual factors.

Moreover, interviews offer a level of flexibility that many other data collection methods
do not. The interviewer can adapt or modify the questions based on the interviewee’s responses,
leading to a more dynamic and interactive data collection process. This flexibility can be
instrumental in uncovering unexpected insights or exploring particular aspects of the decision-
making process in greater depth.

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