Black and Green Bold Illustrative Environmental Sustainability Infographics

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Pest Control
Pest control in the Philippines include a range of methods that aim to
manage and eliminate pests such as insects, rodents, and other animals
that pose a threat to public health, agriculture, and property.

These methods have been passed down through generations and are still
widely practiced in rural areas where chemical pesticides may be
inaccessible or too expensive for farmers. Although these traditional
methods may not always be as effective as modern chemical
pesticides, they offer a more sustainable and environmentally friendly
approach to pest control.

Practices in traditional
pest control
Traditional pest control practices involve the use of non-
chemical methods such as traps, physical barriers, and
natural predators to manage pest populations. These methods
are often preferred by those who wish to avoid the use of
chemical pesticides.

Neem Oil
Handpicking Use neem oil directly on leaves
Farmers manually remove pests such anytime during the planting season
as caterpillars, beetles, and aphids to control pests and diseases
from plants using hands.
Putting scarecrows Reduces the likelihood of attracting
Presence of scarecrows can make pests in the first place because it
birds, rodents, and other animals helps to eliminate their habitat and
think twice before entering the area food sources.
and damaging crops. Physical Barrier
Garlic and Pepper Spray Puttting or row covers are protective
A mixture of garlic and pepper can barriers made from mesh or fabric
be sprayed on plants to deter pests. that are used to shield crops from

History of Traditional pest control method

The history of traditional pest control methods dates back to ancient times when humans first began to cultivate crops and
store food.

In medieval Europe, farmers would In the 19th century, the Industrial

In ancient Egypt, the first
use natural predators such as Revolution brought about the
recorded use of chemical
birds and frogs to control pests in development of new synthetic
pesticides was in 2500 BC when
their fields. In the 17th century, pesticides. These chemicals were
arsenic compounds were used to
nicotine sulfate was used as a highly effective at controlling
control pests in grain storage.
pesticide to control insects on crops. pests but also had negative
impacts on the environment and
human health.

Importance to community
and society

Sustainability Protection of Crops

are often more sustainable and help protect crops from being destroyed
environmentally friendly than chemical by pests, ensuring a stable food supply
pesticides, making them a better long- for communities.
term solution for communities.

Affordability Cultural Heritage

more affordable for communities, Preservation
especially those in developing countries elps communities maintain a sense of
where access to expensive pesticides identity and pride in their unique history
may be limited. and traditions.

Health and safety

help keep harmful pests at bay,
reducing the risk of diseases and
illnesses spreading in communities.

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